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ASM Handbook, Volume 13A: Corrosion: Fundamentals, Testing, and Protection Copyright © 2003 ASM International®

S.D. Cramer, B.S. Covino, Jr., editors, p42-51 All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1361/asmhba0003583 www.asminternational.org

Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion

D.W. Shoesmith, University of Western Ontario

THIS ARTICLE gives a general introduction The sum of two electrochemical half-reac- amount of corrosion product (MnⳭ) formed. Be-
to the kinetics of aqueous corrosion, with an em- tions, one anodic (such as Eq 1) and one cathodic cause electrons are liberated by the anodic re-
phasis on electrochemical principles. The con- (such as Eq 2), is the overall corrosion reaction: action and consumed by the cathodic reaction,
cept of a corrosion process as a combination of corrosion can be expressed in terms of an elec-
electrochemical reactions is important, because, M Ⳮ Ox r MnⳭ Ⳮ Red (Eq 5) trochemical current (I). Furthermore, the require-
for aqueous corrosion processes, electrochemical ment for mass balance requires that the current
techniques are the predominant methods used in An example is the dissolution of iron in an flowing into the cathodic reaction must be equal
their study to measure rates as well as in the aerated solution: to the current flowing out of the anodic reaction.
development of on-line sensors. The primary Clearly, by inspection of Fig. 1(a), these currents
goal of this article is to introduce the electro- 2Fe Ⳮ O2 Ⳮ 2H2O r 2Fe2Ⳮ Ⳮ 4OHⳮ (Eq 6)
are opposite in sign.
chemical concepts. Readers interested in more By definition, under open-circuit or freely cor-
fundamental details of electrochemistry, electro- Thus, corrosion is the coupling together of roding conditions:
chemical methods, and their application to cor- two electrochemical reactions on the same sur-
rosion processes will find Ref 1 to 4 useful. Ia ⳱ |Ic| ⳱ Icorr (Eq 7)
face. This coupling occurs at a single potential,
known as the corrosion potential (Ecorr). This po- where Ia is the anodic current, Ic is the cathodic
tential will depend on the relative rates of the current, and Icorr is the corrosion current. The
Basis of Corrosion Reactions coupled anodic and cathodic reactions (see sub- short-circuited nature of the overall corrosion
sequent information), and the oxidation state of process means that Icorr cannot be directly mea-
Aqueous corrosion is an electrochemical pro- the dissolved metal cation may change as Ecorr sured on open circuit. Techniques for its mea-
cess occurring at the interface between a material changes. Thus, an oxidant capable of driving the surement are discussed elsewhere in this Vol-
(commonly, but not exclusively, a metal) and an corrosion potential to a more positive value ume. The value of Icorr is a measure of the rate
aqueous solution. For corrosion to occur, an ox- could produce a higher oxidation state of the of the corrosion process and therefore of the rate
idation reaction (generally, metal dissolution metal (e.g., Fe3Ⳮ rather than Fe2Ⳮ). The corrod- of material degradation. The current and the
and/or metal oxide formation) and a reduction ing material-solution combination can be consid- amount of material corroded are related by Far-
reaction (commonly, proton, water, or dissolved ered a short-circuited galvanic cell in which the aday’s law:
oxygen reduction) must occur simultaneously. In energy is dissipated by the consumption of cath- nFw
electrochemical terms, an anodic (oxidation, or odic reagent (oxidant). This situation is illus- I corr t =
Ox) reaction: M (Eq 8)
trated schematically in Fig. 1(a).
To maintain a balance, the amount of cathodic where Icorr is expressed in amps; t is the time of
M r MnⳭ Ⳮ neⳮ (Eq 1) reagent (Ox) consumed must be equal to the exposure to the corrosive environment (sec-

where M denotes a metal and MnⳭ a dissolved

metal cation, is coupled to a cathodic (reduction,
or R) reaction:

Ox Ⳮ neⳮ r Red (Eq 2)

where Ox denotes a soluble oxidant and Red the

reduced form of the oxidant that may or may not
be a soluble species. An example of a cathodic
reagent that produces a soluble product is oxy-
gen reduction:

O2 Ⳮ 2H2O Ⳮ 4eⳮ r 4OHⳮ (Eq 3)

An example of a cathodic reaction producing

a gaseous product is proton reduction:
Fig. 1 Galvanic cells. (a) Schematic illustrating the short-circuit galvanic cell that exists during corrosion. (b) The
coupling of an anodic reaction with two distinct cathodic reactions. The relative anodic (Aa) and cathodic (Ac)
Ⳮ ⳮ
2H Ⳮ 2e r H2 (Eq 4) areas of the corroding surface are also illustrated.
Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion / 43

