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Java and J2EE: Unit 4-

Nagaraja Hebbar N
Department of CSE, Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore
UNIT – 4:Swing
 Swings:
 The origins of Swing;
 Two key Swing features;
 Components and Containers;
 The Swing Packages;
 A simple Swing Application;
 Create a Swing Applet;
 JLabel and ImageIcon;
 JTextField;
 The Swing Buttons;
 JTabbedpane;
 JScrollPane;
 JList;
 JComboBox;
 JTable.
What is Swing?
Why Swing?
 Early Java’s approach to GUI design was using AWT (Abstract Window Tool kit)
 Experienced with lot of deficiencies.
 These are tackled in Swing classes.
 AWT defines a basic set of controls , windows and dialog boxes that support a
usable , but limited graphical interface
 AWT translates various visual components into their corresponding, platform
specific equivalents
 Look and feel of a components is defined by the platform (not by java)
 AWT uses native code resources –so refereed to heavyweight
Before Swing: Abstract Window Toolkit

Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT)

 Controls are components that allow a user to interact with your application in
various ways.
 A layout manager automatically positions components within a container.
 The appearance of a window is determined by a combination of the controls that it
contains and the layout manager used to position them.
 A frame window can also include a standard-style menu bar.
 Each entry in a menu bar activates a drop-down menu of options from which the
user can choose.
 A menu bar is always positioned at the top of a window. Although different in
appearance, menu bars are handled in much the same way as are the other
Problems from AWT..

 Variations between operating systems-components look differently in different

 Violates the motto of Java “Write once run anywhere any time”
 Look and feel of components was fixed and could not be changed
 Heavyweight code put restriction ex: components were rectangle in shape,
 Swing introduced as part of Java in 1997 by Java Foundation Classes JFC.
 Swing is now fully integrated in Java.
 During Java 1.1, it was separate library.
Swing features
 Swing is built on AWT
 Swing does replace AWT
 Still AWT is crucial part of Java
 In GUI development , strict use AWT is now replaced by Swing components
Key features

 AWT [Abstract Window Toolkit]is useful for developing simple user interface
Window Fundamental
 Swing components are less dependent on target platform
 Swing components are less of native GUI resource
 Hence Swing are also known as lightweight components.
Key swing features

 Swing components are lightweight

 Written entirely in Java
 Do not map directly to plat form specific peers
 Light weight components are more flexible and efficient.
 Look and feel is determined by swing not by Operating system
 Swing support a pluggable Look and Feel(LAF)
 Each swing component is rendered by Java code rather than by native peers
 Look and feel is now separated from the logic of the components
 So we could change Look and Feel of component without affecting any other aspects.
 Pluggable look and feel is another advantage of swing
9 Component characteristics

 contents, such as the state of a button (pushed in or not), or the text in a text field;
 visual appearance (color, size, and so on)
 behaviour (reaction to events).

Java and J2EE/NH/CS

The model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern

Implement three separate classes:

• The model, which stores the contents;
• The view, which displays the contents;
• The controller, which handles user input.
The pattern specifies precisely how these three objects interact.

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11 Example for MVC

 The controller handles the user input events-mouse clicks ..

 It decides whether to translate these events into changes in the model or the
 For example, if the user presses a character key in a text box,
 The controller calls the “insert character” command of the model.
 The model then tells the view to update itself.

 The view never knows why the text changed.

 But if the user presses a key, then the controller may tell the view to scroll.
 Scrolling the view has no effect on the underlying text, so the model never
knows that this event happened.

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12 Components and containers
A swing GUI consist of: component and containers
 Component: It is an independent visual control.
(Ex: Button)
 A container holds a group of components.
(Ex: Dialog box, window etc.)
 Swing components are derived from the JComponent class
 Supports the pluggable look and feel
 It inherits the AWT classes Container and Component

Java and J2EE/NH/CS


 Swing components are derived from Jcomponnets (except 4 top level

containers: JFrame, JApplet,JWindows,JDialog)
 Provides functionalities common to all components.
 Inherits from AWT classes
 All swing components are defined within javax.swing package
Components hierarchy

 Observations:
 JApplet, JFrame,Jdialog are not inherited
from JComponents
 All are inherited from AWT
 So AWT is base for all swing components
and container class
 (this hierarchy is incomplete )
15 Containers

 Top level containers: JFrame, JApplet,JWindow and JDialog..

