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HEALING through Astrology

and Greek Mythology

Soul’ s Journey through Myths


About me:

I am a Leo. I was born in 1981 and raised

in the beautiful city of Athens, Greece’s cap-
ital. Since I was a little kid, I had questions
about how the World functions and how
everything can be better. Since 2008, I have
been consistently occupied with Philosophy,
Mythology and Esotericism studies. I studied Astrology at the Life-
long-learning Centre ‘Astropedia’. In Astrology, I’ve come to find the
answer to many questions of mine, seeing how we are the Myths and
the Archetypes and how they function in our Soul. My aim is to share
that Knowledge to the public so that people find happiness, serenity,
and Catharsis.

e-mail: areti.georgakopoulou1@gmail.com

Cover Image: Efi Papaioannou

ISBN: 978-960-93-9947-0
© Areti Georgakopoulou, Athens 2018


In this comprehensive book, you will learn how man and the Universe func-
tion, by journeying through the myths of Ancient Greece. By means of Philos-
ophy and Symbolism, the ancient Greek civilization delved deeply into moral
values as well as psychology. We see Tasks, fights with strong monsters, in-
trigues between the Gods, or between Gods and humans, altercations, distant
travels and deaths, loves… All those can be found in the human psyche. “As
above, so below,” said the Hermeticists. Once you’ve finished this book, you
will see the World differently. You will recognize the Wisdom it holds and
you will be able to discover your own path, your personal road to serenity
and happiness. And it will all go down through Astrology and the fascinating
stories of the ancient Greek mythology. Recognize the way those stories func-
tion in your own World! Become the Possessor of that Knowledge now and
use it to your benefit, so that Happiness comes to you and stays forever.



• Signs 10
• Planets 15
• Aspects 18
• Houses 21
• Ruling Planets 23
• The Nodes of the Moon 25

• My meditation with the Earth 29
• Frequencies and Healing 32
• Next step: Forgiveness – Bliss 34
• Travel around your Astrological Chart 34
• Dealing with future tough Aspects 35


(Reference to Dragons, Heroes, Thebes, Troy, Colchis
and their connections)


• Kingdom of Pluto 46
• Kingdom of Poseidon 51
• Kingdom of Zeus 55

The Cave of the Nymphs 56


Since antiquity, people admired and observed the nature in which they
lived and the awe-inspiring bright sky. They observed the way plants and
trees function, the weather, the movement of celestial bodies, the reactions
of people and animals. Through the years, they came to realize that all
those are connected in some magical way with invisible bonds. This con-
nection will be explicitly analyzed.
This realization gave birth to the Art of Astrology which explains the in-
fluence of Stars and planets in the nature as well as our inner world. We have
found a plethora of astrological references in ancient civilizations, such as
that of Assyria, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Egypt, and Greece. Priests, Kings, and
small groups of mystics possessed that knowledge, and they preserved it over
the centuries by means of symbols. In ancient Greece, the symbols which serve
as Archetypes in out soul are the twelve Olympian gods and many other
mythological figures. Apart from historical narrations, mythology facts are
also the way human psyche as well as the whole World’s psyche evolves.
For the initiates of the era inserted symbols in their narrations. Through the an-
cient Greek myths, it is evident that they believed in the incarnation theory
and in the soul’s journey whose final destination is Zeus’ kingdom through the
Catharsis, as we will see later on. Catharsis is also mentioned in ancient Greek
philosophy and tragedies.
The knowledge of our Astrological Chart is a necessary asset on our
road to Catharsis, as well as serenity and happiness of the soul. Each one
of us has a different path to walk along in order to lead a harmonious life
and manage to see the world with a different view.

The first part of the book is dedicated to Astrology. In that chapter,

through Zodiac Signs, Aspects of Planets, Houses, Planets’ qualities and
connections, we will explain the basic knowledge one needs to read a
personal Chart. Then, we will make a journey to the ancient myths, as He-
roes we will be faced with the Dragons and the Beasts we must fight, we
will stand beside Persephone to taste in her company the Hades experi-
ence, we will descend to Tartarus to face the Titans, we will seek the way
out of that frightful kingdom shooting luminous arrows in its darkness, we
will pass from the Delphic oracle to get Apollo’s prophecy, we will dance
with the Nymphs, so that – having the Dragons of Golden Knowledge al-
ways as our guards – we reach to our completion as Hercules, who
through fire experiences Catharsis and is led to the palaces of Olympus…


Astrology is associated with Mythology and influences our psyche. So,

it is necessary to have an initial contact with the Zodiac Signs and the
planets to get a first understanding of their connection and turn the draw-
backs of our astrological Chart into advantages, and obtain harmony in
our life.

We all have heard of Astrology and the Signs. Most of us have gone
as far as learning “what is my sign” and less frequently “what is my As-
cendant.” Nevertheless, there comes a time when we want to know what
exactly “I’m an Aries” means and learn that Sign’s properties. And right
there, while we’re looking around, we realize that we are not just our Sign
and our Ascendant, but rather an entire Astrological Chart including
twelve Signs and ten main Planets that are found in different points within
the Zodiac and form aspects with each other, that is, they “meet” with

geometrical angles. That is the image of the sky the moment we were
born, our natal Chart. It is different for everyone, as planets move con-
stantly. A first look at our Astrological Chart will perplex us. It is time to
meet the Signs’ symbols, the Planets’ symbols, aspects between them, and
analyze what they mean.


Let’s start with the basics. The Astrological Chart includes a Zodiac circle.
The Zodiac circle is the circle around which the Sun1 revolves for one Year.
It is therefore a circle of 360 degrees and is divided into 12 equal parts
of 30 degrees (the 12 Signs).
The zodiac signs are grouped into four elements:
Fire Signs: Aries – Leo - Sagittarius
Earth Signs: Taurus – Virgo - Capricorn
Air Signs: Gemini – Libra - Aquarius
Water Signs: Cancer – Scorpio - Pisces

They also known as:

Cardinal: Aries – Cancer – Libra - Capricorn
Fixed: Taurus – Leo – Scorpio – Aquarius

1. The Sun in reality does not move. The Earth revolves around the Sun and as it moves, it
“sees” the Sun at a different point. To make it clear, let’s take a wall clock as an example. At
the center of the clock, there is a dot that supposing it’s the Sun. The clock’s numbers are the
movement of the Earth and the external part of the clock is the Zodiac Signs. When the Earth
is at number 12, across from it is number 6 and whichever Sign is behind number 6. Thus, it
sees the Sun and behind it, the Sign that is behind number 6. If the Earth moves to number 3,
it will see behind the Sun whichever Sign is behind number 9. The Sun, therefore, is always at
the same position because in reality the system is heliocentric. But Astrology operates on
the Geocentric system, where we suppose that the Earth is at the center and the planets, in-
cluding the Sun and the Moon, are around it.
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Mutable: Gemini – Virgo – Sagittarius - Pisces

We start counting from the point of the Ascendant (Asc, in brief) in figure1.
It is the point of the Sky that rises on our birth. We are at the center.

We have in line the Signs’ symbols and the time of each one, that is,
when the Sun traverses that part of the Zodiac. We will also meet the
Signs’ features, and how they influence us. To get a first image of the Zo-
diac and the Archetypes, it is useful to take a look at all the Signs and
not just ours, because our psyche includes some percentage of all the
Signs. That depends on where our planets are and with which ones they



Aries March 21 - April 20

Enthusiastic, passionate, competitiveness, boldness, courageous
Impatient, aggression, hot temper, impulsive, immaturity

Taurus April 21 - May 21

Reliability, patient, perseverance, practicality, love for life and harmony,
responsibility, stability, sensuality
Slowness, possessive, greed, the desire for luxury, jealousy, stubborn

Gemini May 21 - June 20

Communication, flexibility of mind, curiosity, perception,
ability to learn quickly
Nervous, negligence, inconsistent, indecisive, inability to complete what
he is doing, inability for deep emotions, lier

Cancer June 21 - July 22

Emotional, motherhood, care, highly imaginative, receptivity,
good memory
Mood swings, tearfulness, insecure, dependence on the mother,
acute sensitivity
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Leo July 23 - August 22

Generosity, passion, warm-hearted, creativity, self-confidence, careless-
ness, leadership, pride
Narcissism, laziness, arrogant, self-centered, wants to be the focus of attention

