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Reproductive System

Menstrual Disorders:

Excessive (Menorrhagia)-

 Early,Profuse:Nux Vomica, China

 At Menopause: Capsellabura P. Tincture
 At Puberty:China,Phosphorus,Trillium P,Erigeron,Leptandra tincture
 After Marriage:Sabina,Secale Cor
 Because of uterine fibroid,Endometritis:Tellurium,Erigeron,Trillium P

Note:Erigeron can be used even for physiological delayed menses.

 Late,Profuse:Conium,Natrum Mur,Phosphorus,Silicea
 Early,Profuse:Ammon Carb,Belladonna,Calc Carb,Platina


Farinosa,Kreosote,Sabina,Secale Cor,Trillium P,Ipecac,Hamamelis

Vicarious Menses:Bryonia

Amenorrhoea since 6 months(physiological):Graphites 1M followed after 7

days by Graphites 10M

Late and Scanty:Pulsatilla,Conium,Dulcamara,Phosphorus,Sulphur


pia,Graphites,Mag Phos,Calc Phos,Mag Carb

Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea:Mag Phos,Viburnum

Spasmodic and Membranous dysmenorrhoea:Viburnum Opulus,Colocyn

Uterine Fibroid:
Lapis Albus,Pulsatilla,Hydrastis,Kali Iod,Kreosote,Lachesis,Kali
Carb,Phytolacca,Aurum Mur Nat,Calc Fluor,Calc Carb

Ovarian Affections:

Apis Mel,Arg Nit,Ars Alb,Belladonna,Bovista,Colocyn,Lil Tig,Lachesis,Iodium


Right sided:Apis Mel,Belladonna,Merc Sol(>warm covering)

Left sided:Lachesis(Left-Right)

Ovarian Neuralgia:Lilium Tig

Atrophy of Ovaries:Carbo veg,Sulphur


Inflammation:Malcum Sal

Specific for Erosion:Alnus Rubra,Carbolic Acid,Hydrastis,Arg Nit

Erosion with Leucorrhoea:Nitric Acid(pain from back to pubis)

Indurated Cervix:Aurum Mur Nat

For cervix:Arg Met,Kreosote,Carbo Anim,Trillium P,Tuberculinum

Vulvitis:Rhus Venanata

Pelvic Affections:(chronic)Eupion

Anaemia during pregnancy:

Ferrum Phos,Calc Phos,Calc Fluor

Vomiting of pregnancy:

Kali Salicyclinum,Nux Vomica,Symphoricarpus

Albuminuria in last two months of pregnancy:

Eupatorium purpurea-TDS
To prevent pregnancy:

Daily 6 tablets each from Calc Fluor 6X,Kali phos 6X,Nat Mur 1M

Nat Mur 3X- 3 tablets every night from first day of menses.It acts on
ovulation,develops sterility.

Pruritus Pudenda during pregnancy:


Diet during pregnancy:(to be added to main regular diet)

One litre milk+500 gms seasonal fruit,150-250 gms protein(from cereals)

Tonic during pregnancy:

Alfalfa before meals

Five Phos 6x from pregnancy upto feeding time for mother

From second Trimester:(Skeleton of foetus forming)

Urticalcin-2-2-2 tablets

Calc Fluor-6X

Five Phos 6X

Cimicifuga 30

For Easy Delivery:

Take Calc Phos 6X,Kali Phos 6X,Pulsatilla 200 TDS with hot water few days
before delivery.

After Delivery:(On next day)

Pyrogenum to prevent puerperal sepsis

Use following medicines with caution during pregnancy:

Pulsatilla,Secal Cor,Sepia,Lil tig,Caulophyllum,Silicea

False Pregnancy:Thuja
Antepartum Haemorrhage(APH)/Postpartum Haemorrhage(PPH):

Arnica tincture internally

For non specific bleeding-Phosphorus and Millefolium

Secale Cor

Kali Carb(specifically for PPH)

PPH-Silicea,Secal Cor(When placenta is retained they remove the dead

materials from uterus)



Normal sexual life

Sexual Neuresthenia(uncommon)

Developmental defect (eg.Infantile uterus,Ovarian cyst,Obstruction in

fallopian tube)


Endometrial biopsy,position of uterus,Rubin’s test

Medicines:Oophorinum acts on the corpus luteum to release ovum

Pulsatilla,Sepia,Thyroidinum and other constitutional remedies.

Additional Advice on gynaecological problems:

Leucorrhoea:Take Starch water from rice around half cup

Breast Adenoma:Hot water Application(sek)

Cracked Nipples:Apply Honey

PCOS:6 gm Misri+ 6 gm jeera seeds(Cumin seeds),mix it and take half

teaspoon 3 times in a day.


Normal sexual life eg.in safe period etc.

Sexual Neuraesthenia

Normal development of genitals. Eg.Undescended


Semen Examination(Azospermia,Oligospermia)

Medical Treatment:

Abnormal sexual life:Advice + Sac Lac

Sexual Neuraesthenia:Tynia etc as tonics

Complete absence of sexual desire and impotence,no erection of sexual

organs:Nuphar Leutium

Loss of Semen and Seminal Emission:Bipuline

Seminal emissions at night and during stool,relax during embrace,lascivious

dreams:Acid Phos,Selenium,Titanium

Developmental defects:No drugs


Azospermia:Conium mac 200 to 1M

Bad effects of mumps:Parotidinum 1M


Hardness after trauma:Conium

Vas deferens block:No remedy

Occupational mostly in chimney sweepers

Degenerative changes:No drug

Sperm Production defect:Tynea


Epididymoorchitis:Pulsatilla 200 to 1M

Traumatic Orchitis:Conium 10M


Acid Phos,Damiana,Ergodoctine,Tynea,Stimasiac(Wellman’s),Bio combination


Male sexual organ diseases:Silicea and Nat Mur

Foul smelling semen:Benzoic Acid

Hydrocele and Orchitis:Spongia 1M

Pain in the penis and scrotum with swelling:Anilium

Bad Effects of Masturbation or Coitus:Staphysagria

200,Bufo,Caladium,Agnus Castus 200 to 1M

Venereal Diseases:

Syphilis:Merc Sol 30 to CM

Syphilitic Warts on glans:Cinnaberis

Syphilitic and gonorrhoeal ulceration of the prepuce:Cinnabais

Syphilitic Ulcer:Acid Phos 200


With craving for sweets:Arg Nit

Circumcision:(before and after)Staphysagria


Senile Prostrate:Cimicifuga Umbelleta,Sabal Serrulata,Conium

Mac,Hydrangea,Ferrum Pic
Locomotor System

Symphytum,Calc Phos,Arnica,Ruta(Stiffness and lameness after union),Sticta

Pulm(Sleepless due to fracture),Lachesis (Bluish and purplish

Old Fracture with callous formation:

Symphytum 1M morning and Eupatorium P 200 in the evening for 1


Myositis Ossificans:Calc fluor 6X

Chronic Osteomyelitis:Thuja

Stiffness and pain in the right shoulder:Phytolacca

Stiffness and rigidity of the part:Symphytum,Calc Phos

Angio neurotic Oedema:Antipyrin

Injury and rupture of Patella:Arg Nit

Sciatica:Causticum 10M,Kali Bich(It is the remedy for any nerve

inflammation or spinal cord injury)

Chronic Sciatica:Medorrhinum 1M,Colocyn 1M,Mag Phos 1M alternate each


Kali bich+Indium 200

Left Side:Gnaphilinum,Glinicum,Colocyn,Medorrhinum

Both Sides:Causticum,Rhus tox

Right Side:Lycopodium,Valeriana 200-1M

Sciatica in acute:Colocyn

Sciatica in Chronic:Ars Alb

Sciatic Pains:Petroleum

Backache:Arnica,Rhus tox,Ant tart,Nux vomica

In any case:Acid Phos

After delivery(D&C,MTP):Kali Carb + Arnica

After Operation,General Anaesthesia:Staphy+Lachesis

After Surgery:Strontium Carb(Surgeon’s Knife)

Spinal Anaesthesia:Bellis Per(deep seated),Hypericum,Ledum Pal

Railway Spine:Bellis Per

Lumbago+Travelling Constipation:Platina

Backache due to causations:

Due to gynaec/Obstetric cause:Nat Mur,Sepia

Due to Urinary System:Berb Vulg,Cyclamen,Cuprum,Nux


In Acute Inflammation:Aconite,Belladonna,Rhus Tox

Liver Disorder:Chelidonium,Lycopodium,Mag Mur,Nat Carb,Taraxacum


Rectal Disorder:Nux Vomica,Phos

In Heart Disorder:Arnica,Kalmia,Lachesis,Prunus Spinosa

Lung and Pleural Disorder:Carbon,Phosphorus,Stannum Iodum

Constitutional Diseases:


Myalgias:Mag Carb

Spinal Diseases:
Mezereum,Hepar Sulph,Nat Mur,Drosera,Alumina,Arg
Nit,Asafoetida,Can.Ind,Conium,Mag Carb,Oxalic Acid, Phosphorus,Stannum

Lumbago:If Rhus tox fails then Calc Fluor

Slip Disc:

Specific:Calc Carb,Calc Fluor +Rest,Tellurium

Causation injury-Arnica,Hypericum

Spondylitis:Kali Bich(For Inflammation of any nerve)

Cervical Spondylitis:

Acid Phos,Calc Phos 200

Electric like pains:Phytolacca

Right side stiffness of neck pain extending down to the jaw and hand feels

Both the sides:Cyclamen

Stiffness:Lachnanthus + Calc Phos

Frozen Shoulder:

Medorrhinum 10 M or 50 M

Ferrum Met+ Abies Can(Right side)


Asafoetida:Soft tissue swelling in shoulder joint

Pott’s Disease:No remedy but pain relieved by Calc Carb,Calc Fluor,Kali



OA-Arnica ,Phylophora Medica 3x

Salol 3X to 6X(Increase lubrication in joint),Malaria Officinalis 3X to
6X(also in RA),Calc Fluor (RA)

Sacro-Iliac Arthritis:Causticum,Gnaphallinum

RA:Nat Phos ,Calc Fluor,Kali Phos,Causticum,Radium Brom,Formica

Rufa,Antim Crud,Sepia,Silicea,Calc Carb

Arthritis deformities and nocturnal enuresis:Piper Mytheslium

Additional Advises:

 In Rhematoid Arthritis,move the fingers in warm water and cold

water alternately for 5 min
 For Knee pains,make a child swing by making him stand on your
feet and moving your leg by the knee.
 If there is any joint pain-Mix Garlic,Ajwain,Salt,Camphor in hot
castor oil/sesame oil/Sarso oil and apply on the joints gently from
above downwards.


Calc Fluor 6X,Causticum,Calc Carb

Osteophytes seen in the knee joint/Degeneration of knee

joint(femur,tibia,patella):Arg Met



Calcification of sacral 4th and 5th Inter vertebral disc:Bellis Per

After Lumbar Puncture pain in the back and extremities:Hypericum

Wrist Drop:

On left or right side with stiffness of ‘fingers and wrist joint :Plumbum

Muscular weakness,unable to raise the hand:Arnica and MP

Wrist Tremor:Avena Sativa

Exercise:Move the wrist without moving the elbow


Pain from getting up,changing position:Causticum

Terrible severe rheumatic pain from downwards to upwards:Causticum

From upwards to downwards:Kalmia

Sciatic pain:Petroleum

Crampy pains in right hand:Carbonium Sulph

Osteoporosis:Calc Carb

Filariasis:(Elephantiasis):Non pitting oedema-Calotropis

Shoe Bite:Poenia


Rupture of patella:Arg Met

Deep Seated Injury:Bellis Per

Myelitis:Kali Iod,Syphilinum 200 followed by Picric Acid 200

Ossifying Myositis:(General Infection of Muscle)Calc Fluor


Pain and cramps in the right hand:Carbonium Sulph

Cramps of calves:Cuprum Met

Cramps of extremities with loose motion and burning with high blood
urea:Cuprum Met,Mag Phos with hot water

Advice:Wear socks from thighs to below knee.

Bursitis:Sticta Pul

Gout:(Uric Acid Diathesis):

Frequently repeat Colchicum and Urtica Urens,Causticum

Acute Gout:Aconite

Chronic Gout:Ammon Phos

Uric Acid Diathesis with joints:Urtica Urens,Ammon Phos

Advice:Stop all pulses except Mug,Magni dal.Decrease the consumption of

Tuvar Dal,Stop use of Chhole.


Pain from upwards below:Kalmia

Pain <Walking,>Rest:Rhus tox

Acute pain in the wrist,ankles:Propylamin,Trymethylamin

Inflammation of long bone esp Periosteum:Ruta,Mezereum

Synovitis(Inflammation of joint due to the synovial effusion):

Silicea 200-1M

Exostoses:Silicea,Calc Fluor

Kyphosis:Calc Fluor

Patellar Injury:Arg Met

Ankylosis of Lumbar Vertebrae:Aurum Met

Pain in the Coccyx:Conium,Causticum (<Sitting,getting up)

General Dietary Advices:

Coconut:Mature coconut pulp contains a fair amount of

carbohydrates,proteins and mineral salts of great importance to the
musculoskeletal system such as calcium,magnesium and phosphorus.

Black Current:Combats Rheumatic pain.Rheumatics and those suffering

from cardiovascular and circulatory disorders will find black currents to be
a good medicinal food.It halts the inflammatory processes in the joints
and relieves the pain.
Urinary System
UTI(Urinary Tract Infection):Terebinth,Eucalyptus,Vesica

In female:Eucalyptus,Pyrogenum

Pain while urging:Cimicifuga Umbellata

Burning while urinating:Pareira brava,Terebinth,Cantharis

If fails,Alumina with Intercurrent Thuja

If fails,Medorrhinum,Berberis tincture,Thlaspi Bursa

Increased frequency of urination in newly married girls:Staphysagria

Burning in urethra:Staphysagria

Pyelitis(Pus in urine):Eucalyptus (2 dose in a week)

Chronic Pyelitis(Mostly in old people):Janiperous Cormaisa

Albuminuria,Hydronephrosis(Nephrotic Syndrome):Plumbum Met (In high



To break down the stone in prostratomegaly:Hydrangea

To break down stone other remedies:Colocyn,Berberis

Repeated frequently:Cantharis,Ocimum Can

Ureteric Stone:Hydrangea

Right Urinary Stone:Sarsaparilla

To prevent formation of Renal Calculus:Nat Sulph 30X,Calc Phos 30X,Mag

phos 6X

Incontinence of Urine:(Urine passes drop by drop with pain while


Renal Failure:Zinziber

Bladder Distension:Aconite,Sulphur,Hepar Sulph

Stricture of Urethra:Clematis

Diuretic:Aconite,Solidago tincture,Artemesia tincture,Cochlearia

tincture,Galium Aparine

Renal Colic:Mag Phos 3X in hot water

Polyuria:Increases frequency of urine in newly married girls-

Staphysagria,Acid Phos,Syzigium Jambolum

Bed wetting:Tuberculinum,Kreosotum,Plantago,Sulphur,Calc Carb,Calc


Involuntary micturition at night:Pulsatilla,Equisetum tincture


Non specific haemorrhage from urethra:Ficus Religiosa

Acetone in urine:Cup Ars

Foul smelling Urine:Benzoic Acid

No desire to pass urine(Especially in old women):Pulsatilla

Chyluria:Iodum,Eupatorium Perforatum,Lilium tig,Merc Cor,Acid Phos,Viola


Cystitic Prostatitis:Fabiana Imbricata,Epigen Repens


If urea and creatinine is high,it may indicate either Pulmonary Oedema or

Cardiac cause.

In any of the case,Pulses are to be avoided.

Medicines:Zingiber,Eel serum,Hekla lava,Urea

If there is Hyperuricaemia,Vit B12 and folic acid to be investigated.

General Dietary Advises:

Melons:Melons enriches the blood with mineral salts and vitamins and
enhances the filtering capacity of kidneys.It is better to eat melons before
a meal.

Blueberry:Prevents and treat cystitis

Cranberries are ideal for women since they are effective in cases of
urinary infection and help improve venous circulation in the legs.

Tomato:Protector of the prostrate

Tomato contains lycopene,a natural red pigment that protects the cells of
prostrate from oxidation and abnormal growth.
Endocrine System
Acromegaly:Decreased Pituitary secretion

Gigantism:Increased Pituitary secretion


Thyroidinum 6X 3-3-3 TDS

Cholesterinum 3X 3-3-3 TDS

Kali Carb 200/Calc Carb 200

To decrease stony hard growth of thyroid:Calc Fluor,Phytolacca

Exophthalmic Goitre:Thyroidinum

Diabetes Mellitus:

Nat Sulph 200 (weekly)

Syzygium jambolum and Gymnona Sal tinctures 5-10 drops TDS


Skin Disease in Diabetes:Graphites,Ant Iod,Gelsemium

Hyperthyroidism(Coronary Insufficiency,Diabetes,High Blood pressure,Osteo
Arthritic changes of knee joint):

Arnica with Iodum(Intercurrent)

Increased Exophthalmic Goitre:Adrenalin,Lapis Alb

To reduce the opacity:Kali Mur

To increase the metabolism:Gentiana Lutea

Incipient Diabetes and Hypertension:Rhus Tox


Fever Remedies:


Useful in neuralgic diseases especially Lumbago,rheumatism with

swelling,neuralgic toothache,with heat and swelling,facial trembling


Uterine Haemorrhagic disorder.