onds); nF is the number of coulombs (C) re- emergent defects may also exist. Because the co- Thermodynamic Basis for Corrosion
quired to convert 1 mol of material to corrosion ordination number (N) of atoms in these various
product; n is the number of electrons transferred locations differs, that is: The thermodynamic feasibility of a particular
or liberated in the oxidation reaction; F is the corrosion reaction is determined by the relative
Faraday constant (96,480 C/mol); M is the mo-
Nterrace  Nledge  Nkink (Eq 12) values of the equilibrium potentials, Ee, of the
lecular weight of the material in grams (g); and electrochemical reactions involved. These po-
w is the mass of corroded material (g). tentials can be determined from the Nernst equa-
It is possible for the anodic reaction to be sup- there will be a difference in strength of surface
bonding, and atoms will be preferentially re- tion, which, for the two half-reactions, Eq 1 and
ported by more than one cathodic reaction (Fig. Eq 2, can be written:
1b). For example, in oxygenated acidic solu- moved in the order kink, then ledge, then terrace;
tions, the generic corrosion reaction (Eq 1) could that is, surface defects represent potential anodic
( Ee )M Mn+ = ( E 0 )M Mn+ + 2.303 nF log {aMn+ }
be driven by both proton reduction (Eq 4) and sites.
The separation of anodes and cathodes in- (Eq 13)
oxygen reduction (Eq 3). When complex alloys
are involved, the anodic corrosion reaction may duced by these atomic defects is, however, minor
compared to the separations induced by other where the activity of the solid, M, is taken as 1,
also be the sum of more than one dissolution
surface features, such as surface asperity, alloy and:
reaction; that is, the congruent dissolution of a
Ni-Cr-Mo alloy would involve the dissolution of phases, grain boundaries, impurity inclusions,
a 
( Ee )Ox Red = ( E 0 )Ox Red − 2.303 nF log  aRed 
residual stresses due to processes such as cold RT
each alloy component with partial anodic cur-
rents proportional to the atomic fraction of each working, and high-resistance surface oxide  Ox  (Eq 14)
component in the alloy. The corrosion current films. These features can often lead to the sta-
(Icorr) then equals the sum of the component par- bilization of discrete anodic and cathodic sites. to yield for the overall corrosion reaction:
tial currents: The specific combination of a small anode area
and a large cathode area can lead to large dis-
2.303 RT log  aMn+ aRed 
crepancies in anodic and cathodic current den- Ee = ∆E 0 −  
Icorr ⳱ Ia ⳱ ⳮIc (Eq 9) nF  aOx aM  (Eq 15)
sities, that is, to large anodic current densities at
a small number of discrete sites. Such a situation
Additionally, the area and location of the an-
is particularly dangerous when the majority of a where DE 0 is the difference in standard poten-
odic and cathodic sites (Aa and Ac, Fig. 1b) may
metal surface is oxide covered (acting as a cath- tials for the anodic (Eq 1) and cathodic (Eq 2)
be different. As a consequence, although the to-
ode) and only a small number of bare metal sites reactions (available from a table of standard po-
tal anodic and cathodic currents must be equal,
(acting as anodes) are exposed to the solution tentials), R is the gas constant equal to 8.314 J/
the respective current densities need not be:
environment. Such a situation exists during pit- mol • K, T is absolute temperature, n and F are
ting, crevice corrosion, and stress-corrosion as defined in Eq 8, and ai represents the activities
Ia ⳱ ⳮIc; Aa ⬆ Ac (Eq 10) cracking, as illustrated for pitting in Fig. 3. of the various species involved. Because the ac-
Thus, it is clear that aqueous corrosion is a tivity of a solid is 1, aM is eliminated from Eq
And, therefore: complicated process that can occur in a wide va- 15, and it is more common to write the equation
Ia I
riety of forms and is affected by many chemical, in terms of concentration (c):
≠− c electrochemical, and metallurgical variables, in-
Aa Ac (Eq 11) cluding: RT log  cMn+ cRed 
Ee = ∆E 0 − 2.303  
● The composition and metallurgical properties nF  cOx  (Eq 16)
The term I/A is a current density and will be
designated i. of the metal or alloy
This inequality in current densities can have ● The chemical composition and physical prop- The thermodynamics of a particular metal-
serious implications. For a smooth, single-com- erties of the environment, such as temperature aqueous system can be summarized in a poten-
ponent metal surface, the anodic and cathodic and conductivity tial-pH, or Pourbaix diagram, as described else-
sites will be separated, at any one instant, by ● The presence or absence of surface films where in this Volume. The key feature in
only a few nanometers. In general terms, the an- ● The properties of the surface films, such as determining whether or not a particular corrosion
odic and cathodic sites will shift with time, so resistivity, thickness, nature of defects, and reaction can proceed is the difference in equilib-
that the surface reacts evenly as it undergoes coherence rium potentials (Ee) for the two component elec-
general corrosion. At the atomic scale, however,
the surface is not necessarily smooth and is usu-
ally considered to comprise surface terraces,
ledges, and kinks, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Also,
surface defects such as ad-atoms, vacancies, and

Fig. 2 A metal surface on the atomic scale showing the Fig. 3 A small anode/large cathode situation that can exist at a local corrosion site. Aa and Ac are the available anode
existence of kinks, ledges, and terraces and cathode areas; MnⳭ is the corrosion product
44 / Fundamentals of Corrosion

trochemical half-reactions, as illustrated in Fig. odic reagent (cOx) is low, then the rate of trans- 6). As shown, the solubility tends to be at a min-
4. That is: port of the oxidant (Ox) to the cathodic site (step imum at approximately neutral pH and to in-
3 r 2) could be rate limiting. This situation is crease at high and, especially, low pH. At high
( Ee )M Mn+ < ( Ee )Ox Red (Eq 17) quite common for corrosion driven by dissolved pH, solubility is increased by the stabilization of
oxygen that has limited solubility. If the metal hydrolyzed metal cations (i.e., the equilibrium
Thus, the thermodynamic driving force (DEtherm) dissolution reaction (step 1) is reversible, that is, the reaction in Eq 20 is pushed to the right),
for corrosion is given by: the reverse metal deposition (MnⳭ Ⳮ neⳮ r M) whereas in acidic solutions, the oxide/hydroxide
can also occur, then the rate of transport of MnⳭ is destabilized by the increased proton concen-
∆Etherm = ( Ee )Ox Red − ( Ee )M Mn+
away from the anodic site (step 4) could be rate tration (i.e., the equilibrium in Eq 20 is pushed
(Eq 18) determining. to the left). This is a very simplified description
The presence of corrosion films can add many of oxide/hydroxide solubility, and the reader is
It is possible that this driving force could in- additional complications. If the anodic reaction referred to Ref. 5 for a more detailed discussion.
crease or decrease with time if either the con- (step 1) is fast and the transport step (step 4) is Precipitation reactions of this type are likely
centration of available oxidant, cOx, or the con- slow, then local supersaturation with dissolved to produce porous deposits, and corrosion could
centration of soluble corrosion product, cMn+, corrosion product at the corroding surface: then become controlled by the transport of MnⳭ
change with time, as illustrated in Fig. 4 and dis- or Ox (step 6 in Fig. 5) through these porous
(c ) > (c )
cernible by inspection of Eq 16. However, the deposits. By contrast, when coherent, nonporous
most important questions for the corrosion en- Mn+ Mn + sat (Eq 19) oxide films (passive films) form spontaneously
gineer are: How fast does the corrosion reaction on the metal surface by solid state as opposed to
occur, and can it be prevented or at least slowed could lead to the deposition of corrosion product precipitation reactions, then ionic or defect trans-
to an acceptable rate? To answer these questions deposits such as oxides, hydroxides, or metal port processes through the oxide (step 7 in Fig.
and to determine a course of action, it is essential salts. These deposition processes could be ac- 5) would ensure extremely low corrosion rates.
to have some knowledge of the steps involved celerated or prevented by local pH changes due This represents the condition of passivity. The
in the overall corrosion process. to the cathodic reaction (Eq 3) or metal cation presence of defects in the passive film in the
hydrolysis equilibria: form of pores, grain boundaries, or fractures can
Kinetics of Aqueous lead to localized corrosion. Finally, it is possible
( n − y )−
M n + + yOH − ↔ M (OH )y + 2 yH + for the corrosion process to be controlled by the
Corrosion Processes (Eq 20) electronic conductivity of passive films (step 8
in Fig. 5) when the cathodic reaction occurs on
The overall process can be controlled by any The local situation at the corroding surface be- the surface of the film. Using this range of pos-
one or combination of several reactions depicted comes complicated, and the primary parameter
in Fig. 5. The interfacial kinetics of either the governing whether or not corrosion product de-
anodic (step 1) or cathodic (step 2) reactions posits form, aside from the balance between in-
could be rate controlling. Alternatively, if these terfacial kinetics and solution transport, is the
reactions are fast and the concentration of cath- deposit solubility and how it varies with pH (Fig.

