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• The Environment interface is an abstraction integrated in

the container that models two key aspects of the

application environment: profiles and properties.

• Profile
– A profile is a named, logical group of bean definitions to be
registered with the container only if the given profile is
active. Beans may be assigned to a profile whether defined
in XML or with annotations.

Environment – The role of the Environment object with relation to profiles is

in determining which profiles (if any) are currently active,
and which profiles (if any) should be active by default.

• XML Bean Definition Profiles
– The XML counterpart is the profile attribute of the <beans> element.
• Using @Profile
– The @Profile annotation lets you indicate that a component is eligible for
registration when one or more specified profiles are active.

• Activating a Profile
– Activating a profile can be done in several ways, but the most straightforward is
to do it programmatically against the Environment API which is available
through an ApplicationContext.

– ctx.getEnvironment().setActiveProfiles("profile1", "profile2");

• In addition, you can also declaratively activate profiles through the

spring.profiles.active property, which may be specified through system
environment variables, JVM system properties, servlet context parameters

Profile in web.xml, or even as an entry in JNDI

– -Dspring.profiles.active="profile1,profile2"

• Default Profile
– You can change the name of the default profile by using setDefaultProfiles() on
the Environment or ,declaratively, by using the spring.profiles.default property.
PropertiesLoaderSupport ( AC )
PropertiesFactoryBean ( CC )
PropertyResoruceConfigurer ( AC ) ( BFP )
PlaceholderConfgurerSupport (AC) ${ … }

Externalized PropertyOverrideConfigurer
<context:property-placeholder / >
• Properties play an important role in almost all applications
and may originate from a variety of sources: properties
files, JVM system properties, system environment
variables, JNDI, servlet context parameters, ad-
hoc Properties objects, Map objects, and so on.

• The role of the Environment object with relation to

properties is to provide the user with a convenient service
interface for configuring property sources and resolving
properties from them.

• Spring’s Environment abstraction provides search operations
over a configurable hierarchy of property sources.
ApplicationContext ctx = new GenericApplicationContext();
Environment env = ctx.getEnvironment();
boolean containsMyProperty = env.containsProperty("my-
System.out.println("Does my environment contain the 'my-
property' property? " + containsMyProperty);

• The Environment object performs a search over a set of

PropertySource objects.
• A PropertySource is a simple abstraction over any source of

Abstraction key-value pairs, and Spring’s StandardEnvironment is

configured with two PropertySource objects — one
representing the set of JVM system properties
(System.getProperties()) and one representing the set of 5

system environment variables (System.getenv()).

• The @PropertySource annotation provides a convenient and
declarative mechanism for adding a PropertySource to Spring’s

public class AppConfig {

• Java’s standard java.net.URL class and standard handlers for
various URL prefixes, unfortunately, are not quite adequate
enough for all access to low-level resources.
• For example, there is no standardized URL implementation that
may be used to access a resource that needs to be obtained
from the classpath or relative to a ServletContext.

• The Resource Interface

• Built-in Resource Implementations

Resource • The ResourceLoader

Abstraction • The ResourceLoaderAware interface

• Application Contexts and Resource Paths
• The ApplicationContext interface extends an interface called
MessageSource and, therefore, provides internationalization
(“i18n”) functionality.

• When an ApplicationContext is loaded, it automatically searches

for a MessageSource bean defined in the context. The bean must
have the name messageSource.

• If such a bean is found, all calls to the preceding methods are

delegated to the message source. If no message source is found,
the ApplicationContext attempts to find a parent containing a bean
with the same name.

• If it does, it uses that bean as the MessageSource. If the

ApplicationContext cannot find any source for messages, an empty
DelegatingMessageSource is instantiated in order to be able to
accept calls to the methods defined above.

• Spring provides two MessageSource implementations,
ResourceBundleMessageSource and StaticMessageSource.
<bean id="messageSource"

<property name="basenames">

</bean> 9

• The Spring Expression Language (“SpEL” for short) is a
powerful expression language that supports querying and
manipulating an object graph at runtime.

• The language syntax is similar to Unified EL but offers

additional features, most notably method invocation and basic
string templating functionality.

• While SpEL serves as the foundation for expression evaluation

within the Spring portfolio, it is not directly tied to Spring and
can be used independently.

• The SpEL classes and interfaces you are most likely to use are
located in the org.springframework.expression package and its
sub-packages, such as spel.support.

ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();

Expression exp = parser.parseExpression("'Hello World'");
String message = (String) exp.getValue();

• Relational Operators
– The relational operators (equal, not equal, less than, less than or
equal, greater than, and greater than or equal) are supported by
using standard operator notation.

• Logical Operators
– SpEL supports the following logical operators:
• and or not

• Mathematical Operators
– You can use the addition operator on both numbers and strings.

You can use the subtraction, multiplication, and division operators
only on numbers. You can also use the modulus (%) and
exponential power (^) operators. Standard operator precedence is
enforced. 12
Thank You.


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