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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Life in the Spirit Seminar? The Life in the Spirit Seminar was developed as an
evangelistic outreach by those who participate in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. A Life in the
Spirit Seminar is a chance to experience God through the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Each
of us has a relationship with God. We may know who He is and what great things He can do...but
have we actually felt Him in our lives? We were all given gifts by the Holy Spirit through the
Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. And yet, how many of us use these gifts to improve our
lives and the lives of our family, church, and community?
Through a series of seven sessions consisting of praise and worship, teachings, witnesses, small
group discussions, and fellowship, the Life in the Spirit Seminar allows you to look at God as the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This Seminar will help you to deepen, or begin, a relationship
with God in the power of the Holy Spirit. A Life in the Spirit Seminar is an opportunity for you to
"step away" and take the time to deepen you personal relationship with God...which may change
your life!
What is the Catholic Charismatic Renewal? The Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) is a
spiritual movement within the Catholic Church that emphasizes the availability of the power and
gifts of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer, and the need for a personal relationship with God
through Jesus Christ in order to live life to the fullest.
CCR has its international office in Rome, and consists of thousands of local prayer groups and
communities in almost every country around the world.
CCR emphasizes the goodness of God, and proclaims, with the Church, that God's grace is freely
given to everyone. Jesus Christ fully revealed God, enabling each person to know God as good, as
totally giving, and as one who shares fully in the human experience.
The experience of the first followers of Jesus was that they were empowered by God through the
Holy Spirit to live a new kind of life - life in a fuller dimension whereby God's power worked in them
and through them in order to bring God's love and grace to all who would receive it. Essentially, it is
this experience of God that is at the basis of the Catholic faith.
The Church has experienced through the centuries the power of God working in and through
imperfect people, all seeking to know God. CCR lies firmly within this tradition.
Does the Church approve of Life in the Spirit Seminars and the Catholic Charismatic
Yes, the Life in the Spirit Seminars and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal are recognized by the Holy
See of the Roman Catholic Church.
Pope Benedict XVI shares with us, "What sounds full of hope throughout the universal church - and
this even in the midst of the crisis that the Church is going through in the Western world - is the
upsurge of new movements that no one has planned and no one called into being, but that simply
emerge of their own accord from the inner vitality of the faith... I am thinking for instance of the
Charismatic Renewal movement…I find it marvellous that the Spirit is once more stronger than our
programmes and brings himself into play in an altogether different way than we had imagined..."
(Ratzinger Report, pp. 43-44).
From Pope John Paul II, "... Born in the Church and for the Church, your movement (speaking of the
Charismatic Renewal movement) is one in which, following the light of the Gospel, the members
experience the living encounter with Jesus, fidelity to God in personal and community prayer,
confident listening to his Word and a vital rediscovery of the Sacraments, not to mention courage in
trials and hope in hardship..." Address of Pope John Paul II to the participants in the National
Congress of the Italian "Renewal in the Spirit", Rimini, 14 March 2002.
For additional information please visit http://www.iccrs.org/popes.htm
What occurs at a Life in the Spirit Seminar? Life in the Spirit Seminars consist of -
- Praise and Worship
- Teaching
- Witness
- Small group mediated discussions
- Fellowship
What is praise and worship? This is the time at the beginning of the Seminar where we will enter
into God's presence through enthusiastic praise. Praise of God is characteristic of the Catholic
Charismatic Renewal, in line with the Catholic tradition in which praise permeates the liturgy, song
and prayer.
This may be something you have never experienced. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal encourages
the faithful to incorporate praise of God into their whole lives. When we praise God we focus on
Him. Praise gives us a new and better perspective on things. "Rejoice in the Lord always," said Paul
(Phil 4:4). We believe our joy should be expressed often in praise. Mostly we praise through song
and spontaneous vocal prayer.
What shall the teachings be about?
Session 1 - God's Love
Session 2 - Salvation
Session 3 - New Life
Session 4 - Receiving God's Gift
Session 5 - Praying for Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Session 6 - Growth
Session 7 - Transformation in Christ
What is "baptism in the Holy Spirit?" Although each person's experience of God is unique,
"baptism in the Holy Spirit" generally refers to a moment of deeper conversion in a person's life,
which brings him or her into a deeper spiritual union with God. This is called "the Baptism in the
Spirit," or "a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit" (as a person may already have received baptism in
the Spirit).
The word "baptism" is not to be confused with sacramental Baptism, but simply means immersion -
immersion into God in a fuller way, and being immersed in the Holy Spirit. The receiving of this
grace is pure gift, and the recipient does nothing to earn it, but must allow God to act, as He always
respects our free will. It empowers the person to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are always
for the benefit of others.
People who have experienced this grace speak of a new love of God, a desire to pray and to attend
Mass, to join with other Christians in sharing their faith life, to serve others, to read Scripture and
other spiritual reading, and to learn more about the ways of God. They have a new desire to praise
God, and experience a deep peace and joy as they find a new awareness of the presence of God in
their lives.
What do you mean by "witness?" A speaker shares how he or she experiences God at work in
the details of their life as well as personal faith experiences, conversion stories, healing, and
insights as a means to encourage others in their faithfulness.
What do you mean by "small group mediated discussions?" Following each teaching you will
meet with a small group leader, who is a member of the service team, and approximately 5-6 other
participants. The small group leader shall lead the group in a discussion about the teaching.
Please note that the small groups are broken out by gender. Therefore, female participants will
meet with a female leader and several other female participants, and vice versa for male
participants. This allows for freer sharing and a greater comfort level.
What should I do if I feel uncomfortable at any point? If you feel uncomfortable at any point
we recommend that you speak to your assigned small group leader, or if you prefer you may speak
with another member of the service team. This is a new experience and may bring to the front
many different emotions. This is not unusual and can be an avenue of great grace.
Will there be a priest/priests present? Yes, we have requested that a priest from the Parish be
present each week, if possible.
Is there a fee? No.
Can I come if I miss the first week or cannot attend all seven sessions? Yes, if you miss the
first session, or one of the others, but desire to participate in the Seminar you certainly can. There
is tremendous order in the format and a well-thought out explanation for the topics and
methodology. Therefore, if you do miss one or more sessions it would be very beneficial to talk with
your assigned small group leader or other member of the service team, to follow up on what was
missed, get the materials if any and feel comfortable with joining in again.
Can I bring other guests? Yes, if your spouses, friends, or relatives would like to participate in the
Seminar, please bring them.
What do I need to bring? You are not required to bring anything but it may be helpful to have a
notepad, pen, “Finding New Life in the Spirit” booklet and a Bible.
What will happen when I arrive?
When you will arrive there will be members of the Seminar Service Team to assist you to get
registered, gather any materials, and find your way to the group seating where the worship and
teaching will take place.
Will I have to do anything in between the sessions?
Your little booklet explains all that is required between the Seminar sessions. At your Seminars
there will be opportunity to pray about your involvement and what you have learned. There will be
opportunity to talk with your small group leader and/or other members of the service team. You
may even decide to meet with some of the other participants. All of this is depends on each

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