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Traditional Healing and Herbal Medicine: Case Study from Herba Medica

Centre and Dayang Sumbi, East Java, Indonesia

Nurcahyo Tri Arianto1*
Department Anthropology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Airlangga University,
Surabaya, Indonesia 60286
Corresponding Author: nurcahyo_ta@yahoo.com


The study of etnomedicine and etnopharmacology in the anthropology of health has started over 100 years ago.
However, the study of plant is efficacious as medicine (herbal), for students of the Faculty of Dentistry, especially about
dental and oral health is still rarely carried out. Therefore, the study on the identification of the type and herbal function
for dental and oral health needs to be carried out. The study was conducted at two places in East Java, which is in Herba
Medica Centre (Batu-Malang) and Dayang Sumbi (Mojokerto). The methods that used for this study was the
observation, interview, document literature, and photo/video. Through these four methods, were able to obtain the
identification herbal results that nutritious herbal for dental and oral health with 77 species of plants. Most plant species
that identified, it serve as prevention and treatment of toothache, cavities, tartar, gum swelling / bleeding, bad breath
and canker sores. In some cases about dental and oral health, the herbal function is still limited in the prevention and
treatment and not permanent. Therefore, research is still needed about herbal plants which serves for dental and oral
health permanently, despite being found several types of herbal that have been patented.

Key words: ethnomedicine, ethnopharmacology, traditional healing, herbal medicine

