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Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53

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Food Policy
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Effects of an environmental tax on meat and dairy consumption in

Sarah Säll ⇑,1, Ing-Marie Gren
Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 7013, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study evaluated the environmental impacts of introducing an environmental tax on meat and dairy
Received 12 May 2014 consumption in Sweden. Three meat products (beef, pork and chicken), four dairy products (milk, fer-
Received in revised form 22 May 2015 mented products, cream and cheese) and four pollutants generating environmental damage (greenhouse
Accepted 23 May 2015
gases (GHG), nitrogen, ammonia and phosphorus) were included in the analysis. The unit tax applied cor-
responded to between 8.9% and 33.3% of the respective price per kg product in 2009. Consumer response
to the tax was calculated by econometric estimates of the almost ideal demand system (AIDS) for meat
and dairy products, using per capita consumption data and prices. The results indicated relatively inelas-
Environmental meat and dairy tax
Environmental impacts
tic own price elasticities and high income elasticities for all meat products and slightly lower for dairy
Sweden products. Simultaneous introduction of a tax on all seven products decreased emissions of GHG, nitrogen,
Meat and dairy demand elasticities ammonia and phosphorus from the livestock sector by up to 12%.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction (2014) concluded that it will be difficult to reach worldwide cli-

mate targets without dietary changes.
Global meat production increased by 245% and dairy produc- The negative environmental externalities of meat and dairy pro-
tion increased by 70% between 1961 and 2001, and is likely to con- duction could, in principle, be mitigated by means of a Pigovian tax
tinue to increase in the near future, driven by economic (Pigou, 1957). This would involve an increase in the consumer
development in many countries (Steinfeld and Gerber, 2010). prices corresponding to the marginal damage costs, so that meat
Several studies have reported detrimental environmental effects and dairy commodities carry their associated social costs. Such a
of meat and food production, such as climate change from green- tax would provide incentives to reduce environmentally damaging
house gas (GHG) emissions and impaired water quality from nutri- practices in animal food production, and at the same time promot-
ent leaching (e.g. FAO, 2006; Galloway et al., 2008; Gerber et al., ing the dietary changes needed.
2013). FAO (2006) found livestock to be responsible for 18% of total The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a Pigovian
GHG (or carbon equivalents, CO2/e) emissions worldwide, although tax on meat and dairy consumption in Sweden. Total consumption
this figure was revised downwards to 14.5% by Gerber et al. (2013). of beef, pork and chicken in Sweden increased from 460 000 to
However, McMichael et al. (2007) concluded that 22% of total 725 000 tons2 between 1990 and 2009, which is an increase of
anthropogenic GHG emissions come from agriculture, with 80% 58% (Swedish Board of Agriculture, statistical database). In addition
of those from livestock. In addition to GHG emissions, Galloway to GHG, this study included nitrogen, ammonia and phosphorus
et al. (2008) point out the important role of the agricultural sector emissions, which have been causing eutrophication in inland and
in the increasing threat of reactive nitrogen on global scale. The coastal waters, particularly in the Baltic Sea, since the early 1970s,
need to reduce consumption of meat and dairy products for envi- resulting in algae blooms and oxygen depletion. According to our
ronmental reasons has been emphasised by several researchers calculations, Swedish meat and dairy production accounts for
(e.g. UNEP, 2009; Röös and Tjärnemo, 2011; Cederberg et al., approximately 18.5% of total nitrogen, including nitrogen from
2013; Bajželj et al., 2014; Hedenus et al., 2014.). Hedenus et al. ammonia emissions, and 8.3% of total phosphorus released into the
Baltic Sea from Sweden. Given the large proportions of agricultural
and arable land that are needed for livestock production (worldwide
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 70 942 35 66.
E-mail address: sarah.sall@slu.se (S. Säll).
1 2
With special thanks to Professor Yves Surry, Department of Economics, Swedish Taking population increase into account, which increased from 8 590 630 in 1990
University of Agricultural Sciences, for help with the model and valuable comments. to 9 340 682 in 2009 (Statistics Sweden, 2010).

0306-9192/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
42 S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53

33% of arable land and 70% of agricultural land FAO (2006)) the real was to include nitrogen, ammonia and phosphorus and in our esti-
percentage is likely to be much higher. mations, and thus extending the analysis reported by Wirsenius
The environmental impacts of introducing a Pigovian tax on et al. (2011) and Edjabou and Smed (2013). Another limitation of
beef, pork and chicken, as well as milk, fermented dairy products, the study is the calculation of average damage costs of pollutants
cream and cheese, were determined as consumer response to price instead of the theoretically correct marginal damage cost. The rea-
changes, which was assessed by econometric analyses using the son is the lack of data.
Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) (Deaton and Muellbauer, This paper is organised as follows. In Section ‘Model specifica-
1980). The analysis was conducted in two stages, with total food tion of meat demand, meat tax and emission reductions’, we pre-
demand as the first upper stage, and meat demand as one of the sent the approach used for calculating effects of environmental
second, lower stages, and dairy demand as the other lower stage taxes and the AIDS model used to estimate demand and income
(Edgerton, 1997; Carpentier and Guyomard, 2001). Based on esti- elasticity. In Section ‘Estimation of meat demand’, data and regres-
mated price and income elasticities, the effects of an environmen- sion results on the demand system are presented, while Section ‘C
tal meat and dairy tax on emissions of GHG, nitrogen, ammonia alculation of environmental meat tax’ presents calculations of
and phosphorus was determined. average emission levels and average damage costs per kg meat
Starting in the 1920s, there is a large body of literature on anal- and dairy products. The results are presented in Section ‘Impact
yses of economic instruments for combating environmental dam- of meat taxes on pollutant emissions’, followed by a discussion
age, applied e.g. to water pollution, climate change and and summary in the sixth section.
biodiversity conservation (see e.g. Helfand et al., 2003 for a
review). Based on this literature, one could argue in favour of dif- Model specification of meat demand, meat tax and emission
ferentiated taxes according to pollutant emissions and environ- reductions
mental impacts by each polluter (e.g. Baumol and Oates, 1988).
However, when considering difficulties in monitoring each firm’s The modelling framework and the subsequent empirical analy-
pollutant emissions and associated environmental damage, uni- ses consisted of three main steps: (i) derivation of demand for ani-
form taxes on outputs can be less costly to society (e.g. mal products before the tax, (ii) calculation and introduction of the
Schmutzler, 1997; Gren, 2004; Kampas and White, 2004). A deci- tax and derivation of the new demand for meat and dairy products,
sion on whether to implement a tax on the consumption or the and (iii) estimation of emissions of environmental pollutants
production side also had to be made. An argument in favour of con- before and after the introduction of the tax. Starting with the first
sumption taxes in a small country like Sweden is the issue of com- step, we used the non-linear AIDS model to calculate demand and
petition from imported products, which would be severe if a tax income elasticities on per capita level (Deaton and Muellbauer,
was to be imposed on the production side. Swedish production 1980). This was conducted in two stages (e.g. Edgerton, 1997). In
would decrease, consumption would probably remain constant, the first stage, a demand system of aggregated food groups was
and emissions would be exported, as net imports of meat and dairy estimated. In the second stage, we estimated two separate systems,
products increased. The net effect of emission mitigation might one for meat products and one for dairy products. Final uncompen-
then even be zero if policies were implemented on the production sated elasticities take both changes within the food group, and
side (e.g. Van Doorslaer et al., 2015). changes to other groups of food into account.
The design of efficient food taxes on consumption has been In the model framework, share of total consumption of each
investigated in numerous studies, in which the tax is applied meat product in each period of time, sj,t (where j = 1, . . . , n prod-
mainly to effect dietary changes for improvement of health (e.g. ucts) was expressed as a function of a constant, aj and logged
Schroeter et al., 2008; Nnoaham et al., 2009; Nordström and prices of all commodities and total expenditure Xt. The AIDS model
Thunström, 2011; Briggs et al., 2013). However, very few studies was thus:
have examined the design and effects of environmental taxes on
meat and dairy consumption (Wirsenius et al., 2011; Edjabou X
sj;t ¼ aj;t þ cj;k ln pk;t þ bj ðln X t  ln Pt Þ ð1Þ
and Smed, 2013). Wirsenius et al. (2011) considered consumption k¼1
taxes in the EU on animal products and Edjabou and Smed (2013)
designed taxes for a large set of food items in Denmark, in order to where k = 1, . . . , m products within the group of
regulate GHG emissions and promote an environmental friendly commodities,sj,t = pjqj/Xt, X t ¼ mj¼1 pj qj is total expenditure for each
diet. Both studies made use of estimated price elasticity and year for each commodity group, and the price index ln Pt was:
income elasticity of the included food products for simulating
1Xn X
effects on GHG emission of different tax levels, an approach ln Pt ¼ a0 þ aj;t ln pj;t þ c ln pj;t ln pk;t ð2Þ
adopted in the present study. The main novel contribution of our j¼1
2 j k j;k
study is the inclusion of nitrogen, ammonia and phosphorus emis-
The parameters are to fulfil adding-up restrictions as well as
sions, in addition to GHG, when determining tax levels for meat Pn Pn
and dairy, and estimating the associated impacts on pollutant homogeneity and symmetry conditions, j aj ¼ 1 and, j bj ¼ 0

