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The Epics of babaloyn.

By Abid Ali

Babylon the ancient city everyone thinks is in ruins is in

fact very much still alive.but archaeologists just cant
seem to find it the land is somewhere in Iran.but in an
enclave or reservation that the Iranian government just
gave to the native ppl as a reservation plan to the
indigenous people thinking its unirrgratible land by the
deserted mountainside. as this region is the region acts
as a portal to another dimension. but the keys to
Babylon exist in the plants which have to be chewed to
get one self in their. to which why no one can get there
in the first place. and of course with the plant having
spikes its always been avoided as being edible to
humans and animals. but the reason the plant exists as
a plant is to protect outsiders from chewing it.

their will be a flash back to the Iraq-Iran war in the

80s.with a scene of guns blazing a typical war scene in
which a solider desert his tribe and is made to wonder
the desert. as to which with no food he eats this plant.
paralyzing him him turning him into smoke. he goes
into a psycoactive rush of seeing the beautiful futuristic
skyline of babaloyn. to which when the gate keepers of
Babylon find out he goes on a bad trip seeing demon
faces. He resoldifies into his body.waking up only to
have his men surround him as he lay on the floor
saying “where did you go”. to which he responds to I
saw an amazing place. the solider keeps convincing his
men about this place. but they just dub him off as crazy
unstable and dismissing it as a near death experience.
or brain damage from the bullet. he is never believed
and eventually dies in the war anyways.
Now with it being modern times. babaloyn has just had
a recent election the “golden” party have just won a
second term headed by ANU a well spoken strong
mature leader.however the election is nothing to be
proud about as the “bronze” party and “silver” party
have more seats. reducing the gold’s parties influence
over babaloyn. the reason their called gold silver and
bronze is because they wear masks made out of those
the bronze party represent nationalisium and tradition
adhering to babaloyns strict secretive laws of isolations
nationalisium tradition and sharia.to why they are
called bronze to symbolize strength in the nation.lead
by Enki a sort of traditional Santa clause looking oldie.
The silver party are progressives youths who no longer
want to keep babaloyn secret and want to modernize
the strict laws of isolation. they are the reformists.
They choose silver to show light which means change.
lead by Ea. more youthful looking young man.
The gold party are centralists they are usually the
domineering party that usually wins every election by a
landslide.thier main aim is to keep babaloyn under civic
control and to prevent extremisium on both sides.lead
by Anu.

But in an age of creeping extremisium of deciding

which direction babaloyn goes anu is both happy but
sad at the same time with the reduction of his power
the divide in his society which is indeed an easy
weakness to exploit by a foreign spectator as Anu only
wants developmental growth in his civilisation hes
more of a scientist than a leader and because of it,it
perceives him as weak and boring to supporters of
bronze and silver.Anu gives his speech outside the the
balconies of the temple of babaloyn with cheering fans.
“im glad we have won this election im glad we can
further ensure in keeping our society stable equal and
safe with all voices heard”
As to which the crowd cheer.but there are jealous
family members within Anu family circle. who want to
secretly kill Anu and turn Babylon into a dictatorship. in
which no one will have a say no matter what colour of
metal mask they wear. they use all the benefits of anu
fortune but blame him for the flaws of being a
leader.thier is no appeasing him they are 2 faced but
Anu does not know this he’s to busy running Babaloyn
to care about his family.as to why the family structure
fell apart as there were was no unity.

Anu never had children but has an adopted son called

Gilgamesh and he can see the family are planning an
over through. but Anu thinks his adopted son is naive
and paranoid. but Anu adopted Gilgamesh to fill the
void of maternity. but the family are jealous of
Gilgamesh he’s strong he’s beautiful but wise. the
family secretly call Gilgamesh a basterd his mother a
son of a whore and Anu a weakling for taking him.

But the birth of Gilgamesh was not that of babaloynian

procreation but as a farmers child who accidentally
chewed the plant and vanished to which Anu felt guilty
to putting him down.
The advisor of of Anu and vice president of babaloyn is
Titious.hes Anu top guy running both babaloyn his son
and the feuds amongst his ever arguing family. but
titious real name is actually (((Andrew Howardstein))).a
CIA/Mossad agent who slowly managed to infiltrate
himself up to babaloyinian society.

Andrew Howard sees the disagreements betweens the

bronze and the silver.and wants to exploit that for a
potential civil war thus inviting a US occupation which
make the country much easier to control while its
divided into tribal sectarian violence in which the
shook troop Uncle Sam comes and makes Babaloyn
apart of the new world order. with the tower of
babaloyn being converted into a Rothschild bank.as to
which the real hatred towards iran is for being the
unaware hosts of this civilisation.
A scene with a US president is scene giving a hard line
speech towards the iran deal to which followed by
scenes of many US presidents before him saying the
same Anti iran rhetoric over the era.as to which titious
smiles at this futuristic tv watching world news that
babaloyn cuts itself from.
Due to titious and his team of spies they leave
babaloyn for Washington as to which America
eventually finds out through an informant of titious.so
the US administration are in an office finding off ways
to go to war with Iran to get to babaloyn.as the
generals draw up war plans.one says “how are we even
gonna do this”.

As to which titious powerfully walks into the room “I

know how”.to which one angry US general Chris
sarcastically says “what can you do for us”.as to which
many of the men in table stand up and surround that
guy revealing their badges of the illimunati.to which
that guy gasps. and titious smiles.not only has titious
infiltratrated Babaloyn but America to.
And says “you be the majority in this country but in this
room where things actually matter we the chosen
minority rule you go that punk”.to which the US genral
shys away in fear and nods in agreement as he is
surrounded by a bunch of intimidating occultists

Titous informs the US of all of babloyns weaknesses.

The US are gearing up for an invasion of iran to get to
Back to Babaloyn Anu sighs as he sees riots in the
streets.as a bunch of reformists protestors the silvers
are shoot by police forces who are mainly traditionalist
who run a majority in law enforcement.to which anu is
called in an emergency meeting in the senate to which
the silvers and bronze have their debates.this is
becoming to frequent now.anu is exhausted .and feels
overwhelmed in a world turning extreme. Gilgamesh
can get the picture of both political and family life. but
keeps quiet.

A huge sporting event is happening amongst this

futuristic ufo racing sport that the babels enjoy. but
even the sports are political with one being a pro silver
team the other pro bronze its as if no one care about
the dimishing golds any more as it’s a cultural war
between the traditionalists and reformists.with the
bronze accusing the the silvers as traitors to
tradition.while the silvers dub the bronzes.as
backwards barbarians.its a clash between liberals and
conservatives.if Anu sides with the silvers he be
accused of being a traitor and if he sides with bronze
he be accused of being extreme.
All of babaloyn is hyped for the ufo racing
match.security is big and tight.as to which Titus is
planning to turn the games into the foundation of his
civil war.but Gilgamesh is already suspicious of Titus
hearing his plans.

But before the games titious introduces anu to istar as

a receptionist to his office.she is beyond beautiful.istar
is to represent the destruction caused of when man
chases darwinisium instead of sprituality. its all part of
titious plan to tap into anu more primal urges.so he
can run the civilisation into the ground with all of this
divide and rule going on in the society.thier is basically
a love story amongst anu and istar.and istar is a
horrible step mother to Gilgamesh and she’s all part of
the pawn to help titious and is getting paid to distract

She deliberately duffs up the job as anu representative

as saying pro silver statements then when she gets
attacked by the media says pro bronze statements
playing it off as a dumb bimbo that does not know
what she’s doing in which her ignorance is ignored by
anu due to the size of other things on her that matter.
But its all part of the plan to create diversion tactics
However titous learns that the family overthrow
collides with his over through.so before the games he
focuses all his attention on the family. as the family
actually invite titious to over through totally unaware
of his.as to which he agrees unwillingly. so instead
titious uses the games instead to plan an assination of
anu family.the games arrive it’s a big sports like scene
with anu happy clapping his hands in joy.an agent of
titious makes a ufo faulty as to which hits a stand
killing lots of fans.but totally missing its target.

With a horrific event and anu family still alive with the
assination being a mistake.titous calls this a terrioust
attack and blames it due to silver and bronze infighting
totally causing distrusts,an election is called.as titious
knows the golds will never win the next one now that a
huge attack happened and the gold’s are blamed for
negligence and the family over through cannot happen
if the gold’s are voted out of power.

So the plan is to use the election to start the civil

war.all of babaloyinian culture is extremely divided at
this point to the point of violence.
But back in America the US general is opposed to this
war now knowing who it’s a war for.trying to convince
congress out of it with ought sounding like a traitor or
weak.as he is blackmailed by the occultists around
him.so the only way to stop this is to alarm the
babalonians himself as he smuggling himself into iran
and into that magical field to eat that plant.he goes
there and informs Gilgamesh. As Anu who is out with
istar totally unaware of the chaos that’s unfolding in
his country.

Gilgamesh then gathers the family at a dinner to which

he shots them all with a good speech about the roles of
betrayal. and assinates istar by poisoning her make up
which creates a horrific scene of her face melting. but
Gilgamesh releases if he kills anu that make titious
president of the gold party and with the gold expected
to lose.he will have no political immunity knowing that
titious will not take on the responsibility and quit
making him to look like the traitor he is.as to which he
Gilgamesh then takes the role of the head of state.

