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HANA Modeling Best Practices

1 Confidentiality and nature of this document

This document contains confidential information proprietary of ACCENTURE. The information contained
therein is to be used exclusively by <CLIENTNAME>. External third parties can use this information only
while providing support for <CLIENTNAME>. This document and information contained therein may not be
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The purpose of this document is to highlight efficient ways in which to perform modeling in the SAP HANA
Studio. This document was created for HANA Rev. 97.02 but already includes information relevant for SAP
HANA SPS 12. It will need to be adjusted though after a migration to HDI (HANA Deployment
Infrastructure), XSA (XS Advanced) and the GitHub repository.

This document is primarily intended for use by SAP HANA developers and business analysts to use as a
general guideline for best practices. It presents the considerations to have in mind for when building native
HANA views, flows and other objects. This document covers HANA studio specifically and not any other

2 General
All BW tables can be found be in the SAP<SID> schema. Additional authorization might be required to be
able to access this schema or included tables. Be aware that only full or no access is possible for tables,
there are no row-level authorizations on table level (only possible for views).

2.1 Calculation Views

In SAP HANA, three main types of graphical calculation views exist:
 Calculation Views of type DIMENSION (replaces former attribute view)

 Calculation Views of type CUBE

 Calculation Views of type CUBE with Star Join (replaces former analytic view)

Source: SAP

The Star Join in Calculation Views of type CUBE with Star Join is a Node Type rather than a Join type. It can
contain different kind of joins. While the fact table (data source) of a star join can be any type of input
node, only Calculation Views of Data Category Dimension are allowed as input nodes for dimensions.

2.2 Joins
The following joins exist in HANA:
Source: SAP

2.3 Calculation Views or Core Data Services (CDS) Views?

Source: SAP
Source: SAP

2.3.1 CDS vs. Calculation Views – performance aspects:

- Calculation Views provide addition pruning and optimization during their instantiation process (see
SAP Note 2223597) e.g.
o Columns not requested by the query are removed from the instantiated calculation model
o Complete join/union data sources might be pruned during instantiation
 Calculation Views are thus likely to provide slightly better performance on average (Source: SAP)

3 Best practices
Before handing over your solution to the operations team, you should be able to answer all questions with
yes. There can be exceptional cases where this is not the case, however they should then be mentioned in
sufficient time before the handover session so that the operations team can review them and be able to
ask detailed questions during the handover session.
3.1 General
 Have you only used calculation views and no analytic & attribute views?
Do not create any attribute or analytic views unless you find a performance issue or missing feature
when using calculation views (this can only be the case < SPS12). From HANA SPS12 onwards, all
attribute and analytic views should be migrated to calculation views. This is even mandatory when
you want to move to XSA/HDI. A migration tool is available.

 Have you only used graphical calculation views and no script-based calculation views?
Avoid the usage of script-based calculation views as they cannot be optimized as much as graphical
calculation views. From SPS12 onwards, script-based calculation views should be migrated to user
defined table functions. This is even mandatory when you want to move to XSA/HDI. A migration
tool is available.

 Have you converted old analytic/attribute views to calculation views?

Including analytic/attribute views in calculation views can lead to sub-optimal performance. For
this reason, they should be migrated before reusing them in CV (see also section ‘Engines’).
 Did you create filters on the lowest possible level?
Filter should be designed on the lowest possible level (e.g. on table level). Filter on higher levels
may be pushed down by HANA automatically, BUT with restrictions (Calculated Attribute, same
data source)

 Did you use projection nodes when adding views/tables to a calculation view?
All views/tables should be used with a projection node. Projection nodes improve performance by
narrowing the data set (columns). Further optimization can be done by applying filters at projection
 Are you using external / generated HANA views in your CV instead of directly including the active
data table?
This is SAP's recommended approach. Only by using external HANA views, you can ensure that data
from NLS/SAP IQ is also extracted and that new fields are added automatically. Be aware of bugs
before SPS 11 especially in relation to NLS (e.g. filters/WHERE clauses not being pushed down to
NLS layer). In addition, we experienced much worse performance in some cases on HANA Rev.
97.02 compared to directly using active data tables of an DSO.

 When using external / generated HANA views of a DSO in your CV, have you activated SID
generation during activation?
This is SAP's recommendation to ensure optimal performance.