emissions. The econometric approach used followed the literature where bj shows the change in budget shares when expenditure
by constructing an AIDS model for estimating demand and income changes. Furthermore, cj,k indicates the change in budget share
elasticity of the meat products (Deaton and Muellbauer, 1980). when the price changes and the homogeneity restriction requires
There were some limitations to our analysis. While we recog- that m j¼1 cj;k ¼ 0. Symmetry conditions imply that a change in price
nise the need to consider the entire food chain and a larger set of of good j has the same marginal effect on the budget share of good
food items, when regulating pollutant emissions, we chose to study k as a price change of good k has on the marginal change of budget
animal food products. Meat was a main focus, which was moti- shares of good j, i.e. that cj,k = ck,j.
vated by findings by Wirsenius et al. (2011) indicating that a tax Price and income elasticity calculations for the two-stage
on ruminant meat contributed most of the mitigation effect of a demand system were performed using definitions in Green and
GHG-weighted tax on animal food. Edjabou and Smed (2013) con- Alston (1990) and the multistage elasticities from Edgerton
firmed that the largest decrease in GHG emissions is obtained from (1997). In the following, the subscript M denotes uncompensated,
a tax on beef. However, excluding dairy products was not possible Marshallian elasticity, H compensated Hicksian elasticity and I
given the high emission levels from, for example, cheese. Our aim income elasticity for each state separately, which are defined as:
S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53 43