Virgo August 23 - September 22

Practical, hard-working, ability to analyze, loyalty, rationalism, purity,
Criticism, coldness, boring, perfectionism, stingy

Libra September 23 - October 22

diplomacy, justice, harmony, peace, sociability, a tendency for cooperation
indecisiveness, procrastination, cowardice, partner dependency, sensitivity
to flattery

Scorpio October 23 - November 21

Passionate, strong will, strength, endurance, magnetism, intuition, a true
friend, very deep emotions
Deep tribulation, jealousy, obsession with power and control, secrecy,
self-destruction, manipulation, suspiciousness, violence, need for revenge

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21

Optimism, the desire to teach, expansion, love for philosophy and long
journeys, faith, generosity, idealistic, great sense of humor, spontaneity,
a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
Laziness, over-optimism, instability, unreliability, the will to control oth-
ers, exaggeration

Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Advantages: Responsibility, self-control, organization, a good manager,
Patience, perseverance, discipline, stability, ambition, commitments, au-
thority, desire for planning
Drawbacks: Depression, conservatism, pessimism, callousness, blocking
emotions, obsession with social recognition.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18

Advantages: Independence, progressiveness, originality, unexpected-
ness, idealism
Drawbacks: Coldness, radicalism, fanaticism, getting bored easily every-
thing, uncompromising, misfit

Pisces February 19 - March 20

Advantages: Imagination, inspiration, sensitivity, romanticism, love for
society, self-sacrifice, tenderness, creativity
Drawbacks: Desire to escape reality, risk of alcoholism or drugs, feeble-
ness, drowsiness, can be a victim, unclear mind, liar
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology


Within the Zodiac circle, we find the planets spread across various Signs.
So, what we do is fill the empty Zodiac with them and learn their features.
The main planets are:

The Sun is our personality, our basic identity, what we truly are, not what
we imagine ourselves to be, our conscience, our vitality, the Archetype of
the father and the spouse.

The Moon is the emotions, the way we feel (romantically, coldly, tenderly
etc.), our need for security, the unconscious mind, the bodily fluids, the Ar-
chetype of the mother.

Mercury is the way we think – fast, slowly, cunningly etc. It is the planet
of communication and expression, the way we write, read, and coordinate
with others.

Venus is the way we love and our relationship with money. It shows what
we enjoy, what artistic tendencies we may have, what we value. For the
men, Venus also shows the woman they wish to be with.


Mars is the planet of action and tensions. It’s the way we make decisions,
get angry, drive, how much we like motion and sports, and how sexual
we are. It’s also our survival instinct. For the women, Mars also shows the
man they wish to be with. In soft aspects with other planets, it gives dy-
namism and determination, while in hard ones, nervousness and anger.

Jupiter indicates abundance in the sector it is found, generosity, and the
sector in which we are lucky. In good aspects with other planets, it gives
generosity, optimism, love for philosophy and traveling, and a sense of
humour. In negative aspects, it gives hyper-optimism, irresponsibility, par-
asitism (it is those people who say, “God will provide” and don’t work
having others providing for them as a result; as they are lucky, there’s al-
ways someone to take care of them).

Saturn shows that we have deficiencies and difficulties in the sector it’s
found. It’s tough and places limits. In good aspects, it shows discipline
and responsible behaviour, while in hard aspects, solitude, pessimism, sor-
row, and deprivation.

The last three planets (outer planets or extra-Saturnal, as they are be-
yond Saturn) are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. As they move very slowly,
they colour entire generations and we can see their function every time
they meet some of the above planets or the Ascendant in an aspect. We
will learn about aspects in the next chapter. Those planets’ properties are
the following:
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Uranus gives velocity, eccentricity, reaction to the status quo, and a sen-
sitive nervous system.

Neptune gives imagination, dreamlike situations, a connection to the Un-
conscious, a tendency to be in one’s own world, thrills, and addiction to
substances that help them “get away.”

Pluto gives secretiveness, jealousy, possessiveness, and bottomless depth
to the planet it meets.

The Ascendant is the way others perceive us and how we respond to our
environment. It is also a second personality waiting to grow. When there’s
a planet forming an aspect with the Ascendant, it ‘colours’ it. For example,
having Mercury conjunct the Ascendant makes you clever, Pluto makes
you possessive and profound etc.



Now, we will study the aspects that planets form with each other. Aspect
is the angle between two planets within the Chart. That is, at how many
degrees they see one another. Each Sign is divided into 30 degrees. Each
degree is divided into 60 minutes, but that’s a detail we won’t need. It
will only help us understand what it means to say, for instance: Moon 27
42’ Libra. It means that the Moon is in Libra at 27 degrees and 42 min-
utes. The main types of aspects are:

Conjunct, when two planets are next to one another, within a distance
of 0 to about 8 degrees.

Square, when they have a distance of 90 degrees.

Opposite, when they each are across from the other, that is, a 180-
degrees distance.

Trine, when they have a distance of 120 degrees.

Sextile, when they have a distance of 60 degrees.

Square and opposite aspects are “hard” aspects because they bring out
the negative features of the planets. (The planets’ positive and negative
elements are like the advantages and drawbacks of the Signs they rule
over. We will talk about ruling planets later on. Trine and sextile aspects
are benefic aspects that bring good luck. The conjunct aspect is neuter. It
depends on whether the participating planets are favourable (Venus,
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Jupiter) or unfavourable (Saturn, Pluto). That is, a Moon-Venus aspect or a

Sun-Jupiter aspect are favourable. A Moon-Saturn aspect or a Sun-Pluto
aspect are unfavourable.

Let’s now see a Zodiac that includes the Planets:

000 12’

12’ 000
000 12’
12’ 000

10 9 12’

11 8 270
130 160
47’ 42’
12 7
000 000

12’ 12’
1 6

31’ 02’
280 2 5 040
000 250 12’
3 4 52’
12’ 060 000
56’ 060

000 12’
12’ 000
000 12’

We see the Sun at the 06 52’ degree of Leo, the Ascendant at the 00
12’ degree of Aries and the Moon at the 27 42’ degree of Libra. Then we
look for the other planets, at which degree of which Sign they are.


Sun is at the same degree with Mars, at 6th of Leo, that means that these
two planets are in conjunct. Venus in 27 degrees Gemini is in trine with Moon
27 degrees Libra. The Trine Aspect is 120 degrees. If we count from 27
Gemini to 27 Cancer = 30 degrees. 27 Gemini to 27 Leo = 60 degrees. 27
Gemini to 27 Virgo = 90 degrees, 27 Gemini to 27 Libra = 120 degrees.
As we know that every Sign has 30 degrees, we can count the distance.
In the conjunct, square, opposite, and trine aspects, the degrees may be
plus or minus 7, depending on the Astrologer. That is, if Venus is 27 degrees
Gemini and the Moon is 23 Libra, therefore 116 degrees, we take it as a
trine aspect. In the sextile aspects, the accepted orb is smaller, plus or minus
3 degrees.
The next aspect we see is the Opposition of the Moon 27 Libra to Uranus
28 Aries. They are exactly opposite each other, which equals 180 degrees
(half a circle, 360 divided by 2). The accepted orb is plus or minus 1 degree
in this aspect. Uranus in 28 Aries forms a sextile aspect with Venus in 27
Gemini. (30+30=60). The accepted orb is once again plus or minus 1 degree,
so this hexagon is 59 degrees. Similarly, we see that Jupiter in 16 Libra forms
a square aspect with Pluto in 17 Capricorn.

A test to experiment.
How many degrees apart is Mercury from Mars?
How many degrees apart is Jupiter from Saturn?
How many degrees apart is Venus from Saturn?
How many degrees apart is 05 Leo from 05 Scorpio?
How many degrees apart is 17 Aquarius from 20 Pisces?

So, we learned how to count the aspects. Let’s get to the Houses of the
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology


Houses divide the Zodiac into 12 parts as well, but not equal ones.
Depending on the longitude and latitude of the place where we were
born, the Houses’ sizes may vary. The 1st House might be very large,
about 35 degrees, or very small, about 25 degrees. Also, every House
has the same size as its opposite one. Let’s study an example of this.