 When comparing two columns frequently within a query, have you ensured that they have the
same data type?
For columns of different types, SAP HANA uses implicit type casting to enable comparison in HANA
Models. However, implicit type casting has a negative effect on performance.
 In case of performance issues, have you considered to turn on caching?
It is possible to cache the results of the calculation view (under properties) which should speed up
the time to get the results when querying the CV. However, this only makes sense when the query
is time-consuming. Caching can occupy a significant space on the database system, so please do not
turn this on without talking to the operations team. (Hint: caching also needs to be turned on
initially by the database administrator)

3.2 Engines
 Have you used the “Explain Plan” feature to check if the complete view got unfolded?
From HANA SPS9 onwards, HANA implicitly tries to optimize all calculation views in the SQL engine
(see SAP Note 2223597). This is independently of the setting “Execute in SQL Engine”.
While a lot of restrictions still exist on SPS9 - SPS11, there are no "No prominent blockers so far" for
SPS12 (see SAP Note 1857202). If the CV cannot be fully translated into relational algebra, the CV
will not be unfolded at all. You can check this via “Explain plan”. If the result only consists out of 1-2
rows using the column view as input, the CV did not get unfolded. An unfolded CV will consist of
many single operation/rows using the base objects of the VW. If the plan contains a line where
TABLE_NAME is the calculation view's name and the TABLE_TYPE is 'CALCULATION VIEW', this view
is not unfolded.
In general, a better performance can be expected if the view could be unfolded ergo the SQL
engine can be used for optimization.
Features that cannot be translated into relational algebra and should for this reason try to be
avoided in CV:
- Attribute Views
- Analytic Views
- Scripted Calculation Views
- possibly other ‘non-prominent blockers’ (clear documentation missing)

 If the view cannot be unfolded, have you compared the performance when explicitly setting the
“Execute in SQL Engine” setting?
While there is no difference independently if ‘Execute in SQL Engine’ is set or not, when the view
can be completely unfolded, this is different if this is not possible. Enabling the “Execute in SQL
Engine” setting will trigger the view to get partly unfolded instead of being not unfolded at all
(when “Execute in SQL engine” is not set). Downturn is that data might then have to be moved
between engines. Based on the view, this can lead in some cases to a better, in other cases to a
worse performance. For this reason, it makes sense to at least compare the performance of both
 Have you used the “Explain Plan” feature to check if only one engine is used in the execution?
Depending how your model is built and which functions are used, different execution engines (CE,
Join, OLAP) are called. You must try to avoid that multiple engines are called within one view so all
data needs to be passed between them all the time which can lead to suboptimal performance.
 Have you created all necessary calculations directly on the database layer?
Create all calculations within your calculation views and avoid creating any calculations in the
reporting layer (Universe & Front end tools).

 Have you minimized the usage of calculated columns?

Only create calculated columns when there is a specific reporting need as data transfer needs to
take place between OLAP and calculation engine that slows down execution. Especially try to avoid
using calculated columns on BIG data sets. Especially when calculated columns are calculated
before aggregation, this is very intensive in terms of CPU time. Consider moving these calculations
to the database layer (materialized column or virtual columns).

 Have you tested potential problems when using multiplications in calculated columns in
combination with aggregations?
Be careful when using multiplications in calculated columns in combination with aggregations:

Source: SAP

Using calculation before aggregation:

Source: SAP

Source: SAP

 Are you sure that all calculations before aggregation are actually required?
By analyzing your reporting requirements, you can arrive at a decision at which stage the
calculation should be performed. Try to minimize calculations before aggregation as this slow down
the performance. Calculation before aggregation is also not required if the calculations are just
additions or subtractions and there are no multiplications/divisions etc.
 Are you sure that all data in the calculation view is required by the users?
Unnecessary data can significantly slow down the execution runtimes. If a large amount of data
stored in base tables is never used for reporting since users decide to apply WHERE clause filters in
reporting tools, introduce filters into information models in order to speed up query execution.
 Is the data returned to the end user in the most aggregated way possible?
A primary goal during modeling is to minimize data transfers between engines. This statement
holds true both internally, that is, in the database between engines, but also between SAP HANA
and the end user client application. For example, an end user will never need to display million
rows of data. Such a large amount of information just cannot be consumed in a meaningful way.
Whenever possible, data should be aggregated and filtered to a manageable size before it leaves
the data layer. When deciding which records should be reported upon, a best practice is to think at
a “set level” not a “record level”.