eIj ¼ 1 þ bj =sj ð3Þ because data on direct consumption of meat products would have
included processed meats, which would have created difficulties in
eMj;k ¼ ½ðcj;k  bj sk Þ=sj   dj;k ð4Þ relating appropriate environmental damage costs to mixed meats.
All data used were taken from the Swedish Board of
Agriculture’s statistical database, showing per capita consumption
eHj;k ¼ ðcj;k =sj Þ þ sk  dj;k ð5Þ
1980 to 2012. The selection of 1980 as the starting date was based
where the Kronecker delta d ¼ 1 if j ¼ k and 0 otherwise: on Rickertsen (1995) for Norwegian meat consumption and Lööv
Homogeneity of degree zero requires that restrictions on elasticities and Widell (2009) for Swedish food consumption, both of which
P Pm H found a structural change in meat consumption around 1980.
are: (i) eIj þ m M
k¼1 ej;k ¼ 0 and (ii) j¼1 ej;k ¼ 0.
Beef, pork and chicken accounted for 80.3 kg/person of total meat
Eqs. (1)–(5) were used for estimating conditional elasticities in
consumption of 85.7 kg/person in 2012. Less frequently consumed
both stages of the demand system, i.e. total demand for food in
products such as mutton and lamb, horse meat and wild game
Sweden (with aggregated food groups) and demand for only meat
were excluded. The same data source was used for the demand
products. Final elasticity values combined both stages.
system of dairy products.
Uncompensated income elasticity was defined as:
Between 1980 and 2012, per capita consumption of beef, pork
eIj ¼ eIj eIr 0
ð3 Þ and chicken in Sweden increased by almost 36%. The main increase
was in chicken consumption, which more than tripled, followed by
and the final uncompensated price elasticities were: beef, which increased by almost 37% (the relatively high increase
in chicken consumption follows a global pattern (e.g. Fabiosa,
eM M I M 0 2011). Consumption of pork remained rather constant. During
j;k ¼ dr;u ej;k þ ej sk dr;u þ er;u ð4 Þ
the study period, prices also increased and the real price index in
2012 relative to 1980 = 1 was 2.8 for beef, 2.7 for pork and 1.5
eH M I
j;k ¼ ej;k þ ej sk ð5 Þ for chicken. The price of beef and pork was highest in 2012, but
increased only slightly from 1990 (when the index was 2.4 and
where dr,s = 1, indices j and k denote within the meat group and 2.6 for beef and pork, respectively), while the peak in chicken
indices r and u denote the aggregated groups (Edgerton, 1997). prices occurred in the 1990s. This decrease in relative price in
Taxes for each commodity j were calculated as the average recent years could be one explanation for the large increase in
damage cost (ADi) from pollutant i = 1, . . . , h, times the average chicken consumption (see Fig. 1). All prices are from the Swedish
emissions, ei,j, per kg meat. The environmental tax on animal pro- Board of Agriculture’s statistical database, showing consumer price
duct j was then written as taxj ¼ hi ei;j ADi . Change in demand from indexes on agricultural products (1980 = 1).
implementation of the tax was calculated as: The increasing trend seen in meat was also found in dairy prod-
ucts, with the exception of drinking milk, where consumption
DQ j Xm
DPk M decreased during the whole time period. In 1980, the average
¼ e ð6Þ
Qj k
Pk j;k Swede used 162 l of milk per year. In the end of the time period,
this number had decreased to less than 90 l. In Figs. 2 and 3, the
where DQj/Qj was the percentage change in demand of each meat consumption of milk, fermented products, cream and cheese is
after tax and DPk/Pk the percentage increase in price of each com- presented. Consumption of fermented products and cream
modity with tax. increased with close to 50% per person from 1980 to 2012, and
Finally, emissions of a pollutant i, Ei, were calculated as the sum cheese consumption with 34% during the same time period.
of emissions over all meat and dairy products. For each commod- During the period, prices of milk and cheese have followed each
ity, emissions amount was obtained by multiplying consumption other quite closely, price index of both commodities was 3.6 in
by emissions per unit consumption. The effect of the tax was then the end of the time period, and the average index in the study per-
estimated as the difference in emissions with and without the tax, iod was 2.5. Cream had the smallest price increase and in 2012
which was written as: index was on 1.7. The highest price on cream was in 1990.
Consumption of dairy products is presented in Figs. 2 and 3.
Descriptive statistics of the data used in the demand systems is
DE i ¼ ei;j DQ j ð7Þ
presented in Table 1.
The demand systems presented in Section ‘Model specification
The application of Eqs. (3)–(5) are presented for both stages in of meat demand, meat tax and emission reductions’ were esti-
the demand system in the following section, as well as (30 )–(50 ) mated using SURE (Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations).
and calculations according to Eqs. (6) and (7) are presented in The model was tested with lagged variables, including an autocor-
the ‘Results’ section. relation parameter. LM tests indicated no problem with autocorre-
lation. The models showed good statistical fit as measured by R2,
which varied between 0.78 and 0.99 depending on model. Test
Estimation of meat demand results are presented in Appendix, Table A1.
However, expenditures on the meat and dairy products can be
As noted in the previous section, the first step in our calcula- endogenous and dependent on total income and other macroeco-
tions of the environmental impacts of an environmental tax on nomic variables. The SURE estimate can then create biased and
meat consisted of econometric estimates of demand for different inconsistent estimates. A difficulty when accounting for such endo-
meat products in Sweden. This was done in a two-stage frame- geneity is to find valid and sufficiently strong instruments, which
work, where the upper stage consisted of the aggregated food should be correlated with expenditures on the respective food
groups: meat, dairy, vegetables, fruit and grain. Fish had to be products, but not directly with the dependent variable (e.g.
excluded due to lack of data on fresh fish consumption after Angrist and Krueger, 2001). Lack of such instruments may create
1995. The second, lower stages was (i) carcass weight consumption more problems with biased and consistent estimates than when
of beef, pork and chicken and (ii) milk, fermented dairy products, the endogenous explanatory variable is treated as exogenous (e.g.
cream and cheese. Carcass weight on meat products was chosen Murray, 2006). We therefore follow the literature and treat
44 S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53



Beef consumpon
20 Pork consumpon
15 Chicken consumpon


Fig. 1. Per capita consumption (kg carcass weight) of beef, pork, chicken and all meat in Sweden 1980–2012. Per capita consumption, kilo’ on y axis. Source: Swedish Board of
Agriculture, statistical database.

Kilo 180
Table 1
Descriptive statistics of meat and dairy product in Sweden 1980–2012. Q refers to
140 quantity and P to Price index. Source: Swedish Board of Agriculture, statistical
100 Min Max Mean Std dev

80 Beef Q 15.8 26.2 20.6 3.8

Beef P 1 277.9 203.2 41.0
Pork Q 29.4 37.3 33.9 2.5
Pork P 1 271.0 219.1 39.2
Chicken Q 4.5 18.9 10.5 5.1
0 Chicken P 1 190.0 142.5 22.4

Milk Q 89.4 162.1 122.7 21.3

Milk P 1 3.6 2.5 0.7
Fig. 2. Per capita consumption of milk in Sweden 1980–2012. Per capita Fermented Products Q 22.8 34.8 29.1 3.4
consumption, kilo’ on y axis. Source: Swedish Board of Agriculture, statistical Fermented products P 1 3.2 2.4 0.6
Cream Q 7.7 11.8 9.7 1.2
Cream P 1 2.0 1.7 0.3
Cheese Q 14.1 19.5 16.7 1.4
Kilo 40 Cheese P 1 3.6 2.6 0.7
Fermented All estimated own price elasticities were negative, which is in
products accordance with theory, and all but two of the compensated are
Cream significant. The level of these elasticities was of the same order
15 of magnitude for all three meat products, though lower in absolute
10 Cheese terms than the values obtained by Lööw and Widell (2009). We
used data from the same source, only adding some observations
for later years. However, while we used carcass weight consump-
0 tion on meat, Lööw and Widell (2009) use direct consumption add-

ing variables to the demand system. Also, we used a non-linear

model instead of the linear version of the AIDS model.
Fig. 3. Per capita consumption of fermented dairy products, cream and cheese in The sign of most cross-price elasticity values for meat products
Sweden 1980–2012. Per capita consumption, kilo’ on y axis. Source: Swedish Board was negative, showing that commodities are complementary prod-
of Agriculture, statistical database.
ucts. This is not an uncommon finding, although it might be ques-
tioned whether meats and dairy products are complements or
expenditures as exogenous (e.g. Rickertsen, 1995; Lööv and Widell, substitutes within the groups. Rickertsen (1995) estimated elastic-
2009; Nordström and Thunström, 2009). ities for Norway and Scotland and reported similar results.
Regression results on group elasticity are presented in Table 2 Regarding dairy, the commodities was less sensitive than meat,
and were used to calculate final uncompensated elasticities in both in prices and in income changes. Also, more substitutes are
Table 3. found within the dairy system.
Result shows that as a group, meat consumption was more sen-
sitive to price and income changes, than what dairy consumption Calculation of environmental meat tax
was found to be. In Table 3, both compensated, within group elas-
ticities (Eqs. (3)–(5) in Section ‘Model specification of meat The calculation of the environmental meat tax constituted the
demand, meat tax and emission reductions’) and final uncompen- second step in our calculations. The tax level for each meat product
sated elasticities (Eqs. (30 )–(50 )) are presented. Parameter values for was derived from the environmental damage caused by GHG,
all demand systems are presented in Appendix, Table A2. nitrogen, ammonia and phosphorus at the production stage of that
S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53 45

