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Once a mere waste product, the banana peel has become source of nutrients. Bananas are
the most popular fruits consumed in our country. On the other hand, banana is the common name
for a fruit and also the herbaceous plants of the genus Musa which produce the commonly eaten
fruit. Banana peel has it’s many uses. One of this is an alternative resource in making floor wax.
It contains substances that can make the wax smoother and shiny.

According to the African Journal of Food Science and Technology, banana peels can be
alternative wine vinegar. The banana wine vinegar which complied with the standard ranges of
brewed vinegar after complete fermentation. The aroma of the vinegar produced was appreciated
by the consumers who were acquainted with vinegar ( African Journal of Food Science and
Technology, 2014).

In the Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, banana pulp and banana peel have
been successfully used to treat tomato fungus in an agricultural setting. Also, tannins present in
ripe banana peel act as tanning agents in leather processing ( Journal of Pharmacognosy and
Phytochemistry, 2013). Another, banana peel is also used in treating warts, treating poison ivy
rashes, bruises, mosquito bites, and it even helps in combating alcohol addiction by drinking
water in the boiled banana peels (Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2012).

In Asian Journal of Food and Agro-industry, banana peel is said to be a source of

valuable components, the nutritional composition, and antioxidant component. Banana peel is
rich in Dietaryfibre, proteins, essential amino acid, polyunsaturated fatty acid and potassium,
good source of carotenoids, relief from pain, swelling, itching, bruising, wrinkles and sunburn
(Asian Journal of Food and Agro-industry, 2011).

In cartoon shows, banana peels are commonly present when characters in the show are
about to slip, and some scientist wondered if it is true. A scientific research was conducted about
this matter and states that it is possible to slip when stepping on a banana peel- since the banana
peel decreases the friction of the shoe sole by one-fifth of it (J. Ballini et l., 2014).

According to Liesl Clark, banana peel can also be a natural alternative sources of shoe
polish, teeth whitener, and a tomato plant fertilizer. It also has compound that can be used as an
insecticide. Most insect bite and string caused small reactions that are confined to the area of the
bite-localised reactions. They are usually treated at home but with preventions like using natural
insecticide like banana peels, which will kill insects without damaging the environment ( Liesl
Clark at al., 2012).

Banana peels are also good in depression, sleeping better, lowering cholesterol, and
being safe from cardiovascular diseases ( Dr. Haider et al., 2013).
Studies have found that banana peels contain more tannin compared to the fruit itself.
Tannins are in great use for food preservation, and an element of insecticide. Alae, researchers
found out that the fruit peels have collected all the insecticidal residue when they are compared
to the fruit inside it (H. M. et al., 2013).

According to Anderson, banana peels can be an alternative fertilizer and a good

insecticide to a plant found in the lawns. This will create a good and big help to the household
with more plants since there are no more insects found in the plants, and will also give potassium
to the soil, making the soil fertilized. Banana peels can also be used in smoking through it’s
substance, bananadine. It is a psychoactive tryptamine chemically related to LSD and DMT and
it has carbon atoms (Anderson et al., 2009).

On the other hand, banana peel can be an energy juice drink through the banana peel’s
compound who can act as an alternative energy drink ( T. Garcia et al., 2012).

A main problem of the society is the price hike of gasses and banana peels are just a trash
in every body’s household. A study in year 2012 revealed that banana peels can also be a
alternative/good source of methane gas ( G. Ayate et al., 2012).

According to a scientific research, banana peels are not just used in polishing silverware,
leather shoes, and the leaves of house plant but some scientist have also discovered that banana
peels can also be a water purifier and it can perform better than purifying metals ( American
Chemical Society, 2011).

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