Fig. 5 Various possible reaction steps on a corroding

metal surface. Reactions 1 to 8 are defined
in the text.

Fig. 4 The thermodynamic driving force for corrosion across a metal/aqueous solution interface in the presence of a Fig. 6 Solubility of a metal cation as a function of so-
soluble oxidant, Ox. The values of the equilibrium potentials are shown schematically. lution pH
Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion / 45

sibilities, the remainder of this article discusses η = E − ( E e )M Mn+

 αF 
(Eq 28) I a = I o exp  ηa 
some of these processes and the laws that govern  RT  (Eq 30)
them. where E is the experimentally applied potential,
and Ee is given by the Nernst equation (Eq 16), or
with DE0 ⳱ E M 0
. The overpotential is a mea-
Activation Control of Corrosion sure of how far the reaction is from equilibrium. log I a = log I o + 2.303 ηa
At equilibrium (g ⳱ 0; E ⳱ Ee), no measur- RT (Eq 31)

Activation control is the term used to describe able current flows, but the equilibrium is dy-
namic, with the rate of metal dissolution (M r and a plot of log Ia versus ga will yield an inter-
control of the corrosion process by the electro-
chemical half-reactions (Eq 1, 2) and step 1 and MnⳭ Ⳮ neⳮ) (Ia) equal to the rate of metal cation cept from which Io can be obtained and will have
2 in Fig. 5 The overall anodic reaction is the deposition (MnⳭ Ⳮ neⳮ r M) (ⳮIc): a slope with a Tafel coefficient, ba, given by:
transfer of a metal atom from the metal surface RT
to the aqueous solution as the +cation MnⳭ or as Ia ⳱ ⳮIc ⳱ Io (Eq 29) βa = 2.303
αF (Eq 32)
some hydrolyzed+ (M(OH)(yn − y) ) or anion-com-
plexed (MA (yn − yx ) ) form, where complexation is where Io is termed the exchange current for this
A similar procedure could be applied for a suf-
with the anion Axⳮ: electrochemical reaction. The exchange current
is the equivalent of an electrochemical rate con- ficiently large cathodic overpotential (gc) to
stant and is therefore a direct measure of the ki- yield an equal value of Io as well as a value for
+ n+ n+
Msurface → Msurface → Msurface → Msolution (Eq 21) netics of the reaction. The dynamic nature of the the cathodic Tafel coefficient, bc. The values of
reaction at E ⳱ Ee can be appreciated by con- ba and bc contain much information on the mech-
sideration of the partial anodic and cathodic cur- anism of the dissolution/deposition reaction
As indicated in Eq 21, various surface inter-
rents, plotted as dashed lines in Fig. 7. If the steps but are commonly used as empirical coef-
mediates may be involved in the overall anodic
potential is made more positive than the equilib- ficients in corrosion engineering studies. A simi-
dissolution process, although these intermediates
rium potential, then Ia  |Ic| (i.e., the first ex- lar analysis could be performed for a potential
may only be detectable in a detailed electro-
ponential term in Eq 27 increases in value, and cathodic reaction (Eq 2), and Fig. 8 shows the
chemical investigation. Thus, the simplest pro-
the second one decreases), and the metal disso- two current-potential curves on the same plot.
posed mechanism for the anodic dissolution of
lution reaction will proceed. Similarly, if E is The establishment of a corrosion reaction in-
iron under acidic conditions proceeds via the fol-
made more negative than the equilibrium poten- volves the coupling together of the anodic half
lowing steps:
tial, Ia  |Ic|, then metal cation deposition pro- of one reaction to the cathodic half of another.
ceeds. Over a short potential range, the two re- Which reaction provides which half is deter-
Fe Ⳮ H2O } Fe(OH)ads Ⳮ HⳭ Ⳮ e (Eq 22) actions oppose each other, but for sufficiently mined by the relative values of the equilibrium
large overpotentials (ga, anodic; or gc, cathodic), potentials, that is, condition (Eq 17), as illus-
Fe(OH)ads } FeOHⳭ Ⳮ eⳮ (Eq 23) one reaction occurs at a negligible rate; that is, trated in Fig. 4. This coupling of half-reactions
one or the other of the exponential terms in the produces an equation relating the measured cur-
Butler-Volmer equation (Eq 27) becomes negli- rent to the corrosion current, which is similar in
FeOHⳭ Ⳮ HⳭ } Fe2Ⳮ Ⳮ H2O (Eq 24)
gible. In this condition, the overpotential is in form to the Butler-Volmer equation (Eq 27):
the Tafel region (as indicated by point 1 in Fig.
Similarly, the cathodic reaction, for example, 7), and for this positive polarization, the metal   α F η  −α F η 
O2 reduction, proceeds via a sequence of reac- i = icorr exp  a  − exp  c  
dissolution current is given by:   RT   RT   (Eq 33)
tion steps involving intermediates such as hy-
drogen peroxide:

O2 Ⳮ 2HⳭ Ⳮ 2eⳮ r H2O2 (Eq 25)

H2O2 Ⳮ 2HⳭ Ⳮ 2eⳮ r 2H2O (Eq 26)

Either the anodic or cathodic reaction can con-

trol the overall rate of the corrosion reaction.
Electrochemical methods (Ref 6) can be used to
disturb these reactions from their equilibrium
potentials and hence to determine the relation-
ship between current and potential. An example
of the form of this relationship, demonstrating a
metal dissolution/deposition reaction, is shown
in Fig. 7. This curve follows the Butler-Volmer