Gilgamesh really does not want to kill anu and to

gamble with a poteinal gold win with titious being out
on top.but with the killing of the family and the istar I
think titious gets the message .he reigns. As pressure

Anu death will be at a speech he gives at an Economic

Forum about development.to which the sky scraper is
tapped with bombs creating an Epic explosion
scene.with anu doing everything he can to escape the
burning building and fighting gilgameshs asssassins at
the same time.anu kills the assassins.and escapes the
building with the cliché running out just in time and
jumping out of the explosion.but hes now on the
ground unjured.looking up at Gilgamesh walking
towards him with a sword.

As Gilgamesh raises his sword and strikes anu with it

killing him instantly. with Gilgamesh pleading for
forgiveness in the after life as anu confuses
gilgameshes intent as an over through for his own
good and not the good of babaloyn. Gilgamesh says “I
don’t want to do this but you have ignored the desires
and the needs of the people to long and now the
people rise”.
With anu last words being “you may bury my grave in
trash but the winds of history will soon erase it all
away”.anu then dies.

During the election a huge civil now erupts with a clash

of gold and bronze fighting with their super weapons
babaloyn is bleeding.the americans take the
opportunity now more than ever to invade. troops on
the ground,as they enter iran in a real life invasion
scenario along with metaphysically be eating the
cactus and squeezing its juices on there weapons
making them into futuristic tanks in conversion.but it is
only the introduction of foreign invaders that unite the
babaloynians.as Gilgamesh is still the only voice in the
country praising unity.during US occupation that kills
the revolting protestors only gains ground for
Gilgamesh to unite the golds.and to use the power
vacuum as an advantage. the economy on the US goes
down to cover the costs of the war with Iran causing
protests over there to which the US have to withdrawl
to sort problems back home.but there are some
legions in the us army still controlled by the illuminati
who want to stay.
Due to titiouses commands. but Gilgamesh eventually
beats them in a fight kicking out all us presence in the
region.by burning all the plants in that field trapping
them so they don’t take the technology back with
them. entrapping them and killing them.

In the final scene Gilgamesh has a huge fight with

titious.this fighting scene takes place at the top of the
roof the temple of UR.with titious hanging down.
“you can kill me but you will never kill the thousands of
others bankers like me who will turn this temple into
the third one”.
As to which Gilgamesh says why do you hate us so
much you were givin everything.as titious is dangling.

“you don’t know what its like to be us we only have

one state and we will do everything we can to protect
that state to prevent the slaughter of our people once
again the worlds goyim from all over cannot be trusted

As to which Gilgamesh in a look of sympathy but

follows his instincts as he looks into the beasts eyes
replies no one is trying to hurt you its youre own
actions that make people want to hurt you we all just
want to live in peace.

Ttitious “you cant be trusted you’re kind will never be

trusted death to babloyn he then spits on Gilgamesh’s
face calling him a son of a whore”

As he loses grip and plunges to his death.

seeing Gilgamesh’s victories military campaigns against

the invading foes.and with no silver or bronze
resitance.the gold’s win the elections which was put on
hiatious during the civil war using a message of unity in
the bid against divide and what it did to babaloyn.
restores faith back into the golds as to which they win
and Gilgamesh becomes the president of babaloyn.

And the last scene is at the funeral of Anu to which a

huge statue is erected on top of his grave made out of
bronze silver and gold.to represent all aspects of
Babylonian society with the sun shining over it. as
Gilgamesh proudly looks the movie ends.

Return of Babaloyn

Along a canyon on a dark an starry night a rocket

launches up upon no where yet falling back down again
creating a huge light illuminating the darkness into a
blue swirl of electricity that flows like a hurricane and
resembles water going down a drain that starts sucking
up everything from trees to ripping the canyon face off
in a crumbled ash of mayhem. the Babylonians have
just figured out the development of a revolutionary
black hole bomb.that can rip the tides of the universe
open and tear things into the abyss.it creates a ripple
or hole in space time.its the ultimate weapon of
destruction.after the hole sucks up enough energy the
void gets smaller and smaller slowly losing energy and
collapsing in on itself and vanishing taking the objects
of matter along with it.

Upon the serious of trials and errors to even deaths to

master this bomb the project has come to a
close.Ashur the new leader of silvers looks upon this
and says “for this force of nature is the greatest gifts
from the gods since the awareness of the gods
themselves because for now we have the power of the
gods”.upon a clapping audience of both bronze and
silvers united in a swung parliament to which golds are
voted out the next election in this alike.to which Anuit
leader of the bronze says “under a united republic
stand we rise and its only divided we fall but with great
power comes great responsibility to which our
ancestors of late Annu and Great Gilgamesh now look
down upon as from the after life its out with the old in
with the new its time to let post revolution disputes
behind us.as we clean up our own society because the
conspiracy has now turned into an honest buracy of
organised force hellbent on face to face combat and
destruction.and its how we now respond to that
pressure of what now that is the greatest riddle of the
ANNUNAKI as we succefully make this destructive
piece of technology”but this is a flashback.

The crowd clap as both ASHUR and ANUIT bear hug

each other with the crowd continuing the applause.
but what enemy were they talking about.well out of no
where an empire is approaching taking huge swathes
of territory and right on the Babylonians doorstep. the
revival of the returned Persian Empire.like with all
other ancient civilisations retracted into the
wormholes of the psyche in which they downloaded all
the date of the world into the prickled green plant.in
can only be achieved through the process of
consumption.but all societies have their own types of
plants and within the field of retreat after the great
flood red cactus plants start encoring on the magical
field of this secret unknown field in the Iraqi-iranian
border.which marks the come back of the Persian
empire.as these plants are untentionally planted by the
Iranian government as a plan to irrigate the desert. the
people of modern day have no clue these plants are
keys or gateways to mythical civilisations that seem
from the past but still live on even more futuristic than
advanced society of today.

As this great flood happens round about the same time

the Persians and Babylonians are about to go to war in
the past as they both charge only for water from the
warming of the earth causes glacial melting and water
levels rises flooding the battle field. in which the
Persian king seeing the waves arrive while on
horseback crossing over to the Babylonian side
dropping his weapon and saying its over for the lot of
us engrave you’re conscious onto something quickly to
act as a satellite onto earth to act as a reciver away
from the approaching waves. but the Babylonian king
looks at him with suspicion then sees the upcoming
waves as he says for I think the battle will have to
happen in the under world then.to which the Persian
king agrees as the Persian king draws his eye on a red
cactus and cuts it with his sword vanishing the Persians
with it.

The Babylonian king looks upon the horizon of his

civilisation then the upcoming waves and draws his
sword to a random green cactus near his foot. but in
that choice came luck as that green plant is more water
resistant and survives the flood while the red flower
dies out and gets drowned out. and the Persian empire
away with it.there is no void of consciousness between
the veils of the Persian empire and the real world.and
with no connection it becomes yet another wiped out

But the interaction between the Babylonians and the

Persians and who will win the final undisputed battle of
ancient civilisation begins. as the red flowers get
planted and the pollen which encapsulates the code
for the Persian empire starts to blow into the winds
and lay upon the green flowers.this marks the fall out
and spread of the Persian empire.
In babaloyn there is a farmer tending to his crops when
he says a UFO with a Zoroastrian symbol on it the
farmer is shocked at this return not seeing the UFO in
years. the Persian king walks out with an army. from
the podium onto the floor. he asks the farmer where is
he to which the farmer say Babylon to which the king
looks at the horizon to see this futuristic city and
smiles. the farmer said I thought you guys died off in
the great flood. so did i.but as we lay frozen in the
times of the underworld something summoned us and
ripped our souls back into reality and now were ready
to retake babaloyn.to which the farmer laughs and says
I don’t think you’re going to siege Mesopotamia with
that outdated craft. its been over a thousand years we
have progressed in all aspects since the great flood.

To which the king looks at him angrily and pulls him up

by his shirt. and says well there is one thing they forgot
to which he pulls out a test tube. Containing the recipe
for the black hole.all I need is just to capture one
modern day missile which cant be intercepted and with
attached this to it.that the entire city is going to be in
ruins. we would never win a city siege front with our
out dated tech you’re right about that. So were just
going to fire the abyiss and inherit the spoils of the
ruiens.he puts the farmer back down. to which a spy
comes out the ufo big and strong his name is
Cleptis.the farmer looks at him in daze as the king
looks at cleptis and pats him on the back saying with
this assassin I can manage anything.

