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reichian breathing - primordial breathing - hara - nei dan

breathing awareness - core unwinding - core awareness - internal movement

reichian work

unfoetaling - opening - awakening - posture - structure - mobility&flexibility -

soltura - suppleness

kum nye - strain counterstrain - jibejong - fascial/softening - massage

zhan zhuang
ndbm - no form paratheater
vegetative training - jellysish-bioenergertica

unfoetaling - shoulder flexibility - thoracic spine - opening the body - hanging -

handstand - manna - rings - directed breathing - ribcage - backbend - hip flexors -


posterior chain

lateral seam:

- spine lateral undulation

- passive side bend

- lat fascial - massage - strain counterstrain

- lat spirals / slings training / torsions

- hanging/micromovements/breathing

- lat>scapula>shoulder>arm connection

- lat activation - rom strength

- upper posterior chain

- thoracolumbar fascia

- hip awareness/activation/mobility/motor control/rom strength -

release/opening/awakening/embodying - psoas/pelvic floor

* single leg stance/single leg balance/complexity/structural awareness/leg

alignment - foot/ankle/knee - deep rotators/awakening the legs/martial arts
legs - grounding

* pelvic bowl > kl hip flexibility > active flexibility-mobility/softening >

soft lower body explorations/locomotions/complexity/vahva fitness/ > joint
general mobility/CARS

* afro-cuban hip-pelvic movements/softening - rhythmic

bouncing/dissociation/interdependence/coordination - bellydance -

* gokhale - foundation training - craig glutes - vahva fitness/circus

physio/ruffolo - glute>posterior chain work

* limb dissociation from spine - motor control

* locomotion: slow>fast>movement>dance>running>footwork soltura>jumping

* frc training - rom strength - loaded stretching

* posterior chain stairs stride - hill sprint - elastic sprint

thoracolumbar fascia
quadratus lumborum
glute med

spine release - relaxation

spine awareness - propioception
spine segmentation/articulation
lateral undulation
spine spiral
spine movement - motor control

glute walking

glute stride stairs

hilll sprint
pelvic tilts

ducha genital
friction bath
lingam massage + tst + pelvic
pelvic floor

1) bodywork - unfoetaling - reichian - body awareness - somatics y todo eso

2) awareness work: sufi - shen gong - gurdjieff - interoception - oscuridad -

3) bateria - percusion - musica

trabajar - crear algo y venerlo - brindar servicio
solucionar problemas financieros - mudarme solo


- alimentacion e hidratacion
- respiracion
- ayuno/limpieza/depuracion/revitalizacion/estimulacion - air/sun bath - playa -
automasaje - hidroterapia

- bodywork - release - yin flexibility - somatic>embodiment

- relaxation
- physical training - posture - structural integrity -
flexibility/softening/suppleness - awakening - mobility - strength

masaje facial

- Morella
- Economia Familiar - Trabajo - Dinero
- Salud, dentista, mental, material
- estudio>aprendizaje>practica>experimentacion>trabajo
- reichian/bodywork/release+relaxation+undoing+motoric ego > physical alchemy >
awareness gurdjieff
+ vegetative/ndbm/no form paratheater + somatic>embodiment

- para que estoy haciendo todo esto? escribiendo todo esto? preocupandome todo
esto? haciendo mierda too esto? esperando todo esto? dejando todo esto?

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