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Main Deliverables

Ethical concepts (6 mins Video) (Intro Interviews 30 secs + Definition 30 secs+ 90 secs IndianOil Intro +
CDA / Vigilance 30 secs + 150 sec Skit + Conclusion 30 secs)

(Animated Character with IndianOil as Background)

Part 1 (3 Mins)

Business Ethics:

Animated Character: IndianOil History and the trust it has gained over years with its vision
and mission and National services during hours of exigency and defence forces. “Energy of

Core Obligations-Towards our Employees, Shareholders, Country (Vision and Mission of the

Part 2 (5 Mins)

Animated Character- Interviews of several persons opinions on Ethics (Real Time)

Q. How do you define success? (Money and Fame)

Q. What is a virtue? (It is a mean state between two Vices-Fool hardiness and Cowardice)

Part 3 (10 Mins)

Prof. Nishigandha – IIM C

 Why Ethics (Rights + Duties) (complementary-and how employees sometimes compromise on

their duties in order to get more money and fame) i.e. dissolution of business ethics for personal
gains – e.g. Rajat Gupta, Satyam.
 External Set of Regulation

Part 4 (10 Mins)

Existing Structure in IOCL for compliance- Corporate Code of Conduct, Vigilance etc.

 CDA Rules (Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rule)

o Liability to abide by rules and orders
 Misconduct (Failure to abide by rules will result in punishment)
 Acting in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Corporation
 Neglect of work (Story Line on this)
 Theft/fraud, dishonesty in connection with the business of the
property, etc. (Story Line on this)
 Vigilance
o Vigilance is basically and admittedly a managerial function and, therefore, it is an
integral part of the duties of an executive
 Corruption is a form of dishonest or unethical conduct by a person
entrusted with a position of authority, often to acquire personal benefit.

 Internal Set of Regulation

Benefits of Ethical Business Practices

Individual Ethics-Value set to overcome Unethical conduct in Business

(Susmita/Shuddhaanandaa Swami)

 Virtues
o Courage
o Honesty

 Self-development methods (6 mins) – (Susmita/Shuddhaanandaa Swami)

Self-development is the responsibility and duty of the individuals to learn and develop themselves.
Individuals can use the process of assessment, reflection, and take necessary action to achieve self-
development. Self-development is the only way for individuals to update their skills and knowledge in
order to face the new problems that emerge in life.

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