 A top level container is not contained within any other container
 Two top level containers used in application development are: Jframe and Japplet
 The class either should extend JFrame or JApplet
 Second type lightweight containers (Ex: JPanel) are used to manage or organize
group of related components.

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Top-level Container pane

 Layered pane allows components to be given with depth value

 Content pane is opaque instance of JPanel
 Panel
 The simplest concrete subclass of Container
 Window
 Creates a window with no frame, no menu bar, and no title.
 Components
 An abstract super class for various AWT
 Container
 A subclass of Component that can hold other components
 Frame
 Creates a standard window that has a title bar, resize corners, and a menu bar.

Java and J2EE/NH/CS

Layout Manager

 A layout manager is an object that performs the layout

computations for a container.
 The AWT package has five common layout manager
classes and Swing has a few more
 Flowlayout
 Gridnlayout
 Border layout
 Card layout (not discussed)
 Gridbag (not discussed)
How to set layout?

 void setLayout(LayoutManager layoutobj)

 layoutobj is reference to the desired layout manager
 To disable layout manager( to consider default) use null value
Example: (detail in next slides)
 contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
 contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
 contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT,100,20));
Default Layout Manager

 Responsible for arranging components.

 setLayout () method can be used to set layout (discussed earlier)
 Default layouts:
 JFrame: BorderLayout
 JApplet: BorderLayout
 JPanel: FlowLayout

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21 Types of Layout

 FlowLayout
 Places components in rows from left to right.
 Starts new row once previous row is filled.
 BorderLayout
 Places components in north,south,east,west, center.
 GridLayout
 Places in grid of cells in rows and columns.
 CardLayout
 The card layout manager. Card layouts emulate index cards. Only the one on top is
 Grid bag layout
 The grid bag layout manager. Grid bag layout displays components subject to the
constraints specified by GridBagConstraints.

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Default layout ..
Adding and Removing Controls

 To include a control in a window, you must add it to the window.

 You must first create an instance of the desired control and then add it to a
window by calling add( ), which is defined by Container.
 Component add(Component compObj);
Layout properties: FlowLayout
 FlowLayout Constructor Parameters
 Default ()
 Align: Left, Right
 hgap and vgap
 contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //Default layout
 contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); //set to left
 contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT,100,20)); //left and gaps
 When a line is filled , advances to next line. (ex: close button in the next line)
contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT,100,20));
jbtnOK=new JButton("Close");
JLabel lblUSN =new JLabel("Name:");
JTextField txtUSN=new JTextField(25);

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The flow layout manager :Example 2
The flow layout manager. Flow layout positions components left to right, top to bottom.

JPanel panel=new JPanel();

JButton ybutton =new JButton("Yellow");
JButton rbutton =new JButton("Red");
JButton gbutton =new JButton("Green");
panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
26 Layout properties: BorderLayout
 The border layout manager. Border layouts use five components: North, South, East, West, and
 BorderLayout Constructor Parameters
 Default ()
 hgap and vgap
 contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
 contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout(int hgap, int vgap));

public SwingDemo5()
jbtnOK=new JButton("Close");
JLabel lblUSN =new JLabel("Name:");
JTextField txtUSN=new JTextField(25);
contentPane.add(txtUSN,BorderLayout.WEST); //Left

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Border Layout Example 2
The border layout manager. Border layouts use five components: North, South, East, West,
and Center.
JPanel Borderpanel=new JPanel();

JButton bTop =new JButton("Top");

JButton bBottom =new JButton("Bottom");
JButton bLeft =new JButton("Left");
JButton bRight =new JButton("Right");
JButton bCenter =new JButton(“Center");
Borderpanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

Layout properties: GridLayout

GridLayout: Constructor Parameters

Rows ,columns
Rows columns ,hgap and vgap

contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(int rows, int columns));

contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(int rows, int columns,int hgap, int vgap));

public SwingDemo5(){

contentPane = getContentPane();
contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));
//contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
jbtnOK=new JButton("Close");
JLabel lbl =new JLabel("Name:");
JTextField txt=new JTextField(25);
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GridLayout Example 2

