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Workbook 7.

1“Los Reflexivos” Nombre_____________________________

SP 101
Señor Owens Sección_______________________________

A. Reflexive verbs are _______ part verbs composed of the verb and a ___________________________.

B. The subject of these verbs does the action to ___________________.

C. The English words _____________, __________, ________, _________,

___________, and _________are often implied with reflexive verbs.

D.The reflexive verb ends in ___________in its infinitive form. When it is conjugated the
__________________ moves to the front, agrees with ________________________and the remaining
infinitive is conjugated to agree with that same_____________________, in the correct ____________.

E. The reflexive pronouns are: ___________________________________________

F. The reflexive verbs are often associated with ________________________ items or events.

G. Many Spanish verbs can have both a reflexive and a non-reflexive form. This often _______________ the
translation of the verb.

H. Put in the correct pronoun:

1. Adela _______ mira en el espejo. 6. El chico ________ lava las manos y la cara.
2. Las señoras ________ asombran del precio. 7. Nosotros _______ bañamos el el mar.
3. Tú ________ diriges al professor. 8. Yo no _______ acuerdo del color de la camisa.
4. María quiere levanter ________ temprano. 9. Mercedes quiere vestir ______ en un vestido.
5. Nosotros necesitamos poner ______ la chaqueta. 10. Yo tengo que acostar ________ aquí.

I. Translate the following:

1. Me levanto a las seis. ______________________________________________
2. ¿Te afeitas en la mañana? __________________________________________
3. Los niños se acuestan temprano. _____________________________________
4. Nos relajamos a la playa. ___________________________________________
5. La estudiante se siente muy nerviosa. _________________________________
6. Me gusta sentarme en el frente de la clase. _____________________________
7. Se lavan las manos antes de comer. ___________________________________
8. Se llama Ramón. ___________________________________________________
9. No me peino mucho porque no tengo mucho pelo. ________________________
10. ¿Prefieres ducharte o bañarte? ________________________________________

J. Ahora te toca a tí escribir en español:

1. I want to get dressed first. __________________________________________________________
2. They are putting on their clothes. ____________________________________________________
3. When do you take a shower? ________________________________________________________
4. We say good-bye when we go on a trip. __________________________________________________
5. He falls asleep in his History Class. ______________________________________________________
6. I brush my teeth after eating. ___________________________________________________________
7. During the day, they need to comb their hair. ______________________________________________
8. I wake up early in the morning. __________________________________________________________
9. The lady wants to wash her hair with shampoo. _____________________________________________
10. What do you do first, take a shower or brush your teeth? ____________________________________
K. As a way of recalling and using the reflexive verbs I want you to describe your day from this point of
view. Talk about the preparations and things you do within the format of using reflexive verbs. Try to
write these out in chronological order. Then trade your sheet with a partner so they can talk about
what you did reflexively. Use the verbs from the list. For the “tú” column ask your partner the
question, “yo” column answer it. Try to use the preterite tense.

tú yo
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ _________________________________________
_________________________________________ _________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
________________________________________ ________________________________________

Use these verbs

despertarse (ie)
ducharse o bañarse
afeitarse o maquillarse
vestirse (i)
almorzar (ue)
sentirse (ie)

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