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If you’re entering university for the first time, then the
cost of everything from your tuition to your books and
other supplies can be intimidating. Whether you have
income coming in from aid, parents, scholarships, or
other sources, it can sometimes feel like your currency
is always running on empty.

The concept of money-saving might make some
university students laugh. They may ask what the word
“savings” even is because for the years they are
attending university, the concept doesn’t seem to
exist. Fortunately, there are some money-saving tips
that can help you survive your university years

From some used clothes to
used books, there’s no
shame in going for used
items. Depending on your
university, you might even
be able to rent books as a
more affordable option.
See if your university has a
board or service that
connects you with past or
current students who have
books you could purchase
off them.

Don’t be afraid to look for used furniture as well. There
are students who have left or are leaving university
who no longer need their furniture. You could get a
better price than buying it new.

When it comes to living
accommodations, you
might have to weigh the
pros and cons of living on
or off-campus. While there’s
no beating the
convenience of living on
campus, oftentimes the
cost of rent is so much that
you can only afford to eat
every other day. That isn’t
healthy at all. You can still
live off-campus and still
have a convenient
commute to your classes.

If you’re looking for a convenient service
that can connect you to affordable living
accommodations, then consider going
with DolphinC. With DolphinC you can take
a 720VR house tour of possible living
accommodations as low as £250 and
instantly book online.

Whether your living
accommodation has a
kitchen or not doesn’t have to
affect your budget very much
if you’re smart with your
sources of food. Some
universities have their own
dining halls or restaurants on
campus. However, if those
options aren’t affordable for
you, or you just don’t have the
time then
consider DolphinC’s same-day
grocery delivery or £4 set
lunch and dinner delivery.

If your living accommodation has a
kitchen then you can choose from a list of
over 40 markets for items, you need to
make your own meals. DolphinC will match
you with the best deals from local vendors
so you don’t have to put a dent in your

If you’re looking busy studying and don’t
have time to cook, then consider a £4 set
lunch and dinner delivered straight to you.
You can’t beat those prices anywhere
else. If you stick to your university budging
by finding affordable meals, then you
should have a little extra left over for leisure
outside of school.

Don’t let the rising cost of education keep
you from a healthy work and life balance.
Following these simple money-saving tips
will take away any unnecessary


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