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For patients on long-term therapy for a chronic disease, adherence to therapy – whether it be
medication, behavioural, lifestyle or a combination of treatments – is essential for achieving optimal
outcomes. Although this relationship may be intuitive, patients’ appreciation of this and the will to act
upon it cannot be taken for granted.

adherence as: ‘the extent to which a person’s behaviour – taking medication, following a diet, and ⁄ or
executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed recommendations from a health-care provider’.

a follow-up visit shortly after treatment initiation may increase adherence and achieve better outcomes

The data revealed that patients prefer gel, non-alcoholic gel and cream drug vehicles (the cream vehicle
used in Daivonex calcipotriol cream) over ointment (Daivobet Ointment vehicle), due to ointment being
perceived as more greasy, and taking longer and more effort to apply than the other vehicles

The underlying message from these studies is that the treatment vehicle choice should be tailored to the
individual patient, as a patient is more likely to use a topical medication for psoriasis if it comes in the
preferred vehicle.

often severely, and patients cope with the psychosocial stress by covering their lesions and avoiding
people, although this does not appear to improve QoL (kualitas hidup) Treatment foR psoriasis is
therefore aimed not just at reducing the symptoms but improving patients’ QoL

The negative impact of psoriasis on patients’ QoL is significant and has been measured to be of a similar
order to that of other major diseases such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease and diabetes.

psoriasis is linked to depression and possibly 20% of patients have suicidal thoughts.

Healthcare professionals should take time to explain the condition and the rationale for treatment, and
actually demonstrate how to apply the medication patients should be provided with comprehensive, but
easily understandable instructions on treatment use


Kepatuhan akan pengobatan adalah masalah besar pada penderita penyakit psoriasis. Kepatuhan ini
sangat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien. Hal ini dikarenakan penderita psoriasis memiliki dampak
bukan hanya fisik oenderita tetapi psikososial juga. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan
pengobatan pada penderita psoriasis seperti, bentuk obat topikal apakah krim, minyak ataupun gel.
Efisiensi waktu pemakaian dan kemudahan pemakaian juga sangat mempengaruhi kepatuhan penderita.
Kepatuhan ini sangat mempengaruhi hasil akhir atau tingkat kesembuhan. Peran kita sebagai perawat
adalah untuk mengkomunikasikan pemakaian obat secara teratur, dengan dosis yang tepat, wktu yang
tepat dan secara jelas agar pasien mengerti dan melaksanakannya dengan tepat.
Treatment adherence is a major issue in psoriasis and many factors affect adherence to topical
treatments, including ease of use and convenience of application, as well as patient–physician
interaction (in particular, management of patients’ expectations of the treatmenT.

Prescribing therapy in line with patient preference for treatment vehicle may

be a key factor, and improving patient education via a more personal healthcare professional–patient
relationship is another strategy that may help improve adherence, outcomes and the QoL of patients
with psoriasis.

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