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Individual Assignment for Essential Skills for Managers (35%)

 The assignments should be 4-5 pages written in APA style 6th Edition.

First, create a company and provide a brief description. Include such information as the following:
 Name of company and years in business
 Size, number of employees
 Service or product it provides
 Any other unique and descriptive characteristic.

You have been hired recently (1 year ago). Using this company as reference, and you as a senior level
manager, use our class discussion and Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team to answer the following:

1. How will self-awareness help you be a successful manager? And, how will you develop it?

2. Last week you and the management team for your company heard that trust was low. You decided to
do something about it and you did. Now the trust is stronger but you want to make sure it continues to
grow. Based on the information from your class what three things will you do to improve communication
in your company?

3. You are hiring a new person to fill a key managerial position. There isn’t an interview schedule. Create
a list of 5 attributes that you want in this new manager. Create 3 interview questions to try to get to
know the candidate better in these areas. What questions do you think the candidate should ask you at
the end of the interview?

4. What will your company do to help its employees have a good life-work balance?

5. You have had to have a disciplinary conversation with an employee who “attacks” you verbally and then
bursts into tears. Based on information from our class what course of action will you take to deal with
this type of response.

6. Why is rapport important if you want to be an effective manager?

7. What is Emotional Intelligence and why is having it important as a manager?

8. Some of the Team Leaders that report to you have been with the organization for a very long time.
There are younger new hires and the long-term employees don’t seem to get this “new generation”.
What information do you give the team leaders to work better with Gen Y.
2. Ans :- The key to maintain a healthy workplace environment is precise and frequent
communication which leads in many beneficial aspects to a company. There are three major
practices can be followed to improve a communication in the company are as follows

A. Caring about your employees as people.

No matter who we are or what our occupation may be, we all experience the negative impact
stress in our personal life which can also lead to our work life. As a manager, it’s important
that you show your employees that you know they have lives outside of work, that you care,
and that you’re always available for a conversation. Ask them how their weekend was, how
their kid’s soccer game went, how their dachshund’s diet is going, etc. Your employees will
feel valued and more satisfied in their work, which will lead to greater productivity and an
overall positive environment.

B. Offer an outlet for anonymous feedback

Let’s be honest; not all communication is positive, and that’s okay. Many employees are
uncomfortable making complaints to their boss, whether it’s regarding an issue with
management, an issue with a coworker, or any other change they would like to see in the
workplace. Your employees need a way to provide constructive criticism so that the company
can continue to learn and grow. A platform such as Officevibe will allow your employees to
voice their concerns free from fear of repercussions.

C. Respect cultural differences.

In the age of globalization, the world is shrinking, and your workplace is likely home to a wide
variety of cultures. In order to create an inclusive environment where everyone feels
comfortable expressing themselves, management must be culturally sensitive. To achieve full
inclusivity, consider hiring an outside party to lead a sensitivity training class

3. Ans :-
A. Leadership

In order to be an effective manager, you need to be able to lead your employees in an efficient
manner. A lot of responsibility comes with being a manager, and being able to lead a team is


If you don’t have experience working in a professional environment and leading a team, it will be hard
to step up as a manager. A great way to gain experience in a management role is to volunteer, either
within your field or with a nonprofit. Ask to help manage and produce events, whether it’s raising
money for an organization or organizing an event.

Being able to communicate with your team is required when being an effective manager. This not
only means communicating job responsibilities and expectations, it means listening to your team and
working with them to produce results within their position.

Time Management

Another key factor in being a successful manager is time management. If you’re late every day, your
employees might think it’s acceptable to also be late. Time management is also important when it
comes to prioritizing your day, making sure you have time to communicate with your employees, and
accomplishing goals throughout the week.


To be an effective manager, you need to be confident in your abilities, experience, and decisions.
This doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant or feel that you’re better than your employees. But you’re
in a management role for a reason, so be proud and be an inspiration to your team.

B. 4. How do you delegate responsibilities?

When managing, the ability to identify the team member best suited to a task is essential.
In your response, show the interviewer how you recognize your team’s talents and assign
tasks accordingly.

How do you handle conflict between team members?

Some level of conflict in the workplace is inevitable. However, a strong manager knows
how to address challenging moments like these in ways that unite the team and improve
the workplace. This question gives you an opportunity to discuss a time you resolved
tension among your team.

How do you measure success?

Setting goals and evaluating success is an important managerial duty. This question
allows the interviewer to see how you identify, set and meet goals. It is wise to describe
your orientation toward group success in your answer rather than focusing on personal

4. Ans:-
Educate Employees

One of the best ways to promote healthy work-life balance is to actually teach
your employees about it. Offer seminars on what work-life balance is, why it’s
important, and different things they can do to achieve it. You can host the
seminar yourself, have them take a webinar, or even hire a professional to
give the presentation for you. Educating your employees will give them the
tools they need to help themselves– and that’s a crucial step.

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