Anthemis Nobilis:

It is just related with Chamomilla.Gastric disturbances with

coldness.Sensation of cold,coryza with much lachrymation,sneezing with
discharge of clear water from the nose,chilliness inside the abdomen and
into the legs,Itching of anus with white putty like stool.


It is not given in Opium poisoning.

Speedy and effective vomiting that it produces increased secretion of

Constant nausea,constipation,Insomnia,Vertigo,dilated pupils

Hot feeling all over the body.

Pain in both the shoulder blades.

Reflex vomiting in pregnancy



In Rheumatic Arthritis and Sexual Neuraesthenia

Bellis Per:Mostly given at night


To break down the periodicity of complaints.Left sided supra orbital


Carbo Veg:

Oxidising drug in respiratory condition.


One cheek red and hot,other cold and pale

Chimiphilla Umbellata:

Must strain at urination


Diabetes Dermatilis,Paralysis


Hydrocephaloid symptoms.

Child cries and laughs,playful at night.


Removes tartar,removes Renal stone.

Acts on digestive and mesenteric gland

Prevents attack of gout.

Red glossy like strawberry tongue with cracks and fissures.(Glossitis)

Fluoric Acid:

Completes the action of Silicea


Ignatia’s chronic Natrum Mur,Natrum Mur’s chronic Causticum


Female Nux Vomica

Lolium Temulentum:

Cephalgia,Sciatica,Paralysis,Prostration and restlessness

Confused mind,noises in the ear,pain in the pit of the stomach

Gait unsteady,trembling of all limbs,pain in the calves as if bound with


He/She can’t write,can’t hold a glass of water

Trembling of hands and paralysis.


Equivalent to Platina

Phormium Tarex:

Ringworm,ulcers,boils,Rheumatoid Arthritis




Torula Cervisiae:

Sycotic Remedy

Anaphylactic state produced by proteins and enzymes

Pure yeast cake,3C and higher potencies


Increase the oxygen to the cells and organs(Kali Sulph)


Aggravated from sight or sound of water(Hydrophobia)


Debility after excessive loss of fluids

GIT:Uncomfortable distension with desire to belch which does not

relieve,excessive hunger at meal time,Diarrhoea from eating fruits,watery
yellow brownish or light coloured stool

Anti periodic(Eupatorium P,Ipecac,Natrum Mur,Arsenic)

Quinine Cachexia:Ipecac,Nat Mur,Puls,Ferrum,Hepar Sulph,nitric Acid,Kali

Hydro Iodum(always used to indicate tone)

Chronic Liver troubles

Haemorrhage from any or every outlet(dark or dark and clotted)(Carbonic

,crotalus horridus,Phosphorus)

Excessive sensitive to touch but hard pressure relieves(Hepar


<Least touch,least draught of air,>Hard pressure on painful part


Baptisia 30 BD finally Ars.Alb 30 for 3 days

Pyrogenum CM weekly
If above medicines fail,give Bryonia

Apis Mel 3X at two hour interval


Tertian Malaria(Fever comes at every 3rd day)

Atista Indica 3X BD

Fever with Rigor:

Ferrum phos 12X (12 tab for adult,8 for children),Kali Phos 6X(12-Adult,Child-
8),Nat Phos 6X(Adult-12,Child-8)for 3 days then give Ars Alb 30 finally to
cover the fever.

China Sulph qd for 2-3 days finally sulphur 30 qd

Periodical fever:Cedron

Recurrent chronic Malaria:Malarial Officinalis

Malarial Fever:

Apis mel,China Sulph,Malarial Officinalis,Eupatorium p,Cedron,Nat Mur,Ars


Viral Fever(Fever at seasonal change alongwith cold and bodyache):

Ars Alb,Bellis Per,Bryonia Alb,Eupatorium P,Gelsemium

Continuous Fever:

Sulphur 200 followed by Ars Alb 30

Anger during Fever:

Staphy,Nat Mur

Fever blister around the mouth:

Nat Mur

Rheumatic fever with pain:

Propelimine 3X

Sudden Rise of Fever,not coming to normal:



Pyrexia of Unknown Origin:Sulphur

Pueperal Fever:Rhus tox

Not well after delivery:Pyrogenum


Gelsemium,Rhus tox,Eupatorium,Ars Alb,Sabadilla,Ars

Iod,Sanguinaria,Sang.Nit,Ferrum Phos

Filariasis:Ars Alb,Calotropis

Septic Fever:Aurum Iod,Pyrogenum

Gastro Intestinal System


External:Plantago Major tincture +Aconite tincture

Internal(According to cause):

Aggravated by cold:Coffea


By blow:Arnica

By fall:Hypericum

Break after Injury(Enamel loss):Calc Fluor,Hyper

Sour things:Calc fluor

Other drugs:Merc Sol 200,Severe pain even when novalgin fails give Mag
Phos 200

Dietary Advise:

Carrots strengthen children’s teeth.


In old age:Kali Mur


Internal:Superficial plantago Major followed by Kreosote

Silicea:When root affected and pus formed

Fluoric Acid:When root affected,pus formed ,Fistula dentalis

Calc Fluor:When enamel lost,root caries,loose teeth

Hecla Lava:Necrosis of jaw(Phos),also for decayed painful teeth


Early decay of teeth in young and adults

One lb of glycerine

One oz of Plantago tincture

One oz of Calendula tincture

Tartar:Fragaria Veska

Dental Fluorosis:

Calc Fluor,Fluoric Acid

Intercurrently –Thuja 1M or Tuberculinum 1M once a week

Discolouration of teeth in children:

Mother might had taken antibiotics especially tetracycline(teramycin

group):Teramycin 200


Merc Sol,Sulph

For gargling in unhygienic condition of mouth:Salvia Officinalis,Natrum

Advice:Mix salt,lemon in hot castor oil,wipe the teeth with this solution
and pour saliva freely.

Wisdom tooth:

Calc Phos 12X tablets or dilution

Chiananthus 200 or 30 TDS

Persistent bleeding after tooth extraction:Phosphorus


Prevent Calculi and tartar of teeth by acting on digestive and mesenteric


Cancer Gums:

Gums recede and bleeds easily:Echinaceae

Gingivitis:Merc Vivus

Metallic gums(Vit C deficiency):Merc Sol

Toothache<Taking anything sweet:Nat Carb

Washerwoman’s toothache(<dipping hand in cold water):Phosphorus

Toothache due to pyorrhoea:Carbo veg

Toothache>heat and hot fluids:Mag Phos

Slow dentition: Calc Phos


Easy dislocation of lower jaw:Staphy


Profuse salivation:Merc Sol

Infection of Right Salivary gland:Anthracinum

Parotitis:Hepar Sulph
Malignancy of parotid gland:Anthracinum


Geographic or mapped tongue(covered with white film):Taraxacum

Paralysis of tongue:Cuprum Met


Bellad(Red tongue)

For gargling and local application and for aphthous ulcer:

Natrum Sulph 6X,Kali Mur 6X,Kali Sulph 6X

Cracked tongue:Condurango

Red Tongue:Thyroidinum

Leukoplakia of tongue:Nitric Acid

Biting of tongue while eating:causticum


Halitosis:Carbo veg,Nux Vomica(One dose given and then repeated after 3




Small quantity at small intervals:Arsenic

Large quantity at large intervals:Bryonia


Borax 30,Merc sol,Ars Alb,Hydrastis

Angular stomatits:Condurango

Cancer of Mouth:Sempervivum tentorium

Kali mur 6X,Natrum Sulph 12X


In Fibrosis of mouth-10 times yawning practice,warm water sek from

outside,Put urine in a container,expose it to moonlight and sunlight for 15
days(Agyaras) drink or gargle with this urine in the morning.