 In case of performance issues, have you considered to created client/country specific views?
Think about aggregating by a region, a date, or some other group in order to minimize the amount
of data passed between views. For performance purposes, it might make sense to create client
dependent views.
3.3 Calculated/Restricted columns
 (from SPS10/11 onwards) If possible, have you validated your calculated columns, restricted
columns, filter & default value expressions for variables and input parameters against plain SQL
instead of SQLScript?
Use plain SQL instead of the Column Engine to ensure the optimal performance. This means that
expressions like IF…ELSE need be avoided wherever possible.

 Have you avoided type casting of dates to string and vice versa to extract time dimensions?
This can cause performance issues. At least compare the performance against using the component
function “component(date, int)” if this also satisfies your requirements.
 Have you avoided implicit type casting?
Statements like IF ‘1’=1 THEN … will work but have a performance impact due to casting INT to

 Have you avoided referencing calculated columns in other calculations?

This can negatively impact the performance.
 Have you compared the performance of joining the DATE field with M_Time_Dimension vs.
Year(DATE field)?
In some case, the join can be more performant.

3.4 Joins/Unions
 Have you checked that each join is actually required?
Avoid using JOIN nodes in calculation views as it is very costly from a computing standpoint. Even
an unused left outer join (where no column from the right-side is requested) can impact
performance. Also make sure that you do not use a JOIN when a UNION would be more
appropriate (Union provides much better performance).

 Have you tried to join on key and indexed columns wherever possible?
This ensure the best performance compared to joins on non-indexed columns.

 Have you avoided defining filters and joins on calculated columns?

This has a negative impact on the performance and should be avoided.

 Have you tried to avoid compound joins as much as possible?

Compound joins can lead to significantly slower performance.

 Have you tried to avoid joins on character and DECIMAL columns?

This has a negative impact on the performance. One of the best practice in HANA modeling is to
define joins on columns with either INTEGER or BIGINT as data types. It is not recommended to
have joins on calculated columns/fields with NVARCHAR or DECIMAL as data types.

 If possible, have you avoided non-equijoin?

The column engine only supports equality conditions. Non-equijoin conditions have to be executed
via the row engine which required additional transfer of data and thereby worse performance.
 Do you use the appropriate join type(s)?
When using the join, there can be a big performance difference between the different joins. A
referential join is the most performant join followed by a left outer join. An inner join should be
avoided as it is much less performant than a referential or a left outer join.
If inner joins are used to filter out data, use filters instead.
Referential joins make especially much sense in star join where the referential integrity between
fact and dimension tables is usually ensured.

 When using a referential join, have you ensured that the referential integrity is always given?
Referential joins should be used with caution since it assumes that referential integrity is ensured
(could for example be valid for master data tables). The only valid scenario for the Referential Join
is that
(a) it is 110% guaranteed that for each row in one table, there is at least one join partner in the
other table, and
(b) that holds true in both directions
(c) at all times.
If that is not the case then referential joins have the possibility to give incorrect calculations if the
referential integrity is not met (-> different results depending on whether you select columns from
the right table or not). Example: if a delivery header is created but the items are not processed until
a later stage then any calculations that use referential joins will be incorrect.
(Background: A referential join is semantically an inner join that assumes that referential integrity is
given which means that the left table always have an corresponding entry on the right table. It can
be seen as an optimized or faster inner join where the right table is not checked if no field from the
right table is requested. That means that the Referential Joins will be only executed, when fields
from both tables are requested. Therefore, if a field is selected from the right table it will act similar
to inner join, and if no fields from the right table is selected it will act similar to a left outer join.
From performance perspective, the Left Outer Join are almost equally fast as Referential Join, while
the Inner Join is usually slower due to the fact, that the join is always executed.
In Calculation Views, referential joins are executed in the following way:

o If at least one field is selected from the right table, it will behave as an inner join.
o If no field from the right table is selected, the execution of the referential join depends on
the cardinality:

 If the cardinality is 1..1 or n..1, the join is not executed. This corresponds to the
most frequent situation, and in particular when you join a (left) fact table or view
with a (right) view or table that contains only dimensions. This is where the
optimization occurs.

 In the rare case where you would use a 1..n cardinality, the join is executed as an
inner join. Indeed, this is a requirement to get the correct number of rows in the
output, which depends on the number of matching rows in the right table or view.)

 Have you set the right cardinalities in your joins?

