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This section of the Avatar Course contains Preliminary Information, Course Instructions and the Philosophic Text of
Creativism. At most Centers, it is free by invitation. Time required: Approximately one day.


Time required: Approximately 4-5 days.


Time required: Approximately 2-4 days.

Avatar Material Confidential
© Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991 by Harry Palmer

This section of the Avatar Course contains Preliminary Information, Course Instructions and the Philosophic Text of
Creativism. At most Centers, it is free by invitation. Time required: Approximately one day.



These materials are confidential and are the exclusive property of Star’s Edge, Inc.

They are not to be duplicated or disclosed to unauthorized persons without the advanced written consent of the
president of Star’s Edge, Inc.

Avatar Material Confidential

© Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991 by Harry Palmer


[1] THE AVATAR EXERCISES ............................. 1
[2] FEEL IT (Transcript) ............................. 2
[3] FEEL IT EXERCISES ................................ 12
[4] LABEL IT EXERCISES ............................... 15
[5] CREATION EXERCISES ............................... 17
[6] SOURCE LIST .................................. 21

[7] REALITY CREATION LIST ........................ 23

[8] CONGRATULATIONS .................................. 25

Avatar Material Confidential

© Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991 by Harry Palmer



(A Starvation Diet for the Intellect)

The AVATAR Exercises are a series of disciplines that are known to have a very profound effect upon the
development of consciousness. We provide sufficient data to enable you to gain familiarity with the exercise. As you
practice the exercise, you will quickly discover that what we have said about the exercises is minuscule in comparison to
what we have left unsaid. This is a purposeful omission on our part to invite you to do your own exploring.

The exercises activate subtle shifts in awareness that tend to cause changes in a person’s state of invigoration,
well-being and/or creative power. These changes in condition are reliable indicators that you are progressing toward an
experiential clarity of the exercise rather than merely gaining an intellectual understanding.

The exercises are capable of producing the kind of revelations that leave one on one’s knees, in reverence, sobbing
tears of joy. Enjoy them. Indulge yourself.

An edited transcription of a lecture
given on April 17, 1987 by Harry Palmer.

How do you feel?

(Audience: Great!)
I’m going to ask you to do something really selfish tonight, OK?
Will you be selfish for awhile?
I’m going to ask you to feel. A very selfish thing! I mean, if you think about it, you never feel for the greater good of
mankind. Feel is a very egotistical, selfish thing to do. Which may be why a lot of people are starting to turn it off.
They don’t feel very much. So I’m going to have you feel.
Do you want a definition of feel? “To touch or handle in order to become aware of. Examine or test by touching or
OK, touch something, handle something, become aware of it.
Maybe it’s because we’ve grown up in a society that values intellect very highly, that there’s this little automatic
translation device we’ve installed that works like this: we touch something, and when we touch it, we say “smooth.”
“Smooth” is a sound that intellectually symbolizes a certain feel; _it’s not the feel_. Sometimes we touch something and
as soon as we can translate it into a word we go “Oh, that’s smooth-felt it-smooth, what do you want me to translate
So feel, don’t translate.
Boy, do you see how selfish we can get? No translation at all.
(Reading from dictionary) “To perceive or be aware of through physical sensation.”
Give me some examples of physical sensations.
Audience calls off: “Heat. Light. Pressure. Hunger. Sexy. Pain.
Thirst. Sound. Smell. Touch. Dizzy.”
Very good. Feel, be aware of the reflected light striking your retinas.
(From dictionary) “To experience an emotion or condition, such as to feel joy, to feel pain.”
Feel joy without labelling it. Don’t focus on saying how you feel, focus on feeling how you feel.

We get into putting words on things to such an extreme that feeling something becomes secondary to the urge to
communicate it. It’s like going on a vacation and the important part is coming back and telling someone, or showing
them the pictures.
And of course when you get into the idea of living for others, you also get into the idea that others should live for you,
which begins to make them responsible for how you feel.
It’s better to be selfish and live for yourself, which allows others to live for themselves, too. Learn to feel what you feel,
even create what you want to feel, and don’t be too concerned about substituting words for what you’re experiencing.
Describing it just interrupts the flow.
Oh, you want to share? Here’s a curious phenomena, if you take two people, or even more, and you sit them down
together in a place, and don’t let them talk, after a period of time they will feel the same way! Emotional inductance.
Resonance. Natural Empathy. Sharing. How would you describe it?
Now, if they talk, they probably won’t end up feeling the same because the words they translate their feelings into don’t
mean the same to both of them. For example, she says “I hate you” to describe the feeling of being hurt. He translates
the words “I hate you” into the feeling of being angry. Oh, what a mess!
But see, without words there’s a match of vibrations; just from having them close to each other, in the same space, the
vibrations will eventually coincide, and they’ll feel the same, empathy will develop and the upset will disappear. Having
people meet face to face to talk out their upsets works because of the harmonizing of their vibrations from their physical
closeness. What they say is of secondary importance. In fact, talking may at times slow down the process. Have you
ever made up with someone just because you were tired of arguing?
So what’s the lesson here? Do we stop talking? I don’t think so.
What we need to recognize is that words are symbols (not the
real thing) that allow us to achieve an intellectual
understanding (also not the real thing). Words are not

particularly effective for communicating experiential clarity. On the other hand, feelings allow us to telepathically
communicate an experience, but are not particularly effective for communicating intellectual understanding.
Both understanding and experience have their places. The difficulty arises when we confuse them. You can’t satisfy
hunger by understanding that if you had some food you wouldn’t feel that way.
When you’re not translating into words and you just hang out with somebody for a little while, you’ll soon be on their
wavelength. You’ll feel the way they feel. This may explain the high that one experiences from hanging out with holy
men. It’s not just their words.
Somebody who looks like this (slumps body to look sad) can’t say “Aw, I’m feeling great.” You are receiving conflicting
data. Unless you turn off the vibrations completely and rely solely on the intellect, the person will leave you just a bit
uneasy. You stop and ask “Are you sure?”
“Oh yeah, I’m feeling great.”
You stop him because the experience isn’t right. The experience is on a telepathic, resonance level. It doesn’t agree with
your translation of what the words “I’m feeling great” feels like. So is the fellow lying to you? Maybe, maybe not. He
may translate this feeling (slumps) into the words “feeling great.” Maybe that’s what “feeling great” means to him. Do
you follow me?
So I’m going to have you experiment with something. Breathe for a minute. You know how you breathe, you go
(breathes) suck in air to your chest, let air out, like that. OK, now this one is risky. Instead of moving your chest, push

your stomach out, and bring your stomach in, push your stomach out, bring your stomach in. As you’re doing that your
lungs will automatically fill with air. And when your chest stops, it appears that you’ve stopped breathing.
It’s a little scary, at first.
The thing I’m showing you is that when you’re feeling, experiencing, the breathing tends to be lower. It’s visceral, it’s
feeling. And the more into symbols and intellectual understanding that a person goes, the higher this breathing moves
up. Up tight, eh. I suspect that mild oxygen deprivation increases mental activity.
Here’s a trick for switching from intellectual understanding to experience. A reverse translation. Breathe low with the
stomach while repeating the idea you wish to translate into feelings. Do this for awhile and the idea will change to a
“I feel good.” Deep breath. “I feel good.” Deep breath. “I feel good.” Deep breath. “I feel good.” Deep breath. And if the
feeling you get doesn’t fit your intellectual understanding of that experience, who are you going to believe?
When you’re experiencing something that has some intellectual judgment about how bad or unpleasant it is, ease into
the feel of it by breathing with your stomach and feel it a little more with each breath. Breathe through the experience
and the judgment will disappear.
I want you to find something you consider beautiful in this room, and then experience your perception of beauty. This is
totally on a selfish flow; you’re never going to translate this feeling.
Oh great, it feels so great in here! Can you feel that?
Did you get that feeling without any particular urge to
interpret it or translate it into words?

OK, feel a person without any need or urge to translate it into words.

Oh, do it with your hands! Co-create an agreement!

Now, did you actually feel the flesh, and bones, or did you feel a person and a little embarrassment?
Feel the person again and feel the meat. Different, huh? Are you starting to regain some experiential clarity?
OK, here is a great truth. _Things become complicated to the degree that symbols are substituted for feelings_.
So relax, enjoy, life is a process, an experience. It continues.
Here’s another thing to feel. Feel alive without any interpretation or need to translate it. Now feel very alive.
Does anybody think that he’s doing this wrong? That’s a joke.
Now when you just live life and you feel what’s going on, it flows. When you resist it, you start to translate it and put
symbols on it, you shift into an intellectual appreciation of life. Take a deep breath, relax, let it flow.
In philosophy, words are symbols for life. A reflection of life. They’re a representation of life. Now the interesting thing
is that symbols require explanation, life doesn’t. A great scholar may know all of the teachings of all of the masters; he
can say the right word at the right time; every question that you’d ever ask he has an answer. But he doesn’t feel life; he
lacks experiential clarity; he’s not really an enlightened man; he’s just a very knowledgeable man, an intellectual.

He’s got all the explanations, and he’s going around saying “Well, it means this, and it means that.” _But, only symbols
mean, life is experience_.

Feel alive!
You did that very well. When I asked you to find something beautiful and experience it, it was pretty easy to do, but
actually it was an interpretation that you placed on something. Oh, that’s beautiful, that’s ugly. That’s wonderful,
that’s un-wonderful-that’s wonderless. So it wasn’t the thing that caused you to experience beauty, was it?
It’s the intellectual interpretations that we place on our environment that cause us to experience it as beautiful or ugly.
The same applies to experiencing feelings: it’s the intellectual interpretation we place on them that makes them
pleasant or unpleasant. Feelings are feelings, experience. When you come up and say “Pain-ugh.” “Wow! Electrical
impulse . . . hot, cold . . . pressure. Wow!” And “Hey, and blood,” and you go “Oh! That’s very bad!”
Well, it just is. It’s part of existence. It’s part of life.
It’s not a good or a bad feeling. But when you put an
interpretation on it, “Oh, that’s a very bad thing,” and then
when you’re presented with it, why you resist it. But what are
you resisting? Just your own judgments. The interpretation that
you’ve put on it. It’s bad, ooh, stay away from it. You set up a
little ridge, or you set up one of these (pushes fists
together). On one side of it is your interpretation of the
feeling; on the other side is the resist that you have on

experiencing the feeling. You wouldn’t have resisted it if you hadn’t interpreted it as something that you shouldn’t
experience. That’s how you lock yourself up-something is presented for your experience and you put a judgment on it:

“Oh boy, that’s very bad, don’t experience that!”

Do you know what the purpose is for any action? To feel something or to avoid feeling something!
The purpose behind any action is to feel something, or to avoid feeling something. When a being is motivated by an
avoidance to feeling something, he acts out of fear. Fear will eventually move one into this intellectual level, where
symbols have been substituted for feelings. Feelings are no longer safe.
People who have the purpose to feel create; people who have the purpose to avoid feeling think.
The most creative people not only feel, but they can translate feelings into symbols that will arouse feelings in another.
The one who is avoiding feeling, often imagines the creative person is enforcing feeling on him, and he usually counters
with some act of resistance. This causes suffering.
Every great movement, every society, every evolutionary phase has always started with a rediscovery of feelings; they
always start at a time when people have lost touch with feelings and are living on an intellectual level. And someone
comes along, some sort of messiah, or a pretty bright being who’s had an experience of enlightenment, and he coaxes
the people back into feeling. You see, he moves them beyond symbols and back into feeling; and they experience that
he makes them feel very alive. The movement makes them feel alive, or experiencing care or building for the future
makes them feel alive, because they’re moving out of this level where they resisted experiencing and where life had
become symbols.
So any movement that has power actually moves people from dealing with symbols and thinking back into feeling, to
feeling alive. It’s the excitement; you feel excitement; you come alive.
Later on, when the movement has lost some of its vigor, it can be successfully resisted by those who fear change, who
are avoiding feeling; and one by one disaffected followers shift back into an intellectual mode and try to understand how
they could have acted so irrationally. Their usual solution is to blame it all on the charismatic leader, whose spell they
must have fallen under.
Assassination, crucifixion, and genocide are motivated by fear.
They are intellectual solutions.
So what is the meaning of life? Life is. It doesn’t come with a meaning. You can study the symbols or you can go out and
feel alive.
The ancient Vedas were the essence, the feel of life. Their purpose was to transmit from one being to another being
what life feels like.
Feel life; life is.
Sometimes you have to transmit the feel of life with symbols; that’s the liability of not being able to hang out with
somebody on a mountain top, not being able to look into their eyes and silently hug them. So we use symbols. But in
time the symbols tend to acquire meaning, and then they no longer represent feelings or experiences, but they begin to
represent other symbols. The meanings acquire a false importance and the essence is lost. So books about books are
written. And the true Vedas begin to be reinterpreted and reinterpreted and reinterpreted, until they become
intellectual exercises.
It was said of the Vedas that they were the breath of the eternal. That there was never a time when there were not
Vedas; that they actually preceded the appearance of man.
And the word “veda” means “the feel of life.” That’s my
translation. So the Vedas are more than symbols.

Some scholars say “Oh yeah, the Sanskrit stuff, ancient, here are the Vedas,” but the Vedas are actually any teaching
that brings a person to feel alive, you know? Something that cuts through the level of symbols and wakes someone up.

So what does it all mean?

Well, with the Avatar preparatory exercises, people are starting to wake up. The first thing that happens is you recover a
level of source, if you wish to call it that, where the _meaning is what you assign, rather than what you find_. For the
seeker, this is the end of the line.
(Laughter, comments from the audience)
(Audience: What is intuition?)
Intuition is sensing the feeling behind the symbols. It’s going by what you’re experiencing rather than by an
understanding of the symbols. Our intuition allows us to translate an understanding of scriptures into an experience of
Did I tell you the story about the dolphins, how the dolphins perceive? No? OK, dolphins send out a sound wave and it
bounces off of things, and they continue to send out a sound wave, and the sound wave going out bounces back and it
hits the sound wave they are continuing to send out, which creates beats as the two sounds interfere with each other.
From the interference pattern of the two sounds, the dolphins get another sound which they interpret into a
three-dimensional picture of their world. “A sunken ship over there, a lot of gold treasure over there.” (Laughter) “A
large fish over here.”
Well, the neat thing about a dolphin is he can swim around an island and approach another dolphin; then, instead of
sending out the sonar sound, he sends out the interference pattern of what he saw. The second dolphin hearing it, sees
images just as if he were there where the first dolphin had been.
He perceives the same three-dimensional picture. A treasure,
ship, fish, the same excitement. Just as if he were there. This
type of communication is a little bit senior to the

communication of symbols and words that we use. In fact, when we
look at the dolphins’ form of communication, we see that our
efforts are really inefficient. The only way we can even
approach a dolphin’s effectiveness is to have picture

dictionaries, and keep everyone agreeing on what picture the words represent.
(Audience: If you could telepathically communicate the feeling of the experience, that would be much closer to it.)
Yes. And you know, I think we do that all of the time. That’s continually going on. It’s just there. Ready to be tuned into,
and you tune into it by feeling. It gets invalidated when we attempt to translate it into intellectual symbols, but what we
feel is what we feel.
How are you all feeling?
(Audience: Great!)
(Brad: Would you read that one phrase about truth over again?)
Sure. _Things become complicated to the degree symbols are substituted for feelings_.
(Brad: What does that mean?)
(Laughter, comments from the audience)
(Steve: What happens is that when you get to thinking as opposed to feeling, you really remove yourself from the thing.
When you’re feeling, as opposed to thinking, you actually become the thing you feel. In the action of thinking you’re
actually separate from it. I think that’s the big difference. Instead of being part of it, you part from it.)
Yes, that feels right!
Thinking is produced by resisting the experience of something.
(Sue: What kind of waves are we talking about? It really strikes truth when you say we’re always communicating feelings
with brain waves, or some kind of waves?)
Well, you know how you go into a room where someone’s just had a fight and been real upset and you’ll find that you’re
actually having to make an effort not to be upset? You shift into an intellectual mode. In other words, you’re resisting
experiencing the upsetness too, intellectualizing that if at least one of you is calm, it’ll be better? That may or may not
be true, but you’ll find that you start to intellectualize when you resist the feeling in the room. Maybe you say to
yourself, “I’m not going to let them upset me.”
And from another strata of consciousness it was, “Hey, listen, I’ll tell you what. You say this, and then I’ll get upset, and
that’ll be kinda neat, you know?”
Of course, if you’d experience it, you could change it.
OK guys, you really feel good, but I’m going to end now.



The only constant in the universe is change.

As persons, places, events, conditions, viewpoints and ideas are permitted to proceed of their own accord, they will
undergo change.
Everything flows! Experiencing the flow may permit a person to direct it or to exist in harmony with it. One welcomes
and experiences the change, recognizing new opportunities; or one struggles and resists the change, thus experiencing
suffering, for everything changes.
One may choose his own attitude toward change, but meet change he will. Everything flows.
Choosing to resist the experience of something which one hay chosen to experience (by his or her creation of beliefs)
creates the effect of suffering, of being swept along, of being out of control. One creates against oneself. Feeling is
replaced by thinking.
But when one changes his attitude, and experiences what he has chosen to experience (acknowledging oneself as source
of the beliefs that attracted the experience), he may then create new beliefs as to what experience he will attract next.
_Those persons, places, events, conditions, viewpoints and ideas

which one resists experiencing will continue to be created with

slight variation until they are experienced as being in accord

with the beliefs held by the particular stratum of consciousness

that is creating them._

All upsets in relationships are caused by refusing to experience something.

Experiencing something consists of identifying with and feeling what it feels. It is exciting! It is expansive! It fulfills the
primal purpose of existence.

The Exercises
Feeling: (noun) the immediate
quality of what is present to
consciousness in sensation,
desire, or emotion, considered
apart from all activity of
thought; the pure sense-element
in consciousness; any element of
consciousness not recognizable
as thought or will.

Feel: (verb) to perceive or

have a mental sense of; be
conscious of; have a distinct or
indistinct perception or mental
impression of.

Define: (verb) to determine,
declare or mark the limit of;
circumscribe; determine or
indicate the bounds or outlines
in detail; to determine the
extent of.

Identity: (verb) to become the

same as; to combine in such a
manner as to make one;
coalesce in existence.

Idea: (noun) something which

one creates in consciousness.

To Experience: (vt) to
appreciate a perception without
judgments, categorization, or


The following exercises may be done with or without supervision. They should be done in a variety of spaces, including
out-of-doors. Adopt a gradient approach. Start small and work up. A brief summary should be written up after one has
achieved a satisfactory result on each exercise.
Note: You are actually working on recognizing and developing a
perceptive skill that will allow you to experience your
creations. If you have any doubt that such a skill exists,

notice your ease of identification and experience of the body. Supplement the exercise with whatever degree of
imagination you need to get a perception.

Step 1: Inanimate objects, locations and spaces.

Select some object, location or space that interests you.

Observe it carefully for a few seconds.

Define the object by observing its periphery, edges or limits.
Identify with it and feel what it feels.
For example, if you are identifying with a stone, feel its weight bearing down on the earth as your weight, feel its
exposed surfaces as your surfaces, feel its density as your density. Transform the stone into you the stone. Be the stone.
(Experiment with using the stomach breathing technique described in the “Feel It” transcript.)
Suggestions of things to experience: houses, cars, what a road feels like, bodies of water, mountains, etc.
When you have achieved a satisfactory result, write up a brief summary of your experience.

Step 2. Animate objects

Select an animate object, animal, plant or person, that

interests you. Observe it for a few seconds.

Define its edges, notice the actual space it occupies. Identify with it and feel what it feels.
Example: If you choose to identify with a tree, feel its limbs as your limbs, feel the breeze against its leaves as the breeze
against your leaves, feel the roots as your roots. Be the tree.
When you have achieved a satisfactory result, write up a brief summary of your experience.

Step 3. Beliefs (Supervised session)

Select a belief that interests you. Put your attention on it for a few seconds. Define its edges and notice the space it
occupies in whatever dimension in which it exists.
Identify with the belief and feel what it feels like to hold
that belief.

Example: If you choose to identify with a belief that you are happy, feel what it feels like to be happy, feel joy. Be happy.
Summarize your experiences with the exercise.


This exercise may be done with or without supervision. It should be done in a variety of spaces, including out-of-doors.
Adopt a gradient approach. Start small and work up. A brief summary of your experience should be written up after one
has achieved a satisfactory result with each exercise.

The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to investigate and explore what effect your opinion has, if any, on your
ability to perceive or experience objects, bodies, feelings and ideas.

Step 1: Labeling Spaces With Opinions

Define (determine the limits, circumference of) the space

occupied by an object
Create an opinion of the object (good, bad, ugly, beautiful, etc.).
Identify with the object and feel what it feels.
Change you opinion of the object and again identify with it and feel what it feels. Repeat to satisfactory result.
Write up a brief summary of your experience.

Step 2: Labeling Other People With Opinions

Define the space occupied by another person.

Once you have defined the space occupied by a person, create an opinion of that person.
Identify with the person and feel what they feel.
Change your opinion of the person and again feel what they
feel. Repeat to satisfactory result
Write up a brief summary of your experience.

Label: (noun) a slip of paper
or any other material, bearing a
name, title, address, or the like,
affixed to something to indicate
its nature, contents, ownership,
destination, or other particulars.

Label: (verb) to affix, mark or

attach with a label.

Define: (verb) to determine,

declare or mark the limit of;
circumscribe; determine or
indicate the bounds or outlines

in detail; to determine the
extent of.

Opinion: a belief that seems

true, valid or probable to one’s
own mind; a judgment

Step 3: Labeling Beliefs With Opinions

Create and define a belief.

Once you have defined the belief, create an opinion of that belief.
Identify with the belief and feel what it feels to have that belief.
Change your opinion of the belief and again feel what it feels like to have that belief. Repeat until you achieve a
satisfactory result.
Write up as above.

Step 4: Labeling Just As It Is

Define something. (Person, object, feeling and idea.)

Once you have defined the person, object, feeling or idea, identify with it and feel what it feels.
Label the thing just as it is. (Without translating your
perceptions or adding opinions.)

Write up a brief summary of your experience.

Step 5: Surrendering All Judgment

Locate a comfortable, safe location. Select something or someone. Be aware of it (or them) but choose to create no
response to it (or them). Do this until you can easily recognize the difference between the things, events or people that
tend to indue you to create a response, and those things, events or people that induce no response. Continue the
exercise until you have surrendered all judgment. Include any realizations you may have had in your summary.

Judgment; a criticism or
censure; an opinion.

Response: something said or
done in answer, a reply or

No: not in any degree; not at



(Revised and reissued by Star’s Edge International 3/15/92 to update and replace “Creations Exercises” in current Avatar
Course Section II)

Foundational Beliefs

Awareness and consciousness are not the same.

Awareness is without form, limit or restriction. It is a
potential that neither lacks nor contains. Awareness _of

something within a span of time_ is consciousness. Awareness is the primal source of all creation, including
consciousness. Awareness without form, limit or restriction is the beginning, the continuing, and the transforming of
all things. It is the source of the idea that there is a unity of which all things are a part.
Life is consciousness.
In truth one is, at some level, always source, but at other levels one may create against one’s self until that level of self
appears as a no-source.
The creation of one’s life is the result of a primary intention originated by awareness and contained in/sustained as
consciousness. The fundamental intention is, “an I exists.”

Spontaneous: 1. acting in accordance
with or resulting from a natural feeling,
impulse, or tendency, without any
contraint, effort, or premeditation.
2. having no apparent external cause or
influence; occuring or produced by its
own energy, force, etc. or through
internal causes; self acting.

Primary Origination: a creation or

communication invested with sufficient
intention and effort to create a reality.

Intention: a purpose that aligns efforts

Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is triggered by
the creation one intends. 2. an effort or
intention concerned with how a
primary origination is, was or will be
received. 3. an effort to monitor or
modify the origin point or receipt point
of a communication. 4. something that is
there other than what is knowingly
being created. 5. an unaligned effort.

Monitor n.: one who warns of faults or

informs of duty; an admonisher; one
who gives advice and instruction by way
of reproof or caution.

Monitor v.: to watch or check on; to

regulate the performance of; to listen in

Primary Origination

When an intention is unopposed by any other creation or intention, it becomes effortlessly manifested as an
experiential reality. This is a primary origination.
When an intention encounters one or more prior creations or opposing intentions, it triggers the prior creations or
opposing intentions into re-asserting themselves. This re-asserting is called a secondary origination, or priorly created
reality. A common expression for this phenomenon is doubt.
Consciousness creating itself as the source of any reality may transform that reality. Consciousness creating itself as the
no-source of a reality is powerless to affect that reality.
Consciousness exists within a span of time. Within that time it
may create against or modify its originations by subsequent
originations. This can be done before the origination manifests into an experiential reality (changing one’s mind). After
an origination has manifested, it must be experienced and reintegrated before it can be replaced by a new origination.

Vectoring: combining forces into a

Vector: the resulting course followed

by events that are subject to multiple

A Practical Example

The voiced originations of students are often accompanied by unvoiced secondary originations. For example, a student
says he is doing well, but unvoiced is the idea that he does not wish the instructor to think he is slow. The resulting
creation will not clearly match either the voiced origination or the unvoiced origination. This vectoring of intention
results in the experience of random creations.
Many secondary originations take the form of intentions to create agreement, to solicit approval, or to avoid upset.
These prior realities can be triggered by a new primary origination. They show up, often mentally, as second thoughts,
reservations or doubts. Sometimes they are involuntary, and the person may not immediately be aware of them.
A secondary may appear as an effort to monitor, to convince, or to check for approval for what is being originated.
At other times the secondary origination is not so much asking for agreement with what is said, as it is asking if, or
asserting that, it is OK to speak.
These secondary originations sabotage us and keep our words from manifesting into the realities that we wish to create.

So What Is A Primary Origination?

It is an origination that creates the reality the originated

words describe.

A primary origination (primary) does not look for agreement or

approval from any other source. A primary does not require

repeating, re-consideration, justification, or explanation. A

primary does not have to conform to or consult with past

experience. A primary is an origination that says “X” and

creates.”X” as a reality. This is the way it is, and it is!

There are no mechanics, no technology, no fundamental truths senior to consciousness acting as source creating a
primary origination. None!
A creation is subject to rules, principles, truths, and limits

only when it is created within a priorly created reality _that

one does not wish to disturb._

If you create in conflict with a priorly created reality, it will, of course, re-assert itself as a secondary origination.
Many people will find that an understanding of the above and
re-acquiring the skill to make a primary origination will neatly
resolve their major difficulties in life.

Primary Origination: a creation or
communication invested with
sufficient intention and effort to
create a reality

Intention: a purpose that aligns efforts.

Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is triggered
by the creation one intends. 2. an
effort or intention concerned with
how a primary origination is, was or
will be received. 3. an effort to
monitor or modify the origin point or
receipt point of a communication. 4.
something that is there other than
what is knowingly being created. 5. an
unaligned effort.

The Creation Exercises

Exercise 1: Recognizing Secondaries

Purpose: To bring the student to a recognition of secondary originations.

Procedure: Coach has the student deliver the first line from the Source List, “I’m happy to be me.” Coach then asks
student to tell him any doubts, second thoughts, or physical sensations that the line triggers.
The exercise is done briefly and is complete as soon as the student has an experiential clarity on recognizing secondary
NOTE: At this point, nothing is done with the secondaries other than recognizing their existence as phenomena.

Exercise 2: Thoughtstorm® Session

Purpose: To use the mind deliberately.

1. Read the copy of the Thoughtstorm Instructions in your personal folder.
2. Create (or join) a Thoughtstorm session on the subject of “Secondary Originations,” or lacking a group, contemplate
the following questions by yourself:

• What are secondary originations?

• What purpose, if any, do secondary originations


• What causes secondary originations?

Primary Origination: a creation or
communication invested with
sufficient intention and effort to
create a reality.

Intention: a purpose that aligns efforts

Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is triggered
by the creation one intends. 2. an
effort or intention concerned with
how a primary origination is, was or
will be received. 3. an effort to
monitor or modify the origin point or
receipt point of a communication. 4.
something that is there other than
what is knowingly being created. 5. an
unaligned effort

Good Coaching Questions:

“Were you seeking my agreement for
what you said?”

“Were you looking for any approval

from me?”

“Did you expect me to reply?”

“Were you trying to say that in a
certain way?”

“Were you waiting for an

“Did it require any extra effort to say


“Do you have any doubts that you

created the reality?”

Exercise 3: Sourcing Originations

Purpose: To allow the student to identity and assume control over any secondary originations that act to curb or modify
his ability to source originations.
1. Avatar students work in pairs, each coaching the other in turn.
2. At the beginning of each working session the coach has the student reread the definitions of primary origination,
intention, and secondary origination, and give examples of each.
3. The coach has the student voice a statement from the Source List as a primary origination and then observe or
discover any secondary originations that are occurring spontaneously before, during or after the primary origination.
If the student is willing, the coach may point out any secondaries that he observes, or ask questions that will reveal
secondaries, (e.g. “Were there any doubts, second thoughts, or physical sensations triggered by that line.”)
4. The coach helps the student to assume control over each secondary that emerges by having the student deliberately
exaggerate that secondary alternating with giving the primary, until the secondary no longer occurs spontaneously.
5. The exercise is continued until the student can easily

deliver any statement on the source list as a primary

origination without any self monitoring or secondary
originations occurring.

Additional Procedure Note:

The procedure may be unwieldy at first. The Avatar Master will aid both the coach and the student to become proficient
in this exercise.
One may encounter resistances to doing the drill, but they should be addressed the same as any other secondary. Once
secondaries begin to be eradicated the student will have little doubt about the liberation achieved. Consciousness will
experience an expansion.
These exercises can get very noisy and funny. Laugh a lot and lighten up. Consciousness is a very light thing.


1. I am happy to be me.
2. I am right here.
3. This is really me.
4. I am me.
5. I do it.
6. I decide.
7. I am source.

(The Avatar Master will check out and give the final pass on this exercise.)

Primary Origination: a creation
or communication invested with
sufficient intention and effort
for it to create a reality.

Intention: a purpose which

aligns efforts.

Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is
triggered by the creation one
intends; 2. an effort or intention
concerned with how a primary
origination is, was or will be
received; 3. An effort to
monitor or modify the origin
point or receipt point of a
communication; 4. something
that is there other than what is
knowingly being created; 5. an
unaligned effort of any kind.

Exercise 4: Creating Reality

Purpose: To allow the student to identify and assume control over any secondary originations that act to curb or modify
his ability to create his own reality.

1. Avatar students work in pairs, each coaching the other in turn.
2. At the beginning of each working session the coach has the student reread the definitions of primary origination and
secondary origination and give examples of each.
3. The coach has the student voice a statement from the reality creation list below as a PRIMARY ORIGINATION and
then locate any secondary originations that are occurring spontaneously before, during or after the primary
origination. If the student is willing, the coach may also point out any secondaries that he observes, or ask questions
that will elicit secondaries.
4. The coach helps the student to assume control over each secondary origination that emerges by purposely having
the student exaggerate that secondary origination (as a secondary origination) alternately with the primary until the
secondary no longer occurs spontaneously.
5. The exercise is continued until the student can easily

deliver any statement on the “Reality Creation List” as a primary origination without any self-monitoring or secondary
originations occurring.


In creating reality, afirmations are made as primary communications (self to self). When one is below the source level of
a prior created reality, the affirmation of the prior created reality will show up as a secondary.
A reluctance to create a reality should be handled the same as any other secondary.
Any reality experienced at variance with the primary origination is the result of a secondary.


Each origination should be delivered as the student’s own and it should be repeated, with secondary originations
handled, until it creates the reality being communicated.

1. I feel the best I’ve ever felt.

2. I feel the worst I’ve ever felt.
3. Life is funny.
4. Life is serious.
5. I am here now.
6. I don’t know where I am.
7. I feel like a victim.
8. I am not a victim.
9. The past doesn’t exist.
10. I don’t need forgiveness.
11. What I see is a problem.
12. What I see is a solution.
13. I don’t have a choice.
14. I always have a choice.
15. Everything I see is illusion.
16. What I see is real.
17. I am as I decide to be.
18. There is a limit to what I’m willing to experience.
19. There is no limit to what I’m willing to experience.
20. I create what I experience.
21. I have everything I need.
22. My mind is still.
23. I am relaxed.
24. I create it all.

(The Avatar Master will check out and give the final pass on this exercise.)

The only answer to the question

“Can I...” is yes.

Exercise 5:

Create your own list of primary originations from your answers to the following question:
What reality would the person I’d like to be create?

Deliver each origination as your own, handling all secondaries, until the origination creates the reality being
communicated. In some cases the reality will be created by the exercise alone. In other cases the reality will manifest as
a path, or opportunity, leading to its creation.


You have achieved a mastery of creation that few people have ever reached.
You are now outfitted with the tools necessary for managing broad spheres of reality.
In Avatar: Section III, you will encounter the powerful

CREATION HANDLING PROCEDURE for the first time and you will be
presented with many opportunities to make use of what you have

already learned as you become a master explorer of


Ask your Avatar Master for an OK to begin Section III.



(The previous section of the Avatar materials presented exercises designed to convey an understanding and an
experiential clarity of Creation. The current section covers Discreation, and the practical management of consciousness.)

These materials are confidential and are the exclusive property of Star’s Edge, Inc. They are not to be duplicated or
disclosed to unauthorized persons without the advanced written consent of the Senior Board of Star’s Edge, Inc.

Avatar Material Confidential

© Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991 by Harry Palmer



[1] CREATION HANDLING PROCEDURE (Foreword) ..................... 1

[1] CREATION HANDLING PROCEDURE ................................ 2
[2] CREATION HANDLING PROCEDURE (Transcript) ................... 6
[3] DEFINE IT (Transcript) ..................................... 16
[4] SUMMARY .................................................... 22

[1] INITIATION ................................................. 24
[2] AVATAR COURSE GOALS ........................................ 25

[1] AVATAR BODY HANDLING RUNDOWN ............................... 27
[2] NO LIMIT BEING (Transcript) ................................ 30
[3] LIMITATIONS HANDLING ....................................... 44
[4] AVATAR IDENTITY HANDLING ................................... 47
[5] PERSISTENT MASS HANDLING (Transcript) ...................... 50
[6] PERSISTENT MASS HANDLING ................................... 56
[7] ITS ALL RIGHT TO FEEL LIKE THIS ............................ 59
[8] AVATAR UNIVERSE HANDLING ................................... 61
[9] MASS-CONSCIOUSNESS HANDLING ................................ 63
[10] HANDLING ATTACKS ........................................... 65
[11] CREATION ................................................... 67
[12] ETHICS ..................................................... 68
[13] THE ULTIMATE PROCESS ....................................... 69
[14] A FINAL NOTE ............................................... 71

Avatar Material Confidential

© Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991 by Harry Palmer



There are two fundamental abilities possessed by consciousness; with them, one may manage existence. The first is
Creation, the process by which things enter existence, and the second is Discreation, the process by which things exit
Creation is the process of imagining the inexpressible no-thing quality of consciousness into expressible quantities and
Discreation is the process of ceasing to imagine; ceasing to create. It is terminating a response rather than creating a
new response against something.
Creation is the journey from consciousness to existence.
Discreation is the journey from existence back to

Response to what is is the path of creation. Experience of what is is the path to consciousness.
The Avatar walks the path from consciousness to existence;
the Buddha walks the path from existence to consciousness. To manage existence, one must learn to walk first as a
Buddha and then as the Avatar.

The CREATION HANDLING PROCEDURE is the path of the Buddha.



(Revised and reissued by Star’s Edge International 3/15/92 to update and replace “Creation Handling Procedure” in
current Avatar Course Section III)

Identify v.: to become the same as; to
combine in such a manner as to make
one; coalesce in existence.

Define v.: to determine, declare or mark

the limit of; circumscribe; determine or
indicate the bounds or outlines in detail;
to determine the extent of.

Label v.: to affix, assign or attach an

expression to a definition to indicate

Disassociate v.: to sever company with;

to separate from; to disconnect from.

Discreate v.: to halt the production of a

creation; to turn off; to cease creating;
to let go of.

General Theory

Observation: Awareness creates within itself and experiences within its creations.
When awareness chooses to experience its creation, it
becomes identified with that creation; it exists as that

creation. It does not respond to the creation; it responds as the creation. While it is identified with the creation it
manifests as consciousness limited by the boundaries of the creation. Defined consciousness believes itself separate
from the undefined awareness, which exists outside of the creation.
Since primal awareness is without limits, creation occurs within it. Undefined awareness is the source of the first
creation. The limited consciousness existing as the creation believes that it is existing within boundaries that are not of
its own creation. Limited consciousness considers itself separate and different from undefined awareness. Limited
consciousness also creates within itself, but the limits of its creations exist within the limits established by undefined
Existing within limits that you consider beyond your power of creation is the essence of experience. This is how people
come to view themselves as trapped or subject to experiences not of their own creation.
The purpose of any creation is experience. There may or may not be intervening steps between the act of the creation
and the integration of the experience. The complication is this: what may seem a perfectly logical thing to create and
experience by an expanded consciousness may appear to be threatening to experience by the more contracted aspect of
the same consciousness existing with the limits of the creation.
As an extreme example, an expanded consciousness existing as thought energy might desire to experience how much
weight a particular organism might bear, but existing as the organism that is being crushed, the experience is resisted.
The degree of desirability of an experience is relative to what you experience as.
Thus limited consciousness resists (creates against experiencing the creation created by a more expanded aspect of
itself) _and creating against oneself_ begins the compaction of creation and consciousness that manifests as the physical
The more expanded aspect of consciousness continues to create the creation, on automatic, as a secondary origination
to the creations of the limited consciousness. Both are aspects of the same source. When limited consciousness ceases
to resist the creation it is identified with, it expands beyond the boundaries of that creation and integrates with the
aspect of itself that is source of the creation. The Creation Exercises in Section II are preparation for this.
The limit or boundary of every experiential reality is an unknown. Universes are separated by unknowns. If you wish to
examine an unknown more closely, pick out a little area of space and study it independent of its limits, boundaries or
reference points.

Observation: What is created as unknown by consciousness as creator is experienced as infinite space by consciousness
as experiencer.

If all of this leaves you hanging on by your mental fingertips, don’t be too concerned. The CREATION HANDLING
PROCEDURE works even if one does not fully understand it.

There are six steps to the Creation Handling Procedure;

1. Identify with and experience
2. Define the outermost limits
3. Label it without judgment
4. Disassociate from the creation
5. Discreate the creation
6. Create what you prefer

From 1992 Wizard’s Lecture

(Section V of the Avatar® Materials)

“When we discuss space travel, realize

we are talking about a mental ability.
It has nothing to do with moving
biomass around the universe.”

© 1992 by Harry Palmer

Continuum: a scale of changing
aspects which have a common factor,
e.g., an inch, a foot, a mile possess the
common factor of each being a
measure of distance.

1. Identity With And Experience

Awareness within a creation is consciousness. Every creation contains consciousness and is connected with every other
creation through pure awareness. Pure awareness is without definition; it cannot be described as this or that, existing or
not. Only the creations of awareness exist. Consciousness is awareness limited (defined) by a creation.
In the Feel-It Exercises of Section II, you learned to meld with a creation and “feel how it feels.” This is the essence of
“identify with and experience.” It requires that you surrender any resistance you might have to existing as the belief, the
feeling, the emotion, the idea, the identity, the time, the space or the mass of whatever you are seeking to identify with
and experience. You become the limited expression of consciousness that is the creation.
If a person has any difficulty doing this step, or just wants to achieve a greater certainty on his ability to do this step, he
can employ the Creation Exercise. (For example: Create the reality “I am ....[fill in the blank]...” and handle any

2. Define The Outermost Limits

Every creation has some form, defined by boundaries, in one or more of the infinite continuums of reality, time, space
and energy. Pains, sensations, aches have forms. Thoughts, ideas, beliefs and impressions have forms. Fears, desires,
and compulsions have forms. Only pure awareness is boundless and without form. Everything else has limits or
boundaries defining a form.
The creations which you feel the effect of are being viewed from the inside—this is the relationship between creature
and creation. The creations which you have control over are being generated by you—this is the relationship of creator
and creation.
Certain creations may require a change of continuum in order to be viewed at all (e.g., a creation defined by a span of
time, such as a century, cannot be viewed in terms of spacial limits).
You cannot get an overall view of a creation which you are being. To view such a creation requires that you expand the
reality that you consider yourself to be. This can be done by extending your willingness to experience out in all directions
until you contact the unknowns which lie just beyond the limits of the creation. Most people (aspects of consciousness)
have separate creations of self defined in different continuums, e.g., an energy self, a reality self, a spacial self, a time
You cannot change your relationship to an upset, pain, idea or fear by resisting it.
You define a creation by expanding your attention within the continuum or continuums in which it exists, and willingly
experiencing, until you contact the unknowns which lie just beyond the borders of the creation.

3. Label It Without Judgment

When you label a defined creation without judgment, you recover

the attention that was fixed in the creation. Suddenly, _the
creation is what it is_. It does not compel you to create a
response. You are not the effect of, nor affected by, the
creation. You are not drawn into, nor repulsed from, the
creation. You are separate from it.

The key to this step is your ability to make a primary. The label on a creation is a primary rather than a response. There is
no compromise, no check to see if you have done it right, no pause for approval or applause. You are centered, sun-like,

4. Disassociate From The Creation

Very simply, you cease to identify with the creation. With your attention on the creation, recognize: “This is not-I, this is
my creation.”

Present time is a creation whose

limits lie just beyond the moment.

Unknown (adj. used as n.): not

defined, identified, determined or

Events are creations defined by

limits in time (beginning and end).

Experiences are creations defined by

limits defined in awareness or

5. Discreate The Creation

A creation in continuous automatic creation often needs to be turned off. In truth, nothing hangs around (persists);
everything that exists is being created right now.
Discreate means to cease the creating of the creation. It is effortless. It is a halt to an existing flow of energy rather than
a new flow of energy. It is not creating against the old creation.
For example, when you turn off a light at the switch, you simply interrupt, stop or take away the flow of energy to the
light. You discreate the light.
Deprived of “creating energy” the creation vanishes, breaks up into parts and evaporates, shrinks into itself and
disappears, slips away, difuses, turns into a fog and dissipates, shrinks into a nothingness, or is simply gone.
If you find something that you can’t seem to discreate (a persistent mass), it is because it still has a source of “creating
energy” which you have yet to assume responsibility for.

6. Create What You Prefer

Determine what reality you would like to experience, using excitement as your guide.
Construct a statement of the reality in the present tense. (For example: I have inner peace.)
Originate the statement as a primary origination and handle any doubts or secondaries by use of the Creation Handling
Procedure until the reality is experienced, OR until a clear path of opportunity to the reality opens to you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: _Remember that nothing in the Avatar

materials is meant to limit you or your powers of creation. If,

inadvertently, something has crept into the materials that

constitutes a belief or a limitation for you, please discreate

that, also._


(Revised and reissued by Star’s Edge International 3/15/92 to update and replace “Creation Handling Procedure” lecture
transcript in current Avatar Course Section III)

Yesterday, I gave you the steps of a procedure that can create an Avatar. Today, I’ll explain the six steps further and
answer any questions you have about them.
Briefly, the six steps are: identify, define, label, disassociate, discreate, and create. These six steps describe the
operation of awareness in the universe.
Well, actually, there are seven steps. There is one step that was left out, which is the step you start with—exist. I
assume, since you are doing the Avatar Rundowns, that you are existing—it’s an addiction, you know.

Surrogate n.: one elected or

appointed to stand in place of

Step 1

So you start off with whatever you are resisting, and the first step of the Creation Handling Procedure is to _identify with
it and really experience it_. Really feel it. Take the resist off and really sink into it. Become it.
Anything that exists has a form in some dimension, and anything which has a form can be experienced. Those things
which aren’t in creation are without form and assume surrogate existences by identifying with forms—like Avatars.
The only problem anybody ever has with experiencing a creation comes from the fact that they are already identified
with another creation that is incompatible with the creation they are trying to experience—round pegs don’t fit in
square holes, flesh and blood bodies don’t do well in the core of the sun.
From the formless state of Avatar you can go back and forth into existence and get a good feel for the limits of anything
you wish to experience.
When you are contained within the creation, you experience the creation. You are the experiencer. When the creation is
contained within you, you are the source of the creation. You are the creator.
From inside, you experience; from outside, you create. Whatever you are experiencing was created from a more
expanded state of consciousness than the state of consciousness from which you are experiencing it. Your life is
designed by you as a higher self—relax and enjoy, EXPERIENCE and GROW!
We can imagine creators and gods and collective consciousnesses, all separate from us, all out there
somewhere—separate because we are locked into our little spheres of creation that we have yet to experience.
When you start to experience, you grow. Experiencing means you stop thinking and start feeling. Thinking is a
continuous creating to avoid experiencing.
If you’re resisting an experience, you’re creating against experiencing it. That’s OK. You just have to experience your
creation of resistance first. Whatever you’re involved in, the path out is to fully experience it—even if it’s resisting an
experience. Experiencing fulfills the purpose for why you created it.
To experience something you have to suspend judgment. You relax into it. It’s not an effort, it’s a relax, a release into. To
experience means to accept something, to overcome your fear and to go exploring a little bit. It’s to transform your fear
into curiosity. It’s feeling it.
You know, there’s breathing from the stomach, and there’s breathing higher in the diaphragm. Well, feeling is down
here (stomach). To experience something, you just breath with the experience, sinking into it and identifying with it. It’s
like getting into a hot tub. Just ease on in. You become the reality that you are focusing on. That’s step one, _experience

what you’ve already identified with_. Later on, when you’ve experienced what you’re already identifed with, you can
identify with and experience something different.

Step 2

The next step is to define what you’re identified with. We’re talking about define in the sense of: to establish the limits,
define the outside, to delineate, to circumscribe, to get a sense of the outline in which something is contained. That’s
Every creation has boundaries. That may take some getting used to, because sometimes the boundaries exist in realms
that you are only vaguely aware of. When you explore boundaries from the inside, you expand your attention outward
into whatever you are experiencing. The boundaries will be perceived as a marked decrease in the intensity of the
When you look at the boundaries of a creation from the outside, the intensity of experience of the creation is very slight.
The more your attention is drawn into the creation, the more the intensity increases. It’s the difference between
watching an accident on the news and being involved in one.
The degree of intensity in your life is determined by the
creations you are identified with but are resisting. To an
Avatar, existence is effortless.

I’ve got a story I’ll tell you. I’ve told this story before. You have to picture something. Picture clear transparent space.
Imagine perfectly clear transparent space above you as far as
you can put out your awareness, clear transparent space. To the
right of you as far as you can possibly imagine, clear
transparent space. To the left of you, as far as you can

imagine, clear transparent space. In front of you, as far as you can imagine, clear transparent space. Behind you, as far as
you can imagine, clear transparent space. Below you, clear transparent space. Everywhere, clear transparent space. And
you are everywhere in this endless, clear transparent space. Relax and feel it. There is nothing to resist.
Suddenly you find this little tiny particle in your clear
transparent space.

Now where do you think that came from? Huh? A tiny little particle in your clear transparent space. You decide to ignore
it and just enjoy your clear transparent endless space. But where does your attention go? On the particle. So you resist it
and what happens? It becomes more real.
There is a little tiny particle in your clear transparent space! And it’s mysterious because it’s unknown! It is so
miniscule, compared to your infiniteness, that it radiates an intensity of experience so slight that it borders on the
non-existent. Like looking into a flashlight beam on the moon, from the Earth! Dim!
And you look at this particle in your clear transparent space. And you look, and you look, and you look. Your attention
becomes totally focused on this little particle. And what happens? As your attention focuses, you grow smaller! And the
intensity of the experience radiated by the particle grows stronger. And you look. And you shrink. And the intensity
grows. And you look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. And the particle doesn’t seem to be quite so small
anymore. And you look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. And you look. And you shrink. And the intensity
grows. The particle gets a little bigger. And you look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. The particle gets bigger
still. You look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. The particle grows so big that you can look inside of it! And you
look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. And you go “Whoa!” and look and shrink, some more. You go “Wow,” and
you look and shrink and the intensity grows so strong that you go right into the particle! It’s a whole universe! Suns and
planets, stars, galaxies! This is really intense. You look at this planet inside the particle called Earth and you shrink and
the intensity grows. Very interesting this planet called Earth. You look, you shrink, the intensity grows...
So now, dry your baby tears and look around. You look out into the universe from within a creation, within a creation,
within a creation, within a particle...it’s space...clear transparent space!
Looking from the inside out, space, from the outside in, curious, mystery, interesting, which is why you tend to get
yourself identified with things.
So when you feel you are satisfied with experiencing something, maybe you’ve learned something or just got bored, you
are ready to define it. Define the outermost limits is step two of the Creation Handling Procedure. You expand out,
permeate out, until you are aware of a marked decrease in intensity. Expand far enough and you will contact clear
transparent space.
So this is the how you define, when whatever you are experiencing just doesn’t seem to extend any further—intensity
has dropped to zero. That’s it. Do this in several directions, or every direction at once, or however you want to until you
get some sense of the form of what you are experiencing.
OK? That’s the definition.

Step 3

Now, we come to this step label it without judgment.

The problem with judgment is that when you attach your belief to something, you also attach you to it. You start to
dribble down this judgment anchored on some creation. A judgment is a belief. You placed a belief on a creation. Now,
you either drag the creation around with you or you go into the creation and start to experience it, but you experience it
in accord with your belief. Oh! Oh! It’s sort of like an octopus waking up one morning and finding out that he is all in his

The saying should read, “Judge not, lest ye become the judged!”
So you label the creation without judgment. You label it just as it is. It is what it is. Make very sure that your label isn’t a
response to the creation. Your label is a primary, not a response to the creation. Let the creation be its own label. Let it
be just as it is and let that be its label. The creation and the label are the same. If you have trouble labeling something
just as it is, experience your judgment of it, define your judgment of it and label your judgment just as it is. Do you
understand? The beginning is always right where you are.
When you label a creation without judgment you experience a change of viewpoint. You go from inside to
outside—from connected to separate. You have a change in perspective. You’re no longer identified with the creation.
The intensity of experience of the creation falls to zero.
And when you are outside of a creation, you begin to recognize yourself as separate from the creation and source of
your response to the creation. In fact, when you take your attention off it, the creation doesn’t even exist as far as
you’re concerned. It’s your creation! Marvelous stuff, this material! Amazing!

If you label the physical universe just as it is, and you also include your body and mind as part of the physical universe
and label it all just as it is, you will experience a shift in viewpoint from within the physical universe to a vague sense of
being outside the physical universe.

Birth and death are the experiential

boundaries of life

I don’t know if any of you have carried the label-it exercise to that point yet, but it’s there! It’s there within a very few
minutes. The state may be vague and easy to doubt at first, but I would say that it will take no more than an hour to
experience it as a reality.
When you reach this point, the things in the universe are your thoughts!
Maybe you’d better tell someone who understands before you do it or you’re likely to come back and find yourself
locked in a sanitarium, but I’d expect you’d be able handle that in short order. The insane are insane, not only because
they violate what other people believe, but because they insist on telling the other people about it! Shut up and enjoy
the experience.
And when you start to experience the universe from the outside, which is a much nicer viewpoint, you get some pretty
good ideas about what you want to be involved in and what you would just as soon pass on. All by itself, label it without
judgment is a powerful process.
When you label other people without judgment, it becomes a religious experience.

Step 4

Step 4 is disassociate from the creation.

The universe is a creation that arises in infinite awareness—clear transparent awareness. Awareness is the creator and
the perceiver until it identifies itself with some creation and become something with boundaries. You are bound only by
your own decision to have boundaries!

Now if you can see it, it’s what?

It’s the creation. If you can be aware of it, it’s what? It’s the creation. If it’s got form, it’s what? Creation, right? So the
recognition that something is a creation, that it’s not infinite awareness, disassociates you from it.
A creation is not-I. You’re no longer identified with it. Once you see it, you can disassociate from it. Now you don’t have
to see it in any great detail as long as you can define its boundaries. Very simple. Very powerful.
And when you disassociate from the creation, you recognize that

it is your decision whether you create something or not. You’re

the source of the creation, which you must be. I mean if you

didn’t exist, it wouldn’t. It’s like the Beatles song, “What do

you see when you turn out the lights? I can’t tell you, but _I

know it’s mine._”

Anything you experience is in your universe, and because it is your universe, it is your creation. Even if it’s a copy of
something from some other universe, the copy is your creation.
If I tell you about a green bottle, what you imagine is your copy of it. Your copy of a green bottle in your universe. Do
what you want with it—it’s yours!

Does that make sense to you?

So we add this second line to the disassociate step, _this is my creation_. And the whole thing goes like this: _Recognize,
this is not-I, this is my creation_.

Step 5

Step 5 is discreate.
I use the word discreate because I want to use something which shows there isn’t any effort in it. It’s not a creation
against what’s there; it’s turning off what’s there (dis- not). It’s stopping the flow that’s creating it. It’s halting the
creating energy that you’re feeding into the creation.
It’s not an effort you make. It’s the absence of creation; it’s the absence of effort. It’s yours and you’re creating it, and
suddenly, you decide you’re not going to create it anymore. That’s discreation.
One of the curious things about this universe is if you create something and you’re not willing to experience it, you keep
right on creating it. It will wait for you! However long it takes! Creation and experience, it’s like inhale and exhale.
So, if you’re creating something, maybe a creation directed toward another, and you say, “Oh no! Gee, I don’t want to
experience that...”
You will.
The only element is time. It’s sooner or later. It’s perfect karma. For both the good and the bad.
And while you’re waiting to experience, while you’re putting it off by resisting, it’s burning up your creating energy.
If you consider a creation from the point of view of an outside source that created it, the creation is going to be there
until it is experienced. Once it’s experienced, it ceases to be created. It’s integrated into the whole of awareness, and
then it’s time for the next creation.
A creation can be anything: any event, any idea, any upset, any impression. You continually create it in each new
moment of time until it’s experienced. Exhale, inhale. It’s your universe!

“This is the best argument I have

made yet for intentionally creating
something nice for another to

Harry Palmer in reference to Step 5

Step 6

Step 6 is create.
First of all, you won’t experience anything you don’t believe, so the creations you create to experience have to be
constructed with enough logical support so that you’re willing to believe them.
Of course, you can create a past for them. You can create believable circumstances by which the belief will manifest.
If you’re failing and you want to be successful, you can say, “OK. I’m successful.”
Well, it’s going to take a little time to believe that if your interpretation of your experience is that you’re failing. And
you’re resisting failing. How many successful people started off by experiencing failure? They experienced it and got
failure out of the way so they could go on and be successful, right?
How about if you created that for the last fifty lifetimes you’ve been preparing for success. You have developed the skill
to see any situation from a point of view of spotting the opportunities in it. Success is an inherent skill that comes with
being you. It’s as much a part of you as breathing. You can’t do anything but succeed. You just stumble into success,
because you’ve been prepared for it for so long. You can’t help being a success. And then suddenly, in your clear
transparent space of success, there is this little particle of failure...
No, no, whatever you do, don’t look at it.
So there you are.
You are creating experience. You’re creating the reality you prefer. You’re creating an incarnation for yourself. You’re
fulfilling the prophecy of the Avatar, which is defined as a deity that can incarnate itself in its own creation.

Which you’ve always done anyway!

Now the next question, which is still part of the step six creation, is how far can you push this procedure? Can you create
yourself to fly? Can you create anti-gravity about your body and make it float? Can you create yourself to disappear? I
guess it depends upon what you have already identified yourself with.
How far you can go is something that only you can explore. It is probably different for different explorers.
Does that make the Creation Handling Procedure clearer? It’s a six step, very simple, very powerful technique.
You can handle anything you can experience: beliefs, desires, somatics, pains, sensations, emotions, attitudes, upsets,
problems, opportunities—anything you can experience. It’s a Jim Dandy overall gizmo!

Question: What if you’re trying to discreate something and it hangs up, it doesn’t discreate?
Harry: If it continues, it must be getting creating energy from some source that you haven’t yet recognized or
experienced as you.
Question: Let’s say you have a creation and it has a lot of parts to it, attitudes about it, and physical manifestations on it.
You know, ...there’s all these parts to it. Different parts. Do you have to take each part separately and do the steps on
Or could you just take the whole thing...
Harry: Understand, what you believe is going to influence how you’re going to have to handle it. I’ll tell you what I
believe. I believe you can just experience the whole thing at once, but if you believe that you have to take it apart

piece by piece—go back 75 million years and locate basic or whatever—you’re going be hung with that creation until
you handle the beliefs about what it will take to discreate it.
Comment: It’s all beliefs. That’s the realization I had on it.
So you can believe whatever you want to.
Harry. I believe so.
Comment: This morning we were talking about being spheres of individual consciousness within a single larger sphere of
consciousness, and probably that larger sphere of consciousness shares another even larger sphere of consciousness
with spheres of its comparable size. Will you comment on that analogy?

Harry: Sure. It’s a good model to explain why consciousness

seems to integrate in stages. First, we become one with those that we really truly love, the spheres that are like us.
Question: What if there is someone that you really wouldn’t want to integrate with?
Harry: Think of the worst, god-awful guy you can imagine. You have some idea of him, right? Well, it’s your creation. It’s
yours, and if you refuse to experience it, sooner or later... (laughter) it’s waiting for you.
Comment: I’m just very amazed with it all.
Harry. Well, it is amazing. You’ve taken the lid off of psychology, philosophy, physics and have waded into the field of
parapsychology with your eyes wide open. Avatar just unravels it all.
Comment: Seems like when you’re creating your new image, the Creation Handling Procedure process is working
backwards from discreate to experience. Is that correct?
Harry: Yes it is. And each step on the process is typical of certain set of life experiences.

Comment: Sure gives you a nice clean slate, you know!

Harry: Yes, it does. It gives you a chance to start over. Clears the decks for action.
Comment: Always before, it seemed to me that I was trying to write over something that had already been written. I’d
get real positive and assert something like, ‘I’m going to be rich,” “I’m going to be rich”” I’m going to be rich.” You know,
asserting the affirmation “I’m going to be rich,” “I’m going to be rich.” Tape it on the mirror. Say it every morning. But
you know if I was feeling the need to assert it that way, what do you think my real belief was?
Comment: That would explain the, “It’s always darkest before the dawn” phenomenon. Creating counters creating.
Finally you just quit counter-creating and experience the creation. Then it falls away and you’re left with the creation
that you were trying to create all along.
Comment: I’ll give you an experience I had last week. I went to the Midwest Branch to handle a business problem. This
was a very stable business for many many years. Anyhow, the statistics of two individuals in the sales department
crashed miserably. I mean they really crashed. I was trying to figure out what the problem was. I sat down and the first
thing at the meeting, the guy who is directing sales and is one of the people whose personal sales had crashed, tells me
about these new signs. And to make a long story short, they had adopted a new policy. They had constructed a bunch of
signs that—you know how they have “no smoking” signs and they have a circle with a line through it—these signs said
“No negs.” The whole idea was anybody who said anything that was the least bit negative, they’d pull out these little
signs and humiliate them. (Laughter)
The point is, the people who were the most caved in and the most negative (and still are, by the way) were the ones
who were protesting any negative statement! And their “no neg” policy was a negative statement. Here are people in
sales who have to go out and make sales against all kinds of negative response, and they are saying, “Don’t hit me with a
neg, I’m too sensitive.” It was incredible.

Harry. What you resist...
Are you ready to go to work?
Audience: Yeah!
Harry: Good. Thank you!

An edited transcript of a lecture given by

Harry Palmer in January 1987. ©1992 by
Star’s Edge, Inc.

A revised transcript of a lecture
given by Harry Palmer

How are you doing?