Cleptis acts as a double agent getting a hold of much

tech as he can and smuggling it back to the Persian
camp out in the countryside were they intercept it
study it research it and slowly copy and improve the
weapons by testing it. all in preparation for the big
strike. anything from a laser gun to hologram tvs are all
smuggled to this camp under a huge black market.
from the many infiltrators. But the Persians make their
rude announcement of their arrival when they feel
confident enough that they have a enough up to date

As fast forward to the day where the Babylonians test

there black hole weapon but before its fully developed
stage and more in its failed attempt stages. the Persian
ufo appears guided with modern day stolen futuristic
Babylonian ufos.which starts firing lasers making
everyone flee. to which Asur and Anuit look upon the
old UFO and realising this was no coup. this was a
foreign force to which ashur says to anuit saying I said
not to test the revolutionary weapon while all this
disappearing of our stuff was going on.to which the
king walks out with one of the warheads and
announces he can now take over babaloyn withought
destroying it and can inherit its riches in technology. as
now he feels confident he can win conventionally. and
takes the test tube and attaches it to the missile

To which the Persians start to slowly take Babylonian

territory and winning over fronts. then the scene
shows the pollen from the red plants flowing into the
green plant with a map of the spread of the Persian
empire and scenes of Persian warriors of old charging.
Ashur and Anuit now flee back to the temple of UR
upon arrival. they found out that the king picked up a
dud or the lower grade missile.which gives the
babalonians time to further there research into the
weapon as the drums of war echo through the walls as
they start to get encircled in AKKAD.the capital while
Sumer has been taken. the Babylonian public are
panicking upon arrival of the Persians and a vote is to
be set in a parliamentary vote to weather they should
debate dropping the abyss into a Persian controlled
Sumer which has now been taken hostage.

During all of the Persian raids anuit with his

counterpart ashur are now fast forwarded to the first
scene where the black hole is fully complete in its final
stages. and has no vunriblities unlike the lesser
developed failed project of the smuggled dud that can
still do damage but is inferior to the final cut.a debate
in parliament to decide were the Babylonians should
drop the black hole onto the city of sumer out of
existence. The film gets into the topics of were they
should or should not drop it. with Ashur/silver not
wanting to drop it and wants to take the city
conventionally with ought destroying Sumer with
Anuit/bronze being opposed to it and wants to drop
the weapon in fear the Persians may panic and drop
the lower grade weapon that they have probably mass
produced and replicated.

But while this debate is happening underground Cleptis

and his agents are planning an under ground plot to
blow up the temple of UR before any plan can be
made. so while the debate is happening the
underground plot is happening at the same time under
the Persian kings orders.
In a chanting screaming yelling confused crowd
amongst the governors of the temple of UR ashur
chants but what about the civilians in sumer.to which
anuit replies we have no time to liberate all of them
with ought the Persians panicking and firing their
missile into akkad before we fire our one back which
be no point as they would of hit us first dubbing our
bomb as useless if it gets sucked into the portal.in war
civilians have to die im only being realistic here I don’t
want it to happen but if we don’t do it to them they
will do it to us.

To which anuit replies about the morality of the use

and says but what about when the people see how
damaging this weapon can be and they get so
disgusted at seeing us take such a barbaric method
that even our own public turn on us.to which Ashur
replies and says no we would be celebrated as heroes
for dismantling and destroying the Persian empire.
many of our people feel threatened and they need
reassurance that there not in danger because if we
don’t do nothing they will revolt anyways as we fail to
protect them.

And a conventiol ufo battle is not enough of a

reassurance as they all get downed and our men come
back in coffins.since there the exact same ufos that
have been stolen so its an even fight.but we know we
have the better missile with a black hole attacked.to
which Asur thinks Anuit is trying to save face by not
using it on the grounds of compassion while Anuit
thinks Ashur is trying to save face to show resilience
and might after the embarrassing failure of Sumer
being sacked. the crowd watch the argument go back
and fourth and cannot decide.

And during all this time Cleptis and his men is getting
closer and closer to the tunnel in which they will use a
smuggled electrical shock wave bomb that causes mass
vibration that resemble and earthquake and can
destroy babaloyn with ought the use of force of
deploying there blackhole.as the Persian king has
changed his mind and wants to take the city instead of
destroying it so killing off the senators inside the
temple is enough for a takeover.
The scene cuts back to the debate. as ashur goes on
about how they cant blow up there own city which has
been captured to which annuit taking the more
hawkish approach says if there is an uncontrolled
infestation of mosquitoes in you’re house would
destroy that house to. which ashur replies saying I
don’t think we should compare the Persians as
mosquitoes and the babalonians civilians in there as
failed losers.to which an annoyed Asher replies there
already invading us outright how much more does it
take for you to take the reality of the situation
seriously. there only a few miles outside the gates of
Akkad camping ready to eliminate us all. what is you’re
solution a conventional strike which is only going to
waste time resources money and will end up causing
more bablonian and Persians to die in a prolonged
endless war which will work out to be more people
over time so no matter the conclusion people are still
going to die anyways at least give them the dignity to
have a quick painless death. instead of a prolonged war
which there going to die in anyways in which they will
die in a more prolonging misery. and the waste of
money in this conventional option is going to drain out
resources people are going to lose money and they’re
going to revolt anyways.when all can be avoided if we
just get in and get out.simple win and declare victory.
To which ashur responds to these points saying they
don’t know what the result of the black hole will be
and it may start swirling back into there direction and
then what.we just destroy ourselves a long with it. and
ashur replies well if we never drop it and use it we will
never know what the results and after math will ever

And Asher replies well why take such a destructive risk

the possibility of the black hole moving like a hurricane
in which yes we do destroy them but we only destroy
ourselves along with it. as we have the weapon but we
have yet to fix that possibility of that vunriblity of that
happening. and ashur says well if we don’t test it out.
we will only blow more time for the Persians to figure
out that vunriblity in which they use it on us saving
themselves in the process. and ashur replies that this
suicidal option will only endanger them if they quickly
don’t find a diplomatic solution with the king.so while
the confused crowd struggle to find any form of
compromise. the hit plot is only getting closer and
closer. as the clock ticks to midnight.
But eventually the rumble starts to happen which is
felt in the room as everything starts shaking to which
the crowd start panicking as Cleptis and his men slowly
try to get out of the complex alleyways that resemble a
pyramid bobby trap.but all is to a loss as just as there
about to see the light upon the end of the myriad
tunnel system.it closes plunging the men into darkness
in which they die like trapped mine diggers.

The temple of UR collapses killing ashur and anuit and

all the temple members of parliament while the
vibrations rock the city in which,sets of the black hole
bomb missiles anyways and they erupt out of the
hidden craters and straight for the city of Sumer.in
which in a epic scene we see the results of the black
hole in action.as Sumer is destroyed.

However Akkad remains intact.with only slight

damages with the biggest of them all is unfortunately
the destruction of the temple and the killing off all the
templar leaders. public opinion is horrified by the
destruction of Sumer with half of Babylonian society
being against the move however then the counter
acting opinion was that it was revenge for the temple
attack anyways and it could not be prevented anyways
due to the electrical shock waves igniting the missiles.

The Persian empire is defeated with a scene of the king

being sucked up into the hole into nothingness.along
real life with the flowers slowly withering away
amongst the green flowers.however as predicted the
bomb slowly starts to swirl towards Akkad. And
although other Sumer is destroyed the estimated
calculation is the black hole will lose energy before
arriving to the furthest point that is off Akkad.and will
collapse in on itself. as people from all the other city
states of Mesopotamia start to flee into Akkad.

But there are bigger problems there is now an open

quagmire in Akkad in which people start to riot to fill
that power vacuum resembling the dark hole vacuume
estimated to approach them. babaloyn is not
destroyed but is in ruins and with ought a government
to lead them and amongst the chaos of destruction.
and with peoples standards of living declining and with
the failure of a democracy admits the tensions
between Babylonians and refugees from the Levant a
rising a leader arises who’s tribe was much stronger
than the other looters looking for an opportunity for a
land grab. all of the 5 black hole bombs were set off
along with the lab used to harness the energy with the
top ten secret scientists who had knowledge of this
device all dead in the earth quake like attack. so
because of the anarchy still happening without assured
destruction. babaloyn is not sucked up into a portal of
black energy.for the saviour is named Hamerabe a new
character who in which he eliminates any last form of
resistance and brings back order into Mesopotamia.

But now the blackhole is passing into the horizon and

its only by stopping it. he will be taken as a serious
leader and not a dictator to his people. upon sleeping
hamerambe sleeps only to be put into a weird trippy
state where he meets the Annunaki who summon him
out of his body in which the gods of the senate roll
down there scrolls and reveal that in order to stop the
abyss one must take the bricks from the ruins of UR in
which conscious was constructed from the material of
the plaice and its mould created DNA for mankind
giving them awareness of the gods. and throw them
into the abyss of the hole and that will cause the black
hole to its suckisation.the annunaki announce that this
situation was a test to see if humanity can be trusted
with responsibility and in that test they failed. and now
its time for intervention in which we see the return of
the days of the messiah and an end to democracy. as
the Annunaki preach there messeage through the voice
of one man.

hamerambe wakes up from his trance like state and

instructs his men to stop lazing around and to get back
out the gates to stop the black hole. which is not dying
out before akkad like expected. hamerambe and his
men collect the bricks from the ruin of UR. and through
the bricks into the darkness. in which when lobbing
the bricks the hole starts to swallow up smaller and
smaller to eventually it vanishes before exploding and
coughing out a new temple. hamerambe is seen as a
prophet to his men and Babylon has received its savoir.

