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Performance Testing:

1.Speed of the system
2. Capacity
3. Cost Saving
4.How is the work done with respect to standars and norms

Needs of Performance Testing:

1.Meet user expectation
2.Comparion with prior releases
3.Comparion with competing products or services


Jmeter is tool used to measure performance and also load(maximum no. of concurrent users
website can handle)

Steps to use Jmeter:

1.Install Jmeter
2.Click on Testplan>Add thread
3.Enter Thread count,Loop count Ramp Up Period
4.Add jmeter elements(HTTP request:Url)
4.Add sampler(path)
5.Add Graph Result
6.Now Run test and get the test result

Thread Count:( Users)- No. of users simultaneously using the website.

Loop Count- One user connecting to website 10 times
Ramp up period -Delay in starting the next user.

At the bottom of the picture, there are the following statistics, represented in colors:

● Black: The total number of current samples sent.

● Blue: The current average of all samples sent.
● Red: The current standard deviation.
● Green: Throughput rate that represents the number of requests per minute the server

To analyze the performance of the web server under test, you should focus on 2 parameters
● Throughput
● Deviation

The Throughput is the most important parameter. It represents the ability of the server to
handle a heavy load. The higher the Throughput is, the better is the server performance.
In this test, the throughput of Google server is 1,491.193/minute. It means Google server can
handle 1,491.193 requests per minute. This value is quite high so we can conclude that Google
server has good performance
The deviation is shown in red - it indicates the deviation from the average. The smaller the


Android Architecture:
What makes Performance Testing Important:
1. Contribution
2. Fragmentation
3. Tools
4. Dependencies
5. Hardware
6. Bad Coding Patterns
7. Cost
8. External Factors - Wifi, Bluettoth, 4G
9. Corner Cases -

App Performance:
1. GC(Avoid Explicit)- Garbage Collection(More Gc than there is more pause for user ),,
2. Object Allocations
3. Caching[How fast can you launch an application](Reusable components): Data captured
and store because most people calling same data so that server is not hit often. Cache
should be refreshed with new data.
4. Background and Foreground Services - Stack
5. Bitmap Optimisation: Images in form of Pixels. Based on kind resolution images will be
rendered. SVG- highest form of images, desnot losse resolution.
1. Method Trace: Parent method, Child method work together for functionality.
2. Layout Performance(60 FPS): The UP will get refreshed every 16ms to achieve 60 FPS
3. Wake LOcks:
4. Overdraws: How much time it is refreshed
5. Animations:
6. Job Schedulers: Refresh is the max job scheduler
1. Data Compression:
2. Local Caching
3. Pre-fetch Data
4. Sync Adapters: How often to Sync
What takes most of network(Resources(Java) , JSOn etc

Battery Historian: Get history of batteries

Abd: Logs, Screenshot , Vedios
Avd: Android virtual device
Genymotion: Android emulator
Prox- stats(adb commands) - save and create graph


Session 1:

Testing Fundamentals:
SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle):
1.Product: Hardware, Software, Documentation , installation (Requirement gathering)
3. Role of Process

Old Methodologies:
1.Crash, cost

SDLC: Proper process needs to be followed

SDLC:Sequential(V model and Waterfall)[Actual testing starts after build]

Progessive(Released in phase)
Iterative(Spiral and Incremental)

Sequential: Requirement, Design, Code and Unit Testing, Software Integration(Integration one
or two module), System Integration(Complete Module), Acceptance Testing.(Alpha and Beta
Benefits of Software Development Practices:
Last is maintenance cycle.

Before Functionality is getting released API Automation.

SBTM(Exploratory Testing): Assign session (time )[Machine Statement] for testing and note
down observation

Test charter = Test Idea

Traceability Matrix: Writing test idea as per requirement , both positive and requirement


Context Driven Testing:

Session 1:

Exploratory: Simultaneous way of testing Experiment, no requirement,

#1) The value of any practice depends on its context.

#2) There are good practices in context, but there are no best practices.

#3) People, working together, are the most important part of any project’s context.

#4) Projects unfold over time in ways that are often not predictable.

#5) The product is a solution. If the problem isn’t solved, the product doesn’t work.

#6) Good software testing is a challenging intellectual process.

#7) Only through judgment and skill, exercised cooperatively throughout the entire project,
are we able to do the right things at the right times to effectively test our products.


Test Plan And Test Design:

1. Required Documents
2. Traditional Waterfall/V model

Testing Life Cycle(STLC):

Test Plan:Documents(Word, Google) describing the scope, approach , schedule

Entry Criteria:Requirement, Build ready to test
Exit Criteria: Product is stable, TC Passed

Purpose of test plan: What when and how

Test Approach : Manual / Automation
In Scope: Feature , Functionality
Out of Scope
Test Deliverables: Release Notes, Test cases, Bug report, test plan
Hgh level Dates- Schedule
Testing Tools
Defect Management
Test Environment: Where build is deployed
Test Data
Roles and Responsibilities:
Assumptions, Dependencies and Risks:

Test Design:
Act of creating and write test cases for testing software.
Google sheets

E.g: Test case-id, Functionality ,Sub Functionality, Quality Criteria, Pre Condition, test case
action steps, ER

Test Execution:
Executing Test cases on application under test.

Status Reports:
Device coverage, Module wise

Exploratory Testing:

Feature tour
Complexity tour
Claims tour
Configuration tour
User tour
Testability tour
Scenario tour

Variability tour
Interopeability tour
Data tour
Structure tour

● Feature tour: Move through the application and get familiar with all the controls and features
you come across.
● Complexity tour: Find the five most complex things about the application.
● Claims tour: Find all the information in the product that tells you what the product does.
● Configuration tour: Attempt to find all the ways you can change settings in the product in a
way that the application retains those settings.
● User tour: Imagine five users for the product and the information they would want from the
product or the major features they would be interested in.
● Testability tour: Find all the features you can use as testability features and/or identify tools
you have available that you can use to help in your testing.
● Scenario tour: Imagine five realistic scenarios for how the users identified in the user tour
would use this product.
● Variability tour: Look for things you can change in the application - and then you try to change
● Interopeability tour: What does this application interact with?
● Data tour: Identify the major data elements of the application.
● Structure tour: Find everything you can about what comprises the physical product (code,
interfaces, hardware, files, etc...).

BUG Lifecycle:

Screencast, googledrive: for screenshot

Zinc: for recorder

Full page scrrnesho for full page

[UI]::[Android],[iOS],[Feature],[Sub Feature]




[Device Sp],[Crash]

Test Environment

Bug description in session based testing:


2.Steps to reproduce

3. Bug description


4.Productivity impact



Testing: Questioning the value of the product

SBTM: Seesion Based Test Mangement

1. Charter, miision, time, environment, observations, tools , test ideas

2. Google list of heuristic,Learn abt SBTM

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