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I. Introduction

A. Name of the author: Mo Hayder

B. Genre: Thriller fiction

C. Publisher: Bantam Books

D. Theme: Pedophilia and child abduction

II. Hook

1. Explain the main idea

The main idea is about child abuse, abduction, and pedophilia. Child abuse happens when people
or adult hurts a minor like in this novel which is The Treatment, there is a sex offender with pedophilia
that has no sexual arousal with women but with prepubescent children. This offender is the reason for
the burn-out that DI Jack Caffery experiences.

B. Describe the setting

The setting of The Treatment is at Brockwell Park in South London. Brockwell Park is covered with
thick hundred-year-old dark trees. There's a huge thrown-together isosceles of forest and grass with its
apex which is the Herne Hill station. The west part is the Badlands of Brixton. The east part is Dulwich
with flower-drenched almshouses.

III. Analysis of the book

A. What makes the book unique?

The book is unique because the theme is about pedophilia, I never heard nor have read any book
about it. There is a man that would do everything just to treat his sexual disability with women so he
abducts children because prepubescent children are the only ones that give him sexual arousals.

B. What challenges did you have while reading the book?

While reading this book, at first, I wouldn't understand what the story is all about. I thought it was
just about crimes but not at all, it is also about the twisted fiction and real scenes that happened in the
real world.
C. What is your favorite scene and why?

My favorite scene was when DI Jack Caffery entered the house of Mr. and Mrs. Church where Hal
Benedicte and their son Josh had been starved, enslaved, and beaten. Caffery chased the offender Klare
and beats him up.

D. What is something about the book that surprised you?

What surprised me was the theme of the story because it was about fiction, crime scenes,
pedophilia, and how a man solve the crime that happened to his brother before.

E. What did you enjoy about the book?

I enjoyed the way Mo Hayder makes it fiction with a little bit of real-world crimes. She also
portrayed the rotten-core of human hearts.

F. What lingering questions and thoughts does the book leave with you?

The lingering questions and thoughts the book gave me were the following:

- Would you let your brother be abducted by someone?

- How would you respond if you are in the same situation with Caffery?

- Would you want it to happen at your house?

G. What is so great about the book?

It is the portraying of what was inside of the deep-rotten human hearts and how the author
emphasized what is pedophilia all about.

IV. Recommendations/Comments/Suggestions

A. If you are the author of the book, how will you end the story?

DI Caffery will be extremely happy as he finds his brother alive and he will be able to stop those
pedophilic people.

B. Give at least 2 recommendations and suggestions.

To Mo Hayder, I suggest that she must remove the sexual scene of Caffery and Rebecca.

The ending of the story must be a happy ending wherein Caffery must have found his long lost
brother; Ewan Caffery.

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