  αF  F 
I = I 0 exp  η − exp (1 − α ) η
  RT  RT  (Eq 27)

where I is the current; I0 is the exchange current;

F is the Faraday constant; R is the gas constant;
T the absolute temperature; and ␣ is the transfer
or symmetry coefficient, generally taken to be Fig. 7 Current-potential (Butler-Volmer) relationship for a metal dissolution/deposition reaction. The solid line shows
the measurable current; the dashed lines (Ia, Ic) show the partial dissolution/deposition currents; Io is the ex-
0.5. The term g is the overpotential, defined by: change current at Ee; (ga) is the anodic overpotential that would exist if the potential were held at point 1.
46 / Fundamentals of Corrosion

where i and icorr represent current densities (cur- not be measured by coupling the metal to an am- ′ < ∆Etherm
∆Etherm ″ (Eq 39)
rent/surface area), ␣a ⬆ ␣c, and there is no reason meter. However, Ecorr can be measured against a
why ␣a Ⳮ ␣c ⳱ 1, as was the case with the suitable reference electrode by using a voltmeter leading to:
Butler-Volmer equation. Note: From this point with an input impedance high enough to draw
on, current densities (i) rather than currents (I) insignificant current in the measuring circuit. ′ < icorr
icorr ″ (Eq 40)
will be used. Figure 8 shows that the value of Ecorr is deter-
Because this coupling of half-reactions pro- mined by the shape of the current-potential re- that is, the bigger the difference in equilibrium
duces a short-circuited corrosion reaction on the lationships for the two reactions; that is, it is a potentials, the larger the corrosion current. The
surface of the metal, the anodic current due to parameter with kinetic but not thermodynamic anodic activation overpotential for the first re-
a ⳱ Ecorr ⳮ(Ee)a) is less than that for
metal dissolution must be equal and opposite in significance. Because its value is determined by action (gA
sign to the cathodic current due to oxidant re- the properties of more than one reaction, the cor- the second:
duction: rosion potential is often termed a mixed poten-
tial. (η ) ″ > (η ) ′
a (Eq 41)
ia ⳱ ⳮic ⳱ icorr (Eq 34) In the literature, diagrams such as the one in
Fig. 8 are often plotted in the form log i versus
E, and the algebraic sign of the cathodic current The value of DEtherm is not the only parameter
where ia is given by the first term in Eq 33 and controlling the corrosion rate. Figure 10(b)
ic by the second. This coupling together to pro- is neglected, so that the anodic and cathodic cur-
rents can be plotted in the same quadrant (Fig. shows the same situation as in Fig. 10(a) , except
duce equal anodic and cathodic currents can only that the two cathodic reactions possess very dif-
occur at a single potential, designated the cor- 9). Such diagrams are termed Evans diagrams.
The two linear portions in an Evans diagram are ferent polarization characteristics (i.e., relation-
rosion potential, Ecorr, which must lie between ships between current and potential). Despite the
the two equilibrium potentials (Fig. 8), thus sat- the Tafel regions, with slopes given by Eq 30
and the equivalent plot for the cathodic reaction. fact that ( Ee )c″ > ( Ee )′c, the activation overpoten-
isfying the condition in Eq 15: tial ( ηaA )″ < ( ηaA )′, and the corrosion couple with
Sometimes, the nonlinearity close to the equilib-
rium potentials is ignored, and the curves are the largest thermodynamic driving force pro-
(Ee)a  Ecorr  (Ee)c (Eq 35) plotted as totally linear. This approximation ac- duces the lowest corrosion current. Inspection of
knowledges that, commonly, the two io values Fig. 10(b) shows this can be attributed to the
where (Ee)a is equivalent to ( Ee )M/Mn+ and (Ee)c differences in exchange currents, io, and slopes,
are orders of magnitude lower than icorr and
to (Ee)Ox/Red. hence different Tafel coefficients, bc, for the two
therefore have a negligible effect on the scale of
The metal dissolution (anodic) reaction is the Evans diagram. It should be noted that the cathodic reactions. This situation is common for
driven by an anodic activation overpotential: currents plotted in an Evans diagram are the par- active metals in acidic or neutral aerated solu-
tial currents for the anodic and cathodic reac- tions. Even though the thermodynamic driving
ηaA = Ecorr − ( Ee )a (Eq 36) tions, and that the measurable current is the sum force for corrosion is greater in neutral solutions
of these two partial currents (taking into account containing dissolved oxygen, corrosion proceeds
that they are opposite in sign). The value of such more rapidly in deaerated acidic solutions. This
and the oxidant reduction (cathodic) reaction by is due to the slowness of the kinetics for oxygen
a cathodic activation overpotential: diagrams is in their use to illustrate the influence
of various parameters on the corrosion process. reduction and can be appreciated by comparing
the kinetic characteristics for the two processes
ηcA = Ecorr − ( Ee )c (Eq 37)
Figure 10(a) shows an Evans diagram for the
on iron. Thus, (io )H+ H2 ⳱ 10ⳮ3 to 10ⳮ2 A/m2,
same anodic dissolution process coupled to two
different cathodic reactions. Recalling the defi- and (βc )H+ H2 艑 120 mV/decade. By comparison,
Obviously, from Eq 18: (io )O2 H2 O 艑 10ⳮ10 A/m2, and (βc )O2 H2 O  120
nition of DEtherm from Eq 18, the following can
be written: mV/decade.
∆E = ηaA + | ηcA | (Eq 38) Rate Control by the Anodic or Cathodic
Reaction. The overall rate of corrosion will be
controlled by the kinetically slowest reaction,
Two additional observations can be made with
that is, the one with the smallest exchange cur-
regard to Fig. 8. First, DE is sufficiently large
that Ecorr is in the Tafel regions for both the an-
odic and cathodic half-reaction. This is not nec-
essarily always the case, as discussed subse-
quently. Second, the two current-potential curves
are not necessarily symmetrical and seldom have
an identical shape. The shape and symmetry of
the curves are determined by the differences in
io for the coupled anodic and cathodic reactions
and the values of the Tafel coefficients, ba and
bc. In Fig. 8, the metal dissolution/deposition re-
action is shown to have a larger io than the oxi-
dant/reductant reaction, and the anodic and cath-
odic branches are shown close to symmetrical
(i.e., ba  bc). The consequence of the large io
is that the current-potential curve is steep, and
only small values of gA a are required to achieve
large currents. By contrast, the current-potential Fig. 8 Current-potential relationships for a metal dis-
relationship for the cathodic reaction is shallow, solution/deposition process (M } MnⳭ Ⳮ eⳮ)
because io is small, and the anodic and cathodic and an oxidant/reductant reaction (O Ⳮ neⳮ } R) showing
branches are not symmetrical (i.e., ba ⬆ bc). the coupling together of the anodic component of one re- Fig. 9 The current-potential relationships of Fig. 8 plot-
action to the cathodic component of the other to yield a ted in the form of an Evans diagram. Note: The
Because both reactions are occurring on dif- corrosion reaction proceeding at the corrosion potential, solid lines are partial anodic and cathodic currents, not
ferent sites on the same surface,Fig. 1, icorr can- Ecorr measurable currents.
Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion / 47