The cardinality of a join defines how the data from two tables joined together are related, in terms
of matching rows. It is recommended to specify the cardinality only when you are sure of the
content of the tables. If not, just leave the cardinality blank.
As input, you can either use the suggested cardinality or use the performance analysis mode.
Caution: The suggested cardinality is based on an analysis of the tables that are joined together at
the moment you define the join. If the content of the table evolves after that, the cardinality you
have defined might become wrong. Example: You are validating the join between the Sales Orders
and ->Customer tables, but your data contain only one sales order per customer. In this case, the
join validation might suggest a ->1..1 cardinality, which does not correspond to the expected
scenario in real life. The same is valid for the performance analysis mode which provides the
cardinality at the current point of time.
 Have you enabled setting “Optimize join columns” in case you use left/right outer or text joins
- no aggregation nodes below the join or
- only associative measures / calculations in aggregation nodes below the join?
Independently from the actual query, HANA always include the join columns in the GROUP BY
clause of a join. Switching ‘Optimize Jon Columns’ to true avoids this behavior for join columns that
are not requested in the query. This has a positive impact on the performance (depending on the
setup, it can be very small and not measurable). The setting can only be enabled when cardinality is
set to N:1/1:1 for left outer and text join and 1:N/1:1 for right outer join.
If static filters are defined on these join columns, the setting does not work. To optimize these
joins, introduce a dummy projection between the join and the initial input node (with filter).
 For the cases where setting “Optimize join columns” is true and non-associative
measures/calculations are used in combination with aggregations, have you ensured that the
results of the CV are correct?
Setting “Optimize join columns” to true can change the results of the calculation view if an
aggregation in combination with non-associative measures or calculations (e.g. MIN, MAX,
multiplications of columns etc. In contrary, SUM is associative and its results will not change) exists
below the join.
 Have you checked the feasibility of using dynamic joins?
In general, static joins are used in HANA meaning that all join columns are initially retrieved from
the database and process through the join even if not requested in the query (aggregation after the
join). In case of joins on multiple columns, you can enable a ‘Dynamic Join’ setting. In this case, the
join is only executed with the column(s) which are actually used in the query (aggregation before
the join). This improves performance and reduces the number of records returned for further
processing. Do not use this setting if all joined column MUST be used in order to maintain integrity.
Caution: Querying a CV with a dynamic join without querying any of the join columns will result in a
runtime error.
 (from SPS11 onwards) Are you using Union pruning wherever possible?
From SPS11 onwards, a pruning table can be configured to filter out data during a union. As less
data means better performance, this should be used whenever it makes sense:

Source: SAP

3.5 Execution plans

 Have you reviewed the Visualize Plan to make sure existing filters are pushed down?
Source: SAP

 Have you reviewed the Explain Plan to check if the number of records are as expected?

Source: SAP
 In case of performance issues, have you analyzed the CV with the CV debugger?

Source: SAP

 In case of performance issues, have you checked the cardinality, number of rows and partitions
of the source tables via the performance analysis mode?
It might make sense to partition the table to support parallelization. You can even create several
partitions on one node. Joins have the best performance if both tables have same number of
partitions and partition are defined on the same columns (in a BW on HANA system, this is decided
automatically based on the TABLE_PLACEMENT table)
The performance analysis can provide additional input on this:

Source: SAP

 In case of a scale-out scenario, have you checked in the plan visualizer if the network transfer
between nodes is responsible for bad performance?
In same cases, it might be feasible to move the involved tables to the same node (see
3.6 Variables
 Do you use a table instead of a view as input help for variables?
The attribute selection for “View/Table value for help” is important for performance. If you select
an attribute from a table rather of the view itself, the provision of the list of values will be faster as
there is no need to execute the view. This also ensures that the list of values is consistent from view
to view. The screenshot shows the default value / how it should not be done if you can avoid it:

Please be aware that this approach is usually not feasible if a CV is based on data coming from BW.
The reason is that CVs should be based on external HANA views and not on actual BW tables. It
might make sense though for CV built on data that got imported into an actual HANA table e.g. via
Data Services.

3.7 Tables
 Did you use CDS to create new tables?
Never create a table with the SQL statement 'CREATE TABLE'. Instead use design time objects
(.hdbdd). This also makes the objects transportable and the objects are not bound to the use
(objects will get deleted when user gets deleted). For more see here. One .hdbdd file can contain
several table definition. If tables use the same structures or are within the same context, it makes
sense to use the same .hdbdd file for their definitions.

 Did you use column store instead of row store tables?

Do always prefer column store over row store tables. Exceptions are:

a. You expect an extremely high number of updates and barely any select queries.
b. Always report on all columns without aggregation

However, this scenario seems very unlikely in a reporting system.