From Non veg food:Puls

From Veg food:Nux Vomica

Of young people:Aloes

Sensation of an undigested hard boiled egg in the stomach:Abies Nigra

Acute:Ars Alb(from sour fruits,vegetables,cold food and drinks)

Chronic:Nux Vomica,Pulsatilla,Bryonia,Lyco(delayed digestion due to

deficient glandular secretions

Carbo veg in old people

Sulphur:Obstinate case,completes the action of Nux Vomica

Calc Carb:Obstinate case,completes the action of Pulsatilla



Upper Abdomen:

With eructations:Carbo Veg

Without eructations:China

Middle Abdomen(Nor passes up or down):


Lower Abdomen:

Lycopodium,Nux Vomica,China,Rhus Glabra

Gastralgia:Mag Phos

Due to gastritis:Avoid spicy,chilly food,tea smoking,worry,anxiety

Medicines:Phosphorus,Merc Sol,Ars Alb

Pain in the epigastrium with any inflammation or after disorder of the

gastric mucous membrane:

Ars:Weak constitution

Nux Vomica:Robust constitution

Atropinum Sulphuricum:Palliative

Anacardium,Hydrocyanic Acid:Pain <by empty stomach,>by food

Zingiber:After taking melons or drinking dirty water

Milk undigested:Mag Carb

Nausea and vomiting:

Hysterical:Ignatia +Kreosotum

Vomiting without nausea:Apomorphia

Deathly Nausea:Tabaccum

As soon as water warms in the stomach:Phosphorus

Violent with profuse diarrhoea:Verat Alb

After drinking alcohol,sour vomiting after an hour of eating:Kali Bich


Calc Carb,Cadmium Sulph,Eumbilica,Ant Crud (Of Pregnancy),Sant 1X,NP

6X,30X,MP 30X,CP 30X

Phosphorus-Sulphuric Acid

Kali Carb-Arg Nit

Arg Nit-Nat Phos

Pulsatilla:Heartburn regularly

Capsicum:Heartburn during attack

Iris V:Acidity,burning of the whole intestinal tract

Advice:Take tender bottlegourd,remove the seeds+tender cabbage,crush

them in the mixer then with the help of cloth,filter the juice.Drink half
cup every morning.


Fumes of castor oil or any oil with cotton and fire it.It will subside

After Operation:Cajuputum


Kali Bich,China,Anacardium,Ars Alb,Nux Vom,Lyco,Phos,Natrum

Mur,Chelidonium,Graphites,Ornithogalum Umbellatum,Geronium Maculatum

Pyloric Stenosis:

Aethusa Cynap,Phosphorus,Morgan Bacillus

Cancer of Stomach:

Carcinosin,Tub 200,Thuja CM,Psorinum

Tumour of the stomach:Conium CM repeatedly.


Abdominal Visceropsis(Sensation as if all organs coming out from


Enteralgia:Mag Phos


Nux Vomica,Phos,Lyco

Infantile Umbilical Hernia:Nux vomica,Calc carb

Inguinal Hernia:Calc Fluor

H/o Gonorrhoea or Syphilis:Thuja,Medorrhinum


Pain around the area operated for hernia on any side:Staphy,Ignatia


Mucus Colitis:Merc Cor,Sulph,Thuja,Aurum Iod

Ulcerative Colitis:Rhus Aromatica,Aloes Soc



Standard treatment:

Sulphur 200 –First day

Chelidonium 30 BD First week

Chelidonium 200 BD second week

China 30 BD Third week

China 200 BD fourth week

Belladonna 200,1 dose last day and Ars Alb 30 TDS for four days to
prevent inflammatory condition.

Liver Tonic like Liv-T,Liv –Tone etc

Bio chem:Kali Phos 6X (2-2-2)

Auxillary treatment:Complete mental as well as physical rest

Other drugs:

Aurum Met,China (Obstinate case)

Due to bad effects of coffee:Nux Vom,Chicorium

Ptelia Trifoliata
Cardus Marianus(Hepatitis)

Itching of Jaundice:Fagopyrum 12X

Infantile liver(Enlarged liver in infant with engorged vein over abdomen):

Kal megh 3X BD

Calc Ars 200


Infantile Cirrhosis or Cirrhosis:Calc Ars 200,Kal megh

Infantile Hepatitis:Chelidonium,Chlorpromazine,Kali Mur 6X,Kali Phos

6X,Nat Sulph 6X



Belladonna-If fails-Lachesis

Iris T 3X TDS-When pain subsides-Lycopodium 200

Plumbum met,Bryonia

Homeopathic Knife for Appendicitis:Rhus tox 200-1M

Ars Alb:Burning pain,restlessness,prostration and thirst for small quantity

at short intervals

Cutting tearing pain,distension,sensitiveness and irritability:Dioscorea

Pain < night much sweating without relief:Merc Cor

Frequent repeated dose of Plumbum Iod relieves pain and inflammation

Pain on operated part:Ignatia 200-1M

Bio chem.:Ferrum Phos 6X,Kali Mur 6X,Mag Phos 6X


Ascites:Apis,Lach,Ars Alb,Terebinth,Blatta
Rigid Abdomen:Kali Mur

Distension of Abdomen:Lyco

Lower Abdomen:Kali Mur

After any abdominal operation:Staphysagria


Inflammation:Kali Mur 6X ,Nat Phos 3X

Pain around the navel region:Aloes,China,Cina



Foul smelling stool and flatus:Rhus glabra

Desire immediately after eating:Olender



Bryonia(with colic)

Nux Vom

Hydrastis(In old and cancerous condition)


Alumina(Great straining at stool,no desire for stool)

Platina (Traveller’s constipation)

Verat Alb(Chronic,Abuse of laxative)

Nat Mur (Constipation of Infants)

Palliative:Cascara Sagroda

Rhomnus Purshiam
Advice:1 glass of warm water in the morning after waking up and 1 glass
warm milk with 1 tsp honey+ ½ tsp turmeric powder+1/2 tsp of ghee and
drink it.


In tubercular patient:Acalypha Indica

With Constipation:Nux Vomica

From boiled milk especially in child:Homarus

In old Patients watery hot with flatulence:Gambogia

After taking Antibiotic:Nitric Acid

Yellowish,gushing jelly like painless< morning:Podophyllum

Yellowish <during dentition:Chamomilla

Green oil stool:Elatorium 30-If fails-Cham 30

Whitish watery foul smelling(Cholera like):Verat Alb,Jatropha

In chronic diarrhoea(Mucus Stool):Tricosenth Doica 3X repeatedly

Bio chem.:

Calc Phos 6X,Ferrum Phos 6X,Kali Phos 6X,Nat Phos 6X,Nat Mur 6X

Take 3 tabs with hot water thrice daily

Sad,fright diarrhoea:Gelsemium

Morning Diarrhoea:

Nux Vomica:Early morning due to overeating especially spicy food.Frequent

ineffectual desire to pass stool,thin and small in quantity with violent
tenesmus and backache before and after passing stool

Sulphur:After midnight painless,has to run to toilet in early morning.

Aloes:As soon as anything eaten or drunken runs to toilet,feels as if
stool would escape on the clothes,hot flatus,pain not remaining after
stool but prostration and profuse clammy sweat.(Sometimes involuntary)

Thuja:Due to bad effects of vaccination,after breakfast,forcible expulsion

with much and loud flatus with gurgling sound in abdomen during stool.

Podophyllum:During hot weather and dentition immediately after

eating,forcible ‘6P’ weakness after diarrhoea.

Phosphorus:Chronic diarrhoea of old people,lean thin slender persons who

have grown rapidly,profuse with sensation as if anus would wide open

Bryonia:In summer,involuntary thin green colour with soreness of

anus,thirst large quantity of cold water at long interval,early morning as
soon as he gets up from the bed.

Nat Sulph:Acute and chronic < morning on beginning to move with

profuse flatus and rumbling in the abdomen especially right ileo caecal


Brownish accompanied with cough


Treatment should start with Merc Sol or Merc Cor and than give
selected remedy.

Chronic Bacillary:Merc Viv,Kali bich

Amoebic:Calc Iod



Standard treatment:

Sulphur 30 morning

Nux Vomica 30 evening

Aeculus external ointment morning

With fissures:

Nitric Acid 30 noon

Hamamelis ointment externally night

With fistulae:

Paeonia 30 TDS

Ratanhia 30 TDS

Calendula ointment externally

Echinacea ointment externally

Also use anti-inflammatory drugs like Silicea,Gun powder,Carbo veg,Hepar

Sulph,Myristica etc.


Protrusion of piles and fissures:

Paeonia,Nitric Acid,Ratanhia

Ficus Religiosa tincture,Thuja,Collinsonia,Nat Mur

Bleeding Piles:

Ferrum Phos 12X TDS

Kali Mur 12X TDS

Calc Fluor 12X TDS

Other Conditions of Rectum:

Prolapse:Ignatia,Calc Fluor,Podo

Ulceration of anus and perineum with itching:Paeonia

Haemorrhage non specific:Acalypha Indica,Phos,Hamamelis

Fistulae:Nitric Acid,Tub,Calc Phos,Silicea

Externally Hydrastis tincture,Calendula tincture

Fissures:Nitric Acid ,Ratanhia

After operation of fistulae in ano if ill effects occur that is infiltration of

lung:Calc Phos

Trio:Sulph,Lyco,Calc Carb

Carbo veg,Dioscorea,Colocyn


Cina 30 TDS or 200 1 dose

Calc Carb,Chenopodium,Chelon tincture(Round or thread),Cuprum Oxy

Nigra 3X-6X,Seirrhinum

Common Dietary Advice related to gastric disorders:

Amla powder in hot water at night balances acids and cleans stomach in
the morning.

