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Solon wants repeal

of 'archaic crime,
ALBAY Representative "offensive to the freedom fere in secular aJfuirs like
Edcel Lagniar filed a or elpr.esslot
bill seeklng to repeal : preventing the passage of
. of the ar- he neproducti've Ue"alth
At lhe height
Article 133 of the Revised duous crusade for the en_ Bill evdtasprotestant
Penal Code or the Archa- bish_
ic Crime. :Sb",".nt 9{ qg.Fq-duc- ops did not oppose fie
bve,Health. Bill, now Re_
LagnansajdHouse Bill ptrbtic Act No. 10354,
nieasure,,, t"gi,."i
"who iat*.
5070 is in memorv of Car_
on Celdian, was
los Celdran, one 6fthe ad:
vocates of the Reproduc_
tive Health T.aw -
uonat,hero Jose Rizal,
walked_towdrdsthe mah
;'f: *tff"ty [3xTr.*:
Lagman underscored died
oY a h-eart attaci in
attar ol the N{aiila Cathe- Madrid last
that Celdran died a free October g.
or^ar-.wnereane<tmenical Article 133 provides:
man beca use the Suprerne
Courtfailed toEsoh;ewith
finality his latest pending
brbtes by Catholic and
:1 #".xmg ;:ffitr
period to prision cor[_
mohon torrecorsideratioi Protrestant leaders.
of hisimprovidentconvic- bonal in id minimum oe-.
r_eroran raEect a plac_ riod shaltbeim."*l,,;-
tron tor "woruldins reli_ ardx,r th the name ,,Dam- anyone
gious feelings.', *to,,in i"ir."
It is now inormbent on
ds{, m rcrerence to lhe vil_ devoted to reLigious woi_
the Congess to accordius-
tice and redress to Celdl-an
ffiifi trfr trs#{ " ..;ti:l*rorf,:s*l
by repealing Article 133 .. u was dear poUtical mony
il pJf"..
rhat ur ike e-"- nooiioustyoif*rsiueLlii
which is "an odious rem_ :tltejlent
qre uamdso, the Catholic feelings oi the foifful.;*
nantof theDarkAges,,and rueral_cny must not inter_ Lagman asserled that
. Artide 133 is ,,utterlv sub_
iective and leaves io the
lmdue discretion of the
court to divirie the incul_
patoryelementof ,wound_
ed rligious feelings,. I t is
an amorphous offense and
fails to set any obiective
standards on
men of the crime-,, "
He stressed that the
ofAriide 133 ofthe
Revised penal Code will
foredose similarprosecu_
tions and travaili of well_
meaning critics which
Celdran uniustifiabtv suf_
fered and endured-
Je$er fhdasta3

P^9 €1

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