In the last scene hamerambe is seen being knighted

upon the new temples doorsteps. as the people

The Times of Babaloyn

Its warm silent night as the ambient moon glows upon

with its light hitting the statue of former annu creating
a white ghostly ambient light in the room.the which
hamerambe and his noble men walk through the windy
like castle like corridor’s past the statue.to which his
loyal men or aides tell him. That babloyn is great under
his rule as a new kingdom and theocracy.for providing
Akkad all of the social services its need after
reconstruction. However there are still people out
there loyal to the republic.to which hamerambe replies
if any trouble makers are spotted kill them on sight you
got it.to which the wise men all nod and agree.but as
the conversation is going down the night is not as quiet
in Akkad as one may seem.as there is already an
attempted coup as assassins are everywhere.outside
the temples gardens the tunnels the sewers and
creeping like shadows within the walls of the temple of
ur.now the people of Babylon like
hamerambe.however the loyalists to the former
republic see him as a brutal dictator and the genral
dangers that come of a theocracy controlled by a small
amount of elites and oligarchs.

Many hit attempts have been done by the loyalists

upon hamerambe that he goes from a respective king
to now a paranoid leader.that he slowley starts to get
more brutal in his rule not trusting anybody.he has
surrounded himself with yes men as any form of
criticism is off with there heads.so when things do go
wrong in babaloyn he shots the messenger and
because of that the ecnoamey is slowly of the rocks
from planet x the currency of Mesopotamia is
declining.becuse hamerambe has become so paranoid
that he has raised taxes.and not been using it on public
spending like befoure instead hiding it under the new
temple of ur.along with hiding amongst rockets and
never leaving the temple.with his secret police running
guard.as things start to get ugly and support insurgent
loyalist terror attacks continues.by this point in the
saga all black hole bombs are destroyed and no one
has any knowledge of what it is how to get it as the
annunaki has wiped that from all of human memory.
Only conventional lasers and ufos are allowed like
before the invention of mass destruction.hamerambe
falls under the failure of vanity and ignorance.as he
hides in the temple and just sits on the throne drinking
wine all day.he is not the great warrior he once was
like how he is protrayed as the saviour in the second
movie.becuse of this hamerambe loses all of his social
skills and now looks at people in disgust.the only thing
hes got going on from him is that he is really good at
avoiding assination plots.
But as hamerambe sits in his thrown drinking wine
from a golden chalice he goes into a rage .upon going
on his holographic device and reading the news about
pro republic protests.he throws his chalice at the
statue of annu.which shooks all of the robed men but
in fear they agree. As amerambe says they want the
restoration of a democracy to destroy our tradition
which acts as a bit of comedic irioney as he just throw
a chalice on an ancient statue a few moments ago.but
the rant continues he says all that time they were
discussing what and what not to do when the Persian
expansions were happening they were getting bombed
from right under there feet.to many chiefs not enough
indians that’s what the problem is today with there
nihilistic egos there is not enough time for negotiations
that go no where you have to act fast act in the
moment act in the now.say what you want about
fairness but end of the day waving a sword is faster
than writing with a pen.we brought order out of chaos
this way.one of his noble men interupts and says that’s
a rather animalistic way of thinking don’t you think
were we not created by the ancient aliens to abandon
our darwinian like roots.when the annunaki made us
from ape to man.but hamerambe responds and says
but we were kept as half animals for a reason power
and control is just built within us.and we must also
express that to allow punch behind our intellect as
babels.one of the hooded men says but you prioritize
one over the other.to which hamerambe just angrily
says well I was the beggar of this society selling magical
murr for nothing my insurgency rose from the top.as
hamerambe goes from anger depression to confusion
and just sighs as he lay rest on his throne.to which as
he looks at the stars from the stain glassed window he
squints to see a beautiful glowing red low mass star
but it gets closer and closer to which his facial
expression changes its an arrow.

Which burst through the gap of the window and almost

hits his head all the robbed men ran and panic as
amerambes body guards rush through the rooms to
evacuate hamerambe. The assassins are now on full
siege and the temple is in lockdown.as there is an epic
hit and run scene as hamerambe and his guards
running to the secret emergency exist.and hide in one
of the chamber a mile away from the site using an
under ground tunnel.in which they fend off other ufos
in this tunnel vision to make it to the
chamber.hamerambe looks at the temple of ur from
the distance burning in shook.he sits down on a cold
concrete step and thinks about resigning.to which he
picks up his head an says I rather die in royalty than to
flee like a slave.they may have the humiliation of my
body but never the dignity of my soul.a now
reenergized amerambe picks himself up and demands
reinforcements.to which after a 12 hour siege. Of
hamerambe and his trusted men stuck in the chamber
watching this all go down across the horizon.as there is
an eclipse of that morning making him more
nervious.that his lifestyle of moon rocks and wine is all
gonna go away.the trouble makers are rounded up by
the guards and its now safe to renter the temple.order
is now restored.

The bandits are captured silver gold and bronze alike

all united by one thing the restoration of the former
state of affairs.hamerambe executes majority of them
with no mercy nor compassion.however decides to
take the leaders under court in which they will be
made to answer for there crimes the next day.after
such trauma hamerambe takes a bath to relieve him of
stress and to relax.in which he passes out in that
bath.to which he gets a dream an receives a visit from
the annunaki in which this acid like trance is all about
nihilisium superficiality lust and the abuse of power.
To which the aliens of the high court say in godly loud
voices that echo powerfully as there faces light up.and
say hamerambe you are planning to judge but it shall
be you who gets judged we deliberately create both
order and chaos to fill in the chapters of the human
experience. We are behind the transition of power and
don’t you forget that.we program you to be tough to
cause the resilience of change however give you the
heart of compassion to cause the maintenance of
progress.to which hamerambe pleads to be forgivin.in
which he sees Gilgamesh Annu Anuit Ashur and all the
other prophets surrounding him.the annunaki chant
we will still keep you but the times of darkness is over
and we can trust the republic again.but you will still be
kept as king with the final say.as thoughts are like
prayer and we receive the prayer of intellectual
thoughts as waves which vibrate upon the temple and
is sent to the skies in which the motion of conscious is
what powers the sun to burn,the planets to orbit and
the asteroids to wonder. This is a metaphor for dark
energy or axion which is the mitochondrion of space.to
much ideas at once can cause collisions from the
organization of the universe.in which you were
selected to be the end product of that black hole of
monothesium.till things cooled down but new souls are
made and you must allow them to orbit upon the
skies.and if you then you shall inheri a great cosmos
like no other.hamerambe then falls and gets sucked
back down from his body as he gasps for air almost
drowning in the bath.its now high noon.and his guard
comes in and reminds him that hes been sleeping in
the bath all day and got concerned and that the trial is
in a few hours.to which hamerambe rushes to get
ready making it on time in the hall.as he barges past

The ropes are ready for the lynching the public are
excited for the stoning the crosses are being erected.to
which hamerambe shouts ORDER……...

As they all quiet down.hamerambe puts the men in

court of which he finds out there names

To hamerambe first shows animosity towards almost

being killed but looks upon all of those men powerless
and with all the cards in his theatre but reminded by
his dream.he announces the restoration of the
Babylonian republic. But the crowd expecting the
entertainment of an execution and with the guards
thinking he is on one of his paranoid stages again and
suspects hes back on the magical murr.are also
shocked by this.but he makes his decision final as the
case is finished.as he walks out the room as one of the
robed men calls him crazy and says this time the coup
is going to be from us if you change the power
structure.to which hamerambe says we still have the
military might if they take advantage. Mesopotamia
celebrates as the republic comes back under a peaceful
manner with the king ironically getting full credit for
it.his popularity increases.

The king gets to know all of the main organizers of the

coup as they go from assassins hating the king however
with the display of the saving of there life’s they now
have nothing but appreciation for the king and his
compromise .however the king still does not trust them
but wants to use them as a blanket as of protection if
things go wrong and hes so fed up of the assassinations
that lawless bandits do strike it will be on
them.however hamerambe is once again reminded
how annoying a republic can be as he watches them all
squabble with eachother.however is also good as this
divide and the illusion of the democracy means they
fight with each other and not him.he smartly portrays
himself as the backbencher who only does royal
traditional stuff but can still be brutal at time to remind
the parliament that the military is still on his side and
not to push it.this is only a temporally experiment.

However monarch and republic alike they both find

common ground on a good will cause as a new planet
is discovered for the sake of scientific research to see
what keys it may hold.this operation is encouraged by
the king to mark a show of supremacy and expansion
after the humiliation of the temple sacking and the
distrust or weakness his guards see in him for allowing
for this renewed makeshift parliament of old.many of
the former loyalists all have different opinions on the
matter.as the old political parties of the past are
reinstalled on silver-liberal gold-centre and bronze-
conservative. And with the characters with there
respective roles of
Kish-bronze party

Because gold is center the king has a slight bias

towards that direction he doesn’t want to set of
anything extreme however like both speeches by kish
and lagash.however this republic really is not a
democracy yet it was just decided it will now be. Which
makes the Babylonians suspicious as to this even being
one at all since no one voted for these people. Since
there has not been an official election yet.and people
think the loyalists are traitors getting moon rocks from
the king and have just become his aides or
mouthpieces acting as his new makeshift diplomats or
spokes people. But this is a slow process moving
process of renewal so its not at its former glory but
getting there. Just like the seasonal cycle promised by
the gods.