Papaya:Activates the digestive process

Papaya is considered the perfect breakfast throughout the tropics because

of the digestibility and vitamin richness.A papaya shake is one of the
most pleasant ways of eating this fruit.

Cauliflower:It promotes all the digestive functions from stomach to

colon.It also regulates transit through intestine both in cases of
constipation as well as diarrhoea.

Radish:Promotes bile production

Decongests the liver,facilitates gallbladder drainage,Softens bronchial

mucus,prevents cancer.

Pineapple:The Stomach’s Friend

Pineapple is the perfect friend for the stomach,aids digestion,relieves

heartburn and prevents stomach cancer.
Pineapple juice should be drunk immediately drunk to prevent loss of its
digestive properties.It must be taken slowly and well salivated.

Cabbage:Heals ulcers

Raw or cooked cabbage as well as its fresh juice relieve stomach

inflammation and contribute to the healing of gastro duodenal ulcers.It
also prevent cancer.

Fermented cabbage is an effective blood purifier (depurant)and it should

be included in the diet of diabetics and the obese.

Pomegranate:Reduces intestinal inflammation and enriches the blood

Pomegranate is an astringent and anti-inflammatory within the digestive

tract.In addition it contains a significant amount of copper,a trace
element that facilitates the absorption of iron.

Apple:Cures both diarrhoea and constipation.

It cleanses the bowel,detoxify the liver and lowers the high blood
Asphyxia Neonatorum:

Laurocesus,Carbo Veg,Ant Tart

Ophthalmic Neonatorum:Arg Nit

Delayed Mile stones:

Agraphies Nuten,Calc Carb

Late learning,let Speaking:Nat Mur

Late Walking:Calc Carb

Mental retardation:Medorrhinum

Mentally and physically retardation:Baryta Carb


Diarrhoea:Nux vomica and China

Foul smelling:Nux Vomica+China+Merc Sol

Yellow:Chamomilla,If fails Elatrium 30

General yellowish:Chamomilla 12 TDS

Diarrhoea(bottled fed baby):Mag Phos 6X,Kali Phos 6X,Calc Phos 6X

Increased Salivation:

Increased salivation:Merc Sol (at night)

Day and night:Acetic Acid

Increased salivation at night:Cina,Chelon tincture,Cuprum Oxy Nigra 1X

Crusta lactea(Eczema around the mouth of infants):

Eczema of the face:Astacus flaviatilis,Variola Tricolor

Obstinate case:Sepia

Suppuration in eczema:Sulph Can

Enuresis in young:

Rhus tox,Equisetum tincture 20 drops BD,Tuberculinum

Infantile Jaundice:


Infantile liver enlargement with engorged veins over the abdomen:Kalmegh

3X BD,Insulinum,Calc Carb

Infantile Cirrhosis:Calc Carb


Preventive of smallpox or chickenpox:Malandrin 200


Prophylactic or pre paralytic:Lathyrus Sativa

After paralysis:Gelsemium 1M (2 doses),Sulphur 200 intercurrently

After 5 days:Calc Carb 1M

Infantile Hydrocele:Calc Carb

Undescended Testis in infants:Calc Carb,Aurum Mur Nitricum

Noding of head always:Sepia 30

Colic:Serona Illicium

Crying:Child continuous crying throughout night and day without cause-


Pinhole Urethra:Acon,Merc,Hepar Sulph,Syphilinum

Rickets:Aurum Iod

Additional Advice on Children:

 Apply divel (castor oil)on hands before giving bath to baby.

 When baby two and half months old,mix 5 drops ghee +5 drops
honey and give to baby.every week one drop increased till 5 years.
 Put the baby’s bottle and its lid in boiling water after using it then
take it out and after a few minutes put it in the freezer.Again
whenever needed take it out from the freezer before 5 min.
 In case of cough and cold,apply vicks on nose,chest and back.

Sprinkle Eucalyptus oil around the bed of the baby.

Seasonal Remedies:

Beginning of winter:Bacillinum(to increase resistant power against cold)

Day hot and night hot(Summer):Glonoine

Monsoon:Rhus tox

Cloudy weather(Summer –Monsoon):Nat Carb

Day hot and night cold(Monsoon-winter):Bryonia

Day cold and night cold(Winter):Arg Nit

Damp atmosphere(Summer-Monsoon):Dulcamara

Complaints in seasons:

Sore palms and soles in winter:Kali Sulph

Cracks on tips of fingers and toes in winter:Petroleum

Headache in Summer:Glonoine

Allergy to:

Any type:Nat Sulph 12X

Milk and Milk products:Tuberculinum 200 and Sulphur 200 alternate

Skin affection:Nat Mur

Smell good or bad causes nausea and vomiting:Tuberculinum and Sulphur

Sensitive to Sun and Ultraviolet rays:X-Ray

Protein Material:Tuberculinum and Sulphur alternately

Synthetic Material:Apis,Arg Nit


Nodular swelling which is indurated:Conium 200

Lymphatics and lymph nodes:

Lymphangitis:Tarentula C,Myristica,Hepar Sulph,Silicea

Lymphatic enlargement of axilla with or without suppuration:Juglans R



Recurrent tubercular even after operation:Rhus tox (weekly)

Acute pain in lymphadenitis:Belladonna


Glandular enlargement due to infection on cervical region:Bryonia

Cervical Adenitis:Calc Iod,Tuberculinum,Hydrastis,Ferrum phos,Calc Phos

Debility,Tonics and Vitamins:

Profound debility,cramps in all muscles:Acid Phos,Aurum Iod


General tonic:Five Phos

Nerve Tonic:Kali Phos 6X


Vit A:

Calc Phos 3X,12X,Acid Phos,Phos

Vit B:

Kali Mur,Nat Phos,Calc Phos,Lyco,Chel

PELLAGRA:Bovista,Plumbum Met

Vit C:

Kali Phos,Calc Sulph,Silicea,Carbo Veg,Merc,Graphites

Vit D:

Calc Fluor,Cal Phos,Nat Mur,Rhus tox,Abrotanum

Vit E:


Vit K:

Ferrum Phos 1X

Multivitamin:Five phos 6X or 12X 4-5 tablets with a cup of warm water

or milk twice daily.

Bad Effects of:

Anaesthesia:Acetic Acid,Phosphorus

Allopathic Drugs:Nux Vomica,Kali Phos,Nat Mur

Not well after Antibiotics:Nitric Acid

Quinine,Chloroquine:Ferrum Met

Chlormycetin:Carbo Veg


Ayurvedic Drugs:Aloes
BCG Vaccine:Nux Vomica 200 repeatedly


Dehydration:Nat Mur(to balance water)

Diseases H/O of:

 Diphtheria:Belladonna,Lac can,Diphtherinum
 Carcinoma:Carcinosin
 Jaundice:China
 Tonsillectomy and Adeniodectomy:Streptomycin,Brain 3X
 Tuberculosis:Tuberculinum
 Influenza,prostration after:Influenzinum,Nat Salicyticum
 Tubercular Meningitis:Calc Carb
 Typhoid:H/o of diarrhoea:Pyrogenum,female-Castorium
 Miscarriage or curettine:China,if fever present give pyrogenum 200
 Measles:Morbilinum
 Operation,abdominal(esp in females):Staphy
 Surgical Shock after Abdominal operation:Strontium Carb
 Tetanus:A.T.S 30(Anti tetanus Serum)
 Food poisoning :Carbo veg
 Piles Operated:Pyrogenum
 Fistula Operated:Calc Phos
 Mastoid Operated:Elaps Coranies
 Electric Shock:Phosphorus,Coffea morphis
 Ice cream ,cold drinks:Bellis Per,Phosphorus
 Night Watching:Cocculus,Nux Vomica
 Vaccination:Malandrinum,Thuja
 Mountain Climbing:Coca
 Morphine and Alcoholism:Avena Sativa
 Smoking(Black lips,Hoarseness,sore throat):Capsicum
 X Ray in past:X-Ray
 Pre Operative:Kali Phos
 Post Operative:Venadium 30 for 7 days,Calc Flour
 Bad effects of Masturbation:Agnus Castus,Bufo,Caladium,Acid
Phos,Puls,Platina,Nux Vomica,Lyco,Nat


Name of Disease Medicine

1.Apoplexy Belladonna
2.Abortion,fright Aconite
Threatened Sabina
3.Anthrax Anthracinum
4.Chicken Pox Rhus Tox
5.Cholera Ars.Alb,Cup Met,Sulphur,Ver Alb
6.Cold Bacillinum,Camphora
7.Contagious Disease Ferrum Phos 3X,Kali Mur 3X
8.Diphtheria Diphtherinum,Merc Cynatus
9.Dysentery(Bacillary) Ars Alb,Merc Cor
10.Gangrene Graphites,Sulphuric Acid
11.Hay Fever Hepar Sulph,Ars Alb
12.Hernia Cocculus
13.Hydrophobia Lyssin
14.Influenza Influenzinum,Gelsemium
15.Malaria Terebinth,Malaria Off,Apis
16.Measles Pulsatilla,Morbilinum
17.Mumps Pilocarpine,Parotidinum
18.Plague Tarentula C,Ignatia
19.Poliomyelitis Physostigma,Lathyrus Sativa
20.PPH Mellifolium
21.Pyemia Arnica,Scarlatina
22.Small Pox Variolinum,Malandrinum
23.Tetanus Hypericum
24.Tuberculosis Bacillinum
25.Typhoid Baptisia
26.Whooping Cough Pertussin
27.Renal Calculi Nat Sulph 30X,Calc Phos 30X,Mag
Phos 6X


According to the time of birth and year in which they are born as a
result there is tendency to deficiency of the birth salt in which they were

A dose of cell salt once a week should keep fit.