(Audience: Good!)
Well, there are some bits and pieces that I want to go over with you. This technology keeps growing. It’s really exciting
from a research point of view. The Avatar process just keeps digging deeper and deeper. And while we’re actually
starting to hit limitations now, they are so far beyond the prior point of being limited, that we never had any idea that
these limitations even existed. So we’re starting to expand into some pretty wild stuff-alternate realities, different levels
of consciousness, group consciousness, mass consciousness, some really far out stuff. I want you to be aware of them so
if you hit something unusual you’re not thrown into doubt about your sanity or immediately invalidate or limit yourself
from experiencing it. Our ability to limit ourselves seems to be unlimited. So I really want to tell you truly, in the truest
sense of the word, you are explorers.
(Audience: Great!)
I want to start off with the idea of victim. We’ve all run into the idea of somebody being a victim, or being victimized, or
appearing to be a victim and we’ve all run into the idea, at least abstractly, that “There are really no victims.” Nobody
can really be a victim of another’s creation. The guy is just pretending to be a victim to screw our minds, or worse. And
the viewpoint that I had, carried of victim for a long time, was a victim is trying to communicate that you’re bad source.
In a way, he actually has this evil intention, that he’s putting out to you to tell you that you have done something really
bad, and that he’s a victim of your actions. _This was the old viewpoint_.
Recently some Avatar researchers have been telepathically exploring dolphin consciousness. (I told you that there are
some limitations that are coming off on this Avatar material.)
One of the things that several have experienced is being able to contact and actually communicate with dolphins. Or so
they believe. (It’s up to you whether you want to believe it or not) Anyway, they’ve been learning some really neat
lessons, new viewpoints. One thing-dolphin consciousness is really playful and is almost entirely absent of any desire to
own or possess. It has escaped the seriousness of most land games. It’s very light, it’s joyful, it’s enthusiastic . . . from
my personal experience, it’s very nice.
So when the researchers were able to discreate all association with their land bodies, they went off to play in dolphin
bodies. Instead of recreating a humanoid body, they created a cetacean body. And the dolphins have been teaching
the researchers, by example, an enormous amount of stuff.
An interesting game, the dolphins would keep getting into these situations from which the researchers would need to
save them. They’d start to get trapped in fish nets, stranded on sand bars, swim into the wake of ships, all sorts of near
disasters that they’d have to be warned away from. The more the researchers interrelated with them, the more they
kept finding themselves in the roles of savior. And eventually, as the researchers gained enough courage to relate their
experiences to each other, they began to realize that the dolphins were playing a game with them, and the game was
the “save” game. And the dolphins would get into a situation where the researchers could save them because it would
make the researchers feel so good to save them. It was a really wonderful game reflective of the researcher’s needs
and desires.
It made them feel strong and very proud to save the dolphins. And it took awhile for them to realize that it was the
game they were playing.
Dolphins also play saviors and save each other. The first interrelation between dolphin and man was stories of sailors
being saved by dolphins. So the dolphin “save” game has been around for awhile.
So I took another look at this idea that nobody is really a victim and that they are just trying to cave us in by showing us
these bad effects. I realized that the beings, who are going around being victim in human form, are really doing or
attempting to do a service to the rest of us. They’re playing the save game, you know. They are allowing us to feel very
strong and powerful to save them.
So the next time you look at a victim and you say “Hey, he’s faking it and I ought to kick him,” instead, recognize that
he’s trying to be of service to you. It’s a lot easier to experience. Get back into the dolphin consciousness. It’s a
game—come play, you know, fun! No victims.
Another thing is this unknown/known factor. Let me give you an idea of unknowingness—consciousness has the ability
to unknow something. Have you ever written a letter to somebody, and then put the pen down and reread the letter,
not knowing what you had written, so you could imagine how they would receive the letter that you had written?
Most of us have.
A universe is composed of layers of know, unknow, know, unknow, know, unknow. When I say we’re starting to explore
new frontiers with this material, I’m not exaggerating. If you shrink down to the smallest sub-atomic particle, you’re
going to find consciousness in the state of unknow, know. If you start to explore realities, you’re going to find that
realities are separated by dream states, which are the unknowns. So you have reality, dream state, reality, dream state,
reality, dream state. “As above, so below,” goes the old metaphysical adage.
A thought is bordered by, limited by, an unknown. From inside the creation you can actually put your attention out and
at some point you hit blankness. Unknowness. It’s like contacting infinite space. All of a sudden it gets mysterious. Even
if you continue to create something, you will eventually hit the limit of your imagination.
What imagining is, by the way, is getting data across an unknown. You pull data from another reality, across an
unknown, and sometimes factors in the unknown alter the data. The data you end up with may not be predictable since
you had to filter it through an unknown.
When you expand out and reach this unknown, you have a sense of the form of the thought you’re holding, the belief
you’re holding, the desire, whatever you’ve been experiencing. That’s what we mean by define the limits of it Very

Occasionally you may find yourself, after some confusion or something, sitting in the middle of an unknown,
experiencing an unknown between two knowns. It’s an interesting sort of experience. It’s doubt and indecision. It’s
anxiety and stress.
It’s a no-man’s land of disbelief. It’s the la-la land of

paranoia and psychosis. The people who resist the realities on

both sides of this unknown, for example someone who hates mother

(one reality) and hates father (one reality) live in the dream

state. They tend to be very uncertain. So Avatar has laid this

whole can of worms wide open as well

If you try to experience an unknown, it reduces to a sort of a tension between two knowns. An uneasy peace. The first
time people ran into one of these, they were ready to forget Avatar and find religion. After we figured out what was
happening and how to handle it, it lost its kick and then everyone wanted to experience being stuck in an unknown. So
which would you rather be, skinned alive or boiled in oil? Kiss a mummy or lick a banana slug? Eat a worm or shampoo
with jam?
Get the idea? You sit right in the middle, between two creations, neither of which you want anything to do with. Well,
you can either pick one and ease into it or learn to live with the doubt. As long as you’re experiencing something, even if
it’s mysterious, you can expand until you hit the unknown around it, but if you’re not experiencing anything, it’s an
unknown. When you expand out, you’ll run into what you were resisting. So experience resisting it, define it, label it,
disassociate and discreate it and you’re on your way again. It was a minor glitch that you’ve handled.
(Audience: Can you clarify about the unknown that borders something? Is it an actual outline, or data, or what?)
Harry: It’s a fuzzy band, I mean it’s not necessarily a really sharp, distinct line but it’s a space that as you pass through it,
there is a change in what your attention is on. Sometimes, you’ll even forget what you were thinking about. You will
forget what you were thinking about, because you passed through the unknown that bordered what you were
experiencing. You can reorient yourself back to experience, or just proceed and label whatever it was without
judgment—is this real to you?
(Audience: Yes.)
Now, what is a self? You will find that a self is some consciousness that’s been bordered in an unknown, right? When
you penetrate that unknown you will experience a loss of self-identity.
It’s OK because you’re just integrating into a larger self. It takes a little while to integrate. Sometimes when you come
out of a session and you’ve been doing this process you just want to hang out for awhile. Well, you penetrated an
unknown, and of course that was basically how you kept who you were bottled or circumscribed or however you want
to phrase it. And when you penetrated that, it’s just like . . . dispersed. And it takes awhile until you hit the next
unknown and get a new sense of definition. Each time you penetrate an unknown you will end up with this larger sense
of self, a greater self, a higher self if you want to call it that. Eventually you eliminate the need for any definition at all.
(Question: What about channeling?)
Harry: I would guess that channeling is some technique of penetrating, maybe several barriers of unknown or several
different layers of unknown all at once and communicating to a higher level of consciousness.
(Question: How would you handle chronic aches and pains that don’t stem from any apparent physical source?)
Harry: Well, you’re getting into persistent masses which exist in shells of knowns and unknowns and you can just peel
away at them. First you experience your resistance to the chronic condition—if it’s persisting, there is some resistance.
Experience the judgments on the chronic condition. They are creations that prevent you from experiencing and

discreating the core of the condition. Just peel them off. You may also find there are some resisted identities connected
with the condition as well. Just experience the resistance and peel them off as well. If you stop making progress,
button-hole a master and coax him to work with you in guided sessions.

Do you have any questions, or comments, statements?

One other question that sometimes comes up: A person will have a pain and they handle it and they wonder “where did
it go?” Well, if you consider all that is, nothing can go anyplace. So the somatic is actually one focus of consciousness
and what the person is doing is changing his focus of consciousness. He’s creating an alternate reality where he doesn’t
hurt And all possibilities of realities exist simultaneously and it’s your choice which one you choose to focus on. Now if
the pain is part of a reality that also contains sympathy or achievement, you may choose to live with the pain as the
price of focusing on that reality.
(Audience: OK. Now when you speak of shells, could you look at that in a sense as alternate realities that are bordered
by unknowns? You get a big convolution. Could you really get a real package there? You got evaluation, unknown,
evaluation, the whole thing snares.)
Harry: It sure can. I think there is an infinity of possibilities. I don’t want to give you any kind of data that limits you in
any idea that there are certain realities that you must experience or can’t experience and other realities that you can
experience. Because we are really at the point now of exploring realities and the only entrance door to a reality is that
you believ you can experience it.
We’re handling the mind from a totally mechanical point of view. What it means, what the significance is, is up to you.
You are likely to find that the significance sucks you in, because you wouldn’t be stuck in the middle of something if it
wasn’t just absolutely the most fascinating thing you could imagine.

Keep me posted on how you are doing. Bye!


1. Identify with the creation and experience it.

2. Define the creation by expanding to its outermost limits.
3. Label the creation just as it is without judgment.
4. Disassociate from the creation. Recognize: “This is not-I.

This is my creation.”

5. Discreate the creation. Turn it off.

6. Create the reality you prefer.

Two important phenomena to recognize

The creation you are handling may resolve (discreate) at any point during the five steps of the procedure. If the creation
vanishes, it is gone. Discreated. Often, merely focusing your awareness on a creation with the intention of discreating it
is sufficient to discreate it. Little is gained by recreating it just to complete the procedure.

If after step 5 of the procedure, one perceives that he still has some creation that he does not choose to have, he simply
begins over with the Identify with and Experience step (step 1).
And finally, imagine, that whatever idea you create of me, it flows unconditional love to that idea you create of you.
Lovingly, joyfully, be it all. In love, Harry Palmer 1987.



The Avatar rundowns begin with an introductory or initiation session guided by an Avatar Master. The purpose of the
initiation is to aid you in achieving an experiential clarity of the workability of the Creation Handling Procedure.
You may have many things you want to handle, the Master may or may not take these up in this session. His main
concern is that you achieve confidence in using the procedure. You will have many hours of solo work and further
guided sessions in which to handle whatever you wish.
Let your course supervisor know when you are ready for your initiation session.


There are three main products that the Avatar materials are known to produce. They are:

1. A satisfactory, self-discernible increase in the ability to handle life.

2. Recognizable gains.
3. A preparedness to meet the future.

Before certifying Avatar completions or issuing certificates, the student should be asked the following (and only the
following) questions to ascertain if these products have been achieved.
The answers he gives are the only, only, ONLY criteria for determining if satisfactory results have been achieved with the
Avatar Materials.
It is not up to the Avatar Master to make any judgments on any criteria other than the unprompted answers to the

1. Do you feel you have achieved a satisfactory
increase in the ability to handle life?
(If the answer is “no,” don’t continue. Find out
why and write a program to handle.)

2. What recognizable gains have you made?

(If no gains, don’t continue. Find out why and
write a program to handle.)

3. Do you feel more prepared to meet the future?

(If the answer is no, don’t continue. Find out why

and write a program to handle.)

Providing all the above are answered in the positive, the student should be extended the awards and respect due an
Should the above questions turn up something that needs to be handled, the Avatar Master should write a debug
program (per Avatar Master series De-Bugging Avatar) and get the product that is missing.
From the data at hand, consisting of over three thousand hours of Avatar processing, and many, many Avatar
completions, the above increases and gains are easily and uniformly achievable.
In my estimation, any student not able to achieve these results should come to a Star’s Edge delivery for a free review.
(Free reviews by Star’s Edge Trainers shall be a standard part of any delivery agreement made with any Center trained
and authorized to deliver the Avatar materials.)

Harry Palmer, President

Star’s Edge, Inc.

March 14, 1987



The identity-complex which is thought of as “I” maintains its association with the physical body-idea by a pattern of
impressions it creates of the body.
On first inspection, it may seem to the “I” that the impressions he has of the body are only sensory feedback of a purely
physical or biological nature. Understand that this is so only because the “I” believes it. And as long as “I” believes it, “I”
will imagine the impressions it experiences of the body as originating in the body and have nothing to do with the idea
that the impressions are his creation.
The individual will assert that sight, sound, feeling, etc., are sensations of the body and that he is not dealing with
impressions upon consciousness. He is not likely to treat kindly any suggestion you might make about him “imagining”
that he sees, or imagining that he feels, etc. Nor should you attempt to launch into any great proofs or demonstrations
of the idea that his senses are his own imagined translations of various electronic signals originating from specialized
body organs. Just steer him into the process and let him run with it.
Long-term association or familiarity with a particular idea or impression will give that idea or impression a sense of
realness that renders it nearly invisible to inspection as an idea. It’s so familiar that it must be real. It’s taken for granted.
It’s the realness that one can come back to after entertaining fanciful ideas that are less familiar. It’s the old pain in the
back that’s hurt since the days of the pyramids and now is just part of what association with a body feels like. A trick in
spotting these long term body impressions is to compare the impressions one has of the body while awake to the
impressions one has of the body while asleep.
The person will often find that he is associated with many (sometimes sixty or more) layered impressions of the body.
Each of these impressions is a thought form that contains old beliefs, created images, or dormant energies. The layers of
impressions are in perpetual create and act to mold the body, generally to the body’s detriment.

An Impression: the first or
immediate effect of a perception
upon consciousness. An
impression may be an image or
a sensation.

An Idea: an impression that

has been re-created and worked

An Identity: a self-image; an
image of self; a collection of
ideas that serves as a
manifestation of consciousness.

Disassociation from and discreating certain impressions or complete layers of impressions, particularly those that have
“resistance” created in them, may produce energy phenomena similar to mild convulsions.
One may encounter present time impressions containing what seem to be past impressions. Just realize that it’s all
happening now and the past would not exist if it were not being created in the moment. We don’t, as some

psychological practices would have you believe, drag the past around with us. We create it moment to moment as it
serves to support our beliefs about what a past ought to be.
(Remember, body conditions are created coincident with a creation of historical association with disaster and injury to
make them dependably real. If you have any doubt of this, explore earlier conditions that are similar sometime. Certain
conditions even appear to have their creation source in the past, but since the past no longer exists, one has to wonder
where the condition’s “creating energy” comes from.)
The content or meaning of body impressions is of no particular interest Don’t get side-tracked on trying to figure out
what the impression means, or where it came from—of course it’s interesting and fascinating, you wouldn’t be
continuously creating it if it weren’t.
You handle body impressions as follows: first, identify with and experience the impression; second, define by expanding
one’s awareness in every dimension, mental and physical, to the unknown that borders and gives the impression form;
third, label the impression without judgment; fourth, disassociate from the impression by recognizing, “This is not-I. This
is my creation”; fifth, permit it to discreate, turn off its “creating energy.”
As more and more impressions are discreated, many students report passing into a more or less lucid dream state.
Learning to pass into, and through, this dream state while remaining awake and aware, opens doors to some of the most
remarkable, extraordinary experiences. Perhaps even an insight into the phenomena of death. Enjoy your explorations.
The body handle process is done solo, either supervised or unsupervised. The CREATION HANDLING PROCEDURE fully


Select a quiet, comfortable and relaxed space.

1. Identify with the overall impression you have of your body.

2. Define the impression by expanding your awareness in every dimension until you contact the unknown (space)
that encloses that impression.
3. Label without Judgment the overall form that now contains the impression. A viewpoint shift from “inside” to
“outside” will occur.
4. Disassociate from the creation by addressing it with:

“This is not-I. This is my creation.”

5. Discreate. Stop creating it, turn off its “creating energy.”

6. Repeat 1-5 until you no longer have any impression of any part of your body (e.g., the sense you have of your
body when you dream).


7. When you are ready, create an impression of your body that you choose to have. Construct a primary
origination(s) that expresses that creation. Using the Creation Exercises from Section II, create your new
impression as a reality.

Recognize that any impression that shows up other than the one you wish to create is a secondary origination.
Handle the secondary with steps 1-5 above and continue the primary origination until it creates the reality you
prefer. This process may take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. When your impression of the
incarnation seems to originate from the incarnation itself, you have achieved success.


A revised transcript of a lecture
given by Harry Palmer

The name of this lecture is “No Limit Being.” No limit.

First of all I want to tell you about some of the wins that

people have had on the Avatar Process. Unbelievable! They

stretch your credibility. People are handling things that they

couldn’t handle in any other way, things that they’ve spent

their entire life trying to handle. And they are handling them

in days, hours, minutes—unbelievable! Unbelievable!

We’re into an incredibly high realm of ability with these Avatar materials. We’re actually tip-toeing into the mass
consciousness. Let me explain.
Mass consciousness has certain beliefs that it contains and it sort of determines how reality will unfold. One of the
things that you are doing in Avatar is looking at the way the world has unfolded, and determining what the beliefs must
have been in mass consciousness that resulted in those experiences.
It has been a very long time since anyone has managed anything close to this perspective on the progress of civilization.
And we’ve only begun!
And what a change we can make in mass consciousness. Prior to the Avatar materials, the major belief in mass
consciousness was that “The only way man would ever transform into a spiritual being would be through some kind of
disaster.” As a result, you had all sorts of Armageddons, floods, earthquakes, the planet tipping over, the poles shifting,
continents rising, continents falling. The whole idea being that in order to reach some higher state of consciousness one
had to experience some terrible disaster or go through some terrific suffering. And this has basically been the mass
consciousness belief connected with any kind of spirituality up to the present day; that in order to become a spiritual
being you had to walk a very narrow path, be very good, and suffer for a long period of time—and hopefully— maybe if,
if everything went well, in a lifetime you could accomplish some sort of spiritual level or spiritual attainment.
This was basically the belief of mass consciousness. _NOT ANY
Well, you see how Avatar flies right into the teeth of that. We’re actually looking at a process now that takes a person
from a material meat-density body to a very high level of spiritual beingness, to an unlimited being. It’s no longer a
belief that we’ve got to suffer and do this for 50 years and go through all of this in order to arrive at some nirvana. So
this may test your credibility, in which case we’ll just handle your beliefs on it later, but Avatar is making an effect in
mass consciousness that makes the idea of a planetary disaster no longer necessary. We don’t have to have
earthquakes, floods, volcanos and tip the planet over to achieve planetary transformation. It’s no longer a necessary
event because we are starting to work into that area of mass consciousness. You are changing a lot more than your
personal life. The implication of what’s going on here, what’s occurring, probably goes right through the ceiling of your
credibility. But believe me, it’s going to become real as you play more with this material.
OK? That’s a little off the point of what we’re going to talk about, but that is our new perspective on things. Nothing
handles limitations faster than the creation handling procedure in Avatar. You can shovel limitations off by the dump
truck load. You locate a limitation, you label it, you disassociate from it, you discreate it, is that fast enough? Oh, but
there’s go to be a lot of suffering, right? Got to be a lot of preparation, right? You got to prove to yourself a lot of times
that you’re not actually limited, right? Label those beliefs. Recognize they’re not you. Recognize you’re only creating
what you’re experiencing. You don’t need to create the belief. Thereafter you don’t need to experience what the
belief brought about. Just unbelievable. You can produce a no limit being with the Avatar materials.
Limits are usually in the form of “I can’t.” As a person becomes more sophisticated and recognizes that “I can’t” isn’t
really very acceptable; it’s sort of like saying “I ain’t.” “Oh, don’t say I can’t.” He covers it up. He gets real clever about it,
he says “Well, I’ll try” which is implying that he can’t, or “I’ll do my best” which is implying again that he can’t. Or “I’ll
take a crack at it,” “give it my best shot,” “do your best, that’s all anybody can ask, right?” All of these limiting beliefs
that they pile up have for their basis “I can’t.”
You’ll find somebody coming along asserting something very strongly. But under this assertion is the belief that he can’t
do what he’s asserting. He wouldn’t need to assert it so strongly if he really believed he could do it. And all of this is a
case of one creating against oneself, because guess who created the limitation. Guess who’s now creating the idea that
the limitation doesn’t exist. Guess who’s fighting himself.
Now, remember I told you that when we got a little bit of experience with this Avatar material we’d complicate it? Ah,
well, it’s really not complicated but what we’re getting into now is a model where two people can sit down, one of them
being a guide, one of them agreeing to take a look at his or her beliefs, and together they can dig things up. I’m certainly
not saying that this can’t be done solo, but a guide makes it more fun for one thing, and the second thing is that the
guide is able to spot some things which the person may be so identified with that he can’t see himself. The guide finds
out what the person is experiencing and then deduces what the beliefs must be that the person is holding that would
cause the person to experience that.
The fundamental principle involved is that a person is going to experience what he believes, not vice-versa; so if a
person comes in and says “I can’t fly by flapping my arms,” what do you know? At some level he believes that he can’t
fly by flapping his arms.
Now, whether he can stay in a body and re-achieve the level of decision which will allow him to handle that limitation, I
don’t know. I don’t want to add any limitations. We’re masters at limitations. So, back to this team effort of handling the
creation handling procedure.
Basically, what the guide is looking for is something that the person’s sitting in, that he’s experiencing but that he
doesn’t recognize as his own beliefs. Those beliefs that you hold closest to you, they tend to be invisible; and if you
approach them, you go “wh, wh, but that’s true! That’s true! Hey, like, you know, that’s, that’s true!” Of course it is! You
know! It’s true if you believe it. And those beliefs you believe in most strongly are the ones you have the most evidence
(Audience: You bet!)
But still, the evidence appeared after the belief, not prior to the belief. So you can sort this backwards always, and find
out what must that guy have believed in order to have experienced that!

Once in awhile something will hang up on the discreate step. It doesn’t seem to be discreating. That’s where a guide
comes in handy because, the guide observes what the experience is, what’s happening, and from that he figures out
what the belief is. For instance, is there a belief that you can’t get rid of that? You see, it just doubles back on itself.
Also, limiting beliefs take several forms. One of them is just the straight out “I can’t.” That’s an easy one. Another is “I
can, but there are all these things that have to occur first.” It’s like a conditional limiting belief. “Well, sure, I can play the
harmonica, but I’m gonna need to take lessons, practice, etc.”
And then there’s another limiting belief that’s based on this ideal standard that you come up with. And until you reach
that standard of perfection, you feel that you can’t play the harmonica. Otherwise you say “Well, I can’t play the
harmonica” and you have this view of somebody who is the most incredible harmonica player in the whole world and
you compare yourself to him and you say “See, there’s evidence, I can’t play the harmonica.” But you see, the belief
underlying that is that he is the best harmonica player in the world.
(Joe: Could there be like a generalization underneath that, like “I can’t do something as well as someone else so
therefore I’m not proficient at it?” In other words, take it down from playing harmonicas and make it really basic.)
Yep, certainly can. You can handle a limiting belief at a lot of different levels. At whatever level you actually believe you
can handle it at. You could handle all your limiting beliefs by just saying “I believe I have limitations!” Identify with it,
label it, disassociate with it.
(Audience: That would be the pinnacle.)

(Miken: So it wouldn’t matter if the belief came from the mass consciousness or from your own individual
consciousness, you know what I mean?)
Only in that you’re going to have to identify with the belief. And if the belief is in mass consciousness, then you are
going to have to assume the viewpoint of mass consciousness. You’re going to have to take responsibility for a lot of
beings. See, a lot depends on whether or not you will be limited by your belief of what’s possible. You should test first
and if it doesn’t work, check for a limiting belief.
If you take a fear apart, at the bottom will be limiting beliefs. Take a worry apart. At the bottom of every worry are
limiting beliefs. Again, often there’s a belief of how you have to be in order to do what you have to do, like a
prerequisite belief.
Others-a lot of “I’m going to become” beliefs. When somebody says “I’m going to become something,” a good guide will
recognize right away that they believe they are not that thing right now. When in fact they are every expression of
reality simultaneously. And they’ve just chosen to focus on not being that and then again they’re getting into this belief
that they have to go through a certain procedure in order to arrive at that .... You could just imagine that you’ve already
gone through the procedure.
Basically, a guide is going to uncover these core beliefs and
expose them. It’s a cooperative effort. No rules other than get
along. If there’s any difficulty, the guide should spot the
difficulty as a belief or a thought, get it labeled,

disassociated from; in other words, the process handles the process.

The guide can get very skillful. A question that a guide can ask are “What effort do you believe is necessary for you to be
able to do that?” This starts uncovering the limiting beliefs. The guide can run the person through the steps if he wants,
gently saying “OK, experience it, expand to the outside of that idea, label it without judgment,” and so on. But what he is
really doing is translating the reality the person is experiencing into the belief the person must be holding to experience
that reality. Then getting the person to identify and experience the belief, define it, label it, disassociate from it, and
discreate it. It’s very neat. Would you like some examples of it?

(Audience: Yeah.)
All right, let’s see. M, would you come right up here and sit right there?
(M: Sure.)
All right. What skill or ability would you like to be better at?
(M: Ahm. Be a better mother.)
Being a better mother. Do you have any limiting beliefs on being a better mother?
(M: Yeah. I think like I’ve heard things such as you have to be very careful in raising a child or he’ll grow up to be a mass
Would you really experience that belief for me ... how careful you have to be, if you don’t want to produce a mass
murderer. Expand right to the outside of that belief. Label it.
Effortlessly recognize “This is not-I,” permit it to discreate.
(M: Did you see that fall right off in front of my face?

Got any other limiting beliefs?

(M: Ah, yes, that some people on the planet aren’t ready for spiritual enlightenment.)
That has to do with being a better mother?
(M: No, do you want one, another one on being a better mother?)
Yes, let’s handle that.
(M: Now I don’t know if I have anything on better mother or not.)

Do you have any fears about being a mother?

(M: Yeah, I want to make sure I do everything right so she does expand, and be safe . . .)
With loving tolerance, really experience that idea. that you want to do everything right.
(M: That’s a good thing to do “with loving tolerance.”)
Pushing against it really doesn’t help.
(M: No, it doesn’t, does it?)
Really experience that you’re wanting to do everything right.
(M: OK.)
Expand right to the outermost limits of that idea, label it. Now effortlessly recognize “this is not-I.”
(M: This is not-I.)
Good, now permit it to discreate.
(M: It feels like it just kinda fell like a ... pop! That was

Any worries about being a good mother?

(M: Really looking . . . yeah, I guess I would have a worry that I ... Yeah! As a matter of fact, I don’t want her to go
through a harmful life. To leam hard things, or at least I hope that I’ll be able to help her during those times.)

Good. Really experience that belief. (pause) Expand to the outside perimeter of it. (pause) Label that and effortlessly
recognize this is not-I.
(M: This is not-I.)
Permit it to discreate.
(M: Right.)
(M: I just feel all this charge blowing off my face.)
OK. Now let’s take up this idea of what a good mother would be.
(M: That’s a good one all right)
What would a good mother be?
(M: A good mom would be somebody who watches their child grow, and can guide them, and say the right thing at the
right time and teach them things.)

How about a bad mother?

(M: A bad mom would do the opposite of all those. Not teach the child things, set a bad example, drink, swear ...)
OK. With loving tolerance, experience being both a good mom and a bad mom.
(M: OK.)
Expand right to the outside of that idea.
Label it, recognize this is not-I.
(M: This is not-I.)
Permit it to discreate.
(M: It kinda goes kerplop on all sides of me, it’s just . . .

How are you doing?

(M: I’m doing great. I’m doing wonderful!)
Now, how about this thing about the world not being ready for spiritual enlightenment?
(M: Oh, that’s shit! That is not-I)

Anything you feel you have to do to be a good mother?

(M: Actually, I kinda . . . the viewpoint that I have now,
is looking from the outside at her and being able to be

tolerant, knowing she is not-I, too. Letting her experience her experiences.)
Thank you.
(M: Yeah. Thank you.)
Hello L. Any skills or abilities you’d like to be able to do

(L: Write.)

Write? Do you have any limiting beliefs about writing?
(L: I believe you have to know the right things to say.)
OK. With loving tolerance, experience that you really have to know the right things to say in order to be a writer, right?
Expand right to the outside of that idea.
Label it.
Effortlessly recognize, this is not-I. Discreate.
(L: Good. It was easy . . .)
Do you have any other limiting beliefs about writing?
(L: It’s hard.)
That it’s hard. OK. Really experience that it’s hard to write.
With loving tolerance, expand right to the outside of that idea . . . label it . . . recognize effortlessly, this is not-I.
(L: This is not-I.)
Not I?
(L: Nope.)
(L: OK.)
Any other limiting beliefs about writing?
(L: No. I can do whatever I want.)
Anything you feel you have to do to write?
(L: Make it understandable.)
Is that difficult?
(L: Yeah. It depends upon the person. I can make it
understandable to me. It’s just difficult to make sure it
comes across.)

OK, really experience that . . . expand right to the outside limit of this idea . . . put a label on it . . . effortlessly recognize,
this is not-I.
(L: OK.)
Permit it to discreate.
(L: There’s something from the mass consciousness, you know, when you communicate or anyone communicates, it’s
Good. What should you do to write?
(L: Write whatever comes out and know it’s right.)
OK. Have any limitations on that?
(L: Nope, just do it.)
Any effort in doing that?
(L: The only effort I can see will be slowing the hand to write it down.)
Any fears about it?
(L- They’re gone. Thank you.)
Thank you.

* * *

Get the idea?

(Audience: Yeah!)
Want to do one more?
(Audience: Sure!)
Go for a hard skill. Go for a real tough skill. What would you really like to do?
(M: To be able to communicate in any situation under any circumstances. You know, having the right thing come out,
just have that skill.)
Do you have any limiting beliefs that you can do that?
(M; You have to know enough to do that.)
Oh. Good.
(M: You have to be like Harry Palmer.)
OK. With loving tolerance, identify with the idea that you’ve got to know a lot in order to make things come out alright.
Expand right to the limits of that idea.
(M: That’s a big idea!)

Put a label on it.
Effortlessly recognize, this is not-I.
Permit it to discreate.
(M: It’s like rain. It just falls away.)
Good. Well, what would you have to do to communicate anything you wanted any time?
(M: You’d have to be able to be there comfortably, your
confront would have to be impeccable.)

Get that idea that your confront would have to be

impeccable. You’d really have to be there comfortably.

(M: OK.)
Expand to the very outside limits of that idea.
(M: All right.)
Label it. Permit it to discreate.
(M: OK.)
All right. Now what would you have to do to communicate?
(M: I would have to like the person I’m talking to. I
would have to be tolerant of any viewpoint.)

Really identify and experience that belief; “That you would have to like the person you were talking to.”
(M: Identifying with it; it just keeps going.)
Good. Expand right to the outside limits of that idea.
(M: OK.)
Label it. Effortlessly recognize, this is not-I.
(M: This is not-I)
Good. Discreate it.
(M: It’s gone.)
Do you have any other ideas of what you’d have to do to be able to communicate?
(M: Yeah. They’d have to like me.)
Really identify with that belief; “That they’d have to like
me.” Feel what it feels like to have that belief.

(M: OK. All right.)

Expand to the outermost limits of that belief.
(M: All right.)
Label it.
Effortlessly recognize, this is not-I.
(M: This is not-I.)
Permit it to discreate.
(M: All right.)
OK. Now one other thing.
(M: I bet I could communicate anywhere I want to

Well, I’m going to ask what other conditions have to be met here in order to really communicate.
(M: Let’s see, I’d probably have to take all these courses. There’d be Dale Carnegie, and several public speaking
engagements, and just a whole lot of stuff that you have to do.)
Yeah, good. OK. Well, really identify and experience that there’s a lot of stuff that you have to do to communicate.
(M: Yeah.)
Expand right to the outermost limits of that idea.
(M: All right.)
Label it.
Effortlessly recognize this is not-I.
(M: This is not-I.)
Permit it to discreate.
(M: All right.)
Now, what other conditions have to be met for your to

(M: Let’s see, oh, I’d have to look real nice, the body has to be healthy, in good condition.)
OK, really experience this idea that you have to look real nice.
Expand right to the outermost limits of that idea.
(M: Yeah, that one goes the length of my body. All right)
Put a label on it.
Recognize this is not-I.
(M: All right.)
Permit it to discreate.
(M: It’s gone alright.)
Good. What other conditions do we have to handle in
order for you to communicate real well?

(M: That’s all.)

That’s all?
(M: I can do anything I want to do.)
You’re right.
(M: That is, that’s incredible. I just feel, there’s all this
energy that’s pouring off me.)

(M: That’s great!)
Thank you.

* * *

It’s unlimited as to how you apply it. Any skill you want, if you don’t have it, there must be some belief intervening
between you and acquiring that skill. You can handle those beliefs. Then, if you believe that you have to believe that
you have the skill, handle that one too.
It folds back and forth on itself. I run into people who believe they have to make a certain affirmation in order to have a
certain ability. That’s a limiting belief. Handle anything you find. Do you want psychic skills, extrasensory abilities, to

communicate with other dimensions, perceive other realities, communicate with the mass consciousness? These things
are all impossible, right? They used to be! OK. Thank you very much.


Limitation: a belief or idea
that a person has created that
restricts the scope of his

Doubt: a wavering in belief; or

lack of conviction.

Creature: Consciousness
choosing to exist as a particular

In simple terms, you can choose to believe that you have certain limitations as to what you may experience. This is how
creation is accomplished. (With no limitations, consciousness experiences all that is.) A creature existing within an
overall creation, will be subject to the foundation beliefs that created the overall creation.
This may limit a creature as to what he may create within that creation or reality. However, he will always have the
choice of becoming the creator of the reality.
Some creatures who wish to create miracles for others (by breaking through or transcending accepted limitations) _have
yet to recognize that the other people are only the ideas they have created of THEMSELVES_. (Imagining someone
seeing the miracle is part of the miracle.) If they wish to experience creating miracles for crowds of people, they need
only create a reality containing the idea of crowds of people and perform their miracles. It can be a satisfying exercise!
As one progresses through the Avatar materials, he becomes less and less a creature (existing as creation) and more and
more a creator (source of creation). As a creator he can identify his beliefs, experience them, define them, label them
and discreate them—which changes the reality he then experiences. He may also create new beliefs which will permit
him to experience new realities.
Where one is experiencing limitations that are not preferred, he may shift his viewpoint to the creator of the reality and
identify the beliefs that are responsible for the limitations he is experiencing.
For example, someone who doubts his or her ability to write will be found experiencing reality created by the belief, “I
don’t know if I can write or not”. If he prefers not to experience that reality, he can shift into the creator mode and
change his beliefs.

He may also have associated limiting beliefs about what he must do to write, the reasons why he writes, and what
writing should look like. He may find that experiencing all of the conditions that he believes necessary to write is so
exhausting that he has no energy left with which to write.
As an Avatar, if he prefers not to experience these limitations, he can identify each belief that is responsible for creating
the limitation and discreate it! Voila! He may then experience writing.

_By inspecting the limitations one is experiencing in any

endeavor, one can locate the beliefs responsible for the

experience of those limitations and change them._

The only beliefs that a person will not immediately change are the beliefs he believes serve him. When the beliefs that
his limitations serve him are inspected, he may or may not choose to change them.

A workable understanding of the above, the Creation

Handling Procedure and the Creation Exercises, allows the Avatar to focus upon the reality he or she chooses to
Either solo or as a team effort, each limiting belief that a person has created on his own abilities can be identified,
experienced, defined, labeled, disassociated from and discreated.
Any belief that performance or reality must meet certain standards can be identified, experienced, defined, labeled,
disassociated from and discreated.
Any belief that one has that “It just can’t be this easy” should be identified, lovingly experienced, defined, labeled,
disassociated from and discreated.
It is this easy!


Select a quiet, comfortable and relaxing location.

In your personal folder you will find a _Limitations Worksheet_ that contains a suggested list of limitations you may have
encountered in your life. Use this list as a starting point to locate limitations which you no longer prefer to experience.
Since one only experiences a limitation after _”desiring to and not being able,”_ the following step 1 will be used.

1. Identity with and experience.

_”Feel what it feels like to want to (limitation) and

not be able to (same limitation) ._”

2. Define the limitation by expanding your awareness to the outermost limits of the entire creation.

3. Label without Judgment the overall form. A

viewpoint shift should occur.

4. Disassociate from the creation by addressing it with:

This is not-I. This is my creation.”

5. Discreate. Stop creating it. Turn off the “creating energy” to it.

Repeat steps 1-5 until you are satisfied that you have
handled any limitation you do not wish to experience.


6. When you are ready to create the ability you desire,

construct a primary origination(s) that expresses that

ability (e.g., I can . . . ). Using the Creation
Exercise from Section II, create your new ability as a
reality. In some cases the ability may manifest as
fully achieved, in other cases it may manifest as a
path to acquiring the ability. In either case,
recognize that any doubt you have is a _secondary
origination_. Handle the secondary with steps 1-5 of
the Creation Handling Procedure and continue to
the primary origination until it creates the ability or
the opportunity to acquire the ability. This process
may take from a few minutes to several hours.


(Reference: Creativism:
Belief and Experience, Section I)

A belief is a specialized thought-form that consciousness creates within the creation it is experiencing.

Consciousness may identify with this belief thought-form in order to specifically locate itself within the overall creation
and to have a specific focus from which to experience the overall creation. This is the idea of self existing within
This self is a facet of consciousness that can be “broken off” and identified as something. Many may exist in any overall
creation, allowing consciousness to experience the creation from many different focuses.
Consciousness, in identifying with many of these belief thought-forms within the overall creation, creates the illusion of
separate selves, separate identities. Each self possessing a different viewpoint (filtering belief) of the overall creation
and of all other selves.
Following the principle “As above, so below,” each separate

belief thought-form (self) has the ability to create and

identify with more belief thought-forms within the overall

creation than were previously itself. It now experiences the

overall creation (previous self) from many different viewpoints,

through many different filtering beliefs called self-images or


The following analogy, to some degree, will serve to aid intellectual understanding.
Sphere containing spheres which contain spheres.
Many self-image ideas exist within that idea of self that we are being. The self-image ideas we identify with determine
how we will view ourselves and what we will experience. If we identify with the self-image of being a victim, we will view
ourselves as victims and experience all sorts of tragic evidence to support our belief. If we identify with the self-image of
being unable to establish a relationship, we will view ourselves as a loner and evidence of loneliness will abound. If we ...
do you get the point?

Belief: the state of believing; a
conviction or acceptance that
certain things are true or real.

Limit: the point, line, or edge

where something ends or must
end; boundary or border beyond
which something ceases to be or
to be possible.

When we can view ourselves as containing all self-images imaginable and identifying equally and without judgment with
all of them, we will experience the state of Avatar and be attracted to other Avatars in the continuing process of the
re-integration of consciousness.
To continue our analogy, _when one ceases to create different
spheres to exist as, one integrates and becomes the overall

sphere that was creating._

When you have handled certain self-images which you have created, but would rather not experience, you will no longer
project them on other portions of consciousness or feel the desire to view them as separate. Manifestations of
consciousness are manifestations of consciousness! As your acceptance and love grows, the idea of re-integration will
acquire a new meaning. (It’s hard to be too close to those you dearly love.)


Select a quiet, comfortable and relaxed space.

Make a brief list for each of the following:

The names of people who

A. You dislike
B. You feel critical of

C You feel judgmental toward

D. You fear
E. You pity
F. You don’t want anything to do with
G. You feel are unsupportive of you
H. You consider evil
I. You consider selfish
J. You consider especially negative
K. You do not fully accept
L. You could never love again

(Adopt a progressive approach for your Identity handling. To begin, select the identities on your personal list that are
least emotionally charged. When you have discreated them, work up to the more heavily charged identities.)

1. Select a name from your list and identity with the idea you have of that person. Feel as you believe they feel. When
you have identified successfully, you will begin to recognize the belief as something you have resisted being.
2. Define the identity by expanding your awareness in every dimension until you contact the unknown (space) that
encloses the identity.
3. Label without Judgment the identity. A viewpoint shift should occur.
4. Disassociate from the identity by addressing it with: “This is not- (identity), this is my creation.”
5. Discreate. Stop creating the identity. Turn off the

“creating energy” to that creation.

Repeat steps 1-5 on the same identity or any other identities you select until neither that nor any other identity
affects your view of the portion of consciousness that was identified with them. Recognize the identity as your own
creation, as a manifestation of consciousness, that you chose (past tense) to experience, to resist experiencing or to

In your personal folder you will find a list of generalized identities. Select any that you feel resistance toward and do
steps 1-5 on them.
When you have achieved a satisfactory result, write up a de-brief on what you have experienced/recognized on the


6. When you are ready, create an idea of an identity that you choose to have. Construct a primary origination(s) that
expresses that creation. Using the Creation Exercise from Section II, create your new identity as a reality. Recognize
that any self-image that shows up other than the one you wish to create is a secondary origination. Handle the
secondary with steps 1-5 above and continue the primary origination until it creates the reality you prefer. This
process may take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. When your new identity creates automatically,
you have achieved success.


(Revised and reissued by Star’s Edge International 3/15/92 to update and replace “Persistent Mass Handling” lecture
transcript in current Avatar Course Section III)

Good morning!
Before I go back to California, I want to tell you about this latest research.
It’s pretty hot stuff.
Some of what you have run into creations that don’t appear to discreate. Somebody dubbed them persistent masses,
and that’s probably as good a label as any.
If you examine this persistent mass phenomenon, you’ll find a compact cluster of creations that hang around and refuse
to be turned off. The creations actually reinforce each other. They act like backup energy sources that sustain a creation
even when you turn the creating energy off—something like the emergency lights that you see around exits and
stairwells that come on when the power fails.
So, I have been studying this, and it finally unraveled a bit today. I haven’t had time to organize it yet, so I’ll give you
what I know in bits and pieces and we’ll clean it up later.
First, a persistent mass is a resisted experience that’s bordered by an unknown. Someone grew tired of consciously
resisting something, so they put it on automatic and wrapped it with an unknown. And now, it’s back!
Second, every creation is bordered, either by knowns or unknowns. Unknowns are bordered by knowns and knowns are
bordered by unknowns.
So, you decide to create a belief. The belief acts as a filter and extracts from the universe a certain energy that you
experience as the fulfillment of that belief. OK so far?
Later on, because of some interaction with the world or another, you decide that you’d rather not experience that
energy anymore. But, instead of discreating the belief that is filtering that energy out of the universe, you disown it and
deny that you created it. You say, and this is the key, “I don’t know anything about that,” or “I don’t know what this is.”
That belief—I don’t know—creates an unknown around the first belief and now you have a persistent mass. If the
second belief has some kind of timeless phrase in it like, “never,” “forever,” “all eternity,” “always,” “this is it,” “don’t
ever,” it creates a real persistence for the first belief. ‘
Another way of making the unknown persist is to connect it with some sort of body function so that it continually
creates. “Every time I think about it,” “Every time I have sex,” “Every time I eat,” “I keep thinking about this every time
I” ...and you’ve hooked up a function that continues in time with the automatic creation of this belief that denies
knowledge of the original belief.
And you push it off someplace, since you don’t believe you created it. Unconsciousness is not something that happens to
you; it’s something you create. If you can’t experience something as source, there’s no danger that you’ll discreate it.
That’s a persistent mass. It’s a neat trick. Probably the whole physical universe is nothing more than a persistent mass.
It’s also a good way to divide yourself up into many entities, create races and plant and animal kingdoms. If you believe
the creation is separate from you, it doesn’t take any great leap of faith to believe that the consciousness in that
creation must be separate from you as well.
Well, let me give you some ideas of this belief- created unknown. When you put your attention on a persistent mass,
you actually contact this belief that the creation is unknown—first thing. “What is this?” you say, pretending all the
while that someone else is creating it.
Sometimes it’s layered in unknowns. You’ve been busy. You’ve attempted to handle this before, and what you
experienced at that earlier time was that you didn’t know. So now you have a lot of evidence built up on it that proves
you don’t know what it is. (laughter)
But the basic unknown on it is your desire not to know.
“I never know what this is.”
“I can’t ever seem to get it.”
“I can’t figure it out.”
“I try and try and it never goes away.”
“It’s just there, I don’t know.”
“I’ve worked on that sucker forever and it just doesn’t go away.
“It always comes back.”
These timeless beliefs reinforce the unknowns of the creation. They keep this creation from being contacted and
experienced—which is exactly what your intention was when you upholstered it with the first unknown.
“I just can’t believe...*
“It always seems sort of...”
Always? Can’t? You want to learn to look for these words.
“Maybe I don’t want to get rid of it.”
And now you can create another layer of unknown on the first unknown. Second layer—“I don’t know if I want to get rid
of it or not.” Layers of unknowns, usually with wrong conclusions sandwiched in between. Things like: “I’ve tried
everything.” “Well, it’s always there when I look.” And the king of all wrong conclusions, “It’s not mine!”
“Every time I bend over, it’s there.”
“Every time I wake up, it’s there.”
“Every time I go to sleep, it’s there.”
“Every time I eat, it’s there.”
See how clever we can get in putting these unknowns around something and structuring them so they go on being
created forever?
So you forget that you chose to create this belief to experience something, and now the belief is bordered by more
beliefs about its being unknown. Every time you try to penetrate this persistent mass creation, you hit this timeless
unknown about it. Where did it come from? Who created it? God, probably, (laughter)
God, certainly! But now God is hiding in the universe going, “Who could possibly have created this?” God? He must be
very powerful...and good. You heathens better worship me, er, I mean, God.
Have we got a little ego involved here? I don’t know!

So you experience the belief that you don’t know. But did you ever consider that maybe you also created the belief that
you didn’t know? Naaa! (Laughter)
Um hm. I am going to tell you how to get rid of persistent masses, (audience cheers)
It’s simplicity in itself, it really is. Most of you have
already guessed it.

You discreate the unknown first!

There’s a resisted experience within the persistent mass. The experience is resisted through a misunderstanding on your
part that you originally chose to experience it. That was the role. That’s the game you wanted to play. (Harry joking:
“Yep, I guess I did, but I sure don’t remember it.”)
Now, it doesn’t matter what the resisted experience is; it could be a murder but probably it’s something milder. Why
would you create it in the first place? Because identity-less awareness can play any games without judgment.
Now how long does it take you to experience something? The time factor enters into experience only when you’re trying
to evaluate the experience or make a judgment on the experience. That’s what enters the time factor into experience.
Otherwise, everything is experienced as right now, instantly.
When you are handling a persistent mass, you need to be aware that the experience which was resisted became resisted
because a negative judgment was associated with it. And you’re going to run into that when you start handling it. Realize
that it’s just another layer of belief built up around this “orphaned” creation.
How to handle it? What you want to do first is find all the beliefs that keep it unknown. You just identify whatever the
belief is that keeps the unknown around the mass, and experience it (i.e., Feel what it feels like to puzzle over...). These
unknown beliefs come up as soon as you put your attention on the mass.
Now there may be a lot of layers to the thing. Just experience and discreate them one at a time: first an unknown and
then a conclusion about the unknown, and then another unknown and then another conclusion, etc. At the core you will
find a resisted experience, but there is a hidden side to this resisted experience. The hidden side to the resisted
experience is this; before it was resisted, it was desired! That’s the core of a persistent mass. The desire and resist are so
antithetical to each other that they create separate realities.
One of the realities is one you won’t want to experience. And that’s the heart of the persistent mass.
So you find that experience and discreate the judgment on it and then experience it, along with the resistance, and the
whole thing will discreate like any other creation.
Now, some of the creations may have been co-creations with others. Of course, others are persistent masses as well.
Oh, yes you are! (laughter)

Don’t worry, nobody would ever want to experience all of us!

Our conclusions about individuality are safe—at least for the time being.
If you run into a persistent creation with another “individual,” it will require that you experience and discreate your
judgment on that individual, and then view the situation as the source of every viewpoint involved. I told you this was
hot stuff!
Occasionally you’ll run into a case where you’ll have a number of these persistent masses compacted together. I guess if
you’re creating experiences that you don’t want to experience, you might as well stick ‘em all together. Then you’ve got
a cluster of persistent masses. Sometimes you’ll have little clusters of masses, and you will handle part of it and get a
change, but there’ll still be something there. Well, you’ve made some progress. Just recognize there’s still more there.
Rather than resisting the fact that you don’t know, or that you haven’t found out what it is, just realize how exciting the
progress you’re making is. You can experience an unknown. It’s exciting to experience an unknown. We’re wrapped in
one, you know?
When you clean up all of the unknowns, you are going to contact the unknown that is around this idea that you have of
yourself. Certainly do not stop there. That’s just another unknown to handle.
As an Avatar, you want to be responsible for creating yourself, not just for getting to a point where you can live with
yourself. You’re Creators. You’re not adjusters.
Define, label, disassociate, discreate, until you’re right back at the level of pure awareness, without any persistent
It’s not necessarily going to happen instantly,
overnight—though it may if you expect it to. (Laughter)

Sometimes you have to peel layers off. Some people have a lot more confront on unknowns than others. An unknown
motivates some people to create—that’s where rumor and gossip starts. It’s not the way to achieve Avatar.
Stop creating; you’re overwriting yourself. Start experiencing until the tablet is blank again. (Applause)
Gee, thanks. Since you are so nice, I’ll give you one more little thing we’ve been working on. It’s called a worm. A worm
is a computer hack word that refers to a sub-program, or a sub-routine, that’s contained in certain computer programs.
Every time the computer program goes on line, the worm makes a little progress in whatever it’s been programmed to
do. Some worms eat away at and eventually destroy the program. They’re parasitic worms. Other worms operate so
that each time you turn the program on, they recalculate how long since you last used the program. They’re monitor
worms. The principle behind a worm is that it’s connected with some function of the main program so it works
Now if you want to create something, create a parasitic worm and stick it on one of your persistent masses. The worm
would be a belief that the mass is going to unravel, resolve, disappear. Just stick that belief on the mass and connect it
with your breathing. Every time you take a breath, the worm makes a little progress on the persistent mass.
It’s your universe. Make it work for you. You’re the creator.
You can create stuff like that in your universe.

All right? Any questions?

Q: Harry, could you approach persistent mass with the idea that you just love it? And if you didn’t love it, you just love it
some more and roll around in it like a dog in a dead woodchuck and stuff? (laughter)

The very idea of the word persistent means, “I don’t like it.” But, yeah, I believe that if you could love it enough that it
would just fling you right through the unknown that surrounded it. And you’d be in it just like that. Love allows
forgiveness, and forgiveness takes off judgment. I think that would be a key. It’s probably why love is such a valuable

Q: What if a person believes he can’t get rid of something?

There are black worms and white worms. That’s a black worm. The white worm is, you can get rid of it. Good worms and
bad worms. Worm wars! (laughter) You all have a champion worm that is handling everything that comes up, every
time you breathe. A guardian angel if you will.


(Revised and reissued by Star’s Edge International 3/15/92 to update and replace “Persistent Mass Handling” in current
Avatar Course Section III)

Mass n.: 1. a quantity of matter
forming a body of indefinite shape and
size. 2. an unidentified creation.

To Persist: to remain unchanged or

fixed in a specified character,
condition or position; to be insistent
upon repetition.

To resist: to withstand the force of; to

exert oneself to counteract or defeat;
to exert force in opposition to; _to
desire not to_.

Disown vt.: to refuse to acknowledge as

one’s own.

“_Resisting a creation means that you will not

willingly own, experience or recognize yourself
as the source of the creation._”

A persistent mass is a creation that is continuously created by “creating energy” from a source which you feel you have
no control over. It can be an obsession, a neurosis, a pain, a fixed condition, an antagonist, a disease—literally any
perception whose duration is greater than now.

The Anatomy of a Persistent Mass

Choosing to resist the experience of something that one has

chosen to experience (by his or her creation of belief) creates

the effect of suffering, of being swept along, of being out of

control. Time begins. One creates against oneself. Feeling is

replaced by thinking,

How to Create a Persistent Mass

If, instead of experiencing a creation and recognizing yourself as independent of the creation—as the source of the
primary that is creating it—you disown the creation and resist it by creating responses to it, you will create a persistent
In the interval between creating the creation and creating against the creation (resisting), there is a shift in the
viewpoint of the creator. This shift of viewpoint occurs across an unknown and creates the appearance that the old
viewpoint and the new viewpoint are separate.
A persistent mass is persisting because, identified with the new viewpoint, you are attempting to create away a
definition—rather than experiencing it and discrcating it. The persistent mass feeds off your resistance, reflecting it back
to you as perception.
The core resistance was a moment containing painful emotions (grief, fear, anger) and/or sudden pain and trauma
severe enough to cause you to respond by shifting your viewpoint.

The Denial Zone

The interval over which the shift in viewpoint occurs is an area of unknowness that is placed between the viewpoints to
keep them separate, i.e., “I never want this to happen again.”

A reality is what a viewpoint views,

directs attention to.

A persistent mass is a reality that does

not discreate on the CHP and appears

not to be your creation—at least not
the creation of the viewpoint you
currently occupy.

Within the Avatar framework, “a

desire” means a connection that is
created between two realities of
different energy potential.

The Core Creation

To discreate a persistent mass, you must discover and experience the creation at the core of the persistent mass that
was disowned—disowned in the confusion of shifting viewpoints.
This core creation appears to be a source, but it is really only a reflector. It is like a moon that reflects the light radiated
by the sun, only this moon reflects resistance radiated by you. And your own resistance, reflected back to you, is
interpreted into the perception you have of the persistent mass—pain, anger, illness, fixed condition, etc. The core of
the persistent mass appears to be the source of the perception. It’s not. The source of the perception is you, but you do
not recognize the reflection of your own resistance.
A persistent mass will always be some interpretation of
reflected resistance.

If the persistent mass is experienced at any level prior to its core resisted creation, it fails to discreate, or if appearing
discreated, it will mysteriously return. If you experience only your current resistance to the persistent mass or
experience only a few layers of unknowns and wrong conclusions about it, but fail to discover and experience the
original disowned creation at its core, the persistent mass will reappear as a reflecting body the next time something
unpleasant happens and you radiate resistance.

Discovering the Core Creation

_Resistance is the path that leads to the core of the persistent mass_. Experience the resistance you feel toward the
persistent mass (pain, obsession, fixed condition, etc.) and ride its reflection like a wave, steering your attention into the
rising intensity of reflection right down to the core creation. It’s a wild ride through some incredibly choppy waters, but
hang on and it will dump you in the middle of a creation that will really set your teeth.

Persistent Masses

The person suffering from a persistent mass is entirely focused on the reflection, imagining it as the product of an
outside source. He or she may not even suspect the existence of the reflector.

Many people intuitively know that a persistent mass has something to do with them, and they suspect that they
somehow create it, but they haven’t yet grasped the mechanics of how it is done. Well, now it’s revealed—it’s done with
You can either stop radiating resistance so that none is reflected—which some do successfully as long as they can avoid
conflict—or you can experience and discreate the reflector—which is what Avatar recommends.

Instincts are Persistent Masses

The strong desires we call instincts are persistent masses created by a viewpoint shift during a death experience. They
exist as core creations whose reflections are interpreted into impulses toward behaviors that will result in survival.
When an instinct is resisted, one starts the ride toward its core creation that inevitably is some form of violent death.
Obsessive behaviors, uncontrollable desires, addictions, compulsions, fixed conditions, persistent pains, etc. are the
result of reflected resistance being interpreted into impulses to be a certain way.
The essence of all personal reality is your interpretations placed upon your own reflected resistance!

The Anatomy of Anger

This is a particular kind of persistent mass that has as its core an imagined viewpoint. You imagined (created) that
someone or something held a particular viewpoint. Then you shifted from your viewpoint that created the viewpoint for
the other, and now the other seems to be an outside source. In truth, it is not a source, but a reflecting body. When you
resist it, your own reflected resistance is experienced as anger.

Suffering is Reflected Resistance

With a little imagination you can create scenarios of events that, like fun house mirrors, distort the reflection of your
resistance into whatever suffering you’ve been enduring.
One can achieve absolutely spectacular gains (miracles) by experiencing the impressions, thoughts, ideas, conditions,
pains or compulsions as reflected resistance and following the intensity of the reflection down to the core creation of a
persistent mass. This is not a procedure for the faint hearted, but once you realize that you are a no-thing and that it is
only those things which you have identified with that are doing the resisting, you can appreciate any experience and
discreate it.
When you find yourself smack in the middle of the awful, horrible, painful event that caused the viewpoint shift, enjoy


_0. Ensure that both student and guide understand and can demonstrate all the steps of this procedure.

Do this BEFORE you begin a session either solo or
with another._

_When you are ready to begin (solo for the exceedingly

brave), student and guide create a quiet, comfortable

and relaxed space._

1. Identify any persisting reality that you would prefer not to have. Ask: “_What do you want to handle?_” or,

“_What are you suffering?_”

2. “_Experience your resistance to the creation (pain, feeling, mass, desire, etc.)._”
3. “_Expand your attention in the direction of the source of that resistance._” Spend as much time as is needed to
move toward the source of the resistance. Many interesting things may happen, but don’t let the student get
4. “_Continue until you reach the source of the resistance

(core creation)._”

5. “_Now experience. Expand out and explore the creation. Accept any impression you get without response._”
6. “_Continue to experience, expand and explore to the outermost limits of the creation._”
7. “_Label it without judgment._”
8. “_Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation._”
9. “_Permit it all to discreate._”
10. Repeat as necessary. You may ask “_Would you like to go through it again?_”

Note: Any events, beliefs, feelings, etc. that come up while one is following the intensity of the feeling down to the core
creation should be addressed with CHP only if they are blocking the student from reaching the core creation.

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Avatar Materials Confidential 58-3


Creating Energy: the energy
that life generates to manifest
and/or sustain a creation.

AM: an Awakening Master.

Occasionally an AM will build up such a resistance to experiencing something that he is tempted to “create it out of
existence” rather than experience it and allow it to discreate.
Those creations (emotions, pains, feelings, etc.) that the AM just has to get rid of—they will do anything to get rid of
them—are the same ones that the AM has the greatest resistance to experiencing.
Any attempt that the AM makes to “create something out of existence,” even though the attempt may be successful,
consumes the AM’s “creating energy.” A symptom of this depleted “creating energy” is that the AM begins to find
waking life to be exhausting and overwhelming rather than exciting and challenging.
The beauty of the Creation Handling Procedure is that properly done, it recovers “creating energy” for an AM rather
than consuming “creating energy.” Consequently, the AM will move from an exhausted-by-existence state to an
excited-by-existence state.
The following technique has resulted in about a 25% increase in effectiveness of the Creation Handling Procedure. It
does this by bringing to light resistances (creations against) that are preventing the experience of a creation. It is an
extremely powerful and effective technique that can be adapted to a wide variety of creations.


1. Place your attention on an emotion, feeling, upset,

pain, sensation, dullness, numbness, voidness or

fixed idea that is persisting as an unpleasant
experience (in self or another identity).

la. Primary: “It’s all right to feel like this.” Handle the secondaries (usually resistances and judgments)
by exaggeration or CHP. Repeat until there is no
doubt that “It is all right to feel like this.”

2. As the resistance is handled at step la, you will find an increased willingness to explore the experience it’s
furthermost limits. Discover, enjoy and define.
3. Label it without judgment.
4. Disassociate.

5. Discreate.
6. Create what you prefer.


Impression: the awareness one
has of something, without
attaching any particular meaning
to it.

A Self: the identification of

consciousness with a particular
belief or system of beliefs.

Background Reality: every

possibility coexisting equally and
simultaneously in the now.

Focused Reality: the events,

people, places, objects and
creations that seem most real
relative to other events, people
places, objects and creations.

A radio antenna of a particular length will oscillate in response to vibrations of a certain amplitude or frequency, while
ignoring vibrations of different amplitude and frequency. Change the length of the antenna by means of a tuner, and
one can selectively receive certain vibrations while ignoring others.
Human hearing is responsive to vibrations in the 20 to 20,000 cycles per second range, while ignoring vibrations outside
of that range.
Similar ranges exist for each of the specialized organs of human sensory perceptions. The discovery of Avatar was that
ranges exist as well for intuition, imagination and other purely conceptual perceptions. The “organ” of conceptual
perception is the belief thought-form.
What becomes obvious from these models is that many possible background realities may exist at the same time, with
some of them becoming relatively more real, or manifest, depending upon our particular tuning or focus. On a very
simple level, any event, situation, or condition occurs in an infinite number of variations simultaneously.

The “reality antenna” that causes consciousness to focus upon one reality while ignoring other realities is the particular
belief thought-form identified with by consciousness, i.e., the SELF.
Modify, or change the SELF, and you will change the way in which an individual experiences reality, or more accurately
expressed, you will change the particular facet of reality upon which the person focuses.
This provides an important key for creating those realities which one wishes to experience—translate the experiences
into beliefs and the beliefs into self. (If you wish to experience happiness, be a happy person. Only a fool waits for the
world to make him happy.)

Exercise: Translating experiences into beliefs.

Work out what a person would have to believe in order to experience certain events. Repeat this for many events, both
present time and historical. Play around with this a little. For example, what did President Kennedy (or Nixon, Carter, or
Reagan) have to believe himself to be to attract the experiences he attracted?

Procedure: Avatar Universe Handling (Changing “selves.”)

Find someone whose beliefs have brought them to experience something they do not prefer. (IMPORTANT NOTE: This is
an action that is done for a person, not on or to a person.)

1. _Identify with (be) your idea_ of that person and experience the belief they have about themselves that is
causing them to attract the experience they do not prefer.
2. Expand to the outermost limits of the belief.
3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Disassociate from it.
5. Allow it to discreate.

Repeat to satisfactory result. Providing you have handled your own beliefs about a person, and your own self-imposed
limitations, you will find you can move (in a telepathic sense) into the beliefs of the other person and assist in their
discreation. _Translating experiences into beliefs and Avatar Universe Handling_ can also be applied to oneself.
Please debrief in detail on your experiences and observations.
Deliver the debrief to your Avatar Master or mail to:

Avatar Archives

Star’s Edge International

900 Markham Woods Road

Longwood, FL 32779


This procedure is subject to much speculation. It is currently an area of research for a possible future course called
WIZARDS. It is offered here for your exploration.

Part I: Relying on your understanding of the material universe, work out what beliefs must exist in the mass
consciousness for the occurrence of certain world events. Repeat this for many events, both in present time and
through history.
Part II; Observe a potential crisis situation developing somewhere in the world. Identify with the idea(s) in the mass
conscious self that is creating that event. Define. Label. Disassociate. Discreate. Repeat to satisfactory result.

Please debrief in detail on your experiences and obser-vations. Deliver the debrief to your Avatar Master or mail to:

Avatar Archives

Star’s Edge International

900 Markham Woods Road

Longwood, FL 32779

Mass: (adjective) of or
relating to the mass of people;
participated in by or affecting a
large number of individuals;
also, viewed as a whole.

Collective Reality: an
agreement shared by a number
of people.

Mass-consciousness: any
shared consciousness of a large
number of individuals (a large
group, nation, country, or the
world as a whole) that is co-
creating beliefs.

Apparently, the opportunity exists to create and install new beliefs, perhaps through an emissary, in the
mass-consciousness. This is currently a power wielded most irresponsibly by the press. Perhaps Avatar in some degree
may change this.
I welcome your thoughts on this and any other contributions or observations you may have on the Avatar materials.

With my love,

Harry Palmer


(A modest plan for World Peace)

The most successful way to prevent attacks is to never be anything, never create anything, never attempt to control
anything and always be willing to apologize. If one still finds himself under attack, quickly create an illness or an
infirmity. The more dreadful the affliction, the safer! And if worse comes to worse, and you should happen to be
caught doing or being anything, proclaim loudly and earnestly that it’s for the good of mankind. Spread the rumor widely
that you just enjoy selflessly helping others. And if all else fails, remember, it is a cultural taboo to punish the insane.
While the above seems absolutely ridiculous, some observation of the human condition will show that it is actually a
rather successful technology. In many respects it works better than displays of force or willingness to fight, which
generally has the effect of bringing all parties to disaster.

The following four steps are offered as a much better way of handling attacks:

1. Recognize an attack for what it is: a result of

secondary originations manifested and projected

onto the environment and other viewpoints of
consciousness _by a higher level of YOUR con-

2. Identify and Experience. Define. Label. Dis-

associate. Discreate: (1) all feelings of blame,

hatred, and injustice; (2) all identities that are the
target of bad feelings; and (3) all resistance to
peaceful settlement; until you can rise above the
creation and identify and experience the level of
source consciousness that is creating both attacker
and attacked. From that level of consciousness,
handle the attack as a persistent mass. Feel what it
feels like. Peel off the unknowns and false

3. Create a primary from the same level of source

consciousness to create an end of hostilities or to

open a path of opportunity leading to an end of
hostilities. Handle secondaries with the Creation
Handling Procedure.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 until you achieve your desired


Sometimes quite magical things occur when using this

handling . . . allies appear where enemies once stood!

Avatar has been a spiritual goal for many lifetimes, so it is understandable that having achieved it, you might decide to
hang out as pure consciousness for awhile. Enjoy.
If and when you choose to return to the world and participate in some amusements, the following may be of some use
to you:

1. The first thing to create is a goal which you believe you can and wish to achieve.

You might wish to create a number of goals and pick the one(s) that excite(s) and empower(s) you when you think
about it or them. An exciting goal provides the creative energy for its own attainment, plus a little extra. (Exhaustion is
usually a sign of a wrong goal.) A goal that empowers you will create the energy to overcome the obstacles that lie in the
way of its attainment.

2. You should next plan how to reduce the amount of time and effort you feel required to spend on activities that
don’t excite or empower you. (Time management.)

3. Next, make a list of all your incomplete projects.

Determine whether to proceed or abort each project. On the projects you decided to abort, cut your losses as much as
possible, but be willing to take any loss rather than getting your life locked into a project that drains your creative
energy. Tailor the projects you decide to complete so that they align with the goal that excites you.

4. The first place you should go is a good library. Begin by researching current methods and procedures of
achieving your chosen goal. Create a resource notebook.

5. Now start. Use limitation and creation exercises to smooth the way.

In achieving a goal, the last few feet are sometimes the hardest The difference in potential between where you are and
where you are going may have dwindled. You may find that to maintain your creative energy, the goal must move
forward as you do.
All Avatars anticipate your grand achievements!

Goal: an object or end that
one strives to attain.