But all distraction from the public is lost quickly when

they reach the new planet and call it Assyria. Now
Assyria is much like Mesopotamia it contains a vast
array of open deserts caves and canyons. With hot
days and cold nights. But what keeps this vast empty
deserted planet alive is once again a fresh flowing
river.that keep it alive.3 pyramids are built as airports
to decide a landing point for the ufos and to act as a
space station or airport.in planet Assyria the diplomats
kish eridu and lagash are sent on this mission. because
there gaining influence in babloyn and the king wants
to send them there as a diplomatic mission out of
distrust and the loyalists go because they don’t fully
trust the king to give them full power and can only
achieve a full democracy here.with vast flat empty
terrain with hotspots of lava to power generators with
crops to tend by the banks of the great river.and of
course precious metals to mine. Its vast in resources.
Which causes huge waves of immigration.

Only problem is well there is already Assyrian in Assyria

unlike before were the Babylonians thought the land
was resourceful yet empty.now in reality an asteroid
hits this magical field on the Iraq/iran border filling it
with ash.news from Assyria to Mesopotamia is slow
and that’s exactly what both sides wanted separation
but the hamerambe Is still informed of important
subject matters.as both kish lagash and eridu make
frequient vists as well as the king on both sides.a new
colony is functioning and starts to expand the three
build there own temple this time the temple pleya and
fill it with its own party members.

But once the babels relies there not alone a message is

sent to the king about info on the Assyrians in which
the hamerambes response is the way of his lifestyle to
slaughter them and take over.but the new province of
pleya disagree to the barbarity as its them who have to
life there and if stuff gets hot it will be them in a planet
there still foreigners in to deal with the mess.as the
king boasts while safe in mesopatmia.the assyrians are
no hunter gathers there are advanced civilization
to.and although the Babylonians have the technology
the Assyrians have the numbers and the environmental
knowledge. Knowing this the province of pleya
establish friendly rule amongst the natives.and
establish trade alliances of foreign goods from both
planets.as the Babylonians need the lava which Assyria
a volcanic planet has which is a metaphor for oil.and in
return the Assyrians get vaccines to help them with
basic diseases. However there is not much interaction
from there as its an entire planet and there is vast
desert between them. There is not much contact.
However without the republic to keep Mesopotamia in
line the king starts to go back to his old ways even
more now that he is gaining new wealth from the
mining of this new planet.as he is now receiving the
vision the Annunaki gave him.but as pleya gets richer
babaloyn is getting poorer,but pleya is still Babylonian
property and the military can be called up at any
moment,.as hamerambe refuses to give this wealth to
public spending, only spreading it to his trusted
oligarchs and the militaries got worse now that he
thinks hes become newborn and tolerant by allowing
this republic so he doesent even have to try anymore
and just uses that as an exuse.this has made him worse
not better.

Babaloyn becomes a military class leaving behind the

elites who are well off and stayed and the lower classes
who were to poor to make the move as the middle
class of Babylon leave for pleya.which creates huge
inequality between nobles and peasants as the middle
class the negotiator class between the two have all
leaft.creating a huge bridge and a brain drain in
mesopatmia.and as Babylon goes off to create its
empire afar its own roof is collapsing in on itself.things
are getting hot and it looks like war is going to break
out.the republic stay away from the matter of the
conflict now seeing themselves as to far away to care
as they structure themselves into a new society
secretly are backing the rebels.in hopes they could do
what they could not do and topple the monarchy
.however there is also the fear that Babylon cannot be
destoryed.as there only guests in Assyria and can be
expelled at any time.

Kish of the bronze sees Assyria as an extension to

Babylon and although he may not like the king he is
still proud of his heritage and roots.kish holds paranoid
views towards the Assyrians. And wants to remain
separate under segregation from the pleya colony and
to keep it to trade and that’s it. however he respects
the Assyrians and wants them to remain strong just as
he wants pleya and Babylon to remain strong.becuse
he understands that both need to be strong to undergo
peace and trade however still sees that he can only
respect the Assyrians from a safe distance and that
mixing is bad.

Lagash of the silver wants to expand the project would

like the Assyrians to live as civics under his control he
does not is not bothered by the Assyrians and thinks
they can coexist however wants to be reassured that
the Babylonians are still better and are the leading
culture. However lagash does not understand the
ignorance in trampling all over sovereignty and only
embracing people if they are made to act like you and
to depend on you and thinking they just accept that
and there be no problems at all with two future tribes
living together as lagash is desperate to stick his foot in
the planets affairs.

Eridu of the golds just frankly sees these conflicting

ideas and just wants to go home he wants to abandon
the project as he feels out of place and wants to go
home however with issues back on Mesopotamia he is
sort of stuck there.Eridu is a consultant in a mainly
Assyrian area of the province he feels like he’s been
replaced from his identity and separated from the
branches of his bloodline and the soil of his home.it
causes him to be a bit confused.as he looks in
embarrassment at both Kish with his xenophobic
statements and lagash with his interfering affairs.in
which these views get challenged by the Assyrians he
lives with in which he feels that he has to justify and
Some are sympathetic to the Assyrians others want to
crush them and other pleyadens feel so betrayed by
some of there own party members or how they have
been treated some ally with the assyrians.in order to
gain better grandstanding with them.

It’s the ideas of globalism vs nationalism between the

bronze and there voters who just want to keep there
colony closed however kick the Assyrians within the
province out. And lagash who wants to expand but
getting involved in the Assyrians affairs.so the first
election is called to decide the very first vote in the
colony of pleya and the first time the babels get to vote
under king hamerambe.
However the Assyrians don’t agree with this election
the Babylonians are only here as traders and there
starting to get to comfortable. and hamerambe sees
this election as illgitmeate and thinks this is a separatist
independence march.so amerambe sends his army in
to stop the election process. And even arms the
assyrians by the pleya coloney.in which the indirect
proxy attacks from king hamaerambe by the assyrian
malicias .turn the bronze more xenophobic and
supporters of the silver as more interventionist.
As the battle continues between the pleyan babels vs
the assyrians under the support of the original
babalonians.the pleyans are fighting a battle for both
independence from Mesopotamia and a new country
on top of Assyria however still wanting to keep there
former Babylonian culture.with this mindset of course
they lost.as they were fighting a 2 front war.becuse
most of the pleyans had never seen Mesopotamia nor
never had any loyaty.and the eridu looks upon his dead
defeated army with both the humiliation of lagash and
kish on there faces screaming look what you have done
we came here and look what happened to us we
should of stayed home and sorted our own problems
at home and now were out of there our original home
has gone to.we have become stateless.in a foreign land
in which we will never fully feel comfortable or ever
feel confident enough to fully express ourselfs.and for
what money trade resources but these dead bodies
isn’t coming back.we had more safety back under that
annoying king than we did under a republic here.

But to be fair lagash and kish just wanted the best for
there own life’s and just wanted to express there
genuine interest in exploration and the drive of
curiousity.thinking they could create a shining beacon
on top of a hill for there people.the hamerambi returns
home expecting celebrations as its as if he just
executed another country but that other country was
his own people.the news has spread from what the
king has just done and that’s the final straw that broke
the camels back.as people were disgusted by this
action. Even his own guards who are starving by this
point turn on him and he feels guilty. Things are
looking bad the expansion of an empire was lost
Babylon is rooting from the inside out. There are
Babylonian outside of Babylon receiving discrimination
genocide slavery and apartheid in Assyria and the ones
who have fled are injured and wounded’s have lost
status as a people as a civilisation.as the green crops in
the field start to decay. And these strong collective
emotions cause collective mass vibration.becuse the
stress the suffering causes the same struggle and with
struggle comes loyalty empathy understanding and
compromise that creates a civilization. And through the
elimination of ego glory and pride in exchange for
respect and high community under such harsh
conditions causes higher bonding in which the
Babylonians figure out a harsh lesson democracy is not
something you can go and spread to other places its
something you have to fight for and to defend for
here.in which you only serve one temple and all the
best things are already here and its up to all man to
correct his civilization and his people. Not to run away
from it.and expect to have dual identity with people
who will never understand. And of the dangers of
interference. Now there is a huge flash back to which
hammerambe smashing the statue of annu to mark the
chapter of the end of his civilization.
Eridu saved from the Assyrians and spared and even
offered to act as a temple speaker in Assyria leaves
back for mesopatmia.however with hamerambe slayed
and anarchy on the rise the Assyrians offer to aid eridu
with a malcia.in which returning back to babaloyn
order is brought from chaos.and the golds save the day
and being close allies with the Assyrian king he
negotiates the freedom and withdrawal of the
Babylonians out of Assyria to which they agree.kish
and lagash are sent back from exile before execution
they get lucky again.to which hamerambe thanks the
Assyrians for stopping the protests in his country and
returning his people home.hamerambe cries and
pleads for forgiveness from lagash and kish which in
reverse is now him in reverse of this morality court.
And just like how the king choose not to slaughter him
they return the favour.this entire experience is a wake
up call for amerambe.as takes of his crown and hands
it over to eridu.as he claims he is the true king of
babaloyn.but eridu not wanting hamerambe to lose
respect he tells him to keep it however this time to
allow extra powers between crown and state to
hamerambe agrees.eridu says betrayal and revenge is
not in the blood of our people we show compassion
and mercy but strike the swords of the stars if were
attacked as a people. And its only when we turn on our
own people that we turn weak.to which the king
agrees strongly. The king calls on a true election and
with eridu seen as the peacekeeper between the
Babylonians and the Assyrians he is made the pm of all
of Mesopotamia.

