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Development and applicability of GBS approach for genomic studies in

Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.)

Article  in  Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology · November 2018

DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2018.1543559


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8 authors, including:

Juan Alfonso Salazar Igor Pacheco

Spanish National Research Council University of Chile


Claudia Silva Patricio Zapata

University of Chile University of Chile


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Development and applicability of GBS approach

for genomic studies in Japanese plum (Prunus
salicina Lindl.)

Juan Alfonso Salazar, Igor Pacheco, Claudia Silva, Patricio Zapata, Paulina
Shinya, David Ruiz, Pedro Martínez-Gómez & Rodrigo Infante

To cite this article: Juan Alfonso Salazar, Igor Pacheco, Claudia Silva, Patricio Zapata, Paulina
Shinya, David Ruiz, Pedro Martínez-Gómez & Rodrigo Infante (2018): Development and
applicability of GBS approach for genomic studies in Japanese plum (Prunus�salicina Lindl.), The
Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, DOI: 10.1080/14620316.2018.1543559

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/14620316.2018.1543559

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Development and applicability of GBS approach for genomic studies in

Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.)
Juan Alfonso Salazar a, Igor Pachecob, Claudia Silvab, Patricio Zapataa, Paulina Shinyaa, David Ruizc,
Pedro Martínez-Gómezc and Rodrigo Infantea
Departamento de Producción Agrícola, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; bInstituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los Alimentos
(INTA), Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile; cDepartamento de Mejora Vegetal, CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, Spain


Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) provides a large quantity of useful data suitable for the Accepted 29 October 2018
identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), facilitating accurate genomic stu-
dies in plant species. In this study, GBS-based SNPs were used to characterise 11 Japanese Japanese plum; breeding;
plum cultivars and to explore their natural allelic diversity in relation to the most important genetic diversity; phenology;
phenology events (flowering date, ripening date and fruit development period) and fruit fruit quality; Prunus salicina;
quality traits (weight, shape, skin and flesh colour, over colour, skin and flesh chlorophyll SNP; sequencing
index, flesh firmness and soluble solids concentration). GBS-based SNPs were shown to be
a powerful tool for genetic diversity and other genomic studies where SNP markers were
related to several traits, particularly for flowering date, ripening date, fruit development
period, skin chlorophyll degradation, flesh chlorophyll degradation and flesh colour. These
results represent a preliminary approach using GBS as a possible breeding tool in current and
new Japanese plum breeding programmes.

Introduction 2012a; Gurcan, Teber, Ercisli, & Yilmaz, 2016; Khadivi-

Khub, Yarahmadi, Jannatizadeh, & Ebrahimi, 2015;
Over the years, the study of phenology and fruit quality
Meng & Peng, 2015; Zeinalabedini et al., 2014). The
traits in stone fruit species including Japanese plum
most widely used molecular markers include amplified
(Prunus salicina Lindl); also known as Asian plum or
fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and microsa-
Chinese plum has been and still is of great interest for
tellites, also called simple sequence repeats (SSRs)
both the fresh market and the canning industry.
(Salazar et al., 2014). More recently, researchers have
Previous studies have been focused on classical genetic
begun to use SNPs with greater frequency (Martínez-
improvement, heritability and trait transmission in pro-
García et al., 2012; Salazar et al., 2017; Zeballos et al.,
genies. The general aim of these studies has been to
2016). Given their considerable genomic abundance
provide a solid guide for selecting individuals within
and bi-allelic codominance, SNPs allow us to obtain
breeding programmes, including how to obtain geno-
higher marker saturation within maps and cover larger
types that are better adapted to biotic and abiotic stres-
areas of the plant genome.
ses (Pacheco et al., 2014; Rousselin et al., 2016) and
The development of genetic maps together with
varieties with exceptional organoleptic quality
deep phenotyping has provided valuable information
(Infante, Reginato, & Hinrichsen, 2011a; Ruiz et al.,
for identifying the QTLs of different traits in the
2010; Salazar et al., 2017).
Prunus genus in species such as almond, apricot,
During recent years, molecular biology has provided
peach and cherry. These tools have also helped us
more robust tools for more deeply studying the genetic
identify candidate genes that provide relevant and
base that determines and controls several phenological
useful information for selection based on molecular
traits in different Prunus species, including flowering
markers (Salazar et al., 2014). In the case of Japanese
date (Castède et al., 2014); the fruit development period
plum, however, there is very little information on
(Salazar et al., 2016); and fruit quality traits like acidity
genetic mapping and QTLs (Salazar et al., 2017).
and sugar content (Desnoues et al., 2016; Wang et al.,
Another recent tool, genotyping by sequencing
2016). Over the last 15 years, the trend has been to
(GBS), provides a great wealth of information that
study variability and genetic diversity as well as genetic
make it possible to identify thousands of SNPs,
map construction and quantitative trait locus (QTL)
which, after adequate filtering, allow us to carry out
identification through molecular markers (Cao et al.,
very precise genetic diversity studies (Gurcan et al.,