March 21 to April 20:Kali Phos

April 21 to May 21:Nat Sulph

May 22 to June 20:Kali Mur

June 21 to July 20:Calc Fluor

July 21 to Aug 20:Mag Phos

Aug 21 to Sep 20:Kali Sulph

Sep 21 to Oct 20:Nat Phos

Oct 21 to Nov 20:Calc Sulph

Nov 21 to Dec 20:Silicea

Dec 21 to Jan 20:Calc Phos

Jan 21 to Feb 20:Nat Mur

Feb 21 to March 20:Ferrum Phos

According to month and season:

March,April and May(Fever,fatigue,lassitude,inability to concentrate

mind):Ferrum Phos 6X,Calc Phos 6X

June,July,August(During summer mouth,digestion and intestine are often

troublesome):Kali Mur 6X,Nat Phos 6X

Sudden change of temperature in summer:Ferrum phos 6X,Kali Mur 6X

Malaria:Nat Mur 6X,Nat Sulph 6X

Flu:Nat Sulph 12X

Whole body on fire:Radium Bromide

Burning all over,but coldness over vertex:Ars Alb 200

Burning on vertex:Sulphur

Euthanasia in Tb last stage:Rumex

Antiseptic Drug:Myristica

Acute Infection:Streptomycin

Senile Condition:Baryta Mur

To increase height:Medorrhinum

Dropsy:Apocynum tincture 5 drops TDS

Fat accumulation around the abdomen:

After operation:Staphysagria

After Accident:Pituitarin

General/Dietary Advice:

 Honey in Roti/Nimbupani/sppon to be given to kids

 Whenever taking Antibiotics,take curd or buttermilk
 Drink a lot of hot fluids in winter
 If weight not increasing even after eating-Soak Ajmo in water in
the morning,heat water,add honey and turmeric and drink it.
 Green tea:Green tea+Ginger+Tulsi+Pudina+Sondh(1 tsp)+Ganthoda(1
tsp)+Taj(1/2 tsp) and boil.Then filter it and add 1 tsp of honey and
10 drops of lemon.
 For Bodyache:Sonth and Ganthoda in tea.
 Carrots are sweeter when cooked and maintain their beta-carotene
content even after cooking.
 APRICOT:Consumption of apricots maintains vision in good condition
and gives sparkle and beauty to the eyes that are characteristic of
good health.This is not due exclusively to the action of Provitamin
A,but also to the combined action of other vitamins and minerals
accompanying it.
 Soybean:Soybeans contain a kind of vegetable hormones which
relieve the symptoms of menopause and prevent breast and
prostrate cancer.
 Wheat grains:Wheat germ and its oil improve physical condition
and resistance and fatigue.
 Cherry:Satisfies the hunger and purifies the blood.
A treatment with cherries one or two days a week allows weight
loss while purifying the blood and cleansing the blood.The slowness
with which cherries must be eaten partially explains their satiating
 Orange:Four oranges a day is the recommended dose for those
wishing to increase resistance against infections.
 Kiwi:Increases resistance and prevents anaemia

Kiwis keep very well in refrigerator for weeks or even months.They are
an excellent source of Vit C and iron during winter months.


Blood letting:Phosphorus


Dead babies:Cann.Indica

Dead persons:Elaps Cor


Double and another person lies along with him in the same

Falling Stars from the sky:Alumina

Figures and ghosts:Belladonna

Flying in the sky like birds and clouds:Lac Can

House hold affairs:Bryonia

Lascivious dreams with emission:Acid Phos

Legs made up of wood or glass:Thuja

Meeting with friends:Coffea



Of Rubber and sudden wake for search:Nat Mur

Soldiers with sword:Chelidonium

Snakes:Lac can,Lachesis

Travelling:Kali Nit,Jonosia Asoka

Water:Nat Sulph


Of Examination:Aethusa Cyn 200,Arg Nit,Gels,Kali phos ,Anacardium

Of Death while travelling:Opium 200 weekly

Of sight or sound of water:Lyssin


Weakness of memory:Anacardium,Kali phos 6X or Brahmi tincture with

10 drops of water


Suicidal:Aurum Met,Acon,Ars Alb,Naja

Weeping easily when thanked:Lyco

Almost impossible to narrate her symptoms without weeping:Pulsatilla

Weeps for fan:Carbo veg

Child weeps at night,playful during the day:Jalapa

Child playful at night:Cypripidium

Psychosis Mania:Sulph Iod

Schizophrenia:Calc Phos


Tobacco:Caladium,Ars Alb,Sepia,Plantago(It creates aversion for tobacco)

Light and company:Stramonium

Fatigue:Secartina lacteal

Nervous:Tilla cerania

Depression:Nux Vomica

(In old People)-Kali Phos,Selenium

Kleptomania and tongue bite:Absinthinum

Other Important Symptoms:

 Calmness,mental contraindicates:Cham
 Complaints nothing,wants nothing:Opium
 Desire light and company:Stramonium
 Depression in old people:Kali Phos,Selenium
 Downward motion,dread of:Borax
 Dizzy and giddy after continuous reading:Rhus tox 30
morning,Kalmia 30 evening
 Contempt for others and impulse to kill:Platina
 Slightest emotion causes palpitation in heart:Calc Ars
 Everything on which he lies feels hard:Arnica
 Hates the women society:Puls
 Memory,sudden loss of:Anacardium
 Misspell common words:Xerophyllum
 Music intolerable:Sabina
 Says patient what is good for my living when such man is
dead:Aurum Met
 Standing is the worst position:Sulphur
 Stealing habit(Habit of picking up only attractive objects from other
house esp in boys and boy wept whenever he was called a thief by
his friends):Baryta Carb,Syphilinum
 Constantly dwelling upon suicide:Aurum Met
 Thought of murdering whenever he/she sees red blood clothes or
sharp instruments:Alumina
 ‘I could not get better’ says patient during high fever:Aconite


 Itching intense<scratching,oozing serum or fluid from vesicles:Rhus

Ven 30 repeatedly
 Itching all over with pustular eruptions:Nat Mur,Rhus tox
 Itching without eruptions:Dolichos<night,right side,Fagopyrine


 Easy suppuration,even slightest injury suppurates:Hepar

Sulph,Silicea,Merc sol
 Important drugs:Hepar Sulph,Silicea,Merc
sol,Insulinum,Myristica(most useful drug),Calc Sulph,Cal pic 30
powder q.d
 On fold of joints:Plumbum met
 On buttock:Calc Sulph
 On back of neck:Nat Mur
 Non healing tubercular:Insulinum,Drosera
 In tubercular gland:Tuberculinum,Kali Iod
 All fails then give Tuberculinum 10M.If not healed by any medicine
than give green rays by electricity everyday.
 Summer Boil:Arnica,Ant Crud,Sarsaparilla
 To increase suppuration:Kali Sulph
 To decrease suppuration:Hepar Sulph


 Ruta better than Arnica in head injury in injury to periosteum

 Little Suppuration:Petroleum
 Superficial nerve injury:Hypericum
 Penetrating Injury:Ledum
 Laceration,Bruise:Arnica
 Deep Tissue Injury:Bellis Per

Dog:Hydrophobinum 30 2 doses every week,Hypericum 200 on second

day,Hydrophobinum 30 and Belladonna 30 daily

Rat Bite:Ledum 30 TDS

Insect Bite:Ledum 30-1M-CM


Cuts and Wounds:Castor Oil with Calendula tincture and Hypericum


Burns:Cantharis Ointment,Plantago tincture+Calendula tincture


Important Drugs:

 Arg Nit:In winter dryness

 Nat Mur:Due to heat of the sun
 Cina:In wormy child
 Causticum and Cantharis:After Burns
 Ars.Sulph.Flav and Kali Iod:Specific
 Hydrocotyl,Cuprum Met,Medorrhinum,Syphilinum:Intercurrent
 Psorallium tincture 10 drops TDS internally as well as externally


Lotion:Coconut Oil 20 ml(Bauchi oil),Psorallium tincture 20 drops

Crush the seed of Radish and make lotion with vinegar.


