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Homeworks is not new to us students, as we have been doing it since the day we

entered school, but why is it getting controversial lately. Nowadays, students are
complaining about the loads of homework or assignments given to them and how
much it consumes their time.

Homework is made compulsory to students and if it isn’t completed, there will be

consequences. This peruses a fear factor for students to complete it even if they
do not enjoy it. Are they benefiting from homework or are they merely doing it to
avoid the consequences? They are just repeating what they have been taught
during school hours. Yes, practicing what you have been taught is essential in
learning but if you do it involuntarily, chances of you actually absorbing the
information is little. Students just want to get homework over and done with. Most
of the time they don’t care if the answers are correct, they just do it to avoid the
consequences. This classes the student as being underperforming. In some
situation, some student may find homework to be redundant and not even
complete it. They would most likely prefer getting low scores or just copy others
than doing their own homework. The student is labelled a badly behaved student
just because they didn’t do their homework or because they copied others.
Should this be the case?

Counter Argument

Throught doing the homework students can find out the points which they don't
understand. In the class, students may not have any questions until they get the
practical exercise. So when they do the homework they will searc Homework is a
necessary part of life for modern students. It helps pupils foster independent
thinking outside the classroom and gives them the freedom to work on projects at
their own pace with their own interests. Homework prepares students for "real
life" in that not all assignments in life happen outside the home.h the points on
the internet or ask there teacher to shrewd about the points.

In response to

Most of the time, when homework is given, it is given in large quantity with a
short deadline. This overwhelms the student. Homework goes from an “essential
part of learning” to a burden. The time for the student to relax, socialise is
shortened and even some cases removed. The student would have to sit for a
long period of time completing the homework. This would lead to frustration and
eventually the loss of interest towards the subject. The motivation of learning is
reduced if a student is constantly burdened with homework. This is just for one
subject, imagine what it may be like for 8 subjects. The love of learning and being
educated is lost because of homework. Now let’s take another scenario based on
the students I interviewed.. The student has homework to complete but decides
to socialise with his/her friends. They then arrive home to realise that they have
homework due in tomorrow so they stay up really late completing it. They have a
short amount of sleep which affects their performance the next day. People may
argue that deadline are usually a week long so why didn’t the student complete it
beforehand. Well, many students have a bad habit of procrastinating so they
leave homework till the last day. If there wasn’t any homework, they will not have
anything to procrastinate about. Also, in some lessons, the deadline is the next
day as the teacher believes the homework is really short.

V.|Tai, A., H.|Fan, R., & Xitao. (2011, November 30). When Is Homework Worth
the Time?: Evaluating the Association between Homework and Achievement in
High School Science and Math. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ995290.

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