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Framingham Police Department 41 Wiliam Welch Way Framingham, MA 01702 Supplement Report lsoceaa a = lesasiae5 is so ouNTAIN ST, BANCROFT FOUNTAIN REALTY, Franinghan WA 61702 eS SE lreotved: Robert Solon, 6/2/62, DelIBrook 2S, 1 Adans Place, Quincy, MA ‘ony Desousa, TCT Roofing, 58 ari Street, Franinghan, Pedro DeAlneide-concalves, 5/10/98, 65 Siding, 16 Colonial Drive, Wilford, mt 791-820-0358 canta vesoura, 12/20/94, 6S Siding, 1294 Concord St, Unit 38, Framingham, MA on Septenter 26, 2019 1, Detective Stacey Macsudda, responded to 59 Fountain Street for an lsndostrial accident; reported that @ worker had fallen through the roof, Z arraved at approxinately 30 pn. r Anitially spoke with fe. Robert Solon. fr. Solon 15 the senior Superintendent of the lob site and in charge oF the entire project. Mr. Solon reported that prior to ovr arrival he nas Hriagged doun by severe enployecs on the site and he could tell there une sone tort Of soargoncy Ime'ran into the white building (labelled #61) and observed a male enployee (Later identified 23 ) lying on the ground on his side. He rolled hie over. sr. Solon ha recently [been trained in CPR and perforned 2 sternum rub. le said the male gasped but they did not Find a Jpsise so ne began chest compressions while someone called 911.” At fone point, the wale began what (tas described se agonal bresthsne and Nr. colon found a pulse however the male was not eoving or esponding. Officers Loud, Hencry, Winkionan, Mangano and Lurie arrived en scene and condicted 1iFe latter speaking with Mr. Solon 1 was directed to Hr. Tory de Sousa. T was advised by Hr Solon that Ine. be Sousa uas in charge of the roofing project. Descusa oans TCT Roofing. He advised ne that he is'supervising the project that was in question. He advised ne that the worker that was Anjured wes provided by 2 subcontractor, GS Siding and brought we to the foreman in charge of the injured party, TSO = Saar CTEM (ses — a Taso FC Tet 2 Supplement Report (Continuation) [Pedro DeAineids-Goncalves. edo stated he left at 1:00 pr and at that tine all three men on the roof vere hamnessed and safe. Ine did not nave much inforaation regarding the injured party 26 he sid it was "hind or [fourth day on the Job." Ho said the exployees were provided by 6S Siding which wae a comary owned by Pedro's ude. when 1 asked Pedro for inforsation regarding the injured male, he said tat. ie rY jife's business x don't know. I asked Pedro if could speak with his wife and he said she was on ner way from their hone in Milford, MA. He explained that the male was new and related to some jnorker on another jb sit laporoxinatoty an hour after our arrival Camilla DeSouza arrived’on the scans. She advised a2 that lshe is the cicen oF 58 Siang Inc, and she had provided the thres workors that had been on the roof, linetuding santos. 1 asked her tor his inforsstion ae well as any family contact dnfornation and she Iresponded by saying "X don't know really know Ais nare or anything about hin, we are crying his out, lits his third day, 1 don"t even know Af he has an OStA card T didnt get ary” information on hia lyet.” ‘conitta could not provide ory nfornstion on Santos and advised we she did nat have Shy lpsperuork at her hone’ or office for hin as they vere trying hin out before deciding if they wanted lte hire hin. losua was notified and responded to the scene. lon sestenber 25, 2019 1 was advised by Hr. Solon +h [SISSIES aaa Oa Sar cao So [es 5 7S — [or eS TTT areas FoF 2 Framingham Police Department 41 Wiliam Welch Way Framingham, MA 01702 Offense/Incident Report peat ie reoeconsTon one eee i Taye | ca | Cae {so rounratn ST, BANCROFT FOUNTAIN REALTY, Franinghan RA 0172. Inicidhese ee lon tuesday 9/24/2018 1, OFFicer Christopher Hendry, 1s working the dayshift. At approximately lasushes 1 and officer 3. Lurie vere dispatched