China---Fails---China Sulph

Medorrhinum,Kali Ars,Aurum Mur,Aurum Met


Thuja,Nitric Acid,Castoreum,Ferrum Pic(Multiple warts),Silicea (in ear)


Ant Crud 6X ,Ferrum Pic 30,Sulphur and Radium Brom intercurrently,Nitric


Externally:Hydrastis tincture,Anagalis ointment,Verat Viride ointment


Thiosinamine 30(dissolves scar),Graphites,Rhodolin


Simple:Rhus tox,Croton(Severe Itching),Ars,Graphites(Chronic)

Dry Eczema:

Nat Mur---Hydrastis


Wet Eczema:

Graphites----Rhus tox


Acute Eczema:Rhus tox

Subacute Eczema:Ant Crud

Suppressed Eczema:Sulphur

With gouty and rheumatic diathesis,Rheumatism especially of large

joints:Arbutus Andrane

Crustalactea(Eczema Impetigo of face in child):Viola tricolor,Astacus Flav

Eczema Rubrum:Merc

Eczema Impetiginodes:Ant Crud

Local foems:

Dorsum(back of)palm:Bovista
Palm:Hepar Sulph,Graphites,Petroleum

Behind ear:Olender,Lyco

Face:Carbolic Acid

In obstinate cases:Sulphur,Sulphur Iod,Tuberculinum,Syphilinum

Blister like+Restless,thirst+Chilliness:Rhus tox,Ranunculus B


Ankle joint fold of skin:Selenium

Margin of hair:Sulphur(dry skin)

Scalp:Psorinum,Mezerium,Rhus tox,Cicuta

Hand,finger:Carbo veg,Merc sol,Sulphur,Sepia



Nose,Lips:Alumina,Kali Carb,Phos

Hairy Parts:Mezerium

Externally:Alnus tincture,Oil of lavender,Adrenalin chloride.

May sponge with solution of bicarbonateof soda with little warm water


Repeat:Streptococcine 1M-CM

Obstinate case:Aurum Met 6 grain TDS----Merc Sol---Lower trituration---

Kali Chlor


Gun powder,Merc Sol,Psorinum,Rhus Ven

Externally:Oil of lavender(20 drops Oil+1 oz of Vaseline)

Rhus tox,Variolinum,Ranunculus Bulbosus,Mezerium


Sulphur 6-----30---200-----1M

Other important drugs:Ars Alb,Kali Sulph,Thyroidinum,X-Ray

On scalp<winter:Petroleum


LIPOMA(Fibromatosis):Baryta Carb,Baryta Iod

Soft Tumours:Staphy

After Injury:Conium Mac

Stony Hard:Calc Fluor,Conium

Hard but not stony:Lapis Albus

Scleroderma,dissolving scar tissue and tumour:Thiosinamium


Sebaceous (Wens):Baryta Carb,Thuja


Seborrhoic:Vinca Minora

Summer Cutaneous Eruptions:Sarsaparilla

Acne:Chinium Sulph,Echinaceae

Icthyosis:Fel Tauri


 In dry skin conditions,apply divel(castor oil)

 In Fungal Infection of nails,Soak the fingers in warm water for few
minutes when they are soft,cut the nails and then fill them with
castor oil.
 Urticarial Rash:Apply Vaseline lotion(Aloe Vera),neem water for bath
 Cracked Heels:Soak the legs in warm water then massage the heels
with castor oil from kaansa bowl.
 Urticarial Rash:Sesame Oil/Castor Oil/Rai Oil mix with powdered
cow dung only,not mud and apply on rash.Use no perfume.
 Leucoderma:Apply Tulsi paste
 Eruptions on back:Besan +Sukhad powder+Haldi+Castor Oil+ Rose
water and apply.
 Cucumber:Because of their high water content,cucumber are the
lowest calorie vegetables.Neverthless it is rich in skin protective
ingredients.The best results are obtained by combining cucumber’s
internal properties and their external effect on the skin.
 Mango:Nourishes the skin and protect the arteries.

Mango is the fresh fruit with greatest Vit A content.It also provides
other antioxidant vitamins such as C and E.So it is suitable for Skin
conditions,Retinal Conditions,Arterioschlerosis prevention.
Respiratory System

Bio Chem:

Ferrum Phos 6X morning,Kali Mur 6X evening



Dry Cough:

 Exposure to dry cold wind:Aconite

 Tickling and sore throat:Belladonna
 Specific for dry barking:Spongia
 Dry hacking<night and inspiration:Sticta
 Dry,little or no expectoration with constant tickling sensation at
lower end of trachea,sore and stitching pain in chest

Loose Cough:

 Loose rattling cough with profuse purulent expectoration from

eating or drinking cold or even slight exposure to cold,nausea and
profuse sweating during cough:Hepar Sulph
 Sputa sticky,stringy,tenacious:Kali bich
 Rattling,accumulation of mucus and unable to expectorate:Ant Tart
 Excessive accumulation with suffocative or spasmodic cough:Ipeca
 Spasmodic dry cough <night and lying down >sitting up:Hyoscymus
 In children (with worms):Cina
 Whooping Cough:Drosera(not repeated frequently)
 Post Infuenzal Cough:Sticta
 Barking Cough:Aconite,Spongia,Hepar Sulph
 During Sleep:Nitric Acid,in children Chamomilla
 Winter Cough:Nitric Acid,Aconite,Ipeca
 Chronic Cough <morning>after expectoration:Squilla
 Cough with vomiting when symptoms removed:Ipeca,Ars Alb
 While coughing patient must put arm on the thigh and head



Aconite,Spongia,Hepar Sulph

Membranous croup:Bromium


Juvenile Bronchial Asthma:Nat Sulph,Ars Alb

If fails give Morgan Bacillus

Sailor’s Asthma:Bromium

Catarrhal dysponea with humid asthma:Bacillinum

Old Bronchial Asthma with rattling cough:Proteus,unable to

expectorate-Ant Tart,Ipeca

Asthma >At seashore:Bromium,Medorrhinum

In children with complaints increasing and decreasing by sunset and

night:Nat Sulph,Medorrhinum

Bronchospasm all over:Carbo veg----fails----Ipeca

Blatta is bronchodilator

Aspidosperma is digitalis of lung

Allergic Asthma(dust,housemites):Histamine

Asthma of stone cutters:Silicea

Lung Cancer:Euphorbium,Lecithin,Echinaceae

In case of childhood Asthma,spray Nilgiri around the corners of the

bed.Rub vicks on the body especially chest.


Important drugs:Bryonia,Ipeca,Senega,Carbo
Sulph,Causticum,Rumex,Blatta,Ant tart,Spongia,Sticta,Pix liquid

Allergic:Acid Sulph

With copious purulent expectoration,Hectic fever:Balsamum per

Right sided pain in the chest tough rusty expectoration(Also for


Chronic Bronchitis and phthisis with mucopurulent


Bronchitis with cough at night:Merc Sol

Bronchiectasis:Ant sulph aur,Kali Sulph,Calc Sulph

Pulmonary Tuberculosis:

In general:Allium Sativa

Laryngeal:Manganum Aceticum

Active pulmonary tb:Acalypha Indica

Last Stage:Rumex(sometimes causes euthanasia),Aurum Iod

With Haemoptysis:Millefolium

Following drugs should not be used in patient with history of

pulmonary tuberculosis:

Silicea,Hepar Sulph,Sulphur,Phosphorus


Bronchopneumonia,Rattling cough esp in children:Ant Tart,Ipeca,Kali

First Stage:Puls ,Kali sulph,Ferrum Phos,Aconite

Second stage:Kali Mur 3X

Third Stage:Kali Sulph 3X



Breathlessness on exertion:Ars Alb,Medorrhinum

<Lying down on left side during sleep:Naja,Spigelia,Tabacum,Viscum

>Sitting:Nat Sulph,Spigelia----If fails---Viscum Alb----Tuberculinum


Stringy:Cocculus cacti,Kali bich


Non specific:Ipeca,Mellifolium,Acalypha Indica


Ferrum Phos 12X,Mag Phos 6X

In left chest:Acid Phos

At 3rd left coastal cartilage where it joins the ribs,muco purulent

offensive expectoration(Chronic Bronchitis):Pix liquidate 3X

Stitching pain of left breast running to shoulder blade,sense of

burning:Myrtus Communis

In right chest:

Stitching near sternum extending to back near shoulder.Continuous

cough early morning,profuse foetid expectoration:Phellandrium 6X

Pleural stitching pain:Kali carb

Pleural stitches:Carbo animalis,Calc Carb,Kali Carb

Pleural stitches after pleural effusion:Sticta pulm,Nat carb

CA lung:Formica Rufa 200 weekly

CA larynx after cobalt rays:Cobalt met 200,Phytolacca

General Dietary Advises:

Onion:Effective against bronchitis and asthma

Eating raw onion can stop or relieve an asthma crisis because of its
anti-allergic and bronchodilator properties.These effects lasts for 12
hrs.Inhaling the onion’s essential oil is also beneficial and is more
appropriate for children.

