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Mengapa terlihat halo pada mata

Kornea merupakan suatu lensa cembung dengan kekuatan

refraksi (bias) sebesar +43 dioptri. Kalau kornea mengalami sembab
karena satu dan lain hal, maka kornea berubah sifat menjadi seperti
prisma yang dapat menguraikan cahaya sehingga penderita akan
melihat halo.

Mengapa terjadi fotofobia

Cornea: corneal abrasion with reflex

spastic miosis

The cornea shows an abrasion above the light reflex. There is a spastic miosis due to an antidromic
reflex that travels to the iris from the irritated cornea by way of the trigeminal nerve. An iritis is already
evident in the photo: there is spastic miosis and some inflammatory exudate is already visible on the
inferior pupil margin. This explains the basis of photophobia in an eye with a corneal abrasion even
though the cornea is totally insensitive to light 1. the cornea is abraded 2. Antidromic impulses from the
irritated trigeminal nerve fibers in the cornea travel to the iris 3. These impulses initiate a reaction in
the iris with dilation and leakage of bloodvessels and a spastic miosis 4. the exposure of the injured eye
to light produces a photophobia even though both the cornea and the iris are insensitive to light. The
photophobia results when the light initiates a pupillary reaction in a congested iris with a resultant
iritation of iris nerve fibers. Dilating the pupil with cycloplegics provides the patient relief by
immobilizing the pupil in a dilated state - thus providing relief from pupil reaction to light. Photophobia
is the unpleasant reaction to light. Dazzling is the unpleasant reaction to an excessive amount of light.
Again, to provide relief to a patient with a corneal abrasion (or keratitis) the pupil should be
immobilized by means of cycloplegics. Of course, dark sunglasses will provide additional comfort
through reduced light and thus further reduction in stimuli to the pupil of the reflexly congested,
irritated iris.

Mengapa pupil lonjong dengan refleks melambat

Mengapa penyakit rekuren 6 bulan setelahnya

Mengapa visus menurun

Tekanan di dalam mata yang meningkat disebarkan ke seluruh bola mata, termasuk ke nervus optikus.
Hal ini menyebabkan kerusakan pada nervus optikus sehingga visus menurun

Mengapa mata kiri cekot2?

Mengapa terjadi mixed injection?

Diagnosis may be aided by the differentiation between ciliary and conjunctival

injection. Ciliary injection involves branches of the anterior ciliary arteries and
indicates inflammation of the cornea, iris, or ciliary body. Conjunctival injection
mainly affects the posterior conjunctival blood vessels. Because these vessels
are more superficial than the ciliary arteries, they produce more redness,
move with the conjunctiva, and constrict with the application of topical
vasoconstrictors. [4

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