150 14’

13’ 110
180 51’
20 0
14 0

52’ 33’
02’ 160 100
21’ 34’
10 9 51’

11 8

12’ 280
12 7
130 130

27’ 140 15’ 27’

1 6

2 5
100 02’
3 4 140

51’ 180

110 180 13’

51’ 180
150 14’


We see a Chart with the Ascendant in 13 27’ Libra. The 1st House al-
ways starts from the Ascendant. As seen on the Chart, the 1st House ends
in 10 51’ Scorpio, where the 2nd House begins. The 3rd House begins in
11 51’ Sagittarius, the 4th in 15 14’ Capricorn, the 5th in 18 13’ Aquar-
ius and the 6th begins in 18 02’ Pisces. So, these are the first 6 Houses
in the Zodiac, those found in the lower hemisphere of the Circle. Now, we
see that the Houses found on the exact opposite from them begin in the
same degrees. For instance, the 1st is opposite from the 7th, the 1st begins
in 13 27’ Libra and the 7th in 13 27’ Scorpio. This goes for all the other
Houses too.
Where the 10th House begins, in 15 14’ Cancer, is the Midheaven
(Mc) or Zenith, that is, the highest point in the sky, at noon. It might be
more to the left or right, depending on the place we were born and how
it appears to us. Respectively, where the 4th House begins, in 15 14’
Capricorn is the Ic or Nadir, the lowest point in the sky.
Houses have the nature of Signs, wherever they may be within the Zo-
diac, so they bear their properties.
The 1st House bears the properties of Aries, whatever its position may be.
The 2nd House bears the properties of Taurus.
The 3rd House bears the properties of Gemini etc.
When planets are in the cusps, that is, very close to the point where
the House begins, they have great power.
In our figure, we have Jupiter in 14 15’ Libra, that is, in the cusp of the 1st
House or Ascendant. So, it takes features from Aries. Jupiter is very powerful
here, not just for being close to the 1st House’s cusp, but also because the
Ascendant (cusp of the 1st House) is always the most powerful point within
the Horoscope. Then, the planets who are in the 4th, 7th and 10th Houses
also have big power. Those four Houses (1,4,7,10) are called angular Houses.
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

The Moon and Saturn are in the 3rd House, so they receive Gemini features.
Pluto is near the 4th House’s cusp, it is powerful and receives Cancer features.
The Sun is one degree before the 10th House’s cusp (Midheaven), the ac-
cepted orb is about 3 degrees, so the Sun is drawn by the10th House’s cusp
and we won’t count it as if it was in the 9th House. Therefore, the Sun receives
features of Capricorn which is the tenth Sign; it is also powerful. Mars and
Mercury are also in the 10th House, they are powerful and receive Capricorn
features too. Venus is in the 8th House and receives features of the eighth
Sign which is Scorpio.
The next step is learning how planet combinations function.

Ruling Planets

Planets’ nature matches that of Signs. The planet that has the same na-
ture with a Sign is called the Ruler of that Sign. The rulings are as follows:
Aries – Mars
Taurus – Venus
Gemini – Mercury
Cancer – Moon
Leo – Sun
Virgo – Mercury
Libra – Venus
Scorpio – Pluto
Sagittarius – Jupiter
Capricorn – Saturn
Aquarius – Uranus
Pisces – Neptune

In an aspect between planets, the outer one always influences the inner
one. Starting from the inner ones and ending with the outer ones, the order is:

Moon – Sun – Mercury – Venus – Mars – Jupiter – Saturn – Uranus –

Neptune – Pluto.

So, the last Planets colour the first ones. In the Pluto-Mars pair, Mars
is coloured, in the Uranus-Mercury pair, Mercury is coloured, in the Sat-
urn-Venus pair, Venus is coloured by Saturn etc.
In our example on the Chart, we have the Sun and Mars both in Leo
and in the same degrees. Both the Sun and Mars are coloured by the Sign,
but the Sun is also coloured by Mars. As we saw, Mars is like Aries as
that’s its Ruler, so that Sun also receives Aries features, such as impatience,
nervousness, etc. In the trine aspect between the Moon and Venus, the
Moon is coloured by Venus as a more inner planet. So, we look at the
aspects and the properties of the planets and we draw a conclusion about
how those influence our psyche.
A test to experiment in the connection between planets.
Which Signs’ features does:
The Sun have in Aquarius in the 6th House in opposite aspect with
The Moon have in Gemini in the 1st House in trine aspect with Saturn?
Mercury have in Scorpio in the 3rd House in conjunct aspect with Pluto?

The Sun has Aquarius features because of the Sign it’s in, Virgo features because of the
6th House and Pisces features because of the opposition with Neptune. The opposition is an
unfavourable (malefic) aspect, so it receives the drawbacks of the Planet Neptune, that is,
the drawbacks of Pisces.
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

The Moon has Gemini features, Aries features because of the 1st House and Capricorn
features because of the trine aspect with Capricorn’s Ruler, Saturn. The trine aspect is a
favourable (benefic) one, so the Moon receives the advantages of the planet and Capricorn.
Mercury has Scorpio features, Gemini features because of the 3rd House, and Scorpio
features because of the conjunct aspect with Scorpio’s Ruler, Pluto. Conjuncts are neither
benefic nor malefic, but Pluto is a malefic planet, so it gives malefic features when it colours
another planet in conjunct aspect. So, this Mercury has bold Gemini features, as it’s that Sign’s
Ruler, that is, it’s in the House that’s its place, and bold Scorpio features, as it’s in Scorpio but
also in conjunct aspect with Scorpio’s Ruler.
It takes time and study to fully understand all the above. For now, they can help you
begin the interpretation journey of your own astrological Chart.

The Nodes of the Moon

Two focal points of our Chart that need to be mentioned are the Nodes
of the moon. Their symbols are:

North Node

South Node

Those are two important points that reveal to us the journey of the Soul.
The North Node is placed exactly opposite from the South Node and, de-
pending on the Zodiac Sign they are in, they show us: The South our past,
who we were and what we leave behind and the North our future, what we
came to complete in the life we live, what is the lesson we must learn so that
we move on. They are the points that show us where we come from and

where we are going. In our example, the North Node is in Leo, so the South
is in Aquarius. This shows us the past of a rebel who cannot be subjugated,
opposition, loneliness, someone who in this life acquires leading and creating
abilities and is ready to demonstrate them to his community. In most people,
we see that the South Node is strong, meaning that they are stuck with old
habits of the soul and do not want to walk along towards their destiny, on
the way the North Node is showing them. In such cases, we must look at how
the Nodes meet with the planets. For some the road to evolution is easy while
for others it is tough. But the aim of our life journey is achieving to cross that
This way, we will have learnt our lesson and we will be able to evolve
but also reach faster to the Catharsis… to the Creator… to Heaven. If we do
not accept the difficult road and remain at a standstill, we are probably simply
recycled and turn over the same things for a long time or over many lives…
These two points are also called Dragons, with the North Node being the
head and the South being the tail of the Dragon, two points in the Sky that
are found where the Moon’s orbit intersects with the Sun’s orbit as those two
can be seen from the Earth, that is, with the geocentric system used by As-
trology, as we have pointed out that in reality (Heliocentric System) the Sun
does not move.
At most points of the Zodiac, as it rotates, the Moon is found a little above
or a little under the Sun whenever they are at the same degrees. However,
when they meet close to the Nodes, the Moon covers the Sun, as their trajec-
tories meet. The closer they are to the intersection point (the Nodes point) the
more total the eclipse.
The point from which the Moon ascends north of the ecliptic is called North
Node, while the point from which it descends south of it is called South Node.

HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Lunar South Node



Lunar North Node

Later on, while wandering in the myths of Ancient Greece, we will see
explicit references to the Moon’s Nodes that are presented to us as Drag-
ons and guide us to the journey of our Soul.

So far, this is enough for someone to acquire a basic knowledge of As-

trology and be able to interpret their Astrological Birth Chart, so that they
can proceed and learn about how this is all connected with the myths, as
well as how it is all interconnected.

HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology


The Hermeticists say, ‘As above, so below.’ That group follows the
teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. The Universe is the Galaxies and Con-
stellations, as well as our inner World. What exists outside of us resides
inside of us, things are made in such a way that bigger objects affect those
that are smaller. I have written something that will help you understand
the Unity or Wholeness of all, and that everything is just as important, not
for us, but for the entire Universe. We make the mistake of seeing things
anthropocentrically. Let’s deviate from this view…

“My meditation with the Earth”

“In one of my travels, I decided to ‘increase’ my volume, to get out of my

house, and become as big as a block of flats, then get 100 metres tall, and
start seeing all the cities around me, and grow more to reach the highest moun-
tains, to become even taller, and become 70 km high and 10 km wide. Then,
I jump out of the Earth. I stand right before it, looking at it. We become equal,
and I start chatting with Earth, using the language of Εmotion.
- You’ re so beautiful! Full of so many colours! I’d like to be colourful like
you! And strong! You’re proudly eddying around yourself!
- You’ re beautiful in your own unique way. Everything’s beautiful in the
Universe, each thing in its own form, but partaking of the same Essence, gov-
erned by the same Laws, Geometry and Karma, but above all Justice. What-
ever I am, you are, as well, and so are the beings that live inside of you. We

are all Transmitters and Receivers of energy and emotion. We all play the
same game, we all run the same software.
- Oh, you speak so wisely ! How can I upgrade my own beings, so that
they won’t take ill, and can give me energy and pure thoughts?
- What you’ve just asked me hurts…I carry some beings on me that have
made me sick! Still, I know that I have to grin and bear it, until they come full
circle, and recover when the time comes…
- I have a virus inside me that pesters me. Does this remind you of your
own beings? What can I do about it?
- Whatever you do…if you don’t let it come full circle, as this is how every-
thing works, it won’t leave you alone. It will do what it has to do, then it will
“die,” and its matter will turn into something else.
- So be it… I’ll be patient. What’s going on with the other beings inside
me? Is there something I can do, so that they won’t take ill, or give me any
hard time every so often?
- These are part of a bigger plan. If you feel ready to change, they will
change too. The same holds for my own beings. If I change and go up one
level, they will have to follow. It’s the famous power of Necessity. Perhaps,
the opposite is true, as well. It may all start from the Microcosm, not the
Macrocosm. Perhaps, it’s of little importance where it all begins… If it starts
from somewhere, it means that there is a beginning and an ending. Is there?
- Don’t ask me! I’m a simple person. You are the wise one!
- I doubt it! What makes you think we’re different? You are what I am.
Haven’t you understood anything from what we’ve been discussing so far?
- OK. Er…one last question. I don’t want to tire you out. You may be busy!
Who does all this? Who pulls the Strings, and why?
- He who Rules over all, God. The ‘why’ is something I don't know, ei-
ther. If and when you find it out, let me know.
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

After this cute text, we see the effect of Galaxies on Constellations, the
Constellations on the Planets, the Planets on us, and we on the Microcosm
within…Everything is One! As soon as we realise it, we “hear” and vibrate to
the music of Universal Love!
The whole World is an ocean of energy, where everything affects one an-
other. The Universe is made up of Galaxies that contain Constellations, Con-
stellations include Solar Systems, and every Solar system has a Sun in the
middle with Planets revolving around it. Every Planet seems to be affected by
what “seems” to go around it. This is the Geocentric System, according to
which Astrology works.
Let’s talk about the Earth at this point. Supposing that a life form is born at
some point on this planet. The map of the sky at the time of its birth is instantly
recorded like a photo, that is its astrological chart. Whatever is in the sky at
the time is inside our psyche. We are stardust, children of the Stars. Our brain
centres are just like the Sky. They say that the Universe is holographic. What-
ever exists at one point exists everywhere. Why is it, then, that we differ so
much from one another, while we are so much alike?
The Sky is never the same, it constantly changes, and the Archetypes inside
us are tangled up in a different way in each person. There will never be two
beings with two identical Archetypes. Every single second, everything
changes, and nothing is as it used to be before.
Ancient Greeks possessed this knowledge, and hid it in codes inside the
Pantheon and the events of Mythology. The 12 Gods are the Archetypes, our
centres, the way we live our lives, and the mythological events take place in-
side our souls. As for the Heroes Ulysses and Hercules, their trials and tribu-
lations are the Soul’s journey around the Zodiac Circle.
Let’ s describe the way in which all this is possible! It is a matter of fre-

Frequencies and Healing

In mythology, Apollo combines four seemingly different arts together:

archery, soothsaying, music and medicine.
With archery, the Sun shoots its darts, like light cast on the darkness of our
souls. With soothsaying, one can acquire an insight by uniting the conscious
and the unconscious, and controls his destiny, becoming the Lord of himself.
Music is frequencies, the vibrations of the Universe. Every-thing across the Uni-
verse translates into vibrations. Every Being has its own music, every astro-
logical chart has its own frequency, and it is given off. It is the music played
by the Planets and the Stars at the time of the being’s birth, and this is what
follows it. When there is a discordance between the music of specific Plan-
ets-Archetypes in the Astrological chart, it is a challenge for the person to
bring these Planets in harmony. Herein lies Apollo’s last art: medicine. One
heals himself by changing he’s internal frequencies that lead to self-healing.
Still, one can be healed by the outside environment, as well, by listening to
the right kind of “music,” that is the harmony of nature, outside artificial places,
or even someone else’s “music”—someone the person is in a positive synastry
with, that is their frequencies fit, The planets’ positions on each astrological
chart meet each other in positive aspects, so there can be healing.
Let us talk now about self-healing. It is a fact that, if we cannot attune our
inner world to the Universe on our own, someone else difficulty will do this for us.
Thinking causes vibrations…it creates matter. When someone is thinking in
a discordant way, that is they are fraught with fears and uncontrollable pas-
sions, they send the wrong kind of messages to the natural body, which has
as a result the occurrence of a problem in a specific organ.
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Sometimes, we see this happening directly. After a grim thought, our stom-
ach is in knots, or we get itchy, all of a sudden. What we need to do is clear
our thoughts…make them more positive. It’s not that simple, of course. We
have to pinpoint the cause of bad thoughts, find their root, and denature them.
There is certainly some bad event lying behind what cannot change…What
changes, though, is the way we view it. Furthermore, quite often, we get
worked up about situations that have not happened yet, trying to prevent
them; in other words, we live with nonexistent fears. Behind these lies some
tough astrological aspect we have to work on.
This is not easy. It takes patience, perseverance, and frankness with oneself.
The first step is an attempt at Self-Awareness…Who I am, not who I think I am.
. To embark on this process, we will have to stop going about our routine ac-
tivities for some minutes every day, and relax. Either through meditation or
prayer, or through breathing exercises. As soon as we reach a state of tran-
quillity, we will be able to think with a clearer mind. It would be better if we
devote some minutes to this activity every day. It is healing for the soul and
the body as we get rid of the toxins we have accumulated from stress and grim
thoughts. After we do this for several days—at least for a week—, we will re-
alise we are stronger. We will have to view any event in a calm way. We will
have to go back to the past, and consider every “bad” event that happened to
us, in an attempt to see clearly what it really gave us. Could it be that through
this event we were forced to LOOK deeply into ourselves? Could it have been
the springboard for a new life or a different way to deal with situations? What
sort of people would we be if we didn’t go through any difficulties?
Whatever happens to us is of major help. We must deal with it calmly,
and try to see what it really brings into our lives, that is we must sneak into
our subconscious, and speak to our Soul. Soul knows the journey… We are
our Soul!

Next step: Forgiveness – Bliss

After we ponder all this, we start looking “behind the curtain” and seeing
what results negative events have brought us. Then we FORGIVE those who
caused these negative events as they actually did us a whole lot of good.
When this happens, our heart opens up, and we feel grateful to God and the
Universe. Then, we relax and live every single moment of our lives without
thinking how this or that will come along, since we will have understood that,
if it goes well, it will be alright, if it doesn’t go well, it will be for a reason,
and there will be some karmic lesson that we will have to learn. So, stress
and sadness go away, and we live the ‘here and now’. ‘Here and Now’ is the
only Real thing as the past is something that is over, and exists only as a
memory, and the future is something that has not yet taken place. By living
with our memories to a great extent, reminiscing about the past, or being alert
for things that will happen, making plans that may never work out, we miss
out on beautiful Now, which is the beauty of life, and the only thing that brings
serenity, bliss, and healing.

