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Science-II (ISC202). Midsem Exam. Maximum Marks: 100.

Time: 1hr 30min

Q1: The block, of mass m, is released at a height h above the bottom of the loop (see
gure below). (Marks: 23)
(Q1-a) Sketch the kinetic energy T and potential energy U of the block, clearly indicating
the total energy E . (Draw on the gure)
Note that the block's potential energy is U (z) = mgz , and its total energy is conserved, i.e. E =
mgz(t = 0) = mgh, using the fact that velocity v(t = 0) = 0. So that T (z) = E − U = mgh − mgz =
mg(h − z). You are given the height z(x) of the track as the function of x. Combining all the above
will give us:
E(x) T(x) U(x)

θ U

(Q1-b) What is the force of the inclined track on the block at the bottom (point A)?
At point A, following forces are acting on the block: (a) the weight of the block m~g = −mgẑ ,
acting downward and (b) since the block is moving on a circular track, centrifugal force which acts
radially outward, which at point A is downwards; hence the centrifugal force of magnitue mvA2 /R acting
downwards and (c) a normal force, i.e. force on the block due to the track. Clearly, at point A, the
normal force N has to balance exactly the sum force due to weight mg and centrifugal force mvA2 /R. i.e
N = mg + mvA2 /R.
Since block starts with zero velocity at the beginning, its total energy is just the potential energy
mgh. Using the law of conservation of energy at point A, 12 mvA2 + 0 = mgh =⇒ mvA2 = 2mgh. Hence,
N = mg + mvA2 /R = mg(1 + R
(Q1-c) What is the force of the track on the block at point B ? (7) 2 π π
All forces acting at B: (a) gravity F~g = −mgẑ , and (b) centrifugal force F~c = mvRB and
(cos4 4
x̂−sin ẑ)
π π
(c) the normal force (the force on the block by the track) is N = |N | . Now the forces
~ (− cos 4
x̂+sin 4
perpendicular to the track should sum to zero; since centrifual force and the normal force are alrealy
perpenducular to the track, we need to just get the component of F~g that is perpendicular to the track,
and this is equal to Fg cos θ. So we have N = Fg cos θ + Fc = mg cos θ + mvB2 /R. We note that by

conservation of energy, mgh = 12 mvB2 + mgR(1 − cos θ) =⇒ mvB2 = 2mg(h − R(1 − cos θ)), form which
N = mg cos θ + R
(h − R(1 − cos θ)) =⇒ N = 3mg cos θ − 2mg(1 − Rh ).
(Q1-d) At what speed does the
q block leave the track ? (5)
From the previous section, vB = 2g(h − R(1 − √1 )).