CONTACT Juan Alfonso Salazar jasalazar@cebas.csic.es

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2018 The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology Trust

2016). GBS has also made possible to use thousands (IAD) was close to 1 and was also expressed in
of SNPs in the search for marker-trait associations in Julian days. Finally, the fruit development period
Prunus (Bielenberg et al., 2015; Guajardo et al., 2015; was calculated as the difference between flowering
Salazar et al., 2017). Genome-wide association date and ripening date. Descriptive phenology data
(GWAS) is another powerful strategy based on gen- was summarised using INFOSTAT v16.
ome sequencing using thousands of SNPs from any
plant species for genomic association studies (Kujur
Evaluation of fruit quality traits
et al., 2015). Despite the fact that GBS provides major
SNP coverage, this strategy has not yet been applied The following nine fruit quality traits were evaluated:
in many fruit species. This approach has been suc- fruit weight, measured with a digital scale in grams;
cessfully applied, however, in grain crops (Jia et al., fruit shape [elongated (1), heart-shaped (2), spherical
2013), where 916 varieties have been evaluated in five (3) or oblate (4)]; skin colour, determined by visual
different environments, and 512 loci related to 47 observation [green (1), yellow (2), red (3), purple (4) or
agronomic traits have been identified. black (5)]; flesh colour, determined by visual observation
In peach, GWAS has been applied for identifying [white (1), green (2), yellow (3) or red (4)]; skin and flesh
genes related to diseases such as PPV (Mariette et al., colour, (5 and 6) by colorimeter, over colour (7), skin and
2016) and genes related to agronomic (Cao et al., flesh chlorophyll index (8 and 9) measured with
2016b) and fruit quality traits (Cao et al., 2016c; a Minolta Chroma Meter (CR-300, Minolta, Ramsey,
Wang et al., 2016). Nevertheless, the combination of NJ, USA; over-colour, determined by visual observation
GBS-based SNPs and GWAS has not yet been used in [25% (1), 50% (2), 75% (3) or 100% (4)]; and skin
any Prunus species studies. GWAS offers an alterna- chlorophyll index (SIAD) and flesh chlorophyll index
tive approach to using the 9K SNP array developed (FIAD), both measured with a DA-meter device
by the International Peach Genome Initiative (IPGI) (Bonora, Stefanelli, & Costa, 2013; Gottardi et al., 2009;
(Verde et al., 2012). This SNP array was used to Infante, Rubio, Contador, Noferini, & Costa, 2011b).
provide candidate genes related to fruit size in Flesh firmness was measured with a texture-analyser
peach (Cao et al., 2016c). (TA.XT plus, Texture Technologies, Hamilton, MA)
The objective of this work was to apply GBS-based using a 7.9 mm diameter plunger (N), and the soluble
SNPs for genetic diversity and preliminary marker- solids concentration was measured with an ATAGO®
trait association analysis of plant phenology and fruit hand-held refractometer (%). The skin chlorophyll
quality traits in Japanese plum varieties. index, flesh chlorophyll index, firmness and soluble
solids were evaluated at two maturity stages: at harvest
(1) and 4 days after harvest (2). Ten fruits were evaluated
Materials and methods for each cultivar in 2015. Descriptive fruit quality data
Plant material was also analysed by INFOSTAT v16.