The Coming of the Fourth

Long after the future hamerambe is now dead of

elderly age and of illness along with the parliamentary
heads of the gold bronze and silver party. With new
members in the congress of the temple of UR.the
republic of Babylon lives on and the previous kingdom
only exists as a traditional cultural practice.as statues
of hamerambe is much praised just as much as
Gilgamesh the first saviour.however lagash from the
proclaimed leader of the third movie.called off all
general election due to a Hittite threat from
anatollia.in which he was executed by Kadesh the
conqueror of the hitties.in which Babylon is now under
the rule of the Hittites as a puppet state. However as
the Hittites conquer they keep the Babylonian
institution of parliament in the form of liberal rule and
in the process of slow assimulation.however with both
the upper class elites of the golds silver and bronze
accepting of being a satellite vassel as long as they paid
taxes in gold.the middle classes don’t like the idea of
the precence but with the ecnomey being to good
there afraid to rebel.however the lower class is more
vocal in getting rid of this pressure. But how did the
hitties and babalonians come into being.

Well as the marshes of turkey flow into the drainage of

the Euphrates and Tigris rivers.the muddy waters is
sucked up by the banks of the green cactus.in which
Babylon hides its civilizational ingredient into.but the
floods of the banks soak up the cactus hence a
metaphor for the invasions.in this magical field in
modern day mesopatmia.with all parties loyal to
Kadesh the king of the hitties.and his might military
that patrol the electromagnetic railways with there
laser like spears and other impressive weaponery.but a
protest happens and in that protest things change
quickly.as the working classes hold a union strike and
generally unhappy with there socio ecnomic conditions
and seeing the other cases as compliers to this.the
hitties and there guards ruthless Lesley slaughter
them.now to Kadesh this was supposed to display a
shower of might in hopes it never happen again in
pride and in glory but only backfired as a barbaric
soloution.to which now the middle classes who never
relly liked them anyways are now convinced for

The upper classes of the political elite try to shush

things down but a civil war is quickly looming.as no one
wants lagashes fait of challenging the might of the
hitties.or that of the protestors. The temple of UR is in
confusion and goes through a constitutional crisis.in
which a now scared Kadesh plans a withdrawal from
mesopatmia.but not wanting to show fear he allows
the babalonians an election in hopes that they
squabble over each other and forget all about the
hittie slaughter. Giving the illusion of sovringty.with yet
again another puppy expected to win who is scripted
to as saviour in hopes of fooling the babalonians until
the hitties can gain time to plan a peaceful withdrawl.
In which zardu of the golds is expected to win the
election posing as a false messiah of the annunaki
ending the republic and the end of democracy and
back into times of the monoarchy so its king controlled
by king.in the political manoverue by Kadesh.zardu the
puppet on the strings is talented in his speeches he
gets peoples blood pumping in his rallies he flashes the
keys but never shows the door.as he is the wolf in
sheeps clothing loyal to Kadesh.the working classes are
fooled by this as they pump there fists in there air at
the rallies. But the middle class backing the bronze
which is more into tradition instead of the hijacked
gold party that are useful idiouts to just there to act as
bread and circus as they actually believe zardu is the
promised messiah to bring back the ways of
hammerambe against the hitties.the bronze party who
are resilient to Kadesh and the gold party and see it as
radical buffonns.so the conservative bronze is
supported by Magreb.and the the upper classes who
just want things to remain the same because there rich
well off and happy and don’t want much change are on
the more liberal silver party.and there leader is
Masdar.they see the hijacked golds as extremists and a
threat to there way of life.when in reality it’s a trojan
horse.so the silvers hate the gold.and the gold elite
hate the bronze because there the real deal of
sovereignty and that’s not the plan.and the bronze
hate the silvers for being weak against the hitties and
the silvers dislike the bronze as untrusting of
power.and the golds hate the silvers for wealth reasons
and hate the bronze because zardu paints them as
extremists and would cut away all the socialist like
things they stand for,.so of course there is squabbling
in the temple of ur.just as Kadesh wanted.as not only is
there once again political rift but it goes hand to hand
with the class based systems of that organised
society.so there is a lot of pointing fingers as one tries
to up the others in parliamentary discussions.

However there is a new agenda Kadesh the grand

master chess player of all of this also funds an Assyrian
separatist party and arms them with the sophisticated
hittie weapons.as the Assyrian minority want there
own state of self determination.however all groups are
united in being against an Assyrian state and want
them as civic nationalists.as the golds speak out against
it but secretly want it.

Magreb of the bronze sees an importance in a foreign

alliance to get out the hitties he goes to Nemphis in
Eygpt as he crosses the desert.in which the alliance is
created as the nomadic hitties to have been raiding
nemphis in an attempt of a land grab. The silvers of
Masdar to afraid of the confrontation of the hitties
directaly like the bronze and fear of the radical golds
who have always been the centrist party go to enemies
of the past the Persians.however with past resentment
there alliance is harder to maintain.as the Persian king
of time yells at the past atrocities of battle in the
second movie at Masdar.so with no alliance Masdar
unlike Magreb does not have an international
backing.making the silvers weaker in the polls.so
instead Masdar cornered now knows the importance
that things are getting extreme and you’re going to
have to adapt to the climate we see a change in him
get tougher in the movie.the silvers create there own
malicia group to combat Assyrian attacks within.called
the silver reflection to act as a wariior unit to

Fed up of debates going no where Magreb with his

Egyptian allies try to take things by force.cross the
siniea with superior Egyptian air force however
humiliated by the hitties who have the superior and
revolutionary shock wave tank that just emits radio
waves that tampers with and switches off all Egyptian
drones,these radio emitting guns and tanks act as
microwaves to if switched to a high velocity not only
tampering with electronics but downright frying
ppl,making the hitties successful in there conquest of
mesopatmia.after the defeat polls now swing in silver
favour.as magreb is then captured judged and
beheaded by Kadesh.the bronze losing there leader
now has to reform its cabneit.with Antil instead.who
gained popularity in the party with his successful
assassinations within the party.he is known as antil the
assassin.tough guy sorta fascist and shows no remorse
to captured Assyrian rebels.or ppl who question him
within the party.bronze comes more united as the
cabinet is cleared from its pests.but with an already
nervous and watchful golds of the bronze they put
there attention there as the silvers gain ground.but
Masdar is captured and killed by an Assyrian rebel
group. Leaving there cabinet to resquad with Aero as
selected successor. But he is half Persian which makes
his dialogue in getting the Persian on his side against all
aggressive front tides are changing back into the
silvers. There is a scene where a messenger comes
back to Egypt in a dark illuminated tomb as the
pharaoh sits in his throne as incense fills the air with
candles dimly lit reflecting the beautiful decorated
walls of his defeat from against the hitties in Babylon
as the bronze alliance failed.in anger he takes a sword
and kills the messenger in anger.he looks at a map of
the hittie dominated babaloyn with vengeful eyes.as
night falls he decides by day to send in reinforcements.
But antil fears the eygptian might mess things up and
get in the way of his perfect power balance within the
party he just so managed to perfect.the Egyptians see
this as a stab in the back and go in anyways.angering
the bronze in which they had no permission to do so.

Bronze attention now turns on the Egyptians as antil

wants sovereignty from the fake nationalist golds and
the old Egyptian allies.as Babylonian diplomats
complain in nemphis however with ramus dedication in
getting revenge in the hitties antil impressed that ufo
strikes were successful on some hittie lava generator’s
in which the molten rock is burned to create those
radiation waves.however Antil is worried this is gonna
lead to a defence debt. However Rasmus is a wealthy
man but a hawkish one as to why he clicks with antil he
only wants the ego and pride of winning’s become
friends again.Aero sees this alliance which ramps up his
diplomatic mission with the Persians using the
advantage’s of his mixed heritage.to appease the angry
Persian king darious.as Persia now undergoes a
domestic period from its old imperialistic past.and is
not as trigger happy like before.so aero has to stage an
attack and blame it on the bronze or the golds as the
only way to get the hitties controlled opposition
political elite out.however this message is intercepted
by the bronze.who use it to there advantage.now the
Persians are pissed at the silvers. Bronze favourability
goes up.but then intercepted recordings of zargos
prasing Kadesh his loyal king is spread all over
babalonian society by aeros silver spies.there
supporters now angry and have no one to join.