 The grid layout manager. Grid layout displays components i n a two-

dimensional grid.
 JButton ybutton =new JButton("Yellow");
 JButton rbutton =new JButton("Red");
 JButton gbutton =new JButton("Green");
 panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
 add(panel);
 ---
JPanel: Revisited
public SwingDemo() // contructor
{ Panels may be used as container to hold components
Default layout in Panel is : flow layout, left to right orientation
setTitle("User Interface...... ");
contentPane = getContentPane();
jbtn=new JButton("Close");
lbl =new JLabel("Name:");
txt=new JTextField(25);
panel=new JPanel(new GridLayout(1,3)); //this panel's Grid 1X3

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Swing Application :simple version
import javax.swing.*; class SimpleFrameDemo extends Jframe //extended from JFrame class

public class SwingGUI1SimpleFrame { {

public static void main(String[] args) { ImageIcon imagebox;

public SimpleFrameDemo()
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable()
{ public void run() {new SwingDemo1();}} ); setTitle("User Interface...... ");

} setSize(200,200);

} }

class SwingDemo1 }

public SwingDemo1()
SimpleFrameDemo frame=new SimpleFrameDemo();
About first Swing application
 Use Javax.swing.* package to utilize all wing classes.
 Create customized frame
 Set default close operation
 By default when top level windows is closed , the window is removed from screen.
 But application still running, to terminate application when top level is closed use:
setDefaultCloseOperation. On exit of Close i.e JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE

 Set size of the frame as per requirement (setsize(width,height);)

Event handling thread in swing:
 Inside main() , object of this application is created on event handling thread rather
than main thread of the application.
 Swing programs are event driven, events are called on a thread , that was not created
by application program.
 To handle this event handling situation application object is not created by main
rather Runnable object that executes on the event handling thread
 To enable GUI code to be created on the event handling thread , we must use one of
the two methods of swing utilities
 invokeLater
 invokeAndWait
 Runnable object will have its run() method called by the event dispatching thread.
Swing Applet: simple version
import javax.swing.*; public void SwingDemoApplet()
public class SwingGUI1SimpleFrameApplet extends JApplet
Frame c = (Frame)this.getParent().getParent();
Container contentPane;
public void init()
//parent of the Applet is AppletViewerPanel and its parent is
c.setTitle("User Interface:Simple Frame (Applet).....");

{ }
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ }
public void run(){SwingDemoApplet();}});
catch(Exception e){}
Swing Application: JLabel

 Constructors and Methods

 JLabel(String text);
 Constructs Label with left aligned text.
 JLabel(Icon icon);
 Constructs a label with left aligned icon
 JLabel(String text,int align);
 Constructs a label with specified alignment
 JLabel(String text,int align);
 Constructs a label with specified alignment and icon
 Icon Left of Text

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JLabel: Methods

The icon and text associated with the label can be read
and written by the following methods:
 Icon getIcon( ) //returns icon that was set
 String getText( )//returns text
 void setIcon(Icon i)//sets image
 void setText(String s) //sets text
Here, i and s are the icon and text, respectively.
 To obtain image icon
 The object of type ImageIcon can be passed as an
argument to the icon parameter of Jlabel’s
 Constructor: ImageIcon(String filename)
 Icon and text associated with the label can be
obtained by: Icon getIcon()
String getText()
 Icon and text associated with a label can be set by:
void setIcon(Icon icon)
void setText(String str)
Java and J2EE/NH/CS
JLabel and ImageIcon

 Constructors and Methods

 void setText(String text); Sets the text of the Label

 void setIcon(Icon icon); Sets the icon of the Label

 Note: Complete program: SwingColorFontImageLabel.java

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How to set image to label?

 lbl=new JLabel("My Swing Example..");

 lbl.setIcon(imagebox);
How to change default application icon?

 imagebox=new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("Image1.gif"));
 setIconImage(imagebox.getImage());
41  It is a text component of swing, used to edit one line of text
 Constructors and Methods
 JTextFields(int cols);
 creates text field and sets size to cols

 JTextFields(String str);
 creates text field, and initializes text also

 JTextFields(String str,int cols);

 creates text field, sets size to cols and initialzes text aslo

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42 JTextField
Str: string to be initialized, Cols: number of columns in the text
 If no string is specified, the string is set to empty
 ActionEvent is fired when the user presses ENTER
 CaretEvent is fired when cursor changes its