The plant material used in this trial consisted of 11

Japanese plum cultivars maintained in the germplasm Genotyping using GBS-based SNPs
collection of the University of Chile, at Santiago. Young leaves for each accession were collected and
Fruit samples were randomly harvested from three lyophilised for DNA extraction, which was carried
plants per each genotype. Most of these genotypes out according to the CTAB procedure described by
were developed by Californian breeding Doyle and Doyle (1987). DNA samples were sent to
programmes (‘Larry Ann’, ‘Black Splendor’, ‘Friar’, the Biotechnology Resource Center (BRC) at Cornell
‘Owen T’, ‘98–99’, ‘September King’, ‘September University (New York, NY). Genotype by sequen-
Queen’ and ‘Angeleno’), while ‘Golden Kiss’, ‘Sun cing (GBS) technology was used to generate DNA
Dew’ and ‘Sapphire’ were developed in South Africa fragment libraries from each genotype by Illumina
(ARC-Infruitec/Nietvoorbij), Stellenbosch. next-generation sequencing platform. ApeKI restric-
tion enzyme was used for cutting the most repetitive
fractions of the genome. DNA samples, common
Evaluation of phenology traits
adaptors and barcode adaptors were digested using
The phenological traits of interest (flowering date, this restriction enzyme for 2 hours at 75°C. The
ripening date and fruit development period) were adapters were ligated to the ends of DNA fragments
determined throughout the years 2016, 2017 and by the addition of ligand buffer with ATP and T4
2018. The flowering date was evaluated every 4 days ligase. Samples were incubated at 22°C for 1 h and
and expressed in Julian days (days after 1 July) until then heated at 65°C for 30 min to inactivate the
50% of the flowers were completely opened (F50). ligase. Finally, restriction fragments from each
The ripening date was determined at commercial library were amplified by PCR. These fragments
maturity stage when the skin chlorophyll index amplified constituted the sequencing library which

were considered suitable for sequencing with at least using a reference p-value of 0.05 and a test of
128 bp (Elshire et al., 2011). 1000 permutations.
FASTQ files (raw sequences), TOPM files (tags on
a physical map), VCF files (an alternative format for
holding SNPs) and filtered Hapmap files (SNP-calling) Results and discussion
were generated as described by Salazar et al. (2017)
Phenotypic evaluation of Japanese plum cultivars
using peach v1 as a reference genome. In that work,
the authors obtained an initial set of 42,909 variants This small variety collection is characterised for their
after SNP calling. In this work, tags from GBS were high heterogeneity and variability as to ripening date,
aligned to peach genome v2 (Verde et al., 2017) obtain- fruit quality or post-harvest performance. Thus, we
ing 43.34% of tags aligned to unique position, 52.86% of can find early or mid-early ripening varieties such as
tags not aligned and 3.8% of tags aligned to multiple ‘Black Splendor’, ‘Owen T’, ‘Sun Dew’, ‘Sapphire’,
positions; these results being very similar to previous ´98–99’, ‘Golden Kiss’, ‘Friar’ and ‘Larry Ann’ or
alignment to peach v1 (Supplementary Table S3). In late ripening varieties such as ‘Angeleno’,
order to perform diversity and association analysis with ‘September King’ and ‘September Queen’. In addi-
highly robust markers, we selected individual SNP calls tion, most of them have a good fruit quality, espe-
(the genotype of each SNP on each accession) generated cially ‘Golden Kiss’, which is characterised by its
from a minimum of six reads. In addition, we selected yellow skin and flesh colour, or ‘Larry Ann’, ‘Friar’
homozygous genotypes generated from reads corre- and ‘Angeleno’, which are characterised by their great
sponding 100% to the same allele, and heterozygous resistance to commercial handling conditions and are
genotypes generated with a maximum of 75% of the well-suited for cold storage. Results showed great
reads corresponding to one of the alleles. From the variability and segregation in the Japanese plum cul-
resulting dataset, we selected polymorphic SNPs with tivars for all the phenology and fruit quality traits
a missing data rate of less than 10%. evaluated (Tables 1 and 2). Among the phenological
traits evaluated, for the flowering date there weren’t
significant differences between genotypes; however,
Genetic diversity evaluation and preliminary
there were differences between years, while for ripen-
marker-trait association
ing date and fruit development period there were
The heterozygosity (H) of each SNP marker and Japanese differences between genotypes, but not between
plum cultivar was calculated as the number of heterozy- years (Supplementary Table S1 and Figure 1). For
gous genotypes divided by all the genotypes analysed. The the rest of the fruit quality traits evaluated in 2016,
power of discrimination (PD) of each SNP marker was there were significant differences between the geno-
calculated as PD = 1 – ∑ g2i, where gi is the frequency of types (Supplementary Tables S1 and S2).
the ith genotype. The genetic diversity study, including The flowering date ranged from that of the early
the distance matrix between genotypes and the clado- flowering cultivars, such as ‘Black Splendor’ and
gram, was calculated by TASSEL v5 using ‘Golden Kiss’ (51 and 52 Julian days, respectively)
neighbour joining (NJ) as a clustering method. Marker- to that of the late flowering cultivars, ‘98–99’ and
trait association analyses between SNPs and agronomic ‘September King’ (67 and 68 Julian days, respec-
traits were performed by TASSEL v5 using the general tively), which bloomed over 2 weeks later, on average
lineal model (GLM). Intersections between phenotypic (Table 1). The ripening date range was even greater,
and genotypic data together with a principal component with a difference of over 2 months (60 Julian days)
analysis (PCA) from the genotypic data were used to between early ripening cultivars like ‘Black Splendor’
calculate phenotype-genotype association by GLM and late ripening cultivars like ‘September King’ and