The Key to Prosperity and Power

Codes of ethics carved in stone are the ticking time bombs in civilizations, in religions, in governments, and in
philosophical systems.
Today’s moral imperative is tomorrow’s superstitious belief.
If you must carve something in stone, make it so vague as to require interpretation by those who preserve it. This allows
for a continuing re-integration of the past, present and future.
From the point of view of the Avatar, existence is the evolution of beliefs created by consciousness. Judgments as to the
appropriateness of the created beliefs are only more beliefs created by consciousness. While this may be interpreted as
salt in the wounds of the “martyrs for a cause” and heresy by the righteous, it is their beliefs which make it so.
Lest some “believers” draw and quarter us for being bereft of all moral principles, let us redeem ourselves with the
following single ethical principle. You may carve it in stone if you wish.


By understanding this code, and creating within its meaning, one may create his own prosperity and power ... or
determine the cause of his lack of prosperity and power.


The Ultimate Process is the most powerful process that I know of at this time.


Before running the process, the guide and the student should agree on simple hand signals for “WAIT,” for “CON-TINUE”
and for “THAT’S IT.” The student, who may find he does not with to speak, may use these signals to control the speed
and duration of the process.



1. Identify with it and experience it fully.

2. Define it by expanding your awareness to the outermost limits of that impression.
3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Disassociate from it by recognizing: This is not-I, this is my creation.”
5. Discreate. Turn off it’s creating energy.


Repeat steps 1-5 until the student signals “That’s it.”

Upon finishing the Ultimate Process, take some time alone to relax and re-integrate.

The Reverse Process: (For restoration of solid states.)
1. Get an impression of something you would like to experience.
2. Ask: “What is this?”
3. Say: “It’s not mine!”
4. Leave it alone.


When you are comfortably re-integrated, please sign your checksheet and turn your notes and materials in to your
Avatar Master. If you wish, do a final write-up of your experiences on the course.
As an Avatar your journey may now continue. The home state—inexpressible consciousness—is sweet, indeed. Enjoy
the “amusement park” called existence, and all things in it.
Perhaps, and only perhaps, you would like to assist with the mission of introducing the Avatar materials to the world.
Imagine what it would be like if everyone knew what you now know and had the skills you now have.
Thank you for the gift of days you shared with us.
Until we meet again, as we must ... I send you all the love you can imagine me sending. I do love you most dearly and
welcome you, AVATAR.

Harry Palmer at Star’s Edge, March 31, 1987.



1. Avatar Materials completion under a validly licensed Avatar Master.

2. An invitation from a licensed Master or a Star’s Edge Trainer to take the Avatar Masters Delivery Course.

_The Avatar Masters Course is delivered ONLY by Star’s Edge

Trainers. The course length is nine full days, 8:00 a.m. to

8:00 p.m._

_Deliveries of the Masters Course occur approximately six

times a year in various locations around the world. Air

fares, accommodations, and food are not included in the

$3,000 US Dollars tuition fee._

_Successful graduates of the course qualify to enter into a

contractual, provisional, one-year license with Star’s Edge,

Inc. to deliver Avatar in accord with existing policy._

3. An Avatar Delivery Licensee may deliver counselling, training or other services not related to the Avatar
Materials. The Licensee may not deliver the Avatar Masters course, grant licenses to deliver Avatar, or issue
Avatar certificates. These privileges are reserved to Star’s Edge, Inc.

GENERAL N O T E (by the “entities” who produced this file)

This is a plaintext file that can be read best

with a “non-proportional” font like Courier.

The Avatar Materials

Section IV: Awakening

AVATAR is the registered Service Mark of Star’s Edge, Inc.

United States Patent and Trademark Office No. 1, 482,732

This revised edition 1992

Published in the United States of America by
Star’s Edge International

900 Markham Woods Road

Longwood, Florida 32779

Copyright 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992 by Harry Palmer.


to the companions


Part I: Behind the Scenes

Your Invitation to Deliver Avatar ..................1

The Importance of Goals ............................4
Questions for Goal Setting and Planning ............6
Criteria for Goal Evaluation .......................7
Wasted Lives .......................................8
The Elements of a Game .............................9
Speaking of Goals .................................10
The Power of Your Attention .......................11
The Discouragement Program ........................12
Behind the Scenes .................................16
The Serious Drill .................................20
The Serious Drill—Behind the Scenes
Discussion by Avra Honey-Smith ....................23

The “What-the-Hell” Environment ...................28

The Attention Vampire .............................30
The Saturation Point...............................31

Part II: Delivering Avatar

Creativism Days ...................................33

Delivering Avatar: Section I Checkouts ............35
Why the Avatar Materials are Confidential .........36
Delivering Avatar: Section II The

Feeling Again......................................41
Feel-It (lecture) .................................46
Supervising Avatar: The Feel-It Drills ............59
Debriefing Students ...............................60
For Difficulties with Feel-Its ....................61
Feel-It Exercises .................................62
Delivering Avatar: The Label-It Drills ............66
Label-It Exercises ................................66
Delivering Avatar: The Creation Exercises .........69
Coaching Reality Creation Exercises................71
The Source List by Avra Honey Smith ...............75
Creation Exercises ................................81
Source List .......................................84
Reality Creation List .............................87
Q & A Creation List ...............................90

Part III: Star’s Edge International

Operations ........................................93
Prospect Files ....................................95
Exchange ..........................................99
The Future of Star’s Edge ........................103
Overview 1990-91 .................................104
Rites of Passage .................................108
Graduated Royalties and Grid
Commissions ......................................109

Progress Reports .................................113

What to Send Star’s Edge .........................114
Criteria for Licensing ...........................115
Application for a Provisional One-Year
License to Deliver the Avatar® Course
(Sample) .........................................119

Provisional One-Year License Agreement

(Sample) .........................................122

Part IV: Enlightenment

Creation Handling Procedure ......................129

It’s All Right to Feel Like This .................136
Delivering Avatar: Section III ...................138
Avatar Course Goals ..............................141
Creation Handling Procedure (lecture) ............143
Define It (lecture)...............................157
Creation Handling Procedure Summary ..............165
Initiation Sessions ..............................166
Initiation Session Drills ........................179
Persistent Mass Handling (lecture) ...............185
Persistent Mass Handling Procedure ...............194

Part V: The Master’s Presence

Self-importance ..................................201
Persistent Identity Procedure ....................209
Debugging Students ...............................211
Bugs .............................................213
Bug Diagnosis Index ..............................220
Discouragement (subjective handle) ...............222

Prosperity Rundown ...............................223
Master Updates...................... appendix


Part I: Behind The Scenes


The purpose of the

Master of Awakening course is
to train an Avatar in the skills
necessary to effectively guide
others to an understanding of
and a command over the
source of their own life
experiences. This loving
initiation is the most precious
gift of an Avatar Master.

Only rarely in all the history of consciousness have there existed individuals capable of guiding beings through the
labyrinth of creation back to life source.

Millions there have been who wore the garments

of priests and holy men, but in ignorance or worse have
only managed to divert beings into elaborately
constructed belief systems for elaborately constructed
reasons—blind alleys of sorrow far from home.

You embark upon lands that are known for treachery and deceit, where the charlatans outnumber the masters by
ten thousand to one.

Your understanding is the nightmare that haunts the sleep of experts grown wealthy on elaborate ritual.

You are the missionaries that bring light.

What is the truth about


How can a lesson be
presented so that it may be
comfortably received?

You bear the truth about truth.

Expect no welcome. For many there are who will examine your truth only for the opportunity of insisting upon their
own hopelessness.

Love these beings for the unripe fruits they are.

Know the lessons well. Teach them in a manner that they may be safely examined. Once examined, even the slaver
will find cause to change his ways and be drawn into the loving integration of consciousness... the long awaited
transformation.... the great redemption.

Such is the power of the grand truth you possess. Present it skillfully, use it selflessly, and it will give you a wondrous
cloak of invulnerability.
For any who fail to find the value in your service,
always respectfully return to them the offerings they
have given. In this way you may avoid teaching lessons
you do not prefer to teach. Live deliberately. Let no
critic truly fault your honesty, but in their own quiet
time be brought to examine their own.

Act in harmony with the established order.

Manifest the highest ideals of the mass consciousness, and suspicion will turn to support.

Give the service of your understanding and truth,

and good people will find it their privilege or even their
greatest reward, to support you with far more than you
ever, ever will require.

Great wealth and power will be entrusted to your

direction because you recognize that the urge to pursue

meaningless external gratification is the reflection of a
belief that does not truly serve, but leads into the
entanglements of lowered consciousness.

Your lessons, made manifest in the daylight of your

life and in the dreamlight of your nights, will be your

strongest medicine, your cleverest general and your
wisest advisor.

Use the abundance you create to support and to accelerate the self-realization of man. Create Avatars.... enjoy the

Let the stars remind you, I send you love.

Harry Palmer
at Star’s Edge,

2 April 1987


Part I: Behind The Scenes


If one wishes to
participate in life
with any degree
of deliberation
the primary
action must be to
set a goal.

Goals are an essential ingredient of happiness. A

person without goals is discouraged and unhappy.

Goals fall into three broad categories:

• 1. Default goals. These are the products of

past indoctrination and desired / resisted

experiences. They are the goals that one
discovers. They are determined by an
unseen karmic hand. Occasionally they are

• 2. Deliberate goals. These are the products

of one’s imagination and curiosity being

directed toward the future. They are the
goals that one sets. They enliven and excite.
Seldom are they destructive.

• 3. Inspired goals. These are the products of

one’s highest nature. They are long-range,

transcend the calculation of immediate
self-advantage, and benefit future

Once a goal is discovered/ determined/ intuitively conceived, there are several combinations of techniques that one
may employ to achieve the goal.

For example:
• Increase attention on the goal.
• Plan backwards from the goal.
• Identify and quota sub-goals.
• Utilize someone else’s energy.
• Follow statistics; hire good managers.
• Work like crazy day and night.

The point is, there are many ways to achieve a goal—but there must be a goal to achieve. Goals are absolutely

Where there isn’t a goal, the first order of business is to establish a goal to be achieved by a certain future time.

You will soon discover that it’s not as difficult as it might first appear.

exciting goals are
the grand prize of


Part I: Behind The Scenes


As they occur to you, list your answers to the following questions. It’s OK to list more than one answer for each

• What do you want to have in 1


• What would you have to do to get


• Who could help you?

• Who would be helped?
• Would anybody be hurt?
• What would you have to know?
• Where could you learn that?
• How soon could you start?
• What do you need to do next?
• Do the same for 2 years, 3

years, 4 years, up to 10 years.


Part I: Behind The Scenes


A. List goals for evaluation.

B. Score the following statements regarding

each goal from 1 (doubtful) to 5 (absolutely).

• 1. The goal invites your attention and

interest and when contemplated is a source

of renewed strength.

• 2. Pursuit of the goal produces something of


• 3. The goal offers benefits to others equal to

your own.

• 4. The goal presents an opportunity for

self-development (greater competence,

greater understanding, challenge).

• 5. The goal is a recognizable step toward a

greater goal.

• 6. The goal allows personal creativity and

some degree of self management.

• 7. The goal presents the opportunity for

recognition and the receipt of admiration.

Total score 25 to 35--A STAR TO STEER BY!

Total score 15 to 25--HOW COULD THE GOAL
Total score below 15--IT ISN’T REALLY YOUR


Part I: Behind The Scenes


Many individuals go through life with a goal that

rates below 15. They are not happy. Even when they
succeed, make a million dollars, become the

professional, prove father wrong, etc., they still suffer an emptiness and despair that accompanies a wasted life.
Organizations with goals that rate below 15 are seldom more than a misery-loves-company club.

An individual, an organization or even a civilization will continue to grow strong as long as it has clear, inviting goals.
When it engages in actions that are not aligned with its goals, it begins to die—first spiritually, then mentally and finally

The secrets of power lie in the subject of goals.

The Wizard’s
research in early 1988
confirmed beyond a
doubt the pivotal role
that goals play in the
evolution of


Part I: Behind The Scenes


Progress: actions completed
that are in alignment with
the goal

Interference: action or
events that are not in
alignment with the goal

When one chooses to participate in creation, a game begins.

The four elements of a game are:

• the skills of the players
• the obstacles to be overcome
• the opponents to be won over
• the goals to be achieved

Our Game
The skills we bring to the game are our world lessons clarified by the Avatar materials.

The obstacles are the inertia of ignorance and intolerance, both our own and others.

The opponents are our friends who feel abandoned.

The goal is to create an enlightened civilization.


Part I: Behind The Scenes


The Goal of Avatar

To catalyze a stable, non-violent process of belief

integration on the planet via the expansion of the

Avatar Network

The Goals of Star’s Edge

• To support research and development that

favors the graceful transfer of prosperity

and power from prejudicial interests to
licensed Avatar Masters

• To create a viable financial, organizational

and social structure capable of

accomplishing the above

• To create a collective influential world

advisory role for the creation of an

enlightened civilization

Part I: Behind The Scenes


solidifies a reality
by adding
substance to an
imagined reality
until it manifests.

From Introduction to Attention, Wizard’s Course:

Attention is the energy wave particle that solidifies and brings to life the universe.

Attention creates reality.

Attention is the creating energy discussed in Section III of the Avatar materials.

When “I” directs attention particles toward a creation, the creation solidifies and becomes more real.

This happens whether the attention paricles are

directed deliberately or as a response to something.

Creation is the relative ability to shift attention from secondaries to a primary.


Spend a few minutes thinking about all the
obstacles that stand in the way of your achieving
your goal.

Spend a few minutes imagining what it will

feel like when you achieve your goal.


Part I: Behind The Scenes


is a reduction
in one’s
willingness to
play a game.

Discourage: 1. to deprive of,
or cause to lose, courage;
dishearten; depress in spirit.

2. To lessen courage for,

obstruct by opposition or
difficulty; dissuade or hinder

Discouragement: 1. the act of

discouraging; the act of
deterring or dissuading from
an undertaking 2. the state of
being discouraged; depression
of spirit with regard to action
or effort 3. that which
discourages; that which deters
or tends to deter from an
undertaking or from a course
of conduct.

Discouragement arises as a result of attention

becoming fixed on the obstacles and opponents to a
goal (interference) rather than on actions in alignment
with the goal.

Discouragement, left unhandled, will lead to

quitting and failure. No matter how rational and logical

an excuse for failure appears, the real reason for failure
is always discouragement. No one fails until they give
up. The outcome of any contest of wills or competition
is determined by who succumbs to discouragment first.

Some people embrace discouragement as a

technique to coax the environment to be more

encouraging. They have a mis-intuitive understanding
that if they occupy one side of the encouragement/
discouragement dichotomy they may be fortunate
enough to attract the counterpart. It seldom works.

Instead of the compassionate encouragment they seek, they are more likely to find the contempt reserved for losers.
Sometimes obstacles in the environment or people’s actions offer the opportunity to be discouraged.

Any secondary, obstacle or concern presents an

opportunity to be discouraged. The reason behind the
occasional refund request after Section II Avatar can
almost always be traced to someone succumbing to, or
even embracing, an opportunity to be discouraged.

Discouragement is handled by refocusing attention

from the negative to the positive. Instead of problems,

one sees opportunities. Instead of pointless personality
conflicts, one focuses on actions that are in alignment
with the goal. Observation supersedes rumor and gossip.

Here is a simple program that actually transforms discouragement into success. It is an especially powerful tool for
beginning Avatar Masters.

_* For every opportunity to be

discouraged that you
encounter, complete five
actions that will lead toward
the successful accomplishment
of the goal._

Use the Rule-of-Five to handle discouragement.

• Example: If someone writes you a negative letter about Avatar, write five positive letters to five people about
• Example: If someone goes out of their way to discourage you, go out of your way five times to encourage
• Example: If you feel you said something you shouldn’t have to someone, say something you should to five
• Example: If someone gives you bad news; pass good news to five people.
• Example: If someone tells you what you

want to do is impossible, affirm that you can do it five times.

• Example: If someone gives you a loss when you try to help them, give five people wins by telling them how they
helped you.
• Example: Make five positive statements for every doubt you have.

The Rule-of-Five
For every negative
circumstance encountered
that is mis-aligned with the
goal, create five positive
circumstances that are
aligned with the goal.

Nothing handles a Master’s

discouragement faster than
outrageous progress toward a
high scoring goal.

Sell CREATIVISM at every


Sometimes it requires a little extra effort to create what you want.

Here’s an actual 1988 five week case study of the

incoming mail at Star’s Edge. (Five positive letters were
originated for every letter coming in that offered an
opportunity to be discouraged even when it required
the staff to work beyond midnight. All positive mail was
answered first.)

Week 1- 33% of incoming mail was opportunity for discouragement.

Week 2- 35% of incoming mail was opportunity for discouragement.

Week 3- 17% of incoming mail was opportunity for discouragement.

Week 4- 7% of incoming mail was opportunity for discouragement.

Week 5- 2% of incoming mail was opportunity for discouragement.

In the same 5 week period, mail volume increased by 1000%, and gross income and staff bonuses increased by
750%! Yes. 750%! If anyone has a better formula for success than this, I haven’t heard about it.

Also in the weeks after this study-same policy was

followed-statistics continued to climb, workloads
reduced, and the circulation of the Avatar Journal more
than doubled. Less than 2% of the incoming mail
offered any opportunity for discouragement.

By November, 1988, some three months after the study, less than .2 percent of incoming mail offered any
opportunity for discouragement!

When you 5X outdistance any discouragement this way, it soon ceases to be a factor in your life.

In a 1991 production
study conducted by
Star’s Edge, one thing
found in common
among successful
Avatar Masters was
that they applied the
Rule-of-Five to handle

The really clever

Masters also used it
with prospects who
wanted to do Avatar
but had their attention
fixed on obstacles
preventing them from
registering for the


Part I: Behind The Scenes


Behind the scenes refers to preparations and

operations that are carried out in the background. Skill-
developing drills, practices, rehearsals, etc. are behind
the scenes activities. Appearance, confidence, presence
are developed according to analyses carried on behind
the scenes. Professionalism is the result of having one’s
behind the scenes in order. Success, whether it be in
business, relationships or personal life, depends upon

some level of operation going on behind the scenes that allows for emergency revisions and general improvements.
It is a complete ignorance, or an absence, of constructive behind the scenes operations that condemn people to

The environment and the group consciousness

from which Avatar is delivered are very important. With
difficult students, it can make the difference between
their success and their failure. Environmental control
and the control of group attitudes are managed from
behind the scenes.


Certain environments host attitudes that tend to reinforce the doubts and strengthen the beliefs of a student in the
near unalterability of his own limitations.

Seriousness is a prime example.

Seriousness is the experience resulting from a belief in (or fear of) difficulty.

When the beliefs, “it’s difficult” or “it’s hard” work

their way into the group consciousness, students will
create problems for themselves and problems for each
other. Their attention is on problems, thus problems

Course progress will slow and the session hours per

rundown will creep upward. The students will need

guides and will engage in abstract philosophical
discussions. “Yeah, buts” abound.

Sometimes the “it’s difficult” belief gets masked by

the explanation: “I want to be thorough” or “I don’t want

to miss anything.” Sometimes the student will arrive
with some sort of carry-over attitude that “life is tough,
only the tigers survive.” Such individuals, particularly
when several arrive at once, will shift the group
consciousness toward the belief that there are many

difficulties connected with any effort toward
self-improvement. Such individuals make the world a
dangerous place. Staff will become irritable, and the
environment begins to take on a threatening quality.
Closing the door no longer seems adequate; one longs
for locks.

Seriousness results in a slowing down and

contraction of consciousness. Seriousness is a resistance

to experience. The unknowns that border whatever one
is perceiving become more ominous and draw one’s
attention. The ideas of “subconscious” and “reactive
mind” influences become plausible and even oppressive.

“What-ifs” rattle aberrant chains of possibilities in the incognizant darkness.

In such an atmosphere one will find students

handling at contracted levels of consciousness beliefs
within beliefs within beliefs on a contracting spiral. The
student struggles with phantoms created from his own
expectations. The more one resists identifying with and

experiencing oneself as the source of a reality, the more that source of reality operates beyond one’s control.
Seriousness and resistance! Resistance creates new
sources of reality. Seriousness reinforces itself.

Machines may mysteriously

malfunction in the presence of

In a serious environment,
secondaries are more likely to
manifest than primaries.

Seriousness favors a
compulsive re-creation of the

For example, having the belief, “I think I missed

something” will send the student into hours of searching
for (and creating) things to discreate. And all the while
he is really just sitting in the middle of this creation,
resisting the experience of, “I think I missed something.”

The more serious the environment, the slower the progress of the student.

If a student is creating, or
re-creating when he or she
should be experiencing;
1. Handle the seriousness
2. Assign more Feel-It drills
3. You take a walk

The opposite of seriousness is a smiling, loving, confidence from which one creates and/or experiences knowingly
and willingly.

Forced good humor and joking, while certainly not to be discouraged, are often only an escape valve or cover up for
resisted seriousness.

A more reliable indicator to watch for is this: can

the students appreciate and safely make fun of their
own beliefs and experiences. If not, you’d better do
some quick conjuring behind the scenes and set an

Shifting someone out of a resisted creation is an

artful skill! If it is not done with love, it easily takes on

the color of intolerance and worsens the situation. It is
not replacing their evaluation that “things are awful”
with your evaluation that “things are swell.” It does not
rob them in any way of their own sense of being source.

Their reassessment of what is serious is not a result of fearing your disapproval.

When done properly, shirting students out of

seriousness allows them to deliberately reassess the
importance they have assigned to some creation. They
take a second look and shift outside the creation. As the
creator, it is now safe to reassess the importance
assigned to the creation. The resistance they have built
up toward experiencing or entertaining certain creations disappears. One shifts them in the direction of an expansion of
consciousness (a willingness to experience) rather than in the direction of a contraction of consciousness (resistance to
experience). It is a labor of enlightening.
An experienced Master can precipitate the shift of
importance with a non-verbal smile and a non-visible
radiation that is effortlessly generated. This is the level
of skill required of an Avatar Master.

Seriousness is dissipated by a
disintegration of the resistance
to experience. This can be done
by offering as a model a
viewpoint willing to experience
the resisted creation.



A worm is a transparent belief

that passes unnoticed and offers
a person a reality to agree to.

This is where this course starts

to get really good.

There is an art to successfully installing a worm. A worm is put in through the cracks; it passes unnoticed.

It’s an expression of certainty-an observation that

invites agreement. It is not a command. It’s a little
comment you make to yourself or to another which the
group overhears: “Things are getting better.” “I do feel
better.” ‘Things are beginning to work out.” “The worst
is over.”

Sometimes one arranges (behind the scenes) to inflow the worm from a third party in front of the group.

From the group’s point of view, it is an expression of a

belief made from another to others. Hence, there is no
resistance. This is a “third party worm.” It establishes

The context of the “third party worm” should be

positive, but not so spectacularly positive that it

becomes a case for disappointed expectations. One
wouldn’t install worms (at least not in someone else)

such as: “I’ve handled everything in the universe,” “I can read the cosmic mind,” or “I just cured myself of terminal
One creates an attitude for a group by allowing the group to seemingly eavesdrop on a casual conversation.

Casual is stressed, because if one has ever spent any

time standing in a line one has probably witnessed
conversations between two other parties whose sole

intention was to be overheard. (Good acting is the art of deception.)

How to install a worm.

This is going to be interesting.

If you have the belief that such “third party worms”

are wrongfully manipulative or deceptive, it is best you
don’t employ them, for the worm will carry a negative

judgment as well as a positive suggestion. (A worm with a head at both ends makes little progress!)


Part I: Behind The Scenes


The purpose of this

exercise is to develop
the skill to interact with
someone who is being
inappropriately serious
and quickly shift him
into a more playful spirit.

Serious: 1. grave or somber, as
in character, disposition, or
mood. 2. giving cause for
apprehension; critical or
threatening. 3. in Avatar terms:
the experience resulting from a
belief in (or fear of) difficulty.

The serious drill offers a person an appreciative

viewpoint from which to view a creation. It presents
another perspective on a creation. It allows a person to
cease creating resistance toward some creation and to
immerse themselves in the experience. When the

resistance is ended and the creation is experienced, the natural flow of change will again commence. The serious drill, all
by itself, can precipitate some miraculous changes.
As the seriousness dissipates, the being recovers source, appreciates and moves out of the creation.

Before your smiling gaze, you will witness a submission

followed by a most remarkable resurrection. The only
thing blocking the natural process was seriousness and


To appreciate something means
to see the value in it and enjoy

Seriousness is a “glue” that fixes

attention. This fixation results in
a continuous generation of the

Appreciation dissolves this

‘glue,” frees the attention, and
interrupts the continous
generation of the creation. This
is the secret of shifting someone
out of a creation.

The drill is done non-verbally until the student has mastered the art of shifting the coach. The coach may talk.

The drill procedure is as follows: the person acting

as the coach of the exercise originates a statement that
shows he or she is resisting some creation and being
serious. He or she may pick a statement from the list
below or make up one of his or her own. It should be

The person practicing the exercise (the student)

must lighten up the coach by effortlessly radiating

appreciation for the creation and the creator until the
coach shifts out of his creation.

The coach is in charge of the exercise and is working with the purpose of making the student more effective at doing
the exercise.

Look for and correct:
• the student attempting to shift the coach with

too low a vibration

• the student slipping into and matching the

vibrations of the coach

• the student using a sympathetic, overly

solicitous, counselling, or superior attitude

• the student’s attention is self-absorbed

• the student’s attention is on the creation

rather than the creator

• the student is flowing thoughts or energies via

the mind/body

• the student is trying to solve or fix the

problem rather than appreciating the


The exercise is practiced until the student is
confident of his ability to interact with someone who is
being inappropriately serious and quickly shift their
attention into a free state.

Repeated practice of the serious drill has a profound, transforming effect on both coach and student.

I’m just never going to be able to do it.
This is too hard.
I’m having a lot of trouble.
I’m confused.
I know I’m being too serious.
This is upsetting me.
I just don’t feel good.
I don’t know what is wrong with me.
There aren’t any skyrockets going off.
It’s not my creation.
I’m not responsible for everything.
Be realistic.


Part I: Behind The Scenes



The Serious Drill is a


The Serious Drill is not something that you do for
an hour or two, and then say, “Got it,” and it’s over. It is a
drill. It may result in some recognitions, but its purpose
is to develop a skill. So, you continue to do it and keep
changing partners. You may hit some levels of
resistance. Work through them and keep going. This is

something we really want you to be able to use easily and without effort.
The Serious Drill is a Master’s most important tool.
The success rate of your Avatar deliveries is directly proportional to how well you can do the serious drill.

The degree of success that your Avatar student has on

every single exercise is directly proportional to how good
your serious drill is. The only thing that a Master needs
to work on if their Avatar gets bugged is their serious
drill. You can be nervous, you can forget, you can have a
disaster behind the scenes, but if you maintain your
serious drill, that vibration, you will do no wrong. Your
Avatar will just do wonderfully.

You’re going to do this exercise every day because

the more you live there and the more this vibration
becomes your home, the quicker magical things will begin
happening in your life. When you go to dinner, shift the
waitress. When your friends are telling you something
very traumatic about their lives, appreciate their
creation...and so will they!

When you’re doing the drill, keep the shifting nonverbal. The coach can talk and say what they want to say, but you
shift them by radiating a vibration from a deep level of your being.

The idea is not for the coach

to learn how to be serious; it’s
to teach the Master how to
shift someone’s attention out
of a serious creation.

It’s a vibration of appreciation, or even admiration,

for their creation. You can add words later after you get
good at generating that vibration. When we practice

throughout the course, there is no use of words. You don’t need them and we don’t want you to think that it’s a specific
set of words that shifts the other person.

Enjoy their creation and really appreciate it. They’re showing you their work of art. If their work of art happens to be
something like, “I’ll never get through this exercise,” that’s still a work of art. Admire it. You don’t have to judge their
artwork, just appreciate it. If you start to judge, you will get drawn into the creation.

Don’t get involved in their creation, don’t give them

sympathy, don’t try to solve their creation, don’t try to
explain anything. Just have great appreciation. In
appreciation there’s no desire and no resistance.

Discovering what this feels like, what it can accomplish, and learning to live in this vibration is what this exercise is


Q: Is the coach’s role to just sit and complain for five minutes? He’s supposed to be verbal, right?

A: The coach’s role is to say something like, “This is too hard,” “I need some help.” You, as the Master, shift them
and they tell you when you’ve done it successfully.

They should be coaching you, letting you know if you’ve

done it, or if you need to increase your vibration, or if
you’re too serious, or whatever. If, as the coach, you
haven’t shifted after a couple of minutes, tell the Master
why so they can improve their efforts.

Q: And the way you shift is to simply accept? It’s not something you do?

A: Accepting is very passive. We’re appreciating.

Q: Can you shift yourself?
A: Absolutely.
Q: What’s the larger application of this? Does it stop with a person being stuck on the Avatar Course, or does it apply
to your everyday living?

A: The purpose of the drill is to get you able to

generate and live in this appreciating space more and
more. It should be more and more home to you as you
do the exercise. The more you stay in this state the more
delightful your life becomes. Living in that vibration has
things flow in a way that turns out to be best for you. Of

course, you don’t have to live there, but you should have the choice.
I want to stress the difference between something
being important and something being serious. To your
Avatar all of their creations are important, just as all of
yours are important to you, but importance is
appreciated and doesn’t fix attention or result in a

continuous generation of the creation. Seriousness fixes attention.
Your Avatar may want to discuss some important

things happening in his or her life; that’s okay. And if you

discuss with your Serious Drill in, meaning present, the
resolution that your Avatar will get from the discussion
will be far better than anything possible had the
conversation been serious.

Q: Is this a vibration of unconditional love?

A: The “I’ll love you no matter what you do”

vibration? They just want to let you know that they’re
there for you with unconditional love? Okay.

You see, if it’s something they’re originating, they’re

probably more concerned about how you will perceive

them than they are in helping another shift out of
seriousness. Genuine love is very powerful in shifting
someone-but it’s also rare.

Too often the “unconditional love” mask, nice and smiley as it may be, hides some very unaligned guilty feelings and

So what you want to radiate is just pure appreciation and/or admiration for the creation and the creator.

Q: Earlier you used the word “awe.”

A: Yes, it’s looking at somebody’s creation as if it were a great work of art. It’s, “Well, will you look at that!”

Q: Is this a vibration of allowing?

A: To a degree. Accepting and allowing are letting something come to you without stopping it. Enjoying it is the act
of appreciation, which includes allowance.

Q: Are there times when you don’t use the Serious Drill? For instance if somebody tells you that they just lost
somebody close?

A: It’s your choice. You can have appreciation for a creation without necessarily smiling and laughing. There are
times when it take more of a sense of reverence, perhaps.

Q: What are the boundaries between appreciation and love?

A: If you were at true appreciation you could define it as love.

The reason I don’t use “love” is because love can exist at different vibrations—sympathetic love, demanding love,
syrupy love. So I try to stay away from using that terminology.

Q: Is it important to know part of the problem?

A: Your desire to know can get in the way, because
you start listening to the story more, and you start
encouraging the person to put more attention on the
problem and tell you more. Before you know it they’re
more serious and you’ve gotten more serious. You’re
being drawn in.

We have found that it’s really very easy to do the Serious Drill with somebody whose language you don’t speak.
Then you can’t get drawn into any stories.

Q: Can you comment on people who have presence?

A: Usually these are the people who have appreciation for other people and for other people’s creations. Their
vibration frees your attention and so you notice them. That’s presence.


Part I: Behind The Scenes


A very small number of people manifest a lack of

integrity, or a lack of self-discipline when they are
granted the freedom to create their own reality. They
act like the constrained youth who leaves home for the
first time and over-indulges in wine, women and song
(well, at least there is a lot of singing and drinking!).

Such people have relied upon someone else’s enforcement of ethical beliefs (social conscience) to govern their
conduct and to hold their desires in check.

Now, as students they learn to discreate beliefs.

Unfortunately the first beliefs a few of them choose to
discreate are the ones that they believe restrict them
from some desire or passion they believe they have to
indulge. They say, “Oh what the hell! It’s only my/a/your
belief that drinking, smoking, promiscuity,
child-molesting or whatever is wrong. I’ll just discreate
that belief and have at it!”

And they’ll do their best to coax everyone else to follow suit.

Poor fellows, they’re up to discreating the restraint placed on them by the conscience of others, but not yet up far
enough to hear the voice of their own conscience.

They are up to discreating the beliefs that held them in
check, but not up to discreating the beliefs (or fears)
that required them to be held in check.

Behind every desire, behind every passion, lurks a

belief about one’s own inadequacy or lack! They are the

beliefs that a certain type of student would just as soon
ignore. If they do, their state of existence as an Avatar
will be brief.

Recognize that this attitude in a student is a signal

that he or she is at best half-done. Please do not attest

him or her or turn them loose. True, they may no longer
be restricted or limited by certain of their beliefs, but
they are still being motivated by their resistance to
experiencing certain opposing beliefs!

They are not creating their own reality.

Find out what reality it is that they feel the need to

explain as all right. They will be seeding the

environment with their justifications. They are resisting
the belief that their behavior may be wrong and are
looking for reassurance from others by coaxing them to

behave the same way (i.e., let’s all get stoned, then let’s stone the neighbor).
One handles the student who is acting wacky by universe handle and session programs-guided, if necessary.

One handles the environment by re-directing attention and praise toward meritorious behaviors (not people).


Part I: Behind The Scenes


Fear arises from beliefs in one’s own inadequacy or lack. Fear is a resistance to certain experiences that one believes
will reveal evidence of his or her inadequacy or lack.

Fears compound when people look to others to supply what they believe they must have, but cannot create.
The vampirish demand for attention and
reassurance that such beings can place on an
environment can halt other beings’ willingness to
integrate. The vampire sucks attention so hard that
others believe they must hold themselves back to keep
from being exhausted.

The handle is:

• Get them away from the rest of your class.
• Build their confidence by assigning a

program at which they can succeed.

• Get them to totally re-do, under

supervision, the Feel It exercises and the

Source List creation exercise.

• Then get them to identify with, fully

experience and discreate any negative

attitudes they have about: themselves,
others, human beings, authorities.

Creativism Exercises
Counting Forms
Give Objects Answers
Climb For Atonement
Surrender All Judgment On


Part I: Behind The Scenes


The more discordant beliefs that are added to the

group consciousness in the forms of protest,
irresponsibility, disagreements and resistance, the
further the students in the group fall away from
experiencing their own sourceness.

There may be a clear understanding of the validity

of the materials, but the ability (or the desire) to apply

the procedures will be inversely proportional to the
amount of discordance.

One must be SOURCE to broadly apply the

Creation Handling Procedure. Discordance reinforces

the student’s rightness in resisting being total
source—feeling shut-offs occur, limitations are agreed
to, definitions become fixed. As the student becomes
more and more reluctant to identify with and
experience his or her own total sourceness of creations,
the connection with the unity of infinite being is
severed. Creations continue to derive “creating energy”
from sources that are created beyond the student’s

Group consciousness has a discordance saturation point. When that point is reached, the consciousness of the
group, in terms of alignment, and the consciousness of the students in the group begin to diminish.

Intellectual shields go up and the progress of

self-integration and group-integration grinds to a halt
under the weight of discordance. Next, refund requests

When one first organizes to deliver Avatar,

particularly if one is the only Master present, the

amount of discordance that one can quell is finite. It is
very advisable therefore to proceed somewhat
cautiously and not try to tackle the most difficult
students first. Select the doers first. When they are
bright and shiny Avatars, extend your services to those
who need a little assistance to create the realities they
would prefer. Leave those who are exploring rejection,
pain and suffering to last.

The more Avatars you have in the environment (including, but not limited to, planet Earth), the quicker any
discordance will be discreated.

While the above is good advice and should be
followed wherever possible, the individuals that believe
they are in the most desperate straits (and who, of
course, are if they believe it) are often the first who
reach for Avatar. They will require the most time, the
most hand-holding and will do everything they can to
fail, and in the end, they will do the least for you when
they are finished. Probably they will tell people they
didn’t like it! (And the joke is, these beings are
probably your greatest spiritual masters, in disguise,
testing your resolve!)

The good news is, when you have endured your

rites of passage (and every new Master owes an

incalculable debt to prior Masters who have endured
and thereby made the passage less grievous), there will
arrive at your doors the most wonderful entourage of
lovely spiritual beings. You will marvel at where they
come from and what amazing lessons they bring with
them. Your life becomes electric, a continuous
celebration of wonder. You will see your students
recover their lives. Miracles will abound. Cosmic
connections occur. Sacred moments are shared.

If you can just get that first guy through the Source List... With Love, Harry Palmer at Star’s Edge 5/10/87.

[ End of Avatar Master’s Course Part I ]


Part II: Delivering Avatar


The following is a suggested guideline for a CREATIVISM day taken from AVATAR-THE SEVEN DAYS by Avra

The concepts contained in the CREATIVISM book are the most important materials of Avatar. They are the
foundational blueprints by which a student can understand and align his or her experience of Avatar.

Because Section I is offered for a low fee, it is sometimes passed over quickly to get to the “good stuff.” That is a
mistake. The “good stuff’ is “good stuff’ because it aligns and experientially amplifies the theory contained in
There is no standardized pattern for presenting a CREATIVISM day. This is your show to produce, direct and refine.

There are, however, some objectives that should be kept in mind as you design your CREATIVISM day.

Guideline and Objectives

1. After introductions and a brief preview of what

lies ahead, the students should be asked to fill out a

Personality Profile. The primary objective of the
Personality Profile is to get the student’s efforts, worry,
thinking, etc. directed forward in time toward goals that
he or she would like to achieve. The resolution of any
problem or situation can be re-framed in terms of a
future goal.

2. Make sure the student understands the articles.

Use the Section One Checkouts data. Have students read

out loud and discuss examples. Make it interesting and
fun. Use your serious drill. The objective is that they
understand the obvious logic behind “belief precedes

3. Really work the Belief Exercises. Clarify the

difference between “pretending to believe,” “ought to

believe” and “believing.” For transparent beliefs, if they
have trouble finding something that is unquestionably
true, have them look for something such as, “that’s the
way life is.” Feel free to adopt and use the Transparent
Belief Exercise described below. The objective is to
convey some recognition of the influence that beliefs
have on experience.

4. Reserve time for students to announce any new

connections or understandings they may have

experienced. The objective here is to demonstrate that
multi-viewpoints exist and that exploring a viewpoint is
better than owning it.

Transparent Beliefs

Theory: A creation is transparent when one is being the creation rather than viewing the creation. If you are being a
belief, you are the effect of it. If you are viewing a belief, you are source of it. As source, one creates experiential
evidence to support a belief. As effect, one presents experiential evidence as proof for believing.

1) State the situation that you would like to change. (Note:

If you we working as a team, the guide asks questions 2 and 3 alternately. It’s a lot of fun this way.)
2) What (or what other for successive run throughs) belief might someone have in order to experience (statement
from #1 above)?
3) How do you prove that belief is true?

Continue alternating 2 and 3 until there is an “ah-hah” or a feeling of source over the creation.


Part II: Delivering Avatar


The Master should have the student demonstrate

and/or explain with examples the principle points of the
letters: “Creativism: Belief and Experience” and “The
Nature of Reality.”

The Master is looking particularly to see if the student understands or has any disagreements with the following:

• That belief comes before experience

• That SELF is an idea in consciousness
• That belief is the determining factor of


• That reality shows us the beliefs contained

in mass consciousness

• That beliefs tune us to certain realities

With a good serious drill, go
over these questions until the
student can explain his or her

1. What determines your

2. What determines your belief?
3. What is a self?
4. What is real?
5. What is shared reality?
6. What is true?

(A good Master allows the

student to teach him the


Part II: Delivering Avatar


There are a number of simple reasons why parts of the Avatar materials are kept confidential, but the most
important reason requires some explanation.

Avatar is much more than a philosophy, as any student who has experienced its transmission from a licensed Master
will quickly tell you.

There are “word-lessons” and there are

“world-lessons.” A “word lesson” is someone’s attempt
to convey his experience to another via spoken or
written symbols. A “word lesson” can be informative, or
enjoyable, or inspiring; a “word lesson” can be a very
nice thing, but it should not be confused with a “world

A “world lesson” is something that people live

through. It’s something they actually confront and cope

with in life and from the “world lesson” they emerge
changed ...more experienced...bigger! A “word lesson”
very rarely produces such a result.

A “world lesson” is a unique experience. It does not require any translation into symbols to be understood.

Avatar is both a “word lesson” and a “world lesson.” It is a “word lesson” only for the purpose of introducing students to
their own unique “world lessons.” The “word lesson” that Avatar conveys is insignificant compared to the “world
lessons” it is capable of opening to students.
The Avatar course requires a well-trained and
disciplined Master to insure that the Avatar techniques
make it off the page and into life. Avatar becomes

valuable when it is conveyed as a “word lesson” on how to assimilate “world lessons.”

Properly presented. Avatar prepares one to
integrate his or her own “world lessons” without leaving
any word debris behind. Once initiated by a trained
Master into the Avatar techniques in Section III, life
will rapidly present the individual with the unique
“world lessons” that he or she most needs to learn. Life
itself becomes the Master.

By keeping the Avatar materials confidential and

permitting their teaching only by those trained to

transmit them properly, each person will receive his or
her own unique “world lesson” from the Avatar

Giving someone the materials “just to read” is not only illegal, but it is an act of cruelty.

The Avatar materials are confidential because they are intended to be presented competently in a manner that will
allow them to be utilized fully.


Part II: Delivering Avatar


It requires a skilled and

observant Master to
know when to pass and
when to coax a bit more
drilling from the student.

The Avatar exercises must be done very thoroughly

by the student. That fact sometimes runs counter to the
student’s desire to hurry through and get to the “good

Some students get into the exercises right away and are willing to do them very thoroughly. They lighten up.

They enjoy the transforming effect of the exercises.

Many, indeed, handle the major difficulties of their lives
on the exercises. They do the exercises; they explore
their own vulnerability; they experience a

re-introduction and a reunion with their higher self.

These are the students who require the minimum
instruction and are the Master’s delight.

Most students, however, are slightly withdrawn or a

bit standoffish. They are more comfortable looking at

pre-packaged freeze-dried answers than they are at
exploring their own sensory perceptions. They have to
be coaxed into re-connecting with their own awareness
of existence and their own awareness of self. Little by
little they come up from “just going through the steps” to
actually experiencing and exploring with the exercise. A
Master will see them wake up and loosen up and
actually arrive where they are. An experienced Master
has an intuitive recognition (actually experiences a
psychic shift into a more positive attitude toward the
student) as the student begins to make it.

The Master’s challenges are the students who have

shut down as far as experiencing anything and spend all

their efforts trying to translate the drills into the
answers they already have. They don’t really do the
drill, they figure on the drill. They write a ten page
lyrical debrief on what it’s like to be a tree, but sadly, it’s
an old script played for a departed audience. They love
discussions and arguments. They go absolutely wacky on
the notion that they may contribute something to the
materials and spend hours inventing new and better
drills. They spend more time studying the Master than
the materials. Their attention is on who they’re being
(as they imagine the Master sees them) rather than on
what they’re experiencing. They will give the most
fantastic wins...for applause, or have the most incredible
problems...for attention, but it is all pretense. They’re
not really there! Their viewpoint is somewhere out in

the crowd focused back on what they imagine others are seeing. Their existence is a movie that they project on a screen
for others, and of course light images, no matter how grand and beautiful they are, don’t really experience anything.
Only the projectionist is real.
(And in the worst cases, one suspects the projectionist is out to lunch!)
But if these figure/think students can be coaxed
into doing the drills a little longer (of course, they will
feel finished and invalidated and as though they’re
getting worse all the time, well, no, they just heard

God’s voice, etc.) they will eventually _resume their own viewpoint_ and come around. It’s a miracle to witness.
_The success of any student on Avatar is directly
proportional to the thoroughness with which he does
Section II: The Exercises._

At least ninety percent of all student difficulties

can be resolved by putting the student back on the
Feel-Its, Count Forms, Give It an Answer exercises.


Part II: Delivering Avatar


Feeling: the immediate quality
of what is present in terms of

perception, sensation, desire, or
emotion, considered apart from
all activity of thought; the pure
sense-element in consciousness;
any element of consciousness
not recognizable as thought or

Experience: to appreciate a
perception without translation,
judgment, categorization, or

The reopening of perception

and feel is the impact value of
art. Good art pulls a being back
from an intellectual world of
words into an actual experience
of the world. It brings one back
to life.

This is an essential plateau in

the achievement of Avatar.

A surprisingly large number of people have lost the

ability to feel. In its place they have substituted a
catalog of words. Such people are often found to fret
when they can’t put some new feeling into words.
Usually they bemoan their own lack of language skills
and slink into an intellectual depression because they
can’t make someone else understand how they feel (an
impossibility when you think about it).

The perception of feel, particularly for those who

feel their lives are led on stage for the eyes of others, is
secondary to the intellectual ability to translate the feel
into words. Before long, words all but replace the
perceptions. A quick touch tells one that it “feels

smooth,” but the actual sensation of skin upon surface is secondary to the translation of the sensation into words.
A quick look tells one that it is a “chair,” but what the
chair looks like is secondary to the translation.
Eventually one lives in a world of words. _To feel
something without translating it into words is to
experience life._

When you reopen a being’s ability to feel, you often trigger long-suppressed feelings. It is natural.

Create a safe space; allow the person to explore what he or she is experiencing without judgment or resistance.
When choosing or setting up a space in which to
deliver Avatar, the Master should place emphasis on
unique designs and unusual art pieces that pull people
into perception and break through their word-label
worlds. This can be done with very little expense and is

a very valuable aid in raising consciousness. It also aids in dissemination and intensifies the overall experience of


Part II: Delivering Avatar


Replica: 1. a work of art (a
creation) made in exact
likeness of another and by the
same artist, differing from a
copy in that it is held to have.

the same right as the first

made to be considered an
original work. 2. a
reproduction that is an
imitation of the original.

To Feel: to appreciate a
perception or experience
without translation, judgment,
or categorization.

(For your assistance in Debug Programs)
The following is the result of a recent inquiry into
three non-related refund cases who honestly believed
they had not achieved the kind of results from the
Avatar course that others had achieved.

Each of the disappointed students was found to be very solidly located within the boundaries of a creation which he
or she was failing to recognize and experience.

This was due to Type III beliefs (see CREATVISM

page 25) and judgmental labels associated with the
creation that caused a blind spot in both the student and
the Master--_transparent beliefs!_

Upon review it was discovered that most of their

sessions were actually spent discreating visualized
replicas and all the while they exist as the
creation that they refused to experience. All considered
that they were the victim of a circumstance of an
“outside” source. And the interesting thing is, from their
viewpoint, they were absolutely right! They were so
solidly identified with a level of sourceness, which they
refused to experience, that the conception of higher
levels of source was beyond their experience. The road
was blocked!

Recall the lessons:

• Every creation has boundaries, but the source of the creation is beyond the boundaries.
• One expands to and beyond the boundaries of a creation by experiencing it just as it is without judgment.
• Only by going beyond (outside) the creation can one recover the power of source required to modify or
discreate the creation.

If there is a fault with the Avatar materials, it is

that one fails to see inside a student’s consciousness to
discover that he is running the entire Avatar procedure
from a fixed, resisted, unexperienced creation. Where

this is suspected, the Feel It Exercises and Source List Creation Exercises should be re-done very thoroughly.
Enough Feel Its will eventually reveal to the student
what he is being.

Stress is an unwillingness to
experience a creation that one
finds oneself in.

Relaxation is an appreciation of
the creation one finds oneself in.

And so they sat within their...(awful, unimaginable,

unbearable, insufferable, oppressive, torturous,
excruciating, dreadfully burdensome, tragically

imprisoning--_unexperienced_)...creation, fogged in, trying to feel across a space they do not own!
All the while they grew increasingly desperate,
which was the clue to their predicament that was
missed. Stress is an unwillingness to experience a
creation that one finds oneself in. Relaxation is an
appreciation of the creation one finds oneself in.

An indication of a successful session is that the

student relaxedly pours out of the room and doesn’t

have much to say for awhile. The student is okay with
where he or she is, and this appreciation causes the
disappearance of more and more levels of

An indication of a problem session is that the

student finishes more agitated or hyperactive than he or

she began. They are stressed and often seek relief by
compulsively creating. Creation is an effort to relieve

The mechanism behind the agitated student is this:

he or she is running the Creation Handling Procedure
on projections generated by the creation that they are
sitting in but not feeling.

There is an old story about a man who falls asleep,

and as a joke his chums smear some smelly limburger

cheese on his moustache. He wakes up and complains
that it smells so bad in the room that he can’t sleep. He
tries another room and that smells bad too. He finally
walks out of the house and discovers that the whole

world smells bad!

The Avatar student in this type of situation is trying

to discreate the smell in the world. And each time he

projects and discreates a creation, the original comes
back. He grows agitated, begins to substitute creating
(often in the form of blame) for experiencing. He
creates more reasons why the original creation is still
there. Create, create, create. Explain, discuss, argue,
dramatize, philosophize, worry, LABEL, etc.

This same agitation phenomenon is observable

when someone attempts to shortcut the Feel It Exercise

by explaining how that’s the way they’ve always
operated, or that they did that a long time ago, or “I
understand all that” or no problem, “the pen feels red.”

The successful Master learns to recognize the

difference between a student’s “creating mode” and a

student’s “experiencing mode.” In the “creating mode”
students are seeking to understand, which means they
have to get through the exercises to read the good stuff
to find out whether or not they know it all already. In
the “experiencing mode” they are calm, relaxed and
enjoying the disappearance of the moment.

Some students have turned off their “experiencing

mode” so hard that hours or even days on the Feel It

exercises are necessary to turn it back on. During that
time you can expect them to protest, pout, threaten,
scream, get sick, get angry, get philosophical, get
religious, go sad, shirk, or use whatever ploy they think
will work on you to “get on to the good stuff.”

Recognize that there can be considerable discomfort

connected with turning someone’s ability to feel back

on. But in the end, they relax and stop trying to figure it
all out. They begin to appreciate their own existence.

Difficulties will arise if you fail to turn on their

ability to feel with the Feel It exercises. _Until a

creation is experienced and appreciated, it will not
discreate_. The student’s usual solution to this is to
create the creation away—cover it with invisibility or
some such thing. This may work for awhile until all the
creative energy is exhausted. Then the creation

This is the primary reason students have creations come back.

In such a case, the Creation Handling Procedure

appears ineffective and reinforces the belief that there
is something wrong with the way they are running the
material or that there is something wrong with the
material itself.

The real situation is they are creating instead of experiencing.

In each case reviewed, the refund request was the

result of the Avatar materials taking a person in the
direction of experiencing an unpleasant creation that
they were sitting in, but hadn’t identified. The Master

had become a “sympathetic nice guy” instead of insisting that the student push through to an experience of ownership
for what he or she was being.
There has never, never, NEVER been a refund requested for the reason: “My Master was too insistent upon my

You may hear “quips from the crowd” about how

“it” didn’t work, but in every case you will find the
refunded student was actually frightened off from using
the materials because the materials were doing exactly
what they were supposed to do, and the Master
permitted, or even encouraged, the student to quit
feeling and start figuring. Such a Master is validating

the person’s limitations and possibly seeking agreement for his or her own.
All the refunds were avoidable. The proof of this

is in the fact that all three refunds reviewed have since

been recovered by more experienced Masters and were
straightened out by nothing more complicated than a
caring-but-unreasonable insistence upon a thorough
repeat of the Feel It and Label It Exercises.

It has been demonstrated many times that a five to

ten minute repeat of the Source List Creation Exercise

before a session improved results. It may, as well, be a
good practice to have the student do a short repeat of
the Feel It and Label It exercises before sessions.

If you want to succeed as a Master, insist that your students succeed as Avatars.

Lovingly insistent on your success,

Harry Palmer at Star’s Edge


Part II: Delivering Avatar

(An edited transcription of a lecture
given on 4-17-87 by Harry Palmer)

How do you feel?

(Audience: Great!)
I’m going to ask you to do something really selfish tonight, OK?

Will you be selfish for a while?

I’m going to ask you to just feel what you feel. A
very selfish thing! I mean, if you think about it, you
never feel for the greater good of mankind. Feel may
seem like a very egotistical, selfish thing to do. Maybe
that’s why a lot of good people have turned it off. As a
substitute, they try to feel what they imagine others are

feeling. And then they feel what they imagine others are imagining they should feel. It’s really no wonder that solitude
has often been part of spiritual paths.
Do you want a definition of feel? “To touch or handle in order to become aware of. Examine or test by touching or

OK, touch something, handle something, become aware of it.

Maybe it’s because we’ve grown up in a society that

values intellect very highly that there’s this little
automatic translation device we’ve installed in our
minds, and it works like this: we touch something, and

when we touch it, we say “smooth.” “Smooth” is a sound that intellectually symbolizes a certain feel; it’s not the feel, it
is a sound. “Smmoooth.” It’s a sound!
Sometimes we touch something and as soon as we
can translate it into a word we go, “Oh, that’s
smooth—felt it—smooth. What do you want me to
translate next?”


So feel, don’t translate.

Boy, do you see how selfish we can get? No translation at all.

(Reading from dictionary) “To perceive or be aware of through physical sensation.”

Give me some examples of physical sensations.

(Audience calls off: Heat. Light. Pressure. Hunger.
Sexy. Pain. Thirst. Sound. Smell. Touch. Dizzy.)
Very good. Feel, be aware of the reflected light
striking your retinas. Bright lights exert more pressure
against your retinas than dim lights. You can feel light
with your eyes. You can experience looking without
thinking—without interpretation. Plants react to the
pressure of light by pushing back against it.

(Again, reading from dictionary) “To experience an emotion or condition, such as to feel joy, to feel pain.”

Feel joy without labelling it. Don’t focus on saying how you feel, focus on feeling how you feel.

We get into putting words on things to such an

extreme that feeling something becomes secondary to
the urge to communicate it. It’s like going on a vacation
and the important part is coming back and telling
someone, or showing them the pictures.

And of course when you get into the idea of living

for others, you also get into the idea that others should
live for you, which begins to make them responsible for
how you feel.

It’s better to be selfish and live for yourself, which

allows others to live for themselves too. Learn to feel

what you feel, even create what you want to feel, and
don’t be too concerned about substituting words for
what you’re experiencing.

Describing it just relegates it to the past.

Oh, you want to share? Here’s a curious

phenomenon: if you take two people, or even more, and

you sit them down together in a place and don’t let
them talk, after a period of time they will feel the same
things in the same way! Emotional inductance.
Resonance. Natural empathy. Sharing. That’s how
realities are created.

Now, if they talk, they probably won’t end up

feeling exactly the same because the words they

translate their feelings into don’t mean exactly the same
to both of them. For example, she says “I hate you” to
describe the feeling of being hurt. He translates the
words “I hate you” into the feeling of being angry. Oh,
what a mess! That’s how conficts of realities are created.

Without words there’s a match of vibrations; just

from being close to each other, in the same space, the
vibrations will eventually coincide, and they’ll feel the
same, empathy will develop, and the upset will
disappear. Having people meet face to face to talk out
their upsets is a good idea. It works because of the
harmonizing of their vibrations from their physical

closeness. What they say is of secondary importance. In fact, talking may at times slow down the process. Have you ever
made up with someone just because you were tired of arguing and they were still hanging around?
So what’s the lesson here? Do we stop talking and all hire lawyers? I don’t think so.

What we need to recognize is that words are

symbols (not the real thing) that allow us to achieve an
intellectual understanding (also not the real thing).
Words are not particularly effective in communicating
experiential clarity. Feelings, on the other hand, are not
particularly effective for communicating intellectual
understanding, but are essential if we want to
experience something—say, for the purpose of
discreating it. Students who can’t discreate have
understanding and experiencing confused.

Both understanding and experience have their places. The difficulty arises when they are confused.

Understanding is an alignment between creations,

experience is an identification with a creation. You
can’t satisfy hunger by understanding that if you had

some food you wouldn’t feel that way.

When you’re not translating into words and you

just hang out with somebody for a little while, you’ll

soon be on their wavelength. You’ll feel the way they
feel. This explains the high that one experiences from
hanging out with spiritually evolved beings. It’s not their
words, it’s how they feel.

Somebody who looks like this (slumps body to look

sad) can’t say, “Aw, I’m feeling great.” You are receiving
conflicting data. Unless you turn off the vibrations
completely and rely solely on your intellect, the person
will leave you just a bit uneasy. You stop and ask, “Are
you sure?”

“Oh yeah, I’m feeling great.”

You stop him because the experience isn’t right.

The experience is on a resonance level. It doesn’t agree

with your translation of what the words, “I’m feeling
great” feels like. So, is the fellow lying to you or has your
experiential equipment gone haywire? Maybe, maybe
not. He may translate this feeling (slumps) into the
words “feeling great.” Maybe that’s what “feeling great”
means to him. Do you follow me?

So, I’m going to have you experiment with

something. Breathe for a minute. You know how you

breathe, you go (breathes), suck in air to your chest, let
air out, like that. OK, now this one is risky: instead of
moving your chest, push your stomach out, and bring
your stomach in, push your stomach out, bring your
stomach in. As you’re doing that your lungs will
automatically fill with air. And when your chest stops, it
appears that you’ve stopped breathing.

It’s a little scary, at first.

The thing I’m showing you is that when you’re feeling, experiencing, the breathing tends to be lower.

It’s visceral, it’s feeling. And the more into symbols and intellectual understanding that a person goes, the higher the
breathing moves up. Up tight, eh. I suspect that mild oxygen deprivation increases mental activity.
Here’s a trick for switching from intellectual understanding to experience. A reverse translation!

Breath low with the stomach while repeating the idea

you wish to translate into feelings. Do this for awhile
and the idea will change to a feeling.

“I feel good.” Deep breath. “I feel good.” Deep

breath. “I feel good.” Deep breath. “I feel good.” Deep

breath. And if the feeling you get doesn’t fit your
intellectual understanding of that experience, who are
you going to believe?

When you’re experiencing something that has some intellectual judgment about how bad or unpleasant it is, ease
into the feel of it by breathing with your stomach and feel it a little more with each breath.

Breath through the experience and the judgment will


I want you to find something you consider

beautiful in this room, and then experience your

perception of beauty. This is totally on a selfish flow;
you’re never going to translate this feeling. (Pause.)

Oh great, it feels so great in here! Can you feel that?

And did you get that feeling without any particular urge to interpret it or translate it into words?

OK, feel a person without any need or urge to translate it into words. (Pause)

Sure, do it with your hands! Co-create an agreement!

Now, did you actually feel the flesh and bones, or did you feel a person and a little embarrassment?

Embarrassment is an effort made by the intellect to turn an experience off.

Feel the person again, but this time feel the meat.
Different, huh? Are you starting to regain some
experiential clarity?

Things become
complicated to the
degree that symbols
are substituted for

OK, here is a great truth. Things become

complicated to the degree that symbols are substituted
for feelings. So relax, enjoy! Life is a process-an

experience. It continues.

Here’s another thing for you to feel. Feel alive without any interpretation or need to translate it. Feel very alive.

Does anybody think that he’s doing this wrong?

That’s a joke.
Now when you just live life and you feel what’s
going on, life begins to flow. When you resist it, you
start to translate it and put symbols on it, you shift into
the past. That’s an intellectual appreciation of life. Take
a deep breath, relax, let it flow.

Symbols require

Life doesn’t!

In philosophy, words are symbols for reflecting life.

They’re a representation of life. Now the interesting
thing is that symbols require explanation—life doesn’t!
A great scholar may know all of the teachings of all of

the masters; he or she can say the right word at the right time, answer every question that you’d ever ask. But the
scholar doesn’t feel life, he or she lacks experiential clarity. A scholar is not necessarily an enlightened being and
certainly not an automatic Avatar, just a very knowledgeable person, an intellectual.
The scholar has all the explanations, “Well, it means this, and it means that.” But, only symbols mean, life is

Feel alive! (Pause)

You did that very well. When I asked you to find
something beautiful and experience it, it was actually an
interpretation that you placed on something. Oh, that’s
beautiful, that’s ugly. That’s wonderful, that’s
unwonderful, that’s wonderless...! I don’t know.

So it wasn’t the thing that caused you to experience beauty, was it? It was you.

It’s the intellectual interpretations that we place on

our environment that cause us to experience it as
beautiful or ugly. The same applies to experiencing
feelings; it’s the intellectual interpretation we place on
them that makes them pleasant or unpleasant. Feelings

are feelings, experience. When you come up and say
“Pain—ugh!” “Wow! Electrical impulse! Hot, cold,
pressure. Wow!” And, “Hey, and blood,” and you go,
“Oh! That’s very bad!”

Well, it just is! Just some combination of sensory neurons firing.

It’s all part of existence. It’s all part of life. It’s not
a good or a bad feeling. But when you put an
interpretation on it, “Oh, that’s a very bad thing,” and
then when you’re presented with it, you resist it. But
what are you resisting? Just your own judgments—the
interpretations that you’ve added to the experience. It’s
bad, ooh, stay away from it. You set up a wall, or you
set up one of these (pushes fists together); on one side
of it is your interpretation of the feeling, on the other
side is the resist that you have on experiencing the

You wouldn’t have resisted it if you hadn’t interpreted it as something that you shouldn’t experience. That’s how
you lock yourself up—something is presented for your experience and you put a judgment on it. “Oh boy, that’s very
bad, don’t experience that!”

Do you know the purpose behind any action? It’s to feel something or to avoid feeling something!

The purpose behind any action is to feel

something, or to avoid feeling something. When a being
is motivated by an avoidance to feeling something, he
acts out of fear. Fear will eventually move one into this
intellectual level, where symbols have been substituted

for feelings. When feelings are no longer safe, a person thinks.

People who have the purpose to feel, create.
People who have the purpose to avoid experiencing,

The most creative people not only feel, but they .

can translate feelings into symbols that will arouse

feelings in another. The one who is avoiding feeling
often imagines the creative person is enforcing feeling
on him, and he usually counters with some act of
resistance. This causes suffering.

Every great movement, every society, every

evolutionary phase has always started with a rediscovery

of feelings; they always start at a time when people have

lost touch with feelings and are living on an intellectual
level. And someone comes along, some sort of messiah,
or a pretty bright being who’s had an experience of
enlightenment, and he or she coaxes the people back
into feeling. You see, this person moves them beyond
symbols and back into feeling, and they experience
feeling very alive. The movement makes them feel alive,
or experiencing care or building for the future makes
them feel alive, because they’re moving out of this level
where they resisted experiencing and where life had
become symbols.

So any movement that has power actually moves

people from dealing with symbols and thinking back

into feeling, to feeling alive. It’s the excitement. You
feel excitement. You come alive.

Later on, when the movement has lost some of its

vigor, it has been resisted into inactivity by those who

fear change or who are avoiding feeling and, one by
one, disaffected followers shift back into an intellectual
mode and try to understand how they could have acted
so irrationally. Their usual solution is to blame it all on
the charismatic leader, whose spell, they reason, they
must have fallen under.

Assassination, crucifixion, and genocide are acts motivated by fear. They are intellectual solutions.

So what is the meaning of life?

Life is. It doesn’t come with a meaning.
You can study the symbols or you can go out and feel alive.

The ancient Vedas were the essence, the feel of life. Their purpose was to transmit from one being to another being
an experience of what life feels like.

Feel life; life is.