Travel around your Astrological Chart

After we achieve all this, it’s time for deep Self-Awareness, so we study
our Astrological Chart, and focus on a specific touch aspect for some time,
trying to elevate it. Then, we do the same for the rest of the aspects. However,
it is a long process that may take us a lifetime to complete. It is a very beau-
tiful journey towards Self-Awareness, which changes our lives, and creates
happy people.
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Dealing with future tough Aspects

Regarding the tough astrological aspects that we may expect, having

studied our Astrological Chart, I cite an excerpt from Neoplatonic philoso-
pher Proclus. In his work “Commentary on Ptolemy,” analyses the usefulness
of Astrology and, in Chapter 17, he replies to those who say that there
is no point in knowing the future:
«Because, first of all, we have to examine this: That even those events
that happen under necessity either bring fear, or are pleasant, if they take
place unexpectedly, then they cause panic due to the fears, and frenzy
because of sudden joy. However, if they are predicted, they inure the soul
through prognosis, and prepare it through studying things that do not exist
as if they did exist. And, if they happen to take place, they make the soul
accept them with peace and calm.»
So, how can we identify when a hard aspect is on the way? We must
know well in which degrees of which Signs the planets on our Birth Chart
are found. Then, we take a look at the position in which planets are each
day, that is, which are the planets’ transits. We have learnt the aspects
and their functionality, so we can figure out when a planet "sees" one of
our birth planets or our ascendant in an aspect. We emphasise the Sun,
the Moon, and our Ascendant, as far as our Birth Chart is concerned. As
for each day’s transits, we emphasise: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto. If, for example, we have our Sun or Moon in 17 Cancer, when
Pluto gets to 17 Capricorn, it sees the planet that’s in 17 Cancer in an
aspect of 180 degrees (opposite). If Jupiter is in 17 Libra, it sees it in a
90-degrees aspect (square).

The unfavourable aspect of an unfavourable planet brings along its un-

favourable qualities. The favourable aspect of an unfavourable planet
brings along its favourable qualities. Jupiter is a favourable planet and is
“kind” to us in either favourable or unfavourable aspects with other planets.
You must know well what was said on the first pages of the book, so that
you make the right combinations easily… The key to the Knowledge of
Astrology is combinations.
When it comes to Futurology, we don’t just look at planet transits. A
Futurologist combines numerous systems in order to find a result. Those
systems need Astrology courses; they cannot be understood by reading
a few pages. The transits (today’s Astrological Chart) alone can only give
us a general idea about what awaits us, but not specific events. In this
book, the features of every Sign or planet are mentioned in a few lines,
but for further analysis, one will need to read several books to help them
get the full picture.
If we implement even half of what I have mentioned, we will have
reached a level where we will be aware of the flow of events, and ex-
ternal factors will not easily assail our disposition. This is because our
Will will be very strong, like an impregnable Wall.
If we begin to implement all of the above, we will see that bliss will
knock on our door, and stay. Nothing will be the same as before. No ex-
ternal factor will affect our internal wonderful Universe, or shatter our
peace. We will be imbued with Love.
Hell and Paradise are here. It is incumbent on our Will if we will choose
our Life here to be either of the two…

HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology



As we said, our life here is but a journey… everything that is born and
dies has a Beginning and an End, whether on a microcosmical level, where
we find one sole life, or on a macrocosmical level, where many lives may
exist in the journey of the Soul, which comes from the Material World,
gets incarnated, completes the experiences of the Zodiac Cycle and goes
back to its destination: its reunion with the Divine. The Beginning and the
End of the Cycles is symbolized by the Eclipse, that is, the union of the
Sun and the Moon (Sun conjuct Moon). We talked about Eclipsis in a pre-
vious chapter, when we talked about the Moon’s Nodes.
In ancient peoples, we find that, during an Eclipse, tradition presents
the head of a Dragon eating the Sun, while right after, at the end of the
Eclipse, the Sun comes out of the Dragon’s mouth victorious. We find such
references in the opus Mahabharata in which Kala Rau wants to devour
the Sun God Vishnu, and in Egyptian tradition where the Sun God Ra fights
with the reptile Apophis, while in China and Peru, there was the conviction
that Dragons attack the Sun during the Eclipses. The ritual that most people
followed was to shout out loud and beat drums with the aim to scare the
Dragon and reinforce the Sun in the fight. We also find something similar
to that in Roman tradition, in which the people holler to give power to
Apollo and help him beat the Dragon…
Let’s stay on Greek mythology, where we find a newborn Apollo, who
is the Sun in our astrological chart, Destroying the Python, guard of the
Delphi Oracle, with the help of Hephaestus who gave him a golden quiver
with arrows.
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

The Nymphs and Apollo’s mother, Leto, watched the fight while encour-
aging the Sun - God. Then, they chanted Paean and other hymns to cele-
brate his victory. That incident gave birth to the Pythian Games, which
were celebratory sporting events in Delphi, in honor of the Sun God Apollo
and constituted the most important event, second only to the Olympic
Games. In a previous version of the myth, the Dragon is female and goes
by the name of Delfyni, giving the name Delphi to that region.
With the vanquishing of the Python meant that the latter’s secrets and
Knowledge would pass to the hands of the Sun-Apollo. So he prevailing
as the Pythian Apollo. It is now Apollo who, through Pythia, gives oracles;
those are ambiguous as he leaves us the choice.
In Mythology, the Dragons are the North and the South Node of the
Moon, with the North Node being the head and the South is the tail of
the Dragon. (page 27) Our Sun, as an Archetype, possesses the Knowl-
edge of the Nodes of the Moon, that is, where we come from and where
we are going, what is our purpose. It is a piece of knowledge we carry
on our subconscious. This takes us back to the soothsaying quality of the
Sun-Apollo we mentioned on page 32.
The Sun is our Sign, but is also the symbolic journey of the Hero around
the Zodiac Circle, starting from the Aries and completing the journey in
Pisces. Just as the Sun moves around the Zodiac in a circle every year, it
is the journey of the Soul through the Zodiac, to the World of Genesis.
To continue with the Dragons, another Dragon was the Colchian Dragon
who guarded the Golden Fleece in the forest of the god Ares. When the
Hero Jason arrived, according to a version pictured on an amphora, the
Dragon eats Jason and then lets him out again, next to the Goddess
Athena. In another version, Medea causes the Dragon to sleep and Jason
kills him. That contact between the two made the Sun-Jason the new

keeper of the Dragon’s secrets. Jason is a Solar Hero. He governs the

Argo and embarks on a sea voyage aiming to take the Golden Fleece.
The ship Argo embarks on its journey as the Soul. It is pushed off the
land by fifty Argonauts, who constitute the necessary elements for the
commencement of its existence in the material world. Step by step, it puts
on its bodies and its chitons, until the beginning of lifes in Zodiac, in
Colchis, in the sacred grove of the war god Ares. Once Jason has taken
hold of the Golden Fleece, he begins along with Medea the journey Home
back to the Creator. The ordeals they go through are our lives in this World
until we come full Circle. Planet Mars is the ruler of Aries (page 23) Very
often, we see the mythological facts with Dragons and Heroes to be con-
nected to Mars or show us that the sun Hero or Apollo who is linked with
the Sun, kill the dragons as newborns, that is, at the start of the journey.
Also associated is the Sign of Taurus which comes second in line in the
Zodiac and has to do with how the Soul, beginning from the starting point,
taking from Aries the Knowledge of the Dragons (North and South Nodes
of the Moon), the Knowledge of the journey, finds the Point from which it
will enter the physical world, the material world, where everything has a
form, that is, it will enter a body. Let’s now see how they are connected…
Hercules, a Heliac (Sun) Hero, before embarking upon his journey in the
Zodiac, still a newborn, strangled two pythons in his crib… God Apollo
was a newborn too, when He killed the Python… The Colchian Dragon
guarded the Golden Fleece of the ram in the forest of the god Ares.
Another dragon is the Ismenian Dragon who is a son of Ares. The Is-
menian Dragon was found in Thebes by Cadmus who, having received an
oracle in Delphi, followed a cow that had a spot identical to the Moon
on its skin, as Pausanias narrates1. Cadmus created Thebes at the region
1. Pausanias, Description of Greece, Boetia, 12.1
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

where that cow stopped (cow is the female of Taurus). He then killed the
Ismenian Dragon and sowed his teeth, from which grew out warriors, the
Spartoi (“sow-men”). Only five of them lived and they were the first citizens
of Thebes. Following an order of the King of Colchis, Aeetes, Jason too
sowed the teeth of the Colchian Dragon, using a plough hauled by bulls
with fiery breaths… and others Spartoi grew out.
It is obvious that the journey starts from Aries Zodiac sign and its ruler,
Ares, and it needs the Taurus to survive and live on. Aries is the impulsive
seed that always seeks a uterus (Taurus) for fertilization and Life. This is
why the Tropical Zodiac starts with Aries… There is another system that
was used by Ancient Babylonians and is still in use today, it is called Dra-
conic Zodiac2 and it functions by placing the North Node at the position
00 of Aries! It mostly studies the evolutionary course of the Soul…
There is another city that has the same beginning as Thebe. Ilus, son of
Tros, according to an oracle he had received, followed a cow, also particu-
larly spotted, and built the city of Troy (or Ilion) on the hill where that cow
sat to rest… The beginning of Genesis… The Cow defines the point where en-
ergy takes shape and becomes material… The point where the Soul enters a
body. And a new cycle begins… According to the Neoplatonist philosopher
Proclus3 and other researchers, the Fall of Troy, has to do with the Purification
of the Soul and its separation from its inferior elements, the chitons it receives