Table 1. Summary of phenology traits for 11 Japanese plum cultivars in 2016, 2017 and 2018: flowering date (FD), ripening date
(RD) and fruit development period (FDP) in Julian days.
Flowering date Ripening date Fruit development period
Genotype 2016 2017 2018 Average SD 2016 2017 2018 Average SD 2016 2017 2018 Average SD
98–99 76 61 64 67.0 7.9 212 200 206 206.0 6.0 136 139 142 139.0 3.0
Angeleno 63 50 58 57.0 6.6 237 221 223 227.0 8.7 174 171 165 170.0 4.6
September Q 72 58 62 64.0 7.2 259 253 264 258.7 5.5 187 195 202 194.7 7.5
September K 74 61 69 68.0 6.6 259 250 262 257.0 6.2 185 189 193 189.0 4.0
Owen T 64 49 51 54.7 8.1 198 194 195 195.7 2.1 134 145 144 141.0 6.1
Friar 77 53 62 64.0 12.1 219 200 213 210.7 9.7 142 147 151 146.7 4.5
Sapphire 72 43 55 56.7 14.6 204 190 200 198.0 7.2 132 147 145 141.3 8.1
Black Splendor 69 39 45 51.0 15.9 198 180 185 187.7 9.3 129 141 140 136.7 6.7
Larry Ann 72 52 56 60.0 10.6 219 200 206 208.3 9.7 147 148 150 148.3 1.5
Golden Kiss 69 39 47 51.7 15.5 219 197 202 206.0 11.5 150 158 155 154.3 4.0
Sun Dew* 70 — — 70.0 — 200 — — 200.0 — 130 — — 130.0 —
* Data from commercial orchards.

Table 2. Summary of fruit quality traits for 11 Japanese plum cultivars in 2016: fruit weight (FW) in grams; shape (Shape): elongated (1), heart-shaped (2), spherical (3) or oblate (4); skin colour by
visually (SKC): green (1), yellow (2), red (3), purple (4) or black (5); flesh colour by visually (FLSC): white (1), green (2), yellow (3) or red (4); skin colour (SKC(H°)); flesh colour (FLSC(H°)); over
colour (OVC) by visually: 25% (1), 50% (2), 75% (3) and 100% (4); skin chlorophyll index (SIAD): at harvest (1) or 4 days later (2); flesh chlorophyll index (FIAD): at harvest (1) or 4 days later (2); firmness
(Fmax) in Newton: at harvest (1) or 4 days after (2) and soluble solids content (SSC) in %: at harvest (1) or 4 days after (2).
98–99 Angeleno September Q September K Owen T Friar Sapphire Black Splendor Larry Ann Golden Kiss Sun Dew*
Trait Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD Average SD
FW 137.3 11.96 76.54 12.87 119.76 11.72 150.59 14.68 85.96 8.63 116.71 14.1 120.37 14.19 82.89 7.27 146.17 11.79 69.13 6.84 65.00 —
Shape 2 — 4 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 1 — 3 —
SKC 3 — 5 — 4 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 4 — 5 — 4 — 2 — 2 —
FLSC 4 — 3 — 2 — 3 — 3 — 3 — 4 — 4 — 3 — 3 — 3 —
SKC (H°) 15.69 5.17 9.22 4.79 17.5 5.50 24.27 6.94 18.24 3.03 13.78 6.07 12.72 3.91 44.32 106.75 17.73 5.44 94.63 2.53 — —
FLSC (H°) 13.68 3.67 93.27 2.16 105.92 1.43 63.35 14.76 97.33 2.83 101.51 3.89 35.36 6.44 21.11 3.12 85.78 4.36 80.11 2.40 — —
OVC 3.9 0.32 4 — 3.60 0.52 3.50 0.53 4 — 4 — 4 — 4 — 2.90 0.32 4 — 4 —
SIad_1 0.84 0.08 1.27 0.18 1.44 0.09 0.97 0.12 1.26 0.19 1.37 0.18 1.39 0.11 1.58 0.18 1.07 0.13 1.11 0.17 — —
SIad_2 0.52 0.10 1.08 0.17 1.43 0.18 0.86 0.12 1.13 0.09 1.37 0.11 1.22 0.19 1.38 0.12 0.79 0.21 1.07 0.10 — —
FIad_1 0.32 0.17 0.4 0.16 0.94 0.10 0.46 0.09 0.38 0.20 0.45 0.12 0.63 0.14 0.67 0.16 0.31 0.15 0.43 0.19 — —
FIad_2 0.13 0.04 0.52 0.12 0.84 0.19 0.35 0.12 0.32 0.14 0.41 0.15 0.34 0.15 0.45 0.18 0.23 0.18 0.37 0.12 — —
Fmax_1 46.58 7.96 46.61 5.69 49.82 5.11 45.16 3.81 26.32 5.11 34.04 6.19 16.65 3.02 13.8 1.69 48.31 4.99 33.19 4.57 — —
Fmax_2 20.93 12.78 43.9 3.67 48.89 6.20 41.85 3.85 22.68 10.73 30.19 5.57 3.54 5.28 10.18 3.31 43.74 4.56 33.09 2.96 — —
SSC_1 16.36 0.59 18.53 0.58 15.27 1.62 15.78 1.51 16.92 3.09 12.26 1.13 17.04 1.75 13.28 1.09 15.31 0.87 21.53 0.82 — —
SSC_2 16.36 1.59 18.71 1.29 15.95 1.14 15.5 1.09 18.35 1.20 12.33 1.16 17.82 1.83 15.2 1.51 17.34 0.65 21.81 0.90 — —
* Data from commercial orchards.