And Kadesh is panicking through his exposure and lose

of power.that the golds lose all influence as serious
political party.and zargos is assinated by a once loyal
gold supporter who was a working class farmer who
believes in the fake promises that with zargos and the
golds in power the hitties be removed and his life will
improve.the golds are taken out leaving Antil and Aero
as they debate argue spy and preform attempted
coups in the temple of UR.Aero with surveillance has
evidence Antil only came to being with assassinations
of his political opponents within the party and wants to
spread it just 2 weeks before the election which is
looming.Antil fully aware of this needs blackmail back
he needs to defame Aero in either a humiliating or evil
light.both have one thing in common though they want
the hitties out.and agree on the negotiations of a
withdrawl.becuse the aggressive Egyptians are
ramming the hitties weakening them.the hitties with
the scenario there in finally decide to with
drawl.however in a last attempt arms the Assyrians as
much as possible to crate as much damage before they
leave.in which once again the assyrians are captured by
the babels and slayed.as the assyrians are still a
minority and just a gorilla force.the assyrians make
good ground fighters but have no ufo air force nor
conventional arms.just foot soilders .with laser
guns.Kadesh in his final retreat between the
Babylonian and Assyrian battle is caught captured and
killed.with the state Mesopotamia is in it can go down
at any moment and there is no time for a court
process. A Babylonian warrior takes a snake and yields
the angry snake at kadash in which its poisoned by its
So now there is the discussion of the Assyrian problem
because doesn’t matter who wins there still going to
experience discriminatory rhetoric but knowing they
lost the war they now have to decide which party to
choose from split in opinion majority pick the liberal
silver party.however antil has evidence of aero
referring to the Assyrian future state as a the swine of
a sewage farm if it was ever created.as he vents in
anger as an Assyrian assassins almost kills him during
his arrival to a rally.so aero doesn’t want his
murderous dealings with the Egyptians out there and
antil does not want that racist evidence going up.as he
himself is half Persian and is in guilt over what he
said.they both send assassins to get the files tapes and
documents things are getting corrupt and
ugly.however the hitties are now gone.however still
grasping for power in this proxy war.between who gets
Mesopotamia them or the Egyptians in which
Egyptians back bronze and the new hittie leadership
backs silver.knowing full well there is still POW locked
in Babylon and aero be better at freeing them safely
instead of antil.with the assyrians in between it’s a
complicated matter.but once again as the project of
democracy gets ugly.the clever designers of the
universe watch in disgust from upon the heavens.and
babaloyn the city of sin once again broke its pact and
alien intervention has to once again be introduced to
prevent chaos.as the eclipse happens on the night of
election night meaning planet x has arrived.in that
night the ecplise causes the temple of UR to glow red
to mark anger of human behaviour.as the tides of the
seas rises hence the sea peoples and the Annunaki
wipes out all civilisation of mankind as man once again
betrays the gods out of power lust jealousy corruption
lies greed and all other ugly behaviours.

In which an epic scene in which Babylon is flooded and

destroyed as the tower of Babylon is engulfed in a
whirl pool,as people scream they panic they go crazy.as
this is the straw that broke the angels back and the day
of judgement had arrived upon in real life there is a
werd sense of unusual climate change from this extra-
terrestrial intervention.in which temple of UR is
destroyed and the magical field engraving the
programming or codes to this simulator switched off.as
it corrupts like a scratched cd which is no longer useful
for the aliens.and Mesopotamia is finally finished in the
coming of the fourth in which it shall never reach its
former glory.

But the prophets of the past plead the Annunaki to not

hit the switch so therefore the programming is not
deleted however the flood still causes enough
destruction until all of Mesopotamia becomes clean
The Roads to Babaloyn

The entirety of Mesopotamia has just had a disaster

the tower of Babylon ruined the temple of UR a wreck.
Many civilian casualties dead the healthcare system
reaching the biggest crisis,as the plaugue has made a
retuenetc.the last election called off,and its running
candidates killed off.as in the last movie people argue
over the social aspects of the empire but no concern of
the climate. That the people see this as a natural
disaster and not a warning from the Annunaki.most
people are dead.the magical field is flooded and this is
going to be a reference to the upcoming sea people
who later turn into the Phoenicians as the green cactus
suck up this sea water and the people arrive, in real life
a huge tsunami has washed inland middle east due to
climate change etc,.but as the floods dry and come to a
halt.there is a scene Saldon an Assyrian casualty who is
digging up the sand trying to find anything in this
rubble from tin to copper to hopefully sell.as Babylon
goes into poverty from this disaster as it becomes an
open air pawn shop.of another mans trash being
another mans treasure. Needs to find anything to put
food in his mouth where it be apples grain or rice.hes
getting hungry as his stomach rumbles as he digs faster
in the ground in this refugee camp with ripped clothes
as makeshift tents.Saldon digs as he cant find a
testube,the test tube with the blackhole bomb
ingriedent.as he looks upon it in confusion he turns to
see the most terrifying sight of his life a shadowy figure
the Annunaki huge and black with red eyes.squints at
him and hands him a tin jar full off apples.in confusion
and fright he does not want to take it but the caped
shadowey hatted sillohete figure turns angry and says
give that ingredient to me and I shall promise you’re
people a great nation. And lifts him up looks at him
with his burning eyes that resemble mars in its sight.he
drops the kids.takes the tube handed to him and
vanishes. Like a ghost, leaving behind the tin full of
apples.in which Saldon takes.as he runs to the market
place in the centre of the camp in the bazzars.to which
he trades the apples for some more sweet mangoes.
And the tin which the man buys to store water for his
travels in exchange for a hammer and chisel.so its
easier for him to to drill away at the rocks and find
more loot.

He goes back home to a sick dying father who was

wounded in riots and a mother in complaints about
financial ruins as she screams at the holographic tvs at
the failure of the city to manage the crisis.becuse after
the floods leads to an excuse for looting and raids in
which many more died as law and order broke out.and
the father injured but as anarchy is over and things
quiet down.mesopatmia the royal land of the 2 rivers is
reduced to that of the third world. Every class is hit by
this no discrimination in the floods imposed by the
greater aliens above as the mediators felt the need to
pull the switch when they potential human corruption
in the soul as the sole programmers of this
simulation.in which the man failed to respect other
man and the collective energy of love for your brother
and tribe is what keeps the the Annunaki alive.and if
the soul is corrupt in hatred and hate in which over
heats the stars it burst messing up the intergalactic
empire the ancient aliens are solely responsible in

But trade for trade in this junkyard put as the sea

waters with its minerals are soaked into the cactus
world a which brings in the sea people who come with
all the necessary products in a sanctioned babaloyn.the
sea people are a nomadic group have no political
institutions they are only a nomadic group of people
who don’t care to much about the Babylonian way of
life and just want to make money. With there items
and successful business skills they are needed and
accepted into babaloyn.which makes the Assyrians
very jealous as there is still animosity between the
babals and them.but as the minerals of the sea and the
life of the marshes it brings it creates trade alliances
with everyone as the people become less frustrated,
and more happy in the improvement of there socio
economic well being as the economy grows. But as
things tidy up it creates a class culture of the new
arriving Phoenicians holding a monopoly in trade as the
new elites. However once again they only care about
money in mind unlike the Mesopotamians who need it
in the hand. Now in the movie the currency they use is
a metallic like coin which like Bluetooth the coin sends
power to the other coin.through a transaction in an
infrared signal. If the coin has a high battery life the
more products you can buy as you touch your coin with
the sellers giving there coin more energy in which for
him he can buy more goods products and services to.so
as things get organised we see the temple of UR being
reconstructed and things going good as mega projects
are built.
To which as the temple is finally fitted it leads to the
reconstruction and organisation of the political
process. With once again the traditional parties of gold
silver and bronze at it again.Arcibald of the golds
Aranna of silver and Alus of bronze. But now that the
cabinet has decides its leaders its now time for the
people to decide who rules. The liberal silvers the
conservative bronze or the centrist golds. But with all
parties not having enough money to spread the word
of there campaign and preach the power of there
messeage.they all need to take funds from the
outsiders who have economically become the elite
class the phenocians.however the Phoenicians are a
free market people not a united entity they back no
one and will only support who gives them the most lip
service.as a minority there votes don’t matter but
there grasp on the market does.in which you need. But
the Phoenicians are not stupid now the babels have
become well off after a time of struggle this causes
them to create there own secret society from within in
defence of there trading interests.

Because if the former sea people go Babylon goes as

well both groups are aware of this they need each
other like the sun and the moon.the Phoenicians don’t
give out open support but give pledges. However have
made sure to illicitly make the coins to not emit
enough power and to not charge as well to make
transactions. While there coins are really good are
emitting and charging power.as they dub the coin
making process driving its property down in hopes of
creating a resccion.so the parliamentary candidates
need more pledges. But they make the super coin
that’s has been hacked to not present itself as loading
the other coin when touched while you gain there
energy once change is given back so what ever they
buy in the bazzars they make more money.creating an
unusual stock market crisis as these super coins only
belong to one group and are hidden within in a huge oil
cargo tanker. Attached to a super ship under the
mouth of the tigris river. Disguised as a rusted boat,to
which if expelled they all jump ship and take the
coinage with them.in which in time of crisis.

So the very disunited Phoenicians who now control all

finances within the country have organised themselves
as a group with Baal as there leader as these super
stores already were in cahoots with eachother.as the
people Phoenicians who make the holographic tvs one
company needs the other for the hard ware and others
need parts to install the software. Or in case of the
new Babylonian treat everyone loves the cinnamon
cola nut in which once again a cinnamon factory ran by
the sea peoples as well as the manufacturers of the
cola farmers in which the Assyrian are there to help
work harvest ran by the other sea people.so by trade
there already united not politically but definitely
economically. However Baal wants to unionises the
entire markets into one entity so there is no
government but a Babylon ran by free market
corporate enterprise now that there having an
election.becuse in Mesopotamia if one sold tea it’s the
very best reason in the world to why he should not be
selling selling tea spoons.but the arrivals of the sea
people got in the way of all of that.with globalist like
super stores in which the concept of every thingness
was appealable to the clients of Babylon.