2. Pamela A. F. Crane, Draconic Astrology: An Introduction to the Use of Draconic Charts in

Astrological Interpretation, Wellingborough, North Amptonshire, England: Aquarian Press,
1987, pp. 1-58, 95-123, 143-189.
3. Proclus, Commentary on Plato’s Republic (1.175): “The myths want to indicate, I believe,
through Helen, the whole of that beauty that has to do with the sphere in which things come
to be and pass away and that is the product of the Demiurge. It is over this beauty that
eternal war rages among souls, until the more intellectual are victorious over the less rational
forms of life and return hence to the place from which they came”.


during the Genesis, its bodies, that it must lose to return to the Spiritual World.
The Fall came with the Trojan Horse that the priest Laocoön did not
trust and forewarned the Trojans “I fear the Danaans, even those bearing
gifts”. However, the Trojans defied him and, enraged, he threw a javelin at
the Horse. Then, two gigantic Pythons, by the names of Porkis and Charivia,
came out of the sea and drowned him and his children. Afterwards, they
curled up around the statue of the Goddess Athena. The Trojans were
quick to consider that this was a favorable sign and welcomed the Horse…
thus began the purgation through Fire (“Pur” in Greek), with the help of the
Dragons. Why trough Fire ?
Through Fire, comes Catharsis… Hercules, wearing the chiton given to
him by his wife Deianeira with centaur Nessus’ poison, was in such pain
that he was tearing up his flesh. He begged for someone to burn him.
Philoctetes felt sorry for him and burned him on the top of Mount Oeta.
Zeus took him to the Mount Olympus… So, Troy was burnt too, as a Soul
to be purged and go back to its Creator.
Thebes too fulfills the journey of the Soul. It started from the point
where the cow sat, where the Ismenian Dragon, son of Ares, was; from
the Dragon’s teeth came the Spartans, the first citizens. Moreover, Amphion
with the lyre erects the seven gates of the city of Thebes4 where, accord-
ing to Pausanias, there is a sanctuary of the Supreme (Ypatios) Zeus and
a little lower, at the Neestes, there is a sanctuary of Demeter and Perse-
phone. Pausanias also informs us that Neestes took their name from the
last chord of the lyre5. Furthermore, there is a correspondence between
the Worlds and the Gates. We have the seven musical notes, the seven
Skies, the seven veils of Isis or Salome, the seven bodies-chitons of the
4. Pausanias, Description of Greece, Boetia, 5.7
5. Pausanias, Description of Greece, Boetia, 8.4, 25.5

HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Soul… those that “The Seven Against Thebes” by Aeschylus, come to con-
quer, who meet a young lady on their way, the Lemnian queen Hypsipyle,
and ask her to lead them to a river to drink some water. So, she leaves a
newborn alone, who has under her protection, son of the priest of Zeus,
whom the Nemean Dragon devours and then gets killed by the Seven men.
That incident led to the birth of the Nemean Games in honor of Zeus and
the baby boy. The Seven, however, did not succeed at tearing down the
walls of Thebes and ten years later, the Epigoni come and finish it over…
The siege of Troy lasted ten years as well… Also, it took Odysseus ten
years to go back to Ithaca… I think that, perhaps, the number ten is a sym-
bolic number from the moment of the besiegement of the Spiritual World
until the total “conquest” of the Soul, that is, since the point when the soul
has already received all the lived experience of the Zodiac and embarks
on the journey back to the Creator.
Draco’s Head is the name of the North Node point… In the words of
Pausanias6, we also find that, on the way from Thebes to Glisantas, there
is a region that the Thebans call “Draco’s Head” and the myth says that α
snake had put its head out of its pit and profet Tiresias who happened to
be there cuts its head with a knife giving that name to the region. Accord-
ing to Hesiod, there is also another myth around the prophet Tiresias. It
says that while taking a walk on Mount Cyllene on the Peloponnese, he
witnessed the mating of two snakes. The latter attacked him and he killed
the female snake using his staff. Then he was transformed into a woman.
Seven years later, at that same place, he saw once again the mating of
two snakes. This time, he killed the male one and he was transformed back
into a man. This is a representation of our Soul’s incarnations. The Soul

6. Pausanias, Description of Greece, Boetia, 19.3


uses lived experiences from both sexes on its journey. And the number
seven is the number dominating in the material World, as we saw earlier.
Also, in Glisantas, the place we said earlier, where the mount is (Ypatio
mount), the mount of Zeus, took place the battle with the Epigoni (the End).
So, where the North Node is, comes the End of the soul’s journey. This
marks its final destination in this world before reaching its Creator.
We can see that in Greek mythology, there is much symbolism of the
soul’s journey and of the start from Aries, and extensive reference to the
fight between the Hero and the Dragons.
The Dragons are the guardians of Knowledge and bearers of the Mys-
teries. A challenge for our Sun is to learn their secrets, to learn where he
comes from and which is his destination, to be found like Hercules in front
of a Triode, that is, at a point where he has one path behind and two
paths in front of him, where he will have to follow the tough road of Virtue
or the easy road of Meanness. He will have to confront the double
prophecy from the oracle of Delphi, Where Pythian Apollo, keeper of the
Dragon’s secrets, showing him which is the right path to his evolution… Mας
δείχνει ποιος είναι ο σωστός δρόμος προς την εξέλιξή μας, αλλά μας
αφήνει να πάρουμε μόνοι μας την απόφαση. If we follow the wrong path,
we will experience the unavoidable sufferings in order for the Catharsis
to come, in this or another life.
We must go back to our Astrological Chart to see where our North
and South Nodes are, in which Signs and in which Houses, gain insight
into those Signs and Houses in order to learn how they operate on us, see
whether there are planets next to our North and South Nodes, if so which
ones, and see in ourselves if we operate the South Node or the North
one. In case we operate the affairs of the South, namely the tail of the
Dragon, it means that we persist on living in the past and in situations that
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

do not let us evolve. Usually, such issues are expressed as obsessions ei-
ther in personal affairs or financial ones or in a need for imposition. Once
we sort out where the problem that is holding us back not offering us hap-
piness lies, we walk up to the North Node where we will find that which
will bring us fulfillment and harmony.
So, as Heroes, we will be connected to the Dragons, the Nodes of the
Moon, we will fight the obsessions and fears of the South Node, and we
will move on to the completion that the Dragon’s head, the North Node,
offers us.