Figs:Figs relieves cough,facilitate expectoration and soothe the

respiratory tract.Their use is recommended in cases of chronic
bronchitis,as well as acute respiratory infections caused by colds or flu.
Cardio vascular System


Ferrum Phos,Nat Mur,Chininum Arsenicum,Lecithin(nutritional),Ostrya

Varginica(from malaria)


Eosinophilia:Nat Sulph,Tropical-Apis


Thalasaemia:Blood Transfusion,China 200 weekly

To increase polymorphonuclear neutrophils:Radium Bromide

Acidic Condition of blood:Nat Phos

High Cholesterol level:Thuja,Calc carb,Cholestrin,Phosphorus,Kali Mur


Non specific from any site:Ipeca

Bright red:Trillium P

Of any kind:Ficus Religiosa,Nat nitricum

Dark Venous blood:Hamamelis




Lachesis,Nat Mur(when fluctuation of pressure)(Nat Mur 200X is

vasoconstrictor so never used in high BP),Ferrum Phos and Allium Sativum
are vasodilator,Kali Phos(nerve stimulant),Raulwolfia,Viscum Alb,Lycopus


Acid Phos,Nat Mur,Kali Phos,Aurum Iod(with prostrate hypertrophy)



Nat Mur,Carbo veg,Cratagus,Digitalis

Bio chem.:Ferrum phos,Kali Phos,Mag Phos,Nat Sulph


Myocardial Infarction:

Arnica,Apis,Ars Alb,Lapidium,Lachesis

Angina Pectoris:

Lactrodectus mactans,Mag Phos 6X,Kali phos 6X

Inhalation of Amyl Nitri tincture to relieve pain.

Coronary Insufficiency:



Pulmonary Stenosis:Spongia
Cardiac Asthma:Acon Ferox,Sumbul(It should be started with lower

C.C.F:Strychnin Ars


Arterioschlerosis:Baryta Mur


T.A.O(Thrombo Angitis Obliterans)(Buerger’s Disease)(Intermittent


Lachesis,Bothrops,Kali Mur,Sec Cor,Medorrhinum,Rhus tox,Gnaphyllum,Ars


Capillary Hemingioma:

Calc Carb,Lachesis

Femoral Embolism<letting limbs hang down:Vipera Torva


Cardiomegaly:Hepar Sulph 1st week,Dysponea on exertion Cratagus

Tobacco Heart:Convalleria,Mephitis

Rheumatic Heart:Lithium Carb,Stellaria Medis(low 3X-30 X)

Heart Block:Acquired:Digitalis,Strophanthus

Fallot’s Tetralogy(only Palliative):Carbo Veg,Laucerasus

General Dietary Advices:

Walnut:Provides energy to the heart.Walnuts are highly concentrated food

containing high levels of essential fatty acids,Vit B6 and trace elements
such as zinc ,copper,manganese.

The risk of myocardial infarction diminishes as the consumption of

walnuts and other oil bearing nuts increases.
Banana:Very rich in potassium

Because of its richness in potassium,banana is an ideal fruit for those

willing to take care of their heart.It is also useful in prevention of high
blood pressure and arrhythmias.

Avocado:It actually lowers blood cholesterol levels.It also decreases the

plasma triglyceride level.It is one of the richest in high value nutritional
fats,proteins,Vit-E,B6,Iron as well as vegetable fibre.

Strawberry:The antioxidant action of strawberries neutralizes the so called

free radicals that oxidizes lipoproteins.This oxidation process if not
checked results in cholesterol deposits on arterial walls and
arterioschlerosis.Strawberries are particularly appropriate for those working
to improve blood circulation in the arteries.

Lemon:Cleanses and regenerates the blood.

Red Beet:Its red juice combat anaemia.

Drinking 50-100 ml of raw,freshly prepared beet juice before meals twice

a day provides the greatest anti anaemic effect.This is particularly
indicated when the patient does not respond well to iron treatment,which
is the case in anaemia caused by low production in the bone marrow.
Central Nervous System
Lesion in Hypothalamus:Agaricus


Normal—New Born:18-20 hrs

Adult:6-8 hrs

Child:12-16 hrs

Old:5-6 hrs

Important Drug:

Coffea:Any case due to hyperactivity of mind

Kali Phos 6X

Passiflora:Specific used in tincture form

Aconite:Due to Vascular excitement of aged

Nux Vomica:Sleepless from 3-5 am

Pulsatilla:Sleepless in early part of night

China:From discharge of system as in menses in female

Chamomilla:Due to pain esp Rheumatic or abdominal

Hyoscyamus and Cannabis Indica:Due to dreaming,too frequent and vivid

NIGHTMARES:Paeonia,Aconite,Calc Carb,Hyoscyamus,Spongia

Somnambulism:Kali Brom,Silicea

Ars Alb:Due to mental or physical restlessness

Actea,Chamomilla:Bodily restlessness

Arnica:Due to over tiredness

Obstinate case,sleepy but cannot sleep:Cannabis Indica


Opium:Red Face(coma)

Nux Moschata:Pale face

Ant Tart

Sleep with half open eyes:Ipeca,Lycopodium

Coma:Opium 200

Catnap Sleep:Sulphur 200


Scrofularia Nodosa tincture -10 drops evening ,if fails then

concentrated,also useful in preventing sleep in students


Ferrum Phos 3X-6X(8-10 tab at night)

Great drowsy at the time of sleep:Nat Sulph,Gelsemium


Kali Phos 6X at night (10 tab adult,4 tab child,2 tab infant)

Passiflora tincture 15-20 drops at night


Raulwolfia Serp tincture

Avena Sativa

Disturbed at 3am,cannot get afterwards:Nux Vomica

Cannot get sleep in first part of night:Pulsatilla,Hygophilia


Infantile Paralysis:Gelsemium,Calc Carb,Cup Met,Plumbum Met,Kali Phos


On particular part or Right Sided:Causticum

Type Writer’s Trembling:Zinc Phos,Avena Sativa

Facial Palsy(Bell’s Palsy):Causticum,Merc Sol

Cerebral Palsy(More common in children and develop cross legs or

seizure gait)(It is due to TRIDOSHA theory according to Ayurveda):

Sepia,Causticum,Rhus Tox,Arnica,Sulphur

Cerebral Ataxia:Sulphur

Hemiplegia:Causticum (Of any side)


Chorea:Tarentula Hisp

Rheumatic Chorea:Cuprum Met



Of Stump:Allium Cepa

Trigeminal Neuralgia:Mag Phos

Post Herpetic Neuralgia:Mezerium

Facial Neuralgia:Aconite(left sided),Radium Brom (When other medicines



Lead Neuritis:Plumbum Met


Neurofibroma(Von Recklinghausen’s Disease):

Multiple neurofibromatosis,also called Moluscum-soft tumour.It is also

called Infectious type of wart which appear on the skin as a waxy

Silicea,Calc Ars,Bryonia,Kali hydro,Lyco,Nat Mur,Baryta Carb

Neurofibroma on chest,back,abdominal wall:Staphy


Cicuta,Cuprum Met,Nat Sulph and Arnica(H/o fall on the head),Bacillinum

Epileptic Convulsions due to fear:Calc Carb

Petit Mal without Aura:Artemesia Vul,Absinthinum


Due to sadness,shock:Ignatia,Kali Phos

Others:Slaplen Mosch 3 repeatedly




Causticum,Ferrum Met,Plumbum Met

Pseudo hypertrophy,paralysis of leg muscles:Phosphorus

General Dietary Advises:

Almond:Invigorates the nervous system and reduces the cholesterol.

Regular consumption of almonds strengthens the nerves,and tones the

muscles and helps overcome stress,depression and fatigue.

Oats:Oats balances the nerves and lower cholesterol.

Oats provide the most important nutrients for the proper function of
neurons:glucose(released from starch),fatty
acids,phosphorus,lecithin,Vitamin B1.All of these have an invigorating and
stabilizing effect and improve mental performance.

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