Fig. 10 Evans diagram for one anodic dissolution reaction coupled (separately) to one of two different oxidant reduction reactions. (a) The two oxidant reduction reactions have
similar kinetic characteristics (i.e., similar current-potential shapes). (b) The two oxidant reduction reactions have very different kinetic characteristics (i.e., very different
current-potential shapes). (c) An anodic dissolution reaction with a large (icorr)a coupled to an oxidant reduction reaction with a small (icorr)c. The currents labeled C1 and C2 show the
effect on log (icorr) and Ecorr of changing the concentration of available oxidant.

rent and/or largest Tafel coefficient. This can be cathodic reaction have little effect on Ecorr at the corroding site (x ⳱ 0), where D is the
appreciated from Fig. 10(c) in which (io)a  (io)c (D(Ecorr)c small) but a significant influence on diffusion coefficient, and cO is the reagent con-
and ba  bc. This leads to a large difference in icorr (Dlog(icorr)c large). Thus, in this example, the centration at point x. Diffusion gradients evolve
activation overpotentials, with: cathodic reaction is the rate-controlling reaction, with time, according to Fick’s second law:
and the anodic reaction is said to be potential
ηaA  ηaC (Eq 42) determining. Such changes in Ecorr can some- ∂cO  ∂2c 
= D 2 
times be used as diagnostic tests for ascertaining ∂t  ∂x  x , t (Eq 44)
This means the cathodic reaction is strongly the rate-determining step, and the maximum
polarized and must be driven significantly to benefit in slowing corrosion can be gained by
and, for non-steady-state conditions (i.e., c/x
achieve the corrosion current. By contrast, the attending to the rate-determining step. Addition-
at x varies with time), conditions are compli-
anodic reaction remains close to equilibrium, re- ally, a measurement of Ecorr and its evolution
quiring only a small overpotential (anodic) to with time provides a simple but only qualitative
General corrosion processes, however, gener-
achieve the same corrosion current. way of tracking the evolution of a corrosion pro-
ally occur under steady-state conditions, because
Under these conditions, the corrosion poten- cess with time.
convective flow of the environment occurs (e.g.,
tial, Ecorr, lies close to the equilibrium potential flow down a pipe). For this situation, a simple
for the kinetically fastest reaction. If the cathodic analysis can be achieved by linearizing the con-
reaction was the fastest, then Ecorr r (Ee)C, and Mass Transport Control centration-distance profile according to the
the anodic metal dissolution reaction would be Nernst diffusion layer treatment (Fig. 11). This
rate controlling. If the kinetics of the two half- The relationships between current and poten- linearization yields a demarcation line at a dis-
reactions were similar (i.e., (io)a 艑 (io)c and ba tial described previously are valid when the tance, d, from the surface such that, for x  d,
艑 bc), then Ecorr would be approximately equi- overall corrosion process is under activation
distant between the two equilibrium potentials, control, that is, controlled by the interfacial rate
and the corrosion reaction would be under mixed of one or the other of the half-reactions (step 1
anodic/cathodic control. This is the situation il- or 2 in Fig. 5). However, if the cathodic reagent
lustrated in Fig. 9. The corrosion of iron in aer- at the corrosion site is in short supply, then mass
ated neutral solution can be used to illustrate the transport of this reagent could become rate con-
point. For the metal dissolution reaction, (io )Fe Fe2+ trolling (Eq 3, Fig. 5). Under these conditions,
艑 10ⳮ4 to 10ⳮ5 A/m2 and (βa )Fe Fe2+ 艑 50 to 80 the cathodic charge-transfer process is fast
mV/decade, whereas for O2 reduction, (io )O2 H2 O enough to reduce the concentration of the cath-
艑 10ⳮ10 A/m2 and (βc )O2 H2 O  120 mV/decade. odic reagent at the corrosion site to a value less
Consequently, O2 reduction should be rate con- than that in the bulk solution. Because the rate
trolling, and Ecorr would lie close to the equilib- of the cathodic reaction is proportional to the
rium potential for iron dissolution. surface concentration of reagent, the reaction
Figure 10(c) also shows the effects of chang- rate will be limited (polarized) by this drop in
ing the kinetics of the two reactions. Such concentration. For a sufficiently fast charge
changes could be caused by increasing the avail- transfer, the surface concentration will fall to 0,
able concentration of cathodic reagent or by in- and the corrosion process will be totally con-
creasing the surface area of available metal. trolled by flux of oxidant to the corroding sur-
Changing the reagent concentration would also face. In the case of one-dimensional transport,
lead to a change in (Ee)c, but this is ignored in this flux (J) can be calculated from the solution Fig. 11 Illustration showing the concentration-distance
Fig. 10(c) for the sake of clarity. Changes in the of Fick’s first law: profile for oxidant O involved in a corrosion
kinetics of the fast anodic reaction are reflected process with a metal in which the overall process is par-
tially controlled by convective-diffusive transport of the ox-
in changes in the value of Ecorr (D(Ecorr)a large) idant to the corroding surface. The dashed-dotted lines
but have little effect on icorr (Dlog(icorr)a small).  ∂c 
J = − D  Ox  show the concentration profile assumed in the Nernst dif-
However, changes in the kinetics of the slow  ∂x  x = 0 (Eq 43) fusion layer treatment.
48 / Fundamentals of Corrosion

the bulk concentration is maintained by convec- For a sufficiently large polarization from equi- = kc cOx