 When creating new tables, did you avoid composite keys wherever possible?
Composite primary key creates additional indexes on the table, which will take additional space and
hits the performance. If you must use it be aware of this fact.

 Have you checked if it is possible storing the primary keys in INT format?
This can lead to faster joins and better compression ratios.

 Have you considered the right amount of indexes?

HANA automatically handles Indexes on key columns. Create secondary index on non-key columns
only if it is necessary. Create indexes on non-primary key columns (with high cardinality) to
enhance the performance of some queries using the index adviser.
Use the index adviser to find out for which tables and columns indexing would be most valuable.
The indexAdvisor.py script is part of a SAP HANA system installation and runs from the command
line. It is in the $DIR_INSTANCE/exe/python_support directory (reach out to operations team to
The automatic indexing of primary key columns is usually sufficient because queries typically put
filter conditions on primary key columns. When filter conditions are on non-key fields and tables
have many records, creating an index on the non-primary key columns may improve the
performance. However, there needs to be a trade-off between indexing and memory consumption:
While indexing non-primary key columns can make query execution faster, the downside is that
memory consumption increases. The index adviser takes this trade-off into account: In dynamic
mode, the index adviser looks for the tables and columns that are used most often. The higher the
selectivity is, that is, the more different values are in the column, the higher are the performance
gains from indexing the columns.

3.8 SDA
 When using virtual tables via SDA, have you created statistics on the virtual tables?
Statistics on virtual tables need to be created manually and can have a significant impact on the
performance. The statistics should be recreated when the table has changed significantly (e.g. 30%
data increase/decrease).

3.9 Scripted CV /User Defined Table Functions / SQLScript Procedures

 Before using SQLScript procedures, have you tried to model it in views or user-defined functions?
SQLScript procedures have the most functionality followed by user-defined functions and views. It
is the opposite though from a performance perspective.

 Have you tried to model the scripted CV as graphical CV or at least as UDF?

Avoid the usage of script-based calculation views at all / UDF as they cannot be optimized as much
as graphical calculation views. From SPS12 onwards, script-based calculation views also have to be
migrated to user defined table functions. If this is not possible, use Table User Defined Functions as
they perform better than scripted CV. In particular, they allow to better push filters from client
tools down to the source data.

 Did you use CDS to create user defined functions?

When using User Define Functions, use is a Core Data Services (CDS) document with extension
.hdbfunction (scalar) or .hdbtablefunction (tabular), create this creating a design-time object in a
package and when activating it generates the corresponding runtime object. This also makes the
objects transportable.

 Did you use design time objects to create SQL procedures?

Never create a SQL procedure with the SQL statement 'CREATE PROCEDURE'. Instead use design
time objects (.hdbprocedure). This also makes the objects transportable.

 Did you follow SAP's security recommendations for SQL Script procedures?
● Mark each parameter using the keywords IN or OUT. Avoid using the INOUT keyword as this can
cause security vulnerabilities.
● Use the INVOKER keyword when you want the user to have the assigned privileges to start a
procedure. The default keyword, DEFINER, allows only the owner of the procedure to start it.
● Mark read-only procedures using READS SQL DATA whenever it is possible. This ensures that the
data and the structure of the database are not altered. Tip Another advantage to using READS SQL
DATA is that it optimizes performance.
● Ensure that the types of parameters and variables are as specific as possible. Avoid using
VARCHAR, for example. By reducing the length of variables you can reduce the risk of injection
● Perform validation on input parameters within the procedure.

 Did you avoid dynamic SQL?

It is generally recommended to avoid dynamic SQL because it might have a negative impact on
security or performance. (e.g. in procedures or User-Defined functions). Instead, consider using the
following methods:
● Use static SQL statements. For example, use the static statement, SELECT instead of EXECUTE
IMMEDIATE and passing the values in the WHERE clause.
● Use server-side JavaScript to write this procedure instead of using SQLScript.
● Perform validation on input parameters within the procedure using either SQLScript or server-
side JavaScript.
● Use APPLY_FILTER if you need a dynamic WHERE condition.
● Use the SQL Injection Prevention Function.

 Have you avoided CE functions?

The SQL engine in the newest HANA releases has been significantly improved in newer HANA
revisions so SAP does not recommend anymore to use CE functions.

 Have you reduced the data set as early as possible?

This can be done by applying static filters or applying dynamic filters using parameters at the lowest
 Have you minimized the size of any intermediate result sets in complex processing?
Do not include any extra attribute columns that may increase the rows of aggregated results being
passed between nodes in the data flow.