Q2: You will determine and describe the motion of a charged particle in a uniform
magnetic eld using mathematical analysis. (Marks: 17)
(Q2-a) How does the magnitude of the velocity change over time? Give reasoning. (5)
The force F~ on a particle carrying a charge q and moving with a velcocity ~v in a magnetic eld B ~
is given by the Lorentz Force equation F~ = q~v × B ~ . So that the direction of force is perpendicular to
´ ´
both ~v and B . Since the change in the kinetic energy T2 − T1 = 12 F~ · d~s = 12 F~ · ~v dt = 0! (Using the
fact that F~ ⊥ ~v , which means F~ · ~v = 0) We have T = 21 m~v · ~v = 12 mv 2 , which in turn means that KE
is conserved, meaning magnitue of v is conserved.
(Q2-b) Two particles, with dierent masses and charges, but same velocity in this
uniform magnetic eld follow SAME trajectory; nd a mathematical relationship between
masses and charges of the particles and interpret. (7)
Let particle 1 have mass m1 and carry a charge q1 , and is moving with a velocity ~v (the magnitude
of velocty is constant for a charged particle in magnetic eld, see Q2-a). Let particle 2 have mass m2
and carry a charge q2 , and is also moving with a velocty ~v . By Lorentz Force law, we have for forces on
each particle F~1 = m1~r¨1 = q1~r˙1 × B and F~2 = m2~r¨2 = q2~r˙2 × B
~ . We have been told that the particles
trace the same trajectory, which means that ~r1 = ~r2 = ~a(~r) and ~r˙1 = ~r˙2 = ~v (~r). This gives us that
¨ ¨
the ratio's m1 /q1 and m2 /q2 must be equal. We see that when the mass to charge ratio of particles are
same, then for same veolcities, they travel in same trajectories.
(Q2-c) Draw schematically trajectories for dierent velocities (v(t = 0) = −v, v, 2v), with
clear labels. (5)
Let ~v = vx x̂ + vz ẑ = v(cos θx̂ + sin θẑ) and the uniform magnetic eld B ~ = Bo ŷ , so the force
F~ = q~v × B ~ =⇒ m(ẍx̂ + z̈ ẑ) = qvBo (cos θẑ − sin θx̂) = qBo (−vz x̂ + vx ẑ). This gives us v̇x = −cvz
and v̇z = cvx , where c = qBo /m. Substituting rst equation into the second (to eliminate vz , we get
−v̈x /c = cvx =⇒ v̈x = −c2 vx =⇒ vx = Ax cos ct + Bx sin ct. Since v̇x = −cvz , substituing the obtained
vx , we get vz = −Ax sin ct + Bx cos ct. To solve for the two yet to be determined constants Ax and Bx ,
we need initial conditions, which are (1) at t = 0, the position of the particles is (x, z) = (0, 0) and (b)
at t = 0, the velocity of the particle is (vx , vz ) = (|v|, 0), i.e. the particle is moving in the x-direction.
(vx , vz ) = (|v|, 0) gives us |v| = Ax and 0 = Bx ! Thus (vx (t), vz (t)) = |v|(cos ct, − sin ct). From which
we can see that (x, z) = |v|c (sin ct + c1 , cos ct + c2 ), where c1 and c2 are to be determined by the other
initial condition, (x(0), z(0)) = (0, 0), which gives us (x, z) = m|v|
(sin ct, cos ct − 1), which is nothing but
a circle with the center at qBo (0, 1) and radius qBo . So the radius of the circle is proportional to the
m|v| m|v|

velocity. So that the gure for the given velocities will be:


v 2v


Q3: Draw the potential U (x) = x(x − 1)(x + 1) and a complete phase plot for a particle
moving in this 1-D potential (with clear labels). (Marks: 20)
We see that U (x) = x(x − 1)(x + 1) = 0 has three roots, at x = −1, 0, 1. We also see that
U (−x) = −x(−x − 1)(−x + 1) = −x(x + 1)(x − 1) = −U (x). And that U (x = +∞) = +∞, so that the
curve is (a) anti-symmetric, (b) cuts the x-axis at x = −1, 0, 1 and (c) for large positive x is large and
positive, and for large negative x is large and negative. This means the curve is:


d a b O AD



Q4: A particle of mass m rests on a smooth plane. The plane is raised to an inclination
angle θ at a constant rate α (θ = 0 at t = 0), causing the particle to move down the
plane.(Marks: 40; Bonus 5)
(Q4-a) Determine the generalized coordinates appropriate for the problem, explaining
how the constraint is `coded/used'. Draw a diagram showing the generalized coordinates.
The schematic diagram illustrating the problem is below.


