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Importance of Energy conservation

The earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs but not every man’s greed said Gandhiji. Hard
facts on why energy conservation is a must are outlined below.
 We use energy faster than it can be produced - Coal, oil and natural gas - the most utilised sources take
thousands of years for formation.
 Energy resources are limited - India has approximately 1% of the world’s energy resources but it has 16%
of the world population.
 Most of the energy sources we use cannot be reused and renewed - Non-renewable energy sources
constitute 80% of the fuel use. It is said that our energy resources may last only for another 40 years or
 We save the country a lot of money when we save energy - About 75 per cent of our crude oil needs are
met from imports which would cost about Rs.1, 50,000 crores a year
 We save our money when we save energy - Imagine your savings if your LPG cylinder comes for an extra
week or there is a cut in your electricity bills
 We save our energy when we save energy - When we use fuelwood efficiently, our fuelwood
requirements are lower and so is our drudgery for its collection
 Energy saved is energy generated - When we save one unit of energy, it is equivalent to 2 units of energy
 Save energy to reduce pollution - Energy production and use account to a large proportion of air pollution
and more than 83 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions
An old Indian saying describes it this way - The earth, water and the air are not a gift to us from our
parents but a loan from our children. Hence we need to make energy conservation a habit.
Types of Data collection:
1. Primary Data: A primary data source is an original data source, that is, one in which the
data are collected firsthand by the researcher for a specific research purpose or project.
Primary data can be collected in a number of ways. Primary data collection is quite
expensive and time consuming compared to secondary data collection.
2. Secondary Data: Secondary data refers to data which is collected by someone who is
someone other than the user. Common sources of secondary data for social science
include censuses, information collected by government departments, organizational
records and data that was originally collected for other research purposes.
One of the most noticeable advantages of using secondary data analysis is its cost-
effectiveness. Because someone else has already collected the data, the researcher does not
need to invest any money, time, or effort into the data collection stages of his or her study.
While sometimes secondary data must be purchased by a researcher looking to use it to inform
a study they’re working on, these costs are almost always lower than what the expenses would
be if the researcher were to create the same data set from scratch. Also, the data from a
secondary data set is typically already cleaned and stored in an electronic format, so the
researcher can spend his or her time rolling up their sleeves and analyzing the data instead of
spending time having to prepare the data for analysis.
We people waste a lot of energy in our daily usage either by not turning the lights off when not in use or
by utilizing old and inefficient appliances that consume a large amount of energy or by not switching off
the vehicle engine when the light is really long. Energy needs to be conserved not only to cut costs but
also to preserve the resources for longer use.

As of today, most of the energy is generated from coal powered power plants. These plants do generate
energy but also pollute the environment by emitting harmful gases in the atmosphere. These toxic gases
are just not only harmful to the environment but also cause serious health concern to humans and
animals. Every year millions of people die due to the presence of toxic substances in the air that we
breathe. Air pollution, therefore, is one of the serious environmental issues that we are facing today.

Resources that are available to us today should be used economically to conserve them for future use
since they are limited and will expire one day. The sad part is that we, humans, have been using these
resources at such a high rate that we might end up using them much sooner. These resources such as
coal, oil and gas are not sustainable. They might not be available for the coming generation. We,
therefore, have a responsibility in hand to conserve and save energy as much we can to make it
available for our kids and protect our environment from further degradation.
Aims and Objectives

1. To understand the harmful effects of non-renewable sources of energy.

2. To understand the growing need for energy conservation in India.
3. To understand the state's approach towards energy conservation.
4. To understand the ways to attain complete sustainability in energy.
5. To understand the means of energy conservation.
6. To understand the efficiency of alternatives.
7. To understand the benefits of energy conservation to the economy.
The Following are Some of the Major Benefits of Energy Conservation:

1. Helps us Save Money.

One major reason why the conversation of energy is important is because of the money that it saves. It
is vital that we agree to some money-saving measures and techniques, especially when the global crisis
is hitting all of us. It is more likely that we can save lots of money by using energy conservation products.
Heating appliances, as well as lighting equipment such as energy saving bulbs, are a few examples of
products that can help us save hundreds of dollars.

We may feel that replacing older appliances with newer and more efficient models may cost more
money, but in actuality, the cost that we pay for the appliances pay is much less when we compare the
amount of money that we save from lower energy bills.

2. Energy Conservation Products Have a Longer Life Span.

Energy conservation products like CFLs, low voltage bulbs and other electronic items usually have a
longer life span in comparison to the usual bulbs and electronic items. The longer life span helps in
reducing the overall cost as well as maintenance time.

3. Decreases Air Pollution

When coal or other fossil fuels are burnt to produce energy, various kinds of gases and other fine
particles get released in the air. If we do not control these emitted substances, they can easily pollute
the environment and damage our health as well.

4. Helps us Being Safer and Have Better Health.

By cleaning our appliances frequently, we can make our houses, even more, energy efficient. By making
our home bacteria and dirt free, we can guarantee better indoor air circulation. This also helps in
eliminating the chances of diseases.

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