There are three levels of World: the Material, the Mental, and the
Here, we will follow another road, as an additional asset for our seren-
ity and Completion. Let’s walk along that path too, a path through which
we will face the darkness of Hades, our strong fears and desires, the need
to experience that darkness… We will cover the story of Persephone who,
despite the warning of her mother Demeter to not go near Narcissus be-
cause she will suffer, she went near it out of curiosity and her need for
love and experiences and smelled it, so Pluto instantly grabbed her and
put her down to experience all those that will give her the Knowledge. It
is a need of our Soul to experience facts and get through them to the
Catharsis. Once we learn our lesson, we will go from Pluto’s kingdom and
darkness up to Poseidon’s kingdom where there is love and an ocean of
energy and emotion. We see the invisible Nodes that bond the whole
World, we are thus in a position to realize what lesson to learn out of

each lived experience, the road to Catharsis is easier to cross and, once
we reach the region of Athena with a clear Noesis and fulfilled, we begin
to faintly see Zeus’ kingdom, our return from where we descended, the
road to our Creator…

Kingdom of Pluto

The material level belongs to the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto. I cite
an excerpt from Thomas Taylor’s book, “The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mys-
teries”, pp. 85-93, based on Claudianus’ “De Raptu Proserpinae,” in order
to understand better how Pluto is linked to the Material level:
“There is the case of Narcissus that must not be hushed, and I mean the
case described by Ovid in his Metamorphoses about a young man who
fell victim to his love of his physical appearance. The secret message of
this story tallies wonderfully with Persephone’s rapine, which, according
to Homer, is the immediate result of the collection of beautiful flowers as
Narcissus, in love with his image on the surface of the lake, constitutes the
representation of the soul observing the unsteady condition of the material
body and, as a result, falls in love with bodily life, which is nothing more
than the illusive image of real man or of logic and the immortal soul.
Thus, attached to this illusory and fluid image of the real soul, each of
us resembles, in this natural condition, a pretty but fragile flower, that is a
bodily life that is completely made up of nature’s simple functions.
So, Persephone, or the soul, while descending into the matter, is rightly
presented as being concerned with the collection of this fateful flower,
since her spiritual functions at this very moment are completely engaged
in a life that pertains to the unsteady condition of the body. After this,
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Pluto, heading towards the Earth, seizes Persephone, and takes her with
him, Athena’s or Artemis’ resistance being unable to stop him. Zeus forbade
these two goddesses to help release Persephone, which in this case sig-
nifies Fate.
Pluto leads Persephone to the darkest and most hellish places, in other
words, the soul plunges into the darkness and depths of material nature.
The description of the wedding that follows concerns its union with the
dark abode of the body:
“Now, Hades’ afternoon star went up in the sky, and the bride has lain
in the nuptial chamber. The Night, like a bridesmaid, stood close to her
chest that shone with stars and, touching the bed, consecrated the marriage
vows with an imperishable bond.”
Book 2, 361-364
The night fits this scene, and Persephone stands close to the nuptial bed,
thus confirming the union with oblivion, since the soul, upon its union with
the material body, be-comes an inhabitant of darkness, and subject of the
Night’s empire. As a result, she lives with illusory ghosts and, until she
breaks free from her chains, she is deprived of the natural realisation of
what is true and real.
Below, we provide a description of Persephone, who appears in her
mother Demetra’s dream, and describes her captivity and miserable state:
“But then, the daughter’s real form came into her mother’s sleep to an-
nounce her fate, without any doubt, and Persephone appeared covered
by the dark recesses of her prison, bound with fetters, not as the one
Demetra had entrusted to the meadows of Sicily, or the one Goddesses
recently marvelled at across the flower-strewn prairies of Etna. Her hair,
prettier than gold, was unkempt, the night assumed the sparkle of her eyes.
That effulgent form with the beautiful posture was sallow and colourless,

her limbs that were not daunted by the biting cold were coloured by the
pitch-dark king-dom. When she recognised her daughter with difficulty
and hesitation, Demetra said: “What kind of crime did you receive so many
punishments for? Where does this imperceptible weakness come from?
Who exerts the power of salvation on you? Why have your soft weapons
turned into iron fetters that don’t befit even the wildest beasts? Are you
my child, or am I merely seeing an empty shadow?”
Book 3, 80-96
“So pathetic is the condition of the soul, when it penetrates deep into
bodily nature. It is not only trapped, but it also loses its brightness, since
it comes in contact with the impurity of matter, and the acuteness of its
logic becomes blunt because of the deep darkness of material night.”
We see that the Kingdom of Pluto, Hades, is our World here, where the
soul is trapped inside the earthly body, and its Fate is to go through the
trials and tribulations of Pluto’s Kingdom: sadness, sorrow, hardship, and
what is offered here in their lower substance.
So, Persephone did not listen to her mother Demeter who told her not
to go close to Narcissus because that would cause her all those afflic-
tions… But she chose to experience them, as if pushed by the need of Eros.
The Soul needs to taste, to touch, to behold the beauty of the physical
world resulting from the inferior substances of the Gods, that is, the planets
as mirrors of the Conceivable beauty… it needs to be seduced in a world
of images, to get excited, to make mistakes, to feel pain and uncontrollable
passions and, through difficult experiences, to accept the consequences
of its actions so that it is led to the road to Catharsis… It is always some
profane action that sets off every Tragedy… where through a course of
hardships comes atonement and the Hero is led to higher fields.
Tartarus also has a place in Pluto’s kingdom, where our inferior instincts
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

and our worst fears are found. That is where Zeus imprisoned the Titans
after the Titanomachy, that is where Sisyphus endures his sufferings, Sisy-
phus who had deceived Death and has always been carrying a rock up
to the top of a mountain where it falls down and then he must pull it back
up… That is where Tantalus is, who wanted to befool the gods offering
them his son, Pelops, as a meal. His suffering was to be placed in a pit
filled with water under fruit trees and whenever he is hungry and extends
his hand, the fruits go farther, and whenever he is thirsty, water too slips
away from his feet.
According to Manilius (Astronomica 2.876), Typhon belongs to the 8th
House of our Astrological Chart, which is the House that belongs to Scor-
pio and Pluto’s ruler. Due to the Giants’ extermination by the Olympians
at the Gigantomachy, Gaia found herself in a moment of great wrath, pain
and exasperation. She then got together with Tartarus and they gave birth
to Typhon, a gigantic monstrous creature. He was larger than all the moun-
tains and his power was enormous. He was half-man, half-coiled-snakes,
and on his shoulders, he had a hundred dragonheads. He climbed the
Mount Olympus to take revenge for the extermination of the Giants. The
Gods got scared and went into hiding. Only Athena stayed to face him,
and she blamed Zeus for his lack of courage who transformed into an
Aries to hide himself. Then Zeus recovered his courage and decided to
face Typhon. There was a big fight, with Typhon winning at first as he im-
mobilized Zeus by cutting off the tendons of his arms and legs. Then he
gave Zeus to Python to guard him. Hermes1 managed to lull Python with
his music, take back the tendons and free Zeus. There was another fight
and Zeus shattered Python by lightning, threw the Mount Etna upon him,
1.The fact that Hermes saved Zeus with his music reminds us of the previous chapter about
frequencies (page 32)


crushed him and shut him at the depths of the Earth. From time to time, Ty-
phon lets out screams and fiery tongues from there.
Typhon and punishments in Tartarus represent full darkness… It lies in
sleeping mode and it can be activated in moments of great anger or ha-
tred, when we feel like we do not even recognize our own selves and
our actions. It is also very anguishing… it is guilt that hunts us down like
Erinyes for the wrongs we have done. We will have to face the conse-
quences of our actions and understand that it is all a lesson. Once we
learn it, we will be able to escape from Tartarus and ascend to the fol-
lowing fields to find serenity.
Astrologically speaking, planet Pluto activates these incidents. A man
under the sway of Pluto often experiences intense incidents of pain that
still lead to Metamorphosis. This is because he or she, more than anyone
else, descends into the Underworld of the Soul, and faces the Titans, along
with other mythological Monsters, so as to come out of the fight reborn
and strong. Like the Phoenix that emerges from its ashes. The end result is
that he or she will receive only Gifts from Pluto which are deep Knowl-
edge and transformation. Of course, there are those under the sway of
Pluto that act in its lowest substance, and become others’ manipulative
masters. When they too descend into the Underworld, chances are they
will not manage to come back…They receive Pluto’s Wrath, not Gifts, and
repeat the lesson in the following reincarnation.
We will all pass from Tartarus at some point in our lives. This happens
when our inner planets “meet” astrologically or when our Ascendant meets
planet Pluto. There, we will be asked to deal with any difficulty brought
to us and get to know ourselves in the process.
Inside Pluto’s Kingdom, that is the Material world, we can approach
Poseidon’s Kingdom! All our trials and tribulations are elevated this way.
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

