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1. Why are the pilgrims going to Canterbury?

a. To see a medieval mystery play
b. To worship the relics of Saint Thomas Becket
c. Because they are tourists
d. To meet King Henry III
2. Who marries Emelye in the Knight’s Tale?
a. Arcite
b. Saturn
c. Palamon
d. Theseus
3. What does Chanticleer dream?
a. That Pertelote will desert him
b. That he will be taken away by an orange, hound like creature
c. That his friend will be murdered
d. That he will be killed by a wolf
4. According to the Wife of Bath, what do women most desire?
a. True love
b. Great wealth
c. Sovereignty over their husbands
d. Perfect beauty
5. Who are the three men searching for in the Pardoner’s Tale?
a. The Wandering Jew
b. Death
c. Greed
d. Jesus Christ
6. Which of the following tales is a fabliau?
a. The Nun’s Priests Tale
b. The Miller’s Tale
c. The Knight’s Tale
d. The Wife of Bath’s Tale
7. What is the moral of the Nun’s Priest’s Tale?
a. Never trust a flatterer.
b. Slow and easy wins the race.
c. Beauty lies within
d. Greed is the root of all evil.
8. When does The Canterbury Tales take place?
a. During the Norman invasion
b. In the late fourteen century
c. In the Renaissance
d. In pre-Christian Britain
9. What was Chaucer’s profession?
a. Noble
b. Merchant
c. Civil servant
d. Poet
10. How many Canterbury Tales are there?
a. 80
b. 50
c. 24
d. 16
11. Which tales take place in the Orient?
a. The Prioress’s Tale and the Knight’s Tale
b. The Miller’s Tale and the Clerk’s Tale
c. The Man of Law’s Tale and the Squire’s Tale
d. The Wife of Bath’s Tale and the Nun’s Priest’s Tale
12. Which tale is about a talking falcon?
a. The Franklin’s Tale
b. The Squire’s Tale
c. The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
d. The Canon’s Yeoman’s Tale
13. Which tales are about the patient suffering of women?
a. The Man of Law’s Tale, THE Clerk’s Tale, and the Physician’s Tale
b. The Tale of Melibee, the Parson’s Tale, and the Friar’s Tale
c. The Knight’s Tale, the Cook’s Tale, and the Nun’s Priest’s Tale
d. The Wife of Bath’s Tale and the Prioress’s Tale
14. Which pilgrim has a forked beard?
a. The Summoner
b. The Merchant
c. The Physician
d. The Reeve
15. What does the Squire wear?
a. Green and peacock-blue hunting gear
b. A beaver hat
c. A velvet doublet and hose
d. Cloth embroidered with flowers
16. What does the Man of Law refuse to tell a tale about?
a. Murder
b. Blackmail
c. Incest
d. Christians
17. The Wife of the Bath suffers, a little, from which ailment?
a. Leprosy
b. Deafness
c. Muteness
d. Blindness
18. How many husbands has the Wife of Bath had?
a. 2
b. 5
c. 4
d. 3
19. The Wife of Bath’s fifth husband is named?
a. Jankin
b. Theseus
c. January
d. Absolon
20. Who are Arcite and Palamon in love with?
a. Each other
b. Theseus
c. Absolon
d. Emelye

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