Sometimes you have to transmit the feel of life
with symbols; that’s the liability of not being able to
hang out with somebody on a mountain top, not being
able to look into their eyes and silently hug them. So we
use symbols. But in time the symbols tend to acquire
meaning, and then they no longer represent feelings or
experiences, but they begin to represent other symbols.
The meanings acquire a false importance and the
essence is lost. So books about books are written. And
the true Vedas begin to be reinterpreted and

reinterpreted and reinterpreted, until they become
intellectual exercises.

It was said of the Vedas that they were the breath

of the eternal, that there was never a time when there

were not Vedas, that they actually preceded the
appearance of man.

And the word “veda” means “the feel of life.”

That’s my translation. So the Vedas are more than


Some scholars say, “Oh yeah, the Sanskrit stuff,

ancient, here are the Vedas,” but the Vedas are actually
any teaching that brings a person to feel alive, you
know? Something that cuts through the level of
symbols and wakes someone up.

So what does it all mean? (laughter)

Well, with the Avatar Feel-It exercises, people are

starting to wake up. The first thing that happens is that

they recover a level of source, if you wish to call it that,

where the meaning is what they assign, rather than what they find. For the seeker, this is the end of the line.
(laughter, comments from audience)
(Audience: What is intuition?)
Intuition is sensing the feeling behind the symbols.
It’s going by what you’re experiencing rather than by an
understanding of the symbols. Our intuition allows us to
translate an understanding into an experience.

Did I tell you the story about the dolphins, how the dolphins perceive?

No? OK, dolphins send out a sound wave and it

bounces off things. They continue to send out a sound

wave, and the sound wave going out bounces back and it
hits the sound wave they are continuing to send out,
which creates beats as the two sounds interfere with
each other. From the interference pattern between the
reflected sound and the originated sound, the dolphins
get a third sound with which they sonically “see” a
three-dimensional underwater world. “A sunken ship
over there, a lot of gold treasure over there.” (laughter)
“A large fish over here.”

Well, the neat thing about a dolphin is he can swim

around the island and approach another dolphin, then

instead of sending out the sonar sound, he sends out the
interference pattern. The second dolphin, hearing it,
sees images just as if he were where the first dolphin
had been. It’s very close to an experiential conversation.

The second dolphin perceives the same

three-dimensional picture that the first “saw”—a ship,
fish, treasure, the same excitement—just as if he or she
were there.

This type of communication is a bit different from the communication with symbols and words that we use.

In fact, when we look at the dolphins’ form of

communication, we see how inefficient some of our
efforts to communicate are. The only way we can
approach a dolphin’s effectiveness is to have picture
dictionaries and keep everyone agreeing on what
picture the words represent.

(Audience: If you could telepathically communicate the feeling of the experience, that would be much closer to it.)

Yes. And you know I think we actually do that all

of the time—communicate telepathically. It’s always
there, ready to be tuned into. Probably you tune into it
with feeling. It can get invalidated if we attempt to
translate it into intellectual symbols, but what we feel is
what we feel.

How are you all feeling?

(Audience: Great!)

(Brad: Would you read that one phrase about truth over again?)

Sure. Things become complicated to the degree symbols are substituted for feelings.

(Brad: What does that mean?)

(Laughter, comments from audience)
(Steve: What happens is that when you get to
thinking as opposed to feeling, you really remove
yourself from the thing. When you’re feeling, as
opposed to thinking, you actually become the thing you
feel. In the action of thinking you’re actually separate
from it. I think that’s the big difference. Instead of
being part of it, you part from it.)

Yes, that feels right! (laughter) Thinking is produced by resisting the experience of something.

(Sue: What kind of waves are we talking about? It

really strikes truth when you say we’re always
communicating feelings with brain waves, or some kind
of waves.)

Well, I’m not sure, but if you go into a room where

someone’s just had a fight or been real upset, you’ll find

that you’re actually having to make an effort not to be
upset. You have to shift into an intellectual mode. In
other words, you’re resisting experiencing the
upsetness. Maybe you intellectualize that if at least one
person is calm, it’ll be better. That may or may not be
true, but you’ll find that you start to intellectualize when
you resist the feeling in the room.

Sometimes you say to yourself, “I’m not going to let them upset me.”

And, of course, from another stratum of consciousness it was, “Hey, listen, I’ll tell you what. You say this, and then
I’ll get upset, and that’ll be kinda neat, you know.”

Of course, if you’d experience it, it would change.
OK guys, you really feel good, but I’m going to end now.


Part II: Delivering Avatar



From Avatar-Seven Days

“It usually takes most of the day
for Feel-Its. Ensure that the
student’s mind goes totally quiet.
Ask them. They should also feel
calm, expanded, and alive.”

Make sure the student understands “define” as defined in the definitions.

The Master may inquire of the student how long it takes him to feel how something feels. If it requires more than a
second or two, the student should continue the drill.

As a general observation, students are not kept on

the Feel-It exercises long enough. By the end of the
exercises a student’s compulsive thinking or figuring
should be under control. Also, there are some
incredible realizations to be had (e.g., “Things just are,
what I experience is what I imagine!” or, “I create my
own experience of life.” or, “Unless I am, there are no

Don’t insist that your student have one of these

enlightened realizations on the Feel-It drills. He will

have plenty of opportunity later in the course. But also,
don’t be too quick to let him go on unless his mind has
shut down appreciably and he is bright and shiny.

If he feels a little and then writes up pages of significance about the history and manufacture of the wood screw he
identified with...just keep him at it.

On the “define and feel a belief,” the Master should zero in on some belief the student is already sitting in.

For example:
Master: Create a belief.
Student: I can’t think of one.
Master: That’s good. Let’s take that one and observe it for a few moments. Now, feel what it feels like to have the
belief, “I can’t think of one”.

By the end of define and feel a belief, the student’s

awareness and perception of beliefs should be
significantly increased. He should also be in very good

Part II: Delivering Avatar


Debriefing is a very useful technique. The Master

should not confuse a debrief with a summary or a
conclusion. A debrief does not call for opinions or
speculation. It is an oral or written response to two
questions: 1) What did you set out to do (i.e. what was
your purpose, mission, or intention)? 2) What actually

The value of a debrief is that it creates an

agreement between the student and the Master as to

what’s happening. By clarifying the intention, debriefs

also have the effect of placing the student at source as far as doing the exercises and in realizing when the exercise is
If the student sets out to do one thing and
something else happens, the Master knows that the
student is going into agreement with secondaries. If the
exercise calls for creating a skill or exploring a reality

and the student’s intention is to impress the Master, that also shows up. Effective use of debriefs creates alignment.


Part II: Delivering Avatar


The following two exercises have proved to open many doors for students on the “Feel-it” Exercises.

You are free to use them as needed on your Avatars.

Count Forms

(This is also in the CREATIVISM exercises.)

Have the student first define the form and then count it - #1.

Pick another form, define it and then count it - #2, etc. until he/she achieves a satisfactory result.

Give It An Answer

First have the student “count forms” for 15 - 20 minutes.

Then have the student define a form (no counting now) and then give it (create) an answer (yes, give the form an

Continue until he/she achieves a satisfactory result.



Part II: Delivering Avatar


Feeling n.: a sensation of any
kind; a vague sensory or
extrasensory impression or
perception, an experience.

Feel v.: to perceive, sense or have

an awareness of; have a distinct or
indistinct perception or
impression of; to experience.

Define v.: to determine, declare or

mark the limit of; circumscribe;
determine or indicate the bounds
or outlines in detail; to determine
the extent of.

Identify v.: to become the same as;

to combine in such a manner as
to make one; coalesce in existence.

Idea n.: something that one creates

(defines) in consciousness.

Innate adj.: existing naturally

rather than acquired; that which
seems to have been in one since
birth; inherent.

Transform v.: to change the

condition, nature, function or
direction of.

Foundational Beliefs

The only constant in this universe is change.

As persons, places, events, conditions, viewpoints
and ideas are experienced (appreciated) without
resistance they will undergo change and proceed
according to an innate design.

Everything flows! A person may influence the span of time over which the flow occurs, but inevitably, the flow will
occur. Everything flows!

Experiencing the flow permits a person to direct it,

to exist in harmony with it or to transform it! One

welcomes and experiences the change—recognizing new
opportunities—or one struggles against and resists the
change—thus experiencing suffering. Everything

changes. Life and death are both aspects of change. To live forever or to be dead forever are equally futile struggles.
One may choose one’s own attitude toward change, but meet change, one will. Everything flows.

Choosing to resist the experience of something

that one has chosen to experience (by his or her
knowing or unknowing adoption of beliefs) creates the
effect of suffering, of being swept along, of being out of

control. One creates against oneself—feeling is replaced by thinking.

But when one changes the attitude, and
experiences what one has chosen to experience,
(acknowledging oneself as source of the beliefs that

attracted the experience), a person may then create new beliefs as to what experience he will attract next. This is the
process of digging in one’s heels, of deliberately taking control of one’s eternal journey.
Those persons, places, events, conditions,
viewpoints and ideas that one resists experiencing will
continue to be re-created, perhaps with slight variation,
until they are experienced in accord with the beliefs
held by the particular stratum of consciousness that
created them.

All upsets in relationships are caused by refusing to experience something.

Experiencing something consists of identifying with and feeling how it feels. It is exciting! It is expansive! It fulfills the
primal purpose of existence.

To experience vt. to appreciate a
perception without judgment,
categorization or comparison.

Debrief a statement of what you

intended and a description of what
actually occurred, i.e.,

1. What you intended (purpose)

2. What occurred (description)

Experiential Drills

The following exercises may be done with or

without supervision. They should be done in a variety of
spaces, including out-of-doors. Adopt a gradient

approach. Start small (easy) and work up (more
difficult). A debrief (brief description of your intentions
and what you experienced) should be written up after
you have achieved a satisfactory result on each drill.

Note: You are actually working on recognizing and developing a perceptive skill that will allow you to experience
your creations. If you have any doubt that such a skill exists, notice your ease of identification and experience of the
body. To begin, supplement the drill with whatever degree of imagination necessary to get a perception.

1. Inanimate Objects, Locations And Spaces.

Select some object, location or space that interests you. Observe it carefully for a few moments.

Define the object by observing its periphery, edges and natural limits.

Identify with it and feel how it feels.

For example, if you are identifying with a stone, feel its weight bearing down on the earth as your weight, feel its
exposed surfaces as your surfaces, feel its density as your density. Transform the stone into you the stone.

Be the stone. (Experiment with using the stomach

breathing technique described in the Feel It transcript.)

Suggestions to experience:
• houses, rocks, bottles
• cars, roads, street signs
• poles, wires, trash
• bodies of water, chairs, mud
• mountains, books, empty space

When you have achieved a satisfactory result, write a debrief and give it to your Master.

2. Animate Objects

Select an animate object (animal, plant or person) that interests you. Observe it for a few seconds.

Define its edges, notice the actual space it occupies.

Identify with it and feel how it feels. Take your time.

Example: If you choose to identify with a tree, feel its limbs as your limbs, feel the breeze against its leaves as the
breeze against your leaves, feel the roots as your roots. Be the tree.

When you have achieved a satisfactory result, write up a debrief.

3. Guided Session

With a coach, select a belief that interests you. Be aware of it for a few seconds.

Define its edges and notice the space it occupies in whatever dimension in which it exists.

Identify with the belief and feel how it feels to hold

that belief. (Example: If you choose to identify with a
belief that you are happy, feel how it feels to be happy.
Feel joy. Be happy.)

Occasionally the Master may ask, “How does it feel to hold that belief?”

Summarize your experience of the exercise.

Suggested Feel-It Debugs

1. Walk the student through the exercise to ensure understanding:

A. a few moments on each creation not several minutes with one creation
B. they are where the creation is and are not visualizing in their head
C. they are appreciating their limiting creations, not resisting them

2. Transparent Belief Exercise on the “problem area.”

3. Count Forms Exercise
4. Give Forms Answers Exercise
5. Climb for Atonement using unkind thoughts about themselves


Part II: Delivering Avatar


The primary purpose of this drill is to restore the

students’ ability to label or re-label a creation and thus
explore the effect that their labels have upon their

Inspect the students’ debriefs. They should be having some fundamental recognitions about existence.

The students’ ability to create a “no response” to creations and to see them “just as they are” should improve


Part II: Delivering Avatar


Label n.: a slip of paper or any
other material, bearing a name,
title, address, or the like, affixed
to something to indicate its
nature, contents, ownership,
destination, or other particulars.

Label v.: to affix, mark or attach

with a label.

Define v.: to determine, declare or

mark the limit of; circumscribe;
determine or indicate the bounds
or outlines in detail; to determine
the extent of.

Opinion: a belief that seems true,

valid or probable to one’s own
mind. A judgment.

This drill may be done with or without supervision.
It should be done in a variety of spaces, including
out-of-doors. Adopt a gradient approach. Start small
and work up. A debrief should be written up after one
has achieved a satisfactory result with each drill.

The purpose of this drill is to allow you to
investigate and explore what effect your opinion has, if
any, on your ability to perceive or experience objects,
bodies, feelings and ideas.

1. Labeling Spaces With Opinions

Define (determine the limits, circumference of) the space occupied by an object.

Create an opinion of the object (good, bad, ugly, beautiful, etc.).

Label the object with your opinion, and then identify with the object and feel how it feels.

Change your opinion-label of the object and again identify with it and feel how it feels. Repeat this step for several
different opinions.

Repeat the entire exercise to a satisfactory result and write up a debrief.

2: Labeling Other People With Opinions

Define the space occupied by another person.
Once you have defined the space occupied by a person, create an opinion of that person.

Label the person with your opinion and then identify with the person and feel how they feel.

Change your opinion-label of the person and again identify with and feel how they feel. Repeat this step with several
different opinions.

Repeat the entire exercise to a satisfactory result and write up a de-brief.

Suggestion: Use opinions

you regularly use in life.
Notice the responses from the
person you are labeling.

3. Labeling Beliefs With Opinions

Create and define a belief.

Once you have defined the belief, create an opinion of that belief.

Label the belief with your opinion and then identify with the belief and feel how it feels to have that belief.

Change your opinion-label of the belief and again identify with it and feel how it feels. Repeat this step with several
different opinions.

Repeat the entire exercise until you achieve a satisfactory result and write up a debrief.

4. Labeling Just As It Is

Define something (person, object, feeling and idea).

Once you have defined the person, object, feeling or idea, identify with it and feel how it feels.

Label the thing just as it is (without translating your perceptions or adding any opinions).

Repeat this exercise to a satisfactory result.

5. Surrendering All Judgment

Locate a comfortable, safe location. Select

something or someone, include any creations of self,

body, past, friends, enemies, etc. Be aware of it (or
them) but choose to create no response to it (or them).
Do this until you can easily recognize the difference
between the things, events or people that tend to induce
you to create a response and those things, events or
people that induce no response. Continue the exercise
on those things that create a response until you _choose
to create no response._

Include any realizations you may have had in your debrief.

Response: something said or done;
an answer; a reply or reaction.
No: not in any degree; not at all.
Judgment: a criticism or censure;
an opinion.


Part II: Delivering Avatar

[14] DELIVERING AVATAR - The Creation Exercises

From Avatar-Seven Days

“Spend most of the time on the
SOURCE LIST. Make sure that
the student really gets to Source,
not just an intellectual
understanding of it. Each
secondary needs to be fully
discharged before going on to
another secondary.”

These exercises handle many things, but their primary purpose is to ease students back into the role (viewpoint) of

These are not fast exercises. Average time to a

good result is two days. Some students have spent a

week on these exercises with excellent results. They can
produce startling changes, often in a matter of minutes,
and then may continue for sometime with no visible
effect until another period of breakthrough occurs. Or
they may produce gradual changes over a period of time.

After several hundred hours of observing students

doing this exercise it should be noted that the exercise is
easily underestimated as to what it will do. Don’t make
this mistake. The exercise is not subject to failure as a
result of the appearance of any mental or physical

phenomena or conditions. _Any interference your
student experiences from phenomena or conditions
should be treated as secondary originations._

An excellent practice is to have the students read

or re-read the Creation Exercise section after every one

or two hours of doing the exercise. This has a marked
effect on the students’ willingness to continue and on
the speed at which they recognize secondary

It is good advice to inform the student that a

secondary origination can actually occur before the

primary as some sort of preparation to give the
origination. A secondary origination is any primary that
the student is not deliberately making. It may be a
thought, an attitude, a movement, a pain, an emotion, or
a desire to do something else. It’s something that is
there other than what is knowingly being created. A
secondary is eliminated by knowingly creating or
assuming the source of it in an exaggerated manner.

Q: What exactly is it that you
exaggerate about the secondary?

Harry: You exaggerate the

creation of the secondary—you
magnify the deliberateness. At
first the secondary is created on
automatic. Now you create it in
a deliberately overstated manner.

Sometimes, because of embarrassment or

considerations about social poise, students will have
difficulty exaggerating the secondary origination (or will
do it in a unreal stagey sort of way). Often the handle is
as simple as showing them how it is done. Don’t worry
too much about how well they exaggerate as long as
they consciously, knowingly, re-create the secondary.

Students are willing, even eager, to continue the drill as long as they can see they are making progress.

There is no rule that says the coach should not react to anything the student says or does. No frozen robotics,
please. If something is funny—and it most often is—laugh! The student is, after all, making fun of his own automaticities
when he exaggerates. The exercise should always be fun rather than serious.

Unless the delivery is a one-on-one between

Master-student, at some point the students coach the
exercise on each other. This brings up a willingness to
look for one’s own secondary originations. Whenever
possible, it is good to have the students work both as
student and coach with several people.

The exercise peels off many layers. Often one will hear the student remark that things are brighter or more real.
There is an easy calmness and comfort in the student’s manner when he or she regains control of his or her own
centered sourceness.


Part II: Delivering Avatar


After all secondary originations have been placed under the student’s control, the coach should check with the
student to ensure that the reality has been created.

(Examples: “Do you feel the best you ever felt?” “Do
you feel like a victim?”)

If the reality has not been created, the coach has

the student tell him what reality was created. This

reality, even if it’s “nothing,” is treated like any other

The exercise is continued with the same origination until it does create the reality.

Part II: Delivering Avatar


Spontaneous: 1. acting in
accordance with or resulting from
a natural feeling, impulse, or
tendency, without any constraint,
effort, or premeditation. 2. having
no apparent external cause or
influence; occurring or produced
by its own energy, force, etc. or
through internal causes; self-acting.

Primary Origination: a creation or

communication invested with
sufficient intention and effort to
create a reality.

Intention: a purpose that aligns


Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is
triggered by the creation one
intends. 2. an effort or intention
concerned with how a primary
origination is, was or will be
received. 3. an effort to monitor or
modify the origin point or receipt
point of a communication.

4. something that is there other than what is knowingly being created. 5. an unaligned effort.

Monitor n.: one who warns of

faults or informs of duty; an
admonisher; one who gives advice
and instruction by way of reproof
or caution.

Monitor v.: to watch or check on; to
regulate the performance of; to
listen in on.

Foundational Beliefs

Awareness and consciousness are not the same.

Awareness is without form, limit or restriction. It is a potential that neither lacks nor contains. Awareness of
something within a span of time is consciousness.

Awareness is the primal source of all creation, including

consciousness. Awareness without form, limit or
restriction is the beginning, the continuing, and the

transforming of all things. It is the source and substance of the idea that a unity exists of which all things are a part.
Life is consciousness.
In truth one is, at some level, always source, but at other levels one may create against one’s self until that level of
self appears as a no-source.

The creation of one’s life is the result of a primary

intention originated by awareness and contained
in/sustained as consciousness. The fundamental
intention is, “an I exists.”

Primary Origination

When an intention is unopposed by any other creation or intention, it becomes effortlessly manifested as an
experiential reality. This is a primary origination.

When an intention encounters one or more prior

creations or opposing intentions, it triggers the prior
creations or opposing intentions into re-asserting
themselves. This re-asserting is called a secondary
origination, or priorly created reality. A common
expression for this phenomenon is doubt.

Consciousness creating itself as the source of any

reality may transform that reality. Consciousness

creating itself as the no-source of a reality is powerless
to affect that reality.

Consciousness exists within a span of time. Within

that time it may create against or modify its originations

by subsequent originations. This can be done before the
origination manifests into an experiential reality
(changing one’s mind). After an origination has
manifested, it must be experienced and reintegrated
before it can be replaced by a new origination.

Vectoring: combining forces into
a vector.

Vector: the resulting course

followed by events that are
subject to multiple influences.

A Practical Example

The voiced originations of students are often

accompanied by unvoiced secondary originations. For

example, a student says he is doing well, but unvoiced is
the idea that he does not wish the instructor to think he
is slow. The resulting creation will not clearly match
either the voiced origination or the unvoiced
origination. This vectoring of intention results in the
experience of random creations.

Many secondary originations take the form of

intentions to create agreement, to solicit approval, or to

avoid upset. These prior realities can be triggered by a
new primary origination. They show up, often mentally,

as second thoughts, reservations or doubts. Sometimes they are involuntary, and the person may not immediately be
aware of them.
A secondary may appear as an effort to monitor, to convince, or to check for approval for what is being originated.

At other times the secondary origination is not so much asking for agreement with what is said, as it is asking if, or
asserting that, it is OK to speak.

These secondary originations sabotage us and keep our words from manifesting into the realities that we wish to

So What Is A Primary Origination?

It is an origination that creates the reality the originated words describe.

A primary origination (primary) does not look for

agreement or approval from any other source. A
primary does not require repeating, re-consideration,
justification, or explanation. A primary does not have to

conform to or consult with past experience. A primary is an origination that says “X” and creates “X” as a reality.
This is the way it is, and it is!
There are no mechanics, no technology, no fundamental truths senior to consciousness acting as source creating a
primary origination. None!

A creation is subject to rules, principles, truths, and

limits only when it is created within a priorly created
reality that one does not wish to disturb.

If you create in conflict with a priorly created reality, it will, of course, re-assert itself as a secondary origination.

Many people will find that an understanding of the

above and re-acquiring the skill to make a primary
origination will neatly resolve their major difficulties in


Part II: Delivering Avatar

[17] THE SOURCE LIST - by Avra Honey-Smith

I’d like to talk a little bit about the Source List.

The purpose of the Source List is to put you in
control of your Universe. When we use the Source List,
we use it to evoke secondaries that are already in our

It also gets us to a level of Source that makes us bigger than our creations. Unless you’re bigger than your creations,
you won’t be able to discreate them.

You can liken your secondaries and your primaries

to water flowing through a pipe. When you put water in
one end (make a primary) you want it to flow out the
other end as a creation. If there are many little holes in
the pipe, the water will leak out before it reaches the
end. Those little holes are your secondaries; they let
your creating energy leak away and no creation occurs.

When you have lots of secondaries, nothing will

create. If you make a primary and you have no
secondaries, the reality will create and you will
experience it.

These secondaries are already in your life. They

are not created by the Source List. (Laughter) So if

you say: “Oh, I hate doing the Source List because I
have so many secondaries,” remember that you’re living
with them on a day to day basis. You’re not avoiding
anything by not doing the Source List

So while you’re doing your Source List, really dig

in and plug up all of those secondaries. To do that, stay

with the same secondary and alternate it with the
primary until the secondary goes or until you feel the
energy is gone from it.

So you make the primary: “I’m happy to be me.”

The secondary shows up, “No, I’m not.”

OK, now alternate the primary “I’m happy to be me” and exaggerate the secondary “No, I’m not”. Keep on
alternating those two, until that secondary is gone.

The coach will then ask, “Do you have any other secondaries?” If so, handle those.

Stay with one primary until you create it--_not_ until

you feel better about it, not until you can almost be
happy to be you, not until you could be happy to be you
if you had some other stuff. Do it until you can say “I’m
happy to be me” and create it and feel it. Its an
effortless creation.

If you say: “There are no secondaries, but it didn’t create,” you still have a secondary.
While you’re coaching the Source List, keep your

serious drill in. There’s nothing more upsetting about

exaggerating your secondary and laughing and laughing
and you’re having a funny time laughing at yourself and
you look up and your coach is like this Avra makes a
serious face. (Laughter) Now the primary in a stem
voice. (Laughter) It doesn’t make you want to do it

Question: “What happens if there’s a reinforcement on I’m happy to be me and I’m delighted to be me”?

Avra: That’s still a secondary. That’s extra effort.

The primary that you’re creating is “I’m happy to be me.”
Also, it just doesn’t work if you’re saying: “I feel the worst I’ve ever felt” and you’re feeling wonderful.

That’s not quite an alignment of belief and experience.

Question: How do you exaggerate a non verbal secondary?

Avra: In a way that you feel comfortable exaggerating it. If you’re watching yourself, just watch yourself.

Remember to exaggerate the feeling. If you’re

feeling a little fear, don’t exaggerate screaming,
exaggerate the feeling of fear-screaming was a
response to the secondary.

When your secondary is really top notch highest volume terror, and you really feel it there, then you can scream.

If your secondary is “wanting to hide.” Standing up

on the table is not the right exaggeration. Your
secondary is wanting to hide. So if you went under your
chair that would be your exaggeration.

Some peoples’ way of exaggerating is different from other peoples’. You don’t have to be an actress or actor to
exaggerate a secondary. Just exaggerate it any way you can and be comfortable at it. The main thing is to have a good
time with it. Allow yourself the fun of it.

Question: What’s the difference between exaggerating the secondary and feeling the secondary? How do you

Avra: Experiencing it fully is not exaggerating it.

We’re not feeling the secondaries, we are creating the feeling of the secondary and exaggerating it. That’s one type of
Another type would be if there were words, you’d exaggerate the words with the feeling attached to them.

If the secondary was a little fear-you’re just a little

uncomfortable with people around, you would
exaggerate great fear.

Flattening a secondary: the
action of removing the creating
energy from a secondary so
that it is no longer triggered by
a primary to spontaneously

Source is who you are. Some students, when they do the Source List, go to Source—there is no such place.

It IS you. Don’t leave. (Laughter) So when you’re

coaching, look for things like that. “Going to Source.”
“Tuning into Source.” “Connecting with your Source.”
All of those things, are secondaries.

When you’re working with somebody, anything other than what they’re intentionally creating is a secondary.

Here’s a phenomenon that sometimes happens.

It’s called talking the secondaries away. “Oh yea, I know I do that, oh yea now it’s gone.” That’s not exaggerating.
That’s explaining. You have to realize that any Source
that can create a secondary can create a reason for it
(Laughter). So we don’t care why you have a
secondary, nor that your stepmother gave it to you in a
moment of abuse, or that your friend hit you over the
head and said it. We just want you to exaggerate it so
that you can get in control of it and it goes.

Question: What if they refuse to do this?

Avra: Have them exaggerate refusing, with a good serious drill (smile).

If you say to a student, “What is your secondary?”

and he says, “I don’t know what it is.” That’s it! _”I don’t
know what it is.”_ That’s the secondary.

In flattening secondaries, if any part of it, any feeling, any thought of it, any word, picture or anything is still there,
it’s still there.

If someone has a secondary and the person says, “It

feels better,” don’t let that person stop exaggerating that
secondary. Continue it until it’s gone. Eventually they
all go. You are giving them certainty and you’re

plugging up pinholes.

Question: What happens if you’re doing the

source list one day and you’re handling the secondary

“no I’m not” and you’re on “I’m happy to be me” and it

totally goes and you feel wonderful and the next day you have it again?
Avra: You’ve hit a new layer. You can have
hundreds of them or you can have one of them. It all
depends on you. It doesn’t mean that you didn’t flatten
it the day before, or that it didn’t go, it just means that
you’ve expanded out to a new layer.

The same way as when you’re feeling incredible

and all of a sudden you hit a creation-it doesn’t mean

that everything you’ve gotten so far in life has totally
blown out the window. It just means you’ve hit a new

Any need for approval, any need for

acknowledgement, any need for admiration and any

need for validation should be handled on the Source
List. If you feel the need to have any one of those
things, exaggerate it. Those are things that can keep
you from being Source.

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80 Master’s Course


Part II: Delivering Avatar


Exercise 1: Recognizing Secondaries

Purpose: To bring the student to a recognition of secondary originations.

Procedure: Coach has the student deliver the first

line from the Source List, “I’m happy to be me.” Coach
then asks student to tell him any doubts, second
thoughts, or physical sensations that the line triggers.

The exercise is done briefly and is complete as soon as the student has an experiential clarity on recognizing
secondary originations.

NOTE: At this point, nothing is done with the secondaries other than recognizing their existence as phenomena.

Exercise 2: Thoughtstorm® Session

Purpose: To use the mind deliberately.

1. Read the copy of the Thoughtstorm Instructions in your personal folder.
2. Create (or join) a Thoughtstorm session on the subject of “Secondary Originations,” or lacking a group,
contemplate the following questions by yourself:

• What are secondary originations?

• What purpose, if any, do secondary

originations serve?

• What causes secondary originations?

Primary Origination: a creation or
communication invested with
sufficient intention and effort for it
to create a reality.

Intention: a purpose that aligns


Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is triggered
by the creation one intends. 2. an
effort or intention concerned with
how a primary origination is, was,
or will be received. 3. an effort to
monitor or modify the origin point
or receipt point of a communi-
cation. 4. something that is there
other than what is knowingly being
created. 5. an unaligned effort of
any kind.

Exercise 3: Sourcing Originations

Purpose: To allow the student to identify and assume control over any secondary originations that act to curb or
modify his ability to source originations.

1. Avatar students work in pairs, each coaching the other in turn.
2. At the beginning of each working session the

coach has the student reread the definitions of primary

origination, intention, and secondary origination, and
give examples of each.

3. The coach has the student voice a statement

from the Source List as a primary origination and then

observe or discover any secondary originations that are
occurring spontaneously before, during or after the
primary origination. If the student is willing, the coach
may point out any secondaries that he observes, or ask

questions that will reveal secondaries, (e.g. “Were there any doubts, second thoughts, or physical sensations triggered
by that line.”)
4. The coach helps the student to assume control over each secondary that emerges by having the student

deliberately exaggerate that secondary alternating with

giving the primary, until the secondary no longer occurs

5. The exercise is continued until the student can

easily deliver any statement on the source list as a

primary origination without any self monitoring or
secondary originations occurring.

Additional Procedure Note:

The procedure may be unwieldy at first. The Avatar Master will aid both the coach and the student to become
proficient in this exercise.

One may encounter resistances to doing the drill, but they should be addressed the same as any other secondary.
Once secondaries begin to be eradicated the student will have little doubt about the liberation achieved. Consciousness
will experience an expansion.

These exercises can get very noisy and funny.

Laugh a lot and lighten up. Consciousness is a very light thing.

Source List Debug Programs

If student is resisting secondaries, assign more feel-it exercises.

If student is stuck in one secondary for a long time and not making any headway, have the student create that
secondary as a primary, without secondaries, and then return to the original primary.

If the student can’t see secondaries despite all efforts, have the student do a long Climb for Atonement.


Part II: Delivering Avatar


1. I am happy to be me.
2. I am right here.
3. This is really me.
4. I am me.
5. I do it.
6. I decide.
7. I am source.
8. The world is a reflection of me.

(The Avatar Master will check out and give final
pass on the Source List.)

Primary Origination: a
creation or communication
invested with sufficient
intention and effort for it to
create a reality.

Intention: a purpose that aligns


Secondary Origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is
triggered by the creation one
intends. 2. an effort or intention
concerned with how a primary
origination is, was or will be
received. 3. an effort to monitor
or modify the origin point or
receipt point of a communi-
cation. 4. something that is
there other than what is
knowingly being created. 5. an
unaligned effort of any kind.

Good Coaching Questions:

“Did you create that reality?”
“Were you trying to convince

“Did you create it before you

said it?”

Note: Always coach a student

towards source, not towards

Exercise 4: Creating Reality

Purpose: To allow the student to identify and assume control over any secondary originations that act to curb or
modify his ability to create his own reality.

1. Avatar students work in pairs, each coaching the other in turn.
2. At the beginning of each working session the

coach has the student reread the definitions of primary

origination and secondary origination and give
examples of each.

3. The coach has the student voice a statement

from the reality creation list below as a primary

origination and then locate any secondary originations
that are occurring spontaneously before, during or after
the primary origination. If the student is willing, the
coach may also point out any secondaries that he
observes, or ask questions that will reveal secondaries.

4. The coach helps the student to assume control over each secondary that emerges by having the student

deliberately exaggerate that secondary alternating with

giving the primary, until the secondary no longer occurs

5. The exercise is continued until the student can

easily deliver any statement on the reality creation list

as a primary origination without any self monitoring or
secondary originations occurring and until the reality is

Additional Notes On Reality Creation:

In creating reality, statements are made as one-way

communications (self to self). When one is below the
source level of a priorly created reality, the priorly
created reality will show up as a secondary.

Any reluctance to create a reality should be

handled the same as any other secondary.
Any reality experienced at variance with the
primary origination is the result of a secondary.


Part II: Delivering Avatar


Each origination should be delivered as the

student’s own and, it should be repeated, with
secondary originations handled, until it creates the
reality being communicated.

1. I feel the best I’ve ever felt.

2. I feel the worst I’ve ever felt.
3. Life is funny.
4. Life is serious.
5. I am here now.
6. I don’t know where I am.
7. I feel like a victim.
8. I am not a victim.
9. The past doesn’t exist.
10. I don’t need forgiveness.
11. What I see is a problem.
12. What I see is a solution.
13. I don’t have a choice.
14. I always have a choice.
15. Everything I see is illusion.
16. What I see is real.
17. I am as I decide to be.
18. There is a limit to what I’m willing to


19. There is no limit to what I’m willing to


20. I create what I experience.

21. I have everything I need.
22. My mind is still.
23. I am relaxed.
24. I create it all.

(The Avatar Master will check out and give a final

pass on this exercise.)

Exercise 5: Your Creation

Create your own list of primary originations from your answers to the following question:

• What reality would the person I’d like to be create?

Deliver each origination as your own, handling all secondaries, until the origination creates the reality being

The Path of Opportunity

In some cases a reality will not be immediately
created by the exercise alone. _What will create
immediately_ is a path of opportunity leading to the
manifestation you wish to create.

A student should not go onto

Section III of Avatar until you
are sure he’s skilled at the


Part II: Delivering Avatar


Question: “Is it simpler or better to create your own personal list in the present?”

Avra: Those things that you can manifest in the

present, I would put in the present. Say you were
creating a course in February. You want to have 10
students in February. I’d put it in the present, “I have 10

students in February.” I “will have” will always leave you with a “will have.”
There’s a question going around whether or not

you have to keep affirming your own list every day, or

whether or not when you finish a primary you should say
the primary a couple of times to really affirm it. Saying
the same primary a couple of times to affirm it is a
secondary. Either you created it or you didn’t. It’s as
simple as that.

A primary will either create and manifest right

here, right now, or we have what we call a door of

opportunity open-you’ll have a realization on how to
do what it is you want to do.

Say your primary is: “I have 10 Avatar students.”

Keep working with that primary until either you have 10

Avatar students knocking at your door, your phone
rings, you have a great knowingness that it has occurred,
or you get a realization on who could be your 10
students. You don’t have to go on hoping that it
happens, or trust it will happen, or pretend that it
happened. Either it happened or you had a realization

on how it can happen. Those are the only two ways that you end with a primary.
As an example, we had a woman on the course
who had lots and lots of real estate and lots of
investments but she wanted to have a million dollars
cash. She didn’t want to go into debt for it. She was
working on her primary and continued to work on her
primary and all of a sudden another woman at the end
of the table said, “Did you say you wanted a million
dollars cash, and you had all this property, but you
didn’t want to go into debt for it?” She said yes, kind of
irritated, like the woman was interrupting her Source
List. The other woman said, “Well, that’s what I do for a
profession. I figure out how people can do that. I’m a
financial manager.” In about 5 minutes they had a talk
and worked it all out. That was her door of opportunity

and it manifested.

If you have a door of opportunity open and you

have a realization of what you can do to create the

reality and it doesn’t manifest, you still have
secondaries. Anytime your primary does not manifest
you still have secondaries, period.

Create what excites you because that’s what will have energy in it and pull you towards that primary.

Forcing yourself to do a primary that you don’t want to

do is only going to have resistance on it.

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92 Master’s Course

[ End of Avatar Master’s Course Part II ]


Part III: Star’s Edge International

[ Not available (30 pages). ]


Part IV: Enlightenment


(Revised 2/28/92 to align with
WizardS 1992)

General Theory
Observation: Awareness creates within itself and
experiences within its creations.

When awareness chooses to experience its

creation, it becomes identified with that creation; it

exists as that creation. It does not respond to the
creation; it responds as the creation. While it is
identified with the creation it manifests as

consciousness limited by the boundaries of the creation. Defined consciousness believes itself separate from the
undefined awareness, which exists outside of the creation.
Since primal awareness is without limits, creation
occurs within it. Undefined awareness is the source of
the first creation. The limited consciousness existing as
the creation believes that it is existing within boundaries
that are not of its own creation. Limited consciousness
considers itself separate and different from undefined
awareness. Limited consciousness also creates within
itself, but the limits of its creations exist within the
limits established by its separation from undefined

Identify(verb): to become the
same as; to combine in such a
manner as to make one; coalesce
in existence.

Define (verb): to determine,

declare or mark the limit of;
circumscribe; determine or
indicate the bounds or outlines in
detail; to determine the extent of.

Label (verb): to affix, assign or

attach an expression to a
definition to indicate contents.

Disassociate (verb): to sever

company with; to separate from;
to disconnect from.

Discreate (verb): to halt the

production of a creation; to turn
off; to cease creating: to let go of.

Existing within limits that you consider beyond your power of creation is the essence of experience.

This is how people come to view themselves as trapped or subject to experiences not of their own creation.
The purpose of any creation is experience. There
may or may not be intervening steps between the act of
the creation and the integration of the experience. The
complication is this: what may seem a perfectly logical
thing to create and experience by an expanded
consciousness may appear to be threatening to
experience by the more contracted aspect of the same
consciousness existing with the limits of the creation.

As an extreme example, an expanded

consciousness existing as thought energy might desire to

experience how much weight a particular organism
might bear, but existing as the organism that is being
crushed, the experience is resisted. The degree of
desirability of an experience is relative to what you
experience as.

Thus limited consciousness resists (creates against experiencing the creation created by a more expanded aspect of
itself) and creating against oneself begins the compaction of creation and consciousness that manifests as the physical

The more expanded aspect of consciousness

continues to create the creation, on automatic, as a
secondary origination to the creations of the limited
consciousness. Both are aspects of the same source.
When limited consciousness ceases to resist the creation
it is identified with, it expands beyond the boundaries of
that creation and integrates with the aspect of itself that
is source of the creation. The Creation Exercises in
Section II are preparation for this.

The limit or boundary of every experiential reality is an unknown. Universes are separated by unknowns. If you wish
to examine an unknown more closely, pick out a little area of space and study it independent of its limits, boundaries or
reference points.
Observation: What is created as unknown by consciousness as creator is experienced as infinite space by
consciousness as experiencer.

If all of this leaves you hanging on by your mental fingertips, don’t be too concerned. The _CREATION HANDLING
PROCEDURE_ works even if one does not fully understand it.

There are six steps to the Creation Handling Procedure:

• 1. Identify with and experience the creation

• 2. Define its outermost limits
• 3. Label it without judgment
• 4. Disassociate from the creation
• 5. Discreate the creation
• 6. Create what you prefer

1. Identify With And Experience

Awareness within a creation is consciousness.

Every creation contains consciousness and is connected
with every other creation through pure awareness. Pure
awareness is without definition; it cannot be described
as this or that, existing or not. Only the creations of
awareness exist. Consciousness is awareness limited
(defined) by a creation.

“When we discuss space travel,

realize we are talking about a
mental skill. It has nothing to do
with moving bio-mass around
the universe.”

Wizards Course

In the Feel-It Exercises of Section II, you learned

to meld with a creation and “feel how it feels.” This is
the essence of “identify with and experience.” It requires
that you surrender any resistance you might have to
existing as the belief, the feeling, the emotion, the idea,
the identity, the time, the space or the mass of whatever
you are seeking to identify with and experience. You
become the limited expression of consciousness that is
the creation.

If a person has any difficulty doing this step, or just

wants to achieve a greater certainty on his ability to do

this step, he can employ the Creation Exercise. (For
example: Create the reality “I am ....[fill in the blank]...”
and handle any secondaries.)

Continuum: a scale of changing
aspects which have a common
factor, e.g., an inch, a foot, a
mile possess the common factor
of being measures of space.

2. Define The Outermost Limits

Every creation has some form, defined by boundaries, in one or more of the infinite continuums of reality, time,
space and energy. Pains, sensations, aches have forms. Thoughts, ideas, beliefs and impressions have forms. Fears,
desires, and compulsions have forms. Only pure awareness is boundless and without form.

Everything else has limits or boundaries defining a


The creations that you feel the effect of are being

viewed from the inside-this is the relationship between

creature and creation. The creations which you have
control over are being generated by you-this is the
relationship of creator and creation.

Certain creations may require a change of

continuum in order to be viewed at all (e.g., a creation

defined by a span of time, such as a century, cannot be
viewed in terms of spatial limits).
You cannot get an overall view of a creation which

you are being. To view such a creation requires that you

expand the reality that you consider yourself to be. This
can be done by extending your willingness to experience
out in all directions until you contact the unknowns
which lie just beyond the limits of the creation. Most
people (aspects of consciousness) have separate

creations of self defined in different continuums, e.g., an energy self, a reality self, a spacial self, a time self.
You cannot change your relationship to an upset, pain, idea or fear by resisting it.

You define a creation by expanding your attention

within the continuum or continuums in which it exists,
and willingly experiencing, until you contact the
unknowns which lie just beyond the borders of the

3. Label It Without Judgment

When you label a defined creation without

judgment, you recover the attention that was fixed in

the creation. Suddenly, the creation is what it is. It does
not compel you to create a response. You are not the
effect of, nor affected by, the creation. You are not
drawn into, nor repulsed from, the creation. You are
separate from it.

The key to this step is your ability to make a primary. The label on a creation is a primary rather than a response.
There is no compromise, no check to see if you have done it right, no pause for approval or applause. You are centered,
sun-like, Source.

4. Disassociate From The Creation

Very simply, you cease to identify with the creation. With your attention on the creation, recognize: “This is not-I,
this is my creation.”

Present time is a creation

whose limits lie just beyond the

Unknown: not defined,

identified, determined or

Events are creations defined by

limits in time (beginning and

Experiences are creations

defined by the limits of
perceptual reality.

5. Discreate The Creation

A creation in continuous automatic creation often

needs to be turned off. In truth, nothing hangs around
(persists); everything that exists is being created right

Discreate means to cease the creating of the

creation. It is effortless. It is a halt to an existing flow

of energy rather than a new flow of energy. It is not
creating against the old creation.

For example, when you turn off a light at the switch, you simply interrupt, stop or take away the flow of energy to
the light. You discreate the light.

Deprived of “creating energy” the creation vanishes, breaks up into parts and evaporates, shrinks into itself and
disappears, slips away, difuses, turns into a fog and dissipates, shrinks into a nothingness, or is simply gone.

If you find something that you can’t seem to discreate (a persistent mass), it is because it still has a source of
“creating energy” that you have yet to assume responsibility for.

6. Create What You Prefer

Determine what reality you would like to experience, using excitement as your guide.

Construct a statement of the reality in the present tense. (For example: I have inner peace.)

Originate the statement as a primary origination

and handle any doubts or secondaries by use of the
Creation Handling Procedure until the reality is
experienced, OR until a clear path of opportunity to the
reality opens to you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that nothing in the Avatar materials is meant to limit you or your powers of creation.
If, inadvertently, something has crept into the materials that constitutes a belief or a limitation for you, please discreate
that, also.


Part IV: Enlightenment


Creating Energy: the energy that
life generates to manifest and/or
sustain a creation.

Occasionally you will build up such a resistance to experiencing something that you are tempted to _create it out of
existence_ rather than experience it.

These creations (emotions, pains, feelings, etc.)

that you just have to get rid of-you will do anything to
get rid of them—are the same ones that you have the
greatest resistance to experiencing.

Any attempt that you make to create something out of existence, even though the attempt may be successful,
consumes your creating energy.

The most obvious symptom of depleted creating energy is that you begin to find waking life exhausting and
overwhelming rather than exciting and challenging.

The beauty of the Creation Handling Procedure

(CHP) is that properly done it recovers creating energy
rather than consumes creating energy. Consequently,
you should move from any exhausted-by-existence
feeling into a more excited-by-existence feeling if you
are doing it properly.

The following technique has resulted in about a

25% increase in effectiveness of the CHP. It does this

by bringing to light resistances (creations against) that
are preventing the experience of a creation. It is an
extremely powerful and effective technique that can be
adapted to a wide variety of creations.


1. Place your attention on an emotion, feeling,

upset, pain, sensation, dullness, numbness, voidness or fixed idea that is persisting as an unpleasant experience (in self
or another identity).
Make the primary origination: “It’s all right to feel like this.”

Handle the secondaries (usually resistances and judgments) by exaggeration or CHP. Repeat until you have no doubt
that, “It is all right to feel like this.”

2. As the resistance to experiencing is handled,

you will find an increased willingness to explore the

experience to its furthermost limits. Discover, enjoy,
and define.

3. Label it without judgment.

4. Disassociate.
5. Discreate.
6. Create what you prefer.

Part IV: Enlightenment



Students should review their

Personality Profile for conditions
and relationships to address on
the rundowns.

Once the student has completed Section II, The

Exercises, the role of the Master consists in scheduling
initiations, making sure the student understands the
materials and makes it to the next rundown in the solo

Body Handle
Do one run through of the CHP with the student.
Make sure s/he gets the overall impression of their
body, not just part of it. Check their debriefs for
satisfactory results.

Go over the procedure with the students. Check their debriefs for satisfactory results.

Go over the procedure with the students. Make
sure they understand that successful identification is a
recognition that the identity is something they have
been resisting.

Persistent Mass
Let the student know that they don’t need to verbalize or translate the persistent mass, just feel it.

Use “white worms” to help students overcome


Universe and Mass Consciousness Handle

Check debriefs to make sure the student is aligned with the purpose of the rundown.

Correction Program
If someone is asserting that they believe one thing
and yet are experiencing something else, have them
work backwards from the experience to deduce what
the belief might be (universe handle drill). Then have
them identify with and experience that belief, even if
they have to imagine it...tolerantly-lovingly...and run
the CHP.

Sometimes it requires that they discreate a number

of beliefs before they contact and identify with the

actual belief that they are experiencing. Sometimes it
requires that they experience and handle their
resistance to the belief first.

Truth, should you ever wonder, is the recognition of the alignment of experience with belief.

When the student has completed his Section III

course checklist and can answer “yes” to the three

criteria questions from AVATAR COURSE GOALS, the
Master should have the student write a success story
(optional) and then announce the student publicly as
having achieved Avatar.

Student profile, debriefs, checklists, royalties, legal

and registration papers should be mailed immediately

to Star’s Edge International, 900 Markham Woods
Road. Longwood, FL 32779.

Star’s Edge will file the materials in the archives and issue the student an Avatar completion card.

1. Do you feel you have

achieved a satisfactory
increase in the ability to
handle life?

2. What recognizable gains

have you made?

3. Do you feel more prepared

to meet the future?

This page is blank.

140 Master’s Course


Part IV: Enlightenment


There are three main results that the Avatar materials are known to produce. They are:

• 1. A satisfactory, self-discernible increase

in the ability to handle life

• 2. Recognizable gains
• 3. A greater preparedness to meet the


Before certifying Avatar completions, the student should be asked the following questions to ascertain if these
products have been achieved.

The answers he gives are the only criteria for determining if satisfactory results have been achieved or not.

It is not up to the Avatar Master to make any judgments on any criteria other than the unprompted answers to the

_1. Do you feel you have achieved a satisfactory

increase in the ability to handle life?_
(If the answer is “no”, find out what the situation is and write a program to handle. Ref: BUGS)

2. What recognizable gains have you made?

(If the answer is “no”, find out what the situation is and write a program to handle. Ref: BUGS)

3. Do you feel more prepared to meet the future?

(If the answer is “no”, find out what the situation is and write a program to handle. Ref: BUGS)

Providing all the above are answered in the positive, the student should be extended the awards and respect due an

Should the above questions turn up a “no,” the

Avatar Master should write a debug program (per
DE-BUGGING AVATAR) and get the result that is

From the data at hand, consisting of many

thousands of hours of Avatar delivery and many, many

Avatar completions, the above increases and gains are
easily and uniformly achievable.

In my estimation, any student not able to achieve these results should review the course, from the beginning, with
an experienced Master.

In addition to the results stated

current results of the Avatar
course include:

1. A free being at source
2. The courage and ability to

integrate creation
3. The ability to manage one’s

own identity
4. The ability to change the interpretation on one’s experiences
5. The ability to create

experientially real states


Part IV: Enlightenment


Edited from a lecture given by Harry Palmer in
January of 1987

Surrogate n: one elected or
appointed to stand in place of.

Yesterday, I gave you the steps of a procedure that can create an Avatar. Today, I’ll explain the six steps further and
answer any questions you have about them.

Briefly, the six steps are: identify, define, label, disassociate, discreate, and create. These six steps describe the
operation of awareness in the universe.

Well, actually, there are seven steps. There is one

step that was left out, which is the step you start
with—exist. I assume, since you are doing the Avatar
Rundowns, that you are existing—it’s an addiction, you


Step 1

So you start off with whatever you are resisting, and the first step of the Creation Handling Procedure is to identify
with it and really experience it. Really feel it. Take the resist off and really sink into it. Become it.

Anything that exists has a form in some dimension,

and anything that has a form can be experienced. Those
things that aren’t in creation are without form and
assume surrogate existences by identifying with
forms—like Avatars.

The only problem anybody ever has with

experiencing a creation comes from the fact that they

are already identified with another creation that is
incompatible with the creation they are trying to
experience-round pegs don’t fit in square holes, flesh
and blood bodies don’t do well in the core of the sun.

From the formless state of Avatar you can go back and forth into existence and get a good feel for the limits of
anything you wish to experience.

When you are contained within the creation, you experience the creation. You are the experiencer. When the
creation is contained within you, you are the source of the creation. You are the creator.

From inside, you experience; from outside, you create. Whatever you are experiencing was created from a more
expanded state of consciousness than the state of consciousness from which you are experiencing it.

Your life is designed by you as a higher self-relax and


We can imagine creators and gods and collective

consciousnesses, all separate from us, all out there

somewhere-separate because we are locked into our
little spheres of creation that we have yet to experience.

When you start to experience, you grow.

Experiencing means you stop thinking and start feeling.

Thinking is a continuous creating to avoid experiencing.

If you’re resisting an experience, you’re creating

against experiencing it. That’s OK. You just have to
experience your creation of resistance first. Whatever
you’re involved in, the path out is to fully experience

it-even if it’s resisting an experience. Experiencing
fulfills the purpose for why you created it.

To experience something you have to suspend

judgment. You relax into it. It’s not an effort, it’s a

relax, a release into. To experience means to accept
something, to overcome your fear and to go exploring a
little bit. It’s to transform your fear into curiosity. It’s
feeling it.

“You know, there’s breathing from the stomach,

and there’s breathing higher in the diaphragm. Well,

feeling is down here (stomach). To experience
something, you just breath with the experience, sinking
into it and identifying with it. It’s like getting into a hot
tub. Just ease on in. You become the reality that you are
focusing on. That’s step one, _experience what you’ve
already identified with_. Later on, when you’ve
experienced what you’re already identifed with, you can
identify with and experience something different.

Step 2

The next step is to _define what you’re identified

with_. We’re talking about define in the sense of: to
establish the limits, define the outside, to delineate, to
circumscribe, to get a sense of the outline in which
something is contained. That’s define.

Every creation has boundaries. That may take

some getting used to, because sometimes the

boundaries exist in realms that you are only vaguely
aware of. When you explore boundaries from the

inside, you expand your attention outward into whatever you are experiencing. The boundaries will be perceived as a
marked decrease in the intensity of the experience.
When you look at the boundaries of a creation
from the outside, the intensity of experience of the
creation is very slight. The more your attention is drawn
into the creation, the more the intensity increases. It’s
the difference between watching an accident on the
news and being involved in one.
The degree of intensity in your life is determined by the creations you are identified with but are resisting. To an
Avatar, existence is effortless.

I’ve got a story I’ll tell you. I’ve told this story
before. You have to picture something. Picture clear
transparent space. Imagine perfectly clear transparent
space above you as far as you can put out your
awareness, clear transparent space. To the right of you
as far as you can possibly imagine, clear transparent
space. To the left of you, as far as you can imagine, clear
transparent space. In front of you, as far as you can
imagine, clear transparent space. Behind you, as far as
you can imagine, clear transparent space. Below you,
clear transparent space. Everywhere, clear transparent
space. And you are everywhere in this endless, clear

transparent space. Relax and feel it. There is nothing to resist.

Suddenly you find this little tiny particle in your clear transparent space.

Now where do you think that came from? Huh? A

tiny little particle in your clear transparent space. You
decide to ignore it and just enjoy your clear transparent
endless space. But where does your attention go? On
the particle. So you resist it and what happens? It
becomes more real.

There is a little tiny particle in your clear

transparent space! And it’s mysterious because it’s

unknown! It is so miniscule, compared to your
infiniteness, that it radiates an intensity of experience so
slight that it borders on the non-existent. Like looking
into a flashlight beam on the moon, from the Earth!

And you look at this particle in your clear

transparent space. And you look, and you look, and you
look. Your attention becomes totally focused on this
little particle. And what happens? As your attention
focuses, you grow smaller! And the intensity of the
experience radiated by the particle grows stronger. And
you look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. And
you look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows. And
the particle doesn’t seem to be quite so small anymore.
And you look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows.
And you look. And you shrink. And the intensity grows.
The particle gets a little bigger. And you look. And you
shrink. And the intensity grows. The particle gets bigger
still. You look. And you shrink. And the intensity
grows. The particle grows so big that you can look inside
of it! And you look. And you shrink. And the intensity
grows. And you go “Whoa!” and look and shrink, some
more. You go “Wow,” and you look and shrink and the
intensity grows so strong that you go right into the
particle! It’s a whole universe! Suns and planets, stars,
galaxies! This is really intense. You look at this planet
inside the particle called Earth and you shrink and the
intensity grows. Very interesting this planet called
Earth. You look, you shrink, the intensity grows...

So now, dry your baby tears and look around. You

look out into the universe from within a creation, within

a creation, within a creation, within a particle...it’s
space...clear transparent space!


Looking from the inside out, space, from the outside in, curious, mystery, interesting, which is why you tend to get
yourself identified with things.

So when you feel you are satisfied with

experiencing something, maybe you’ve learned
something or just got bored, you are ready to define it.
Define the outermost limits is step two of the Creation
Handling Procedure. You expand out, permeate out,
until you are aware of a marked decrease in intensity.
Expand far enough and you will contact clear
transparent space.

So this is how you define, when whatever you are

experiencing just doesn’t seem to extend any

further—intensity has dropped to zero. That’s it. Do this
in several directions, or every direction at once, or
however you want to until you get some sense of the
form of what you are experiencing.

OK? That’s the definition.

Step 3

Now, we come to this step _label it without judgment_.

The problem with judgment is that when you

attach your belief to something, you also attach you to
it. You start to dribble down this judgment anchored on
some creation. A judgment is a belief. You placed a
belief on a creation. Now, you either drag the creation
around with you or you go into the creation and start to
experience it, but you experience it in accord with your
belief. Oh! Oh! It’s sort of like an octopus waking up
one morning and finding out that he is all in his toes!

The saying should read, “Judge not, lest ye become the judged!”

So you label the creation without judgment. You

label it just as it is. It is what it is. Make very sure that
your label isn’t a response to the creation. Your label is
a primary, not a response to the creation. Let the
creation be its own label. Let it be just as it is and let
that be its label. The creation and the label are the
same. If you have trouble labeling something just as it is,
experience your judgment of it, define your judgment of
it and label your judgment just as it is. Do you
understand? The beginning is always right where you

When you label a creation without judgment you

experience a change of viewpoint. You go from inside

to outside—from connected to separate. You have a
change in perspective. You’re no longer identified with
the creation. The intensity of experience of the creation
falls to zero.

And when you are outside of a creation, you begin

to recognize yourself as separate from the creation and

source of your response to the creation. In fact, when
you take your attention off it, the creation doesn’t even
exist as far as you’re concerned. It’s your creation!
Marvelous stuff, this material! Amazing!

If you label the physical universe just as it is, and

you also include your body and mind as part of the

physical universe and label it all just as it is, you will
experience a shift in viewpoint from within the physical
universe to a vague sense of being outside the physical
I don’t know if any of you have carried the label-it exercise to that point yet, but it’s there! It’s there within a very
few minutes. The state may be vague and easy to doubt at first, but I would say that it will take no more than an hour to
experience it as a reality.

When you reach this point, the things in the universe are your thoughts!

Maybe you’d better tell someone who understands

before you do it or you’re likely to come back and find
yourself locked in a sanitarium, but I’d expect you’d be
able to handle that in short order. The insane are

insane, not only because they violate what other people believe, but because they insist on telling the other people
about it! Shut up and enjoy the experience.
And when you start to experience the universe
from the outside, which is a much nicer viewpoint, you
get some pretty good ideas about what you want to be

involved in and what you would just as soon pass on. All by itself, label it without judgment is a powerful process.
When you label other people without judgment, it becomes a religious experience.

Birth and death are the time

boundaries of life.

Step 4

Step 4 is disassociate from the creation.

The universe is a creation that arises in infinite
awareness-clear transparent awareness. Awareness is
the creator and the perceiver until it identifies itself
with some creation and becomes something with
boundaries. You are bound only by your own decision
to have boundaries!

Now if you can see it, it’s what?

It’s the creation. If you can be aware of it, it’s what? It’s the creation. If it’s got form, it’s what?

Creation, right? So the recognition that something is a

creation, that it’s not infinite awareness, disassociates
you from it.

A creation is not-I. You’re no longer identified with it. Once you see it, you can disassociate from it.

Now you don’t have to see it in any great detail as long
as you can define its boundaries. Very simple. Very

And when you disassociate from the creation, you

recognize that it is your decision whether you create

something or not. You’re the source of the creation,
which you must be. I mean if you didn’t exist, it
wouldn’t. It’s like the Beatles song, “What do you see
when you turn out the lights? I can’t tell you, but _I
know it’s mine._”

Anything you experience is in your universe, and because it is your universe, it is your creation. Even if it’s a copy of
something from some other universe, the copy is your creation.

If I tell you about a green bottle, what you imagine is your copy of it. Your copy of a green bottle in your universe. Do
what you want with it—it’s yours!

Does that make sense to you?

So we add this second line to the disassociate step, this is my creation. And the whole thing goes like this:

Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation.

This is the best argument I have

made yet for intentionally
creating something nice for
another to experience.

Step 5

Step 5 is discreate.
I use the word discreate because I want to use
something which shows there isn’t any effort in it. It’s
not a creation against what’s there; it’s turning off
what’s there (dis- not). It’s stopping the flow that’s
creating it. It’s halting the creating energy that you’re
feeding into the creation.

It’s not an effort you make. It’s the absence of creation; it’s the absence of effort. It’s yours and you’re creating it,
and suddenly, you decide you’re not going to create it anymore. That’s discreation.

One of the curious things about this universe is if

you create something and you’re not willing to
experience it, you keep right on creating it. It will wait
for you! However long it takes! Creation and
experience, it’s like inhale and exhale.

So, if you’re creating something, maybe a creation directed toward another, and you say, “Oh no! Gee, I don’t want
to experience that...”

You will.
The only element is time. It’s sooner or later. It’s perfect karma. For both the good and the bad.

And while you’re waiting to experience, while you’re putting it off by resisting, it’s burning up your creating energy.

If you consider a creation from the point of view of

an outside source that created it, the creation is going to
be there until it is experienced. Once it’s experienced, it
ceases to be created. It’s integrated into the whole of
awareness, and then it’s time for the next creation.

A creation can be anything: any event, any idea, any upset, any impression. You continually create it in each new
moment of time until it’s experienced. Exhale, inhale. It’s your universe!

Step 6

Step 6 is create.
First of all, you won’t experience anything you
don’t believe, so the creations you create to experience
have to be constructed with enough logical support so
that you’re willing to believe them.

Of course, you can create a past for them. You can create believable circumstances by which the belief will manifest.

If you’re failing and you want to be successful, you can say, “OK. I’m successful.”

Well, it’s going to take a little time to believe that

if your interpretation of your experience is that you’re
failing. And you’re resisting failing. How many
successful people started off by experiencing failure?
They experienced it and got failure out of the way so
they could go on and be successful, right?

How about if you created that for the last fifty

lifetimes you’ve been preparing for success. You have

developed the skill to see any situation from a point of

view of spotting the opportunities in it. Success is an
inherent skill that comes with being you. It’s as much a
part of you as breathing. You can’t do anything but
succeed! You just stumble into success, because you’ve
been prepared for it for so long. You can’t help being a
success. And then suddenly, in your clear transparent
space of success, there is this little particle of failure...

No, no, whatever you do, don’t look at it.


So there you are.

You are creating experience. You’re creating the

reality you prefer. You’re creating an incarnation for

yourself. You’re fulfilling the prophecy of the Avatar,

which is defined as a deity that can incarnate itself in its own creation.
Which you’ve always done anyway!
Now the next question, which is still part of the
step six creation, is how far can you push this
procedure? Can you create yourself to fly? Can you
create anti-gravity about your body and make it float?

Can you create yourself to disappear? I guess it depends upon what you have already identified yourself with.
How far you can go is something that only you can explore. It is probably different for different explorers.

Does that make the Creation Handling Procedure clearer? It’s a six step, very simple, very powerful technique.

You can handle anything you can experience:

beliefs, desires, somatics, pains, sensations, emotions,
attitudes, upsets, problems, opportunities-anything you
can experience. It’s a Jim Dandy overall gizmo!


Question: What if you’re trying to discreate something and it hangs up, it doesn’t discreate?

Harry: If it continues, it must be getting creating energy from some source that you haven’t yet recognized or
experienced as you.

Question: Let’s say you have a creation and it has

a lot of parts to it, attitudes about it, and physical
manifestations on it. You know, ...there’s all these parts
to it. Different parts. Do you have to take each part
separately and do the steps on it? Or could you just
take the whole thing...

Harry: Understand, what you believe is going to

influence how you’re going to have to handle it. I’ll tell

you what I believe. I believe you can just experience the
whole thing at once, but if you believe that you have to
take it apart piece by piece—go back 75 million years

and locate basic or whatever—you’re going be hung with that creation until you handle the beliefs about what it will
take to discreate it.
Comment: It’s all beliefs. That’s the realization I had on it. So you can believe whatever you want to.

Harry: I believe so.

Comment: This morning we were talking about

being spheres of individual consciousness within a

single larger sphere of consciousness, and probably that
larger sphere of consciousness shares another even
larger sphere of consciousness with spheres of its
comparable size. Will you comment on that analogy?

Harry: Sure. It’s a good model to explain why

consciousness seems to integrate in stages. First, we

become one with those that we really truly love, the
spheres that are like us.