‘September Queen’. ‘Black Splendor’ and ‘98–99’ The genotypes ‘Owen T’ and ‘Friar’ were also located
showed the shortest fruit development period over in the same cluster, in agreement with the findings of
an average of 3 years, as opposed to ‘September Minas et al. (2015).
King’ and ‘September Queen’, which showed the Genetic matrix distances among the 11 plum cul-
longest fruit development period, which correlated tivars studied, calculated by TASSEL, reached
with the ripening date (Table 1). a maximum value of 0.430 and a minimum value of
Regarding fruit colour, skin colour ranged from 0.253 (Supplementary Table S4). ‘Sun Dew’ was the
yellow (2) in ‘Golden Kiss’ to black in ‘Black genotype with the greatest genetic distance with
Splendor’ (5). Flesh colour ranged from yellow (3) respect to all the others. The cultivars ‘Owen T’ and
to red (4) (Figure 2). In addition, significant chlor- ‘Friar’ showed the lowest genetic distance (0.25),
ophyll degradation in the skin and flesh, measured indicating they are genetically close to each other
indirectly by the Chlorophyll absorption index (IAD), (Supplementary Table S4), as has also been reported
were particularly observed in ‘98–99’ and ‘Sapphire’, by Minas et al. (2015). This result makes sense given
respectively (Table 2). the fact that both cultivars were released by the same
USDA breeding programme in Fresno, CA. In gen-
eral, the genetic distances observed among the culti-
Evaluation of the genetic diversity of Japanese vars tested confirmed the phylogenic relationships
plum genotypes using GBS-based SNPs shown in Figure 2.
To study the genetic diversity of Japanese plum gen- The genetic distances found in this study never-
otypes, we used raw sequences from a plum GBS theless suggest a low level of genetic diversity in
(Salazar et al., 2017). These sequences were aligned comparison to the findings in other studies per-
to the new peach genome v2 (Verde et al., 2017). formed in Prunus salicina. For example, in a study
Furthermore, 7429 SNPs were filtered from calling using AFLP and SSR markers, Tamarzizt, Mustapha,
SNPs above six reads and genotype errors and com- Baraket, Abdallah, and Salhi-Hannachi (2015) found
pletely homozygous and heterozygous SNPs were a genetic distance ranging from 0.18–0.79. The low
discarded. diversity found in the current study may be due to
The heterozygosity of the Japanese plum genotypes the fact that SNPs have a lower level of heterozygosity
assayed ranged from 0.003–0.547 and the SNP het- than other markers like SSRs, as reported in other
erozygosity ranged to 0.09–0.90, while the power of species such as Chinese cherry (Chen et al., 2016).
discrimination (PD) of SNPs reached an average However, the most feasible explanation for this dis-
value of 0.40. The lowest heterozygosity value was tinct result is the fact that we chose a set of cultivars
obtained for ‘Sun Dew’ (0.003), while ‘Angeleno’ based on their importance in the current market,
had the highest score (0.547) (Table 3). Similar results rather than looking specifically for wide genetic
were previously obtained in apricot genotypes using diversity as other researchers have done (Tamarzizt
SNPlex technology (Salazar et al., 2015). et al., 2015). In our case, the results show the poor
Genotypic relationships between cultivars are genetic base of cultivated genotypes, confirming the
shown in the Figure 2 cladogram. The South need to obtain new varieties with different genetic
African varieties ‘Sun Dew’ and ‘Golden Kiss’, the backgrounds in order to be better prepared for cli-
only yellow-skinned genotypes, were placed together, mate change and biotic and abiotic challenges.
and the purple-skinned ‘Sapphire’, also from South
Africa, was located at the opposite end of the same Marker-trait-association using GBS-based SNPs
cluster, which implies a different genetic background.
In the genotype–phenotype association analysis, dif-
ferent markers were linked to several important traits,
Table 3. Heterozygosity of SNP markers and the 11 assayed
Japanese plum cultivars. especially flowering date (FD), ripening date (RD),
SNPs Average Max Min fruit development period (FDP), skin and flesh chlor-
Heterozygosity 0.35 0.90 0.09 ophyll degradation (SIAD_ 1–2 and FIAD_ 1–2) and
Power of discrimination 0.40 0.67 0.17 visually-assessed flesh colour (FLSC) (Table 4).
Genotypes Heterozygosity For flowering date, the most important markers
Golden Kiss 0.436 were located at the end of LG1 and around the mid-
Sun Dew 0.003
Black Splendor 0.362 dle region of chromosome 7, where early flowering
Friar 0.377 seems to be related to CT alleles as opposed to TT
Larry Ann 0.445
98–99 0.345 alleles, which appear to be related to later flowering
Owen T 0.427 (Tables 4 and 5). In addition, LGs 4, 6 and 8 also
Sapphire 0.334
September King 0.385 seem to be related to flowering date (Supplementary
September Queen 0.398 Table S5). Using the whole genome sequencing
Angeleno 0.547
approach by Illumina, Zhebentyayeva et al. (2014)