Introduction medical treatment and social organization of such

treatment (Rubel and Hass 1990: 118). According to
Anthropological study of health on etnomedicine is
Foster and Anderson (1986), etnomedicine is the study
a concern early anthropologists on the traditional
of beliefs and practices relating to disease, which is the
medical system (non-western). Since the beginning of
result of the development of indigenous culture and the
their study of more than 100 years ago, anthropologists
explicit and not derived from the conceptual framework
routinely collect data about beliefs in the treatment of
of modern medicine. Etnomedicine will be used to refer
the population examined. Objectives and methods
“the beliefs and practices relating to disease which are
similar to those conducted in collecting data about
the products of indigenous cultural development and are
aspects of other cultures in order to produce
not explicitly derived from the conceptual framework of
ethnographic writing as complete as possible. Rivers
modern medicine” (Hughes 1978:151).
and the study of Clements acquired the basic concepts
are important, especially regarding the idea that the Etnopharmacology is a field study of anthropology
system of traditional medicine (native) is the social of health who studies the knowledge practice (gathering
institutions that must be learned. The practice of treating) traditional treatments conducted by
traditional medicine (native) is rational from the individuals, households, eventhough healers (shaman)
standpoint of the prevailing beliefs about disease from various society based care for the culture and
causation (Foster and Anderson 1986). Recognition of environment health (preventive) treatment of disease
the importance of non-Western medical systems (both (curative). The term “Etnopharmacology” is not yet
theoretical and practical) has strengthened its widely used found in the literature Anthropology of
anthropological interest in the study etnomedicine, who Health. Etnopharmacology was originally developing
later became one of the main study in the Anthropology from the study of “Culture and Pharmacology” (see
of Health. Herman, 1985:106-122), while Foster Anderson
(1986:151, 155, 157) called it a "Pharmacopoeia". Etkin
Etnomedicine is the study of cultural sickness or
(1990:149) more focused etnopharmacology study on
disease (illness) which is the oriented culture
“the medical system by people who understand the
(knowledge, values, norms, institutions, beliefs) and
problems of health and illness are not based on
behavior in different societies, associated with the
knowledge and biomedicine West”. Therefore, the traditional medicine (herbalist) and producers of herbal
Etnopharmacology study is actually closely related medicine, carried out in two places in East Java,
etnomedicine studies, both based on the medical system namely: Herba Medica Centre in Batu-Malang and
is naturalistic, personalistic, and local traditions. Dayang Sumbi in Mojokerto.
The importance of traditional (folk, local, non- Traditional Medicine
Western) medicine or indigenous pharmacopeia According to WHO, traditional medicine is the
(formerly called the treatment of 'primitive'), can be science and art of medicine is based on a set of
seen from the opinion of some anthropologists about the knowledge and practical experience, both of which can
effectiveness of the clinical aspects of local treatment be explained scientifically or not, in making a diagnosis,
(medication and treatment measures). 'Traditional prevention, and treatment of physical imbalance,
medicine' in anthropology refers to several terms, mental, and social. According to the WHO definition,
including: folk medicine, traditional medicine, the main orientation in traditional medicine is practical
traditional healing, alternative medicine and indigenous experience as a result of observation, passed on from
medicine. First, according to Foster and Anderson one generation to another, either orally or in writing
(1986:151, 153), non-Western medicine proved (Agoes 1992:60). According to the result of the
effective as a treatment for psychosocial support from "Seminar on Traditional Medicine Services Ministry of
the Western model of clinical medicine. This is due to Health (1978)", Traditional Medicine Indonesia (Petrin)
prevention of disease in non-Western societies or has two terms (Agoes 1992:60). First, science and art of
traditional show double disfunction, which involves medicine by traditional healers Indonesia in a way that
people with families and society. Second, according to does not contradict belief in God Almighty, as curing
Ackerknecht (Foster and Anderson 1986:153), non- disease, disease prevention, as well as the restoration
Western medicine (traditional) is also an effective and improvement of physical health, spiritual, and
treatment and objective in terms of clinical aspects, social communities. Second, efforts are being made to
which is characterized by the use of leaves, bark, achieve a cure, maintenance, and improvement of public