So they want to invent a surveillance tool designed as

holographic smartphone which will be popular in the
market as everyone is using and the politicians of the
republic catch up with the times to buy it.so they can
get recorded in the form of blackmail by the gold
coined merchants.
so as it’s the first parliamentary question times of since
the rebuilding of the temple. With the stocks up but
now mysteriously going down it’s the first round of the
debates. The leader of the socialist silvers aranna
makes his first move and complains we used to much
money on the temple and not enough to provide the
social services the babels need.to which an angered
bronze alus mad at the insult of the new and almighty
plaice says without beauty there is no pride and with
no pride there is no nation to which he is interrupted
by aranna and says but with no health of man there is
no pride in his being and without his health and in pain
he no longer cares about art but maintenance because
with maintenance it works its way up to beauty.to
which alus mad that arianna is implying he doesn’t care
about the sick and wants them to die and thinks hes a
snobby fascist who sees the sick as genetic dead ends
who don’t deserve to live calls arianna a witchunter
using the and weaponizing the poor for his own agenda
as a sledgehammer against him.the silvers want more
domestication the bronze want more mega projects in
restoration. Archibald the house speakers shouts
ORDER…… to quiet everyone down and says we need
both beauty in our civilisation and in the people which
leads to what will come first the chicken or the egg
argument as silver and bronze interrupt in these
question times.

However this plays into the Phoenicians hands and this

all needs gold coins to fuel where it be social services
to erecting newer bigger temples.its all going to add to
the deficit and debt of the nation.in there useless fake
gold coinage that the babaels are deceived into
thinking is real.as the Phoenicians hold no loyalty
money is all they care about and there own self
interests. And like there name the sea people the tides
of water can turn and they can flee and empower else
where. The Babylonians have become economic and
consumerist slaves all rounded up without knowing
it.and this plays into Baals hands.

As the screen plays out both leaders in secret hold talks

with baal in why they need his money and what the
money will be used for and what he will get in return
after election.as well as other Phoenician companies.as
ball smokes his cigar in his high castle with his feet up
on his table made from ivory hes had a bad reputation
for knocking down refugee camps and building flashy
hotels instead that the political elite are afraid to be
seen with him as hes public enemy but they need him
so baal can behave however he wants.as they all go to
his his sky scraper draped in cloaks hoping to being see
entering the tower with devil horns at the top with a
red illuminated light.aranna is the first to enter in a

You care for social services why should I give these

poor the money under your wealth care plan.as
arianna says with this system in heightened socio
economic value they will have more money to buy his
goods.but and angered baal says that means I have to
drop the value of my prices down.to which he says yes
but with this recession and over 65 percent in poverty
more will buy your products which will make you more
money than the top ten percent at higher prices
quantity beats quality he argues this interest
baal.knowing full well in this union he has created
there no such thing as a free market but a monopoly in
which he is now indirect dictator of babaloyn unlike
the others before him who used force.as there is no
competition to compete with him.as every company
has his stocks in it.
The a second scene of alus enters and the same
sentence is said by baal what can you do for me to
which alus says that arinna is going to bankrupt us by
making everything free he thinks money comes from
thin air he is a threat to you and to me if you give me
money for my campaign I assure that I will reduce
taxes and stop government regulation unlike the
silvers.youre tribe can be free to do what they like
under my protection. Which makes baall go
Mmmmmm….. out of interest.

Then a third metting with Archibald is conducted in

these diplomatic talks as he tries to court baal and says
that he just wants to win that all there will be some
taxes but small to give the illusion that he cares so the
people don’t rebel and government regulation will be
at a miniumium.archibald is corrupted and plans on
keeping the money for himself as he champions fake
silver socialist points to win some ears saying the
business will be taxes to give to the flooded camps.but
then wants to sign deals to huge megastore land
projects on the camp grounds at the same time in
which he champions capitalistic growth wining over
other ears.hes the contradictory candidate. But the
worrying thing is he is gaining the most in the polls.

Baal even thinks Archibald is quite deceitful and

therefore does not trust him but his media empire
gives him the most attention but less financing in
hopes he that hes kept on his knees and makes a
selfish bad central leader for babaloyn so his monopoly
can continue to grow into a planned dictatorship.as the
bronze and the silvers receive the same amount of
funding.not to each other’s knowledge.as they both
accuse each other of taking money from monopoly

Baal has enough surveillance on everyone in this

collection of data with the new products he has
released, he has more wealth than the Babylonian
army and plans on creating his own private black water
malicia,there are plans from the babalonian military
generals to go to war with this future corporate
machine but they sign in no hopes of ever winning as
any new enterprise that tries o make a success baal
quickly buys it up with his control.meaning no can
thrive.withought going through him and the sea people
first.but his Assyrian assistant is aware of all this aytal
as he comes makes him coffee leaves he’s got lots of
dirt on baal.and he knows where the real gold coinage
is and what everyone is using now is counterfeit mad
at his boss and the way he has been treated. He plans
on organising an Assyrian squad to quickly get the tank
and after that expose the fake currency to all of
Mesopotamia in the hopes that all parties see the rip
off and over through baal the monopoly man.becuse
baal has been playing to much games he plays about
with the market if the silver say things he don’t likes he
lowers them in value same with bronze same with
gold.and increases there value if they say the things he

It’s a dark night aytal and a group of assyrians plan the

coup of getting the tanker. However keeping the ship
as a bargaining to ensure the sea people a safe
passage if things go in there favour.they dive in an
attempt to cut the rope that connects the boat to the
cargo tanker under water.but then lights flash on them
as futuristic helicopters hoover of them.laser shots are
fired.aytal and his team jump rope into the ship killing
the guards.and using there wave cannons to dismantle
the choppers and switch them off downing them into a
hard crash into the mouth of the river.in which the sea
people are seen swimming below to there demise.
Huge piracy battle.in the movie of course the storyline
of the ship captured coup goes into detail.the assyrians
get kill everyone on board and use a floating magnet
hoovering plate.to lift the crate up.upon this lasers
from the ground are fired but the hover board with the
heavy cargo makes it without getting downed.

This creates huge commission as the guards of

babaloyn investigate and this investigation leads to the
revelation. A crisis meeting is called at the temple and
baal is shaking in his boots.that hes found out as well
as others high officials who work for him in the
organisation they all start turning on each other to
save there own skin once the gig is up and there
exposed for what they are. Money over matter and
money on the mind. His sky scraper is burning as well
as the port in which the raid happened as his on men
turn on him. And he is killed.

But before he is killed he kills the switch of the

generator that ppl use to charge the coins dubbing the
currency useless as people only have about two hours
worth of transaction on there coinage before it just
turns into useless circular plates that mean nothing as
well as blackmail on all politicians dropped. The public
is outraged everyone in UR is embarrassed about there
exposure and secret dealings and this is just a night
before the election.
As protestors through stones rocks and fire crackers at
the UR vibrating it scaring the corrupt politicians inside.
There surrounded and stuck in there. Meanwhile the
Assyrians on the other side of the city are having quick
neagotions with the phanocians to allow them a safe
passage out of there before carnage hits and to
prevent genocide of the minority.the Phoenicians are
safely escorted out by the Assyrians as the Babels are
to busy in heckling the temple. The Phoenicians go on a
boat out into the port mouth of the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers.which is a metaphor of the rivers
gaining its waters back and pushing the sea water out
its freshness in its mouth.as the field outside in the real
world the water recoils as the hurricane is over.

The sea people are never to be seen again. Leaving

historians as being dumbfounded into who these
people were. Now that the assyrians hold all of the
wealth and the card in there table its devils night and
lootin erupts in the look out for phanocians to
slaughter as well as the bombardment of the
temple.the ayyrians send a holographic email to the
temple party members that they want there separatist
state in exchange for the distribution of the coins at
first the babels refuse but as walls start to crumble
they start panicking they demand all top party
members resign in which they do.in shame and
embarresment.and lines are drawn to create this new
future Assyrian already in an Assyrian majority area in
Mesopotamia to prevent an exodus on both sides.

The babels use a trick of extension of the elections to

quiet down there protestors as everyone resigns in a
speech and the coinage is supply is sent as Arianna Alus
and Archibald.the next morning as the night of hell is
over as order is installed and the generators powered
back on for people to charge there coins. And the
announcement of an Assyrian state is to be made.in
which they Assyrian community celebrate in glory. The
Persians hear of the news as well as the Egyptians and
agree to be the middle men in Babylon as mediators in
negotiations. Babylon is split into an Egyptian and
Persian side.as the red flowers from more in the field
and the sands from the Sahara blows.to mark the
splitting of the two both ruled by monarchs on both
sides.with a few proxy wars here and there in between
but a peace agreement signed.babaloyn is
conquered.untill safe election can be called in which
the mediators can safely pull out with no interest due
to high powers of Egypt and Persia seeing the land
between 2 rivers a buffer zone which will only lead to
war if there is both a presence there. The Assyrian
state is protected until withdrawal agreements.as the
sands storms slow down and the red flowers slowly die
off.babaloys has its sovereignty back.

In which this time with no corruption and based on

both Arianna promises of socialism and alus promise of
capitalism this time without the corrupted funds leads
to a swung parliament with low energy golds voted out
of power.

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