Java and J2EE/NH/CS

43  Constructors and Methods

void setText(String text);

 Sets the text of the TextField

void setColumns (int cols);

 Sets no. of columns

String getText();
 Returns the text from the TextField
txt1=new JTextField("Source");
txt2=new JTextField();
panel=new JPanel();

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Constructors and Methods
 JTextArea(int row,int cols);
 creates text field and sets size to cols and rows
 JTextFields(String str, int row,int cols);
 creates text field, and initializes text and sets rows and column

Constructors and Methods

void setColumns(int cols); sets column
void setRows(int rows); sets rows
void append(String text); appends given text to end of text that it has
void setLineWrap(boolean wrap); toggles line wrap

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 txt1=new JTextArea();
 txt1.setColumns(8);
 txt1.setRows(2);
 txt1.setLineWrap(true);
 txt2=new JTextArea();
 txt2.setText(txt1.getText());

Complete Program:SwingTextFieldDemo.java

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46 JPasswordField
 To hide characters typed in with echo character.
 Constructor:
 JPasswordField(String text,int cols);
 Methods
 void setEchoChar(char echo);
 Sets echo character

 char[] getPassWord()
 Returns the text contained in PasswordField
 Overwrite the array after use

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How to use password field
passTxt=new JPasswordField(14); //create password field
passTxt.setEchoChar('*'); //set password character
char[] pass=passTxt.getPassword(); //get password from password field
String StrPassword="";
for(int i=0;i<pass.length;i++)
StrPassword=StrPassword+pass[i]; /clear password char array for safety purpose
Complete Program:SwingPasswordDemo.java
Swing Buttons
 JButton
 JToggleButon
 JCheckBox
 JRadioButton
 These are subclasses of AbstractButtonClass
 Extends from Jcomponents
 Common Methods
 Void setDisabledIcon(Icon di)
 Void setPressedIcon(Icon dp)
 Void setSelectedIcon(Icon si)
 Void setRolloverIcon(Icon ri)
 String getText()
 void setText(String str)
NH/Java and J233/7CS-A/2012
49 Buttons-JButton
 Constructors:
 JButton(Icon icon)
 JButton(String str)
 JButton(String str,Icon icon)

 Methods:
 void setDisabledIcon(Icon di)
 void setPressedIcon(Icon di)
 void setSelectedIcon(Icon si)
 void setRolloverIcon(Icon ri)
 String getText()
 void setText(String str)
 String Java
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identifies buttons
 When the button is pressed, an ActionEvent is generated.
 Using ActionEvent object passed to the actionPerformed () method
of the registered ActionListener. You can obtain the action
command string associated with the button.
 String getActionCommand()
 This identifies the button among other buttons within the same application.
 Complete example:SwingButtonDemo.java

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Toggle Button

 Constructor:
 JToggleButton(String str)
 Method
 boolean isSelected();
 Events
Implements: ItemListener
Method to implemented:
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ae){..}
Complete example:SwingToggleDemo.java

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Check Boxes

 JCheckBox class provides the functionality of a check box.

 Constructor: JCheckBox(String str)
 When the user selects /deselects a check box, an ItemEvent is generated
 Object reference can be obtained by getItem()
 State of the check is determined by isSelected()
 Example:
 c1 = new JCheckBox("PU");
 c1.addActionListener(acl1);
 if (c1.isSelected()) br1="PU ";
 Complete example: SwingCheckBox.java

Java and J2EE/NH/CS

Radio Buttons

 Group of mutually exclusive buttons

 Only one button (in a group) can be selected at any time.

 Constructor: JRadioButton(String str)

 JRadioButton generates: action, item, change events each time the button selection changes.
 ActionListener interface is implemented with method actionPerformed
 Example:
 rbtn1 = new JRadioButton("A");
 group.add(rbtn1);
 rbtn1.setActionCommand("A");
 rbtn1.addActionListener(acl1);
 Complete example:SwingRadioButton.java

Java and J2EE/NH/CS

 It is a lightweight container that automatically handles the scrolling of another
 The component being can either be an individual component , such as a table, or
a group of components contained within another lightweight container such as
 If object being scrolled is larger than the viewable area, horizontal and or vertical
scroll bars are automatically provided, the component can be scrolled through
the pane.
Constructor: JScrollPane(Component comp)
Genear Steps to followed:
1. Create the component to be scrolled (Textarea)
2. Create an instance of JScrollPane, passing to it the object to scroll
3. Add the scroll pane to the content pane.