Table 2 targets for the Baltic Sea were then used as the revealed marginal
Regression results on compensated group elasticity for prices on meat and dairy, and damage cost (Gren et al., 2008).
income in Sweden, 1980–2012. All values are based on medium values.
Data on emissions of GHG for the different meat products, mea-
Meat/dairy Income sured in CO2/e, were obtained from Cederberg et al. (2009) who
Meat 0.614*** 0.783*** estimated emissions using Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) (Table 4). All
(0.158) (0.216) values of GHG emissions are corrected upwards according to new
Dairy 0.275*** 0.522*** global warming potential weights of methane, given in the most
(0.077) (0.125) recent IPCC report (Myhre et al., 2013).
Standard deviation in brackets. Underlying budget equations are concave, with the The damage caused by nitrogen and phosphorus emissions is
Slutsky matrix being negative-definite (negative eigen values). mainly on water quality, and data are available on the impacts
Significance at 1% level. on the Baltic Sea of emissions from different locations in Sweden
(Elofsson, 2003). In this study we recalculated the average emis-
sions per kg meat for six different regions in Sweden to give total
meat and dairy product in Sweden. The choice of these pollutants national loads to average local regions as well as the Baltic Sea,
was based on data availability and the possibility of calculating with the shares of emissions reaching the Baltic Sea giving the
environmental damage in monetary terms. weighting for the final damage cost calculations (Gren et al.,
Many previous studies have considered measurement of envi- 2008). Nitrogen emissions were available in several studies, but
ronmental damage in monetary terms (see Turner et al., 2003 for they show a large variation (e.g. Elofsson, 2000; Schou et al.,
a review). A common approach in these previous studies is to 2006; Leip et al., 2010; Pierer et al., 2014). As a reference we used
assess environmental problems of concern, such as degraded water nitrogen emissions from Leip et al. (2010) which are calculated as
quality, climate change and biodiversity loss. However, the causes nitrogen in ammonia emissions per kilo of output. Approximately
of these problems, such as pollutant emissions and land use 40% of total nitrogen that is emitted from livestock is released into
change, are seldom identified and quantified. This creates difficul- the air as ammonia and the remaining 60% is deposited on land for
ties with respect to the calculation of environmental damage by further transports into soil and water (Elofsson, 2000). Thus the
specific pollutants in monetary terms. In this study we used values in Leip et al. (2010) was assumed to be 40% of total emis-
revealed preference by Swedish politicians for assessing the dam- sions of nitrogen, presented as average ammonia emissions per
age costs of GHG and nutrients. The revealed preference of damage kilo produce in Table 4. The remaining 60% was used to calculate
costs for GHG is in terms of a tax on carbon dioxide, which the land and water borne leaching (Nleakage in Table 4). Ammonia
amounts to 1000 SEK/ton CO2. Corresponding preferences for was added as separate posts, where one is total emissions from
reductions in nitrogen, ammonia and phosphorus are shown by the sector, and the other is the amount of ammonia that is depos-
the willingness to pay (WTP) for the cost of entering and comply- ited on the Baltic Sea. The deposition on the sea is assumed to be
ing with international agreements on nutrient reductions. The 16% of total emissions (Gren et al., 2008). Once in the sea, ammonia
abatement costs at the margin of obtaining the nutrient reduction was treated as all nitrogen, creating the same abatement cost per
kilo. Phosphorus was assumed to have the same ratio to nitrogen

Table 3
Regression results on the demand system, compensated elasticity and calculated final uncompensated elasticity for beef, pork, chicken and income in Sweden, 1980–2012.

Beef Pork Chicken Income

Compensated elasticities, within group Beef 0.661*** 0.368* 0.024 1005***
(0.150) (0.159) (0.101) (0.173)
Pork 0.197** 0.562*** 0.175** 0.933***
(0.069) (0.103) (0.057) (0.112)
Chicken 0.020 0.770*** 0.435** 1.225***
(0.230) (0.287) (0.235) (0.369)
Milk Fermented products Cream Cheese Income
Milk 0.709*** 0.112* 0.065*** 0.134*** 1.020***
(0.051) (0.070) (0.021) (0.031) (0.026)
Fermented products 0.427 0.574 0.112 0.146 0.973***
(0.283) (0.678) (0.170) (0.307) (0.0843)
Cream 0.743*** 0.347 0.176 0.311 0.955***
(0.261) (0.508) (0.227) (0.220) (0.112)
Cheese 0.900*** 0264 0.185 0.480* 0.930***
(0.222) (0.544) (0.130) (0.274) (0.077)

Beef Pork Chicken Income

Final uncompensated elasticities Beef 0.538 0.161 0.083 0.786
Pork 0.082 0.370 0.120 0.731
Chicken 0.130 0.518 0.363 0.959
Milk Fermented products Cream Cheese Income
Milk 0.205 0.011 0.023 0.064 0.532
Fermented products 0.054 0.457 0.072 0.213 0.508
Cream 0.271 0.231 0.137 0.376 0.499
Cheese 0.440 0.377 0.223 0.415 0.485

Standard deviation in brackets. Underlying budget equations are concave, with the Slutsky matrix being negative-definite (negative eigen values).
Significance at 10% level.
Significance at 5% level.
Significance at 1% level.
46 S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53

Table 4
Emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), nitrogen (N), ammonia (NH3) and phosphorus (P), produced nationally (N/NH3/Pcountry) after leakages are discounted for (N/
Pleakage) and entering the Baltic Sea where also retention levels are accounted for (N/Pbaltic), per kg beef, pork and chicken produced in Sweden, 1980–2012.

CO2/e Nland Nleakage Nbaltic NH3country NH3baltic Pcountry Pleakage Pbaltic

Beef 24.29a 0.142 0.023 0.014 0.095b 0.015 0.03985c 0.00065 0.00027
Pork 3.74a 0.044 0.007 0.004 0.029b 0.005 0.02801c 0.00046 0.00019
Chicken 1.93a 0.028 0.005 0.003 0.019b 0.003 0.01103d 0.00017 0.00007
Milk 1.29a 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.006b 0.001 0.00215c 0.00003 0.00001
Fermented products 1.29f 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.006 0.001 0.00215 0.00003 0.00001
Cream 4.79e 0.032 0.005 0.003 0.022 0.003 0.00795 0.00013 0.00005
Cheese 9.58e 0.065 0.011 0.006 0.043 0.007 0.01590 0.00026 0.00011

‘‘Land’’ is the land bound nitrogen, 60% of total emissions, ‘‘Country’’ is the total amount of NH3 and P emitted, ‘‘Leakage’’ is average local emission levels of nitrogen and
phosphorus after leakages are accounted for. ‘‘Baltic’’ is the emissions that leach into the Baltic Sea, after retention levels are extracted.
Cederberg et al. (2009) where 85% of total emissions from dairy cows is allocated to milk.
Leip et al. (2010) Annex 6.
Schou et al. (2006).
Elofsson (2000).
Röös (2012).
Assumed to be the same as milk.