Figure 1. Gantt diagrams for flowering date (purple bars), ripening date (orange bars) and fruit development period (red bars)
from minimal to maximum values in Julian days for 11 Japanese plum cultivars in 3 years of phenotyping.

studied a peach F2 population segregating for flower- In terms of ripening date, the most important
ing date and placed the most significant locus in LGs markers linked to this trait were S3_20966457 and
1, 4 and 7, but the major QTL signal was located at S4_11138979, with a percentage of variance explained
the lower end of LG1. In any case, it is widely known (R2) between 0.71–0.85. However, we pay special
that the flowering date in Prunus species, including attention on the marker S4_11138979, where the
Japanese plum, is highly dependent on the climatic homozygous allele (GG) is related to early maturity
conditions (Liverani, Giovannini, Versari, Sirri, & (180–219 JD, January), while the heterozygous allele,
Brandi, 2008). Late or early flowering is not always present in ‘Angeleno’, ‘September King’ and
related to an earlier or later harvest, which depends ‘September Queen’, is related to late harvesting
much more on the fruit development period, as we (221–264 JD, end of February) (Tables 4 and 5).
will discuss below. For example, ‘Angeleno’ is the This relationship is quite relevant, because several
earliest flowering genotype within this set, but this major QTLs linked to ripening date have been
same cultivar is almost the latest variety harvested. reported in LG4 in stone fruits such us peach, apricot,

Figure 2. Cladogram of genetic diversity by neighbour-joining trees using cluster analysis based on the mean character
difference distances among 11 Japanese plum cultivars assayed.

