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Usually everyday after lunch we have a little rest or quiet time with books before we go out in

the playground. The other day the weather wasn’t that great, so we decided to do something
exciting indoor. I asked, ‘Do you want to play a game?” Mahasen, you squealed with happiness
saying ‘Yes, yes’. We have chosen Maori language game ‘Kei a wai?. Which means ‘Who has it?’
We set the game up, Mahasen you sit with your friends in a circle on the floor. Everyone chosen
a picture board. Rayan wanted to lead. So when Rayan was showing a picture card you all had
to look at it and then look at the picture board in front of you, cover it if you had a similar
picture on your picture board with a circle card.
What amazes me most is that I have noticed that you are using Arabic language. While I
demonstrated saying ‘Who has it’ instead ‘Kei a wai? Thought it will be hard to learn Maori
language in one day, intending to use Maori version next time. However you translated that to
Arabic language, asking the question, replying and talking in Arabic. How amazing! You were
proving your strong , true identity Mahasen!

Playing together gives children the

opportunity to develop social skills and
language skills. They learn –
 How to take turns,
 Be patient,
 Concentrate and co-operate,
 Do things in order
Working and playing together as well
gives children to:
Practice problem solving skills,
 Opportunity to initiating an activity,
Communicate with each other.
Children also build good relationships
with their peers and increase sense of
What next?
Mahasen, in sha Allah we will ensure that
you get plenty of opportunities to practice
and develop all these skills further.

Te Whariki goal
“Children will experience an environment
in which they learn strategies for active
exploration, thinking and reasoning”,
“Children will experience an environment
in which opportunities to learn with and
alongside others are encouraged”
Written by – Teacher Rosy,
October, 2019

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