Java and J2EE/NH/CS

ScrollPane (Steps explained)

 JTextArea textArea = new JTextArea(8, 40);

 textArea.setText("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");
 JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea);
 contentPane.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
56 JTabbedPane
 Encapsulates tabbed pane
 It manages a set of components by linking them with tabs
 Selecting a tab causes the component associated with that tab to come to the forefront
 Constructor: JTabbedPane();
 Tabs are added by calling addTab()
 Void addTab(String name,Component comp)
 name: is name of the tab;
 comp: is the component that should be added to the tab

 General procedure to use a tabbed pane:

 Create an instance of JTabbedPane
 call addTab to add each tab
 Add the tabbed pane to the content pane.

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JTabbedPaneScrollPane (Steps explained)
 JTabbedPane Jtab = new JTabbedPane();
 Jtab.addTab(“Tab1”, new JLabel(“Hello”);
 Jtab.addTab(“Tab2”, new JLabel(“Hai”);
 contentPane.add(Jtab);
58 JList
 Supports the selection of one or more items from a list.
 In Java 7: JList<E> where E is type of item in the class ; a generic class
 (Previous version )Constructor: JList (E[] items)
 JList contains the items in the array specified by items.
 setSelectionMode(int mode) // to set or deselect multiselect list box

 getselectedIndex(): returns index of item selected (index starts from 0) -1 means no item selected
 Events:
 ListSelectionEvent: generated when user makes or changes a selection, also when deselects handled by
 The listener specifies only one method: Valuechanged(ListSelectionEvent e) method

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JList -exampe
String[] El2 ={".Net","DIP","GT","AI","VLSI","FL"};
list1=new JList<String> (El2);
ListSelectionListener acl1=new ListSelection();
JScrollPane jsp1=new JScrollPane(list1);
jsp1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(120,70));
-- -
private class ListSelection implements ListSelectionListener{
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent ae){
Complete example:SwingList.java
60 JCombo
 Combo provides combination of a textfield and a drop down list, It normally displays one
entry, but it will also display a drop down list that allows a user to select a different entry.
 In Java 7: JCombo<E> where E is type of item in the class ; a generic class
 (Previous version )Constructor: JCombo (E[] items)
 JList contains the items in the array specified by items.
 addItem(E obj) used only with mutable combo box to add items dynamically
 getSelectedItem() returns selected item (Object type)
 Events:
 ActionEvent which implements ActionListener and uses method actionPerformed

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JComboBox<String> cmbo1;
ActionListener acl1;
acl1=new CommandActionCombo();
String[] El1={"ADBMS","DSP","Java","DM","MC","NN"};
cmbo1=new JComboBox<String> (El1);
private class CommandActionCombo implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
Complete example:SwingCombo.java
62  Displays rows and columns of data
 User can drag corner to resize the columns
 Constructor: JTable(Object data[][],Object colHeads[]);
 Steps:
 Create an instance of JTable
 Create a JScrollPane object
 Add the table to the scroll pane
 Add the scroll pane to the content pane

Java and J2EE/NH/CS

JTable example

 DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel();

 JTable table = new JTable(model);
 model.addColumn("Name");
 model.addColumn("USN");
 JScrollPane jsp1=new JScrollPane(table);
 jsp1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,100));
 JPanel p2=new JPanel();
 p2.add(jsp1);
 Complete example: SwingTable.java
Working with Color ( Additional information)

 Color class: constructor: Color(int red,int green,int blue);

 Jlable lbl=new Jlabel(“SSSSSS”);
 lbl.setBackground(new Color(100,220,230));
 lbl.setForeground(new Color(100,100,100));
 Complete example:SwingColorFontImageLabel.java
Working with Font ( Additional information)

 Class: Font class

 Constructor: Font(String Fontname, int fontstyle,int fontsize)
 lbl.setFont(new Font("serif",Font.BOLD+Font.ITALIC,12));
 Complete example:SwingColorFontImageLabel.java
Dimension object

 Class Dimension(int width,int height )

 jsp1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,100));

 Java Complete Reference 8th ed author Herbert schildt

 Internet resources

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