Table 4. Marker-trait association by General Linear Model (GLM) in TASSEL v5 for flowering date (FD), ripening date (RD) and
fruit development period (FDP) in 2016, 2017 and 2018 and skin chlorophyll degradation (SIad_1–2), flesh chlorophyll
degradation (FIad_1–2) and flesh colour by visually (FLSC).
Trait Marker Chr Position (Mbp) marker_F marker_df p-value R2
FD_16 S1_42831517 1 42,831,517 9.590 2 0.019 0.771
FD_18 S1_42831517 1 42,831,517 7.117 1 0.044 0.407
FD_16 S1_47165263 1 47,165,263 9.964 2 0.018 0.769
FD_18 S1_47165263 1 47,165,263 6.980 1 0.046 0.324
FD_16 S7_13781041 7 13,781,041 28.246 2 0.002 0.882
FD_17 S7_13781041 7 13,781,041 7.159 1 0.044 0.327
RD_16 S3_20966457 3 20,966,457 19.805 2 0.002 0.773
RD_17 S3_20966457 3 20,966,457 41.660 2 0.001 0.851
RD_18 S3_20966457 3 20,966,457 32.351 2 0.001 0.821
RD_16 S4_11138979 4 11,138,979 30.622 1 0.001 0.725
RD_17 S4_11138979 4 11,138,979 34.731 1 0.001 0.769
RD_18 S4_11138979 4 11,138,979 24.928 1 0.002 0.713
RD_16 S6_18854841 6 18,854,841 24.220 1 0.002 0.698
RD_17 S6_18854841 6 18,854,841 26.326 1 0.003 0.753
RD_18 S6_18854841 6 18,854,841 20.465 1 0.006 0.714
FDP_16 S3_20966457 3 20,966,457 51.201 2 0.000 0.860
FDP_17 S3_20966457 3 20,966,457 33.557 2 0.001 0.863
FDP_18 S3_20966457 3 20,966,457 19.432 2 0.004 0.819
FDP_16 S4_11138979 4 11,138,979 68.205 1 0.000 0.826
FDP_17 S4_11138979 4 11,138,979 33.261 1 0.001 0.786
FDP_18 S4_11138979 4 11,138,979 20.716 1 0.004 0.717
FDP_16 S6_18854841 6 18,854,841 51.294 1 0.000 0.802
FDP_17 S6_18854841 6 18,854,841 19.604 1 0.006 0.713
FDP_18 S6_18854841 6 18,854,841 20.478 1 0.006 0.732
SIad_1-2_16 S6_22121851 6 22,121,851 10.062 2 0.018 0.594
SIad_1-2_16 S6_23309668 6 23,309,668 10.062 2 0.018 0.594
FIad_1-2_16 S4_9698928 4 9,698,928 9.5856 1 0.021 0.487
FLSC_16 S3_8499544 3 8,499,544 16.240 1 0.010 0.574
FLSC_16 S6_29514112 6 29,514,112 49.257 2 0.002 0.897

cherry and plum (Dirlewanger et al., 2012; Eduardo opportunity to design molecular markers useful for
et al., 2011; Salazar et al., 2017), all of them reaching marker-assisted selection in Prunus breeding. The
a very high phenotypic variability explanation so that S4_11138979 marker is also related to FDP just like
even in a small variety collection it could be possible RD where the GT allele from ‘Angeleno’, ‘September
to detect important genetic associations. Our results King’ and ‘September Queen’ coincides with a longer
indicate that the most important ripening date QTL FDP, with at least 2 weeks of difference between
is located in a region of chromosome 4 that is com- different allelic classes (Table 5). However, there is
mon among all Prunus species, suggesting the another important marker in LG6 (S6_18854841)

Table 5. Allelic class of each Japanese plum genotype related to flowering date and ripening date in Julian days for 2016, 2017 and 2018.
Flowering date Ripening date Fruit development period
Marker Year Marker Year Year
Genotype S1_42831517 S7_13781041 2016 2017 2018 Genotype S3_20966457 S4_11138979 S6_18854841 2016 2017 2018 2016 2017 2018
Angeleno CT CT 63 50 58 Black Splendor AG GG — 198 180 185 129 141 140
Owen T CT CT 64 49 51 Owen T AG GG GG 198 194 195 134 145 144
Golden Kiss — CT 69 39 47 Sun Dew AA GG GG 200 — — 130 — —
Black Splendor CT CT 69 39 47 Sapphire AG GG GG 204 190 200 132 147 145
Sun Dew CC CC 70 — — 98–99 AG GG GG 212 200 206 136 139 142
Larry Ann CT CT 72 52 56 Golden Kiss GG GG AG 219 197 202 150 158 155
Sapphire CT CT 72 43 55 Friar AG GG GG 219 200 213 142 147 151
September Queen TT TT 72 58 62 Larry Ann AG GG AG 219 200 206 147 148 150
September King TT TT 74 61 69 Angeleno AA GT AG 237 221 223 174 171 165
98–99 TT TT 76 61 64 Septemb. K AA GT AG 259 250 262 185 189 193
Friar TT — 77 53 62 Septemb. Q AA GT AG 259 253 264 187 195 202