Question: What if there is someone that you really wouldn’t want to integrate with?

Harry: Think of the worst, god-awful guy you can

imagine. You have some idea of him, right? Well, it’s
your creation. It’s yours, and if you refuse to experience
it, sooner or later... (laughter) it’s waiting for you.

Comment: I’m just very amazed with it all.

Harry: Well, it is amazing. You’ve taken the lid off of psychology, philosophy, physics and have waded into the field
of parapsychology with your eyes wide open.

Avatar just unravels it all.

Comment: Seems like when you’re creating your new image, the Creation Handling Procedure process is working
backwards from discreate to experience. Is that correct?

Harry: Yes it is. And each step on the process is typical of a certain set of life experiences.

Comment: Sure gives you a nice clean slate, you know!

Harry: Yes, it does. It gives you a chance to start over. Clears the decks for action.

Comment: Always before, it seemed to me that I
was trying to write over something that had already
been written. I’d get real positive and assert something
like, “I’m going to be rich,” “I’m going to be rich”” I’m
going to be rich.” You know, asserting the affirmation
“I’m going to be rich,” “I’m going to be rich.” Tape it on
the mirror. Say it every morning. But you know if I was
feeling the need to assert it that way, what do you think
my real belief was? (Laughter)

Comment: That would explain the, “It’s always

darkest before the dawn” phenomenon. Creating

counters creating. Finally you just quit counter-creating
and experience the creation. Then it falls away and
you’re left with the creation that you were trying to
create all along.

Comment: I’ll give you an experience I had last

week. I went to the Midwest Branch to handle a

business problem. This was a very stable business for
many many years. Anyhow, the statistics of two
individuals in the sales department crashed miserably. I
mean they really crashed. I was trying to figure out what
the problem was. I sat down and the first thing at the
meeting, the guy who is directing sales and is one of the
people whose personal sales had crashed, tells me about
these new signs. And to make a long story short, they
had adopted a new policy. They had constructed a
bunch of signs that—you know how they have “no
smoking” signs and they have a circle with a line through
it—these signs said “No negs.” The whole idea was
anybody who said anything that was the least bit
negative, they’d pull out these little signs and humiliate
them. (Laughter)

The point is, the people who were the most caved in and the most negative (and still are, by the way) were the ones
who were protesting any negative statement!

And their “no neg” policy was a negative statement.

Here are people in sales who have to go out and make sales against all kinds of negative response, and they are saying,
“Don’t hit me with a neg, I’m too sensitive.” It was incredible. (Laughter)
Harry: What you resist...
Are you ready to go to work?
Audience: Yeah!

Harry: Good. Thank you!


Part IV: Enlightenment

Edited from a lecture given by Harry Palmer
in January of 1987

How are you doing?

(Audience: Good!)
Well, there are some bits and pieces that I want to
go over with you. This technology keeps growing. It’s
really exciting from a research point of view. The
Creation Handling Procedure just keeps digging deeper
and deeper. And while we’re actually starting to hit
limitations now, they are so far beyond the prior point
of being limited that we never had any idea that these
new limitations even existed.

So, we’re starting to expand into some pretty wild

stuff—alternate realities, different levels of

consciousness, group consciousness, collective
consciousness—some really far-out stuff. I want you to
be aware of these things so that if you hit something
unusual, you’re not thrown into doubt about your sanity
or immediately invalidate or limit yourself from
experiencing it.

Our ability to limit ourselves seems to be unlimited. So I really want to tell you, truly, in the truest sense of the word,
you are explorers.

I want to start off with the idea of victim. We’ve all

run into the idea of somebody being a victim, or being
victimized, or appearing to be a victim. And we’ve all
run into the idea, at least abstractly, that there are really
no victims. Nobody can really be a victim of another’s

creation. The guy is just pretending to be a victim to
screw our minds, or worse. And the viewpoint that I
had carried of victim for a long time was that a victim is
trying to communicate that you’re bad source. In a way,
the victim actually has this evil intention that he or she
is putting out to you to tell you that you have done
something really bad, and that he or she is a victim of
your actions.

This was the old viewpoint

Recently we’ve been telepathically exploring dolphin consciousness. (I told you that there are some limitations that
are coming off on this Avatar material.)

One of the things that we have experienced is

being able to contact and actually communicate with
dolphins. Or so we believe. (It’s up to you whether you
want to believe it or not.) Anyway, we’ve been learning
some really neat lessons, new viewpoints. One
thing—dolphin consciousness is really playful and is
almost entirely absent of any desire to own or possess.

It has escaped the seriousness of most land games. It’s very light, it’s joyful, it’s enthusiastic. From my personal
experience, it’s very nice.
So when we were able to discreate all association
with our land bodies, we went off to play in dolphin
bodies. Instead of recreating a humanoid body, we
created a cetacean body. And the dolphins have been
teaching us, by example, an enormous amount of stuff.

An interesting game they taught us. The dolphins

would keep getting into situations from which we would

need to save them. They’d get trapped in fish nets,
stranded on sand bars, swim into the wake of ships, all
sorts of near disasters that we’d have to warn them away
from. The more we interrelated with them, the more we
kept finding ourselves in the roles of saviors. And
eventually, as we gained enough courage to relate our
experiences to each other, we began to realize that the
dolphins were playing a game with us. We called the
game the ”save game.” The dolphins would get into a
situation where we could save them because it would
make us feel so good to save them. It was really a
wonderful game, probably reflective of our needs and

It made us feel strong and very proud to save the dolphins. And it took a while for us to realize that it was a game we
were playing.

Dolphins also play the “save game” with each other.

The first interrelation between dolphin and man are
stories of sailors being saved by dolphins. So the
dolphin “save game” has been around for awhile.

And we started looking at this, how nice the dolphins were to us by playing victim so we could play savior.

So I took another look at this idea that nobody is

really a victim and that they are just trying to cave us in by
showing us these bad effects. I realized that the beings
who are going around being victims in human form are
really attempting to do a service for the rest of us.
They’re playing the “save game,” you know. They are
allowing us to feel very strong and powerful to save

So the next time you look at a victim and you say,

“Hey, he’s faking it, and I ought to kick him,” instead,

recognize that he’s trying to be of service to you. It’s a
lot easier to experience. Get back into the dolphin
consciousness. It’s a game—come play, you know, fun!
Play parts, no victims.

The Known and the Unknown

Another thing is this unknown/known factor. Let

me give you an idea of unknowingness—consciousness
has the ability to unknow something. Have you ever
written a letter to somebody and then put the pen down

and reread the letter, not knowing what you had written, so you could imagine how they would receive the letter that
you had written? Most of us have.
A universe is composed of layers of known, unknown, known, unknown, known, unknown.

When I say we’re starting to explore new frontiers

with this material, I’m not exaggerating. If you shrink
down to the smallest sub-atomic panicle, you’re going
to find it’s composed of consciousness in a tension
matrix of unknow/know. This is the difficulty that
physicists have been having with describing a unified
field theory—inherent and essential to a unified field is

If you start to explore realities, you’re going to find

that realities are separated by dream states, which are

the unknown regions. So you have reality, dream state,
reality, dream state, reality, dream state.

“As above, so below,” goes the metaphysical adage.

A thought is bordered by an unknown. From

inside the creation you can actually put your attention

out, and at some point you hit this blankness of the
unknown. Unknowness. It’s like contacting a
mystery—all of a sudden it gets mysterious. That’s the
boundary. Thinking is a resistance to an unknown. It
pushes the unknown further away. But even if you
continue to think and to create something, you will
eventually hit the limit of your imagination.

What imagining is, by the way, is getting data

across an unknown. You pull data from another reality,

across an unknown, and the sense of it is that you’re
imagining. The data you end up with may not be
relevant (valid) to the reality you’ve introduced it into,
but it is consistent with the reality from which it was
pulled. This also gives us a new insight into

invalidation—someone is insisting upon a reality. Fear of the unknown.

When you expand out and reach this unknown, just
before imaging begins (imagination), you feel the form
of the thought you’re holding, the belief you’re holding,
the desire, whatever you’ve been experiencing. That’s
what we mean by define the limits of it. Very simple
once it’s grasped.

Occasionally you may find yourself, after some

confusion or something, sitting in the middle of an

unknown, experiencing an unknown between two
knowns. It’s an interesting sort of experience. It’s doubt
and indecision. It’s anxiety and stress. It’s a no-man’s
land of disbelief. It’s the la-la land of paranoia and
psychosis. The people who resist the realities on both

sides of this unknown, for example someone who resists mother (one reality) and resists father (one reality), lives in the
dream state—some people will recognize this as adolescence. It tends to be a very uncertain realm.

So, Avatar has laid this whole can of worms wide open, as well.

If you try to experience an unknown, it reduces to a sort of tension between two knowns. An uneasy peace.

The first time you run into one of these unknowns, you
will be ready to forget Avatar and find religion. But,
after you figure out what’s happening and how to handle
it, it will lose its kick. So, which would you rather be,
skinned alive or boiled in oil? Kiss a mummy or lick a
banana slug? Eat a worm or shampoo with jam?

Get the idea? You sit right in the middle, between two creations, neither of which you want anything to do with.

Well, if that’s where you already are, you can either

pick one reality and ease into it, or learn to live with the
doubt. As long as you’re experiencing something, even
if it’s mysterious, you can expand until you hit the
unknown around it. If you’re not experiencing anything,
you can expand out, and you’ll run into the known you
were resisting. No problem, just experience resisting it,
define the resistance, label the resistance, disassociate

from the resistance and discreate it. Then go ahead and enjoy the experience you created for yourself. You’re on your
way again.
Audience: Can you clarify about the unknown that borders something? Is it an actual outline, or data, or what?

Harry: It’s a fuzzy band. By that I mean it’s not

necessarily a really sharp distinct line, but it’s a space
that as you pass through it, there is a change in what
your attention is on. Sometimes, you’ll even forget what
you were feeling. You will forget what you were feeling,
because you passed through the unknown that bordered
the creation you were experiencing. It often manifests
as someone starting to think about rather than feel the
creation. You can re-orient yourself back to
experience, or just proceed and label whatever it was
without judgment. Is this real to you?

Audience: Yes.

Now, what is a self? You will find that a self is

some consciousness that’s been bordered in an

unknown, right? When you penetrate that unknown
you will experience a loss of self identity.

Don’t worry, it’s OK. You’re just integrating into a larger self. It will take a little while to integrate.

Sometimes when you come out of session and you’ve

been doing this process, you just want to hang out for

awhile. Well, you’ve penetrated an unknown, and of
course that was how you kept who you were bottled or
circumscribed or however you want to phrase it. And
when you penetrate that unknown, you feel
like—dispersed. And it takes a while until you hit the
next unknown and get a new sense of definition. Each
time you penetrate an unknown you will end up with a
larger sense of self, a greater self, a higher self, if you
want to call it that. Eventually you will spend most of
your time between definitions. Please excuse me right
now, I’m between definitions.

Question: What about channeling?

Harry: I would guess that channeling is some

technique of penetrating several barriers of unknown,

or several different layers of unknown, all at once and
communicating to a higher level of awareness. No one
seems to channel anyone who’s stupider than they are.

Question: How would you handle chronic aches and pains that don’t stem from any apparent physical source?

Harry: Well, you’re getting into persistent masses,

which exist in shells of knowns and unknowns and you
can just peel away at them. First you experience your
resistance to the chronic condition—if it’s persisting,
there is plenty of resistance. Experience the judgments
on the chronic condition. They are creations that
prevent you from experiencing and discreating the core
of the condition. Just peel them off. You may also find
that there are some resisted identities connected with
the condition as well. Just experience the resistance and
peel them off as well. If you stop making progress,
buttonhole a Master and coax him to work with you in
guided sessions.

Do you have any questions, comments, or statements?

One other question that sometimes comes up—a person will have a pain and they handle it and they wonder where
did it go?

Well, if you consider all that is, nothing can go any

place. So the somatic is actually one focus of

consciousness, and what the person is doing is changing
his focus of consciousness. He’s creating an alternate
reality where he doesn’t hurt. And all possibilities of all

realities exist simultaneously. It’s your choice which one you choose to focus on. Now, if the pain is part of a reality that
also contains sympathy or achievement, you may choose to live with the pain as the price of focusing on that reality.
Audience: OK. Now when you speak of shells,
could you look at that in a sense as alternate realities
that are bordered by unknowns? You get a big
convolution. Could you really get a real package there?
You’ve got evaluation, unknown, evaluation, the whole
thing snares.

Harry: It sure can. I think there is an infinity of

possibilities. I don’t want to give you any kind of data

that limits you in any idea that there are certain realities
that you must experience or can’t experience and other
realities that you can experience, because we are really
at the point now of exploring realities. The only price of
admission to a reality is that you believe you can
experience it.

CHP is handling the mind from a totally

mechanical point of view. What it means, what the

significance is, is up to you. You are likely to find that
the significance sucks you in, because you wouldn’t be
stuck in the middle of something if it wasn’t just
absolutely the most fascinating thing you could imagine.

Keep me posted on how you are doing. Bye!


Part IV: Enlightenment


• 1. Identify with the creation and experience it.

• 2. Define the creation by extending your

awareness to its outermost limits.

• 3. Label the creation just as it is without

• 4. Disassociate from the creation.

Recognize: “This is not-I, this is my


• 5. Discreate the creation. Turn it off.

• 6. Create the reality you prefer.

Two important phenomena to


(a) The creation you are handling

may resolve (discreate) at any

point during the five steps of the
procedure. If the creation
vanishes, it is gone (discreated).
Often, merely focusing your
awareness on a creation with the
intention of discreating it is
sufficient to discreate it. Little is
gained by recreating it just to
complete the procedure.

(b) If after step 5 of the procedure,

one perceives that he still has

some creation that he does not
choose to have, he simply begins
again with the “identify with and
experience” step (1).


Part IV: Enlightenment


(In Eight Acts)

Purpose of the Initiation

To guide the student to

discreate any and all beliefs in
order to bring the student to an
experience of definitionless

This is Avatar. This is the gift

that a Master shares.

Note: There are no breaks, except for emergencies, once a session begins. Ensure that your student has handled
bodily needs: bathroom, food and is well rested. No food or drinks should be taken into session.

(Secure a comfortable space)

The first thing is to give the person an explanation of what you’re going to do. Keep it informal, something like this:

“What I want to do is to familiarize you with the Creation Handling Procedure and make sure you know it works and
how to do it.”

ACT TWO (Diagram the procedure)

Write the following definitions at the top of a clean sheet of paper:

Creation: anything created

Handling: managing, dealing with
Procedure: way of doing something

PROCEDURE is a way of managing

anything created.”

Write out for the person on the same sheet of paper each of the five steps of the Creation Handling Procedure.

Give a brief explanation of what you expect them to do on each step.

Step 1. Identify With And Exist As (Experience)
“I’ll have you experience some general ideas
by identifying with them, becoming them,
existing as them, and feeling what they feel

Step 2. Define
Write this on the paper under define: _expand to
the outer most limits of..._
Draw a blob representing an idea. Make an
X in the blob to represent the person’s
viewpoint and then draw arrows from the X
to the limits of the blob.

Step 3. Label It Without Judgment

Retrace the definition of the blob just as it is. Draw a line showing X now as a viewpoint outside the blob.

“What we’re looking for when you label the

idea just as it is, is a shift of viewpoint from
being the idea to viewing the idea.”

Step 4. Disassociate
Next to the X outside of the blob, write:
Recognize this is not-I, this is my creation.

The Master should always

unobtrusively, discreate his own
doubts or beliefs as they come
up through the session. This
prevents them from being
transmitted to the student.

It is a good idea to tell the

student: “A creation can
discreate at any step. If
something discreates before we
reach this step (Step 5), just tell
me and we’ll go on.”

Step 6 isn’t used in the Initiation


Step 5. Discreate
“Just let it dissolve, turn off its “creating

Remind the student: “A creation may

discreate at any step, so let me know if this
happens and we’ll go on.”

ACT THREE (Beginning the session)

0. Start out with:

“Okay, we ‘re going to begin. You may keep
your eyes open or closed as you like.”

1. Ask them:

“Are you nervous or excited about doing this


Usually they say “yes.” (If they say “no,” ask: “How do you feel?” and use whatever they give you.)

You say:
“OK, sit therefor a minute and really create
that experience.”
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)
“Expand to the outermost limits of that
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)
“Label it without judgment.”
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)
“Recognize: this is not-I, this is my creation.”
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)
“Permit it to discreate.”
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)

(Don’t ask them if it’s gone as it can cause them to doubt their ability to discreate.)

2. Next ask them:

“Do you have any doubts about running the

process correctly?’

They usually do. Have them experience the doubt they express:

“Create what it feels like to have that doubt.”

(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)
“Expand to the outermost limits of that
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)
“Label it without judgment.”
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)
“Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation.”
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)
“Permit it to discreate.”
(pause, wait for them to acknowledge)

Reminder: The essence of the serious drill is

appreciating another’s creation. The Master should,

quietly and unobtrusively, use this throughout the

If the person becomes overly

emotional on the process, give
them a minute or two of silence,
and then have them label without
judgment what they just
experienced, and continue with
the CHP steps.

If the person is comparing their

impression of something to an
idea of how it should be, have
them get both: the idea of how
they feel it should be, and how
they feel it is, and put both in a
package, label them, etc.


1. Identify with

and experience...

2. Expand to the outermost limits of...

3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation,
5. Permit it to


(The body of the session)
Once they are running well, the following
questions tend to handle most of the creations they will
be sitting in. Ask the questions one at a time. For _each
answer_ the student gives, have them experience it and
run it on each step of the CHP or until it discreates. If
they originate their own version of the idea, have them
experience and run what they give you. Anytime a
student comes up with another creation, run the CHP
on that creation and resume with the next question.

Note: Anytime the student

comes up with a new creation,
run CHP on that creation and
resume the session with the next


1. Identify with
and experience...

2. Expand to the outermost limits of...

3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation,
5. Permit it to


1. “Do you have a creation (an idea) that this

might not work on you?”

2. “Is there some creation that you think won’t

ever be handled?” (Note: You’re only

handling his creation that such a creation
exists at this point.)

3. “Are you creating an idea that the past is

affecting you?”

4. “Are you creating any worry or concern

about your future ?’

5. “Are you creating an impression of present


6. “Are you creating an impression of being in

a location?’

7. “Are you creating an impression of your


8. “Are you creating a mind?’

9. “Do you have a creation (an idea) of what

it’s like to be a spiritual being (soul)?’

10. “Create an impression of this room just as

you perceive it.”

11. “Create an impression of the physical

universe just as you perceive it”

At this point, tell them:

“OK, now I’m going to have you explore some
identities. Experience them like a great
spiritual master exploring another aspect of

11A. “Create what it feels like to be your


Variation: At disassociate step use,

“Recognize, this is not my mother, this is my

11B. “Create what it feels like to be your


Variation: at disassociate step use,

“Recognize, this is not my father; this is my

At this point, tell them:

“OK, just relax and be yourself.”
Then after they have relaxed for a moment, ask them:

12A. “Do you have a creation (an idea) you

think of as you?” Continue with CHP.

Then, ask them:

12B. “When you really get down on yourself,
what attributes do you assign yourself?”

Take whatever they give you and have them,

“Create what it feels like to be that
way-experience it tolerantly with
unconditional love.” Continue with CHP.

13. “Are you creating an idea of how you

ought to feel?”

13A. “Are you creating an idea of what it feels

like to be male?”

13B.”Areyou creating an idea of what it feels
like to be female?”

Note 13 A and 13 B are both done on all students.


1. Identify with

and experience...

2. Expand to the outermost limits of...

3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation,
5. Permit it to


14. “Are you creating an idea that there is

something there that you are not seeing?”

15. “Are you creating something that you

can’t figure out?’

16. “Are you experiencing anything you’d

prefer not to experience.”

If so,
16 (a) “Identify with and experience your
resistance to the creation.” Continue with

16 (b) “Now, identify with and experience the

creation.” Continue with CHP.

Often a person will originate some self-limiting
idea on doing one of the above. Often it comes on the
define step—“I’m not sure I’m doing it right,” or “It just
goes on forever,” or “I can’t seem to find the edge.”

When this happens, shift gears and have them identify with and experience the limitation just as they voiced it.

“OK, really experience the idea that, ‘It just

goes on forever,’ Experience it tolerantly,
lovingly, feel what it feels like. Expand to the
outermost limits of that idea...label it...etc.”

You get them to experience and run exactly what

they are sitting in. There is no need to go back to the

original idea after you’ve handled a limiting idea, unless
they originate that they want to. Otherwise, just go

If they ask a question, and you perceive it as just

outflow—usually a philosophic monologue or an attempt

at self-invalidation—just listen until they run down, and
then say:

“Is it OK to discreate this?”

They usually say “sure” and you go on.

“OK, let’s expand to the outermost limits of

these ideas, label them....recognize: this is
not-I, this is my creation.”

On occasion someone may talk too much, get overly emotional, or compulsively create thoughts faster than they
can express them (out-of-control). The easiest and best way to stop them is with a hand signal—like telling a dog to
stay—patting the air in their direction.

Then say, after they’ve come to a halt:

“Feel what you’re experiencing right now.”
Use the hand signal if they try to describe it.
Emphasize: FEEL.
“Expand to the outermost limits of that


1. Identify with

and experience...

2. Expand to the outermost limits of...
3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation,
5. Permit it to


If the person becomes overly
emotional on the process, give
them a minute or two of silence.
and then have them label without
judgment what they just
experienced, and continue with
the CHP steps.

If the person is comparing their

impression of something to an
idea of how it should be, have
them get both: the idea of how
they feel it should be, and how
they feel it is, and put both in a
package, label them, etc.

(Locating resisted experiences)
Have the person finish the following sentence with something they consider real.

“Everything would be just fine, if only....”

Reverse their answer so they can experience what they are resisting.

Example: they say, “if only I knew.”

“Identify with and experience the idea that

you want to know, but you don’t know,”

(continue with CHP).

Example: they say, “if I could get rid of this pain.”

“Identify with and experience the idea that you want to get rid of the pain, but you can’t get rid of the pain,”
(continue with CHP).
Example: they say, “if only I was rich.”
“Identify with and experience the idea that you want to be rich, but you aren’t rich,” (continue with CHP).
This act is usually repeated two or three times. If the person has a lot of resistances, do it until they mn out of
answers. The process is extremely powerful and is a good all-around repair question for sour-faces, hopelessness, and

Puddled: a slang term adopted
by the trainers to describe
someone who is very relaxed,
definitionless and without desire
or resistance.

(Locating limitations)
Have the person finish the following sentences with something they consider real.

“Yeah, but.....”(Have them experience

whatever they give you and run CHP)

“I just don’t .....”(Have them experience

whatever they give you and run CHP)

“I really can’t.... “(Have them experience

whatever they give you and run CHP)

At the end of this step, ask them:

“How are you doing?”
Do not continue to step seven unless they’re doing very well (_puddled_). If they are not puddled, run them through
ACT FIVE again.

(Teaching the student to run the CHP solo)
Give them the sheet from step two with the CHP
steps. Ask them to run the following ideas. Give the
ideas one at a time. Ask the student to tell you when
they have successfully discreated the idea.

“Are you creating any idea or suspicion that
this feeling won’t last?”

“Are you creating any idea that something will

come up you can’t handle?”

“Are you creating any idea that you don’t

deserve it to be this easy?’

“Are you creating any idea that this procedure

might be wrong or dangerous?’

Ask them if they feel confident at running the procedure. Work with them until they do. (Hint: Ask for ideas about
their limitations.)

ACT EIGHT (Ending the session)

Inform the person that they will be running the

Creation Handling Procedure solo on the specific
rundowns in the Avatar materials. Also inform them

that they are welcome to run the process on themselves, wherever or whenever, as they feel a need.
Inform the person that you are now ending the session and that things may be a little different until they have
integrated the session.

The “total creator” worm is

memorized and presented to the
student as a precious gift.

Inform them that: _Your sense of being the total

creator of your universe will continue to expand over
the next 24 hours or so.”_ This plants a belief or worm,
and it neatly wraps up the case.

At this point, walk them out of the room and

suggest to them that they take a walk or just hang out

for awhile before they continue with the course. Steer
them toward spaces and situations where they can just

be themselves for awhile and don’t have to be social.


If you find that you’re creating any beliefs (or agreeing with any beliefs) about the difficulty of the person’s case, or
how long it’s going to take, or anything negative—immediately recognize that it is your creation and discreate. Stay

Some people have a more difficult time integrating

the Avatar concept than others. It is not unusual for you
to get the impression, usually the first or second day,
that the person is never going to make it and probably
doesn’t deserve to make it!

Go someplace quiet and run the Creation Handling Procedure on your doubts.

Handle the identity you created _that-isn’t-getting-

And then, using the Universe Handle, identify with

the recalcitrant Avatar and handle their resistance. _You

do not inform the person that you’ve done this._

If you even have a notion of informing them of

your great and glorious power, please experience
feeling unimportant, with delight; expand to the outer
most limits of that idea; label it; recognize, this is not-I,
this is my creation; and discreate it. Now there is no
need to tell them. And they will not feel any need to

create beliefs contrary to their own good to combat your assertion of importance.
Trust this: everyone you allow to integrate, will integrate. Strong and loving bonds will replace any criticism and
suspicion that gets discreated.

The following identity may be assumed and practiced for delivering Avatar sessions:

Be the undefined essence outside of all


Harry Palmer at Star’s Edge, Feb. 11, 1987

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178 Master’s Course


Part IV: Enlightenment


Drills are done by two

or more students
working together. One
student assumes the
role of Master-in

• training and another

student assumes the

role of coach. After a bit
the roles are switched.

_The Basic Drill is done solo. All other drills are

done with a coach._



Using an object to represent the student, practice

each Act of the Initiation Session until you feel
comfortably familiar the procedures and can deliver a
lively session. Please consider that your object is an
ideal student and has marvelous gains and realizations
throughout the drill. _Note: It is not necessary to
memorize the initiation session materials._

Drill: to teach or train by doing
an exercise repeatedly.


1. Identify with

and experience...

2. Expand to the outermost limits of...

3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation,
5. Permit it to


Coached Drills
The coach assumes the identity of a new Avatar
student and the Master-in-training uses the questions
from Acts of the Initiation Session as if he or she were
delivering an actual session.

The Master-in-Training should have his or her

course pack open to The Initiation Session to run the

session and the coach should have his or her pack open
to the Initiation Session Drill that is being drilled. The
coach looks for a good serious drill and has the
Master-in-training repeat any steps where there is
hesitation, uncertainty or confusion.



The coach originates the following situations at various steps of the Creation Handling Procedure.

Situations may even be originated in the middle of

other situations. The Master-in-training is expected to
handle any situation that arises. The coach repeats the
same situation or series of situations until the student
can handle smoothly and lightly (non-seriously).

Situation List
(To be handled per instructions in Act Four of the
Initiation Session materials)

1. I don’t think I’m finding a limit to this.

2. I don’t think it discreated.
3. Does it go into the subconscious when it


4. Nothing much seems to be happening.

5. I guess I just can’t do it.
6. I really don’t feel any different.
7. I’m really disappointed.
8. I thought you were supposed to do


9. I can think thoughts all day, but it isn’t

going to change anything.

10. I don’t know, it doesn’t seem to work.

11. Maybe I’m doing something wrong.
12. I understand the theory, but it doesn’t

do anything for me in the real universe.

13. I must be missing something.

14. So you’re saying it’s all my fault.


1. Identify with

and experience...

2. Expand to the outermost limits of...

3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation,
5. Permit it to




The coach assumes the identity of a student and

the Master-in-training uses the question from Act Five
of the Initiation Session materials as if he were
delivering an actual session. Coach uses originations
from the following list, and the Master-in-training
practices reversing and rephrasing the answer so the
student experiences what he or she is resisting.

Master: “Finish this sentence: “Everything would be

just fine, if only...”

1. this works.
2. I could really know.
3. people were kinder.
4. I could leave my body.
5. I knew what was wrong.
6. I didn’t cave in all the time.
7. I could instantly heal myself.
8. I got a result I could really see.
9. there wasn’t this uncertainty.
10. I knew why this didn’t work.


1. Identify with

and experience...

2. Expand to the outermost limits of...

3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation,
5. Permit it to



The coach assumes the identity of a student and

the Master-in-training uses the questions from Act Six
of the Initiation Session materials as if he or she were
delivering an actual session. Coach makes originations
from the following list, and Master-in-training practices
handling each, using CHP.

Master: “Finish this sentence, “Yeah, but...”

1. nothing has changed.
2. I’m still here.
3. I already knew this.
4. I didn’t create it.
5. What’s true is true.
6. It doesn’t matter what I believe.
7. a lot of people have proved this doesn’t


8. it’s just a word game, it really doesn’t do


9. I know it won’t work, I tried.

10. I can’t change my belief.

Master: “Finish this sentence, “I just don’t...”

1. get it.
2. see how this could work.
3. feel any different.
4. know why.
5. want to fool myself.
6. seem to be able to do it.

Master: “Finish this sentence: I really can’t...”

1. discreate anything.
2. go against what I believe.
3. change reality.
4. get out of my body.


1. Identify with

and experience...

2. Expand to the outermost limits of...

3. Label it without judgment just as it is.
4. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation,
5. Permit it to



“The End of Session Worm”

The Master-in training delivers the worm,

“Your sense of being the total creator of your

universe will continue to expand over

the next 24 hours ur so”

The coach should have the Master-in-training

repeat the worm until it can be delivered from memory

without any seriousness, without any roteness, or
without any hesitation. The coach must feel like he or
she has received it without resistance.



This drill covers all acts.

The drill is done on a coach who originates various ideas or situations for handling throughout the session.

Coach should strive to be realistic in his originations.

This drill should be continued until the Master-in-training has a high degree of confidence in being able to deliver a
successful initiation session.

Part IV: Enlightenment


(Edited from a lecture given in January 1987 by Harry Palmer)

Good morning!
Before I go back to California, I want to tell you about this latest research.

It’s pretty hot stuff.

Some of you have run into creations that don’t appear to discreate. Somebody dubbed them persistent masses, and
that’s probably as good a label as any.

If you examine this persistent mass phenomenon,

you’ll find a compact cluster of creations that hang
around and refuse to be turned off. The creations
actually reinforce each other. They act like backup
energy sources that sustain a creation even when you
turn the creating energy off—something like the
emergency lights that you see around exits and
stairwells that come on when the power fails.

So, I have been studying this, and it finally

unraveled a bit today. I haven’t had time to organize it

yet, so I’ll give you what I know in bits and pieces and
we’ll clean it up later.

First, a persistent mass is a resisted experience

that’s bordered by an unknown. Someone grew tired of

consciously resisting something, so they put it on
automatic and wrapped it with an unknown. And now,
it’s back!

Second, every creation is bordered, either by knowns or unknowns. Unknowns are bordered by knowns and knowns
are bordered by unknowns.

So, you decide to create a belief. The belief acts as

a filter and extracts from the universe a certain energy
that you experience as the fulfillment of that belief. OK
so far?

Later on, because of some interaction with the

world or another, you decide that you’d rather not

experience that energy anymore. But, instead of
discreating the belief that is filtering that energy out of
the universe, you disown it and deny that you created it.
You say, and this is the key, “I don’t know anything
about that,” or “I don’t know what this is.”

That belief—I don’t know—creates an unknown

around the first belief and now you have a persistent

mass. If the second belief has some kind of timeless
phrase in it like, “never,” “forever,” “all eternity,”
“always,” “this is it,” “don’t ever,” it creates a real
persistence for the first belief.

Another way of making the unknown persist is to

connect it with some sort of body function so that it

continually creates. “Every time I think about it,” “Every
time I have sex,” “Every time I eat,” “I keep thinking
about this every time I” ...and you’ve hooked up a
function that continues in time with the automatic
creation of this belief that denies knowledge of the
original belief.

And you push it off someplace, since you don’t

believe you created it. _Unconsciousness is not

something that happens to you; it’s something you
create._ If you can’t experience something as source,
there’s no danger that you’ll discreate it. That’s a
persistent mass. It’s a neat trick. Probably the whole
physical universe is nothing more than a persistent
mass. It’s also a good way to divide yourself up into
many entities, create races and plant and animal
kingdoms. If you believe the creation is separate from

you, it doesn’t take any great leap of faith to believe that the consciousness in that creation must be separate from you
as well.
Well, let me give you some ideas of this belief-
created unknown. When you put your attention on a
persistent mass, you actually contact this belief that the

creation is unknown—first thing. “What is this?” you say, pretending all the while that someone else is creating it.
Sometimes it’s layered in unknowns. You’ve been
busy. You’ve attempted to handle this before, and what
you experienced at that earlier time was that you didn’t
know. So now you have a lot of evidence built up on it
that proves you don’t know what it is. (laughter)

But the basic unknown on it is your desire not to


“I never know what this is.”

“I can’t ever seem to get it.”

“I can’t figure it out.”

“I try and try and it never goes away.”

“It’s just there, I don’t know.”

“I’ve worked on that sucker forever and it just

doesn’t go away.”

“It always comes back.”

These timeless beliefs reinforce the unknowns of

the creation. They keep this creation from being

contacted and experienced—which is exactly what your
intention was when you upholstered it with the first

“I just can’t believe...”

“It always seems sort of...”

Always? Can’t? You want to learn to look for these words.

“Maybe I don’t want to get rid of it.”

And now you can create another layer of unknown
on the first unknown. Second layer—“I don’t know if I
want to get rid of it or not.” Layers of unknowns, usually
with wrong conclusions sandwiched in between. Things
like: “I’ve tried everything.” “Well, it’s always there
when I look.” And the king of all wrong conclusions,
“It’s not mine!”


“Every time I bend over, it’s there.”

“Every time I wake up, it’s there.”

“Every time I go to sleep, it’s there.”

“Every time I eat, it’s there.”

See how clever we can get in putting these unknowns around something and structuring them so they go on being
created forever?

So you forget that you chose to create this belief to

experience something, and now the belief is bordered
by more beliefs about its being unknown. Every time
you try to penetrate this persistent mass creation, you
hit this timeless unknown about it. Where did it come
from? Who created it? God, probably. (laughter)

God, certainly! But now God is hiding in the universe going, “Who could possibly have created this?”

God? He must be very powerful...and good. You

heathens better worship me, er, I mean. God.

Have we got a little ego involved here? I don’t know! (laughter)

So you experience the belief that you don’t know.

But did you ever consider that maybe you also created
the belief that you didn’t know? Naaa! (Laughter)

Um hm. I am going to tell you how to get rid of persistent masses. (audience cheers)

It’s simplicity in itself, it really is. Most of you have

already guessed it.
You discreate the unknown first!
There’s a resisted experience within the persistent
mass. The experience is resisted through a
misunderstanding on your part that you originally chose
to experience it. That was the role. That’s the game
you wanted to play. (Harry joking: “Yep, I guess I did,
but I sure don’t remember it.”)

Now, it doesn’t matter what the resisted

experience is; it could be a murder but probably it’s

something milder. Why would you create it in the first
place? Because identity-less awareness can play any
games without judgment.

Now how long does it take you to experience

something? The time factor enters into experience

only when you’re trying to evaluate the experience or

make a judgment on the experience. That’s what enters the time factor into experience. Otherwise, everything is
experienced as right now, instantly.
When you are handling a persistent mass, you need
to be aware that the experience which was resisted
became resisted because a negative judgment was
associated with it. And you’re going to run into that
when you start handling it. Realize that it’s just another
layer of belief built up around this “orphaned” creation.

How to handle it? What you want to do first is find

all the beliefs that keep it unknown. You just identify

whatever the belief is that keeps the unknown around
the mass, and experience it (i.e., Feel what it feels like
to puzzle over...). These unknown beliefs come up as
soon as you put your attention on the mass.

Now there may be a lot of layers to the thing. Just

experience and discreate them one at a time: first an

unknown and then a conclusion about the unknown, and
then another unknown and then another conclusion,
etc. At the core you will find a resisted experience, but
there is a hidden side to this resisted experience. The
hidden side to the resisted experience is this: before it
was resisted, it was desired! That’s the core of a

persistent mass. The desire and resist are so antithetical to each other that they create separate realities.
One of the realities is one you won’t want to experience. And that’s the heart of the persistent mass.

So you find that experience and discreate the

judgment on it and then experience it, along with the
resistance, and the whole thing will discreate like any
other creation.

Now, some of the creations may have been co-creations with others. Of course, others are persistent masses as
well. Oh, yes you are! (laughter)

Don’t worry, nobody would ever want to experience all of us!

Our conclusions about individuality are safe—at least for the time being.

If you run into a persistent creation with another

“individual,” it will require that you experience and
discreate your judgment on that individual, and then
view the situation as the source of every viewpoint
involved. I told you this was hot stuff!

Occasionally you’ll run into a case where you’ll

have a number of these persistent masses compacted

together. I guess if you’re creating experiences that you
don’t want to experience, you might as well stick ‘em all
together. Then you’ve got a cluster of persistent
masses. Sometimes you’ll have little clusters of masses,
and you will handle part of it and get a change, but
there’ll still be something there. Well, you’ve made
some progress. Just recognize there’s still more there.

Rather than resisting the fact that you don’t know,

or that you haven’t found out what it is, just realize how
exciting the progress you’re making is. You can
experience an unknown. It’s exciting to experience an
unknown. We’re wrapped in one, you know?

When you clean up all of the unknowns, you are

going to contact the unknown that is around this idea

that you have of yourself. Certainly do not stop there.
That’s just another unknown to handle.

As an Avatar, you want to be responsible for

creating yourself, not just for getting to a point where

you can live with yourself. You’re Creators. You’re not

Define, label, disassociate, discreate, until you’re

right back at the level of pure awareness, without any

persistent masses. It’s not necessarily going to happen
instantly, overnight-though it may if you expect it to.

Sometimes you have to peel layers off. Some

people have a lot more confront on unknowns than

others. An unknown motivates some people to
create-that’s where rumor and gossip starts. It’s not the
way to achieve Avatar.

Stop creating; you’re overwriting yourself. Start experiencing until the tablet is blank again.


Overwriting: recording over
an earlier creation.

Gee, thanks. Since you are so nice, I’ll give you

one more little thing we’ve been working on. It’s called
a worm. A worm is a computer hack word that refers to
a sub-program, or a sub-routine, that’s contained in
certain computer programs. Every time the computer
program goes on line, the worm makes a little progress
in whatever it’s been programmed to do. Some worms
eat away at and eventually destroy the program.
They’re parasitic worms. Other worms operate so that
each time you turn the program on, they recalculate
how long since you last used the program. They’re
monitor worms. The principle behind a worm is that it’s
connected with some function of the main program so it
works automatically.

Now if you want to create something, create a

parasitic worm and stick it on one of your persistent

masses. The worm would be a belief that the mass is
going to unravel, resolve, disappear. Just stick that
belief on the mass and connect it with your breathing.
Every time you take a breath, the worm makes a little
progress on the persistent mass.

It’s your universe. Make it work for you. You’re the creator. You can create stuff like that in your universe.

All right? Any questions?

Q: Harry, could you approach persistent mass with
the idea that you just love it? And if you didn’t love it,
you just love it some more and roll around in it like a
dog in a dead woodchuck and stuff? (laughter)

The very idea of the word persistent means, “I

don’t like it.” But, yeah, I believe that if you could love it
enough that it would just fling you right through the
unknown that surrounded it. And you’d be in it just like

that. Love allows forgiveness, and forgiveness takes off judgment. I think that would be a key. It’s probably why love is
such a valuable tool.
Q: What if a person believes he can’t get rid of something?
There are black worms and white worms. That’s a black worm. The white worm is, you can get rid of it.

Good worms and bad worms. Worm wars! (laughter)

You all have a champion worm that is handling
everything that comes up, every time you breathe. A
guardian angel if you will.

OK? That’s it!


Part IV: Enlightenment


Mass (n): 1. a quantity of matter
forming a body of indefinite shape
and size. 2. an unidentified

To Persist: to remain unchanged

or fixed in a specified character,
condition or position; to be
insistent upon repetition.

To Resist: to withstand the force

of; to exert oneself to counteract
or defeat; to exert force in
opposition to; to desire not to.

Disown (vt): to refuse to

acknowledge as one’s own.

Resisting a creation
means that you will not

willingly own it,

experience it or

recognize yourself as

its source.

A persistent mass is a creation that is continuously

created by “creating energy” from a source that you feel
you have no control over. It can be an obsession, a
neurosis, a pain, a fixed condition, an antagonist, a
disease—literally any perception whose duration is
greater than now.

The Anatomy of a Persistent Mass

Choosing to resist the experience of something

that one has chosen to experience (by his or her
creation of belief) creates the effect of suffering, of
being swept along, of being out of control. Time begins.
One creates against oneself. Feeling is replaced by

How to Create a Persistent Mass

If, instead of experiencing a creation and

recognizing yourself as independent of the creation—as
the source of the primary that is creating it—you disown

the creation and resist it by creating responses to it, you will create a persistent mass.
In the interval between creating the creation and
creating against the creation (resisting), there is a shift
in the viewpoint of the creator. This shift of viewpoint

occurs across an unknown and creates the appearance that the old viewpoint and the new viewpoint are separate.
A persistent mass is persisting because, identified
with the new viewpoint, you are attempting to create
away a definition—rather than experiencing it and
discreating it. The persistent mass feeds off your
resistance, reflecting it back to you as perception.

The core resistance was a moment containing

painful emotions (grief, fear, anger) and/or sudden pain

and trauma severe enough to cause you to respond by
shifting your viewpoint.

The Denial Zone

The interval over which the shift in viewpoint occurs is an area of unknowness that is placed between the viewpoints
to keep them separate, e.g., “I never want this to happen again.”

The Core Creation

To discreate a persistent mass, you must discover and experience the creation at the core of the persistent mass
that was disowned—disowned in the confusion of shifting viewpoints.

This core creation appears to be a source, but it is

really only a reflector. It is like a moon that reflects the
light radiated by the sun, only this moon reflects
resistance radiated by you. And your own resistance,
reflected back to you, is interpreted into the perception
you have of the persistent mass—pain, anger, illness,
fixed condition, etc. The core of the persistent mass
appears to be the source of the perception. It’s not. The
source of the perception is you, but you do not
recognize the reflection of your own resistance.

A persistent mass will always be some

interpretation of reflected resistance.

A reality is what a viewpoint

views, directs attention to.

A persistent mass is a reality

that does not discreate on the
CHP and appears not to be your
creation—at least not the
creation of the viewpoint you
currently occupy.

Within the Avatar framework, “a
desire’ means a connection that
is being created between two
realities of different energy

If the persistent mass is experienced at any level

prior to its core resisted creation, it fails to discreate, or
if appearing discreated, it will mysteriously return. If
you experience only your current resistance to the
persistent mass or experience only a few layers of
unknowns and wrong conclusions about it, but fail to
discover and experience the original disowned creation
at its core, the persistent mass will reappear as a
reflecting body the next time something unpleasant
happens and you radiate resistance.

Discovering the Core Creation

_Resistance is the path that leads to the core of the

persistent mass._ Experience the resistance you feel
toward the persistent mass (pain, obsession, fixed
condition, etc.) and ride its reflection like a wave,
steering your attention into the rising intensity of
reflection right down to the core creation. It’s a wild
ride through some incredibly choppy waters, but hang
on and it will dump you in the middle of a creation that
will really set your teeth.

Persistent Masses

The person suffering from a persistent mass is

entirely focused on the reflection, imagining it as the
product of an outside source. He or she may not even
suspect the existence of the reflector.

Many people intuitively know that a persistent

mass has something to do with them, and they suspect
that they somehow create it, but they haven’t yet
grasped the mechanics of how it is done. Well, now it’s
revealed—it’s done with mirrors!

You can either stop radiating resistance so that

none is reflected—which some do successfully as long as

they can avoid conflict—or you can experience and
discreate the reflector (resistance)--which is what
Avatar recommends.

Instincts are Persistent Masses

The strong desires we call instincts are persistent

masses created by a viewpoint shift during a death
experience. They exist as core creations whose
reflections are interpreted into impulses toward
behaviors that will result in survival. When an instinct is

resisted, one starts a ride toward its core creation, which inevitably is some mental recording of a violent death.
Obsessive behaviors, uncontrollable desires,
addictions, compulsions, fixed conditions, persistent
pains, etc. are the result of reflected resistance being
interpreted into impulses to be a certain way.

The essence of all personal reality is your interpretations placed upon your own reflected resistance!

The Anatomy of Anger

This is a particular kind of persistent mass that has
as its core an imagined viewpoint. You imagined
(created) that someone or something held a particular
viewpoint. Then you shifted from your viewpoint that
created the viewpoint for the other, and now the other
seems to be an outside source. In truth, it is not a
source, but a reflecting body. When you resist it, your
own reflected resistance is experienced as anger.

Suffering is Reflected Resistance

With a little imagination you can create scenarios

of events that, like fun house mirrors, distort the
reflection of your resistance into whatever suffering
you’ve been enduring.

One can achieve absolutely spectacular gains

(miracles) by experiencing the impressions, thoughts,

ideas, conditions, pains or compulsions as reflected
resistance and following the intensity of the reflection
down to the core creation of a persistent mass. This is
not a procedure for the faint hearted, but once you
realize that you are a no-thing and that it is only those
things which you have identified with that are doing the
resisting, you can appreciate any experience and
discreate it.

When you find yourself smack in the middle of the awful, horrible, painful event that caused the viewpoint shift,
enjoy it.


• _0. Ensure that both student and guide

understand and can demonstrate all the

steps of this procedure. Do this BEFORE
you begin a session either solo or with

_When you are ready to begin (solo for the

exceedingly brave), student and guide
create a quiet, comfortable and relaxed

• 1. Identify any persisting reality that you would prefer not to have. Ask: “What do you want to handle?” or,
“What are you suffering?”

2. Experience your resistance to the creation

(pain, feeling, mass, desire, etc.).”

3. “Expand your attention in the direction of

the source of that resistance.”

Spend as much time as is needed to move
toward the source of the perception. Many
interesting things may happen, but don’t let
the student get sidetracked.

4. “Continue until you reach the source of the

resistance (core creation).”

5. “Now experience. Expand out and explore the creation. Accept any impression you get without response.”

“Continue to experience, expand and explore

to the outermost limits of the creation.”

7. “Label it without judgment.”

8. “Recognize, this is not-I, this is my creation”

9. “Permit it all to discreate.”

10. Repeat as necessary. You may ask:

‘Would you like to go through it again?”

Note: Any events, beliefs, feelings, etc. that come up while one is following the resistance down to the core creation
should be addressed with CHP only if they are blocking the student from reaching the core creation.

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200 Master’s Course

[ End of Avatar Master’s Course Part IV ]


Part V: The Master’s Presence

A Persistent Identity Handling


Self-importance: the feeling or the manner

of one who too much obtrudes his sense of
his own importance on others; egotism;

Consciousness: awareness plus content.

Egotism: the practice of putting forward or

dwelling upon one’s self; the habit of
talking or writing too much about one’s self.

Identity-pattern: (self-idea) an energy or

sub-energy pattern created by a belief and
containing consciousness.

Resist: to create against oneself.

Polarize: to separate into diametrically

opposed, often antagonistic, groups,
characteristics, aspects or viewpoints.

Transition: the action of passing from one

reality to another (e.g., death,
unconsciousness, trauma, etc.).
Denial Zone: an area of consciousness
between two polarized energy patterns that
creates, when viewed from either energy
pattern, a refusal to believe in or accept the
existence of the opposing energy pattern; a

Every concept of self (name, location, condition,

etc.) is composed of awareness identified with an energy
pattern, or sub-pattern, of its own intentional or
unintentional creation. Awareness, true self, is the
source of definition (creation) and is itself undefined (a

As the concept of self simplifies and becomes more

expansive and inclusive, it ceases to identify itself as

being defined by the limits of ever more and more
subtle energy patterns.

The experience that one is not defined by a

physical body, that one is separate from the body, is a

fairly early milestone on this path to true self. A more
subtle experience is the recognition that one is not
defined by his or her beliefs, that one is also separate
from beliefs. Complete liberation occurs with the
experience that one is not any of the qualities,
attributes, desires or characteristics that are commonly
ascribed to self.

How far this de-identification process can be

pushed, and what ultimate state may be achieved, is a

more fitting subject for exploration than for

explanation. Pushed for words, some have suggested: an abiding in silent awareness beyond desire.
It is sufficient to say that most Avatars have gone up this road further than words will clearly express.


At some point in time, every being began as a

notion of separation in awareness. Initially, this nucleus
had some degree of choice over what sort of energy
pattern it wished to explore. At this level, belief and
creation were coincident. The pattern it created, it
became. This is the core identity.

This core identity pattern, acting like an

archetypical blueprint, determined the range of

subsequent beliefs that could be created and the range
of reality that could be experienced.

The core identity pattern also determined what

realities could be changed and what realities were

beyond its influence. Since a core identity can create
and discreate an infinite number of reality sub-patterns
within the reality pattern it is being, limitations are not
always apparent.

Range: the extent over which
something operates

Who Am I?

The act of acquiring definition (identity) is, as well,

the act of acquiring limitation. A basic conflict in

creation arises when you seek to expand your influence
beyond the limitations of the identity that you are being
without changing that identity (e.g., bus drivers are not
permitted to perform brain surgery).

In the student who is asserting a particular energy pattern (identity), the Master will find the most unyielding

If there is a fault with the Avatar materials, it is

that the Master fails to see inside a student’s
consciousness to discover that he is running the entire
Avatar procedure on reality sub-patterns—creations
within a creation. Where this is suspected, the Feel-It
exercises and Source Creation exercises should be

re-done very thoroughly.

The Identity Pattern

Any identity pattern (or self) can be thought of as a

blueprint of desired and resisted characteristics. In

“stuck” identities the characteristics have polarized, and
you are identifying with only half of the characteristics
of the identity pattern—one pole—and you choose not to
see the other pole or to view it as “not my creation.”
This prevents its discreation. You’re stuck with it.

Stuck identities are usually evidenced by many

fixed opinions and judgments. The most common

pattern of a “stuck” self is a package of specific
attributes (judged positive) separated by a denier
(usually a self-created unknown) from the exact
opposite package of attributes (judged negative). This
identity pattern will behave the same as a persistent
mass. No matter how many times you discreate the one
pole of the identity, it will automatically recreate from
the pole you are not willing to experience. That is the
nature of duality—defining “up” also defines “down,”
defining “good” also defines “bad.”

Understanding this model of identity, one can create a quite satisfactory explanation of the karma-phenomenon.

The Way Out

You can discreate any “stuck” self by using the

Creation Handling Procedure and circumscribing both

poles of the identity. This is a major breakthrough in the
field of self-development. After a few minutes with this
process, you will realize that most of what you have
been resisting in life is part and parcel of a “stuck” self.

This two-faced Janus aspect of self tricks you into

desiring the socially favorable aspects of existence and

at the same time resisting the socially unfavorable

aspects that accompany the favorable. Is it any wonder
that life is viewed as a struggle? When you sort out and
circumscribe the “good” you also label what is left as
“bad.” Every saint contains a sinner; every sinner
contains a saint. If you are unwilling to experience both
aspects, you will never be able to discreate the identity.

A neat trap!

In some instances, seeking to be perceived by

others as occupying one pole of an identity pattern

becomes an all-consuming effort. This is vanity and
egotism in the extreme.

Avatar students who are exhibiting excessive pride

and vanity for occupying a socially favorable pole of an

identity pattern, or who are wallowing in degradation
and shame for occupying a socially unfavorable pole of
an identity pattern, have made the least gains.

Most, and probably all, of the refunds given to dissatisfied students have gone to this small group.

Without any particular efforts on the part of their

Masters, the students were coaxed by the Avatar
materials toward the unknown that they had spent a
lifetime creating in order to deny the opposite pole of
their asserted identities. Usually, at the point of
entering this self-created unknown or denial zone, they
have gone into disagreement with the Avatar
procedure, Harry Palmer, Star’s Edge, the Master, or
something else. It’s easier to project your own dark
nature onto something or someone else rather than to
meet it head on.

Identity Flipping

Some students have been observed to flip back and

forth between the socially favorable characteristics of an
identity pattern and the socially unfavorable
characteristics of the same identity pattern. Because of
their inability to view both poles as part of the same
package, they imagine they have experienced a personal
transformation. Such people are unstable. If a student

suddenly has a bewildering change and wants to pack
his whole life in and come live with you and worship at
your feet, you should suspect one of these polarity

After all your sweat and worry, you now know that

when you run into a person who is giving you trouble

you are probably looking at an identity pattern that is

operating as a persistent mass—either yours or theirs. At least you know how to handle it! And what an insight this gives
you into human nature!


This structure of an identity pattern, to have both

asserted aspects and resisted aspects, is important for an
Avatar Master to understand. If, in a Master’s handling
of a student, the Master asserts one pole of an identity
pattern, it tends to shift the student toward the opposite
pole. Depending upon the student’s willingness to
occupy this pole, the student will either be attracted or
repelled by the Master. This is a major factor of why
one Avatar Master is successful and another fails.

One of the worst mistakes an Avatar Master can

make is to assert himself or herself as a knowing, holy,

spiritual Master—no matter how insistent people who
are asserting the opposite pole of “willing disciple”

The more genuinely selfless, closer to pure awareness the Avatar Master becomes, the easier the students he or she
guides will be able to experience and discreate all aspects of the identities that entrap them.

Love at First Sight

Sometimes a person will exhibit a strong preference

for another person that he or she perceives as occupying
or asserting the same pole of an identity pattern that he
or she is occupying. Both being good Christians or
Moslems or bikers, etc., they fall madly in love. Then, as
time passes and communication breaks down, they
begin to project the resisted pole of their identity
pattern on the other. Oh-oh!

You Know It’s Gotta Be

In truth, all resistance to others, all upsets with

others, all criticisms and judgments of others, are really
creations against the resisted pole of an identity pattern
that we are unknowingly being. As you begin to
recognize your own reflection in others, you experience
a decided increase in your tolerance for others.

When you adopt the viewpoint

that there is nothing that exists
that is not part of you, that there
is no one who exists that is not
part of you, that any judgment
you make is self-judgment, that
any criticism you level is
self-criticism, you will wisely
extend to yourself an
unconditional love that will be
the light of your world.


Creative Power

When you resist your own creations, your creative

powers are quickly exhausted. When you quit criticizing
and start appreciating you will find your creative power

The act of inviting, or becoming, another person’s

evaluation of who you are, or should be, comes as a

result of exhausting your own creative powers in

The sense of being invalidated by another is the result of inviting another to create an identity pattern for you, and
then having them create an identity pattern similar to the identity pattern you are resisting. What a betrayal!

The resisted aspects of an identity pattern are often the most obvious thing about a person to another.

Manipulation and control are accomplished by

acknowledging and rewarding the favored pole of an
identity pattern-here, you’re a good boy-and criticizing
or punishing the resisted pole. This is the business of
cults and kings.

The Master’s Presence

Avatar Masters operate most effectively as

source-awareness without content or limit. In this way,

if they should feel some resistance to another’s identity,
they will recognize it as a reflection of something they
should integrate. With this understanding, one’s enemy
offers the lesson of greatest worth.

To exist independent of pattern is to be God-realized. Many Avatars believe it is achievable.


Part V: The Master’s Presence


Key Questions:
(Fill in the blank with an item from the list below)
(A) Is there some___ you are resisting?
(B) Is there some___ you are desiring?

Items To Use In The Key Questions:

attribute, identity, emotion, idea, desire, sensation,

characteristic, attitude, habit, perception, experience,
correction, belief, condition, situation, communication,
upset, relationship, recognition, evaluation.

(Note: Any noun could probably be used; the above

have been tested.)

I. Ask either question (A) or (B).
II. For answers to question (A):

1. Create what it feels like to resist it.

2. Create what it feels like to desire it.

(If the student is unable to create desire,

return him/her to resisting for awhile and
then come back to desiring. Do this until
s/he can experience both.)

3. Expand to the outermost limits of both

feelings simultaneously.

4. Label it without judgment.

5. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my


6. Permit it to discreate; turn it off.

Repeat steps 1 - 6 as necessary.

III. For answers to question (B):

1. Create what it feels like to desire it.

2. Create what it feels like to resist it.

(If the student is unable to create

resistance, return him/her to desiring for
awhile and then come back to resistance.
Do this until s/he can experience both.)

3. Expand to the outermost limits of both

feelings simultaneously.

4. Label it without judgment.

5. Recognize, this is not-I, this is my


6. Permit it to discreate: turn it off.

Repeat steps 1 - 6 as necessary.

After a situation is totally cleaned up, it’s good to use the Create step 6 from the CHP to create what you prefer.

The persistent identity procedure can

be adapted to particular situations by
prefacing the key questions with the
situation, e.g., “About smoking” is
there some___you are resisting?
(continue the whole procedure with
‘about smoking,’ etc.) or “About
relationships” is there some___you
are resisting? or “About finances,” etc.


Part V: The Master’s Presence


Can God
create a stone that
is so real that even
he can’t discreate it?

To date, 95% of all students running into difficulty have been successfully and rapidly (usually within a day)

debugged by having them redo some or all of the

exercises prior to the Creation Handling Procedure.

Many students successfully debug themselves just by relaxing.

The next section BUGS recommends exercises and questions for debugging. Any debugging should be done in a
totally confident manner and without any assignment of importance or seriousness. The successful attitude is, “Oh this
is pretty routine.”

The other 5% (which really should not have been

on Avatar in the first place) are found to be incapable of
exerting enough control over their own minds long
enough to make any real progress. Too much thinking!
They appear to be in a frantic, uncontrolled create,
create, create.

The correct handle would be to screen out these

5% before they reach Avatar and direct them onto

courses where they can achieve a higher degree of
control over their own thinking processes. Having failed
to do that, one can pull them through Avatar by heavy
emphasis, usually under supervision, on the Feel-It
exercises, lots of Creation Exercises (days), and Label-
It exercises until they realize, without any suggestions
from anyone else, that they are experiencing their own
assignment of opinion.

It’s tough slugging as they seldom miss an opportunity to create themselves as bad effect, or severely limited, and
favorite among favorites, betrayed!

But these 5% generally respond to loving, high-spirited

teasing and universe handlings. And while they require
a lot of time, they are always interesting studies.

(NOTE: When anyone is bugged, they tend to look

like one of these 5%. The only real difference is the

speed and the willingness the 95% exhibit in
straightening themselves out.)

Many students go through a stage of “being

difficult.” Some do it quietly in suppressed despair, and

some assert to one and all their great tragedies.
Fortunately the adage “it’s always darkest before the
dawn” applies. Allow the integration they are
experiencing to occur and treat their suffering with the
attitude that “some people get to have all the fun,” and
the sun will rise!


Part V: The Master’s Presence

[4] BUGS

The following are the most frequent bugs and the programs to handle:

Bug #l

The student is trying and failing to get rid of something.

Probable Cause:
The opinion he (or she) has of how bad the thing
is, is preventing him from identifying with and tolerantly
experiencing the consciousness contained in the
thought-form. He is pushing against himself.

Label-It Without Judgment Exercises
Redo Source Creation Exercise

Bug #2

The student knows something is wrong but can’t say what it is.

Probable Cause:

The student is resisting an unknown. (Resistance to an unknown usually takes the form of trying to figure it out.)

Label-It Without Judgment Exercises
Redo Source Creation Exercise

Have the student enjoyably create the

feeling that “there’s something wrong and I
can’t figure it out.” Handle per Creation
Handling Procedure.

Bug #3

The student discreates something, but it comes right back.

Probable Cause:
1. The student has beliefs that it serves him/her in some way.
2. The student’s Creation ability is weak.
3. The creation is a response to a persistent mass.
4. The student is discreating replicas of the


1. Redo Feel-It exercises (emphasis on

experiencing the actual creation)

2. Redo Source Creation exercise

3. Have the student answer the question (to

self) “How might this serve someone?” and

handle the answers with the Creation
Handling Procedure.

4. If necessary, guide the student through

the persistent mass procedure.

Bug #4

The student has doubts about his ability to run the procedure and can’t seem to discreate his doubts or keep them

Probable Cause:
The student is out of present time and operating from fixed ideas. Any self-invalidation is a secondary

The student is in a denial-zone.

1. Redo Feel-It Exercises.
2. Redo Source Creation Exercise.
3. Have the student answer the following questions (to self) and discreate the answers with the Creation Handling

“Do I already have some idea about how I

ought to do it?”

“Do I already have some idea about how I

ought to feel?”

“Do I already have some idea about what I

should be doing?”

“Do I already have some idea about what

ought to happen?”

Bug #5

The student is experiencing something s/he does not prefer.

Probable Cause:
The student changed his/her identity after creating it.

1. Redo Feel-It exercises.
2. Have the student create identities that

would prefer to experience the thing s/he

says s/he does not prefer. Have the student
identify with his/her idea of those identities
and handle with Creation Handling

3. Have the student create identities that

would prefer not to experience the thing.

Have the student identify with his/her idea
of those identities and handle with Creation
Handling Procedure.

Bug #6

The student is bogged and asserting the reality of his own limitations.

1. Redo Source Creation Exercise.

Bug #7

The student is unchanging or not making the gains s/he should.

Probable Cause:
Stuck into resisting. Persistent Identity.

1. Redo Feel It exercises.
2. Redo Label-It Without Judgment.
3. Redo Source Creation Exercise.
4. Have the student write a list of answers to the following question: “What should be resisted?”

5.For each answer the student comes up

with s/he should:

(a) Re-label (using the creation exercise)

the answer as a positive experience. For

example, change his/her opinion that it
should be resisted to an opinion that it
would be all right to experience it.

(b) Identify with and acceptingly imagine

experiencing the idea, condition or event.

(c) Handle per Creation Handling


Bug #8

The student is emotionally unstable.

Probable Cause:
Is dependent upon approval of others.

1. Redo Feel-It exercises.
2. Redo Label-It Without Judgment


3. Redo Source Creation Exercise.

4. Have the student write a list of answers to the following question: “What should be disapproved of?’

5.(a) Re-label (using a primary origination)

the answer as a positive experience. For
example, change his/her opinion that it
should be disapproved of to an opinion that
it would be all right to approve of it.

(b) Identify with and acceptingly imagine

experiencing the idea, condition or event.

(c) Handle per Creation Handling


Bug #9
The student is creating himself or herself as stupid.

Probable Cause:
The student is using an unknowness to avoid experiencing something.
0. Climb for Atonement (use unkindnesses
toward self)

1. Redo Feel-It exercises.

2. Have the student answer the following question (to self) and handle the answers with the Creation Handling

“What am I experiencing right now?”

Bug #10

The student can’t create or change a reality.

Probable Cause:
1. The student’s limitations serve him or her.

1. Redo Source Creation Exercise.
2. Have him (or her) create the reality he

wishes to create and handle his secondary

originations with the Creation Handling

If no success:
3: Have him/her answer the following
question and identify with, experience and
handle the answers with Creation Handling

“How would it serve someone to fail?’

Bug #11

The student complains, wants refund and is resisting any solution or help.

Probable Cause:
The student believes that being an Avatar conflicts with some other purpose s/he has.