Horizontal O

The most obvious generalised coordinates are the distance r from the pivot point O, and the angle
θ. These coordinates are generally called Polar Coordinates and have been discussed in the class. We
note that since the angle is changing at a constant rate, θ̇ = α =⇒ θ = αt + θo , where θo is determined
by the initial conditions.
(Q4-b) For these generalized coordinates, nd the Lagrangian. (7)
In polar coordinates, we have seen in the class that the ~v · ~v = ṙ2 + r2 θ̇2 = ṙ2 + r2 α2 . So that the
Lagrangian is
1 1
L = T − U = m~v · ~v − mgz =⇒ L(r, ṙ, t) = m(ṙ2 + r2 α2 ) − mgr sin(αt + θo )
2 2
(Q4-c) Determine the Hamiltonian. (7)
Since Hamiltonian H = pṙ − L, we need to nd p, the generalised momentum conjuate to generalised
coordinate r. p = ∂L
∂ ṙ
= 12 m(2ṙ) = mṙ. So, to get H(p, r, t), we need to substitute ṙ = p/m, which gives
p 1 p
H(p, r, t) = pṙ − L(r, ṙ, t) = p − m(( )2 + α2 r2 ) − mgr sin(αt + θo ),
m 2 m
so that
p2 1
H(p, r, t) = − mα2 r2 + mgr sin(αt + θo )
2m 2
(Q4-d) Find the equations of motion
  from the Lagrangian. (5)
The Euler-Lagrange equations ( dtd ∂L
∂ q̇
= need to be applied to the only generalised coordinate
of the problem. So we have dtd ∂L ∂L
. We have already shown that ∂L = p = mṙ. So that the Euler

∂ ṙ
= ∂r ∂ ṙ
Lagrange equation becomes
d 1
(mṙ) = m(0 + 2rα2 ) − mg sin(αt + θo ) =⇒ r̈ = α2 r − g sin(αt + θo ).
dt 2
(Q4-e) Solve the derived equation of motion, given that the particle is at rest at t = 0.
(Assume zero gravity, for this part ONLY). (8)
We are given that ṙ(t = 0) = 0, and that g = 0, so that the equation of motion becomes, r̈ = α2 r.
The most general solutions of this equation are r(t) = Aeαt + Be−αt , where A and B are yet to be
determined constants. If r(t = 0) = ro , then we have ro = A + B . Since ṙ(t = 0) = 0, we have
0 = A − B . Solving, we get A = B = ro /2, which means that r(t) = ro e +e = ro cosh αt.
αt −αt

(Q4-f) Is Hamiltonian conserved for the calculated trajectory ? Why ? (6)
We can clearly see that ∂H
= mgrα cos(αt + θo ). For Hamiltonian to be conserved we want to know
if dt equals 0 for the system. Since H ≡ H(r, p, t), we have for dH
dH ∂H dr ∂H dp ∂H ∂H ∂H ∂H ∂H ∂H ∂H
(r, p, t) = + + = + − + =
dt ∂r dt ∂p dt ∂t ∂r ∂p ∂p ∂r ∂t ∂t

So when g = 0, dH/dt = ∂H/∂t = 0, Hamiltonian is conserved. When g 6= 0, then dH/dt = ∂H/∂t 6= 0,

so Hamiltonian is NOT conserved.
(Q4-g) BONUS: Repeat (e), when gravity is present, and get the trajectory. Is Hamil-
tonian conserved ? (BONUS: 5)
When gravity is present, the equation of motion is r̈ = α2 r − g sin(αt + θo ), i.e. r̈ − α2 r =
−g sin(αt + θo ), which is Linear First Order Nonhomogenous Dierential Equation. We need to solve
for the homogenous part rst, i.e. r̈ − α2 r = 0, which gives us solution for the homogenous part as
rh (t) = Aeαt + Be−αt . The particular solution, i.e. solution of the full nonhomogenous equation has be
obtained by solving r̈ − α2 r = −g sin(αt + θo ). For this we try rp (t) = f (t) sin(αt + θo ), which upon
substitution into the dierential equation will give us (assuming θo = 0)
(f¨ − f α2 − f α2 ) sin(αt) + 2αf˙ cos(αt) = −g sin(αt).

Now collecting cos terms, we see that f˙ = 0, which means that f = c, a constant. Collecting sin
terms, we see that f¨ − 2α2 f + g = 0, which using f = c, becomes c = f = g/(2α2 ). So that the most
general solution is then
r(t) = Aeαt + Be−αt + sin(αt),
which has two yet to be determined constants A and B . To get them we use the initial conditions
r(t = 0) = ro and ṙ(t = 0) = 0, and solving for A and B, we nally get
r(t) = ro cosh(αt) + (sin(αt) − sinh(αt)) .

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