eventhough roots in the treatment. Western society is health standards based way of thinking and rules outside
actually a lot to learn from the knowledge and practice of medicine or science of modern medicine, passed
of non-Western societies pharmacopoeia this kind, such down from generation to generation or obtained in
as quinine (for malaria), picrotoxine (for stimulating the person and conducted in ways that are not commonly
respiratory system), strophantine (for heart disease), used in medicine, among others, include: acupuncture,
emetine (for amoebic dysentery), salicylic (for herbalist, healer / mystic expert, sinshes, healers, herbal
rheumatism), and various types of opium (opium, healers, eventhough shamans massage, which is
hashish, and hemp). Third, Laughlin (in Foster and prevalent in society.
Anderson 1986:153) also mentions that the treatment of
Based on these two terms of traditional medicine,
'primitive' contains a vast empirical knowledge and
it have understood that: traditional medicine is an effort
solving medical problems locally. It can be seen on
of health care (disease prevention) and treatment of
treatment techniques, treatment procedures, and beliefs
diseases carried by naturalistic, personalistic, even-
variation, all of which are pragmatic and effective for
though a combination of both (outside the theory and
the restoration of health and human welfare. Fourth,
methods of Western medicine) by the individual,
Hipler and Stein also recognized that many elements in
family, or healers in certain society (local) based on the
the indigenous pharmacopoeia have specific therapeutic
knowledge and experience in a long time, which was
value as well as the knowledge and skills of many
revealed verbally or in writing.
indigenous healers (healer) who no doubt about it. Fifth,
Fred Dunn Foster and Anderson (1986:153) also Traditional healers (Pengobat Tradisional or
suggests that many medicinal plants from the various Batra) is implementing the treatment, namely a person
societies 'primitive' which can provide a favorable (herbalist, eventhough shamans, sinshes, or physician)
result. Utilization of traditional medicine that seems to is known and recognized by the society, which has a
have gone through a series of tests and refinement of special ability to do the treatment measures in the
ingredients based on experience in a long time and are framework of public health services (Agoes 1992:60) .
passed from generation to generation (between Traditional medicine is mostly associated with the
generations). naturalistic treatment (especially related to local
traditions or blend with the Great Tradition), which
This article will explore the results of research
medicines are made (mixed) of the material or blend of
authors, along with students of the Faculty of Dentistry,
natural ingredients (approximately), in the form of
University of Airlangga, in 2007. Research on
plants, animals, or mineral (which is not a pure
etnomedicine and etnopharmacology, relating to
substance). This kind of traditional medicine can be In various ethnic groups in Indonesia, plants
simplicia (materials that have been dried), carrying (vegetable) specific (in addition to animal and mineral)
herbs, wrapped in herbs and medicinal fitoterapi group has long been used as medicine (traditional) to health
(based simplicia) eventhough chemotherapy are based care and treatment of disease. The plants that is most of
on active substances in the pure condition isolated from the ingredients of traditional medicine, in addition to
the plant. MOH prefer the traditional drug development materials of animal and mineral, which is the natural
in fitoterapi group, with the purpose to produce a wealth of Indonesia three. Hargono (1992:15-16)
preparation form simplicia fitoterapi eventhough explains about materials that the plant (vegetable),
galenik that can be utilized immediately in the formal which are used as traditional medicine can be: a whole
health services (Hargono 1992:15,16; Soesilo 1992:2). (intact) plants, plant parts, eventhough plant exudates,
namely the contents of plant cells which in some way
In the anthropological term, traditional medicine is
removed from the cell or vegetable substances separated
not only associated with naturalistic medical system, but
from plants. Parts of plants as medicine, among others,
also includes personalistic medical systems and a
can be: leaves, stems, bark, or roots, which can use
combination of both. In relation to the personalistic
alone or together, according to the need and use of
medical systems, traditional medicine can include health
health care or treatment of disease. According
care and cure of disease through the tools and methods:
Soemardjan (1992:141, 148), herbs are all natural
prayers, incantations, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, spells,
ingredients are mixed/blended by traditional ways to
mystical meditation, amulets (fetish), and other objects
strengthen the human body, prevent disease, and cure
which are considered magical or sacred (such as