as found in Schou et al. (2006) and Elofsson (2000). In those papers, With respect to the damage costs of GHG, Stern (2006) refers to
emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus per animal and year are pre- studies reporting GHG emissions costs to range between $0 and
sented. The nitrogen levels presented in those papers are total $400 per ton in year 2000 prices, with an average of $85 per ton.
nitrogen, thus phosphorus levels relate to total levels of nitrogen, This corresponds to between 0 and 2.8 SEK per kg CO2e.
including both land and air emissions (Nland and NH3country in Wirsenius et al. (2011) use a cost of €60 per ton and Edjabou and
Table 4). For fermented products, cream and cheese, nitrogen, Smed (2013) use several different costs which range between 1.2
ammonia and phosphorus were given the same weight as GHG and 6.9 DKK per kilo (the highest level corresponded to more than
gases, compared to milk. Cheese emits almost eight times as much SEK 8). With such uncertainties, the politically revealed cost of
GHG gases per kilo as milk. The nitrogen and phosphorus emis- GHG emissions in Sweden was used instead and the cost of carbon
sions of cheese are thus eight times higher than of milk. equivalents was set to SEK 1 per kg which was slightly higher than
In Table 4, average emissions are presented. For nitrogen, the Stern average (which corresponded to 0.55 SEK per kilo). Data
ammonia and phosphorus, both local emissions and emissions that on the marginal damage costs of nutrients were taken from Gren
reach the Baltic Sea are shown. Local levels are the emissions at the et al. (2008), who found that marginal abatement of one kg of
source that leak out in the local areas, while the emissions that nitrogen in the Baltic Sea costs SEK 252 at a 50% reduction level
reach the sea also depend on nutrient retention levels in each and phosphorus SEK 3279 per kg at a 60% reduction level. Again,
region. Losses and retention levels and local production shares since no damage functions are available, these cost estimates were
are shown in Appendix Table A3. used here as a proxy for the damage costs of nutrients. Average
Beef was the main emitter of all pollutants. Pork had the sec- damage costs (ADi) and final tax levels are presented in Table 5.
ond highest phosphorus emissions and cheese generated the sec- According to the results presented in Table 5, the inclusion of
ond highest average emissions of GHG and nitrogen. Pierer et al. environmental damage costs on nutrients raised the tax by the
(2014) calculate nitrogen footprints for food products in Austria. most with approximately 50% for pork and chicken. The tax on
It is not clear what the values of nitrogen in that paper contain, dairy products was increased by approximately 30%. With beef,
however, they are lower than the ones given in manure in Leip the inclusion of nutrients had the lowest effect, around 25%
et al. (2010). Thus it was reasonable to assume that not all nitro- increase of the costs compared to only including GHG emissions
gen emissions were included. The ratio of phosphorus and nitro- in the calculations. In total, one kg of beef had the highest damage
gen was the same in those calculations, hence the total emissions costs and milk and fermented dairy products the lowest. Nguyen
of both nitrogen and phosphorus were lower than in Leip et al. et al. (2011) tried to estimate the environmental costs of pig pro-
(2010). Still we used the estimations from that paper in the sen- duction and found that €1.9, corresponding to close to SEK 17
sitivity analysis in Section ‘Impact of meat taxes on pollutant per kg of pork, would cover the costs of negative external effects.
emissions’, excluding the more detailed analysis including This is higher than our estimates. However, their model also
ammonia. included a human health quality measure (Weidema, 2009). As

Table 5
Average damage costs (ADi) in SEK/kg of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), nitrogen (N), ammonia (NH3) and phosphorus (P) final tax level, initial price per kg and price change
(%) for meat and dairy products in Sweden, 1980–2012.

CO2/e Nbaltic NH3baltic Pbaltic Total, taxj Initial price DP/P

Beef 24.29 3.52 3.81 0.87 32.50 97.7 33.3
Pork 3.74 1.13 1.19 0.62 6.67 59.3 11.3
Chicken 1.93 0.73 0.75 0.22 3.63 41 8.9
Milk 1.29 0.22 0.23 0.05 1.79 8 22.4
Fermented products 1.29 0.22 0.23 0.05 1.79 10.3 17.4
Cream 4.79 0.80 0.87 0.17 6.63 35 18.9
Cheese 9.58 1.60 1.74 0.35 13.26 76.4 17.4

Initial price levels on meat products are from prices (€/kg) in Wirsenius et al. (2011), corrected for exchange rate and price index in Sweden. Dairy product prices are from
Statistics Sweden (2013).
S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53 47

mentioned above, it is likely that our values of nitrogen and phos- emissions from consumption were created in Sweden. Beef stands
phorus are too low. out as the main polluter, even on aggregate level. Regarding GHG
emissions from Swedish production, milk come second due to
the large quantities consumed, followed by pork meat and cheese.
Impact of meat taxes on pollutant emissions
For nutrients, pork is second to beef with both nitrogen and phos-
phorus emissions.
As stated in Section ‘Model specification of meat demand, meat
The effect on estimated demand for the meat and dairy prod-
tax and emission reductions’, the impact of the meat tax on emis-
ucts of introducing an environmental tax varied by approximately
sions was calculated by taking account of the difference in emis-
1.8–13.1% depending on product and inclusion of price elasticities,
sions before and after introduction of the tax. It was assumed
see Table 7.
that the emissions of pollutants per unit meat consumption were
For cheese and fermented products, the substitution effects
the same for domestic production and imports, but not the effects
reduced the effect when considering all price effects. While for
of nutrients on the Baltic Sea. The fraction of imports in total con-
all other products the opposite occurred because of complementar-
sumption was 0.39, 0.22 and 0.29 for beef, pork and chicken,
ity in demands. The reduction of beef and pork would take Sweden
respectively. For dairy products the fraction of imports of milk
back to the levels of consumption recorded at the end of the 1990s.
and cream was only 0.03, fermented products 0.18 and cheese
This was in contrast to chicken consumption, where the impact
0.39 (Lukkarinen and Lannhard Öberg, 2012). We therefore present
was small. For milk, this reduction would be in line with decrease
emissions from domestic production and imports before the intro-
that has been observed the whole time period. Consumption of fer-
duction of the tax, see Table 6 (imports are then assumed to have
mented products would be at the same level as 10–15 years ago,
similar emission levels, which could be a very strong assumption
while cream and cheese consumption would be back to the
depending on the country of origin). However, most imported meat
observed levels in the beginning of the time period.
in Sweden originates from the EU, (for an overview of net imports
of meat and dairy products in Sweden see Lukkarinen and Eklöf,
2011; Lukkarinen et al., 2011; Lukkarinen and Lannhard Öberg, Emissions impacts in the reference case
2011, 2012) where emissions from livestock are on average similar
to emissions from Swedish livestock (Leip et al., 2010). Calculated impacts of the taxes in Table 5, on emissions are pre-
Consumption of animal products in Sweden accounted for sented in Table 6. It was assumed that demand for domestic and
approximately 12.7% of total emissions of GHG from production imported products would be reduced in proportion to the alloca-
in Sweden, and for lower shares of nutrients and ammonia. tion in 2009. Calculated emission reductions (Eq. (7) in
Keeping in mind that all emission levels per kilo has been corrected Section ‘Model specification of meat demand, meat tax and emis-
upwards with the new measure for methane, the total share of sion reductions’) are shown in Fig. 4.
GHG emissions in relation to the total Swedish emissions levels Within the livestock producing sector, emission reductions can
is too high, since the national inventories has not been updated. reach 12%, with the largest decrease in GHG emission, followed by
As can also be seen from Table 6, at least two-thirds of the local nitrogen and nitrogen reaching the Baltic Sea. The smallest