Kingdom of Poseidon

Poseidon’s World is in between Matter and Spirit, the World of the

Soul, mental processes, and all those that reside around us, and are invis-
ible to us: the electromagnetic field, frequencies, gravity, and so on. It is
the field through which Astrology works! This is where the secrets hide of
how telepathy and insight work together with the Subconscious and Un-
conscious. . Serious mediums communicate with this field, and translate its
signs into our own world. This connection is made possible through Tarot
cards and other processes. In the dialogue Phaedrus (275 c), Plato says
that people in the past weren’t knowledgeable, unlike us, but could read
the signs of the Gods, judging by the rustle of the oak leaves…
Through Poseidon’s kingdom, energy therapies take place. The power
of Faith also operates there. An ugly thought creates energy… That energy
has a direct reflection on the material field. Same goes for happy thoughts.
The direct receiver of that energy is the liquid element, water. For instance,
when someone feels that they are having negative energy, they do what
is necessary to force it out… And it leaves through the tears. Then, our en-
ergy is pure.
Individuals with an intense Poseidon on their astrological chart are very
sensitive to spatial vibrations, they have their ‘antennae’ on the alert. We
will all find ourselves for a while in his Kingdom, when our inner planets
or our ascendant “meet” with planet Neptune.
In its low substance, Neptune (Poseidon) makes us susceptible to alcohol

and drugs as the person cannot attune to those around him / her, feels
that they don’t understand him, and wants to live in his own world. With
some substances, it goes into “posidonius” mode, for it loses the sense of
space and time. This destroys the cells of the brain. Over time, they are ir-
reversibly altered. People with an intense Poseidon (Neptune) in adverse
aspects, like that situation and they become self-destructive. It would be
best for them to release Poseidon with meditation or prayer, so that they
manage to reject the need for such experiences.
Besides, Neptune brings out the liar in us as it is the planet of deception.
These people like talking about inexistent stories. They can honour their
dear Poseidon through their novels. This way, their rich imagination will
become fertile and produce a beautiful result.
In its higher substance, it gives rise to seers and mediums, who have
connected Conscious and Unconscious. In addition, these people can have
prophetic dreams.
We can all find ourselves in the higher state of the Kingdom, not just
those who have that planet strong on their chart. But it needs training that
I have mentioned above (page 36) to approach this and live with Unity
and Harmony.
Here is where the deities of rivers, lakes, springs, and the sea dwell. The
playful Nereids, daughters of the polymorph sea god Nereus, are always
happy and dance around in a circle or sing or weave and appear in white
dresses and wear cloths. The sublime Nymphs, daughters of rivers that are
connected to the soul of trees and nature also sing in their sweet voices hymns
for the gods. Healing properties are attributed to them, specifically to Naiads,
that they can make the waters of a spring healing. Also, divining properties
are attributed to them, that they can foretell the future.
The nymphs are also members of Dionysus’ theatre troupe, as theatre
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

which belongs to the god Dionysus is found in Poseidon’s kingdom as well…

It is addressed to the higher elements of the soul and not to those related
to material. It is one of the roads that lead to soul Catharsis. This is why
the tragedies’ main theme is the process of its journey… The soul needs to
descend to the physical world and to live experiences. Then, through the
mistakes it will make, the punishment that will be forced upon it as destiny,
the guilt that will follow, comes Catharsis…

In another myth, we find Theseus, son of Poseidon, descending to Crete

and killing Minotaur with the help of Ariadne. He then fell in love with her
and took her along with him on his way back to Athens. But he left her on
the island of Naxos, alone in the sand, and as the waves hit her, they tore
her clothes and she became lighter and lighter. When the god Dionysus
got to the island, he made her his wife granting her a golden wreath made
by Hephaestus. Then, he took her to Olympus and, from a mortal princess,
she came to be immortal and the spouse of a god.
From the material world, with the help of Theseus, Ariadne passes as
a soul to the intermediate kingdom, that of Poseidon, where the chitons
and the bodies of the soul are removed, and with the help of Dionysus,
she enters the kingdom of Zeus and becomes immortal.
A higher state than Poseidon is also the goddess Athena, as a bridge
between the Kingdoms of Poseidon and Zeus. Athena is Zeus’ Wisdom,
since she was born out of his head, after he had swollen the pregnant
Metis. Plato in Timaeus managed to draw a parallel between Poseidon’s
superior status (Athena) and his inferior one, where he describes the battle
of Atlantis.
That there used to be the Athenian wardens of the Republic (see Plato’s
Republic and its operation for more), whose chief was Philosopher Basileus
(King). They defeated the Atlanteans, whose God was Poseidon. So, the
Atlantis sank into the ocean, the water, which is linked to Poseidon’s haze
and deception So, the Atlantis sank into the ocean, the water, which is
linked to Poseidon’s haze and deception, and Athens won, having as its
protector the goddess Athena who leads us to Philosophy and to the King-
dom of Zeus.
Apart from the historical facts, Plato has added symbols to this fight.
Αt the end of the 9th book of Plato’s «The Republic 592 b» the philosopher
HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology

tells us that there was never such a Republic, nor can it ever exist because
humankind is not capable of such an endeavour. Let’s elevate it to the Sky,
and let this become the Celestial Republic of our Soul.

Kingdom of Zeus

Τhrough Athena, we climb up to Zeus’ kingdom, on Mount Olympus.

We enjoy the honors of Hercules, who went up the Mount Olympus
through Fire (catharsis) and became equal to the Gods, once he had com-
pleted his Labors, the Incarnations Cycle.
Individuals with intense Jupiter on their birth chart are people given to Jus-
tice and Philosophy, they like delving into things, and travelling far and wide.
In its negative form, it gives some frivolity, arrogance, and a tendency to ex-
aggerate things. Both the positive and the negative aspects of Jupiter give
people a pleasant feeling, generosity, optimism, and prosperity.
Allow me to stress at this juncture that planet Jupiter acts as a Warden
of our Solar System as it is the one that absorbs any foreign body that
could upset the Harmony and movement of the Planets. So, it is the Janitor
of Law and Order. Can you imagine what could happen without its pres-
ence? A rain of meteorites. We wouldn’t even exist. Everything in the Uni-
verse exists for a reason.


The Cave of the Nymphs

We can also find the upper levels in the Cave of the Nymphs in
Odyssey (Rhapsody ν’, verses 103-112), where Homer informs us about
a cavern that is consecrated to the Nymphs Naiads, with two entryways,
dark and gloomy, but also with running waters; outside, at the top of
Ithaca’s port, there is an olive tree, symbol of the goddess Athena. In his
analysis, Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry says that this is the Psyche’s
journey, entering from the Gate of Cancer and exiting from the Gate of
Capricorn; inside it will meet the darkness but also the beauty of the
World. It is like we alternate between the kingdoms of Pluto and Nep-
tune… and outside of it, there’s the goddess Athena (olive) waiting to lead
us to the kingdom of Jupiter, to our return…

HEALING through Astrology and Greek Mythology


By now, I hope you have already begun to see the World from a dif-
ferent perspective, filled with more hope and love about the Beauty around
us. Also, the information I provided is enough for you to start searching
for more extended analyses concerning any question aroused. The ancient
peoples knew every aspect of the Universe, specifically the human one,
and offered us their Knowledge through all those Symbolic myths. That’s
because Symbols speak to our Soul… and they are never forgotten. They
take us from Hades to Olympus and from Hell to Heaven, one step at a
time… The guide in our journey is our Dragon, our North Node. Let’s find
out his secrets… It is at your discretion whether you will keep on living, in
Pluto’s Kingdom, in the darkness of Hades or face the titanic elements of
the Soul, placate them and move on to the next level, Poseidon’s Kingdom.
There, we pass from the conscious to the subconscious and discern the
Truth behind the facts. We realize the vibrations and the energy we receive
from others and we know how to develop our defenses. Unity is granted
in Poseidon’s Kingdom and Harmony prevails… Once the Soul has gone
through its incarnations and, little by little, has cast aside more and more
bodies that weigh it down, Zeus’ Kingdom will be waiting for it. Its Creator
will be waiting for it.



Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes

Apollodorus, Library, book 3
Claudianus, De Raptu Proserpinae
Homer, Odyssey
Hesiod, Theogony
Jean-Pierre Vernant, Myth and Thought among the Greeks
Jean-Pierre Vernant, Les ruses de l'intelligence: La mètis des Grecs
Little Iliad
Manilius, Astronomica
Nonnus, Dionysiaca
Orpheus, Argonautica
Pamela A. F. Crane, Draconic Astrology
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Boetia
Plato, Phaedrus
Plato, Republic
Plato, Timaeus
Porphyry, On the Cave of the Nymphs
Proclus, Commentary on Plato’s Republic
Proclus, Commentary on Ptolemy
Roberto Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony
Thomas Taylor, The Eleusinian and Bacchic Mysteries


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