1. Recognize that the student has a hidden

agenda and may be operating with the

belief that s/he would be wrong or injured
in someway if s/he were to construct or
change his or her beliefs. This may place the
student beyond any hope of achieving the
state of Avatar.

2. If the student is willing, suggest s/he

handle any beliefs s/he has about Avatar,

religion. Harry Palmer, spirituality, social
behaviors, as being wrong or dangerous.

3. The student may also handle any beliefs

s/he has about his or her purpose being

right, or being of greater benefit, or of
nobler design or whatever.

If you are uncertain as to what is

going on with the student, a direct
handle is to give the student a
copy of Bug Diagnosis Index and
let him or her chew it over and
tell you what is wrong.


Part V: The Master’s Presence


#1. The student is trying and failing to get

rid of something.

#2. The student knows something is wrong

but can’t say what it is.

#3. The student discreates something, but it

comes right back.

#4. The student has doubts about his/her

ability to run the procedure and can’t seem
to discreate the doubts or keep them

#5. The student is experiencing something

s/he does not prefer.

#6. The student is bogged and asserting the

reality of his/her own limitations.

#7. The student is unchanging or not

making the gains s/he should.

#8. The student is emotionally unstable.

#9. The student is creating himself/herself

as stupid.

#10. The student can’t create or change a


#11. The student complains, wants refund

and is resisting any solution or help.


Part V: The Master’s Presence


Reference: “The Discouragement Program” pg 12
Employ the persistent identity handling procedure on the following:

1. Feel what it feels like to desire to be encouraged.

Feel what it feels like to resist being encouraged.

2. Feel what it feels like to desire to be discouraged.

Feel what it feels like to resist being discouraged.


Part V: The Master’s Presence


People’s attitudes toward money (prosperity) are

responsible for much of the upset in the world. The
purpose of this rundown is to handle ideas and beliefs
about money.

Section One: Attitudes

(These should be experienced lovingly and discreated.)

1. It costs too much.

2. There isn’t enough money.
3. I’d better save it.
4. I don’t want to pay it.
5. It’s wrong to waste money.
6. It’s wrong to have money.
7. There are a lot of things more important

than money.

8. Money motivation is wrong because ...(fill

in the blank)

9. All he wants is money, so ...(fill in the


10. I can’t afford it.

11. People with money are ....(fill in the


12. I don’t need money.

Section Two: Identities

(1) Experience and discreate any identities that are critical of people who have money.
(2) Experience and discreate any identities that

feel right, justified, righteous, spiritual, holy, etc. for:

not having lots of money
being poor
robbing from the rich
denouncing money motivation
having money.

Section Three: Persistent Identity Handle

(1) Experience resisting and desiring, and then

discreate the following:

Money, poverty, charity, paying clients, customers, work, reasons to steal, etc.

Section Four: Creation of Prosperity

(1) Construct a belief that would result in

experiencing the prosperity you desire.

(2) Create the belief as a primary origination until there are no secondaries. (Secondaries may be either
exaggerated, or discreated with Creation Handling.

IMPORTANT: As you are creating the above primary origination, pay careful attention to any paths of opportunity, or
ideas, that open or occur to you as the belief starts to become effortlessly real (particularly:

immediate events, statements, occurrences, however

[ End of Avatar Master’s Course ]

GENERAL N O T E (by the “entities” who produced this file)

This is a plaintext file that can be read best

with a “non-proportional” font like Courier.


Section V of The Avatar® Materials


Section V: The Wizard Course(sm)

AVATAR®, is the registered Service Mark of Star’s Edge, Inc.

United States Patent and Trademark Office No. 1, 482,732

Star’s Edge International®,

237 N. Westmonte Drive

Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714


Copyright 1987, 1991, 2002 by Harry Palmer.

Avatar®, ReSurfacing®, Thoughtstorm®, and Star’s Edge International® are

registered trademarks of Star’s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.



The Wizard Course Foreword......................................1


Introduction to Creative Study..................................5
Principles of Study.............................................9
Solo Attention Recovery Program: Steps 1-3.....................17
Creation Handling Procedure....................................18
Persistent Identity Creation Handling Procedure................22
Solo Attention Recovery Program: Steps 4 & 5...................23
Disaligning Beliefs and Floats.................................26
Float Rundown..................................................27
Thoughtstorm (solo version)....................................31
Group Discussions..............................................32


Awareness, Being, and Attention................................40
Identifying Personal Archetypes................................42
Creation Exercises.............................................43
Creation Revisited.............................................46
Recognising secondary originations.............................50
Creation list 1................................................52
Creation flow chart............................................53
Watching the monkey............................................58
Understanding consciousness....................................60
Modes of consciousness exercises...............................62
Creation list 2................................................76
PART III: Attention
Introduction to attention......................................79
The nature of attention .......................................89
More on charged attention......................................91
Attention leaks................................................93
It’s all right to feel like this...............................94
Desire/Resist Rundown..........................................95
The Higher Self................................................97
Creation List 3................................................99
Divination for almost dead floats.............................100
Ambivalent flow Rundown.......................................102

Part IV: Identity

The Urge To Create Identity...................................106
Identity Glossary.............................................108
Summary of Identity...........................................109
Scale of Identity and Attitude................................110
Creation List 4 Attitude......................................111
Motivations of Identity.......................................112
Asserted Identity Handling....................................115
A Persistent Identity Handle..................................118
Persistent Identity Procedure.................................124
A Talk on Identities..........................................126
An Advanced Approach to Integrating Persistent Identities.....132
Twenty Assumed and Projected Identity Rundowns................139
Approval Rundown..............................................151
Creation List 5 Smiling Into the Tao..........................154
Ultimate Ultimate Process.....................................155

PART V: Entities
The entity paradigm...........................................157
Introduction to entities......................................158
How to locate and handle entities.............................174
EHP design....................................................177
Entity handling procedure.....................................182
EHP rundown...................................................183

PART VI: The Mission
The mission of Avatar.........................................185
How to introduce people to Avatar.............................186
Giving powerful talks.........................................188
Table assignment..............................................189

Creation Flow Chart
Ambivalent Flow Rundown + example



The Wizard’s Gate

The word attention is derived from Latin ad tendere, meaning to stretch toward. When you put your attention on
something, you stretch your aware-ness towards it.
Quantity of attention is measured in an amount of hypothetical particles. It is easily demonstrated that this quantity is
an exhaustible amount. Total exhaustion of your attention particles results in an interruption of attention dependent
Attention particles possess some interesting qualities. First, an attention particle is capable of storing some kind of
memory trace. A simple compari-son of an impression you get from recalling an object with the impression you get of
this page when you close your eyes will make clear the differ-ences between the memory of consciousness and the
memory of attention particles.
Attention particles can also be programmed with a prioritised inclination (intention) to observe certain phenomena.
Walk along a beach looking for blue sea shells, and your attention particles will give priority to anything blue while
ignoring everything else. In this case, we could say that your attention was charged with a desire to find blue. Walk along
a different beach, one where you received a painful sting from a jellyfish, and your attention particles will be prioritised
to look out for jellyfish. In this case, we could say that your attention particles are charged with a resistance to jellyfish.
Surprise is receiving an impression that is contrary to what you pro-grammed your attention to look for, e,g., discovering
a beautiful blue shell on the jellyfish beach.

[Illustration; see avatar-wiz-course-illustrations.zip: wizpic-page001.gif ]

The prioritised programming of attention could be plotted an a scale

extending from frantic, rapturous desire for the appearances of something

down to a rigid resistance toward the appearance of something

In the middle of this scale, there is a neutral balance point where Attention is aware of what is without any desire for, or
resistance towards, any appearance. This is aware presence. No preference No surprise. No mind. Awareness without
judgement. Neutral attention.
Reaching this balance point is the first step upon a path that leads beyond

the mind towards the source of life itself. This is the Wizard’s Gate. It is


• 1-

portal to a dimension from which the structure of consciousness can be studied, and the mysteries of spiritual
awareness begin to unfold.


A being who radiates neutral attention is the spiritual counterpart of a sun that radiates light. In the mind of such a
being, ignorance, intolerance, and the criminally indoctrinated insanities of societies find no dark corners in which to
hide. Such a being may be regarded as a true Avatar. As more and more Avatars are awakened, this planetary prison is
successively trans-formed from a battleground into a playground, into an elite finishing schools, into a safe home, and
into an enlightened planetary civilization.
In the non-Avatar human, the source of this natural radiation of neutral attention is asleep. In its place is the harsh
reality of desires and resistances created from attention contaminated with painful memories, indiscretions, self-serving
judgements, and bad intentions. This is the dark suffering of the proud and ignorant.
Wizards have the power to transform this dark existence into the golden dawn of an enlightened planetary civilization. It
is happening now.
The primary purpose of the new Section V materials is to empower you, to awaken you to the actual phenomena that
paradigms are created to explain. Hopefully, through your own awakening, you will accelerate the expanding awakening
of the world. Welcome Wizards!


There are six sections in the new Wizard Course. You will find the rea-ding materials clearer, the exercises more
effective, and your personal evolve-ment more rapid and stable than on previous Wizard courses.
You are encouraged to write down and share with Star’s Edge any ques-tions or realizations that you have during the
study periods or that come out of your processes or group discussions. These are valuable. The trainers will provide you
carbonless copy paper for this purpose.
Some of the materials that you’ll be working with are extremely powerful in the effect they can have on your point of
view. Sometimes the viewpoint shift is temporary. Please remember this before you make any life-changing decisions or
violate someone’s reality window who failed to realize how important it was to be here.
You are going to look at consciousness in a more detailed way than most people have ever looked. You are going to have
some insights that you are going to want to share with the world. Just be sure that the person you want to share them
with is ready to hear them.
• 2-

Please refrain from the use of recreational drugs and alcohol while on the course. In a few days, you won’t need them.
You’re going to be exploring some very subtle phenomena of consciousness that will require you to delib-erately still
your mind to perceive them. Chemicals in your system can obscure these phenomena. No one, however, recommends
that you discon-tinue any prescriptions medication that you might be taking. If you have some concern that you are
being chemically blocked on certain exercises, please talk with a trainer.
Unfortunately, there are also a lot of chemicals in the food chain. As far as possible, eat healthy foods with emphasis on
vegetables, fruits, and grains. Try to stay away from junk foods. Drink lots of water. Get some exercise and eat lightly.
Make this a health renewing two weeks. Ask for help if you’re being overwhelmed by some habit you don’t prefer to
The Wizard Course has some processes that will have the immediate effect on you of, “...oooh kaaay..feel great...I
gaaaht it!” And it’s kind of insensitive to ask you when you’re feeling very good to go back in and see if you can dig up
some more mud. But this is the week for mud. The more mud that you dig up, the more you turn your peak experiences
into familiar plateaus that you can actually exist on and operate from. Digging also makes possible another peak
experience from that plateau.
The last advice is please stay rested and have fun.
• 3-

[Page 4 is blanc]



Indoctrination is different from creative study.
Indoctrination is practiced widely under the guise of education. It literally means to fill with doctrine or belief.
Association of rewards and punishments with learning and repetitive drilling under stressful conditions are the
characteristics of indoctrination. Initially, indoctrination is deliberate, but thereafter, it generally creates circumstances
that automatically perpetuate it.
Deliberate indoctrination is really about implanting predictable behaviours and the opinions of the indoctrinating
generation. It is a method of extending the period of a group’s asserted rightness into the future.
Education, training, and drilling in curricula over which the student is given no attractive alternative, other than to
accept, is indoctrination. When a subject is taught as doctrine, the intention is that its observations, beliefs, and
conclusions be assimilated by the student without question: this is the way it is!
The more forceful and primary the teachers (or the reality), the more deeply embedded the indoctrination. The product
and goal of indoctrination is manageability—responses to stimuli are predictable. Response-ability is raised.

The bad news is that the student is left with little, if any, power to think creatively. Reason is reduced to selecting from
preprogrammed alternatives, e.g., Would you rather be enslaved or free? Chocolate or vanilla?

The word study in English has the same root as the word eager, which

means an enthusiastic pursuit of something. Two definitions for study are: 1.

the mental effor of understanding, appreciating, and assimilating something

2. the earnest and protracted examination of a question by reflection or by the collection and examination of

These definitions are very fromal, but at least they do imply that stucy is

more of a particaipatory experience than a passive ability to imitate behaviours

and absorb believs. Participation is the essence of creative study. Creative

• 5-

extrapolate: using what is known
or believed about something to
speculate or infer beyond the
limits of the known or believed

i.e. {Latin: id est} that is (to say)

e.g. {Latin: exempli gratia} for the
sake of example; for example

[end of sidebar]

study could be defined as any type of exercise or interaction that improves thinking and observation in such a way that a
student is allowed to discover multiple points of view. The information and data conveyed in creative study serve as a
starting point, an invitation to explore further and extrapolate new data.
The product of creative study is an enlightened being with a facile mind—neutral attention. Subject content is
amendable. This state is achieved by learning the art of recognizing, adapting, or removing old patterns of

The Danger of Enlightenment

Historically, it has always been easier and safer to indoctrinate people, or even to reindoctrinate people, than to
enlighten them. Enlightenment has been reserved for powerful inner circles and secret societies in charge of preserving
order. Why? Perhaps because indoctrinated people are easier to govern, easier to excite to organized violence, and are

more submissive to the extortion of taxes. These are the harsh facts of life. People try not to notice them. Just as one
supposes, the sheep quickly forget the lamb that disappears into the the shepherd’s cottage.
It is a hard-learned lesson that raising a society’s awareness of oppressive indoctrination must be tempered by a wisdom
that recognizes the need to preserve order. If you have doubts, study the French revolution.
Because the lesson in the above paragraphs has so often been violated by well-meaning reformers and evangelists who
have unwittingly precipitated violent destabilizations of whole societies, the collective consciousness has come to
believe that the process of enlightenment is dangerous. So as a caution to Wizards, understand that certain beliefs that
preserve order, even thos as stupidly intolerant as patriotism and religion, are particularly sensitive to too close or too
broad an inquiry.

Managing Change
Old indoctrinations are the fundamental emotion generators that interfere with your spontaneous cooperation and
alignment to create an elightened planetary civilization. Inspect your own beliefs first.
At one time, someone probably had a good reason for indoctrinating a certain belief and did it with timely wisdom. But
they didn’t live forever. Their mistake was choosing their successors from the same people that had been successfully
indoctrinated. Thus the timely wisdom of holding a certain belief was replaced by the consideration that the belief was
truth. This is the genesis of reality.
The truth is that it is possible for a limited time and in a limited way to

manage a civilization by indoctrinating wise beiefs. But it does not create

• 6-

Free advice is usually worth what
you paid for it.


[end of sidebar]

civilization that will change (evolve) without the old beliefs coming into conflict with the new beliefs. The lesson of
indoctrination is this:
Yesterday’s belief is today’s political slogan and tomorrow’s epitaph for a civilization.
If you wish to create an elightened planetary civilization, you must become very good at the subtle art of bringing people
to recognize and rethink their old indoctrinations. Unless you learn to do this in the right way (with respectful Serious
Drill) and at the right time (on the Avatar Course), the result will be revolutionary instead of evolutionary. Why
evangelize when you can teach?

The Avatar Course

Avatar is a good solution, perhaps the best so far. It safely and with a minimum of offense teaches people to recognize,
experience, and discreate their indoctrinations. If you were to attempt to do this without promoting Avatar as a valuable
personal service and charging for it, you would quickly run afoul of people’s cherished (read deeply indoctrinated)

beliefs. People do not like it when someone tries to change their beliefs, but they are curious and they do want to feel
It’s more than a little confusing when, in one circumstance, a person will die for a belief, but under a different
circumstance, the same person will happily pay to discreate it. Oh well, what did you expect? This is Earth!

Creative Instruction
The opposite of indoctrination is awakening a person’s ability to deliberately experience different viewpoints of creation
withou forming too many carved-in-rock conclusions. This ability alone transforms automatic behaviours and beliefs
(indoctrinations) back into the fluid awareness that can observe and think clearly. That is mental alchemy. It is the
underlying goal of creative study.
As a safeguard against indoctrinating too many truths, Masters once instructed their Avatars to burn the study material
as the last instruction on the checklist. It was a symbolic act of liberation. The practice was abandoned because of
economic and ecological reasons, but Avatar materials are still collected by the Masters after being studied. And it is still
done as a symbolic act of liberation. It’s difficult to turn ideas that are not available in print into doctrine. In its own way,
the confidentiality policy regarding the Avatar Materials is an enforcement of creative study.

Natural Indoctrinations
Not all indoctriantions are the result of schooling.
A traditional metaphysical paradigm divides consciousness into three
overlapping categories: animal consciosness, intellectual consciousness
• 7-

and spiritual consciousness. Animal consciousness contains the survival instincts. Intellectual consciousness contains
thinking and judgments. Spiritual consciousness contains reason and aesthetics.
The methods of establishing order (taking control) are different in each of these categories. Order is established in
animal consciousness by dominance. Order is established in intellectual consciousness by argument or debate.
Order is established in spiritual conscioiusness by respect.

[Illustration; see wizpic-page008.gif ]

For a little experience of establishing order in animal consciousness, feel what it feels like to be your most dominant
identity. In this identity, people are going to jump when you speak. They’re going to do what you say or suffer
consequences. That’s a dominant identity. That’s the way animal consciousness maitains order. Step out of line and you
get your neck bitten.
This animal dominance is so ingrained in life that it spills over into intellectual consciousness. Conveyed information
becomes colored by an attitude of dominance.
If somebody tells you to do something and is acting dominant, you either fight or obey. If your success of winning the
fight is in doubt, you obey. The problem is that when you become submissive, the mind tends to suspend its critical
faculty and accept whatever is conveyed as truth. Sometime it’s easier to accept a lie than to remember the humiliation
of surrender.

Then you do it to another on a lower pecking order. Your mind is indoctrinated with information that is hidden from
examination by humiliation and fear.
Ther first step of The Wizard Course is to get rid of indoctrinated beliefs and recover control of your own mind.

In the following pages, you will encounter four principles of creative study. They are given to you for use. Use them to
enhance your understanding, appreciation, and assimilation of the Wizard materials. They are the first lessons of magic.
Use them; magic will reappear.
• 8-

consciousness n. In Avatar terms:
a structure of beliefs through
which one projects or perceives

archetype n. the original pattern

or model from which all other
things of the same kind are made

civilizations that survive tend to

follow a pattern of evolving. Through
its best reasoning indvidual, each
society exploits, supports, or
incorporates the advantages of
previous societies, but also adds
something new. The patterns of Earth
societies follow and are characterized by:

1. hunting and gathering (individualism)

2. raiding and pillaging (tribal values)
3. trading and agriculture (family)
4. nationalism and imperialism (patriotism)
5. industrialism (work and invention)
6. economic goals (pursuit of a fantasy experience)
7. contemplation (review of importances)
8. enlightenment (appreciation of diversity)

[end of sidebar]

Some historians think that the relay of social and cultural achievements from generation to generation forms the
foundation of a civilization. But where did these social and cultural achievements come from? What motivated them?
The true foundation of a civilization is a specialized feature of consciousness called the archetypal mind. It is the
collective blueprint of beliefs, the initial model from which the ideas of evolution and civilization are extrapolated. It is
the source of the reality plane in which we are currently enrolled.
This archetypal root mind of reality changes slowly. The realities that different beings and even whole generations
extrapolate from it change more rapidly. What we are currently experiencing are certain extrapolated possibilities.
Awakening, in a sense, is realizing there are other possibilities.
The human factor that facilitates the evolvement of civilizations is the ability to extrapolate new possibilities, to think
clearly, to anticipate consequences. This is something more than passing indoctrinations from generation to
generation. It is real time observing, integrating, predicting, and acting.

The Evolution of Creative Study

Creative Study is a bridge from the narrow confines of one belief system to the broader possibilities of life. Socially, it
permits a smooth transition from an economic society to a contemplative society and then to an enlightened society.
In the current economic society, study and indoctrination start to look alike. When people study, they generally mean
they are engaging in some skill acquisition activity. Most often, they are motivated by the hope of resolving some
personal insecurity and/or achieving some fantasy experience, such as an around-the-world cruise. When enough
people relize that their insecurity has no external solution and the fantasy experience is empty and without any real
satisfaction, the subject of study will change and so will the society.
In a contemplative society (the next step for our current society), the distance from source decreases and so, too, do the
personal insecurities. People become more accepting and real when they become more secure. The need for approval
and the desire to evoke envy decrease. The desire for personal achievement reduces, while at the same time
compassion and feelings of brotherhood increase. Study becomes more of a recreational pursuit, and the humanities
In an enlightened society, the emphasis of life changes from a pursuit of
desires to a sane fulfillment of human needs. Care replaces greed. Coopera-
• 9-

relief 1. an easing, as of pain,
discomfort, or anxiety; a lightening
of a burden

2. anything that lessens tension or

strain or offers a pleasant change,

as to the mind or eye

[end of sidebar]

tion replaces competition. Species pride replaces nationalism. People begin to find that their real pleasure and
satisfactrin come from unfolding to the possibilities of life. Change arises from a deeper level of consciousness and the
attitude, “let’s see what we can do,” nurtures excitement.
Creative study is any procedure that assists you to rise above isolated bits of creation and obtain an insight as to how
they relate. Every time Wizards do this, they move closer to the next level of source—the next level of reintegration of
the whole. By exploring this ever-broadening scope of creation, Wizards become powerful centers of influence. They
offer relief from the suffering caused by ignorance and intolerance. They learn the currents and shoals of transformation
and come to know the time and place where the evolvement of isolated bits of creation intersect. With wisdom, they lay
the foundation for the future communities of Earth.

The First Priciple of Creative Study: Organizing

[Italics:] A datum or phenonemum that is recognized as belonging or is assigned to a certain category within the
structure of consciousness frees attention. [End Italics]
This is actually a very powerful formula for relieving stress and dis-ease. Data and phenenonema are stored by
assigning them a relative position within the framework of the rest of what you know. This is what is meant by
Failure to organize leads to overwhelm. That is true for your possessions, your activities, your data, and your
experiences. Organizing is part of growth. Beyond a certain point, there cannot be further growth without organizing.
The cause of many learning disabilities and unsuccessful students can be traced to a failure to organize what has been
Do you ever feel overwhelmed: If so, you probably have already gone past the point where you need to stop and
organize. Unrelated data and phenomena act like distractions that inhibit concentration. Each of us has a finite amount
of attention, and when it is exhausted the results are confusion, stress, and seriousness.
This can be demonstrated by giving someone a list of unrelated things to remember. There will be a limit to the number
they can absorb before they need to organize. When you go past that limit, confusion begins to close in. Just as you can
exceed the memory capacity of a computer, you can exceed the attention capacity of a mind.

NOTE: Excerpts from previous

Wizard lectures by Harry are
interspersed throughout the
text and will be set apart in
this manner -------->

Organizing To Improve Memory

I’m going to give you ten things to remember, but you can’t write them down yet. Try to remember them in order. After
I’ve finished giving them to you, I’ll ask you to write them down. Are you ready?
• 10-

(Ten items are read slowly). Table, tree, sidewalk, rock, wall, picture, runner, banana, coin, cup.
Ok, that’s the last one. Now write them down. (pause)
I’ll read them to you again and you can score yourself. (Items are read again. About 10 percent of the audience said they
remembered all ten.)
Here’s the secret. If you remember these as ten different items, it requires that you put attention on ten different
things. That’s difficult. But you can organize the ten items into one mental picture, and then you only have to
remember one thing. That’s not so difficult.
As an example, you could imagine TABLE with a TREE growing on it, which is set beside a SIDEWALK, and there is a
RUNNER who is eating a BANANA. You stop and put a COIN in the runner’s CUP. If you make a mental picture of the
items like this, you can recall them backward and forward. It’s a good bar trick.
The point is you are remembering one thing instead of ten separate thing.
Want another chance?
(Harry reads ten new items, and this time approximately 50 percent of the audience write down all ten).
What is happening is that you are deliberately organizing into data instead of having a lot of odd pieces of nonrelated
information. This mental organization increases what you can remember and at the same time frees up your attention.
[end of excerpt of Harry’s previous lecture.]

The Second Principle of Creative Study: Float

[italics] A datum or phenomenon that is left unrelated or that doesn’t fit any known category fixes attention. [end italics]
This is called float. Float is the result of not integrating a reality.

{float n. anything that stays or
causes something else to stay on
the surface of a liquid or
suspended near the surface. In
Avatar terms: mental creations
that fix attention.

[end of sidebar]

Some people have wondered if there is a point they reach that for every new thing they learn they have to forget one
old thing. Will they eventually get a disk full error message? They will if there is too much float.
Float consists of:
• incomplete, inaccurate, or entirely missing data
• incomplete projects and information

Float also consists of misunderstandings:

• violations of good communications procedure
• resisted experience
• misunderstood words
Float also consists of those things you don’t want known:
• secrets and undelivered messages
• hidden agendas

These things float around in the mind and absorb attention like dry

sponges absorb water. When you try to think in an area in which you have

float, you get exhausted. When you try to study a subject in which you have

float, you begin to yawn, fidget, or go blank. These are observable phenom-

• 11-

ena that Avatar Masters and Trainers sometimes use to detect students who have encountered misunderstood words in
a subject.
Mystery and magic attract attention by deliberately creating float, e.g., how did that rabbit get in the hat?
Float has just enough resist or unkown in it to keep it from being aligned or integrated with the current structure of you
consciousness. It creates uncertainty, which is an indication of float. Float shuts down the ability to think deliberately
and causes stupidity.
You can detect float by learning to spot its symptoms, which, incidentally, disappear when float is handled. The main
symptoms are:
• distraction
• confusion
• exhaustion
• irritability
• unwillingness to continue
• a sense of being forced
• self-destruction

Decisions made in the presence of float are more often wrong (not producing the desired effect) than right (producing
the desired effect). If making a decision seems difficult, recognize that it is usually because of float from incorrect or
incomplete data. Handle the float by getting the correct or complete data, and the decision becomes clearer. (This
applies to every-day decisions as well as to major life decisions. It applies to societies as well as to individuals).

[from a previous lecture.]

Data Float
Data float is information that doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of what you know. It exhausts your attention. It’s like
having to remember ten things instead of one thing. Data Float makes you feel stupid or unable to think.
Float is kept floating by a disaligning belief or an insufficiency of accurate data. Handling the disaligning belief is the first
step in handling float. Often it is the only step you need to take. A disaligning belief keeps new data from aligning with
what you already believe, so the new data floats.

Let me give you an analogy. Imagine that this is a structure by which you organize information (Harry hold up a Tinker
Toy model).
This structure is what you already know and believe about horses. One of the beliefs in this structure is that horses are
white. You’re very happy with this information. Horses are white.
Now, Somebody tells about a black horse. This is a black horse (Harry holds up a different Tinker Toy model). You notice
when you try to integrate this black horse with the rest of what you know about horses (Harry tries to put the Tinker Toy
models together, but they don’t fit), it doesn’t integrate.
Because it doesn’t fit, it floats. Now you have an unrelated piece of data, a black horse. What is that? Horses are white.
That is the disaligning belief—horses are white.
If you want to restructure the data and say, “Some horses are white,” and

then you encounter a black horse (Harry restructures the toy models to fit),

look at that! Now you

• 12-

can say some horses are black and some horses are white. You’ve integrated new information into the mental structure
that you use to make sense of the world.
Did I mention that memories of events and actions also float when they don’t fit the mental structure that you are using
to make sense of the world? If your belief of who you are won’t accomodate acts you have commited or are planning to
commit, they also float. Secrets and hidden agendas are kept in float by a disaligining belief like, “I can’t reveal this.” You
have to keep attention on them so you don’t reveal them by accident. The more secrets a person has, the less able they
become. So there is an insight into the power of confession. It frees attention.
[end of previous lecture excerpt]

The Third Principle of Creative Study: Restructuring

[Italics] Restructuring your consciousness is sometimes neccessary to accomodate new data or new phenomena. [End
Round Pegs do not go in square holes no matter how much they are examined or clarified. Rectangles do not fit into
triangular spaces. Some things just don’t fit in your frame of reference. For example, some Hong Kong residents consider
snake bladders a delicacy, and certain Malaysian jungle tribes consider severe facial scarring as beautiful.
When presented with data or phenomena that do not fit their current belief structure, some people resort to
invalidation. This eventually results in distrust, conflict, or even perceptual malfunction. People who do not see clearly or
understand clearly may be clinging to some old structuring of consciousness that does not adequately accommodate
present reality. How something should appear has taken precedence over how something does appear. Sometimes
people are blinded by their own opinions (When vision is corrected, it is corrected to accomodate the consciousness of
the subject. If the consciousness of the subject were restructured, correction of the vision might be unnecessary).
Real tolerance is the ability to endure the feeling of vulnerability that you feel while your conscioiusness is restructuring
to accommodate new data or phenomena. It is a departure from your comfort zone. It takes a special brand of courage
to willingly look beyond your falmiliar structure of consciousness. It is a kind of courage that you need for creative

[excerpt from previous Harry lecture]
The point is this: sometimes you have to let go of what you believe you know and allow a restructuring of your mental
framework to occur. The risk is you will be vulnerable, which, in itself, is a step closer to the truth of existence. The
reward is that the restructuring will lead you to more new information. You may find you know a lot more about
something than you thought. Pieces begin to fit and make sense. Float integrates. Even if you encountered a blue horse,
you could now stretch your mental framework to contain it.
Wisdom is the cumulative result of enduring vulnerable moments of not knowing.
The ideal is to have what you encounter fit with what you know. Unless you are extremely learned, that probably
doesn’t happen. So you have to be ready to restructure what you know or believe when you encounter something new.
This is not an effort. It is
• 13-

an allowing. The default operation of consciousness will automatically restructure, link, and align new information unless
there is a disaligning belief preventing it from doing so.
[end excerpt]

The Fourth Principle of Creative Study: Extrapolating

[italics] Arranging data or phenomena according to certain structures permits the accurate prediction of further data or
phenomena. [end italics]
It is the “I” that imposes mental organization on data and phenomena. It does so according to either an indoctrinated
(default) pattern or a deliberate pattern suggested by what is observed. (It is also the “I” that feels diempowered and
overwhelmed when attention is trapped in float).
Data can be organized in many ways. For example, all the elephant memories go in the elephant memory room. All the
penguin memories go in the penguin memory room. This type of data organization permits data to be sorted by subject
and retrieved without too great a demand on attention, but it doesn’t present much opportunity to predict new data
from the data on hand. The data just sit there. This is the default behaviour of animal consciousness---a simple memory
If, however, you organized your elephant data into a large animal category, you might also bump into hippos and
rhinoceros. And if you knew that the elephant is a vegetarian, you could predict that hippos and rhinoceros are also
vegeterians. And so they are. This is the faculty of reason.
And you could create a small animal room for things like cats and bunnies.
Hmmm. Cats eat bunnies, don’t they?
Even better, you could arrange your elephant data on an animal size scale going from smallest to largest. The you have a
place for any animal you encounter. This classification of data into broad categories (such as the animal kingdom, the
plant kingdom, and the mineral kingdom) and then into increasingly specific subcategories is the defaul behaviour of
intellectual consciousness.

Memory (organized data), reason (cross indexing), and imagination (filling in the blanks) permit the production and
prediction of new data and phenomena. Knowledge is the utilization of organized dtat, reason, and imagination to
predict or produce specific results.

[excerpt from previous lecture]

Knowledge Is Power
The float rundown allows you to locate and discreate the disaligning beliefs that cause float. When you discreate these
beliefs, the float caused by them will begin to integrate. What does it feel like when float integrates? It’s an, “Oh, of
course, I see,” feeling. Each “Oh, of course, I see” frees some fixed attention and makes the next “Oh, of course, I see” a
little faster and little more profound.
• 14-

Page 15
Freed attention allows you to start thinking with what you know, rather than just having it as opinion or nonutilized
Somebody once said, “Knowledge is power.” Have you heard that statement? The correct statement should be, “The
application of knowlege is power.” You can have all the knowledge in the world, but it doesn’t do you any good until you
apply it. Float is what prevents you from applying what you already know, which you’re going to discover is a lot more
than any exam or test could ever measure.
Let’s review the principles of creative study.
1. A datum or phenomenon that is left unrelated or that doesn’t fit any known category fixes attention.

This simply means that if you have a place to put somethin, and no one that you need to remember not to tell it to,
it doesn’t require that you keep your attention on it. This is the fundamental lesson of organization.
2. A datum or phenomeno that is left unrelated or that doesn’t fit any known category fixes attention.

The things that fix attention most have something unknown about them, for example, what is that peculiar
ratcheting sound? Float and fear often go together.
3. Restructuring your consciousness is sometimes necessary to accommodate new data or phenomena

If we had a spaceship land in the parking lot, you would see some rapid restructuring of consciousness. It might be
so rapid that it would take all your attention, and you would just sit and stare like a zombie. That is a shock reaction.
Massive restructuring of conciousness causes shock.
4. Arranging data or phenomena according to certain structures permits the accurate prediction of further data or

The best example of data arrangement is a scale. If you know what extreme points of a scale are, you can predict
points between the extremes. If you have a hundred-ton rock at one end and a one-pound rock at the other end,
you can imagine the different weights of rocks between. This sort of scale works well for sorting material qualities
and physical objects. If you want to sort living qualities, it’s better to start somewhere in the middle of a scale and
work toward the extremes—an extreme that you probably don’t know yet.

[end excerpt]

Using Scales
Scales are extremely useful for organizing and understanding information. A scale can be linear with polar opposites at
each end, or it can be divided into developmental or hierarchical stages along a certain path. A scale can begin in the
middle and move upward or downward, inward or outward. There are cyclic scales, harmonic scales, compression
scales, spiral scales, infinite scales, all based on degrees of difference of things that have the scale in common. There
are scales of intensity and scales of relativity. There are scales of quantity and scales of quality. A calendar is a scale for
the measurement of time.
On a scale of one to ten, scales rate a ten in their usefulness.

Creating Order
A scale is a series of marks at regular or graduated intervals used to measure or register a relative quality or quantity of
Scales often fit within scales. For example, the scale of visible light extends from red to violet according to frequency.
Then there is a scale of saturation or hue for each color that extends from faint to vibrant. Sometimes there are many
smaller or intersecting scales in your scale.
• 15-

When we talk about scales, we’re talking about order—relative order between separate creations that have something
in common. That something gives us the graduated intervals of our scale.
It seems that this imposition of some sort of meaningful scalar order upon the universe is one of the fundamental
purposes of consciousness.
[end excerpt]

continuum n. something in which
no part can be distinguished
from neighboring parts except by
arbitrary division

[end sidebar]

How Prediction Works

Change is a shift in degree on a scale. When you know the continuum of the scale and the speed and direction of
change, prediction and invention are possible. This is how you become an expert in a subject.

Sometimes the predicted data are a logically reasoned extension of what is known about the subject. Sometimes the
predicted data come from a gap in what is known, and sometimes the predicted data come from a harmonic
correspondence between two scales.

The purpose of creative study is to organize information and predict phenomena.
Consciousness is a tool that awareness (you) can use to create, to investigate, to order, and to make connections with
phenomena that are beyond the limits of our senses.
Consciousness can be addressed to any subject, including itself. The Wizard materials are a deliberately created
structure designed to permit the investigation, ordering, and/or modification of consciousness.
• 16-


Objective: To free attention.

Expected Results:
A recovery of attention and more energy.

Step 1. Incomplete Projects

List any incomplete projects or TO DO’s you have. After each project note:
(A)bort if you have decided to abort the project.
©omplete if you have decided to complete the project. Number the
(C) projects in order of priority. Put the list in a safe place for your attention after The Wizard Course.

Step 2. Undelivered Communiciations

List any people with whom you have undelivered communications. After each of them, write what the essence of your
message to them will be. Put this list in a safe place for your attention after The Wizard Course.

Step 3. Fixed Attention

List whatever has been on your mind (The question is “What has my attention been on?”). For every item on your list,
write a brief paragraph on what you need to do in order to handle it. For items that you don’t know how to handle,
write, “Figure out how to handle.” Put this list in a safe place for your attention after The Wizard Course.
[italics] If the above three steps have been properly completed, you should feel more energetic. If not, reread the
second principle of study, and redo steps 1-3 above. [end italics]
• 17-


(Revised and reissued by Star’s Edge International 3/1/96 to update and replace Creation Handling Procedure previous
Avatar Course Section III)

General Theory
Observation: Awareness creates within itself and experiences within its creations.
When awareness chooses to experience its creation, it becomes identified with the creation; it exists as that creation. It
does not respond to the creation; it responds as the creation. While it is identified with the creation, it manifests as
consciousness limited by the boundaries of the creation. Defined consciousness may believe itself separate from the
undefined awareness that exists beyond the limits of the creation being occupied. When it does, gods are created.
Since undefined awareness is without limits, creation may be said to occur within it. (The within/without is used
here for conceptualizing the idea. Since awareness is without even infinite limits, it would be more accurate to say that
awareness and creation are of entirely different realms, but this is difficult to conceptualize.) Undefined awareness is
the source of the first creation, which is a definition containing awareness and limited by boundaries. The
now-limited-awareness is called consciousness and often believes that it is existing within boundaries that are not of its
own creation. So now consciousness considers itself separate and different from undefined awareness. This limited
(defined) consciousness may continue to create within itself, but the limits of its creations are the original limits
established by the first creation.

Existing within limits that you consider beyond your power of creation is the essence of experience. This is how
people come to view themselves as trapped or subject to definitions not of their own creation.

The purpose of any creation is to experience. There may or may not be intervening steps between the act of the
creation and the integration of the experience. The complication is this: what may seem a perfectly logical thing to
create and experience by awareness, which is indestructible, may appear to be threatening to experience by
consciousness existing within the limits of the creation.

As an extreme example, awareness might desire to experience how much weight a particular organism might bear,
but existing as the consciousness of the organism that is being crushed, the experience is resisted. The degree of
desirability of an experience is relative to what you experience it_as_. Thus consciousness resists (creates against
experiencing the creation created by a more expanded aspect of itself) and creating against itself, begins the compaction
of creation and consciousness that eventually manifests as the physical universe.

Identify v.: to become the same as;

to combine in such a manner as to
make one; coalesce in existence.

Define v.: to determine, declare or

mark the limit of; circumscribe;
determine or indicate the bounds or
outlines in detail; to determine
the extent of.

Label v.: to affix, assign or attach

an expression to a definition to
indicate contents.

Disassociate v.: to sever company

with; to separate from; to
disconnect from.

Discreate v.: to halt the

production of a creation; to turn
off; to cease creating; to let go of.

• 18-

Awareness continues to create the creation as a very solid secondary to the originations of defined consciousness. When
defined consciousness ceases to resist the creation, it expands beyond its own boundaries and reintegrates with the
closer-to-awareness aspect of itself that is source of the creation. This is the process of coming to take responsibility for
the creation as your own. The Creation Exercises in Section II are preparation for owning creations.
The limit or boundary of every creation, when experienced from within, is an area where the creation fades slowly or
rapidly to an unknown. Creations are separated by unknowns.
Observation: Sometimes awareness is experienced as either something or nothing within consciousness. This is the
viewpoint of someone in the grip of illusion. In truth, awareness is thoughtless, being beyond consciousness. This is life

If all of this leaves you hanging on by your mental fingertips, don’t be too concerned. The Creation Handling
Procedure works even if you do not fully understand it.

There are six steps to the Creation Handling Procedure:

1. Identify with and experience.
2. Define the outermost limits.
3. Label it without judgment.
4. Disassociate from the creation.
5. Discreate the creation.
6. Create what you prefer.
1. Identity with and experience

Awareness within a creation is consciousness. Every creation contains consciousness and is connected with every
other creation through its beginning in awareness. Awareness is without definition; it cannot be described as this or
that, existing or not. Only the creations of awareness exist. Consciousness is awareness being limited (defined) by a form
or quality.

In the Feel-It Exercises of Section II, you learned to meld with a creation and “feel how it feels.” This is the essence of
“identify with and experience.” It requires that you surrender any resistance you might have to existing as the belief, the
feeling, the emotion, the idea, the identity, the time, the space or the mass of whatever you are seeking to identify with
and experience. You become the limited expression of consciousness that is being the creation.

If you have any difficulty doing this step, or just want to achieve a greater certainty of your ability to do this step,
you can employ the Creation Exercise. (For example: Create the reality “I am (_fill in the blank_)” and handle all

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2. Define The Outermost Limits

Every creation has some form, defined by boundaries, in one or more of the infinite continuums of reality, time,
space and energy. Pains, sensations, aches have forms. Thoughts, ideas, beliefs and impressions have forms. Fears,
desires, and compulsions have forms. Only pure awareness is boundless and without form. Everything else has limits or
boundaries vague or distinct) defining a form or area possessing a certain quality.

The creations that you feel at the effect of (good or bad) are being viewed from the inside—this is the viewpoint of
creature towards creation. The creations that you have control over are being viewed from the outside -this is the
viewpoint of creator towards creation.

Certain creations may require a change of continuum to be viewed at all (e.g., a creation defined by a span of time,
such as a century, cannot be viewed in terms of spatial limits. A mental creation may not be definable in physical space,
but it is certainly definable in mental space.)

You cannot get an overall view of a creation as long you are being it. To view such a creation requires that you adjust
the reality that you consider yourself to be. This can be done by extending your willingness to experience (feel) in all
directions until you contact the unknowns that lie just beyond the limits of the creation. Most people have different
creations of self defined in different continuums, e.g., an energy self, a reality self, a spatial self, a time self.
You cannot change your relationship to an upset, pain, idea or fear by resisting it. You must experience it to its
limits, without resistance, before you step beyond.

You define the outermost limits of a creation by expanding your attention within the continuum or continuums in
which it exists and willingly experiencing, until you contact the unknown (unknown is the perceptual experience of
undefined awareness) that lies just beyond the border of the creation.

3. Label It Without Judgment

When you label a defined creation without judgment, you recover the attention that was fixed on the creation. The
creation is _(just what it is) _. It does not compel you to create a response to it. You are not affected by the creation.
You are neither drawn into nor repulsed it. You are independent from it.

A key to this step is your ability to become aware of the primary that

is creating the experience. The label on a creation is a statement of what

is, rather than a response elicited by some quality of the creation. “I have

a cold” is probably a response; “it is a cold” is a primary. On labeling,

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there is no compromise, no check to see if you have done it right, no pause for approval or applause. You are centered,
sun-like, Awareness.

4. Disassociate From The Creation

Very simply, you cease to identify with the creation. With your attention on the creation, recognize: “This is not-I,
this is my creation.”

5. Discreate The Creation

A creation in continuous automatic creation often needs to be turned off. In truth, nothing hangs around (persists).
Everything that exists is being created right now.
Discreate means to cease the creating of the creation. It is effortless. It is a halt to an existing flow of energy rather
than a new flow of energy. It is not creating against the old creation. For example, when you turn off a light at the
switch, you simply interrupt, stop, or take away the flow of energy to the light. You discreate the light.
Deprived of creating energy, the creation vanishes, breaks up into parts and evaporates, shrinks into itself and
disappears, slips away, diffuses, turns into a fog and dissipates, shrinks into a nothingness, or is simply gone.
Sometimes you see it go, and sometimes you just know it is gone. If you find something that you can’t seem to
discreate -a persistent mass- it is because it still has a source of creating energy (a primary) that you have yet to
assume responsibility for.

6. Create What You Prefer

Determine what reality you would like to experience, using excitement as your guide. Construct the statement of
the reality in the present tense, e.g., “I have inner peace”.
Originate the statement as a primary origination and handle any doubts or secondaries by use of the Creation
Handling Procedure until the reality is experienced, OR until a clear path of opportunity to the reality opens to you.
• 21-

HANDLING PROCEDURE (May be run solo, but preferably with a guide)

For Something Resisted:

1. Create what it feels like to be someone who resists that.

2. Create what it feels like to be someone who desires that.
3. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
4. Label it without judgement.
5. Recognize: This is not-I; this is my creation.
6. Permit it to discreate. Turn it off.

Repeat step 1-6 as necessary.

For something Desired:

1. Create what it feels like to be someone who desires that.
2. Create what it feels like to be someone who resists that.
3. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
4. Label it without judgement
5. Recognize: This is not-I; this is my creation.
6. Permit it to discreate. Turn it off.

Repeat step 1-6 as necessary.

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Secret and Hidden Agendas
To free attention.
Expected Results:
An increased willingness to integrate and align with self, other, and the
environment. Relief from fixed attention.

Step 4. Secrets
I) List any secrets you are keeping. (see sidebar)

For locating secrets ask yourself:

What would you not want ______ to know about?

If it was revealed, what would make people think less of you?

What do you feel, if revealed, would disappoint other people?

What would make _________ disapprove of you?

II) For each response, describe the humiliation (resisted experience) you’re protecting yourself from or are
protecting from.
III) First, run the Persistent Identity Creation Handling Procedure on the resisted experience and then the CHP on
the creation.

I) Secret: “I wouldn’t want Bobby to know that I took a hundred dollar bill out of his wallet”.
II) Describe the humiliation you’re protecting yourself from: “I’d feel awful. I’d feel like a thief. I don’t know what
I’d do if he found out”.

III A) Persistent Identity Creation Handling Procedure:

1. Create what it feels like to be someone who resists feeling awful, feeling like a thief, not knowing what you
would do if he found out.
2. Create what it feels like to be someone who desires feeling awful, feeling like a thief, not knowing what you
would do if he found out.
3. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
4. Label it without judgement
5. Recognize: this is not-I: this is my creation.
6. Permit it to discreate. Turn it off.

To help to find areas of secrets or
hidden agendas look for anyone you

• blaming
• criticizing
• feeling separate from
• disapproving of
• judgmental toward
• angry at

• feel betrayed by

• 23-

7. Would you like to go through it again? (If yes, repeat steps 1-6; otherwise move on).

III B) CHP on the creation:

1. Feel what it feels like to have that secret.
2. Expand to the outermost limits of that feeling.
3. Label it without judgement.
4. Recognize: This is not-I; this is my creation.
5. Permit it to discreate. Turn it off.
6. Would you like to go through it again? (If yes, repeat steps 1-6; otherwise move on).

Step 5. Hidden Agendas

I) List any hidden agendas (goals and plans) you have that you feel are in misalignment with the following:

• the expansion of Avatar

• Star’s Edge
• the creation of an enlightened civilization
• Harry Palmer
• your higher self

For locating hidden agendas ask yourself:

What are you doing that, if revealed, would not be OK?
What plans do you have that _________ would disapprove of? What intention do you have that is other than the
intention you’re working on?
What intention do you have that is other than the one you’re stating?
II) After each hidden agenda, describe the problem (resisted experience) you believe you are working to solve.
III) First, run the Persistent Identity Creation Handling Procedure on the Resisted experience and then the CHP on the

I) Hidden agenda: I’m reviewing The Wizard Course hoping that I can find customers for my business
II) The Problem: I need to make a living

III A) Persistent Identity Creation Handling Procedure:

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1. Create what it feels like to be someone who resists not having any customers, going broke, being poor.
2. Create what it feels like to be someone who desires not having any customers, going broke, being poor.
3. Expand to the outermost limits of that feeling.
4. Label it without judgement.
5. Recognize: This is not-I; this is my creation.
6. Permit it to discreate. Turn it off.
7. Would you like to go through it again? (If yes, repeat steps 1-6; otherwise move on).

III B) CHP on creation:

1. Feels what it feels like to have that hidden agenda.
2. Expand to the outermost limits of that feeling.
3. Label it without judgement.
4. Recognize: This is not-I; this is my creation.
5. Permit it to discreate. Turn it off.
6. Would you like to go through it again? (If yes, repeat steps 1-6; otherwise move on).

(Exercises are done preferably with a guide, but may be done solo)
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In the absence of a disaligning belief, a float will work itself out. The integrating and the restructuring of your belief
system will occur automatically on an out-of-attention level of consciousness. The mind is marvelously adaptive at this
sort of integrating and restructuring. This is a default operation of consciousness.
It is only when there is a belief that interferes with this default operation that float builds up. Favorite among
disaligning beliefs are:

“I already know that.”

“I’ll finish later.”
“I’m too (worried, upset, angry, etc.) to think about it.”
“I have to look out for myself.”
“It’s not my problem.”
“I don’t want to think about it.”
“I’ll do it later.”
“Don’t worry about it. I know what I’m doing.”
“Nobody cares what happens to me.”
“I can’t let anyone know...”
“How could I present this better?”
“I can’t.”
“I doubt.”
“I don’t trust.”

At some points in handling float, one or more disaligning beliefs will be discovered. A disaligning belief may or may
not be transparent. (A transparent belief may or may not cause float.)

Because they are disaligning intentions, secrets and hidden agendas make disaligning beliefs harder to discover, i.e.,

disaligning belief n. a belief that
prevents the integration of new
data; a belief that asserts some
status quo when adaptation would be
more appropriate

float n. anything that stays or

causes something else to stay on
the surface of a liquid or suspended
near the surface. In Avatar terms:
mental creations that fix attention.

A disaligning belief
creates a pseudocategory
of data that is not aligned
or indexed with the rest
of what you know

• 26-


Going More Specific to Handle Float

You can discreate the confusion and start over, systematically eliminating the unknowns on the subject. This is
possible when the data can be inspected or observed. Words can be aligned with the defined creations they label.
Mis-understood words can be cleared up. Sentences and ideas can be contemplated and compared with your own
experiences. Discussions can occur. Judgments can be discreated, and the subject can be experienced and integrated.

Going More General To Handle Float

You can move up an order of magnitude by relating each of the mental creations to the others by some common
denominator such as unknowns, similar time period, similar location. This restructures them as one unknown mental
creation and recovers attention.

Feeling Relief
Doing either of the above actions should result in a marked recovery of attention and a reduction in tension and
confusion. Also, though no one has yet bothered to document it, there seems to be a direct rise in IQ as a consequence
of time spent on this rundown.


To recover fixed attention
Expected Results:
A marked recovery of attention and a reduction in tension and confusion.

Step 1:
Locate a subject that has a field of data float in it by listing the following questions and using the first answer that
shifts you in the direction of feeling more serious. (A subject can be any event, person, place, thing, or body of data.)

a. Is there some subject that you’re unsure off?

b. What is an uncomfortable subject?
c. What subject isn’t finished?
d. What subject isn’t understood?

The following are indications of
float in an area:

• exhaustion
• stuck attention
• confusion
• uncertainty
• stupidity
• distraction
• irritability
• feeling that someone is

making you do something

• anger
• upset

• 27-

e. Who upsets you?

f. What subject makes you feel tired when you think about it?
g. What subject do you not want to talk about?

Step 2:
Regarding the answer from Step 1, organize your float on that subject by listing answers under the following three
categories (cycle a.b.c.a.b.c. etc.).

Continue this step until you feel a marked recovery of attention AND ONE OR MORE DISALIGNING BELIEFS ARE
a. What don’t I know about this subject?
b. What do I know about this subject?
c. What other subject do I feel this way about?

Step 3:
Run the Persistent Identity Creation Handling Procedure (desire/resist) on the disaligning belief discovered in Step 2.

(Repeat the rundown on other subjects that shift you in the direction of seriousness. Continue until you feel a rekindled
interest in life.)

How To Prevent Float on this Course

1. As soon as you feel upset or something doesn’t make sense, recognize that there is something unknown about
it. Unknowns are resolved either by concentrated attention (you proceed more slowly and observe more closely)
or by a process of repeated inspection followed by a deliberate disregard. Look at, look away. (Reference
Exercise 12: Releasing Fixed Attention in ReSurFacing).
2. As soon as you feel float in some subject, recognize that there is a disaligning belief. Find it, discreate it, and the
float will begin to resolve.

(It may still require that you resolve some unknowns.)

The disaligning belief creates the
idea that this subject is something
you should keep some attention on.

The one who thinks over his

experiences most, and weaves them
into systematic relations with each
other, will be the one with the best

William James.

• 28-


When something (an idea, object, event, identity) is viewed from only one specific point of view in understanding or
space/time location, the backflow from viewing actually defines and fixes the viewer. Thereafter the idea is of limited
use in thinking. Another way to say this is that if you always look at something the same way, it is because you are
always looking from the same viewpoint.

Something very interesting happens when you develop the ability to view something from any perspective.

An inability to view events from certain viewpoints is an indicator that you have stuck attention (resistance) on
those viewpoints. This resistance arises as a pressure exerted by your own transgressions or intentions (shame) or by
your own assignment of responsibility (blame). Both shame and blame put certain viewpoints beyond your willingness to

To develop the ability to view something from any perspective.

Expected Results:
An increased sense of responsibility. Freedom from fixed viewpoints.

Exercise 1. UNDERSTANDING. Time: 5+ minutes.

Demonstrate and explain your understanding of the first and third para-graphs above to another student. Reread
them as often as is necessary.
Exercise 2. SMALL INANIMATE OBJECT. Time: 10+ minutes.
Look at an inanimate object from many different perspectives. Do this until you can visualize the object in your
mind. Rotate the object in your mind, examining it from all points of view simultaneously.
Exercise 3. LARGE OBJECTS. Time: 10+ minutes.
Walk around a building until you can visualize a three-dimensional mental image of the building. Do this until the
building exists for you independent of any specific location from which it is viewed.
Exercise 4. PEOPLE. Time: 30+ minutes.

Pick a person you know. Think of them from the perspective of the opinion

you have of them. Then think of them from the perspective of an opinion that

some other identity might have of them. Then think of them from the

perspective of an opinion they might have of themselves. Repeat until

you can think of

idea n. 1. something one thinks,
knows, or imagines; a thought; a
mental conception or image;
notion 2. an opinion or a belief

3. In philosophy: according to

Plato, a model or archetype of

which all real things are but
imperfect imitations

opinion n. 1 a belief not based

on absolute certainty or
positive knowledge but on what
seems true, valid, or probable
to one’s mind 2. an evaluation,
impression, or estimation of the
quality or worth of a person,
event, or thing

• 29-

the person from the perspective of many possible opinions. Repeat the entire exercise on a number of people you know.
Note any insights you have for a trainer.
Exercise 5. EVENTS. Time: 30+ minutes.
Pick an event that has had an influence on your life. Think of it from the perspective of the opinion you have of it.
Then think of it from the per-spective of an opinion that some other identity might have of it. Repeat until you can
think of the event from the perspective of every possible opinion. Repeat the exercise on a number of events that
have had an influence on your life.
Exercise 6. SUPER FEEL-ITS. Time: 60+ minutes.
Select both animate and inanimate objects, and first feel them from two viewpoints, then four, eight, etc. until you
can feel the creation simultaneously in every aspect. Do this until you experience a positive change of attitude.
What are the consequences of not looking (subjectively or objectively) at something from certain viewpoints?

The KEY questions that the group
addresses are these:

• What are the possibilities?

• Why do we agree (or disagree)

that this is (nor) so?

• What else does this explain?

• 30-

solo version

(A technique for generating intuitive insights)

Sculptors, painters, writers, dancers, thinkers -nearly anyone who has engaged in creative activity for an extended
period -have experienced the phenomenon of suddenly having an intuitive insight into the direction in which the
creation should proceed.

In Thoughtstorming, this breakthrough is the moment of corecept.

In her book, Writing the Natural Way, Gabriele Lusser Rico describes a technique she calls clustering. In clustering,
she puts down a story idea and then some further ideas that are triggered by the first idea and links them, creating a
diagram she calls a cluster. Rico uses the technique to outline writing projects. It is remarkably effective in stimulating

A similar clustering technique is used in the solo version of Thoughtstorming to generate intuitive insights into the
default patterns and projections of your own life.

The procedure is simple, informative, and entertaining. It operates most efficiently when the associations are
allowed to spontaneously occur. It can trigger some profound insights into your mental territory.

Increased awareness into default patterns.
Expected Results:
Intuitive insights through discovery of default patterns and
projections of your life.


In the center of a sheet of paper, write down a subject or a person that you would like to explore or know more
about. Generally this text is boxed or circled. Then write down (without judgement or logic) ideas, objects, events, or
qualities that are mentally associated with either the first idea or subsequent ideas. As the ideas are written down, they
are interconnected with lines and/or arrows in any fashion that feels appropriate. The procedure is continued until you
have a sudden intuitive insight into the relationship of the subject to your own life.

This can be an emotional process, but if it’s continued to the intuitive insight, there is a big sense of relief and an
increase in self understanding.

As an exercise, begin your first clusters with the following subjects.

Use them one at a time.

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Group discussions can be an effective way of expanding your viewpoint on a subject or of clarifying something.
Group discussions may occasionally result in a corecept but are not necessarily pushed in that direction. They are
generally calmer with less interrupting than Thoughtstorm sessions. They do not require group alignment.

The main purpose of a group discussion is to multidimensionalize a subject, to understand alternatives, and to
extrapolate further information. There should be no attempt by any part to sell a viewpoint or influence an answer. It
is nonadversarial. There is no decision that needs to be made. It is an exploration.

Group discussions permit you to think with what you are studying rather than just assimilating it.

Understanding and insights that would require a long period of private individual contemplation seem to come forth
readily in the synergetic atmosphere of a group discussion. Applications of and subtle relationships among ideas often

A group discussion is normally started by some questions or statement made about the subject. (e.g., the question
of whether others exist or not does not arise unless one exists as something.)

The key question that the group addresses are these:

• What are the possibilities?
• Why do we agree (or disagree) that this is (not) so?
• What else does this explain?

Group discussions are usually brief. Depending upon the size of the group, they usually last 30 minutes or less.

For more robust group discussion -the kind that can last for hours- add this key question:
• Is there a more fundamental question that we should address?

• 32-


(Outside of creation; behind it all; paradigms of the undefinable.)

The reason that some elements, scales, or descriptions in the Wizard materials seem to contradict other elements,
scales, or descriptions is because they are descriptions, not the thing described. As descriptions, they depend upon
language, culture, and the environment from which the thing being described is viewed.

The multidimensional motto for Wizards is, “Here’s another way of looking at the same thing.”

When we begin describing things like consciousness, which willingly conforms to almost any description given it, or
stages of a transformational or evolutionary process that melt into each other so gradually that there are no clear-cut
points of separation other than those we assign, contradictions of viewpoints can arise. The good news is that the
descriptions are contradictory, not the thing being described. The thing is and always will be what it is. There may be
many descriptions for the same thing. We can argue descriptions and nomenclature, or we can go take a look. The
Wizard Course is about looking.

It is important to remember that the descriptions are not the things; they are fingers pointing in the direction of the
thing. It is better to look at the thing or be the thing than to memorize and repeat descriptions.

The word introduce means to make someone acquainted with a new perspective or a new aspect of creation. Some
things are not perceived until they are introduced. Some things go unnoticed until they are pointed out. Initiations are
introductions to things unnoticed; they are instructions on how and where to look.

Part II of The Wizard Course is designed to introduce aspects of awareness, perceptions, and consciousness that
often go unnoticed. Please remember that it is an initiation, a sight-seeing tour. The point of the trip is that you look (or
feel) beyond the written materials and experience and enjoy the phenomena being talked about. There are no final

• 33-

The Fundamental It
The Hindus call it the divine ground; the Buddhists call it absolute reality; the Christians call it God. It doesn’t matter
what you call it. There is no point in arguing over labels, because there is no label that can describe it. There is no word

that can describe it. Maybe the word that comes closest is descriptionless, but it too, is a conception and misses
completely that descriptionlessness that cannot be conceived.

All that is, all description, all creatoin, space, time, and energy ride around it, inside it, and on it. It is the
indescribable within which the describable rests. All things are connected by this not-nothing, not-someting that arises
from nowhere, is everywhere incomprehensible an unfathomable, immeasurable and inexpressible. Only by pointing a
finger directly into your own eyes can it be found. There it is! The only evidence I can give for it is that I’m talking about
it, talking around it. Near misses and what it is not are as close as words can come to it. The Great All Behind. Behind the
past, behind the future, behind the is, behind the isn’t. Behind it all. It’s the outside center. It’s the central edge. It’s the
non-spot from which anything can be created or discreated. To know it is not to say it; to say it is to lose it. It is the truth
of properly confusing Zen.

So do you wonder why I bring it up at all?

Well, besides being fun to almost think about it -to think around it-it’s what we are. And while it’s all of us, it’s
unlikely that we’re all of it.

It’s the unity from which the multidimensional reality arises. It is the source of the creating energy that “’I’s” channel
into the world. It is the nospace space where every being, every level of consciousness, every alternate
reality-occurring-simultaneously has its beginning and its end. It is the quintessential you.

There is a certain sense of relief to learn that you are not just a number of pounds of low-quality meat or a wrinkled
gelatinous organ called a brain. It’s good to realize that you’re not only who you thought you were, but you’re who
thought as well. And that you’re not what anyone else thinks, except to them.

“I” is the most elementary description you can give yourself.

As soon as you enter existence, you focus a channel of creating energy into one of the countless realities. This
creating energy is called attention. It solidifies and brings that level of reality alive.

Some words used to point what
cannot be defined:

the essential you
fundamental “I”
pure awareness
the divine
the absolute
the prime mover
the uncaused cause
the infinite
the stillness
the one
eternal radiance
the clear light
the unspeakable
the beginningless
the endless

the untouched
the ever present

• 34-

A traditional Mental Paradigm

In the human, there are three major levels of personal reality that “I” brings alive:

1. the animal consciousness

2. the intellectual consciousness
3. the spiritual consciousness

Each level exists as a reality that may or may not be aware of the other levels. Generally one level predominates
over the other two.

Each level experiences a different causal attitude, i.e., feeling cause over or feeling effect of the universe:

• Animal consciousness feels at the effect of the universe.

• Intellectual consciousness sometimes feels at the effect of and sometimes feels cause over the universe.
• Spiritual consciousness chooses whether or not it will interact with the universe in either a cause or an effect

Each level contains a path of recognition and insights that leads to the next higher level and also contains an opposite
path of irresponsibility and shame that leads to the next lower level.
At each level, “I” will act principally to preserve the form and substance that it imagines itself to be, i.e., a body, a
mind, an “I am.” The predominate level at any moment is the one on which the most attention is focused. But all levels
exist simultaneously, and crossover points from one level to another allow “I” to shift the focus of its attention. “I”
probably does not move. Instead it fades its attention at one level and begins to recognize a different set of
circumstances at another level.

Animal Consciousness
The lowest level of consciousness assumed by “I” in its human experience is the animal or instinctive/reactive level.
“I” imagines itself to be a body, a physical thing subject to physical laws.

At this level, it is motivated to fulfill the instincts and desires of the species. As it evolves, it seeks satisfaction of the
appetites, gratification of the passions, and personal comfort. “I” is motivated by lustfulness, savage power, predation,
and domination—blatantly displayed in the lower animal, but growing more covert and symbolic in humans.

At this level, “I” imagines the feelings, fears, and desires of the

body to be its own. All the powers of thinking and reasoning are

instinctually directed towards preserving the body. “I” is controlled by

the perception

Awareness is without description

or intent.

“I” is a lens between awareness

and the world.

Awareness focused through an “I”

is attention.

Will is an intent to create.

Consciousness is the creation

of perception.

I am this consciousness is


Various paradigms refer to

creating energy that we call
attention as prana, chi, or

• 35-

of pain and pleasure. It operates on a default program acquired from the environment.
“I” is so identified with the body that is shares its fate -it grows old and dies, forgets itself, and repeats the cycle of
birth and death.

