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Running head: McClelland’s NEED THEORY

Theories Paper

Dhruvi Rajesh Gandhi

The University of Winnipeg – PACE

S. Hayes
McClelland’s NEED THEORY

McClelland’s Need Theory

McClelland’s need theory focuses on three needs: Achievement, Affiliation, and Power. Need of

Achievement can be defined as motivation to excel, to achieve success. It drives motivation to

achieve some level of difficult tasks. It place importance on level of efforts for performing the

task. Need of Affiliation means a desire for interpersonal relationship. People have need to spend

more time on relationship, social gathering and activities. People with high need of affiliation

face trouble to make difficult decision , by being conscious of others disliking them and therefore

may not be play a role of an efficient manager at workplace. The need of power reflects the

motivation of teaching or coaching others to behave in a particular manner. The power of

encouraging and influencing others. Positively encouraging others to achieve is the top most

quality of nay leader or manger. People with high need of power with low need of affiliation

prove to be top managers.


According to me the McClelland’s theory of need is best approach, as everyone has these three

types of motivation, irrespective of culture, age and sex. This motivational theory suggests

particular things that management can undertake to help employees to achieve goals and

maintain balance at work place. It also suggest about different needs of people and how their

performance and behavior is based on these needs. It makes simpler to understand how different

thing motives different people. The McClelland is quiet practical which can be easily implies in

real life situation. With very few factors this theory can be easily understood by everyone and

have meaningful result. This theory does not only focus on hierarchy of needs or hygiene and
McClelland’s NEED THEORY

motivational factors. It considers culture factors and situational factors which accounts of

individual behavior.


McClelland’s theory involves three factors of motivation. Motivation through achievement,

affiliation and power. To apply this theory in business environment it is very much required to

have respectful, challenging, safe, rewarding and advancing workplace for employees. To get the

best performance from employees, management must understand the needs of employees in

terms of motivation. In making the most, after identifying the motivators of employees by using

McClelland’s theory I can set goals, assign task, provide feedback and reward team members

accordingly. I will design the job according to the need of the team members and by

understanding what motivates them to achieve their given target and ensuring the best fit for the

organization. I will assign some sort of challenging tasks for employees with need of

achievement. I will make sure to engage such employees with difficult problems along with

other high achievers or individually. Effective feedback must be provided by describing in detail

about both success and failure of the task. People with high need of achievement need to know

what things they did right and where did they went wrong. Also while rewarding them, it must

be balanced with their performance as this all things will keep them motivated and will result

into positive growth of the business. Team members motivated by affiliation should be engaged

with group environment. They should not me asked for making important decision or should not

allocate any uncertain and risky tasks. As such people need more time to spend on maintaining

relationship, they do not want to be disliked by others. Assigning them task which involves more

social interactions and while providing feedback, I need to be personal. While motivating people

with need of power, one can bring best out of them, by making them in charge. Assigning them
McClelland’s NEED THEORY

task where they can negotiate, and situation where they need to influence their ideas on others.

They can also be assigned the task of training and development to others. While providing

feedback, it is necessary to make sure that it is a direct feedback. They can be rewarded with

more responsibilities or by helping them achieving their career goals.

Overall to retain and motivate employees and to have balance work environment there is a high

requirement of implying McClelland’s motivation theory of needs. The theory clearly explains

that everyone has a different motivator that helps them achieve their goals and keep them

engaging and growing. This simple theory applies in all the real world situation and problems.
McClelland’s NEED THEORY


Kinicki, A., Digby, V., & Fugate, M. (2016). Ob: key concepts, skills, and best practices.
Whitby, Ont.: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

Sonia Kukreja (n.d.). Mangement Study HQ. Retrieved from


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