tion. For x  d, the oxidant is assumed to be librium, csOx r 0, the current becomes indepen- nF (Eq 51)
transported to the surface by diffusion only. This dent of potential, and the cathodic current is now
solution layer is termed the diffusion layer, and at the maximum given by Eq 47. where kc can be considered a potential-depen-
its thickness is determined by the local geometry The effect of a number of corrosion parame- dent rate constant for the cathodic reaction.
at the site and the solution velocity (degree of ters for a corrosion process proceeding under Equation 51 could be considered a restatement
convection). Of course, this is an approximation, various degrees of activation/mass transport con- of the Butler-Volmer equation, and the reader is
because the transition from convective flow to trol can be assessed using an Evans diagram, as referred to standard electrochemical text books
diffusive transport is more gradual and not so shown in Fig. 13. Three situations are consid- for more detailed descriptions (Ref 6). Combin-
strictly demarcated. ered. For cathodic curve 1, corrosion occurs with ing Eq 50 and 51 and eliminating csOx yields:
Using this simplified treatment, Eq 43 can be the anodic reaction totally activation controlled
written: (gTa ⳱ gA a ) and the cathodic reaction totally mass  
b  mc kc
transport controlled (gTc ⳱ gCc ), that is, cOx
⳱ 0. icorr = nFcOx  
 ( mc + kc ) 
D s
cOx − cOx
) (Eq 45)
If the solution is now made to flow, the thickness (Eq 52)
of the diffusion layer (d) will decrease, (ic)lim (Eq
where csOx is the oxidant concentration at the cor- 47) will increase and hence so will the corrosion where kc can be considered the activation control
roding surface (x ⳱ 0), and cbO is the concentra- current. The figure shows that Ecorr shifts to a parameter and mc the mass transport control pa-
tion for x ⱖ d. For steady-state conditions, all more positive value, and: rameter.
the oxidant transported down the concentration Whether activation or mass transport kinetics
ηcT = ( Ee )c − Ecorr = ηcA + ηCc (Eq 49) determine the corrosion rate is straight forwardly
gradient to the corroding surface must react elec-
trochemically. If it did not, then the concentra- appreciated by considering the relative values of
tion at the corroding surface would adjust until decreases due to a decrease in gCc . For more vig- mc and kc in Eq 52. For mc k kc, the bracketed
it did. orous stirring, gCc reaches 0, because the flux of term reduces to kc, and the corrosion current is
This condition of mass balance means that the oxidant to the corroding surface is now suffi- activation controlled. For mc K kc, the term re-
cathodic current (expressed in A/cm2) must be ciently large to maintain cOxs
⳱ cOxb
. Again, Ecorr duces to mc, and corrosion would be mass trans-
directly proportional to the flux (expressed in shifts to a more positive value to reflect this de- port controlled.
mol/cm2/s). The proportionality constant is crease in gTc because gcC ⳱ 0. The cathodic re- While Eq 52 may define the relative impor-
given by Faraday’s law (Eq 8) and can be writ- action is now fully activation controlled (gTc ⳱ tance of activation and mass transport control, it
gA does not contain any information on the factors
ten: c ), and further increases in fluid velocity will
not affect the corrosion rate. Such changes in that control mass transport and hence determine
icorr = ic = −
nFDO s
cOx − cOx
) (Eq 46)
Ecorr and icorr with the degree of convection can the value of mc. The dependence of mc on solu-
tion flow rate can be determined experimentally,
be used to indicate whether mass transport con-
trol is operative. If the anodic, as opposed to the and its form varies, depending on the geometry
The corrosion current is equal to the cathodic of the system. In general, this dependence takes
current, because the overall corrosion reaction is cathodic, reaction was mass transport controlled,
then a similar analysis would apply, but Ecorr the form:
controlled by the transport of oxidant to the sur-
face; that is, corrosion can only progress at the would shift to more negative values with increas-
rate that oxidant becomes available. Under lim- ing degree of convection. icorr  f n (Eq 53)
iting conditions, csO r 0, and a maximum trans- More generally, the term DO/d is termed the
port-controlled corrosion current is obtained: mass transport coefficient (mc), and Eq 46 is where f is the flow rate, and n is a constant that
written in the form: depends primarily on the geometry of the sys-
nFDOx b
(ic )lim = (icorr )max = cOx tem. For flow over a flat plate, n is 0.33 for lam-
δ (Eq 47) icorr
= mc cOx
− cOx
) (Eq 50)
inar flow (smooth, Re  2200), where Re is the
When corrosion is occurring at this limiting rate, Reynold’s number (defined subsequently).
the rate can only be increased or decreased by The variation of mc depends not only on flow
An equation for the corrosion rate under ac-
varying either the bulk concentration of oxidant, rate but also on properties such as the kinematic
tivation control can also be written in the sim-
cbOx, or the thickness of the diffusion layer, d. viscosity of the fluid (m), the diffusion coefficient
plified form:
This limitation on corrosion rate is termed of the species (D), as well as the geometry of the
concentration polarization and is illustrated in system. These effects can be specified using di-
the Evans diagram in Fig. 12. For a small shift
of the potential away from the equilibrium po-
tential (point 1), csOx ⳱ cbOx, and there is no lim-
itation on reagent supply. The current remains in
the Tafel region; that is, charge transfer is still
rate controlling, and the overpotential is purely
an activation overpotential (gA c ). For a larger
shift of potential from (Ee)c, csOx  cOxb
(point 2),
and the current is less than expected on the basis
of activation control; that is, the current follows
the solid line as opposed to the dashed-dotted
line. Under these conditions, the current is partly
activation and partly transport controlled, and
the total overpotential (gT) is the sum of an ac-
tivation (gA) and a concentration (gC) overpo-
Fig. 12 Partial Evans diagram (i.e., showing only the Fig. 13 Evans diagram showing the influence on Ecorr
partial current for the oxidant reduction reac- and log (icorr) of changing the transport rate of
gT ⳱ g Ⳮ gA C
(Eq 48) tion) for mixed activation-concentration polarization oxidant O to the corroding surface
Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion / 49