the disease. Herbs is a product of the irrational culture,
daggers, knives, spears, or sticks) that can remove
while the drug is a product of a rational culture.
toxins, refuse reinforcements, or drive away evil spirits
that disturb or cause pain. Tools and method of healing Description of the history of the herbal industry in
is mostly only be done by a healer who are classified as Indonesia can be read in Soeprana (1992: 151-158). In
expert (professional) and receive recognition and status Indonesia the development of traditional medicine,
of the community, such as healers, shamans, or sinshes. particularly for integration with the formal health
services, has established two classes of herbs (Agoes
The Role of Traditional Medicine 1992:59). First, the class of seasoning, with raw
materials of simplicia that have not been standardized
From several ethnographic studies of health have
and accurated. Preparations form is simple, in the form
been raised some field work results (anthropological
of powder eventhough chopped steeping to steeping.
research) associated with the role of traditional
Terms relating to how to use it is still fully use the
medicine in some tribes in the world. Some of the
traditional terms, such as: excavation singset, sari rapet,
premise statement the results of field work it could be
sekalor, pegel pains, eventhough starting the wind.
suggested below. First, according to WHR. Rivers
Classes of flavoring Herbs is mostly produced by small
(Foster and Aderson 1986:6) is the treatment system of
scale herbal industry (home industry). Second, class
'native' (traditional are social institutions that should be
fitoterapy, with raw materials of simplicia that have
studied in the same way as studying social institutions
gained standardization and has done research on the
generally. Treatment practices of the 'original' is rational
preparation eventhough the galenika fitoterapy. Terms
from the corner of the prevailing beliefs about causation
relating to the method employed is to use the term
(etiology) of disease. Secondly, according to Alland
pharmacology, such as diuretics, obstipansia, and
Young (Foster and Aderson 1986:267), it is not
kolagoga. The special quality herbs of this class has
appropriate when traditional treatments (non-Western)
been clinically proven so reliable. Herbs fitoterapy
is said to be 'successful' in comparison with Western
group has been developed by the herbal industries large
medicine, at least according to the assumptions and
scale (national or international).
beliefs of local communities. The word 'successful',
according to Young, is the result of the expected (hope) Processing of herbs, especially herbs carry, can be
and due to the expected (expect) that will occur in divided into two kinds, namely by: (1) boil all the
restoring the health of the patient. According to society ingredients, and (2) taking or squeeze essence contained
perception, the treatment is said to 'work' when it has in the raw materials, then mix it with boiled water.
met the expectations of patients, families, and Some of the ingredients to be boiled and squeezed
communities about what to do and evidence of 'clinical' usually sliced or crushed first. Usage (simplicia)
diagnosis was correct that. Therefore, according to consumption of traditional medicine can be done
Young, traditional medicine has played a vital role in through three ways, namely: (1) direct consumption of
sustaining and positive physiological and psychological the fresh plant parts, such as: leaves, fruits, stems, or
well-being of those who believe in it. roots, (2) consumed after crushed herbs, and (3)
timbuhan consumed after boiling of drugs that have health. Here are a result of their identification about 77
been dried (simplicia). The materials of herbs that have species of medicinal plants (herbs).
been mashed can be used (consumed) to the inside of
Table 1. Identification of Nutritious Drug Plants
the body (in liquid and pill form by mouth), and the
(herbs) for Dental and Oral Health
outside of the body, among others, in the form parem
and pilis (Java).
No. Species Function
In 1976, Farnsworth and Bingel (Hargono 1 Adas = Fennel Anti flamasi, carminative,
1992:18,30) have done research about the properties (Foeniculum vulgare diuretic and anti-microbial,
which contained in herbs. Some properties of medicinal Mill.) useful for ulcers and sore
plants that can be used to cure the disease are: analgesic, throat (gargle).
2 Ajeran (Biden pilosa Overcome the toothache.
antifertilitas, antihistamik, antitussive, antiviral, anti- Linn.)
protozoa, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, cardiotonic, 3 Akar sere = Lemon Properties of roots or leaves
nerve medicine, insektisid, spermisid, and poison plants. grass roots are daphoreticum,
Based on the list of investigational medicinal properties (Adropogon nardus stomachichum,
of plants that can be developed plant materials Linn.) emmenagogum, mouthwash
or gum to tooth pain.
(vegetable) into fitoterapy group of drugs, which can be 4 Akar wangi = Vetiver Overcome the bad breath
