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Chapter 2: Research Ideas and Hypotheses Database – provides a list of the publications that are

related to that subject

Getting Started
Abstract – a brief summary of the publication, usually
o Pick a Topic in Which You Are Interested
o Do Your Homework – read books and journal articles about 200 words
to familiarize yourself with the topic: what is already Screening Articles During a Literature Search
known, what has been done, and what questions
remain unanswered 1. Use the title of the article as your first basis for
o Keep an Open Mind – be flexible and be critical; screening.
making adjustments is a normal part of the research 2. Use the abstract of the article as your second
process and usually improves the result screening device.
o Focus, Focus, Focus – discard irrelevant items, and 3. If you are still interested after looking at the title
focus on one question at a time and the abstract, look for a link to a full-text
o Take One Step at a Time – research is a step-by-step
4. If it still looks relevant, then read the article
Sources of Research Ideas carefully and/or make a copy for your personal
Common Sources of Research Topics: use.
o Personal Interests and Curiosities 5. Use the references from the articles that you
o Casual Observation have already found to expand your literature
o Reports of Others’ Observations search.
o Practical Problems or Questions
Finding an Idea for a Research Study from a Published
➢ Applied research – intended to answer practical
Research Article
questions or solve practical problems
➢ Basic research – intended to answer theoretical o Find Suggestions for Future Research
questions or gather knowledge simply for the sake o Combine or Contrast Existing Results
of new knowledge o The Components of a Research Article–Critical
o Behavioral Theories
Finding Background Literature: Conducting a Literature ➢ Introduction – discusses previous research that
Search forms the foundation for the current research
study and presents a clear statement of the
Literature – mass of published information
problem being investigated
Two Basic Goals of a Literature Search: ➢ Method section – presents details concerning
1. To gain a general familiarity with the current research the participants and the procedures used in the
in your specific area of interest study
2. To find a small set of research studies that will serve as ➢ Discussion section – typically begins by
the basis for your own research idea summarizing the results of the study, stating the
conclusions, and noting any potential
Primary source – a firsthand repot of observations or applications
research results written by the individual(s) who actually
conducted the research and made the observations Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis
Secondary source – a description or summary of another o Logical
person’s work o Testable – it must be possible to observe and measure
[Goal of] Literature Search – to find a set of published all the variables involved
research repots that define the current state of o Refutable – it must be possible to obtain research
knowledge in an area and to identify an unanswered results that are contrary to the hypothesis
question o Positive – it must make a positive statement about
the existence of something, usually the existence of a
Subject words – used to identify and describe the
relationship, the existence of a difference, or the
variables in the study and the characteristics of the
existence of a treatment effect

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