Table 6
Aggregate levels (kton) of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) emissions from Swedish animal products, production and imports in 2009.

CO2/e Nitrogen Ammonia Phosphorus

Prod Import Prod/leakage Import Baltic Prod Import Baltic Prod/leakage Import Baltic
Beef 3449 1352 3.32 1.30 1.99 13.43 5.26 2.15 0.092 0.036 0.038
Pork 979 217 1.90 0.42 1.17 7.69 1.71 1.23 0.121 0.027 0.049
Chicken 218 66 0.56 0.17 0.33 2.10 0.64 0.34 0.019 0.006 0.008
Milk 1124 33 1.25 0.04 0.75 5.05 0.15 0.81 0.030 0.001 0.012
Fermented products 333 61 0.37 0.07 0.22 1.50 0.28 0.24 0.009 0.002 0.004
Cream 486 14 0.54 0.02 0.32 2.19 0.06 0.35 0.013 0.000 0.005
Cheese 1005 388 1.12 0.43 0.67 4.51 1.74 0.72 0.027 0.010 0.011
Total 7594 2132 9.06 2.44 5.44 36.47 9.84 5.83 0.310 0.082 0.127
Sweden, total 60000a 85.9 60.9d 50.1c 60.9d 2.08b 1.54b
% of total in Sweden 12.7 10.5 8.9 72.8 9.6 14.8 8.3
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (2012).
Brandt et al. (2008).
Staaf and Bergström (2011).
Total Nitrogen loads to the Baltic Sea, from both Ammonia and Nitrogen from land (Brandt et al., 2008).

Table 7
Reduction in demand (% and kilo/capita/year) for meat and dairy products in Sweden after the introduction of an environmental tax. All price effects and own price effects.

All price effects Own price effects

% Kilo per capita % Kilo per capita
Beef 19.0 4.7 17.9 4.5
Pork 8.0 2.9 4.2 1.5
Chicken 4.7 0.8 3.2 0.6
Milk 5.9 5.7 4.6 4.4
Fermented products 4.4 1.5 7.9 2.7
Cream 6.1 0.7 2.6 0.3
Cheese 6.3 1.2 7.2 1.3
48 S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53

12.00 Reducons from
the livestock sector
Reducons in
relaon to total
emissions from


Co2/e N leakage N balc Nh3 land Nh3 balc P leakage P balc

Fig. 4. Reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) produced nationally (N/Pcountry) and entering the Baltic Sea (N/Pbaltic)
from introduction of an environmental tax on meats and dairy products (% from initial emissions in Table 5 as well as the Swedish total emission from all domestic production
which are also shown in Table 5). All price effects are included.

Table 8
Allocation of reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) produced nationally (N/Pcountry), and entering the Baltic Sea (N/
Pbaltic) among meat and dairy products, all elasticities included.

CO2/e Nleakage Nbaltic NH3country NH3baltic Pleakage Pbaltic

Beef 0.713 0.629 0.626 0.630 0.630 0.533 0.535
Pork 0.085 0.151 0.155 0.152 0.152 0.295 0.294
Chicken 0.011 0.026 0.026 0.025 0.025 0.027 0.027
Milk 0.073 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.055 0.055
Fermented products 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.012 0.012
Cream 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.025 0.025
Cheese 0.069 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.052 0.052
Total 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

effect was on phosphorus. The relative contribution from each In the 0.55 SEK/kilo scenario, the decrease in emissions of the
meat product on reductions in emissions is shown in Table 8. pollutants range between 7.2% and 8.2%. In the scenario where
The results presented in Table 8 show that reductions in beef one kilo of CO2/e cost 2.8 SEK the reductions of GHG emissions
was most important to reduce the environmental impacts from was just above 27%, nitrogen emissions reduced with almost 24%
GHG and nutrient emissions. The shares of reductions from beef and phosphorus emissions reduced by close to 23%, from the live-
are between 0.535 and 0.713. Beef is followed by pork for reduc- stock sector. With the increase in the price, the relevance of beef
tion in all pollutants. With respect to GHG emissions 8.5% of the reductions increased, while all other decreased. However, the
reductions were from pork, while the reductions from milk were higher level of damage costs gave such large increases in prices
7.3%. In nitrogen and phosphorus, the shares of reductions from that the calculated elasticity estimates could be less useful.
pork were between 0.151 and 0.295 and the shares of milk 0.055 In the scenario of other values for nitrogen emissions, the
and 0.074 respectively. impacts on reductions in total emissions were not very large,
though the relative change from the reference scenario is. The
effects of the higher tax levels on meat products are seen mainly
Sensitivity analysis on the importance of each product. In Table 9, the new shares of
reductions among products are presented. The main finding is that
Because of high levels of uncertainty regarding the estimated the shares of pork and chicken increased, while the shares of beef
levels of nitrogen and phosphorus emissions, sensitivity analyses decreased. Pork was the most important for reducing phosphorus
with other levels of N and P were conducted. The levels of nitrogen in this scenario.
emissions from beef, pork, poultry and milk, as calculated in Pierer
et al. (2014) were then used instead of the values given in Leip
et al. (2010). The new levels affected not only average emissions Discussion and summary
per kilo of produce, but also tax levels and shares of aggregated
emissions compared to the total emission levels from all Swedish One way of dealing with environmental problems arising from
production. Tax levels on meat product increased from the refer- meat production is to introduce a Pigovian tax which covers mar-
ence case, while the levels on dairy products decreased. ginal damage costs. This study calculated the impacts of introduc-
Another issue of concern is the assigned damage costs of the ing such a tax on seven different products (beef, pork, chicken,
pollutants. A reduction to SEK 0.55 per kg CO2e, as used in milk, fermented products, cheese, and cream) in terms of emis-
Wirsenius et al. (2011) and an increase to the maximum level in sions of three pollutants (GHG, nitrogen, and phosphorus). It was
Stern (2006) of SEK 2.8 per kg CO2e were used to recalculate tax found that the marginal emission costs of Swedish meat from these
levels and estimate new reduction levels. Results for alternate cost pollutants were between 1.8 and 32.5 SEK per kg produce. These
of GHG emissions as well as the scenario with new nitrogen emis- tax levels corresponded to 8.9% and 33.3% of initial prices. Not all
sions levels are presented in Fig. 5, where reductions in 1000 tons environmental damage was included in the costs. For example,
are shown (see Tables A4–A7 in the appendix for all price only costs of nutrient emissions to the Baltic Sea were included
increases, new tax levels and changes in demand). and not local effects of nutrient emissions due to lack of data.
S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53 49

