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11/11/2018 Pretrained Inception-v3 convolutional neural network - MATLAB inceptionv3

Pretrained Inception-v3 convolutional neural network

Inception-v3 is a convolutional neural network that is trained on more than a million images from the ImageNet database
[1]. The network is 48 layers deep and can classify images into 1000 object categories, such as keyboard, mouse, pencil,
and many animals. As a result, the network has learned rich feature representations for a wide range of images. The
network has an image input size of 299-by-299. For more pretrained networks in MATLAB®, see Pretrained Convolutional
Neural Networks.

You can use classify to classify new images using the Inception-v3 model. Follow the steps of Classify Image Using
GoogLeNet and replace GoogLeNet with Inception-v3.

To retrain the network on a new classification task, follow the steps of Train Deep Learning Network to Classify New
Images. Load the Inception-v3 model instead of GoogLeNet and change the names of the layers that you replace to
'predictions' and 'ClassificationLayer_predictions', respectively.


net = inceptionv3

net = inceptionv3 returns a pretrained Inception-v3 network. example

This function requires the Deep Learning Toolbox™ Model for Inception-v3 Network support package. If this
support package is not installed, then the function provides a download link.

Examples collapse all

 Download Inception-v3 Support Package

Download and install the Deep Learning Toolbox Model for Inception-v3 Network support package.

Type inceptionv3 at the command line.


If the Deep Learning Toolbox Model for Inception-v3 Network support package is not installed, then the function
provides a link to the required support package in the Add-On Explorer. To install the support package, click the link,
and then click Install. Check that the installation is successful by typing inceptionv3 at the command line. If the
required support package is installed, then the function returns a DAGNetwork object.


ans =

DAGNetwork with properties:

Layers: [316×1 nnet.cnn.layer.Layer]

Connections: [350×2 table]

Output Arguments
collapse all

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11/11/2018 Pretrained Inception-v3 convolutional neural network - MATLAB inceptionv3

net — Pretrained Inception-v3 convolutional neural network

 DAGNetwork object

Pretrained Inception-v3 convolutional neural network, returned as a DAGNetwork object.

[1] ImageNet. http://www.image-net.org

[2] Szegedy, Christian, Vincent Vanhoucke, Sergey Ioffe, Jon Shlens, and Zbigniew Wojna. "Rethinking the inception
architecture for computer vision." In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp.
2818-2826. 2016.

[3] https://keras.io/applications/#inceptionv3

See Also
DAGNetwork | alexnet | densenet201 | googlenet | inceptionresnetv2 | layerGraph | plot | resnet18 | resnet50 |
squeezenet | trainNetwork | vgg16 | vgg19

Deep Learning in MATLAB
Pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks
Classify Image Using GoogLeNet
Train Deep Learning Network to Classify New Images
Train Residual Network for Image Classification

Introduced in R2017b

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