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As indicated in the title, this chapter includes the research methodology of the study. It

outlines the research strategy and design, sampling strategy, data collection, and semi-structured


Research Strategy and Design

The researcher adopted a qualitative research method which is primarily exploratory in

nature. Using a case study method is the tool for this research. This type of approach is

about recording, analysing and discovering the meaning and importance of human behaviour and

experiences because it is commonly associated with social constructs. The topic identified is

usually guided by theoretical views which provide a framework to the study. The approach to

data collection and analysis is methodical but allows flexibility than in quantitative research. It

is flexible in the sense that it can be carried out in several stages and in the process can address

additional issues and questions. Data is collected in textual form on the basis of observation and

interaction with the participants such as participant observation, in-depth interviews and focus

groups. It is not converted in numerical form and is not statistically analyzed.

The researcher adopted a less rigid and less formal approach by using methods that give

the participants a sense of freedom to express their thoughts, feelings, attitudes and behaviour

and permit spontaneity rather than set pre-determined responses.

The goal of this study is to learn something new about the experiences of the participants rather

than limit the study to the researchers’ own point of view and understanding.

Sampling Strategy

The researcher used Purposive Sampling Technique because it is typically used in

Qualitative Research to identify and select the information-rich cases for the most proper

utilization of available resources (Patton, M.Q. 2002 as cited in Etikan, Musa, Alkassim, 2015).

It is a nonrandom technique that does not need underlying theories or a set number of

participants. Simply put, the researcher decides what needs to be known and sets out to find

people who can and are willing to provide the information by virtue of knowledge or experience

(Bernard, H. R. 2002 as cited Etikan, Musa, Alkassim, 2015).

Purposive Sampling Techniques have been referred to as non-probability sampling or

purposeful sampling and qualitative sampling. This technique involves selecting certain units or

cases based on a specific purpose rather than random sampling (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2003 as

cited in Teddlie & Yu, 2007). Among the categories of this technique, the strategy of sampling to

achieve representatives or compatibility is used. This technique is used because the researcher

wants to select a purposive sample that represents a broader group of cases as closely as possible

and set up comparisons among different types of cases.

This technique involves two goals 1.) To find instances that are representatives or typical

of a particular type of case on a dimension of interest and 2.) To achieve comparability across

different types of cases in a dimension of interest.

Data Collection

Focus group discussion is used by the researcher in obtaining data needed for the study. It

provides the participants with a space to discuss a particular topic, in a context where people are

allowed to agree or disagree with each other. It allows how a group thinks about an issue, range

of opinions and ideas, inconsistencies and variations that exist in a particular community in terms

of beliefs and their experiences and practices.

It is one of the Qualitative Research methods to be utilized in search for answers to the

questions given. This method is advisable for generating ideas based on the perceptions of the

participants. Focus Group Discussion is used by the researcher because it is suited in the

objective of the study, that is to understand better how the students consider their Church life

experiences. It is an effective method in supplying information about what people think, feel and


Semi-structured interview

As far as data collection tool is concern, the conduct of the research will involve

the use of semi-structured questionnaire, which will be used as an interview guide for the

researcher. Some certain questions are prepared, so as for the researcher to guide the interview

towards the satisfaction of the research objectives. However, additional questions will be made

as the discussions will progress.

The sample questions raised for the Focus Group Discussion are as follows:

1. Briefly share the story of your personal spiritual development?

2. What do you feel are your primary spiritual gifts?

3. Is there any specific area of the Campus Ministry which you feel

uncomfortable with?

4. What are the major lessons that you have learned in the ministry?

5. What does evangelism and outreach mean to you?

6. What are your views on the social problems in our society today?

(divorce, re-marriage, alcohol and drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, etc.)


In summary, the research strategy and design used in this study is Qualitative Research,

particularly the Case Study Method. The Sampling Strategy is Purposive Sampling Technique,

choosing the Junior High School Students as sample, being Saint Joseph College

as the study population. Data collection is through Focus Group Discussion

using a semi-structured questionnaire.


Teddlie, C. & Yu, F. (2002). Journal of Mixed Methods of Research 2007. 1(77)

Etikan, I., Musa, S.A., & Alkassin, R.S. (2015). Comparison of Convenience Sampling and
Purposive Sampling. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics. 5(1) 1-4.

Freitas, H., Oliviera, M., Jenkins, M. & Popjoy, O. (1998). The Focus Group: A Qualitative
Research Method Reviewing the Theory and Providing Guidelines to its Planning. ISRC
Working Paper.

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