Fig. 5. Reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) produced nationally (N/Pcountry) and entering the Baltic Sea (N/Pbaltic)
from introduction of an environmental tax on meats and dairy products. Reference case is the reduction in 1000-tons from Section ‘Emissions impacts in the reference case’.
New values for N show the reductions when emissions of N from Pierer et al. (2014) are used. The last two scenarios show the results of a change in the damage costs of GHG
from a min level = SEK 0.55 per kg CO2e to a max level = SEK 2.8 SEK per kg CO2e. All price effects are included. Observe the scaling for the different pollutants.

However, the main novelty in this paper was to include more pol- Table 9
Relative proportions of emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), nitrogen (N)
lutants than GHG gases. On the other hand, positive external
and phosphorus (P) produced nationally (N/Pcountry), and entering the Baltic Sea (N/
impacts from the agricultural landscape were not included. Pbaltic) from introduction of an environmental tax on meat and dairy products, all
However, given the reduction levels found from introduction of elasticities included.
the environmental taxes, it is not likely that all grazing animals
CO2/e Ncountry Nbaltic Pcountry Pbaltic
would disappear from Sweden. Only a proportion of all ruminants
Beef 0.721 0.599 0.595 0.444 0.446
graze on traditional fields, where they have a positive impact on
Pork 0.092 0.259 0.265 0.443 0.442
biodiversity. Chicken 0.014 0.078 0.077 0.071 0.071
The effects on demand and, hence, emissions were calculated by Milk 0.066 0.025 0.024 0.016 0.016
estimating a non-linear demand system for the seven products Fermented products 0.015 0.005 0.005 0.004 0.004
based on time series data from 1980. The results revealed rela- Cream 0.030 0.011 0.011 0.007 0.007
Cheese 0.062 0.023 0.023 0.015 0.015
tively low and inelastic (in absolute terms) own price elasticities
and higher income elasticities. Meat products were found to be Total 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

more sensitive in both prices and income than dairy products.

Taxing all seven products simultaneously could result in reduc- In the past, policy makers have shown resistance to imposing
tions up to 1.5% of all the included pollutants, compared to total taxes on food products, regardless of recommendations to reduce
emissions in Sweden, and up to 12.1% from the livestock sector. meat consumption in order to mitigate GHG emissions, improve
If reductions in demand mainly affected imported products, the food security or population health (e.g. UNEP, 2009; Röös and
environmental gain in Sweden might be zero, while if reductions Tjärnemo, 2011; WCRF, 2014). The reduction of meat and dairy
affected only meat and dairy produced in Sweden the gain could products in Sweden as a result of taxes, would serve to improve
be important for the Swedish environment. If the latter is the out- the health for Swedish consumers. Especially regarding red meat
come, emission reductions could be even larger if change in land where consumption levels are much higher than what is recom-
use can take place (see Wirsenius et al., 2011). The most realistic mended (see for example Bjerselius et al., 2014; Larsson and
scenario in which reductions would take place is not discussed in Wolk, 2012).
this paper. However, imposing the same taxes on all meat, Consumption taxes as a means of achieving environmental tar-
Swedish or imported, would most likely shift relative prices in gets should also be compared with other ways of reducing emis-
favour of Swedish meat because of the lower emissions per kg sions. One reason for having a meat tax on the consumption side
meat consumed. There is also an ongoing discussion in Sweden of the market is because of the political difficulties in taxing the
about eating locally produced meat, which might make the agricultural sector in many countries. However, even if we con-
Swedish population more hesitant to buy imported meat if the sider only the costs of the policies, measured as decreases in con-
price increased. sumer surplus for a meat consumption tax and farmers’ costs of
50 S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53

introducing measures targeting production, a consumption tax Table A1 (continued)

may have a relative advantage because of its effects on several pol-
Equation for Equation: EQAIDS2
lutants and thereby environmental targets. In general,
fermented dairy Dependent variable: S2
cost-effective solutions for achieving environmental targets are products Mean of dep. var. = .170264
calculated for one target at a time, without much consideration Std. dev. of dep. var. = .026388
of the eventual effects of these measures on other environmental Sum of squared
targets, such as studies on the costs of reaching EU climate targets residuals = .428237E03
Variance of residuals = .138141E04
(e.g. Böhringer et al., 2009) and Baltic Sea international agreements
Std. error of
(e.g. Elofsson, 2003). When accounting for the multi-pollutant regression = .371673E02
effects of a consumption tax on meat and dairy, it can have a rela- R-squared = .979593
tive cost advantage, in particular for environmental targets where LM het. test = 2.00380 [.157]
Durbin–Watson = 2.46163
livestock products account for a relatively large share of the total
Equation for cream Equation: EQAIDS3
emissions. This is not shown to be the case for nutrient emissions Dependent variable: S3
from meat and dairy to the Baltic Sea, though as mentioned above, Mean of dep. var. = .056326
we have reasons to assume the nutrient values included in this Std. dev. of dep. var. = .389366E02
paper were too low. The taxes investigated in this study would Sum of squared
residuals = .919804E04
contribute approximately 2.5% to achievement of the Swedish
Variance of residuals = .296711E05
Baltic Sea phosphorus reduction target of 530 ton (Helcom, Std. error of
2013), and almost 6.5% of the national commitment to reduction regression = .172253E02
of nitrogen emissions in the reference case and up to 14.8% when R-squared = .797806
LM het. test = .031368 [.859]
costs of CO2/e was 2.8 SEK/kilo (Swedish Environmental
Durbin–Watson = 1.74604
Protection Agency, 2014).
First stage Equation for meat Equation: EQAIDS1
aggregated Dependent variable: S1
food groups Mean of dep. var. = .150588
Appendix A Std. dev. of dep. var. = .652337E02
Sum of squared
residuals = .229109E03
See Tables A1–A7. Variance of residuals = .739060E05
Std. error of
regression = .271857E02
Table A1 R-squared = .820776
Test results for all stages in the demand system. The final equation in each system is LM het. test = .069042 [.793]
dropped. Durbin–Watson = 2.59913

