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Effective Lesson Plan Grade: 9th Subject: Social Studies

Intro: Class - Warm Up.

When starting class, everyone will pretend to be at home and discuss with their peers their
basic needs for
(1 min)
Than after finishing that as a teacher I will lead the class and pretend to be a parent of everyone
in the classroom and go around “feeding” and “pick up their laundry” or ask them what they
need to get thru the day.

Daily Review:
Since this is the first time they are being introduced to this topic in my class I will just do a short
question on what they think is a need and what they think is a want
Daily Objective: They will have to all read it out loud
Students will be able to define and distinguish needs and wants. Students will be able to
examine why people need shelter, clothes, water, and food to live.

Concept and Skill Development And Application:

● When getting to this part we will discuss what happened first in the warm up and
what they saw me do as I was being a “parent” to them
● Then start explaining why people in general need food, water and shelter to live and
have a healthy life. Going from food, to the need of water and shelter with a
powerpoint including pictures
● Then discuss why people need this basis to go on the daily life
(16 min)

Guided/Independent/Group Practice:
● Divide students into groups of 4
● Pass out a poster to each group and tell them to divide it in half and one side label it
with “Needs” and the other side labeling it with “Wants”
● Pass out cut out pictures which they will have to sort out depending their criteria as a
group and decide their category

For homework students will have to go home and do a quick questioning on what they are
surrounded by at home and next class describe the items they saw and categorize if they
are needs or wants.
(2 min)
● Call each group to stand up and show their poster to their class and give a quick
example on how they decided to categorize it
● Than ask the class what they think about the poster being presented and give their
opinion if they agree or not
Long Term Review:
Always have in their mind when they buy something or ask someone for something to ask
themselves if it's a need or a want

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