On occasion, by accident of diet or grace, animal consciousness becomes aware of higher levels of consciousness.
Usually it is a momentary experience. Afterwards, the animal consciousness perceives higher levels of consciousness as a
threat that will find it out.

Animal consciousness thinks in terms of acquiring personal advantage and status. The majority of its actions are
calculated to acquire things, attention, or admiration from other “I’s.” It finds subjugation of others and the conquest of
nature to be its most satisfying achievements.

Animal consciousness is the product of a half million years of adaptive evolution. It is a harsh reality when viewed
from higher levels of consciousness.

Unfortunately for us, most of the members of the current Earth civilization operate predominately at this level.

Intellectual Consciousness
At a higher level of consciousness, “I” imagines itself to be intellect or mind:

• I am this collection of memories and perceptions

• I am this identity
• I am these resisted experiences desiring those experiences
• I am these desirable experiences resisting those experiences.

In a sense, the intellectual level of consciousness is a massive denial zone between the animal and the spirit. It is
absorbed in trying to figure out itself and the world in terms of cause and effect. Why? is the operative question of its
introspection. How? is the operative question of its examination of the world.

The scientific discoveries and developments of the industrial societies are a product of intellectual consciousness.
This is the level of the achiever, the workaholic, the corporate drone.

At this level, the body is often neglected or forgotten. Sometimes it becomes a burden of shame and

At this level of consciousness, beings argue, fight, and even kill each other over abstract ideas. Intellectuals readily
recruit and indoctrinate whole armies, which by threats and promises of gratification they fix at a level of animal

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This is the only level of consciousness from which “I””ever entertains its own deliberate self destruction. It becomes
diseased with thinking. It succumbs to questions that simply cannot be answered: who am I? What will become of me?
Why am I like this?

The intellect is the great barrier between the animal and the spirit. It contains the bones of discouraged seekers.

For those who ignore the diversions of the physical world -mistakenly believing they are being spiritual- and sink into
endless introversion, this becomes the region of the insane. It is here that an “I” can exhibit a range of responsive
behaviors from happiness through aggression through fear to depression without a visible outside cause. This is the
level where “I” can become totally self responsive. It deludes itself. It exists in a parody of mirrors that only the insane
intellect can conceive.

The level of the intellect contains all identity costumes, the resisted experiences, and the fixed ideas. At this level,
consideration of others, kindness, responsibility, and care are more the result of indoctrinations than of compassion.

The motivation of “I” at this level is try to figure out.

Spiritual Consciousness
It is a long winding path from the level of animal consciousness through the level of intellect into the sunrise of the

The trick is to travel as a tolerant tourist, a stranger in a strange land. Any experience you resist becomes a delay on
the journey. Observe the animal “I”. It is self-centered. That’s its role in life. That’s what it does. Don’t take it personally.

Observe the “I” of the intellect. It worries and figures. That’s its role in life. That’s what it does. Don’t take it

Pass on. You are approaching the summit of the human experience, the human spirit. It is the threshold of
undefined awareness.

At the level of the spirit, “I” creates itself as simply I AM. It appreciates the “other”, and it can engage in deliberate
cooperative acts.

This is the level from which the intellect and the animal can be brought under the control of the will—not by force,
but by understanding.

This is the level from which both the intellect and the animal can be

corrected and adjusted to the benefit of the consciousness of these

realities. At the level of spirit, you are the higher self that the

intellect and the animal selves look to. Your compassion and understanding,

or lack thereof, toward

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the animal and the intellectual selves determine your own receptivity to higher states of existence above spirit.
Spirit consciousness is the control room of human experience. From here, the intellect can be explored and used as
a tool. From here, the body can be strengthened and healed.

From the level of spirit, the intellect is a city of lights on the horizon that you view from the deep stillness of a desert
night. The further you get from the neon hubbub, the more you become aware that there are stars!

The more you quiet the intellect, the more aware you become that the divine journey is far from over. There are
levels above consciousness to explore. The expression of “I” on these new levels is sufficiently different from the
expression of “I” on the levels of animal, intellect, and spirit that we need a new map. These higher “I’s” are without
forms or substance. They are “I’s” that express themselves more as agents of divine intention than as individuals.

• 38-

[Previous lecture]
I’m going to give you another scale of the descent of awareness into the world. You can use it to discuss certain
consciousness phenomena and pinpoint where these phenomena occur.

Source of All-That-Is Including Awareness

Source of All-That-Is Including Awareness is the spark of the divine that every creature and every creation carries. It
is the inseparable fundamental substance of both the perceiver and the perceived.
It is the inspiration of the conceptions creatures have made about the source of God.

It is the indescribable that sources All-That-Is.

Awareness of All-That-Is
This is a viewpoint outside of energy, space and time. It is beyond and transparent to the consciousness created by
experience or thought. It perceives by knowing. It creates by originating. It is omnipresent and omniscient. It operates in
the background at each and every point on this scale and is probably the source of intuitive insight.

It is the inspiration for the conceptions creatures call God.

It is the singular “I” that exists as the world.

Selective Awareness.
This is undefined awareness capable of assuming multidimensional viewpoints of phenomena within creation. It
perceives by proximity, association, and connection. It is not subject to the physical laws that govern energy, time and
space and is thus seen as magical.

It is characterized by wisdom, compassion, and acceptance. It is very little influenced by intention or by secondaries.

It is the higher “I” living in the spirit within creation—the Wizard.

Individualized Awareness
This is awareness coupled to a single perspective. It converts fixed attention into neutral attention. It perceives by
radiating neutral attention. It is the awakening soul, the “I am.”

It has a sense of itself existing beyond time and space. It is characterized by faith and will. This is the Avatar.

Personal Identities
These are defined viewpoints that arise as a result of attention becoming identified with circumstances and events.
Identities convert neutral attention into desires or resistance. hey perceive selectively and with prejudice. They
transform attention into consciousness.

They have a sense of existing as memory, with significant purpose.

This is the “I” of the intellect, the ego-self.

These are fragments of experience that are frozen in time. They repeat a message or sensation rather than perceive.
They distort perception and misassign responsibility. Generally their responsibility level is, “It’s not my fault. I am a

They think of themselves as sensations.

[End Previous lecture]
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At its highest possible level, awareness is the urge to create. (God?) This is the genesis of time, space, energy, matter,
the intention to separate, and the archetypal forms and processes of nature.
Post-genesis, awareness perceives by being one with all creation. This level of perception could be called pure being.
Realizing that being is a type of perception is a moment of enlightenment. You could ask, “What would you like to do
today?” and the answer would be, “Be.” (_Being_, in this case, is the full satisfaction of all desire for sensory input.)
Somewhat lower, but still well above the level of personal identity, awareness perceives by knowing or not-knowing. It is
more a matter of decision than a sensory perception or apperception. Knowing it the moment of originating a reality.
Not-knowing is the moment of discreation.
Lower still, the attempt to describe or reflect upon this sense of existing as a defined being is the beginning of selves—I
AMs. Here you could ask, “What would you like to do today?” and the answer would be, “Be an I am.”
Awareness now passes through these I AMs into the world as neutral attention. Life might be described as the
multidimensionalization of source.
The I AMs become identified (own, possess, confuse themselves) with the feedback of information and perceptions
generated by this channel of neutral attention flowing into the universe, and this creates the archetypal core of
individual consciousness: I AM HERE NOW WITH THAT.
The archetypal core of individual consciousness (the original perceptions of and reactions to THAT) determine whether
successive perceptions of similarities to THAT will be _desired, protected, ignored, endured, or resisted_. These are the
five default motivations. They attach to neutral attention, changing it to charged attention, and are responsible for the
response behaviors of consciousness.
Creations that closely resemble the ideal are desired. Creations that

resemble the ideal but are slightly flawed are protected. Creations that

have no counterpart in the ideal are ignored. Creations that threaten the

ideal are endured. Creations that oppose the ideal are resisted.

archetype 1. a model or first
form; the original pattern or
model after which a thing is
made; an idea serving as an
example of physical form or
process. 2. (Darwin) the
original form from which a
class of related forms in
plants or animals may be
supposed to have descended.

Becoming aware across a mental

space is called apperception.

Becoming aware across a
physical space is called
Both apperception and
perception are powered by
attention. Sensory perception,
mental processes, physical
creations do not exist in the
absence of attention. Space is
opened and closed by attention.

• 40-

In what might be described as a lower harmonic imitation of the way awareness operates, attention becomes one with
its conscious experiences. There is a sense of I AM THIS CONSCIOUSNESS. This is the doorway through which you begin
your descent into the world identities.
Awareness is the raw material that an identity converts into attention and channels into creation. The ability to direct
this attention and the impressions you get from putting this attention on things is individual consciousness. This is YOU
being consciousness. Now, consciousness can recall, sort, and structure the impressions. This is thinking.
Below this, awareness is still present, but its perceptions are relegated to the background by the charged intensity of
individual perceptions. The volume and concentration of feedback that come from the body senses is so intense that is
suppresses the subtle perception and apperception available to awareness. Trying to tune in and use these subtle
perceptions is a little like trying to hear a pin drop while a rock concert is going on.
Without the CHP and the processing tools of Avatar, we would be facing years of meditation and mental discipline to get
even a glimmer of these higher modes of perception.
Consciousness can influence perception with judgements. Instead of seeing a baseball bat, the you at this level of
perceptions sees “a dangerous baseball bat that could be used to strike me in the head.”
When the physical senses sleep—and it is the physical senses that sleep, not you—consciousness can supply attention
with informational feedback. This auto-sorting is the edge of dreaming.

Dream People
Have you ever noticed that if one of your sensory channels is disturbed while dreaming, by a telephone ringing, for
example, that it gets incorporated into the dream?
When consciousness itself is supplying the major share of feedback to awareness, the person has lost touch with
physical reality. They are living in the past.
As a guess, probably one out of five people receives the major share of the information that feeds back to their
awareness from their own consciousness. They are living in a dream, and every time a perception from the real world
sneaks through to them, it’s like the telephone ringing; it gets incorporated into their dream.
So the people who dubbed Avatar a wake-up call were exactly right.
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To recognize your personal archetypes.
Expected results:
An increased awareness of the response behaviors of consciousness.

Divide a worksheet into left and right vertical columns:

1. In the left column, list 3 things, conditions, or circumstances that you desire.

• Next to each, in the right column, describe your idea of the ideal (archetype) thing, condition, or circumstance.

2. In the left column, list 3 things, conditions, or circumstances that you protect.

• Next to each, in the right column, describe your idea of the ideal (archetype) thing, condition, or circumstance.

3. In the left column, list 3 things, conditions, or circumstances that you ignore.

• Next to each, in the right column, describe your idea of the ideal (archetype) thing, condition, or circumstance.

4. In the left column, list 3 things, conditions, or circumstances that you endure.

• Next to each, in the right column, describe your idea of the ideal (archetype) thing, condition, or circumstance.

5. In the left column, list 3 things, conditions, or circumstances that you resist.

• Next to each, in the right column, describe your idea of the ideal (archetype) thing, condition, or circumstance.

The right column shows your personal consciousness archetypes.

Note about Number 3:
Creations that have no counterpart
in the ideal are ignored.

• 42-

Revised and reissued by Star’s Edge International 3/1/96

to update and replace Creations Exercises in previous

Avatar Course Section II)

Foundational Beliefs
Awareness and consciousness are not the same.
Awareness is without form, limit or restriction. It is a potential that neither lacks nor contains. Awareness _of something
within a span of time is consciousness. Awareness is the primal source of all creation, including consciousness.
Awareness without form, limit or restriction is the beginning, the continuing, and the transforming of all things. It is the
source substance of the idea that a unity exists of which all things are a part.
Life is consciousness.
In truth one is, at some level, always source, but at other levels one may create against one’s self so thoroughly that
source is obscured.
Life is the result of a primary intention originated by awareness and contained in/sustained as consciousness. A
fundamental intention is, “an I exists.”

Primary Origination
When an intention is unopposed by any other creation or intention, it becomes effortlessly manifested as an
experiential reality. This is a primary origination.
When an intention encounters one or more prior creations or opposing intentions, it triggers the prior creations or
opposing intentions into reasserting themselves. This reasserting is called a secondary origination, or priorly created
reality. A common expression for this phenomenon is doubt.
Consciousness creating itself as the source of any reality returns to awareness and may transform that reality.
Consciousness creating itself as the effect of a reality is powerless to affect that reality.
Awareness creates within a span of time. Within that time, it may create against or modify its originations by
subsequent originations. This can be done before the origination manifests into an experiential reality (changing your
mind). But after an origination has manifested, the reality must be experienced and reintegrated before it can be
replaced by a new reality.

Spontaneous: 1. acting in accordance
with or resulting from a natural
feeling, impulse, or tendency,
without any contraint, effort, or
premeditation. 2. having no apparent
external cause or influence; occuring
or produced by its own energy, force,
etc. or through internal causes; self

primary origination: a creation or

communication invested with
sufficient intention and effort to
create a reality.

Intention: a purpose that aligns


secondary origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is triggered
by the creation one intends. 2. an
effort or intention concerned with
how a primary origination is, was or
will be received. 3. an effort to
monitor or modify the origin point or
receipt point of a communication.

4. something that is there other than what is knowingly being created. 5. an unaligned effort.

monitor n.: one who warns of faults

or informs of duty; an admonisher;
one who gives advice and instruction
by way of reproof or caution.

monitor v.: to watch or check on; to

regulate the performance of; to
listen in on.

• 43-

A Practical Example

[ There are three illustrations on this page:

(see avatar-wiz-course-illustrations.zip)

The voiced originations of students are often accompanied by unvoiced secondary originations. For example, a student
says s/he is doing well, but unvoiced is the idea that s/he does not wish the instructor to think s/he is slow. The resulting
creation will not clearly match either the voiced origination or the unvoiced origination. This unalignment of speech
and thought results in unpredictable creations.
Some secondary originations take the form of intentions to create agreement, to solicit approval, or to avoid upset.
These concern secondaries can be triggered by any primary origination. They show up, often mentally, as second
thoughts, reservations or doubts. Sometimes they are involuntary, and the person may not immediately be aware of
A secondary may appear as an effort to monitor, to convince, or to check for approval for what is being originated.
Sometimes the secondary origination is not so much asking for agreement with what is said, as it is asking if, or asserting
that, it is OK to speak.
Secondary originations sabotage us and keep our words from manifesting into the realities that we wish to create.

So What Is A Primary Origination?

It is an origination that creates the reality the originated words describe.

A primary origination (primary) does not look for agreement or approval from any other source. A primary does not
require repeating, reconsideration, justification, or explanation. A primary does not have to conform to or consult with
past experience. A primary is an origination that says “X” and creates.”X” as a reality. This is the way it is, and it is!
There are no mechanics, no technology, no fundamental truths senior to consciousness acting as source creating a
primary origination. None!
A creation is subject to rules, principles, truths, and limits only when it is created within a priorly created reality that you
do not wish to disturb.
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If you create in conflict with a priorly created reality or consciousness, it will cause that reality or consciousness to
reassert itself as a secondary origination.
Many people will find that an understanding of the above and reacquiring the skill to make a primary origination will
neatly resolve their major difficulties in life.

[Previous lecture]
Creational Yield
I came across a neat expression last night, creational yield. Creational yield is the percent of the total amount that’s
theoretically obtainable from a creation. If you get a 50 percent creational yield, it means you obtained half of what
theoretically obtainable.
If 50 percent of the time your primaries work, your creational yield is 50 percent.

One of the best ways to raise the percentage of your manifesting primaries is to increase your powers of perception. If
you can observe the direction in which a flow is already going or the direction in which events are already progressing,
you can align your primaries with the efforts that are unfolding in the universe. This is aligning with the Tao of creation.
If you do a detailed study of any exceptionally successful person, you will find that they intentionally or accidentally
aligned their own efforts with efforts that were already unfolding in the universe.
There’s not much to say about the accidentally successful, the lottery winners, heirs to fortunes, etc., except that
circumstance has mysteriously favored them.
But the intentionally successful, the people who can be counted on to produce high creational yields, share a common
characteristic: their powers of perception are very good. They perceive the intentions that are already inherent in
creation. They probably don’t call them secondaries, but that’s how they would show up if you were to make a primary
that was not aligned with the inherent intention.
For example, you might perceive that the inherent intention of a rock is to stay where it is put. You could discover this by
making the primary, “Rock move,” and wait for the secondary, “Rock, didn’t move.”
Now, if your creation is, “I’m going to build a house that lasts a long time,” it would be good to build the house out of
When you align your primaries with the inherent intention of things, you multiply your creational yield. That’s simple,
isn’t it? So creational yield is a measure of the effectiveness of your primaries.
[End previous lecture]
• 45-


The first thing you must understand about creation is that it is continually occurring. The universe is not something that
happened and is over. It is continually happening and expanding even as you read this. We’re not the mop-up crew for a
party that is over.
The universe has reached sufficient size that its expansion and contraction are no longer apparent. You do not see the
ocean rise from adding a drop of water or fall from removing a drop, but it surely does. You do not see the universe
expand by adding a thought to it, but it surely does. You do not see the universe contract by experiencing and
discreating a thought, but it surely does. The sum total of all primaries over many millennia has produced all creation.
And it continues. Creation continues. As source, you make it expand or contract from an out-of-dimensional beingness
independent of it all.
Watch two people talking. Both of them are “I’s.” They are no-things independent of time and space. All that is between
them is creation. All that separates them is creation.
If you study creation long enough, it eventually resolves into primary origination and emptiness. This principle applies
equally to subjective as well as to objective reality.
Creation begins with a primary.
As long as people create into an emptiness, the creation is unopposed and manifests with a minimum amount of effort.
Emptiness is a vacuum that hungers for definition.
When people attempt to create into something other than an emptiness, they interfere with a creation that already
exist: The existing creation reasserts itself as a conflict, as a secondary origination. Resisting the conflicting creation
makes it stronger. Ignoring the conflicting creation won’t make it go away. The conflicting creation must be changed to
an emptiness. On the physical plane, only some type of force will change a creation into an emptiness. In consciousness,
it is done by taking responsibility for and turning off the creating energy.
One of the fundamental principles behind Avatar is:
• To free a being from any circumstance, bring him or her to an ability to deliberately create and willingly
experience that circumstance just as it is.

primary origination: a creation
or communication invested with
sufficient intention and effort
to create a reality.

secondary origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is
triggered by the creation one
intends. 2. an effort or
intention concerned with how a
primary origination is, was or
will be received. 3. an effort
to monitor or modify the origin
point or receipt point of a
communication. 4. something
that is there other than what
is knowingly being created. 5.
an unaligned effort. 6. an
existing creation that opposes
a new creation.

• 46-

When you can deliberately create and willingly experience something, you can cease creating it and change it to an
When this principle is applied to handling secondaries, you deliberately create and willingly experience the secondary
until it disappears. When it has disappeared, it leaves emptiness, which permits the new primary to manifest
unopposed. The actions of deliberately creating and willingly experiencing are the steps to assuming responsibility for a
If you were to deliberately create your entire universe and experience it just as it is, it would disappear. You could
discreate it all. In its place you could create any universe you chose, unopposed. This is the afterlife process that you
work on between death and rebirth.

The initial investigation of primaries and secondaries was centered around the idea of getting rid of secondaries so we
could fill the emptiness with what we preferred. We learned there were a variety of secondary creations that went from
a vague doubt in personal reality to the bedrock opposition of collective physical reality. On the vague doubt end, it was
easy to deliberately create and willingly experience the doubt and replace it with a new primary.
Even up the scale, where personal and collective reality mixed, it was possible to discreate secondaries and make new
primaries. But when some body eventually went far enough, they hit a limit. they hit a secondary that asserted itself
with so much force that unless they were first willing to discreate and recreate themselves as something outside of the
creation, it wasn’t going to budge—at least not by any known existing technique. For example, the primary, “I can fly by
flapping my arms” runs up against some very asserted physical secondaries, like gravity.
This is the point where you roll up your sleeves and organize and align enough physical effort behind the primary to
make it real. With enough research and engineering, you will be able to overcome the secondary of gravity and fly by
flapping your arms. But note carefully, carve it in rock, the effort goes into making the primary real, not on discreating its
inherent intention, and use what you learn to produce change. Resisting secondaries makes them more real as
(Any Avatar Master having difficulty creating Avatar students should read the above two paragraphs very carefully.)
Anyway, this was our initial approach to the subject. Later on, when we had successfully bulldozed an emptiness and
created ourselves a comfort zone, we looked at the subject again.
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It occurred to us, maybe we could use the phenomena of secondaries to learn something more about consciousness. We
began asking such questions as:
• Is there a pattern to secondaries?
• Where do secondaries come from?
• Can we trick the mind into giving us information, in the form of secondaries, by making a primary?

Gradually we learned we could use primaries to gather information. For example, making the primary, “Everyone thinks
I’m wonderful” turns up anyone whom you’ve created as critical of you. Making the primary, “I don’t know what I need
to do” turns up a list of things that you’ve created that you need tot do. The primary, “I don’t know what I need to
know” opens up secondary intuitive influences. Making a primary that turns up the feeling, “This is true” as a secondary
reveals transparent beliefs.
Soon we were categorizing secondaries by the order of their appearance. The first to show up after a primary such as, “I
feel the best I’ve ever felt” are the surface reactions—things like, “That’s stupid,” “No, I don’t,” “Maybe.”
Next to show up are questions: “Why would I want to?” “What’s the best?”
“What’s ever?”
The next deeper level of secondaries to show up are statements (worms) made by other identities. “Something better
might come along.” “Don’t get your hopes up.”
Underneath that level of secondaries, you find emotional reactions, relief, frustration, happiness, sadness, anger, etc.
Below that is pain. You make the primary, and something starts hurting.
“Ow, I can’t do this anymore.”

And then the universe beings to provide secondaries. You notice that it is too noisy, too hot, too many people moving
around. You make a primary, and someone coughs.
Push it one step further and you are a source-being that sits there in quiet amazement at the idea that you ever felt that
you had to consult anything to determine how you feel. That is primary.
This led to the discovery that many Avatar Masters were unwilling to push students past their emotional reactions and
instead took the first aha! and let them go. As a result, the source-being was only occasionally achieved.

There are those who, in virtue of
concentration and other yogic
practices, are able to bring the
subconscious into the realm of
discriminating consciousness and,
thereby, to draw upon the
unrestricted treasury of
subconscious memory, wherein are
stored the records not only of our
past lives but the records of the
past or our race, the past of
humanity, and all pre-human forms
of life, if not of the very
consciousness that makes life
possible in this universe.

Lama Govinda

Tibetan Book of the Dead

• 48-

Star’s Edge Trainers soon learned they could sit down with the same student and note by the characteristic of the
secondary that was being exaggerated just how far the student had to go to achieve source.

[Previous lecture]
Beingness and Separation
The major difference between attention and awareness is that attention, meaning apperception or perception across a
separation, solidifies reality. Awareness, meaning being with and experiencing, dissolves reality.
This is an important point, which if missed makes a large portion of the Avatar materials unworkable.
In the CHP, attention is converted back to awareness by experiencing and discreating the creation.

Anything that is discreated without converting attention back to awareness is really just covered over. The process will
exhaust you, and eventually the creation will reappear.
The simplest way to understand primaries and secondaries is in terms of managing your attention. When you make a
primary, you add attention to solidify the reality. You subtract attention from the secondaries. This is, in essence, what
happens whether you use the CHP or exaggeration on the secondary.
This is the way it works when you are operating within the framework of the physical universe. It’s all a matter of
shifting energies, of applying efforts and intention to effectively transform prior efforts and intention—deliberate
It works easier when you operate from awareness outside the physical universe. You can purely manifest. Have you ever
made a primary casually without intention and had it immediately manifest?
Okay, that primary was made from a level above creation. We could say it was sourced. In place of increasing or
decreasing attention, there is an effortless certainty. Certainty is total faith. Faith is super-concentrated attention that
solidifies a reality.
You should see these as two different methods of manifesting a reality that work only when they are employed from the
proper level of beingness.
Someone who is working in the physical universe and making primaries without managing their attention is going to fail.
Why? Because they are dealing with prior creations that have already solidified.
[End previous lecture]

• The Creation drill can be used to change a conflicting creation into an emptiness that you can fill with your
preferred creation.
• The Creation drill can be used to obtain information on already existing creations.

• 49-


New Avatar students, and even a few old hands, sometimes employ the following tricks to repress secondaries.
They lock their mind into something resembling frozen stress in order to keep secondaries from appearing. It’s
interesting to witness. They lock up the mind and leave. But where do they go? Off into dreamy pretense, a vague
alternative reality where they create the primary. “Yeah, yeah sure. I feel the best I ever felt.” The result is they don’t
really handle their existing unaligned creations.
Guess what happens when they relax a little and get honest? Right back where they started. It leaves them a little
baffled, because they know it worked for awhile. They had it, but then they’re right back to the old grind.
These students make wonderful progress after they learn to relax the mind. “My mind is relaxed” is a good primary for
them to create. It often triggers periods of yawning and stretches after which the student is noticeably calmer and more

Another trick you sometimes catch a new student doing is deciding there are no more secondaries. This is actually a
secondary to whatever it is they’re attempting to create, but it takes an alert coach to catch it. The primary they actually
end up creating is, “I don’t believe there are any more secondaries.”
The power of belief is so strong that it actually creates a filter on their perception that makes their secondaries invisible.
This often shows up in a person who has an unreal self-assessment. Without the steering feedback of their own
secondaries, they consider their talents and abilities beyond perfecting. The fact that they seldom produce anything
reflective of their imagined talents either gets overlooked or explained away.
A primary for this type of student is, “It’s okay that I have doubts.”
Boy, do the worms crawl out on this one!
Still another trick that students sometimes get by with is agreement. Agreement with a primary is a secondary.
Agreement shows up when students make primaries that fulfil some transparent belief as to what they should create.
The big difference between agreement and creation is the direction of energy flow. Agreement is an inflow, and creation
is an outflow.
Occasionally agreement takes the form of looking for how a primary is true.

A student says: “Life is funny” and then looks for examples and instances

of how that statement is true. Finding some, they go, “Yeah, life

secondary origination: 1. an
unintended creation that is
triggered by the creation one
intends. 2. an effort or
intention concerned with how a
primary origination is, was or
will be received. 3. an effort
to monitor or modify the origin
point or receipt point of a
communication. 4. something
that is there other than what
is knowingly being created.

5. an unaligned effort. 6. an existing creation that opposes a new creation.

Repress: 1. to keep down or hold

back; restrain 2. to control so
strictly or severely as to
prevent the natural development
or expression of 3. to prevent
(unconscious ideas, impulses,
etc.) from reaching the level of

Relax 1. to make looser or less

firm or tense 2. to make less
strict or severe; soften 3. to
release from intense
concentration, hard work, worry,
etc. give rest to

• 50-

is funny.” This is an agreement rather than a creation. When agreement (or disagreement) becomes a substitute for
creation, it is a sign that the student’s creating energy is being leaked away.
A good primary for the agreeing student is, “I am fully responsible.”

Using Secondaries
When it became clear that people could use the secondaries that a primary triggered to explore regions of
consciousness that were not otherwise accessible, it became doubly important for them to develop a keen recognition
of secondaries. After all, if you made a primary such as, “I don’t know where the gold is buried,” it would be an
embarrassment to miss a secondary that gave the map coordinates and depth.
When people use primaries to access information, they are not really as interested in creating the reality as they are in
seeing what the primary triggers. It’s using a phenomenon in a deliberate way.
When the attention is focused predominately on recognising secondaries, the reality is slow to create. If , in exploring for
secondaries, you inadvertently create a primary you’d rather not have, it can be discreated at the end of your session.
The surest way to recognize secondaries is to give them a calm, quiet space in which to occur, and then stand by. A
primary such as, “I have no expectations” clears a quiet space. Then the exploring can begin.
Watch what comes up with primaries like:
• There is no hope for the word.
• I don’t know what to do.
• I can’t remember my past life.
• I don’t know what the future will bring.

Using Secondaries Exercise

1. There is no hope for the word.
2. I don’t know what to do.
3. I can’t remember my past life.
4. I don’t know what the future will bring.

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1. My mind is relaxed.
2. It’s okay that I have doubts when I have them.
3. I am fully responsible.
4. I have no expectation.
5. Perception is my creation.
6. Space is my creation.
7. Time is my creation.
8. I am the center of consciousness
9. I am the center of power.
10. There’s nothing to fear.

• 52-


(The following should be read with the chart at hand.)
[See avatar-wiz-course-illustrations.zip: wizpic-page999-creation-flow-chart.gif]

You have a copy of the Creation Flow Chart in Part II of your materials. It

deals with making primaries _from the viewpoint within the physical


This is an action management chart rather than a nature of being scale. You can use the chart to find where something is
hung up, why some kind of creation in your life is not moving or not progressing.
The chart will tell you what corrections you need to make. Sometimes a few run-throughs of the chart are necessary to
clean up stuck points on old creations. It’s not unusual for someone to discover they’ve been operating on a stuck point
of this chart for most of their life.
When the old creations are either aligned with your present intended efforts or discreated, you will discover that you
can use the chart quite deliberately.
The left side of the chart shows the sequence of deliberate actions that result in the creation of 1) a personal reality and
2) a physical reality.
Any step in the DELIBERATE column where the process sticks can be corrected by following the NO arrow to the
CORRECTION column and doing the correction UNTIL the step is successful. If the flow sticks on a step in the DELIBERATE
column and is not corrected, the ELSE arrow is followed into the DEFAULT column.
The DEFAULT column shows stuck points. If not corrected, stuck points tend to accumulate in the direction of the AND
arrow. This is the downward spiral. Stuck points can be corrected by following the ELSE arrow back into the CORRECTION

Here’s an example of how the chart works:

Step One: Confident Enough To Make a Primary

You are (or become) confident enough to make a primary. That’s the first step. It’s a big step. It means you have
succeeded in rising above the indoctrinated reality that previously held your attention.
If you are operating on the right side of the chart, the DEFAULT column, you are living in persistent masses.

Your Creation Flow Chart can
be found in the appendix.

• 53-

Let’s assume you have enough free attention to use the chart deliberately. In other words, your primary is not made in
response to something, but is motivated by a desire to experience something (rather than from a resistance to
experience something).
Your new primary is, ”I am a successful Avatar Master.”

Step Two: The Primary Creates a Personal Reality

At Step Two, the primary either manifests as a personal reality or more likely, it triggers one or more old secondaries.
Some of the secondaries it triggers are, “I don’t know if I can make it as a Master.” “I have a hard time talking to people.”
“Masters don’t worry about success.” “Maybe it’s not really what I want.”
These are priorly created or adopted beliefs that do not align with your current intention. So did your primary create a
personal reality? No, not yet. You follow the NO to the CORRECTION column and handle the secondaries UNTIL the
primary, ”I am a successful Avatar Master” creates a personal reality.
Remember, a personal reality is because you believe it is. It doesn’t require evidence or outside agreement. The only
thing that interfere with a personal reality are your own secondaries.

Step Three: Personal Reality Is Accepted and Experienced

In Step Three, you step into the creation and feels what it feels like—experience it. If you can’t do this, do feel-its and
walk for atonement until you can.
I know it’s difficult to understand why anyone would resist being a successful Master. So instead of “I am a successful
Master,” let’s say you want to stay home from work and the primary is, “I am sick”. And now you reach this step, but
instead of accepting the personal reality you created, “I am sick,” you resist the experience of being sick.

The truth at this point on the chart is that the personal reality exists, and no matter how successfully it is resisted,
sooner or later it must be accepted and experienced. That is the next step regardless of whether your intention is to
continue and manifest a physical reality or to discreate the existing personal reality and start over.
The Step Three correction brings about a recognition of which primary

(belief) is creating the reality. After discovering the operative primary,


• 54-

begin to understand the alignment between your beliefs and your experiences.
This discovery of responsibility acts to dissolve resistance.
So do you like how the personal reality feels or not? If not, you can abort the creation cycle. The personal reality does
not have to be continued until it becomes a physical reality. It can be discreated by the CHP steps.
This is the crossover point between operating outside of creation, where belief creates experience, or operating within
creation, where experiences lead to beliefs and a body of knowledge.
Above this point, a belief is based on decision. Below this point a belief is based on observation.
Now you are leaving the realm of Avatar and entering physical realities.

Step Four: Realities Interact and Generate Information

If you like the way the personal reality feels, you can choose to manifest the physical reality of, ”I am a successful Avatar
Master.” You do not do the CHP.
So instead of extricating yourself from and labeling the personal reality creation, ”I am a successful Avatar Master,” you
begin to observe and explore it in greater detail. The personal reality creation is announced and continues in successive
moments of time. It begins to interact with the collective consciousness agreements that create physical reality. This
interaction gives you feedback (physical universe secondaries). As the feedback is sorted and handled, it begins to
generate a body of cause-and-effect information—you begin to accumulate knowledge.
If you don’t like the feedback you’re getting, it will cause you to resist the lesson. This is corrected by labeling just as it is
and creating no response—observe dispassionately what is and learn from it.
If you don’t correct the resistance, it moves into the DEFAULT column and becomes a reaction.
There is an old initiation given to apprentice Wizards. The apprentice is led into a room where a group of people yell
angry criticisms. “You’re crazy.” “You’re stupid.” “You’re a fool.”
And just before the apprentice breaks into tears, the Wizard whispers, “These are your critics. Their lot in life is to
criticize you. That’s what they do. Don’t take it personally.”
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Step Five: Information Permits the Recognition of Opportunity
This is the step where you study and learn about the basic efforts and intentions that are causing changes in the physical
universe. Maybe you learn how to talk persuasively to people about Avatar. This is the step where patterns are
identified and predictions can be made. Data is integrated and reformatted into more comprehensive understandings.
Observations are made. Possibilities emerge. Plans and ideal scenes are developed. Techniques are designed and tested.
Goals are developed.
On the right side, beings who do not understand how things work rely on their reactions. A being who reacts to a hot
stove on the basis of his resistance to having once been burned also mistakenly reacts to a cold stove.
Intolerance, selfishness, poverty, vindictiveness, etc., through the catalog of the ills that plague mankind are mistaken
reactions. These ills are a result of failing to achieve this step of learning how things work.

Step Six: Informed Decisions Determine the Direction, the Amount, and the
Timing of Proper Effort
Thinking does not get things done, but it is the necessary preparation for their achievement, A good example of this is
the story about a Chinese boy who spends all morning lifting water from the river into an irrigation ditch. The sun
bakes the rice paddies, and it takes a lot of effort to lift so much water.
In the afternoon, an old and experienced farmer on the other side of the river times his visit to the paddies with the rise
of the tide. He waters his rice paddies by opening a gate and allowing the swollen river to flow freely in. The experienced
farmer makes an informed decision on when and how to water his crops.
Maybe there is a rising tide of people forming somewhere who would be delighted to learn about Avatar. Maybe you’ll
have to create a rising tide. At this step in the creation cycle, you have a plan to test. It either works or it provides you
with a better plan.

Step Seven: Proper Effort Results in a Physical Reality Matching Your

Personal Reality
It is an art to shape the physical reality of the collective consciousness into the image of your personal reality.
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It is an overwhelm to have your personal reality shaped by physical reality secondaries.

Once you have passed Step Three of the Creation Flow Chart and entered into the contest of imposing your design upon
physical reality, you are obliged to win or to suffer the consequence of exhaustion and failure.
The proper effort, accurately and timely applied, can effect more change than brute force. This is the strategy of the
martial arts.
Can you catch more butterflies by chasing them through the meadows or by learning their favorite flower?

Step Eight: Creation Cycle Succeeds

The real reward of a successful creation cycle is not the physical creation, but the increase in self-confidence. That
confidence provides the energy to make a new primary, to continue to explore life deliberately, as a creator.
You can actually think of the right-hand column as resistance to your own self-generated creations.
The Creation Flow Chart is a tool that you can use. If you have any questions about how it works, sit down and study it
for a while. There’s a point where you’ll suddenly say, “Oh, yeah.”
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by Bert Saizman

Introduction to Watching the Monkey

Yoga, which grew out of wizardry, refers to the mind as an unruly monkey that needs to be won over and trained before
it is of any service to anybody.
In 1988, Bert Saizman sent me a series of processes that he had formulated

for a self-development practice. Among them was a yogic exercise

called Watching the Monkey. It provides a nice entrance point to our

exploration of consciousness.—Harry Palmer, 1990

This exercise is called Watching the Monkey. This exercise can be done anytime, anywhere. It is best done when you are
with a group of people either in a business or social situation where, if you’re honest, you see yourself playing many
roles, trying to win, wanting approval, to control or to dominate. You tend to go along with the group, looking to shine
or to be witty or whatever it takes to get the approval or avoid the disapproval of the people in the group.
For example, someone says something critical about someone, and we join in with our little bit of critical gossip. Or
someone brings up a subject, and we try desperately to think of a joke or an idea or a statement that will even top that.
Our mad monkey mind is desperately trying to stay in the game, to be one of the group no matter what.
There’s the funny monkey trying to be a funny fellow to give the group a good laugh-one way to get their approval.
There’s the gossipy monkey joining in the gossip, putting down a mutual friend, having a good laugh at the expense of
someone who is not there to defend himself.
There’s the show-off monkey telling everyone how he did this and he did that—always better than anyone else.
Then there’s the annoyed monkey. Some fellow worker has just made a cutting remark about some report you just did;
watch the monkey getting angry.
There is the embarrassed monkey, really embarrassed about some silly remark he just made to the boss.
Would it not be nice to be finished with all that neurotic behavior? Later criticizing yourself: Why did I say that? Why was
I such a show off? Why was I such a gossip? Why did I put my friend Sam down just to be amusing? This exercise will
help you to end all that.
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Now, you are not going to try to stop the monkey here. What you are going to do is watch it and identify what the
monkey is saying or doing. When a certain thought comes into your mind such as, “Oh I know a better joke,” or “I’ll tell
them the one about the man at the bar with the dog,” all you have to do is silently notice what it is you are about to do
or say and just call out to yourself, “Show off,” and then shut up and watch silently. Do not try to stop the thought. Just
notice and then say, “Showing off” if that is what you are doing. Then watch the thought as it fades. Or you might say,
“You’re showing off, Pete” or, “You are showing off, Sara.” Then cut any talk and watch the inner thoughts silently, and
you will see the mind become very quiet. If in fact you are being critical, just say, “Bob, you are being critical.” Then
watch silently. You will notice that the desire to verbalize aloud the critical thought will have vanished, and the mind will
be silent.


Part two of this same exercise is Watching The Monkey In Others. Just look around the room and see if you can spot
what the inner monkey is saying or doing or chattering about in the minds of others. You will see it very quickly. You will
notice that if you watch silently, your own monkey mind will have disappeared as well.
The principle of this exercise is that when the monkey is caught, when it is exposed, it becomes very shy and slips away.

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Operating Modes of Consciousness

Perception is possible only when there is separation. If you were not separate from the world, you would not perceive it.
You would be it. Anything you perceive is separate from you. The more you perceive, the less you exist as. It’s the
divine paradox.
The fundamental separation is source and creation. The difficulty is that only creation contains the definitions that allow
us to recognize separation. If there were only definitionless source, there would be no sense of connection or
The only thing that permits us the slightest inkling of our condition is the fact that there is an awareness separate from
consciousness. And it is from this awareness that we can examine the operating modes of consciousness.
After you gain some familiarity with these, you can identify which mode of consciousness your secondaries are coming
from. For instance, you would probably want to pay greater attention to a secondary that arose from your intuition than
a secondary that arose from a reacting mode.
The commonly recognized modes of consciousness are:
Undefined Awareness
Spiritual realms
psychic perceptions (telepathy, clairvoyance)

(1) observing
(2) intuiting
(3) originating
(4) imagining
(5) thinking
(6) remembering
(7) reacting
(8) entity emanations

Underworld realms (psychotic visions and nightmares)

Physical Universe

mode a manner or way of acting,
doing, or being

an indicator something that can

be sensed or perceived by
independent viewpoints and by
which something else can, with
a high degree of-probability,
be inferred (The arrow on the
gas gauge pointing to “E”
indicates that the car is out
of gas. Freshly cut grass
indicates that the groundskeeper
was working.)

Note: There may be other modes

of consciousness as well as
combinations. For example, while
you are reading this, you are
observing the words, remembering
their meanings, thinking about
the concepts. The order of these
modes, because they tend to
overlap or are played like
chords on a piano, may also be
arguably different.

• 60-

(Ref. Principles of Study)

A datum or phenomenon that is recognized as belonging or is assigned to a certain category within the structure of
consciousness frees attention.
A datum or phenomenon that is left unrelated or that doesn’t fit any known category fixes attention.

If you become familiar with the identifying characteristics of certain modes of consciousness, you can recognize and
label them when they occur. When consciousness becomes a recognizable creation engaged in recognizable activities
that can be assigned to certain categories, it can be understood. When it is understood, it ceases to be a trap for the
“I” and instead becomes a tool.
As soon as you recognize a category of consciousness, you can choose whether or not to continue flowing attention
(creating energy) to that activity. As a tool, the most effective type of consciousness can be matched to the task that you
wish to complete. A deliberate use of consciousness permits a clearer insight into events.

Additional Applications of a Familiarity with Modes of Consciousness:

• To establish whether something is a memory of a real event or an imagined event.
• To establish whether you are imagining something or are in actual telepathic or intuitive contact with something or
someone (useful for communicating with plants, animals, entities, etc.).
• To establish whether you are predicting, wishing, or willing.
• To establish whether your decision is based on prediction, reaction, or intuition.
• To reduce or eliminate self-deception.

Questions Resolved by Recognizing Modes of Consciousness in Others:

• Do the characteristics of their mode of operation indicate they are remembering or imagining?
• Do the characteristics of their mode of operation indicate they are communicating to influence, entertain, or inform
• Do the characteristics of their mode of operation indicate they have been or are being influenced?
• Do the characteristics of their mode of operation indicate they are making an intellectual, an intuitive, or a
responsive decision?
• Do the characteristics of their mode of operation indicate they are presenting facts about themselves or are

• 61-


To understand the modes of consciousness.
Expected Results:
An ability to detect and identify when you are in a particular mode

of consciousness so you can use the modes as a tool rather than

be trapped by them.

Part I: Experiencing the Modes

The first steps of each drill are done solo and repeated until you can detect and identify in yourself a fairly pure
experience of a single common mode of conscious operation. The modes are explored from the bottom up, with the
actual mental activity becoming quieter and more focused in each succeeding mode. The more times the drill is
repeated, the more freedom you obtain and the more apparent these modes become.
Write down your answers to the guide questions so you have data you can use to compare and contrast the various
Note: The primary reason you do this drill solo is that individual indicators of these modes have not always been found
to be the same from one individual to another.

Part I: A) Entity Emanations

Entities are covered in detail on Part V of this course, so for the time being think of an entity as some sublevel,
low-ranking control center that has its own individual existence in your mind. Most of the time it’s either dormant or
overridden by your conscious self. It has very little authority. When it is aroused, it emanates an irritation that can be
mistaken for a physical stimulus.
We’re talking about a level of consciousness that is basically a nonverbal emanation of intention. The entity is below
personal responsibility. It’s below your reactive level. You could think of it as the subconscious’s subconscious. It triggers
reactions in the reactive level of your consciousness from below.
If you were to stay in this mode for any length of time, you would start to attract all sorts of degraded entities and
disembodied beings to you. Putting attention at this level of consciousness is sending a signal into a purgatory-like
realm where all sorts of unintegrated events and conditions exist. This is the archetype for the pagan underworld and
the Christian conception of hell.
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[Previous lecture]
Servants of Karma
Do you ever wonder about karma? Does it determine our interactions with others? One person walks through a park,
and somebody beats them up. Is there some type of karmic agreement going on?
Can you imagine the book work that’s involved in this? The planning and coordination that it takes? Joe has to be at the
park at 12:18 AM so Bill can attack him at 12:35 AM and be arrested by Dick at 1:45 AM to balance the karmic debt. Do
you think that’s how it works?

Let me offer you another possibility.
Let’s assume that we each keep our own accounts, balancing them when the opportunity arises. For instance, to repay
some past aggression for which I do not assume responsibility, I create a belief that the park is dangerous, and someone
could jump out and hurt me in the park. To some degree I have surrendered responsibility for what happens to me in
the park to that belief. It now acts like an entity. That belief radiates an expectation, an emanation looking for any
takers. Now if somebody is in the park and they are very unsource, maybe with a lot of bottled-up anger (that also acts
like an entity), my entity expectation hits their entity like a command; “You’re going to hurt me!”
I walk by and I look at them and my entity emanates, “This is a dangerous park. You’re going to attack me.” And they do.
It’s a command to their entity. We have each surrendered so much responsibility for self-control that the entities are left
to interact.
The police come and take them off to jail and the police say, “Why did you do it? Why did you attack a stranger?” Do you
know what they will say? They’ll say,”I don’t know.”
If the police ask me, “Why did the mugger attack you?” what am I going to say? “I don’t know.”
It never occurs to the police that we’re both telling the truth. To the mugger, not knowing why and now being assailed
by the police is just more evidence to support their belief about being a victim and feeling out of control. It feeds their
bottled-up anger.
Who is responsible for that crime? I am. The mugger is dramatizing no responsibility, the entities are just following
commands, so both are just pawns in my game.
This may be how somebody balances their own karma, real or imaginary, by creating entities and using the entities of
somebody who is in a suggestive state.
[End previous lecture]

Experiencing Entity Emanations Procedure:

Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Notice any feeling, sensation (pain or twitch), repeating thought, or concern that
appears spontaneous from some area in or near the body. Look for one that you have made no effort to put there and
that has no apparent cause in, or connection to, your environment—it doesn’t seem to be your own.
• 63-

Guide Questions:
When you were in this mode:
1. Did you get any mental pictures? Did you get any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to do
2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location in physical space relative to your location? In mental
space? A direction? Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?
3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?
6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?
7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?
(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)

Part I: B) Reacting Mode

Reacting is generally associated with pain. Sometimes the pain is obvious, and sometimes it’s so old and familiar that it is
hardly noticed. Here’s how reacting works. If you’re resisting something and you perceive something in your
environment that adds to or reminds you of your resistance, the thing that you were resisting actually moves closer.
That motion of moving closer triggers a reaction.
If there were nothing in life that you resisted, you would never experience this mode of consciousness.
Imagine mama. Hear your mother saying your name urgently, trying to wake you up.
That caused a reaction, right? You tensed up, became a little uncomfortable?
The reaction is not the sound or the remembering. It’s the way you feel. The reaction causes tension in the body,
distress, dis-ease. This is the source of depression, mental illness, and psychosomatic ills. It is a restimulation of
something you were resisting.

emanate: to come forth, to arise
or issue from a source

apperception: attention directed

into the mind upon mental objects
and concepts

perception: attention directed

into the physical universe upon
objects and locations external to

• 64-

Reacting is triggered by a similarity between a resisted event and the present environment or frame of mind. Most of
the thoughts in the mind are from reactions-like shrapnel from an explosion that you didn’t see or hear.
Stop thinking. Come to the present moment. Look around and see how long it takes before something triggers a thought
in your head. That kind of thought, that kind of thinking is from reaction, and it’s different from deliberately thinking.
If you walk into the park and something triggers a reactive belief that the park is dangerous, your reaction sends out a
radiation that can cause someone to attack you. Maybe it all starts with a few dry leaves blowing across the path or a
cloud passing across the sun.
Your reactions may be getting you in more trouble than you thought.
Experiencing Reacting Mode Procedure:
Intentionally create a state of anxiety or irritation. Start worrying about how you look. Speculate to yourself about the
safety of your surroundings. Who was supposed to be responsible for this? Who didn’t do their job? Do you smell
something burning?

Guide Questions:
When you were in this mode:
1. Did you get any mental pictures? Did you get any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to do
2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location in physical space relative to your location? In mental
space? A direc-tion? Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?
3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?
6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?
7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?

(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)
• 65-

Part I: C) Remembering Mode

Can you remember what the first thing was you saw when you woke up this morning? Can you remember the color of
the house you live in? How about the first person you went on a date with? Don’t you wonder where all this stuff is
Some people hover between reacting and remembering. It’s remembering on automatic. They don’t quite see what’s
going on, but what’s going on reminds them of something. When you find somebody like this, just understand that they
are in a remembering mode of consciousness. They can be stuck there, in which case everything you say will remind
them of something. What they will get from your communication is not what you said, but what they were reminded of.
Usually the communication and memory are close enough that they can pass for sane, but still far enough apart that
they usually manage to screw things up. A clue is someone who compulsively rephrases in their own words everything
you say. They have trouble repeating things word for word. Politically, they lean toward the conservative.
Volitional remembering is very useful. It’s the bridge to deliberate thinking and is the region where consciousness begins
to reason and leave its animal nature behind.

Experiencing Remembering Mode Procedure:

Recall a time that is easy to remember, a vacation or a party. Explore it for a bit.

Guide Questions:
When you were in this mode:
1. Did you get any mental pictures? Did you get any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to do
2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location in physical space relative to your location? In mental
space? A direction?

Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?

3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?
6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?
7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?

• 66-

(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)

Part I: D) Thinking Mode

Let’s move into a more familiar level of consciousness, deliberate thinking.
Thinking includes planning, problem solving, manipulating, influencing, managing efforts, and persuasion. It is what gives
the human species its survival advantage. Usually it is employed as an ego-gratifying activity.
Thinking occurs within one or more organizational frameworks or paradigms. In essence, thinking is a rapid
discernment of similarities and differences between concepts, memories, and perceptions.
Creative thinking also taps into imagination.

Experiencing Thinking Mode Procedure:

What would you get if you crossed an elevator with a wheelbarrow?
What would be the benefits?

Guide Questions:
When you were in this mode:
1. Did you get any mental pictures? Did you get any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to do
2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location in physical space relative to your location? In mental
space? A direc-tion? Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?

3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?
6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?
7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?

(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)
• 67-

Part I: E) Imagining Mode

(includes ordinary dreaming and daydreaming)

Imagining not only has a band of its own, but it also has an overlapping band. This overlapping band weaves in and out
of thinking and reaches down into remembering and also weaves in and out of originating and reaches as high as
intuiting. This overlapping, interwoven band is the realm of dreams and creative thought. It possibly contains a doorway
into an adimensional scale of alternate realities that moves off at a right angle from conscious reality. (Meaning there
may be other experiments going on besides consciousness. This is part of the research on comparing the descriptions of
dream environments that lucid dreamers perceive.)
Imagination will fill in whenever you ask for data or information that you can’t remember or perceive. Imagination will
provide almost anything you ask for. Some therapists get totally sidetracked by this phenomenon. People who, for one
reason or another, wish to deal only with facts or evidence learn to suppress the imagining mode.
Imagination is a tool. You can use it constructively or destructively. People who use it destructively generally have it
confused with reality and are not aware that they are imagining. This is the root of prejudice and bigotry.

[Previous lecture]
Shifting into Imagination
Let me show you how easily attention moves into this imagining realm. Look at the back wall. All right, now look at the
ceiling. Now look at the floor. Now look at this wall over here. Now look at me, and put your attention on the back
wall. All right, now put your attention on the side wall. Now move your attention to how well you’re looking at me. Now
put your attention on the back wall again. Does that feel pretty solid? OK. Now push your attention through the back
wall into the room behind the wall. Do you get some impression? Now push your attention a little bit further so that it
goes through the hotel and into the street area. Still getting some impression? See how smoothly you move into
[End previous lecture]

Experiencing Imagining Mode Procedure:

Imagine yourself in a situation that you have not been in, but wouldn’t mind being in. Who is there? What is happening?

Guide Questions:
When you were in this mode:
1. Did you get any mental pictures? Did you get any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to do
2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location in physical space relative to your location? In mental
space? A

• 68-

direction? Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?
3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?
6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?
7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?

(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)

Part I: F) Originating Mode

(Ref. Creation Drill)

Originating is creating reality. It’s putting effort and intention into something imagined until the something manifests as
a reality. Originating is deciding something is so and deciding it strongly enough so that it is so. The effort required
depends upon the time and space in which you decide it. If you decide into an empty space at the right time, it doesn’t
take very much effort. If you decide into a creation that’s already existing, then you’re going to have to assume
responsibility for the existing creation and be strong enough to discreate, redesign, or move it aside in some way.
If you create a reality within an existing reality, you have to respect the limits of the existing reality. I can’t create a room
within this room that’s larger than the room, but I could divide off a smaller room within the room.
As long as you observe the limits of the creation within which you’re creating, you have order. Everything goes very
smoothly. Everything also gets a bit more limited each time you create. When you make a creation that violates the
limits of the existing creation, for a while you’re going to have disorder and secondaries that show up.
If we try to create a room that’s bigger than this room, we’re going to have to knock down some walls, put up some
posts to hold up the ceiling. For awhile there’s going to be a lot of dust, workmen coming off the elevator with
wheelbarrows, and it’s going to take some time for the new room to appear.
• 69-

Experiencing Originating Mode Procedure:

With another student acting as your coach, create the primary: “My life is perfect for me.”
(Q: A commonly asked question: Are you in the originating mode while you ‘re handling your secondaries or after you’ve
created the primary?
A: You are in the originating mode in the moment that the primary manifests as a feeling or reality with no secondaries.)

Guide Questions:
When you were in this mode:
1. Did you get any mental pictures? Did you get any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to do
2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location in physical space relative to your location? In mental
space? A direction? Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?
3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?
6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?
7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?

(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)

Part I: G) Intuiting Mode

(Direct Knowing)

Above originating is intuiting. You’ve probably heard that you have a conscience or sense of right and wrong. You may
also have experienced having a guilty conscience. Maybe it was saying something like, “I ought to call my mother” or, “I
ought to call my father.”
That’s intuition. We’re not talking about clairvoyance or psychic

perception, but about an unreasoned sense of right and wrong. Intuition is

usually perceived as an impulse to do or not do something, to continue, or

to halt. It appears when the ego rests. It’s an immediate, firsthand

experience. It is an indicator of alignment or nonalignment with some cosmic

plan. A moral

• 70-

Tao. An ethical collective consciousness. A higher self. A karmic destiny. Divine guidance. Guardian angels. This is a
highly valued apperceptive ability.

Sometimes intuition takes the form of a feeling. It’s contemplating some path of action until some inner motivation is
recognized. “Yes, do it” or, “No, don’t do it.” Sometimes this comes as an intuitive flash. For example, “Something tells
me that I shouldn’t do this. I just don’t feel right about this.”
Intuition is above thinking. Thinking is used to explain an intuitive hit, (e.g., a little voice said, “No”), but this is a
reasoned explanation for intuition, not the intuition. Intuition comes in the form of a notion that does not result from
logic or reason. It is something you know without being taught-teachings are tuitions not intuitions. You don’t have to
pay for intuitions—you pay for ignoring them. Anger is often the result of ignoring your intuition.
Intuitional feelings can show up as secondaries when you originate a creation that is not in alignment with your sense of
what is a right or correct action.
When you talk to yourself, you’re generally trying to clarify or justify an intuitive apperception. “No I shouldn’t do that.
That’s not right. I’ll go tomorrow instead. That will be better.”
Intuitive guidance is almost like someone taking care of you. It may be a higher being. It may be yourself coming back
from a future time when you’re more spiritually evolved, giving yourself a hand up the ladder. It could be an angel or an
ancestor. It is usually some sort of instruction concerning events about to occur. Have you experienced this?
Many people attribute their success and happiness to cultivating an awareness of this mode of consciousness.
At the opposite extreme, there are people who almost always make the wrong decision. They are guessing and calling it
intuition. Guessing is reacting. Before you follow someone’s lead, it’s good to know if they are steering by their
intuition or if they are guessing.
Q: How would you suggest we cultivate intuition?
You can be receptive, be open for it. Take time to quiet your mind before you make an important decision. It’s a form of
grace. Trust. Look at your money. It says, “In God We Trust.” That originally was put there as an affirmation for following
the intuition in financial decisions.
• 71-

Maybe we’re just coming down to something basic like care. Intuition really is guiding you into a caring path. It’s always
aligned with care. It’s never a message to hurt someone. So be compassionate.
Avra and I were talking the other day about compassion. We were learning something about a person in our lives that
we hadn’t felt very friendly toward. In the moment of that learning, the unfriendliness disappeared and we suddenly felt
total compassion. We both intuitively had the impulse to forgive them and wish them well.
Later, we decided that probably the reason we don’t feel compassionate for every being is because there’s something
we don’t know or understand some viewpoint we’re not willing to entertain. When you really know someone, walked in
their moccasins so to speak, you intuitively know the right response is compassion.

Experiencing Intuiting Mode Procedure:

Take a walk by yourself and rely on your intuition (immediate firsthand experience of your surroundings) to guide you.

Guide Questions:
When you were in this mode:

1. Did you get any mental pictures? Did you get any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to do
2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location in physical space relative to your location? In mental
space? A direction? Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?
3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?
6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?
7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?

(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)

Part I: H) Observing Mode

(Ref. Neutral Attention, includes lucid dreaming)

• 72-

Observing is a broad band. It reaches from interested looking up to a pure selfless awareness that is both the observer
and the observed. The ratio of awareness to creation determines your mode of consciousness. In originating, intuiting,
and observing, you have a high ratio of awareness to creation. These coincide with the definition of spiritual
consciousness in the spiritual/ intellectual / animal paradigm.
At the top of the band, observing is putting your hard disk to sleep. Attention comes off of self. This is observing as an
emptiness-no sense of I, no ego, witness. You’re not recording anything for the future. You’re just present, right here,
right now. You are aware without judgment. Complete patience, time enough for everything. It’s a very high state of
hanging out. It’s alert without thinking—not to be confused with dullness, which is also not thinking, but is also not
observing. Dullness lacks a sense of here and now. Once in awhile someone tries to pass off dullness for observing.
As you go deeper into this mode, there is a point where your attention becomes so external that only the thing you’re
observing exists. You don’t exist at all, just an emptiness being observing. (Note: This is not a mistake.)

Experiencing Observing Mode Procedure:

Look upon your world self with acceptance and affection. Take a walk and watch the monkey. Notice when the monkey
reacts. When the monkey hides, sit and observe the world alertly from a definitionlessness that has infinite patience and
zero expectations.

Guide Questions:
When you were in this mode:
1. Did you get any mental pictures? Did you get any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to do

2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location. in physical space relative to your location? In
mental space? A direction? Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?
3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?
6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?
7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?

(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)

world self: the everyday self
you go through the physical
world with.

• 73-

Part I: I) Psychic Perceptions

Psychic perceptions are often considered a distraction to real spiritual growth. Often they are the ego’s last stab at
attachment to the illusionary concerns of physical reality. Still, some Wizards may want to explore this aspect of
Psychic perceptions are generally described as extrasensory perception (ESP), meaning the ability to acquire information
without the benefit of sensory organs. Psychic perceptions are an ability of awareness rather than a functioning mode of
consciousness. They require a quiet, relaxed, aware mind as a first condition.

Experiencing Psychic Perceptions Procedure:

One of the easiest ways to experience psychic perceptions is to copy yourself into an invisible, nonmaterial form (astral
form), and direct this nonmaterial form to some area (past, present, or future) from which you wish information. One
you stays in the physical body, and one you locates in the nonmaterial form. Both are aware. The remote self usually
communicates via symbols rather than with literal real time pictures or thoughts. Translating these symbols into
meaningful data is the tricky part.
As long as the body’s mind is relaxed and aware, the psychic perception is of physical universe events. When the body’s
mind is disturbed or unaware, the psychic perception usually is generated by imagination or some dream level. The
remote self moves through conscious realms as easily as through the physical universe (e.g., lucid dreaming), and
sometimes these become confused.
End your exploration by merging the yous. (This happens automatically if your body is disturbed.)

Guide Questions:

When you were in this mode:
1. Did the nonmaterial you get any mental pictures? Any feelings? Did something distract you? Did you have an urge to
do anything?
2. Did your apperceptions have or come from a particular location in physical space relative to your location? In mental
space? A direction? Was there a sense of distance between you and what you apperceived?
3. Were your impressions clear or vague? Were they in color or black and white? Did you feel it in a particular area of
your body or in your mental space?
4. Did the exercise have any effect on your sense of self?
5. Did the data have any particular orientation in time relative to the present? Relative to your age?

• 74-

6. Did the exercise change your emotions or affect your attitude?

7. Did the exercise have a noticeable effect on any of your perceptions or state of alertness?

(Repeat the exercise until you can detect a repeating pattern in your answers to the guide questions.)

Compare and contrast your guide answers given in regard to each of the modes. Write a summary of what you have
observed for future Wizards. Note any indicator you found that you could use to determine from which mode of
consciousness a mental creation arose.

Part It: Group Discussion

(Ref. Group Discussions)

Compare and contrast the information you obtained exploring the modes. Are there any similarities?

Part III: Group Experience

By turn, each member of the group announces and assumes each of the modes of consciousness. The other members
observe the behaviors and expressions of the person assuming the modes, as well as their own feelings, and privately
notes them down for future discussion.

Group discussion:
Compare and contrast the information you obtained in this step. What are the objective indicators of consciousness

Part IV: Observing Indicators

A group member privately notes on a scrap of paper which mental mode they are assuming and places the paper face
down on the table. Thereafter they concentrate solely on maintaining, without any effort to fool, the chosen mode. The
other group members, individually or as a group, determine by indicators which mode was chosen.

sidebar [twice:]
The KEY questions that the group
addresses are these:

• What are the possibilities?

• Why do we agree (or dis-

agree) that this is (not) so?

• What else does this explain?

• 75-

With another student, create the primary:
I am.
Treat any sense of identity or definition beyond “am” as a secondary. Handle each secondary that comes up, noting
which mode of consciousness it arises from.

• entity emanations
• reacting mode
• remembering mode
• thinking mode
• imagining mode

Exaggerate the secondary as far as possible in the same mental mode from which it arose.

Examples of Secondary Creations
with the primary: “I feel the
best I’ve ever felt.”

Originating mode: I feel the

best I’ve ever felt.”

Imagining mode: “Maybe, if I was
on a sailboat in the South Seas.”

Thinking mode: “Do I? Is this


Remembering mode: “I felt

better when I won the game.”

Reacting mode: “This is stupid.

My head hurts.”

Entity emanations mode: “What?”

• 76-

[Pages 77 and 78 are blancs]



The word attention is derived from two Latin words, ad meaning toward and tendere meaning to stretch. When you put
your attention on something, you stretch toward it. Look at something, and you stretch toward it. Ideally, once your
curiosity is satisfied, your attention comes off whatever you were looking at, listening to, touching, tasting, smelling, and
moves to something else. Whatever attention is placed on becomes more real.
Reality is sustained by attention. Attention is the creating energy of both consciousness and the universe. It is the
crossover region where thoughts change to perceptions—the area where awareness transforms into a reality that is
apparent to the senses, and vice versa, where a reality that is apparent to the senses transforms into awareness. This is
where the physical manifests, where the word becomes universe. This omnipresent border is called star’s edge.
Attention manifests as both a neutral energy particle (inquiring/creating) and as a charged energy particle (bearing
information/judgment). Neutral attention (an inquiry/intention) can be controlled solely by the will, but once it becomes
a charged particle, its control requires both will and physical effort. If you wish to change something solely by the
strength of your will, you must transform the attention particle back into its neutral form. Otherwise you’re faced with
rolling up your sleeves and exerting enough physical effort to move the particles around—very primitive approach
The functions (duties) of will are to decide, place, shift, or remove attention. This control of attention is done as either a
self-determined act of personal will or in obedience to outside influences.