mensionless parameters such as the Reynold’s; of the anodic (metal) dissolution product (step 4 Kinetics of
Re; and Schmidt, Sc, numbers given by: in Fig. 5) also affects the corrosion rate but in a Corrosion of Passive Metals
different way. If dissolved metal ions are allowed
L to build up at the corroding surface, supersatu-
Re = f ration of solid oxides/hydroxides can occur, The formation of a passive film (step 7 in Fig.
ν (Eq 54) 5) can have a large influence on the corrosion
leading to film formation reactions (step 5 in Fig.
ν 5). These corrosion product deposits will form rate. Passivation becomes thermodynamically
Sc = possible when the corrosion potential exceeds
D (Eq 55) at a rate determined by the rate of the corrosion
process and the solubility of the metal cations in (becomes more positive than) the potential cor-
the particular exposure environment. Determin- responding to the equilibrium between the metal
The Reynolds number is a measure of the ratio and one of its oxides/hydroxides:
of convective to viscous forces in the fluid, and, ing their influence on the corrosion rate is not
for laminar flow down a pipe, L is a character- simple. A key feature is the porosity of the de-
posit (e), because this determines the area of Ecorr  (Ee)M/MO (Eq 59)
istic length. The Schmidt number quantifies the
relationship between hydrodynamic and diffu- metal left exposed and also reduces the diffusion
coefficient of both the anodic dissolution product Inspection of the Pourbaix diagram for the metal/
sion boundary layers at the corroding surface. metal oxide/aqueous solution system shows that
Thus, it can be shown that for flow over a and the cathodic reagent by a factor directly pro-
portional to the porosity. The pores are also this condition moves Ecorr into the oxide stability
smooth, flat, corroding surface: region, as illustrated in Fig. 16 for the iron/iron
likely to be nonlinear, and their effective length
will be greater than the thickness of the deposit. oxide/water system. For point 1, Ecorr 
(icorr )max = 0.62nFDOcOb ( Re)α (Sc )β (Eq 56) The diffusion coefficient will, therefore, also be (Ee)M/MO, and corrosion of the bare metal is ex-
attenuated by a tortuosity (s) factor. The effec- pected, while, for point 2, Ecorr  (Ee)M/MO, and
tive diffusion coefficient (Deff) will be given by: the metal should be oxide covered and passive.
where ␣ and b are numerical constants that de- It should be noted that experimentally measured
pend on the geometry of the system and the con- primary passive potentials inevitably do not cor-
vective flow conditions. Deff ⳱ esDOx (Eq 57)
respond directly with these thermodynamically
Smooth, laminar flow can only be achieved up determined potentials, because kinetic as well as
to a certain Reynold’s number or flow rate, f, if This situation is illustrated schematically in Fig.
15, and Eq 45 for the corrosion rate could be thermodynamic effects are involved in oxide
L and m are constant, beyond which the flow be- film formation.
comes turbulent, and the dependence of icorr on rewritten to yield:
The current-potential or polarization curve for
flow rate increases. For still higher rates, acti- nF ετDOx s the anodic process is shown in Fig. 17 and can
vation control can be achieved (mc k kc), and icorr =
(cOx − cOx
) (Eq 58) be divided into a number of regions. In region
the corrosion rate becomes independent of flow AB, the active region, metal dissolution is un-
rate. This behavior is illustrated in Fig. 14. The impeded, because no passive film is present. Be-
where corrosion is only occurring on a fraction
solid line shows the effect of flow rate when the cause such polarization curves are usually re-
(eA) of the original exposed metal area, A, and l
corrosion reaction is fast (kc large), and a large corded under activation control conditions, local
is the thickness of the corrosion product deposit.
flow rate is required to achieve activation control supersaturation leading to the deposition of cor-
It should be noted that this represents a very sim-
(mc k kc). The dotted line shows the behavior rosion products (discussed previously) is gener-
plified discussion of what could be a much more
expected for a slow corrosion reaction (kc small), ally assumed not to influence the active disso-
complicated process.
when only a small flow rate is required to lution of the metal. However, for real corrosion
achieve activation control. conditions, and especially for reactive metals
such as iron, the current in this region could be
suppressed by corrosion product deposits, as dis-
Influence of cussed previously. For the purposes of the pres-
Corrosion Product Deposits ent discussion, it is assumed that this does not
occur. For active dissolution, therefore, the cur-
Thus far in the discussion of transport effects,
only the transport of the cathodic reagent (step
3 in Fig. 5) has been considered. The transport

Fig. 15 Schematic illustrating how the presence of a

corrosion product deposit influences the cor-
rosion of an underlying metal by limiting both the area of Fig. 16 Simplified Pourbaix (equilibrium potential-pH)
Fig. 14 The influence of solution flow rate on the cor- exposed metal and the diffusion of oxidant to the corroding diagram for the iron-water system. The upper
rosion rate (expressed as a current) showing the surface. D, diffusion coefficient; e, porosity; s, tortuosity dashed line shows the potential for H2O in equilibrium
response in different flow regimes factor; A, area with O2.
50 / Fundamentals of Corrosion