 Have you avoided extremely large intermediate result sets, even if they will be reduced or
aggregated before the final result is returned to the client?
They can lead to high memory requirements.
 Do you perform calculations at the last node possible in the data flow?
This should ideally be done in final aggregation or projection to reduce the amount of data rows on
which you are performing the calculations and also reduce the number of columns being
transferred from one node to another.

 Have you checked that each join is actually required?

Avoid using JOIN nodes in calculation views as it is very costly from a computing standpoint. Even
an unused left outer join (where no column from the right-side is requested) can impact
performance. Also make sure that you do not use a JOIN when a UNION would be more
appropriate (Union provides much better performance).
 Have you reduced the complexity of SQL statements as much as possible?
Breaking up complex SQL statements into many simpler ones makes a SQL Script easier to
comprehend and also ensures the highest degree of parallelization. Variables can be helpful to
capture results of SQL statements and then be used as input for next steps.

 Have you avoided implicit type casting?

Statements like IF ‘1’=1 THEN … will work but have a performance impact due to casting INT to
 Are you using grouping sets wherever possible?
Grouping sets aggregate source data on multiple levels from only one SQL statement. This means
that you only read the data once but produce multiple aggregation results that subsequent steps
can read.

 Have you split complex queries into logical sub queries wherever possible?
This can help the optimizer to identify common sub expressions and to derive more efficient
execution plans.

 Have you at least once had a look at the explain and visualize plans to understand the costs of
your statements?
Look at the explain plan to investigate the performance impact of different SQL queries used in

 Have you reduced dependencies/imperative statements as much as possible?

As SQLScript is translated into a dataflow graph and independent paths in this graph can be
executed in parallel, reducing dependencies enables better parallelism and thus better
performance. The best way to avoid dependencies is to avoid imperative statements such as loop,
conditions, case & CURSOR.

 When writing SQL statements, have you checked if any of SAP's query tuning tips is relevant and
can be implemented?
Not following SAP's recommendations described under chapter 3.9.12: SQL Query tuning tips can
have a major negative impact on the performance.

4 Transports - HTA (SAP HANA Transport for ABAP)

When using a BW on HANA system, you are not supposed to use the import/export functionality of HANA
Studio or do changes directly in the quality environment. Instead, it makes sense to use HTA for every
transport from DEV to QA to PROD.

How to transports native HANA objects with HTA

1. Complete development in HANA Studio
2. Go to transaction SCTS_HTA:

3. Choose the package including your developed objects

4. Hit ‘Execute’
5. Select the object(s) you would like to transport and check them. In the below screenshot the folder
& the object are transported, but you can also choose individual objects only:

6. For new objects: Assign it to package (same as normal BW objects) and hit ‘save’.

7. Create a new request or assign it to an existing request. In case the HANA object is dependent on
BW objects, all objects should be bundled in the same request, so they are activated at the same
time. Then save.

8. The status of the object changes to green:

9. Go to SE10 and open the request. Depending on your selection, you can either see a full package or
a single object. It will also state SAP HANA Transport for ABAP.

10. Now you can treat the transport as a normal ABAP transport (release and import via STMS). Once
the transport is imported, the object/folder etc. is automatically created in the HANA repository.
Additional notes:

1. As soon as you change the native HANA object in HANA Studio, you need to synchronize the
object again. In this case, the status also switches from green to yellow in transaction
SCTS_HTA. Otherwise, the ABAP transport does not contain the newest version of the HANA
object. If you execute the synchronization again and the corresponding request is not released
yet, the object will be updated in the request after synchronization. Otherwise, a new request
needs to be created.

2. When you delete an object, the ABAP system recognizes that an object is still activated in the
ABAP system that is not active in HANA. It can then be added to a transport request the same
way as a new/changed file.

3. When importing an external/generated HANA View and a dependent HANA calculation view,
the first import of the transport might fail. To fix this, you can either:

a. Reimport the transport a second time (the external HANA view is then activated and
can be found by the HANA calculation view)

b. Create a first transport including the generated/external HANA view and a second
transport including the dependent calculation view.

5 Sources
 SAP courses HA100 and HA300
 SAP HANA Modeling Learning Room (SAP Learning Hub)
 SAP HANA International Focus Group (SAP Jam)
 HTA Introduction: http://sapassets.edgesuite.net/sapcom/docs/2016/05/80f9d984-737c-0010-82c7-

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