Second stage Equation for beef Equation: EQAIDS1 Equation for dairy Equation: EQAIDS2
meat system Dependent variable: S1 Dependent variable: S2
Mean of dep. var. = .316795 Mean of dep. var. = .372837
Std. dev. of dep. var. = .017513 Std. dev. of dep. var. = .028384
Sum of squared Sum of squared
residuals = .189030E02 residuals = .473689E03
Variance of residuals = .590718E04 Variance of residuals = .152803E04
Std. error of Std. error of
regression = .768582E02 regression = .390900E02
R-squared = .808189 R-squared = .981186
LM het. test = .100458 [.751] LM het. test = .368503 [.544]
Durbin–Watson = 2.43598 Durbin–Watson = 2.03460

Equation for pork Equation: EQAIDS2 Equation for fruit Equation: EQAIDS3
Dependent variable: S2 Dependent variable: S3
Mean of dep. var. = .531004 Mean of dep. var. = .199469
Std. dev. of dep. var. = .044338 Std. dev. of dep. var. = .017930
Sum of squared Sum of squared
residuals = .214383E02 residuals = .117805E02
Variance of residuals = .669947E04 Variance of residuals = .380016E04
Std. error of Std. error of
regression = .818503E02 regression = .616454E02
R-squared = .965195 R-squared = .878049
LM het. test = .519872 [.471] LM het. test = .053345 [.817]
Durbin–Watson = 1.78869. Durbin–Watson = 2.07850
Equation for Equation: EQAIDS4
Second stage Equation for milk Equation: EQAIDS1 vegetables Dependent variable: S4
dairy system Dependent variable: S1 Mean of dep. var. = .130940
Mean of dep. var. = .676486 Std. dev. of dep. var. = .015093
Std. dev. of dep. var. = .043424 Sum of squared
Sum of squared residuals = .470180E03
residuals = .569860E03 Variance of residuals = .151671E04
Variance of residuals = .183826E04 Std. error of
Std. error of regression = .389450E02
regression = .428749E02 R-squared = .931756
R-squared = .989946 LM het. test = 1.27330 [.259]
LM het. test = .349012 [.555] Durbin–Watson = 2.81127
Durbin–Watson = 2.31316
S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53 51

Table A2
Parameter values for all demand systems.

Meat system a=a Number of observations = 32

b=b Log likelihood = 223.883
c=c Schwarz B.I.C. = 207.247
1 = beef
2 = pork Standard
3 = chicken Parameter Estimate Error t-statistic P-value
C11 .107970 .047167 2.28907 [.022]
C12 .115739 .035350 3.27407 [.001]
C22 .214159 .038836 5.5144 [.000]
A1 .370090 .111213 3.32777 [.001]
A2 .308453 .336571 .916459 [.359]
RHO .979152 .02962 33.0536 [.000]
B1 .014566 .054961 .026503 [.979]
B2 .035426 .059783 .592574 [.553]
B3 .033969 .055798 .608789 [.543]
A3 .321457 .261610 1.22876 [.219]
C13 .077695 .030930 .251201 [.802]
C23 .098420 .028989 3.39502 [.001]
C33 .090650 .034827 2.60284 [.009]
Dairy system a=a Number of observations = 31
b=b Log likelihood = 435.510
c=c Schwarz B.I.C. = 406.048
1 = milk
2 = fermented products Standard
3 = cream Parameter Estimate Error t-statistic P-value
4 = cheese C11 .207905 .032410 6.41477 [.000]
C12 .074400 .047340 1.57162 [.116]
C13 .043444 .013988 3.10568 [.002]
C22 .070279 .112797 .623062 [.533]
C23 .019892 .028452 .699169 [.484]
C33 .046130 .012720 3.62649 [.000]
A1 .319489 .307607 1.03863 [.299]
A2 .337703 .149250 2.26267 [.024]
A3 .119271 .057728 2.06608 [.039]
RHO .981718 .015767 62.2631 [.000]
B1 .013679 .017729 .771557 [.440]
B2 .045139 .014073 .320742 [.748]
B3 .025181 .063162 .398684 [.690]
B4 .066470 .073251 .907426 [.364]
A4 .223537 .109472 2.04195 [.041]
C14 .090062 .02107 4.27390 [.000]
C24 .024013 .051476 .466487 [.641]
C34 .017206 .012399 1.38768 [.165]
C44 .048843 .026207 1.86372 [.062]
Aggregated system a=a Number of observations = 31
b=b Log likelihood = 536.577
c=c Schwarz B.I.C. = 490.785
1 = meat
2 = dairy Standard
3 = fruit Parameter Estimate Error t-statistic P-value
4 = vegetables C11 .053013 .023454 2.26034 [.024]
5 = grain products C12 .029847 .014836 2.01174 [.044]
C13 .089234 .078903 1.13093 [.258]
C14 .057468 .010259 .560184 [.575]
C22 .204985 .018895 10.8488 [.000]
C23 .095526 .010517 .908270 [.364]
C24 .054015 .099333 5.43781 [.000]
C33 .046027 .016203 2.84067 [.005]
C34 .054179 .010312 .525406 [.599]
C44 .079142 .015715 5.03595 [.000]
A1 .193211 .023109 8.36074 [.000]
A2 .294962 .037892 7.78431 [.000]
A3 .148143 .036720 4.03442 [.000]
A4 .191484 .030161 6.34883 [.000]
RHO .967862 .010391 93.1473 [.000]
B1 .032548 .032433 1.00354 [.316]
B2 .179846 .047122 3.81661 [.000]
B3 .208078 .069190 3.00736 [.003]
B4 .016952 .044091 .384484 [.701]
B5 .012637 .042708 .295896 [.767]
A5 .172201 .025877 6.65446 [.000]
C15 .084963 .023493 .361661 [.718]
C25 .111571 .019348 5.76663 [.000]
C35 .022133 .010002 2.21286 [.027]
C45 .013962 .013715 1.01798 [.309]
C55 .156162 .032194 4.85063 [.000]
52 S. Säll, I.-M. Gren / Food Policy 55 (2015) 41–53

Table A3 Appendix B. Supplementary material

Losses and retention levels for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to the Baltic Sea, as
well as local production share of beef, pork and chicken, in six regions in Sweden.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
Production share Losses Retention the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2015.05.
Beef Pork Chicken N P N P 008.
0.042 0.047 0.044 0.051 0.019 0.23 0.40
0.163 0.176 0.048 0.085 0.025 0.27 0.40 References
0.229 0.259 0.228 0.164 0.013 0.60 0.47
0.238 0.161 0.296 0.164 0.013 0.60 0.47 Angrist, J., Krueger, A., 2001. Instrumental variables and the search for
0.063 0.067 0.077 0.276 0.016 0.30 0.00 identification: from supply and demand to natural experiments. J. Econ.
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