used in formal health services. In Indonesia, the group (Andropogon and rheumatism.
of fitoterapy traditional medicine can be developed for zizanioides urban)
the treatment of infectious and noninfectious diseases. 5 Alpukat = Avocado Nutritious seeds for
(Persea gratissima toothache.
Materials and Methods gaertn)
6 Andong = Carriage Treating gingivitis.
The method that used in the practice of the field (Cordyline fruticosa
study, in identifying medicinal plants (herbs), Linn.)
specifically for dental and oral health. It is observation, 7 Asam Jawa = Treat the disease of thrush.
interview, using a material document, as well as Tamarind
photographic and video documentation. The first (Tamarindus indica)
8 Bawang Bombay = Disable the oral bacteria
method is the observation, that is used to identify the Leek (Allium sp.) and the cause tooth decay.
types of medicinal plants, shape, and structure of plants. 9 Bawang merah = Red Mixture of drugs for ulcers.
This herbal plant used to be planted permanently in the onion (Allium
ground, pot, or polybags. Plants planted in the pots and ascalonicum Linn)
polybags will be easy to move or take the buyers that 10 Bawang putih =Garlic Overcome the teeth or gums
(Allium sativum Linn.) abscess, sore throat and
need it. The second method is the interview, that is used tonsillitis.
to identify the Latin name of plant (if there is no written 11 Bayam duri = Thorn Treating a sore throat,
information on the plants) as well as herbal the spinach (Amaranthus toothache and bleeding
functional of herbal), specifically for dental and oral spinosus L.) gums.
12 Belimbing wuluh = Treat the ulcers, bleeding
health. An interview specifically addressed to the Wuluh starfruit gums, and cavities.
owners or employees of herbs. The third method is the (Averrhoa blimbi
use of the document (literature), that is owned by the Linn.)
owner of the of herbs to completing the information on 13 Beluntas (Pluchea Treat and eliminate the bad
the type and the function of herbal of herbs plants. The md/ca Linn.) breath.
14 Binahong = Heart leaf Treat the severe ulcers.
fourth method is a photographic and video (Bassela rubra Linn.)
documentation, that is useful to completing the data on 15 Brojo lintang = Brojo Treat overcome the bad
the three previous methods. latitude (Belamcanda breath.
Results 16 Bunga pukul empat= Overcome the arthritis and
Flowers at four tonsillitis.
On June 9th 2007, I am with 178 students of Faculty (Mirabilis jalapa L.)
17 Cabai Jawa = Java Overcome the cavities.
of Dentistry, Airlangga University, Surabaya have done chili (Piper
Field Practice Lecture at two places in East Java, which retrofractum Vahl.)
produce and practice medicine using herbs. The level 18 Cabai rawit =Cayenne Treat the ulcers, gingivitis
two students who attend classes Anthropology of Health pepper (Capsicum and reduces toothache.
was practice and his/her knowledge of etnomedicine and frutescen L.)
19 Calincing (Oxalis Treat the ulcers,
etnopharmacology, especially in identifying medicinal Corniculata) inflammation of the mouth
plants (herbs), in this case the drug for dental and oral and eliminate the bad
20 Cengkeh = Clove Treat the pain in tooth 43 Komfrey (Symphytum As a mouthwash, treat the
(Syzgium/Eugenia decay, gum abscess, bad officinale/asperum) gingivitis, and accelerate
aromaticum OK) breath, and sore throat. the recovery of damaged
21 Ceremai (Phyllanthus Treat the ulcers. tissue.
acidus) 44 Lampes (Ocimum Treat the ulcers.
22 Cincau rambat = Overcome the sancthum L.)
Cincau creepage gastroenteritis, typhoid, 45 Landep (Barleriae Treating the damaged teeth.
(Ciclea barbata hypertension, lowering prionitis L.)
Miers.) fever, oral thrush and 46 Lengkuas merah=Red Treat the toothache due to a
dysentery. galanga (Alpinia cold.
23 Daun duduk = Seat Relieve the tonsillitis. purpurata K.Schum.)
leaves (Desmodium 47 Lidah buaya (Aloe Overcome the ulcers in the
triquetrum) vera) mouth.
24 Daun karuk = Karuk Nutritious toothache. 48 Meniran (Phyllanthus Treat toothache and ulcers.
leaves(Piper urinaria)
sarmentosum Roxb.) 49 Murbei = Mulberry The root barkis useful for
25 Daun mentol = Whitener teeth naturally. (Morus alba L.) toothache.
Menthol leaves 50 Paprika merah = Red Overcome the bad breath.
(Mentha hapiocalyx peppers (Capsicum
Briq.) annuum)
26 Delima =Pomegranate Overcome the gingivitis. 51 Patah tulang Overcome the toothache.
(Punica granatum L.) (Euphorbia tirucalli)
27 Gambir (Uncaria Overcome the ulcers. 52 Pecut kuda Overcome sore throats,
gambir/hunter Roxb.) (Stachytarpheta inflamed the tonsils and bad
28 Geranium Decrease the bad breath jamaicensis) breath.
(Pelargonium citrosa) because disturbed of 53 Pegagan (Centella Treat the tonsillitis.
digestion in the stomach. asiatica Urb.)
29 Inggu (Ruta Treat the tooth decay. 54 Pinang = Areca nut To strengthen tooth enamel.
Angustifolia (L.) (Areca catechu)
Pers.) 55 Pisang = Banana Treat the ulcers.
30 Iris (Iris fluorentina) To strengthen tooth enamel. 56 Prasman (Eupatorium Overcome the ulcers.
