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You need to know ALL the muscles and their major actions. Memorize also the origins and insertions
in BOLD type. Use TopHat’s 3D body systems or Visible Body (through Randall Library) to look up
these muscles.


zygomatic arch
masseter mandible at ramus and angle elevates mandible

temporalis temporal and frontal bones mandible elevates and retracts mandible

sternocleidomastoid sternum mastoid process of temporal both muscles flex neck

clavicle bone one side alone turns head to opposite side

latissimus dorsi spines of T7-L5, scapula, crests of humerus extends, adducts, rotates humerus medially
sacrum and ilium inferior 4 ribs draws humerus inferior and posterior

serratus anterior ribs 1-9 medial border of scapula rotates and abducts scapula
elevates ribs when scapula fixed

external abdominal ribs 5-12 linea alba from xiphoid to both sides compress abdomen;
oblique pubic symphysis one side alone bends vertebral column to that
side (lateral flexion)

rectus abdominis pubis cartilage of ribs 5-7 flexes vertebral column

xiphoid process compresses abdomen
stabilize pelvis during walking

tensor fasciae latae iliac crest tibia via the iliotibial band flexes, abducts, and medially rotates femur

sartorius anterior superior iliac spine medial tibial tuberosity flexes leg; flexes thigh and rotates it laterally,
crossing the leg

gracilis pubis medial tibia adducts and medially rotates femur

flexes knee

vastus lateralis posterolateral femur tibial tuberosity extends knee

vastus medialis Medial side of femur tibial tuberosity extends knee

rectus femoris anterior inferior iliac spine tibial tuberosity extends knee, flexes hip

pectoralis major clavicle humerus flex, adduct, medially rotate humerus

cartilages of ribs 1-6

biceps brachii by two heads from scapula radius flexes, supinates forearm
flexes elbow

tibialis anterior lateral tibia 1st metatarsal dorsiflexes and inverts foot
medial cuneiform

trapezius occiput clavicle elevates clavicle

spines of vertebrae C7-T12 scapula adducts, rotates, and elevates scapula
abducts and extends neck

deltoid clavicle humerus abducts, flexes or extends, and medially or

acromion and spine of scapula laterally rotates humerus

triceps brachii by one head from scapula olecranon process of ulna extends forearm; extends arm
by two heads from humerus

gluteus maximus ilium ilitotibial tract (fascia lata) extends, abducts, and rotates femur laterally
sacrum greater trochanter of femur


gluteus medius ilium greater trochanter of femur abducts and rotates femur laterally

biceps femoris by one head from ischial head of fibula flexes knee
tuberosity lateral condyle of tibia extends hip
by one head from femur

semitendinosus ischial tuberosity proximal medial tibial shaft flexes knee

extends hip

semimembranosus ischial tuberosity medial condyle of tibia flexes leg

extends hip

gastrocnemius medial and lateral condyles calcaneus via the plantar flexes foot
of femur Achilles’ tendon flexes knee

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