related to FDP, in which a longer FDP (more than and ‘Sapphire’ was very different, because ‘Black
150 days) is related to AG alleles, and a shorter FDP Splendor’ showed completely red flesh, while ‘98–99’
(less than 150 days) is related to GG alleles. In and ‘Sapphire’ are often classified as yellow-fleshed.
another recent association study performed in peach Nevertheless, when ‘Sapphire’ and ‘98–99’ plums are
(Cao et al., 2016b, 2016c), SNPs related to fruit close to ripeness for consumption, their flesh
weight in LG6 were identified that may be associated colour turns from yellow to red. It could, therefore,
with longer or shorter fruit development periods. It, be interesting to study when the anthocyanin and
therefore, seems interesting to study the FW, FDP carotenoid synthesis starts in different genotypes,
and RT traits together to analyse how they behave since those compound families are responsible for
between the different cultivars and in segregating colour of plant tissues in Rosaceae.
populations as well. The putative QTLs we identified as being linked to
Regarding chlorophyll degradation, this process phenology and fruit quality traits in this variety col-
enables us to make an indirect estimation of the phy- lection are similar to the results in previous studies
siological maturity of the plant, which it is highly (Salazar et al., 2017). Determining the QTLs in
correlated to fruit senescence (Azoulay Shemer et al., broader germplasm collections may help us establish
2008; Hörtensteiner, 2006; Singh, Singh, & Swinny, whether QTLs remain significantly stable in the same
2012) at both the skin and flesh level. In the current genomic region between different cultivars within the
study, we found several molecular markers linked to species. The assayed cultivars in this study can serve
this trait in LG6 and LG4. However, the most impor- as model populations from the appropriate parents
tant relationship was found for S4_9698928, in which that provide recombinant seedlings in the potential
the heterozygous allele (AG) is related to a lower flesh QTL regions.
chlorophyll difference between day 1 and 4 (FIAD_1–2
below 0.10) and the GG allele is related to a higher
difference, which means a higher chlorophyll degrada- Conclusions
tion (FIAD_1–2 above 0.10) and fruit senescence as Our results show that GBS-based SNPs are a powerful
well (Tables 4 and 6 and S6). This difference is likely methodology for developing SNP markers for genetic
minimal because a period of only 4 days between diversity studies and markers potentially linked to rele-
maturity states may not be enough to show significant vant agronomic and pomological traits of P. salicina.
chlorophyll degradation (Contador et al., 2016). Thus, GBS provides a large quantity of useful data sui-
Finally, as for FLSC, this trait seems to be related table for the identification of single nucleotide poly-
to LGs 3 and 6, as has been reported in other QTL morphisms (SNPs), which could allow more accurately
studies (Tables 4 and 6 and S6). In LG3, the signifi- and easier marker-trait associations for upcoming asso-
cant marker was S3_8499544, in which yellow fleshy ciation studies in a wider range of varieties and progenies
genotypes are linked to the CC allele, while the red- of P. salicina. In this study, we described different SNP
dish fleshy varieties are related to the CT allele. markers that were related to several important traits,
However, the behaviour of ‘Black Splendor’, ‘98–99’ especially flowering date, ripening date and fruit

Table 6. Allelic class of each Japanese plum genotype related to skin chlorophyll degradation (SIAD_1–2), flesh chlorophyll
degradation (FIAD_1–2) and flesh colour (FLSC by visually and FLSC (H°)).
Skin chlorophyll degradation Flesh chlorophyll degradation Flesh color
Marker Marker Marker
Genotype S6_22121851 S6_23309668 SIad_1–2 Genotype S4_9698928 FIad_1–2 Genotype *S3_8499544 S6_29514112 FLSC (H°)
Friar TT TT 0.00 Angeleno AG 0.00 September CC CC 2 105.95
September CT CT 0.01 Friar AG 0.04 Golden Kiss CC GC 3 80.11
Golden Kiss CC CC 0.04 Golden Kiss AG 0.06 Sun Dew – GG 3 —
September CT CT 0.11 Owen T AG 0.06 Friar CC GC 3 101.51
Owen T CT CT 0.13 Larry Ann AG 0.08 Larry Ann CC GC 3 85.78
Sapphire CT CT 0.17 September AG 0.10 Owen T – GC 3 97.33
Angeleno CT CT 0.19 Septemb K. GG 0.11 September CC GC 3 63.35
Black CT CT 0.20 98–99 GG 0.19 Angeleno CC GC 3 93.27
Larry Ann CT CT 0.28 Black GG 0.22 Black CT GG 4 21.11
Splendor Splendor
98–99 CT CT 0.32 Sapphire GG 0.29 98–99 CT GG 4 13.68
Sun Dew CC CC — Sun Dew GG — Sapphire CT GG 4 35.36
* SNP position from Peach Genome v1.

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