31 Jambu biji = Guava Overcome ulcers. triplinerve Vahl.)
(Psidium guajava 57 Pulosari (Alyzia Overcome the ulcers.
Linn) reinwardti Bl.)
32 Jarak (Ricinus Treat the tooth decay. 58 Rosemari (Rosemari- Useful as a mouthwash and
communis) nus officinalis) treat bad breath.
33 Jarong Eliminate the sore throats. 59 Saga (Abrus Overcome the ulcers.
(Stachitarpheta indica precatorius Linn.)
surigle) 60 Salam (Syzigium Treat the ulcers and
34 Jeruk nipis = Lime Overcome toothache. polyanthum) tootache.
(Citrus aurantifolia) 61 Sambiloto Treat the toothache.
35 Kayu manis = Relieve and cure ulcers. (Andrographis
Cinnamon paniculata Ness.)
(Cinnamoman 62 Sangketan Treat the ulcers.
burmani) (Heliotropium
36 Kayu putih= Relieve pain due to tooth indicum)
Eucalyptus decay. 63 Selada = Lettuce Treat the ulcers.
(Meialeuca (Lactuca sativa)
leucadendra) 64 Selasih = Basil Treat the inflammation of
37 Kemangi = Basil Overcome the bad breath. (Ocimum basilicum) the mouth.
(Botani ocimum 65 Seledri = Celery Overcome the smell of bad
basillicum) (Apium graveoulens breath.
38 Kemuning (Murraya Treat the tooth decay. L)
paniculata (L.) Jack) 66 Semanggi gunung Treat a the ulcers.
39 Keningar Overcome toothache and (Hydrocotyle
(Cynamomum bad breath. sibthorpioides)
aromaticum) 67 Sembung (Blumea Overcome the ulcers.
40 Ketimun = Curcuma Nutritious as a mouthwash balsameifera BL.
(Curcuma domestica) and ulcers. DC.)
41 Kitolot (Isotoma Treat the toothache. 68 Sidaguri (Sida Overcome the ulcers and
longiflora (L.) Pres.) rhombifolia L.) toothache.
42 Kluwih (Artocarpus Treat the gums pain. 69 Sirih = Betel leaves Treat the bad breath, the
altilis (Park.) Fsb) (Piper betle Linn.) bleeding gums, ulcers and
70 Stevia = Sweet leaf Scent the breath. mouthwash / mouth wash will help the healing process
(Stevia rebaudiana) and prevent infection. The sore area is compressed with
71 Stroberi = Strawberry Prevent ulcers.
(Fragaria daltoniana) a crushed garlic and baked, or fresh garlic chewed to
72 Takokak (Sollanum Overcome the toothache. prevent infection and speed to heal because of the
torvum Swartz) antiseptic effect. Give drops in boiling water
73 Teh = Tea (Carnellia Clean the plaque. sufficiently, with clove oil and lemongrass oil to
sinensis (L.) Kuntze.) mouthwash can reduce pain in the teeth. Tea root / leaf
74 Temulawak = Removes the bad breath.
Curcuma (Curcuma valerian may reduce tooth pain and may relax their
xanthorrhiza Roxb.) nerve stimulation (kalming) due to pain.
75 Tikel Balung (Vitis Treat the toothache and
quadrangularis tooth decay. Fourth, for canker sores, canker sores rub the
Wall..) affected spot with crushed garlic, will be able to speed
76 Tomat = Tomato Tomato leaves is used for up the healing. Increase consumption of garlic in the
(Gycopersicum gingivitis, bleeding gums, diet can prevent canker sores. Drink warm cup lime
esculentum Mill) and ulcers.
juice and honey, 3 times a day @ 1 cup will speed up
77 Valerian (Vallerian Overcome the teeth or gum
officinalis) abscess. the healing. Steeping extract / extract of aloe vera is
very effective against fungi in the mouth.
Through these four methods, obtained a result of Fifth, for ulcers in the mouth, rubbing the taxable
herbal identification that nutritious for dental and oral ulcer with aloe vera, will speed healing. Sixth, to bad
health with 77 species of plants. Most of the plant breath, drink carrot juice, celery, watercress, cucumber,
species that identified, serves as a prevention and and a little paprika. Chewing fresh leaves rosemeri
treatment of toothache, cavities, tartar, gum swelling / while water is swallowed. Wading the cloves,
bleeding, bad breath and canker sores. In some cases, cinnamon, and rosemeri with wine for one week, then
dental and oral health, the function of herbal is still filtered, and taken 3 times a day @ 1 tablespoon. Chew
limited in the prevention and treatment are limited and fresh watercress, or petroseli, or chewing the leaves, or
not permanent. tarragon will be able to freshen bad breath. Drinking
From the identification of 77 types of herbs, not all boiled fragrant root, fennel, candy leaves, and leaves the
identified parts of the plant (flowers, leaves, stems, horse whip will overcome bad breath. Sixth, for the
bark, and roots) that serves as a medicine. Just a few booster of teeth, betel leaves, areca nuts, little calcium
types of herbs that have been identified for the use of oxide, to eat betel, may protect tooth enamel, and
herbal medicinal plants, such as roots and leaves sere cemented the position of the teeth in the jaw.
for dental mouthwash, and seeds of avocado and Discussion
mulberry root bark for toothache. This is caused limited
time, the one day to two distant parties. As it has been presented in the Result, of 77 types
of herbal plants, only a few types are identified based on
My interview with Ir. Wahyu Suprapto, the owner the plants used. Indeed, the task of identification of
of Herba Medica Centre in Batu-Malang, obtained herbal plants for students that can not be completed