rent should conform to the Tafel relationship (Eq protection, and an outer recrystallized layer that the steady-state current at each potential is a bal-
30), and its extrapolation back to (Ee)a would confers little extra corrosion protection and is ance between oxide formation at the metal-oxide
yield a value of (io)a. composed of hydrated metal species. This outer interface and dissolution/recrystallization (to the
At a potential B, shown in Fig. 17 to coincide layer may not exist in acidic solutions in which outer hydrated layer) at the oxide-solution inter-
with (Ee)M/MO (although, as noted previously, the metal cations are highly soluble (Fig. 6). face. Reference 7 provides more extensive dis-
this is rarely the case experimentally), there is a Considerable experimental evidence exists to cussions.
departure from the Tafel relationship, leading support this structure. For high anodic potentials, the observed be-
eventually to a decrease in current to a low value. Oxide growth is assumed to occur by the havior depends on the nature of the metal and
The electrode is said to have undergone an ac- transport of defects through the film under the the properties of the oxide film. For metals that
tive-to-passive transition and, by point C, has be- influence of the electric field that exists within form insulating oxides (e.g., aluminum, tita-
come passive. The potential at point B may or the oxide. The nature of the defect depends on nium, zirconium), the films continue to thicken
may not correspond to the potential (Ee)M/MO. the metal/alloy and the nature of the growing with increasing potential, and low passive cur-
Thermodynamics demands only that the condi- oxide. However, the key vacancies are anion va- rents are maintained. For other metals, for ex-
tion in Eq 59 be satisfied. The maximum current cancies (Vo⋅⋅ ) created at the metal-oxide inter- ample, iron, chromium, nickel, and materials
achieved immediately before the transition is face, cation vacancies (Vm) created at the oxide- such as stainless steels and nickel-chromium al-
termed the critical passivating current (icrit). The solution interface, and cation interstitials created loys, oxygen evolution can occur on the outside
potential at which the current falls to the passive at the metal-oxide interface. The general obser- of the passive film once the potential exceeds
value is called the passivation potential (Epass), vation that the current in the passive region is point E (Fig. 17):
and it corresponds to the onset of full passivity. independent of potential can be interpreted in
For gold, silver, and platinum, the passivation terms of this model. As the potential is increased 2H2O r O2 Ⳮ4HⳭ Ⳮ 4eⳮ (Eq 60)
potential is close to (Ee)M/MO, but for most other through the passive region, a progressive thick-
metals, it is much more positive than this equi- ening of the oxide occurs, such that the electric For this reaction to occur, the film must be elec-
librium value. field within the oxide remains constant. Thus, tronically conducting. This is possible because
For E  Epass, the metal is said to be in the
passive state, and the current is very low. A com-
parison of critical currents to passive currents
puts the industrial importance of passivity into Outer
perspective. Critical passivating currents (ex- Metal Barrier layer layer/solution
pressed as current densities) can be as high as
tens of mA/cm2, while passive currents can be
as low as nA/cm2. Consequently, from the in- (1) Mm
dustrial corrosion perspective, the establishment (8) Cation vacancy transport (4) M(x+y)+
M Mm Vm
of passivity is an important feature.
A detailed discussion of the properties of pas- Creation of lattice cation
sive films is beyond the scope of this article (see Oxidative dissolution
the article “Passivity” in this Volume). A number
of theories exist to explain the growth kinetics
and properties of oxide films, but the discussion
of one of them, the point defect model (Ref 7), (2)
serves to illustrate the critical features of the cur- Mm
rent-potential behavior in the passive region. The Vo··
(9) Anion vacancy transport (5)
essential features of this model are shown sche- Vo·· O2– H2O
matically in Fig. 18. The film is assumed to be
composed of an inner barrier layer, whose insu- Lattice cation creates 2H+
lating properties provide the essential corrosion anion vacancy (Vo··)

Elimination of
oxygen vacancy

M xi + (6)
M M xi + M(x+y)+

Cation interstitial creation

Oxidative dissolution

MOx/2 Mx+ + H2O

xH +

Chemical dissolution

Fig. 17 Polarization curve for a metal that undergoes

active-to-passive and passive-to-transpassive
transitions Fig. 18 Schematic description of the point defect model for the growth of a passive oxide film
Kinetics of Aqueous Corrosion / 51

the passive films formed are thin (nanometers) and, on normal industrial time scales, free of cor- region. However, in the presence of extremely
and possess semiconducting properties. The rosion: strong oxidizing agents, it is possible for Ecorr to
dashed-dotted line in Fig. 17, in the potential re- become sufficiently positive that physical insta-
● The equilibrium potential for the cathodic re-
gion D to E, corresponds to the phenomenon of bilities in the oxide become feasible. These mi-
action ((Ee)c) must be greater than the passi-
transpassivity. In this region, the oxide film be- nor film breakdown events can lead to many
vation potential (Epass).
gins to dissolve oxidatively, generally as a hy- forms of localized corrosion if allowed to sta-
● The cathodic reaction must be capable of
drolyzed cation in a higher oxidation state than bilize. A discussion of these processes is beyond
driving the anodic reaction to a current in ex-
that which exists in the film. An example would the scope of this article, but the danger in frac-
cess of the critical passivation current, icrit, in
be the dissolution of chromium, present in the turing the passive film can be appreciated from
Fig. 17.
passive film on stainless steels as CrIII, as CrVI a consideration of the extrapolation of the anodic
in the form of CrO2ⳮ 4 . While transpassive dis- Three possible situations are shown in the active region, shown by the dashed-dotted line
solution, starting at point D, and O2 evolution, Evans diagram in Fig. 19. The solid line shows in Fig. 19. If the oxide did not form, then this
starting at point E, are shown as clearly separated the anodic polarization curve, and lines 1, 2, and extrapolation shows that currents at positive po-
in Fig. 17, they often occur together, and a dis- 3 show the cathodic polarization curves for three tentials would be very large. Thus, breakdown
tinct transpassive region cannot be observed. different cathodic half-reactions (On Ⳮ neⳮ r of the passive film at a local site within the pas-
When coupled to a cathodic reaction in a cor- Rn). sive region would lead to an extremely high local
rosion process, a number of criteria must be sat- For cathodic reaction 1 (Fig. 19), (Ee)c1  current density and the possibility of deep local-
isfied if the metal is to be in the passive region Epass. Because the corrosion potential must lie ized corrosion of the metal.
between (Ee)a and (Ee)c1 for the two reactions to
form a corrosion couple, the required condition REFERENCES
for passivation, Ecorr  Epass, cannot be achieved.
Therefore, Ecorr remains in the active region, and 1. J.H. West, Electrodeposition and Corrosion
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curves intersect at an anodic current icrit. 3. L.L. Shreir, R.A. Jarman, and G.T. Burstein,
Again, Ecorr  Epass, and the metal corrodes in Ed., Metal/Environment Interactions, Corro-
the active region at an even higher current than sion, Vol 1, 3rd ed., Butterworth/Heinemann,
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tions (Ee)c3  Epass and i  icrit are both met. As Ed., Corrosion Control, Corrosion, Vol 2, 3rd
a consequence, Ecorr  Epass, and the metal pas- ed., Butterworth/Heinemann, 1994
sivates, with the corrosion current equal to the 5. C.F. Baes and R.E. Mesmer, The Hydrolysis
passive dissolution current. of Cations, John Wiley and Sons, 1976.
It is clear from this discussion that mild oxi- 6. A.J. Bard and L.R. Faulkner, Electrochemical
dizing agents (DEtherm ⳱ (Ee)c ⳮ (Ee)a small) Methods: Fundamentals and Applications,
could leave the material susceptible to corrosion, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons, 2001.
Fig. 19 Effect of various cathodic reactions on the cor-
and strong oxidizing agents (DEtherm large) are 7. D.D. Macdonald, Pure Appl. Chem., Vol 71,
rosion current and potential for a metal capa-
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