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Volume XXXIX, No.324 "'; wednesday, October 16,2619 ' ' P10.



ter Cayetano and
Ilouse MajoritY'
Leader and LeYte
Reo. Martin Ro-
,rrrrlldez have led
their colleagues
in posting an 82
oerient attendance
iecord during the
ffrsf, two months of the l8thCongress.' l9ase12

,'l rhc pdr 'oague. for dcdi..)lrun {o

h lisr,tl"r he -h,ll b' ofli rhcrr le;':larite .luti"- '
a ,iallt.r'u'ninot(.r)c.dnn -hLr$n b, re irpr.-srte
on \demoer i t!hcn the dllendan.c re(ord
Hou\c r.sume. its se."ion. 'lje5pile lhe -prie o[
From Page 1 MJrino won lu o -edts rn holid.tt', ldumdlFr\ cho\e
Caveiano and Romnal ihe 2dlq clcLlinn-, nuL t o ..ln dtteird lherr. on);rt''-..n'
dez 'were consistently p./ fe*isned for person"l dl worl rnsledd of goinjl on
present during the frrst iwi) iea'on". e\tendeo bredl lhi. \ Jue
honths of the lesislative Onluly2Sorlhcrcond to the 'iron* rn.l .onpe
bod) or from lul) 22 to d"\ ol "e-s-ion, (he -e, ond renl lFJdcrthrp r'1dl lPPi
SeDtember 23. hiehpsl attcnddn'e oi 2o8 lhe Huuse o[ RePresenta-
' Seotember 23 was ihe wis record&. folloneo br li\e. un (I,rcl .\hip\ inp,
last dav when a iournal 2ob on Augxsl ll, 5o o. il- ,eg;-latlve dgend"r '' rnd
*u" poit"a on the House August 27. dnd 2c7 on JLrl! priorities " sard T deon
website and 234 House tt' fh'' dlrP;danc(
members attended the ses- Based on records, the record is Lrnsurpasscd, his-
lowest attendance of 185 tori. ind a testrmpnt to
Lawmakers held ses- was recorded on August the ietermination arrtl oa-
sions until October 2. but 20. a Tuesday, or the day iriotism of the lcgislatdrs,
journrls for the Iast few sandwiched b\, holidavs. under the guidance of the
aessjon dnl's after Septem- Ausust 19 was'a local h'ol- present leadcrship." Lag
ber 23 are not vet shown in ida; inOuezonCitv, where on added
the l{ouse website. the-House is loca6d, while DesDite the receni hoilv
Theioumals of proceed- August 21 was Ninoy contested speakership nc6,
ings showgd arr average of Aquino Day llomualdez said House
246 of the 300 lawmakers Upon Cayeta no's in- leadeG delivered Presideni
attendrng the 20 session struction, Deputy Speaker Duterte's legislative agen-
davs whrrn Cavetano or the Mikep Romero of I Pacman .la afier proaessing a total
presiding offic'er, ordered a said House leaders led by of 220 maasures in 20 ses
roli call. Romualdez oerformed ex- sion days.
Ir was on lulv 22 or cctlently rn'passing !it.L The;e tncluded thc ao
durirlg theelection6rSpeak pieces legislation to help
oF ororalrn record trme of tfie
er whin the House of Rep lresident Rodriao Duterte )ozo P4.t triuion natonat
re\pn i,rtives r]o\t.d 29/ realiTc his \ isio;of a better btrdget and tar reform
Lrwmakers aii€nding the PhiliDDines. me:irrre! to oromot€ the
session, the hjghcst num- 'the Snealer and all ot countrv as a v'iable invest-
ter of members present. ,,s w,ntedio avoid del , in ment destination. said Ro-
C\nb ihree Housc mem- ena.iing ihe current nation- mualdez, chair of the pow-
bersu'ire absent on ihe hrst al buds?t. Tha t delay rn the erful House committee on
day o{ scssron on luly 22: past rc;lly tool iis toll on rules.
Sultrn K darat IlcD. Bai the economv and our peo- Through the sterling
Salaluran, DIWA'pariY- ple. It slo\ ed down ico- leadershio of Cavetano,
list Rep. Michael Aglipay iomic growth." said Rome- Rnm,raldl'z assrried the
alld foimer Marlno party- public that the leadershrp
list Rep. Jose Antonio Lo- Ako Bisaya party list i,,,ould conLinue to pcrform
Rep. Soniy Lagon, whose better.
' Last Sundav, Marino party list is alhed wjth the Cayetano got an im-
Dart\ Iist ReD.'Sandro L. I :l<;s-Chrisrian Muslim pressive &% approval and
honialez aniounced tha t Democrats (CMD) where r'2'6 trust ratings brsed on
Macnell Lusotan shall as- Romualdez is the presi- September 2010 Ulat ng
sume his post as ihe second d€nt, commended his col- Bavrn Suruev of I'ulse Asia.
H46.E I

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