information about the types, parts, and the function of completely. This is partly due to limited time, because
herbal and how to use herbal plants (recipe), relating to in a day the students had to identify the two distant
oral and dental problems. First, gingivitas (gum parties. Indeed, the purpose of Field Practice Lecture for
inflammation), 25 grams of the dry leaves komfrey students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of
brewed with boiling water 500 cc (1 tablespoon brewed Airlangga it is merely known (initial identification)
with boiling water 1 cup). Results of steeping It for type, Latin names, and functions or efficacy of herbs,
mouthwash is swallowed a little while, can overcome especially for oral health. However, some types of
the irritating gums. Second, cavities, chili powder for herbal plants are identified, in addition to the types and
topical medications/jerky (local analgesic) to reduce functions, as well as explaining about: the plant,
pain in the teeth. Crushed fennel seeds for medicine on pharmacology effects, and natural chemical content. For
the sore area jerky/cavities can reduce inflammation. example, the root of sere (Andropogon nardus Linn.),
Jatropha sap drops of clove oil on a cotton swab or Roots and leaves efficacious as daphoreticum,
sterile and enter into the hollow tooth. stomachicum, and emmenagogum.
Third, the inflammation that occurs in the network The complete identification of herbal plants are
around the tooth root causes damage to the network and usually associated with nine things: 1. type, 2. Latin
raises infection of the tooth, which raised the name, 3. plant part used (roots, tubers, rhizomes, stems /
suppuration (abscess). Komfrey leaf decoction for wood, latex / slime, fruit, leaves, flowers, seeds), 4.
natural chemical (toxic and nontoxic), 5. pharmacologic others: disease can be treated as causal, symptoms are
effect (antibacterial, antiinflammatory, antipyretic, treated symptomatic disease (such as ulcers), state of the
anticoagulant, analgesic, diuretic, hemostatic, treated body part supportive (such as eliminate mouth
hypotensive, hypoglycemic, laxative, laktagog), 6. odor), and disease has been diagnosed by a doctor.
functions or efficacy (typically related to the
The beginning research (identification) of herbs
pharmacologic effects of the plant), 7. properties (hot,
that have been done by myself and the students of
neutral, cold), 8. aroma (fresh, fragrant, sweet,
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Airlangga, at least
unpleasant), and 9. taste (fresh / not bitter, bitter, very
have to give an overview how many herbs are
bitter, sweet, spicy, sour) (see Mahendra 2002:5-31,
efficacious for oral health. Some herbs that are known
Harmanto 2006:18-22).
to the public and college, but in fact there are many
Of the 77 kinds of herbs are efficacious for oral kinds of herbal plants that are not yet known. This study
health, newly five plant species were identified fairly at least give an idea about it, although not yet
complete. These five kinds herbal plants that are: adas, demonstrated a thorough identification. Therefore,
root sere, avocado, mulberry, and tomatoes. In relation necessary to complete the identification of herbal plants
to oral health, some specific kinds herbs that can be for nutritious and healthy teeth and mouth.
presented below. First, to overcome the cavities are Java
chili, cloves, rue, distance, yellow, Landep, and tikel
cockscomb. Second, to overcome bad breath or bad Agoes, Azwar. 1992. “Pengobatan Tradisional di
breath is fragrant root, onion, beluntas, calincing, basil, Indonesia”. In Azwar Agoes dan T. Jacob, eds.
betel leaves, geranium, keningar, red peppers, horse Antropologi Kesehatan Indonesia: Pengobatan Tradisi-
whip, rosemary, celery, and ginger. Third, to overcome onal. Vol. I. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC,
gum inflammation or abscess is buggy, garlic, spinach page 53-65.
thorn, star fruit, cayenne pepper, konfrey, pomegranate, Duryatmo, Sardhi. 2003. Aneka Ramuan Berkhasiat dari
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Photographs of activities Field Practice Lecture,
Faculty of Dentistry, University of Airlangga,
Surabaya. Photo and description by a group of 16

Photo 3. Mr. Wahyu gives guidance, Mrs. Wahyu helps

her husband make a potion.

Foto1. Groups of 16 with Health Anthropology

Lecturer, Drs. Nurcahyo Tri Arianto, M. Hum

Photo 4. Recipe of Mr. Wahyu to keep the body

temperature (upper right), pink, composed of lime juice,
ginger, and honey.
Photo 5. Student enthusiastically tasting Mr. Wahyu's
recipes Photo 8. Herbal packaging made in a special room.

Photo 6. Mr. Nurcahyo giving souvenir to Mr. Wahid Photo 9. Pressing room at Dayang Sumbi.
Isnandar as leaders of PJ. Dayang Sumbi-Mojokerto

Photo 7. Herbal medicine in the weighing room at Photo 10. PJ. Dayang Sumbi various herbal products,
Dayang Sumbi. natural ingredients of high nutritious.

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