to 49 Fountain Street Zar a report of 2 fale who fell lspproxinstety twenty fect. from a roof and wes unconscious, not Breathing, and Bleeding fron the need. ouspaten odvised that CPR had been Snitsated by workers on scene, Officers Lous, Kinkelman, — | Jana Mangano were nearby and all aiso responded to the Scene jorricer Loud was First on scene and requested the other Officers bring the AED. The workers had stopped CoR prior to our arrival. officer Loud Janadistely reinitsated CPR. officer Winkelman, ftengano and X a11 then arrived. Officer winkelnan began to get the AED set up while Officer Loud cut lene victin's shire. officer Loud continued Ch wnsle Officer hangano epplied the AED patenes. Folioring AED: prompts CPR was stopped uhile the AED analyzed the victin. The AED stated 2 shock Was lacvised and officer Mangano ensured the scene was cleared and pressed the button delivering he hock. Officer Loud then inmediately continued sdsinistering CPR uhile Officer Mangano celiveres [neseuc breaths utiltzing an Anbusag. The AED then directed to stop CPR for it 0 analyze. Ae this [cine we observed the vievis te soe ue Sesthing and Gfficer Loud evrfirned « pulse. the first lparanegse then arrived on scone and had a "scoop" backboard. With arristance fron all first Irespanders on scene the scoop vas placed arcund the victin and connected. The Franinghan Fire lbepartnert then arrived and cleared an exdt path out of the building and to the arbulance, ALL first responders then assisted in carrying the victim ot of the building and to the anbulance. The lssbolance vas driven by the Fire departnant uith a full podice escort to the Rassachusetas State Police weadauarters where a medical helicopter was waiting. The victin was flow to Brigtan and Juonen's hospitel in Boston with Life threatening injuries |nwerwve rove a =e HO Ga Taso (anss Tera Offense/Incident Report (Continuation) der oer Ted est sa Tass apo loreicer Lurie, tangano and 1 then secured the scene. The building was port of the construction [development project 1isted for 58 Fountain Street. The building vas the sual bullaing which [Separates 59 Fountain street and 8 Fountain strest. the building has the norber “ét" on it but all loutiding permits listed st as part of the S9 Fountain Street project. loetectives nacaudda, Torres and O'Hare arrived on scene to assist. Detective Macaudda interviewed lene General Contractors uno were on scene to snelude the person who Anitsally provided care to the \vicetn. Detective Torres interviewed tuo roofing exployees wo were on scene with the victin before Ine feli. oFFicer hughes of the Prints and Photos division arrived on scene and docurented the scene Instn ascsstance from the Franinghan Fire Department, Officer Hughes was also able to photograph the le victin was identified utsiszin loo? oF the building. sat nts the an. ks hires Tc Roofing from Fronsnghen to handle the roofing project. TCT Roofing then subcontracted Jworkers fron a labor conpeny for hon Me. MI] worked for. This information was taken during one of letective nacaudds"s interviews, lrne sdninistration for Dellbrock 24S wes advised that OSHA was notified and were responding to the Jecene. 7 observed nenbers of bellbrock3KS walking through the rain builéing and utilizing drs22s_ to secure windows. I Snforaed Dellbrook 3KS to renave all enployees fron this building as well until [they are cleared by OSHA to resune work. lne aprrondnately s74shea Robert raceyiy Ml, an Industrial Iygtentat with OSHA arrived on ccone to conduct an dnvestigation. We Drdefed tr. Bracayc and then he poke to each comany seperately. Ne [then assisted with'a walk-thru of the building where the incident occurred. on writing ofthis repo ‘ht ES 1 was inforned poi Inespectfutty subaitted, lorricer Christopher L. Hendry #340 ae er (ome, eT, aac Taso a 7D Tort

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