[Previous lecture; ends on page 81]
Control of Attention
Attention is the solidifying energy, the creating energy, the wave particle that brings about reality.
If you wish to manage the experiences you encounter in life, or even decide whether or not you encounter them, the
basic thing you must learn to control is attention.
To clarify here, attention is a wave particle that carries intention and returns perception. Control of attention is a
function of the mind usually referred to as will or willpower. Willpower permits observation without judgment
(Surrendering All Judgment exercise) and self-determined creation.
Achieving self-determined control of attention is the goal of yoga, of

meditation, of wizardry, of alchemy, of self-development, and of most religious

practices. Spiritual doctrines can generally be reduced to a body of beliefs

and one or more methods to

• 79-

strengthen your will or, in other words, to teach you self-determined control over your attention. It’s this second part
that actually allows you to practice the beliefs.
Sadly, some religions have strayed so far from their original conception that they’ve stopped teaching their
adherents any methods to strengthen self-determination. They’ve simply become bodies of belief that create feelings of
guilt in the gullible who have no experience with controlling their own attention. That’s the story of Type One belief
systems—cults. And as an aside here, the scientific-industrial age (Type Three belief systems) is a pendulum-swing
reaction to Type One belief systems.

So, what are the various methods you can use to control something or someone? Most fundamental is simply
overpowering the thing you wish to control. This is pretty brutish, but effective. It’s the accepted method that mankind
uses to achieve control over high-spirited animals. It’s the classic lion-tamer mentality. Hang around a farm long enough
and you’ll hear the expression. “Show ‘em who’s boss.”

Overpowering works with an animal because the animal usually doesn’t grow bright enough to rebel. But it doesn’t
work with children, it doesn’t work in organizations, and it doesn’t work in societies—at least not for long. Children
rebel. Organizations splinter. Fascists die violently or live in hiding.

It is a much better policy in evolving individuals, organizations, and societies to teach self-control.

When you attempt to control attention by exerting an effort of will greater than the effort exerted by what is
causing your attention to respond, you are practicing the self-control method of overpowering. This method of
controlling attention is called asceticism. It is often referred to as breaking the spirit of the mind.

Asceticism is the religious doctrine that maintains that a high spiritual state can be reached by rigorous
self-discipline and self-denial. My own experience is that this is a very narrow, razor-edged path. Slip even a little, and

your spiritual path is barred by guilt and self-condemnation. Take too much pride in your success, and you’re building
ego rather than obtaining spiritual enlightenment. It’s a razor-edged path that sets the will and the emotions against
each other with the intellect trying to arbitrate.

Do you know the expression, “Work smart”? It means find a better way of doing something, develop a strategy.
Employing strategy means that you rely less on effort and more on understanding and prediction. The more you
understand about something, the more you can predict about it. This permits strategic planning. You choose the
optimum time and location to exert your efforts in order to create a predictable outcome. A farmer who plants his crops
in the proper soil in the proper season is employing a strategy. A parent who encourages a child to learn from difficult
situations is employing a strategy. Using the CHP is employing a strategy.

Control of attention (i.e., increasing the power of the will) can be accomplished by understanding and predicting the
functioning of consciousness. It is the Wizard’s route. It is both easier and more effective than the struggle of asceticism.

Managing attention is really the core ability of leadership.

What a leader is doing is directing and commanding attention. But before

the leader can do it externally, with any success, he or she has to do it in his or her own life.

How much control you have over your attention determines if you’re master of your life or just another poor fellow
on a runaway locomotive.

[End of previous lecture]

identity: patterns of definition,
behaviors, and conditions that
have been knowingly or unknowingly
assumed by an “I” (sometimes it’s
recognized as being just like Mom,
or Dad, or Uncle Bill, etc.); it
is a costume that “I” puts on
because of some primary; a self;
a personality

particle: a substance so small

that it is considered to be
without magnitude, but having
inertia (motion), attraction, and
relative direction

attention particle: ([+] positively

charged): 1. the attention that is
attracted by the objects one
desires, making the objects more

real in terms of solidity in space
and persistence in time 2. an
attention particle charged with

attention particle: ([-] negatively

charged): 1. the attention that is
attracted by the objects one
resists, making the objects more
real in terms of solidity in space
and persistence in time 2. an
attention particle charged with

attention particle: ([o] neutral/no

charge): 1. the attention that is
responsive only to the control off
the “I” and determines one’s
ability to observe and create
deliberately 2. a neutrally charged
attention particle

archetype: the original pattern,

model, or form of a thing that
serves as a default standard
against which later efforts and
impressions are compared

default: (Computer programs or

systems offer you a choice of
several options. If you do not
choose one, one is automatically
assigned, by default.) In Avatar
terms: operating according to
priorly created impressions

• 80-

Attention and Creation

(Please read the definitions in the sidebar on p. 80 first.)

[Illustration: wizpic-page081-1.gif ]

Undefined awareness, or pure beingness, knows. This knowing is accomplished by existing as what is known. This is a
perfect feel-it. There is no separation into the knower and the known. There is only in-the-moment knowing—being.
This is the condition variously labeled ego-death, rebirth, sannyas, enlightenment, nonduality, nirvana, satori by various
spiritual practices.

[Illustration: wizpic-page081-2.gif ]
A second phase of awareness, that of becoming aware that you know, is the first separation (i.e., “I” and it) and is: 1) the
beginning of apperception, 2) the sense of separation (there is a knower, and there is the known), and 3) the genesis of
space, time, and motion.

[Illustration: wizpic-page081-3.gif ]
When the knower becomes associated with sensory organs and the known becomes a reality capable of stimulating
those organs, you have: 1) the beginning of perception, 2) a sense of separation between perceiver and perceived, and
3) the appearance of physical reality. A body is a support platform for sensory organs.

Becoming aware across a mental space is called apperception. Becoming aware across a physical space is called
perception. Both apperception and perception are powered by attention. Sensory perception, mental processes,
physical creations do not exist in the absence of attention. Space is opened and closed by attention.
[Illustration: wizpic-page081-4.gif ]
Attention is the particle that condenses into perceivable creation. Attention is the creating energy of a reality. The
more attention that is invested in a reality, the more apparent the reality becomes. Attention is undefined awareness
channeled through a sense of separation, i.e., you, into the world. Once in the world, attention particles exist in four
conditions: 1) agitated fields around you (minds), 2) in a beam between you and some creation of interest (apperception
or perception), 3) fixed upon some creation (obsession), or 4) abandoned (entities radiating sensation).
• 81-

In addition to these four conditions, neutral attention has the additional quality of being able to simply appear and
disappear at some point of interest. Direct perception. There is no direct-line beam between neutral attention and a
controlling will.
When you direct attention particles toward a creation, you perceive the creation either directly, as in feel-its, or
indirectly via a reflection that stimulates nerves in a sensory organ and is translated into a mental replica of the creation.
Indirect perception creates consciousness and a sense of consecutive moments in time. This is actually another
separation—between a creation and the idea or mental replica of the creation. You will recall that the first separation is
between you and it, and this second separation is between it and the conscious impression of it. (In direct perception,
everything—you and creation—exists in the now, created and discreated now, without any preservation of consecutive
With the rise of consciousness, archetypal mental replicas are preserved in an agitated field of attention particles. These
replicas determine future preferential comparisons and are used to guide the selection of creations (either desired or
resisted) deserving some investment of attention.

[Previous lecture]
How Archetypal Becomes Archetypal
A charged impression has some judgment affixed to it. It is not perceiving something just as it is.
The first charged impression of something becomes an archetypal impression for that thing. Your first charged
impressions as an infant become the archetypal impressions of your life. Your first charged impressions of school
become the archetypal impressions of education. Your first charged impressions upon meeting someone become your
archetypal impressions for that person. Your first charged impressions of The Wizard Course become your archetypal
impressions for Avatar Wizards. Does this help you to understand the importance of neutral attention?
When you change an archetypal impression, all the impressions (data) that were using that archetype as a standard of
comparison temporarily go into float. This is probably what is behind the well-known English expression, “opening a can
of worms.” It is certainly behind some people’s irrational fear of change.
[End previous lecture]

Every Identity Has Archetypes

You plus a quantity of consciousness, i.e., attention, equals an identity.
You may have hundreds or even thousands of different identities.
Each identity has archetypal preferences (desires and resistances) that create patterns of definition, behaviors, and
conditions that influence (charge with desire or resistance) your attention particles. When this happens, the attention
charged with desire tends to be attracted to creations the identity likes. The attention charged with resistance tends to
be attracted to creations the identity doesn’t like.

archetype: the original pattern,
model or form of a thing that
serves as a standard against
which later efforts and
impressions are compared

• 82-

When you change identities, your likes and dislikes change as well.

[Previous lecture]
Attention Indicators
An interesting indicator that you can use to tell where a person’s attention is going is the direction of his toes. A
person’s attention is usually directed in the direction his toes are going.

If someone is talking in a group of people, and there are attractive members of the preferred sex in the group, you’ll
see this. A man may be talking to another male, but he’ll be standing like this (foot pointed at female), or the woman will
be talking to somebody but her foot will be like this (foot pointed at male).
So, if you want to know who a person’s attention is on in a group, look at his or her toes. And if they’re attractive to
you, and their toes are pointed at you...

Embarrassment is a temporary loss of control of attention. There is a little disturbance in your composure. It means
something came up that fixed or averted your attention for a moment. There is a little feeling of surprise. Oftentimes
there is an identity shift.

Alignment is the ability to keep your attention on the goal that your group wants to achieve. It’s the skill of being a
team player. Just below alignment is imitation of successful teammates. Below that is desire for approval from
teammates, and below that is competition with teammates, and below that is unaligned contesting with teammates.
You may want to order these in an alignment scale and see what other conditions are suggested by intermediate points
on the scale. A wonderful subject for group discussion would be, “What factor or factors cause movement along this

Managing Attention
Making a primary is directing attention toward some new condition or state that you wish to create. Secondaries are
old conditions or states where you still have attention fixed. Moving attention from secondaries to primaries is the
secret of creation. When you find a student who can’t create a primary, you are looking at someone who can’t manage
their attention. This is why you have them take a walk and count forms or describe objects or engage in any deliberate
activity. You are training them to manage their attention. Anything that allows a person to practice deciding, placing,
shifting, or removing attention, deliberately, is good basic therapy.

Short attention span is an indicator of many past resisted experiences.

Insanity is a lack of attention in present time.
Occasionally a student who is unstable—usually someone with a history of mental problems who doesn’t belong on
Avatar—hits this phenomenon: they make a primary and they have such a flood of resisted secondaries come up that
their attention totally fixes, and they go off to la-la land. If they have a bad coach who does not immediately insist “and
now the primary,” they just flash back into some past reality, and present time becomes unreal to them. They’re back in
the war or the womb or somewhere. They have contacted some event that has more charged attention on it than they
consider they can, or wish to, neutralize. In some circles this is described as a psychotic break, i.e., the identity is
seriously disorganized and contact with reality is impaired.
If this ever happens to one of your students, take a walk with them and have them count objects, measure objects,
feel objects, look at objects, play catch until they recover enough attention in present time to go on pretending they are
sane. Then get them to a qualified Avatar therapist, who can schedule a lot of short one-on-one sessions for them to
gradually talk their way through the past experience, i.e., talk about them long enough that they no longer fix attention.

[End previous lecture]

Resistance and Desire
Resistance comes before desire.
Desire arises as you begin to
resist your current state. Desire
is actually a resistance to not
having. The more discontented you
become with the way things are,
the stronger the desire.

Alignment Scale

attention on the goal that

your group wants to achieve


imitation of successful



desire for approval from



competition with teammates


unaligned contesting with


What factor or factors cause

movement along this scale?

• 83-

Attention Creates Reality

The charge on an attention particle does not change what the attention particle does. The particle still solidifies a
reality—a charged reality.

[Illustration: wizpic-page084.gif ]
The charge on an attention particle does change the character of the beam that the attention particle travels on.
Particles charged with resistance tend to push away from each other and create a pressor beam between you and what
is perceived. Particles charged with desire tend to pull toward each other and create a tractor beam between you and
what is perceived.

[Previous lecture]
About pressor and tractor attention beams
Pressor beams have negatively charged attention that causes the beam to lengthen and push against the creation
perceived. Tractor beams have positively charged attention that causes the beam to shorten and pull toward the
creation perceived.

There are some interesting physics involved here. If you put out a pressor beam on the front wall, really resist the
front wall, you’ll find yourself moving back. When your pressor beam lengthens, either you or the wall has to move.

If you put a pressor beam between a cannonball and a feather, which would move? Yes, the feather. How about if
you pasted the feather on a ten-ton block of concrete? That’s right, the cannonball would move.

The point is a pressor beam lengthens, and a tractor beam shortens. The beam doesn’t care which end moves. The
end with relatively less inertia moves. If you tie a rope to a block of granite and then pull it tight, guess who will move
when the rope is shortened? You will.

Now, envision an identity as an “I” (sphere of awareness) surrounded by its conscious impressions. How solidly the
“I” is able to hold its location, while exerting pressor and tractor beams to influence others, events, or even physical
objects, depends upon its moral conviction in the tightness of its impressions. Moral conviction, you see, is a type of
belief inertia.

This moral conviction is created by believing with certainty that your beliefs are more aligned with truth or nobler
principles than the people or events you are attempting to influence.

When “I” is not acting from a deep moral conviction, exerting a pressor or tractor beam can cause a back pressure
that pushes or pulls the “I” from one identity (sphere of impressions) into a different identity (new sphere of
impressions). When someone acts in a manner that violates their own standard of moral conduct, whatever it may be,
you will see an identity shift. When someone gives up an attempt and admits failure, it is always because they are acting
from some motivation other than a moral conviction.

People who act out of a deep moral conviction are 1) usually successful and
2) often considered dangerous by people who don’t share their moral standards.

The pressor-tractor effect of attention beams can be experienced quite easily and is the subject of an exercise you
will do later in this section.

[End previous lecture]

Consciousness is composed of clouds of information-bearing attention

particles. These particles are impressed with desire and resistance charges

that have arisen from the comparison of your experiences to your archetypal

• 84-

[Illustration: wizpic-page085.gif ]
beliefs. The four possibilities are: 1) Archetypal belief says this is the way it should be and if it is that way, consciousness
attention particles are impressed with a desire charge; 2) Archetypal belief says this is the way it should be and if it is not
that way, consciousness attention particles are impressed with a resistance charge; 3) Archetypal belief says this is the
way it should not be and if it is that way, consciousness attention particles are impressed with a resistance charge; 4)
Archetypal belief says this is the way it should not be and if it is not that way, consciousness attention particles are
impressed with a desire charge.

[Previous lecture]
Charged Attention
Probably the easiest way to understand how these desires and resistances are stored is as a plus or minus electric

Negatively charged attention beam particles take notice of what should be resisted in the world and solidify that
reality and bring it to life. Positively charged attention beam particles take notice of what is desired in the world and
solidify that reality and bring it to life.

The greater the charge on the particle in the attention beam, either positive (+) or negative (-), the more effort it
requires to bring that attention beam under the control of the “I” and to reintegrate the information contained in that
particle into knowing awareness. If the charge is greater than any effort the “I” can muster, the attention becomes fixed.
After it is fixed long enough, it is abandoned and begins to decay, giving off a radiation that you perceive simply as a
sensation. So, we might theorize, the smallest particle of energy or matter is the abandoned attention particle.

Charged attention particles do not immediately reintegrate into your awareness. They hang around the “I” in a cloud
field of impressions called mind or identity. The interaction of these charged particles cause the restlessness of thoughts
and the consequent ebb and flow of sensations and emotions. (Emotions are, after all, just degrees and combinations of
your success or failure to manifest your desires or resistances.)

If you want to go sit in a cave, isolate yourself from the world, and just meditate or vegetate or worry, the charged
attention particles that compose your mind may eventually neutralize each other, and the mind will dissolve back into
awareness. You’ll experience a sense of waking up. Don’t expect it to happen quickly or look for any guarantee that it
will happen at all, because your ability to stir yourself up may be stronger than your ability to calm yourself down.

Any activity that catalyzes the neutralization of charged consciousness

attention particles—meditation, contemplation, study, discussion, or

processing—is a step in the direction of spiritual enlightenment

[End previous lecture]

moral: 1. the principals of right
and wrong 2. relating to right and
wrong in conduct 3. capable of
making the distinction between
actions considered right and
actions considered wrong

Note: What is considered right

(i.e., moral) and what is considered
wrong (i.e., immoral) may vary
significantly between identities,
individuals, families, groups or
nations. An act is considered moral
when it aligns with one’s standard
for conduct

• 85-

Neutral Attention
Besides charged particles, there are neutral attention particles, which can be directed by a minimal effort of an
identityless, or nearly identityless, “I.” Neutral attention particles are less like a beam and more like an awareness that
winks in and out of a perceptual or apperceptual reality from an omnipresent adimension. It is only when an identity is
assumed, or what is perceived is judged, that an actual attention beam forms.

Neutral attention does not exert any push or pull on the object of perception. There is no judgment appended to
what is perceived. The information gathered by neutral attention particles is immediately integrated into awareness as

Neutral attention particles are not attracted or repelled, but are solely directed by the will of the “I.”

The more neutral attention particles, the easier it is for “I” to act deliberately.

[Previous lecture; ends on page 87]

Meditation and Attention

[Illustration: wizpic-page086.gif ]
Meditation is the art of putting neutral attention on your own thoughts and watching them without getting caught
up in them. As long as your attention doesn’t become fixed on any thought, you remain centered, rooted, grounded,
source, witnessing, and thoughts flow by you. When your attention becomes fixed to a thought, you flow with it. Think
of a stream with a boat drifting on it. If you sit by the stream, the boat goes by you and disappears downstream. That’s

meditation. If you want to look at the boat longer, you walk along the bank of the stream at the same speed the boat is
drifting. That’s contemplation. When you get in the boat and start paddling upstream, that’s the struggle of life.

Stepping back from the stream of consciousness and just observing for awhile is a very peaceful meditation. It’s a
good place for the student to hang out after receiving an initiation session.

CHP Attention Recovery

If you look at the CHP in terms of transforming and recovering attention, it becomes quite apparent why it works, or
where it breaks down when it doesn’t work. The first step in the CHP is recognizing that there is something there. That
sounds awfully simple until you realize how much we take for granted. What is there is the afterglow of abandoned
attention. Maybe it was abandoned all at once in an event or impact that we didn’t want to know anything about, or
maybe it was abandoned over a long period of neglect. Anyway, it’s out there, and it’s radiating stimulation. Our job is to
bring it home and transform it back into undefined awareness. Why?

Because every time we go near the abandoned attention, our steerable

attention fixes, and a little of our life is drained away. So we concentrate

our attention to rescue lost attention. We feel the impression on the lost

attention. This opens the flow of emotions. And we feel them. Grief, fear,

anger may come up, and we feel them. We just keep adding more and more

neutral attention

The difference between neutral
attention and undefined aware-
ness is that neutral attention can
be contained in and operate
within the limits of a creation.

The transformation is:

undefined awarenes

neutral attention


charged attention


fixed attention


decaying attention


radiation of stimuli

• 86-

to the creation until it reaches the “so what”? level. When it’s been so thoroughly experienced that it’s no longer any big
deal, we just back out of it and put a label on it. “Yep, that’s pretty much what it is. That’s how I’d describe it.”
Therapists have been doing things like this for years, maybe not always with a complete understanding of the
mechanics involved. Getting a person to reinspect something and talk about it long enough will eventually wind
someone up in this condition of, “Yep, that’s what it is.”

The mistake is to consider that this is the end of therapy. It’s not. The person has become neutral on the creation, but
has not necessarily owned it. It is still there as”that” and anything viewed as “that” had some abandoned attention
particles on it, which means that it will charge up again. So the CHP adds, “This is not-I; this is my creation.” This is
disassociation as source, not disassociation as an identity. Identities always want to say: “This is not-I; THAT is my
If you do that, you’ve made a U-turn and are heading right back into separation. “THAT is my creation”. You don’t
want to do that. Don’t try to own a creation at arm’s length. It’s hard to swing THAT hammer at THAT nail anywhere but
in a mind. And if there is a mind involved here, you have an identity involved.

So you own it. Why not? If you’ve expanded to the outermost limits and fully experienced it, what’s there to owning
it? You just go, “Oh yeah, this creation, it’s mine. Take a last look if you want, because I’m about to turn it off.”

That’s returning abandoned attention to source. The CHP is a rescue mission.

Intention and CHP

When a student labels a creation in the CHP step, it is done from awareness without any intention. This creation
is....No judgement. Label it creation number XXX, or better yet, label it with the primary that created it. And then,
recognize that creation number XXX or creation, “I am unhappy”, is not-I. Now the student moves back to operating as
source awareness.

When the student labels a creation with an intention or judgement—for example, bad creation—he is she is
discreating within the realm of an identity’s consciousness and continues to operate as that identity.

Think of a cloud against the blue sky. The blue sky is awareness, and the cloud is your identity’s consciousness. You
can operate from within the cloud, moving from point to point with the CHP. You can also move from cloud to cloud, or
you can move out of the clouds entirely and operate as awareness. Many Avatars still have not totally realized their

So, again we are making a distinction between awareness and consciousness. You can explore consciousness with
awareness, or you can explore consciousness with consciousness.

Philosophy is the exploration of consciousness by consciousness. It’s thinking about thinking. It’s the difference
between a disciple and an enlightened man. A disciple is conscious. An enlightened man is aware.

It’s also the difference between a competitive, industrial civilization, which is conscious, and an enlightened
civilization, which is aware. Star’s Edge International is one of the guardians of this particular transformational gate.

[End previous lecture]

Conscious Evolution
Neutral attention particles increase the powers of perception and the depth

of experience, as well as the power to create. This is easily demonstrated

by deliberately looking at something or feeling something until the finer

details begin to be apparent. This is contemplation. One of the best

definitions of


Steerable Attention
Neutral attention is very
steerable. It requires almost
no effort of will whatever.
Charged attention can be steered
for a short time, but it requires
effort and eventually exhausts
the will. Fixed attention doesn’t

Three functions of an attention


1. to solidify a reality by

adding substance to an imagined

reality until it begins to
radiate stimulation (manifest)

2. to transmit perceptions or

apperceptions back to source
3. to induce a perception or an alignment in other attention particles

• 87-

genius is _the power to concentrate upon a subject until its possibilities are exhausted and absorbed_.
The reason why one person can manifest a primary and another person can succeed only after much coaching and
control is a direct result of the quantity of neutral attention particles available.
The mastery and transformation of attention was once a very difficult task requiring a long period of determined
practice, but...consciousness evolves.

The Job Ahead

The majority of people who have not done Avatar have a very limited amount of attention particles under their
deliberate control. Their lives are random events. They suffer from an inability to concentrate, to study, to better
themselves. They find it difficult to perform tasks outside their areas of indoctrinated specialization. And with the
exception of a few, they are capable of being restimulated into acting senselessly cruel and intolerant.
The worst afflicted are plagued by destructive habits and obsessive behaviors that they attempt to change, but fail to
change. And every failure costs them a little self confidence, a little self respect, and enough pain to remind them not to
try again. Without our help, the future of such people is not a topic for light discussion.
Occasionally there is an intercession brought about by events or by an Avatar Master with a particularly good Serious
Drill. People suddenly realize that what they were resisting isn’t quite so bad or what they were desiring isn’t quite so
good. This has the effect of neutralizing the charge on their attention particles. Quite suddenly, they wake up and smile
at the way they were, and, of course, in that moment they’ve changed.
How quickly and to what degree Wizards and Avatar Masters restore humankind’s control of attention will determine
how soon the world changes from a collection of adversarial, indoctrinated, closed societies into an enlightened,
cooperative world civilization. It is truly a task of epic proportions and profound consequence. All other challenges of the
future will resolve when this is achieved. This is the key.
• 88-


Both positively and negatively charged attention can become fixed on the object of desire or resistance. The object can
be a person, an event, a no-event, an action, a no-action, a circumstance, a no-circumstance, a situation, a no-situation,
a condition, a no-condition, a sensation, a no-sensation, etc. Literally any stimulation or absence of stimulation can
become the object of desire or resistance.

The object may be present in the environment, or the object may be in the past or in the future. When it is in the past or
the future, the attention is actually fixed on a mental replica of the object that is contained in the mind and is being
continually created in the present.
Positive and negative attention particles can align and neutralize each other. This restores control to the person. This
works only when both positive and negative charges are created and owned by the same identity.
For example, if Sam hates spinach, is obsessed with resisting spinach, he can free up his attention fixed on spinach by
imagining that he, Sam, loves spinach, desires spinach, and can’t get enough of it. If he does this with an increasing
feeling of sincerity, he will first hit a few secondaries and then will become disinterested in the subject of spinach. If he
were to continue imagining he loved spinach, beyond this disinterest point, it would become a primary origination, and
he would create a desire for spinach. As long as he stops at the point of disinterest, he will recover the attention that
was fixed on the subject of spinach.
The same thing can be accomplished by Sam’s originating that he has no interest in spinach, but it will take longer and it
will be a new creation. The created no-interest in spinach is a resistance. It may result in no interest in spinach, but
with no noticeable recovery of attention. It’s just one creation requiring creating energy replacing another.
If Sam uses the imagining mode rather than the originating mode, he can eliminate creations regarding spinach
Since our primary intention is to always recover attention, it is better to neutralize the desire and resist until the point of
no-interest is reached than to originate a new, creation.
Assuming that Sam has enough neutral attention under the direction of his own will to deliberately imagine and own the
opposite of his compulsion, he can neutralize the subject of spinach in a few minutes.
In this example, Sam recovers his fixed attention because he has

neutralized the charge. It would probably not work if someone else tried to


• 89-

vince Sam that spinach is wonderful. Separate viewpoints may balance by opposing each other, but they will not
neutralize each other or result in a recovery of attention.
Why Sam hated spinach to begin with is attempting to explain a belief as the result of an earlier experience, which was
the result of a belief, which was... (to the beginning of creation).
For example, Sam says it was because his mom made him eat it. Yet a little investigation will show that Mom made all
her kids eat it, but only Sam chose to hate it. Don’t even bother to ask why someone resists such-and-such. It’s a waste
of time. Go back far enough, and the answer is always, “I decided to.” That is owning the creation.
Save yourself the time and trouble of creating an explanation. Just find out what is being resisted, and coax yourself into
desiring it. At some point, you will feel a sense of relief, a whew! Relief is the emotion that accompanies a recovery of

Rolling Stone’s Mick Jagger

might not be able to “get no
satisfaction,” but he could
sure get some relief by
desiring the idea of “no

• 90-


Self Sabotage
Positive and negative attention both create a reality. The difference is that one reality is desired (positive), and the other
reality is resisted (negative). Do you want to create what you desire, or do you want to create what you resist? Or do
you just want to accept things as they are (neutral attention)?
All three play a part in your life, but the least useful and most exhausting is negatively charged attention. It strengthens
the creations you are resisting. This is the pinnacle of self sabotage.
There are two ways that attention particles become negatively charged.
First, they can be charged by forced association with resisted creations. This creates an expectation that something
should be resisted. The expectation becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy and predisposes your attention particles to be
attracted to creations similar to the resisted creation. This is the battered wife who is attracted to violent men. This is
the pessimist who expects the worst. This is the negative person who compulsively finds something to criticize.
Second, an attention particle can become negatively charged by passing through an indoctrinated belief. This is the
soldier who creates his own enemy, the cop who creates criminals, the politician who creates revolutionaries. The act of
resisting opponents eventually strengthens them.
Attention particles can become positively charged in the same two ways.
First, they can be charged by successful association with desired creations. This predisposes the charged attention
particles to be attracted to creations similar to the desired creation. This is the underlying factor of successful people.
This is love at first sight. This is the truth behind the saying, “Nothing succeeds like success.”
Second, an attention particle can become positively charged by passing through a deliberately created belief filter. “I am
a successful treasure hunter.” This positively charges attention to be attracted to treasure. And the act of desiring
treasure will commence its creation.
Positively charged attention particles may be judged as more favorable than negative, but they can still create
compulsive, out-of-control behavior. Any charged attention not under the control of “I” creates an out-of-control
identity that behaves in response to the environment. Such an identity can create enormous trouble for itself.

Incompetent and deliberately
manipulative leaders tie up
the creating energy and destroy
the discernment of their
followers by presenting enemies
and conditions to resist.

Good leaders lead toward, not


• 91-

By experimentation, you can explore the effect of deliberately charging attention by visualizations or filters created by
primaries. Masters who wish to make their living by delivering Avatar may visualize themselves delivering Avatar to
many students and feel what that feels like. This positively charges their attention particles. They may also make the
primary, “I am a successful Avatar Master. I discover many students who wish to take Avatar.” These belief filters will
cause attention particles to create and/or recognize the opportunities to manifest the primary.
You may also gain some insight from working out the consequences of passing attention particles, already negatively
charged by past experiences, through a positively charged filter and vice versa.

[Previous lecture]
Identities Add Intention
To intend means to have a purpose, a plan, or a design. When intention and awareness are blended, you get

Attention is awareness directed through an identity.

An identity is composed of a skeleton of beliefs, either formed in response to some experience or created
spontaneously, that is fleshed out with memories and conclusions (or fixed viewpoints). The memories and conclusions
are preserved mentally as evidence to support the beliefs.

An identity is a result of the beliefs you formed in response to what happened to you. What happened to you is not
as influential on your later life as is your belief about what happened.

The core belief in an identity structure is either “I am” or “I am not”. The core belief is followed by the “can” and
“can’t” beliefs that give rise to the desires and resistances that generate intention.
Intention is determined by an identity. Where there is no identity, there is no intention. If you put your attention on
something and keep it there without any purpose, plan, or design, all intention will eventually evaporate, and you will
forget yourself and be left with awareness. A number of meditation techniques have been designed around this

The intentions generated by an identity create a crossover point between awareness and consciousness.

[End previous lecture]

• 92-


Attention that is fixed on a creation, person, animal, or event for a long time can go almost dead, meaning that it no
longer provides discernible feedback to you. In this state, it could be referred to as abandoned attention.
Abandoned attention floats in a state of incredulity and overwhelm on the verge of extinction. This is the deep
subconscious mind. Even when forgotten, it is still sustained by a trickle of creating energy.
The events (often traumatic) surrounding the forgotten creation, person, animal, or event may also contain a great deal
of fixed attention particles, but they too exist in an almost dead state.
A concentrated flow of neutral attention particles directed at the forgotten, almost dead, attention float can reactivate
it as either a strongly positive or a strongly negative concern. You may bring back to life. a very happy event or a very sad
The more of these dead floats that exist, the more they drain off and deplete your creating energy. They are worth
looking for and resolving.
When you find one of these forgotten creations, persons, animals, or events, you can concentrate a new flow of
attention to it and watch the dead float revive as an old desire or resistance. Once it is revived, you can neutralize the
attention with a considerable resurgence of source.
A technique for discovering these almost dead floats is the subject of a later article.

[Previous lecture]
A Healing Process
When attention is continually directed into the body, it can make things more real, more solid. No attention on the
body is an indicator of good health.

Old aches and pains are often an accumulation of attention that is fixed someplace in the body. If you want to get
rid of an old ache or pain, try having it put attention on you. That gives you a reverse flow of attention.

[End previous lecture]

• 93-


Occasionally you will build up such a resistance to experiencing something that you are tempted to create it out of
existence rather than experience it and allow it to discreate.
Those creations (emotions, pains, feelings, etc.) that you just have to get rid of-you will do anything to get rid of
them-are the same ones that you have the greatest resistance to experiencing.
Any attempt that you make to create something out of existence, even though the attempt may be successful,
consumes your creating energy. A symptom of this depleted creating energy is that you begin to find waking life to be
exhausting and overwhelming rather than exciting and challenging.

The beauty of the Creation Handling Procedure is that properly done, it recovers creating energy for you rather than
consuming creating energy. Consequently, you will move from an exhausted-by-existence state to an
excited-by-existence state.
The following technique has resulted in about a 25 percent increase in the effectiveness of the Creation Handling
Procedure. It does this by bringing to light resistances (creations against) that are preventing the experience of a
creation. It is an extremely powerful and effective technique that can be adapted to a wide variety of creations.

1. Place your attention on an emotion, feeling, upset, pain, sensation, dullness, numbness, voidness, or fixed idea that
is persisting as an unpleasant experience (in self or about another identity).
2. Primary: “It’s all right to feel like this,” (“This” is the item selected in #1.) Handle the secondaries (usually resistances
and judgments) by exaggeration or CHP. Repeat until there is no doubt that, “It is all. right to feel like this.”
3. As the resistance is handled at Step 2, you will find an increased willingness to explore the experience to its
outermost limits. Dis-cover, enjoy, and define.
4. Label it without judgment.
5. Disassociate.
6. Discreate.
7. Create what you prefer.

creating energy: the energy
that life generates to manifest
and/or sustain a creation

• 94-

The following exercises have two purposes.
• The first purpose is to familiarize you with the feeling of desire and the feeling of resistance.

These are two feelings that you should learn to create very easily.

• The second purpose is for you to obtain material to use to gain a subjective experience of neutralizing attention.

Expected Results:
A familiarity with charged & neutral attention
and the ability to create them at will.

Do these lists spontaneously; don’t try to second-guess or explain.

Step One: First List—Desire

Start the list with your favorite flavor of ice cream. Then continue the list with something you desire even more than
that, and then even more than That, and then even more than THAT. Go as far as you can. The last item on the list
should be something you desire very much.

Step Two: Second List—Resist

Start the list with your least favorite flavor of ice cream and then continue the list with something worse than that, then
something worse than That, and then something even worse than THAT. Go as far as you can. The last item on the list
should be a thing you strongly resist. (If this feels a little bit like a solo gross-out, you got it!)

Step Three; Neutralizing the Lists

Pick any neutral object, and practice feeling first desire for it-as intensely as you felt for the last item on your desire list,
and then feel resist toward it-as intensely as you felt for the last item on your resist list.

Step Four: An Interesting Experiment

Do the following experiment with another student. One student stands relaxed. From a few feet away, the other student
first puts out a flow of desire for the student who is standing relaxed. Each student notices any forces that affect the

Desire: (The word comes from de-,
meaning to miss and sidus, the
root of sidereal, meaning a star.)
vt. 1. to wish or long for; to
have a wish for the possession,
enjoyment, or being of; crave; covet

2. to ask for, request; to pray for

3. to want sexually

resist: (In Avatar terms, it is

closest to the English word “spurn.”)

spurn: vt. 1. to push or drive away

contemptuously with, or as with, the
foot 2. to refuse or reject with
contempt or disdain; scorn

contempt: the feeling or actions of

a person toward someone or something
he considers low, worthless, or
beneath notice; scorn

• 95-

Step Four: An Interesting Experiment (continued)

Next, the first student puts out a flow of resistance to the student who is standing relaxed. Each student notices any
forces that affect the body. Then the roles are reversed.
When and if you become aware of any forces on your body from being desired/resisted or from desiring/resisting,
expand the distance between you and your partner to see what effect it has on the forces.

Group Discussion:
Desire and resist create physical phenomena.
Please write up what you noticed for a trainer.

Step Five: Rundown

1. Feel desire for each of the items on your resist list until they cease to evoke any secondaries or until they go neutral.
2. Feel resist for each of the items on your desire list until they cease to evoke any secondaries or until they go neutral.
3. Write up for a trainer any realizations, observations, or insights you may have had.

Key Questions:
• What are the possibilities?
• Why do we agree (or disagree)

that this is (not) so?

• What else does this explain?

• 96-


Neutral attention is the attention that is employed by the higher self—the subtle “I” that is beyond the concerns of the
world self (ego).
This subtle “I” is a spiritually evolved perspective on life in physical reality.
We can get so involved in physical reality that this subtle “I” perspective seems so far away and remote that we can
mistake it for a god or a spirit guide or an inner guru.
The higher self is the innocence that could never be seduced by the world of desires and resistances. Sometimes it is
forgotten or overlooked in the fury of life, but its loss is always temporary. It is quietly patient, appreciative, and
understanding. It is who we are when the definitions drop.
The higher self aspect of “I” follows an effortless path. It wants nothing. It resists nothing. It is surrounded by the
purest expressions of unconditional love.
The world self aspect of “I” follows a path of calculated self-advantage into creation and separation. It resists something;
it desires something. It cannot find any real satisfaction. It is surrounded by fear. At the heart of world self is illusion.
The higher self willingly subordinates itself to the divine will that guides the unfoldment of the universe (the Tao of the
Chinese). It observes the world compassionately without judgment. It knows only the good affections that beings
naturally feel for each other. It neither wants nor resists, lacks nor possesses. If it acts at all, its actions are undertaken in
the interest of all.
When the world self begins to neutralize charged attention particles, begins to accept and experience the world as it is,
and begins to act in the interest of all, crossover points to the perspective of higher self appear.
Attention can operate through both the higher self and the world self.
Neutral attention belongs to the higher self. It allows observation without being drawn into desires or resistances by
judgments. This mode of consciousness is called observing.
• 97-

Theory: Self-Observation Drill

The self that is observed in the self-observation drill is the world self, and it is observed with neutral attention from the
higher self. It is done with compassion and affection and without judgment. (Note: This is the same perspective that is
addressed as host in Part V.)
This drill is nothing like, and should not be confused with, introspection. Introspection is looking into your own mind
with the intention to analyze yourself. Introspection is an activity engaged in by the world self. It is a thinking mode
mental activity. The higher self can watch the world self introspect, but it does so with a complete lack of analysis or
The higher self can watch the world self be pulled this way and that by the turmoil of charged attention particles. The
higher self can watch the world self suffer or celebrate. But through it all, it remains still, neutral, observing with
compassion and affection, but without judgment.
The higher self can offer the world self valuable advice and direction, but it offers only when asked and responds only in
an intuitive mode, completely nonjudgmental, nonimposing. It is important to understand that the advice of higher self
may not be of immediate advantage to the world self. The higher self operates within the perspective of a much longer
time frame.

When you lose all neutral attention, as in an upset or an overwhelming resist or desire, you also lose the ability to
operate consciously from this alternate reality of higher self. But when you remember to accept what is happening, to
see it just as it is, neutral attention reappears, and new crossover points from world self to higher self reappear.
The more you practice, the more your perspective begins to shift into the reality of the higher self.


To become familiar with your higher self.
Expected Results:
An ability to shift perspective to a more compassionate state of
being and reconnect to one’s higher self.

Sit, walk, work, sleep, hang out. Observe the world self from the higher self. Do this drill as often as you can for the rest
of your life.

The key characteristics by
which the higher self can be
identified are affection,
compassion, and acceptance.

• 98-


1. I am not consciousness.
2. I AM is my creation.
3. I create the unknown.

• 99-


It is often advantageous for you to find the most charged items or questions on a list. These are different for different
people. The best items are, of course, those items or questions that you already have attention fixed on. There is a
prompt of recognition or a slight physical response when you put fresh attention on them.
For the almost dead floats, this prompt is often subtle.
The prompt can be made more evident by relaxing and becoming mentally still and then focusing neutral attention on
one item at a time. The item that disturbs your stillness has some attention fixed on it. It shifts you from the viewpoint
of higher self to the viewpoint of world self. The disturbance is your reacting mode of consciousness kicking in. If you
concentrate on the item, the disturbance in consciousness will either abate or increase to a resistance toward or a desire
to change the item. Take the first item that precipitates a strong resistance or desire to change. Once this item has been
satisfactorily neutralized by a process, you can return to the list for the next item if there is one. (Sometimes running
one item will cause all the other items on your list to neutralize as well.)

Divination in General
This same method of creating a relaxed state and self-observing with neutral

attention for a disturbance can be used to divine—meaning the practice of

divination—answers from a list to any question you want to ask. Begin by

creating a list of speculative answers to your question. Then go over the

list slowly looking for an answer that creates a disturbance. You will need

to note that the character of the disturbance is different in different

modes of consciousness. Disturbances in the reactive mode are in terms of

resistance to something. Disturbances in the other modes have their own


The answer on your list that causes the disturbance will always be the creation with the greatest amount of attention
fixed on it (which also means that it is most likely to manifest).
If you want an answer from collective consciousness, look for a disturbance caused by the answer from your list in the
intuitive, originating, or observing mode of consciousness. (The intuitive mode is often disturbed by events at the lowest
reactive level of the collective consciousness. This is why certain psychics are sensitive to world disasters.) Since the
answer you are looking for may not be on your list, it is always a good idea to add to the list, This list is incomplete.
Divining via the intuitive mode of the individual consciousness into the
remembering mode of the collective consciousness permits access to the

From the 1889 Edition of the
Century Dictionary

divination: 1. the act of divining;

the pretended art of foretelling by

supernatural or magical means that
which is future, or of discovering
that which is hidden or obscure.

The practice of divination is very

ancient and has played an important
part in the theologies of almost all
nations. The first attempt to raise
divination to the dignity of a science
is attributed to the Chaldeans. The
innumerable forms which have been in
use for thousands of years may be
reduced to two classes: (1) that
effected by a kind of inspiration or
divine urging; and (2) that effected
by the observation of certain
dispositions and arrangements of
things, circumstances, and
appearances, etc., as the flight of
birds, the disposition of clouds, the
condition of entrails of slaughtered
animals, the falling of lots, etc.

From Sir Francis Bacon “Advancement

of Learning”

Divination hath been anciently and

fitly divided into artificial and
natural; whereof artificial is when
the mind maketh a prediction by
argument, concluding upon signs and
tokens; natural is when the mind
hath a presentation by an internal
power, without inducement of a sign.

• 100-

Akashic records. (Akashic records is a Hindu reference to the history of the world that is written upon the ether. It
contains the record of every event that has occurred.) This is given for your exploration (e.g., in An Interesting Exercise),
but is not specifically within the scope of the existing Wizard Materials.
You can telepathically divine for answers in another mind by focusing on disturbances in the observational mode of your
consciousness using your psychic perceptive ability. This is frequently used by mind readers and channelers who recite
to themselves generalized lists of issues, e.g., physical problems, money problems, relationship problems, etc., and then
reciting to themselves a more specific list for the disturbing issue, e.g., head, neck, back, etc. The skill and accuracy by
which some employ this method can be quite amazing.
For divining the future (augury), ignore the part of the mind (monkey mind) that immediately wants to answer or
speculate. Go deeper. Let the disturbance arise as a sign delivered by the universe-disturbance in the observing mode. In
predicting the future (or alternately creating it), the creations most permanently impressed upon the collective
consciousness are the ones most likely to manifest, e.g., an enlightened planetary civilization.
When you have trained yourself to self-observe these disturbances of mind, you can draw upon the subconscious, past
lives, telepathic contact with other defined consciousnesses, and even the collective consciousness. This is the art of
fortune tellers, the power of the oracles, a secret shared with Wizards.

To explore divination via the intuitive mode.
Expected Results:
You tell us.

An Interesting Exercise
1. The coach creates a list of answers to some question that he or she knows the answer to. Example: What is my
mother’s maiden name? List: Riley, Cloos, Smith, Wilson, Stevens.
2. The student takes the coach’s list and puts neutral attention on the answers one at a time and attempts to divine
the right answer by noticing some disturbance it creates in his or her mind.

Repeat the exercise with new lists several times.

• 101-


Expanded Desire/Resist

Theory: Ambivalent Attention Flows

Sometimes you desire and resist something at the same time. This is often the case with addictions such as alcohol,
cigarettes, drugs, dysfunctional sex, overeating, repetition of emotional events, obsessive desire for sympathy or
approval. It applies to most compulsive behaviors. The desire and the resist in an ambivalent flow tend to oppose each
other, creating a rhytmic pattern of behavior. They do not neutralize each other. An ambivalent flow is a problem with.
An ambivalent flow creates a tension between you and the object of your attention. It does not neutralize, because the
desire and the resist are each the product of a different identity. You will often hear people say, “Part of me wants to
and part of me doesn’t want to.”
What appears to be a conflict between desiring and resisting is really a conflict between two identities that are opposed
to each other. As one identity, you desire or resist the addiction; as another identity, you desire or resist being free of
the addiction.
There are six steps in handling an ambivalent attention flow . They are a very powerful series of steps and when done
correctly will knock out addictions. (They can be done solo, but are better done with a trusted guide.)

To handle ambivalent attention flows.
Expected Results:
A recovery of self-determinism, great relief and freedom from
addictive behaviors.

I. Feeling Ambivalent

1. Contemplate the words “ambivalent” and “flow” until you have a clear experiential understanding of what
an ambivalent flow feels like.
2. Make a list of anything or anyone you feel ambivalent about in your life.

II. PI-CHP Ambivalent Flow

1. Create what it feels like to be someone who resists having an ambivalent flow about ___________.
2. Create what it feels like to be someone who desires having an ambivalent flow about ___________.
3. (Continue with CHP steps.)

Ambivalence: simultaneous
conflicting feeling toward a
person or thing, such as love
and hate

flow: n. 1. act of flowing

2. a continuous movement or


NOTE: The Ambivalent Flow

Rundown Worksheet can be found
in the appendix. An example of
the Rundown can be found on the
back of the worksheet.

• 102-

III. List per the first three paragraphs of Divination for

Almost Dead Floats:

(A) Who would desire ___(object of ambivalent flow, e.g., alcohol )__?
(B) Who would resist___(object of ambivalent flow, e.g., alcohol )__?

IVa. For (A) above

1. Create what it would feel like to be __(item from IIIA)__ desiring __(object of ambivalent flow)__.
2. Create what it would feel like to be __(same item)__ resisting __(same object)__.
3. Create what it would feel like to be __(same item)__ resisting and desiring __(same object)__ simultaneously.
4. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
5. Label it without judgment.
6. Recognize: This is not I; this is my idea of__(same item)’s__ creation.
7. Permit it to discreate.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 as necessary.

IVb. For (B) above

1. Create what it would feel like to be __(item from IIIB)__ resisting __(object of ambivalent flow)__.
2. Create what it would feel like to be __(same item)__ desiring __(same object)__.
3. Create what it would feel like to be __(same item)__ resisting and desiring __(same object)__ simultaneously.
4. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
5. Label it without judgment.
6. Recognize: This is not I; this is my idea of__(same item)’s__ creation.
7. Permit it to discreate.
8. Repeat steps 1-7 as necessary.

V. List per the first three paragraphs of Divination for

Almost Dead Floats:

(C) What did __(object of ambivalent flow)__ help you to resist (or overcome)?
(D) What did __(object of ambivalent flow)__ help you to achieve (or acquire)?


1. on item(s) from ©.
2. on item(s) from (D).

• 103-

[The back of page 103 is page 106, so there are no pages 104 and 105]


Source is undefined. You are definitionless. That is pretty hard to grasp, because there is nothing there to grasp.
A wizard was once asked why his art was such a mystery. His reply was, “Because the truth is a mystery.”
Inevitably every student, while creating the primary “I am not consciousness, “ runs into the secondary, “What am I?”
The cosmic urge to answer this question is the motivation behind the creation of definition and identity.
It is probably the question that God asked after a hard day of creating the universe.
God: “This is day. This is night. This is form. This is dry land. This is...
What am I?”

The World Is Consciousness

Source can experience separateness from creation. It easily recognizes creation as “not-I” still may mistakenly define
itself as consciousness. This error arises from the apparent but false impression that consciousness is not part of
The fact that we can successfully study consciousness and isolate certain principles that apply uniformly to
consciousness, no matter where it is found, confirms that it is also defined creation-something. Therefore,
consciousness too is “not-I.”
Consciousness is a creation that is different only in degree of permanence and flexibility from the solid representations
we label rock or tree. Physical reality is different only in solidity and duration from your personal reality composed of
mental creations. If you possessed a well-developed sensory organ for perceiving another’s mental creations, you would
see that they are mostly thin versions (lacking substance) of potential or existing physical creations.
You would gradually recognize that the world we agree upon is really nothing more than collective consciousness that
has solidified in agreement to such a degree that the solidity is capable of stimulating sensory organs.
• 106-

The entire physical universe, with all of its principles of physics and laws of nature, is extended, solidified consciousness.
Study any aspect of the world, physics, medicine, law, and so on deep enough, and it will always lead to a study of

consciousness. As a corollary, if you start your study with consciousness, you will quickly grasp the fundamental
principles of any other subject.
Identity is a very specialized creation of consciousness. Its solidified physical counterpart is your body.
• 107-

for The Wizard Materials

higher self: an undefined viewpoint; “I”

core identity: the minimal definition of self; “I am”
identity 1. a combination of characteristics, e.g., mental images, concepts,

beliefs, intentions, and physical attributes that “I” defines itself as 2. a

defined viewpoint 3. identification of life with qualities and substances, a

world self 4. personality

[Illustration; see avatar-wiz-course-illustrations.zip: wizpic-page108-1.gif ]

asserted identity: 1. a set of characteristics that for one reason or
another are claimed as representative of self 2. an ego-self

[Illustration; see avatar-wiz-course-illustrations.zip: wizpic-page108-2.gif ]

persistent identity: certain characteristics that “I” desires being
sometimes and resists being other times

[Illustration; see avatar-wiz-course-illustrations.zip: wizpic-page108-3.gif ]

assumed identity: the portion of a set of polarized characteristics that one is being, e.g., I am good as in “I am good and
he is bad,” or, _ am dumb_as in “I am dumb and she is smart.”

projected identity: the portion of a set of polarized characteristics that one is projecting on others, e.g., he is bad as in “I
am good and he is bad, “or, she is smart as in “I am dumb and she is smart.”

transparent identity: a set of characteristics that “I” is unknowingly being

or unknowingly projecting

approval identity: l. a set of characteristics that one pretends to be
because they are looked on favorably 2. an insincere asserted identity

costume: a stereotype identity

• 108-


• An identity is a defined viewpoint.
• Awareness directed through a viewpoint becomes attention.
• The characteristics of a viewpoint determine what facets of reality attention will routinely focus upon and solidify as

• An asserted identity has the basic purpose of aligning effort. An asserted identity directs attention toward a desired
goal or achievement.
• A persistent identity is a package of assumed identity plus resistance plus projected identity. It is an asserted identity
in the process of disintegration.
• An assumed identity has a basic purpose not to experience a particular personal reality. An assumed identity directs
attention toward over-whelming (besting, defeating) or submitting to (being victimized, defeated by) a projected
• A separating resistance is an energy field consisting of negative emotions, grief, fear, anger interwoven with mental
images of upset, invalidation and/or trauma. When contacted by the assumed identity’s attention, it generates
imaginary scenarios of interaction with the projected identity.
• A projected identity is a costume constructed of an assumed identity’s resisted characteristics.
• Some of the most readily apparent characteristics of an identity are:

opinions and beliefs

moral standards
sensual preferences
habits and addictions
chronic pains and emotions
relative status

language phrasing

• 109-


Undefined aware will. Source of all creation. The Divine (Attitude: “I AM is source of all creation.”)
Substance. One with all that is. Creation (Attitude: “I AM is all that is.”)
Spiritual awareness. Awareness independent of Spirit creation. (Attitude: “I am is; the world is.”)
Consciousness. Awareness of viewpoint. Core Identity (Attitude: “I am.”)
Collective consciousness. Awareness of connection and separation. Species Identity
(Attitude: “There are others like me.”)
Individual consciousness. Creation of Individual Identity definition. (Attitude: “I am unique.”)
Free will. Perception of choice. ---
(Attitude: “I decide.”) |
| Asserted Identity
Reason. Perception of physical existence. |
(Attitude: “I think, therefore I am.”) ---

Morality. Conception of right and wrong. Assumed ---

(Attitude: “My actions are morally right.”) Identity | Persistent
Domination. Conception of error. Projected | Identity
(Attitude: “You are not right; you are wrong.”) Identity ---

Recognition. Desire for approval. ---

(Attitude: “People like me.”) |
| Approval Identities
Rejection. Resistance of disapproval. |
(Attitude: “People don’t like me.”) ---

Submission. Reaction to pain. Organism. ---

(Attitude: “I obey force.”) |
| Reactive Entities
Resistance. Unconsciousness. |
(Attitude: “I don’t know.”) ---

• 110-


Exercise: Create each attitude as a primary.

1. I don’t know.
2. I obey force.
3. People don’t like me.
4. People like me.
5. You are not right; you are wrong.
6. My actions are morally right.
7. I think, therefore I am.
8. I decide.
9. I am unique.
10. There are others like me.
11. I am.
12. I am is; the world is.
13. I am is all that is.
14. I am is source or all creation.

Listen to someone, and see if you can spot their level of attitude from the statements they make.
• 111-


Ideally, the characteristics of an identity are in alignment with the basic purpose of the identity. Ideally! Unfortunately
most people’s lives are somewhat less than ideal. Identities tend to blend their most dominant characteristics into each
other. So you see someone with the sensual preferences of a gangster identity, the moral standards of a holy man
identity, and the attitude of a victim. Can you imagine the conflict in basic purposes that such a person experiences and
the misalignment of their attention particles?
An asserted identity consists of decisions that an “I am” makes about itself for the purpose of creating and experiencing
certain realities. The characteristics of an asserted identity can be changed by decision. An asserted identity is defined in
the present. It directs attention without absorbing it.
An assumed identity is an attempt to fulfill or refute an impression that you imagine is in someone else’s mind. The
purpose of an assumed identity is to attract attention. The characteristics of an assumed identity cannot easily be
changed by decision alone. An assumed identity is defined from the past.
Sorting out the asserted identities dramatically reduces the suffering and confusion in your life. Concentration, purpose,
and ability soar.
The often debated question of which comes first, belief or experience, is resolved by an understanding of identities. The
answer is dependent upon whether you view the question as an undefined “I” (source) or as “I” as an assumed or
asserted identity.

Source has no definition or objective substance with which to record or respond. Source spontaneously creates belief
first, asserted identity follows, and you experience and return to source or resist and descend into the assumed portion
of a persistent identity.
As an assumed or asserted identity seeking to carry out some purpose in the world, you create beliefs and strategies in
response to the experiences you have with the world. In this case, you could say that experience precedes belief.
When you feel your beliefs are the result of experiences, you are existing as an identity.
“Who am I?” “Why am I?” “What is my purpose?” “Where am I going?” “What should I do?” These are the questions
that an identity asks.
Source creates. “I am.” “My purpose is this.” “I’m going there.” “I decide what to do.”
• 112-

A source, via deliberately created identities, has the power to participate in and interact with creation. Source itself is
independent of creation.

The Wizard Identity

Wizards stand astride these two levels of being. They stand with one foot inside creation (asserted identity) and the
other foot outside creation. Within creation they deliberately design identities as effective tools to accomplish
missions and transform civilizations.
“I am” is the minimal identity necessary for a Wizard to operate in the world (core identity). An I am can perceive the
world with neutral attention, can deliberately interact with the world with a subtle discernment of causes and effects,
and can operate without getting caught up in resisting or desiring.
A Wizard acts in accord with his or her intuitive connection with a source of peace and serene joy independent of
creation. A Wizard follows what the Chinese call the Tao, what the West calls divine intention. The intuitive may be
sought out in contemplation or may appear as a coincidence that suggests direction. A deep knowing or the flight of a
bird can carry an intuitive message when you are receptive.
Intuitive acts may come into conflict with identities, but they will never be in conflict with each other. This fact opens
the path of spontaneous cooperation in an enlightened planetary civilization. It also clarifies the route ahead.
Wizards do not normally act to gratify some identity or to acquire the solidifying attention particles of other identities.
They act to evolve and to awaken humanity.
The book called the I-Ching says that when a man is in accord with the Tao, his mind is natural and true. But when the
mind (assumed identity) designs its own purpose by reflection and self interest, the truth and innocence of the Tao have
been lost.
This is the difference between divine will (source) and the individual will (identity). The first shapes the world; the latter
is shaped by the world. This may help to clarify the wisdom in the teaching, “Surrender to the divine.”
Assumed identities are generally motivated by a purpose that is the result of intentionally or unintentionally
indoctrinated desires and resistances. Be this way; don’t be that way. This is the effort of the world to preserve the
status quo. It is steering your life by secondaries.
The first step for a Wizard is to discreate all identities and their
indoctrinated purposes. This results in a miraculous reconnection with an

intuitive road map. It also results in a relief from suffering. The

reconnection is

• 113-

maintained by learning to differentiate between the invitations to action that come from the intuition and the emotional
urges to action that come from resistances and desires.

Translated from the I-Ching

“Who can explain the Tao? To even try is to view it from an identity.

It is patient, this Tao; a hundred million years it waits. A secret, always

with us, a potential, something profound that waits for us when our

world toys are gone.

“If someone is not as he should be, he has lost the Tao. Little pains, little aches, followed by bigger pains and
heartaches, the way is lost.
To restore the way, quiet the thinking. Wherever there is thinking,
there is an identity.
“It is the illusion of separateness and the use of thought to

calculate self advantage that brings the world sorrow. Compassion is

our recognition of oneness. It arises naturally when identity-centered

thinking ceases. The pretense to be something, to be an identity,

causes a person to share the fate or the something until it is nothing,

and source recalls itself.

“Man has a nature which is innately good, which will guide him in his movements. It leads him to do right without
any ulterior thought or reward or personal advantage. It leads him to the supreme success.
The only pitfall is there is an instinctive level in the body and an

instinctive level of the spirit. They must not be confused. The first

arises from physical desires, the second arises from the heart. To

follow the lower one leads to misfortune.

“The Tao contains both right actions in purpose and actions in

accord with timing. To do the right thing at the wrong time leads to

failure. So timing must be determined by a correct observation of the

world. Intuitively, one searches for the right answer, but alert

observation and prediction must tell when the timing is right. This is

the correct use of the mind.”

• 114-


Revised and reissued by Star’s Edge International 6/96 to update

and replace Avatar Identity Handle in previous Avatar Course

Section III. Reference: Living Deliberately: Part II, The Teachings

A self or asserted identity is a collection of specialized thoughtforms that awareness creates as a viewpoint within the
creation that it is exploring.
Awareness (the undefined you) identifies with these belief thoughtforms in order to specifically locate itself within the
overall creation and to have an orientation from which to view the overall creation. When this happens, awareness
becomes consciousness. This is the conscious idea that you have of yourself existing within the world of creation.
This conscious self or core identity is a segment of awareness that has broken away and defined itself as “I am.” Many
core identities can exist in a creation, allowing awareness to experience the creation from many different viewpoints.
Each “I am” exists in a different location.
Following the principle, “As above, so below,” each “I am” has the ability to create and identify with more specifically
defining belief thoughtforms. It now experiences the creation from one location but through many different filtering
beliefs called asserted identities.
Many asserted identities exist within the multidimensional self that we are being. The-identities we assert determine
how we feel about ourselves and what we will experience. If we assert the identity of being a victim, we-will view
ourselves as victims and experience all sorts of tragic evidence to support our belief. If we identify with the identity of
someone who is unable to establish relationships, we will view ourselves as loners and evidence of loneliness will
abound. If we... do you get the point?
When you cease to create defined viewpoints, both for self and the other, you integrate and become the containing
overall sphere in which the identities are operating. When we can view ourselves as containing all the asserted identities
that we imagine, our self and the other, both the good and the bad, and we experience them and discreate them, we
will experience the viewpoint of the Avatar.
Manifestations of consciousness are manifestations of consciousness. Period. An asserted identity is a manifestation
of consciousness. As your acceptance and love grow, the idea of reintegration will acquire a new meaning. (It’s hard to
be too close to yourself.)


belief: the state of believing;
a conviction or acceptance that
certain things are true or real

limit: the point, line, or edge

where something ends or must end;
boundary or border beyond which
something ceases to be or to be

• 115-

Asserted Identity Handling Rundown Procedure

Select a quiet, comfortable space.

Make a brief list for each of the following:

The names of people:

• you dislike
• you feel critical of
• you feel judgmental toward
• you fear
• you pity
• you don’t want anything to do with
• you feel are unsupportive of you
• you consider evil
• you consider selfish
• you consider especially negative
• you do not fully accept
• you could never love again

Part A
Begin to think of the people you named on your list as your resisted identities. Adopt a progressive approach for your
identity handling. To begin, select the identities on your personal list that are the least emotionally charged. When you
have discreated them, work up to the more heavily charged identities.
1. Select a name from your list and identify with the idea you have of this person. Feel as you believe this person feels.
When you have identified successfully, you will begin to recognize the belief as something you have resisted being.
2. Define the identity by expanding your awareness in every dimension until you contact the unknown (space) that
encloses the identity. Take what-ever time you need to compassionately experience being this identity.
3. Label without judgment the identity. A viewpoint shift will occur.
4. Disassociate from the identity by addressing it with, “This is not __(identity)__. This is my creation.”
5. Discreate. Stop creating the identity. Turn off the creating energy to that creation.

Repeat steps 1-5 on the same identity or new identities until you recognize each identity as your own creation that you
chose (past tense) to experience, to resist experiencing, or to explore.
• 116-

Part B
In your personal folder you will find a list of generalized identities.
Select any that you feel resistance toward and do steps 1-5 on them.
1. Select an identity from the list and identify with the idea you have of that identity. Feel as you believe that identity
feels. When you have identified successfully, you will begin to recognize the belief as some-thing you have resisted

Continue with the CHP steps 2-5 above.

When you have achieved a satisfactory result, write a brief summary of what you have experienced/recognized on the

6. Re-creation. (Optional) When you are ready, create an idea of an identity that aligns with your intuitive sense of
purpose. Construct a primary origination that expresses that creation. Using the Creation Exercise from Section II,
create your new identity as a reality. Recognize that any doubts that show up are secondary originations. Handle any
secondaries with steps 1-5 above or by exaggeration, and continue the primary origi-nation until you create the
reality you prefer.

This process may take anywhere from a few minutes to several days. When your new identity creates automatically, you
have achieved success.
• 117-


(1988 Revised June 1996)

On the Path to True Self

Every concept of self (identity) is composed of awareness identified with certain mental images, thoughts, and concerns
of its own intentional or unintentional creation. Unidentified awareness, true self, is the source of every concept and is
itself undefined (a no-creation).
As your concepts of self simplify, they become more expansive and inclusive. Eventually all concepts of self dissolve,
and true self awakens. True self has the ability to create definition and to reflect itself with definition, but in truth, it has
neither form nor substance.
The experience of not being defined by a physical body—that you are something more than a body—is a fairly early
milestone on this path to true self. A more subtle experience is the recognition that you are also not defined by any
memory, idea, or concept of mind. Complete liberation occurs with the experience that you are not any of the qualities,
attributes, or characteristics that are ascribed to self; you are the source of them!
How far this de-identification process can be pushed and what ultimate state may be achieved is a more fitting subject
for exploration than for explanation. Pushed for words, some have suggested: a natural silent awareness that feels like
Most Avatars have already gone up this road further than any words will clearly express.

At some point in now, every self begins as a notion in awareness. At this level of life, belief, creation, experience, and
discreation are coincident. The notion of beingness that awareness creates is now. No past, no future. This is the
core identity, the essential “I am,” that creates identity. “I am” is always in the now. It always acts deliberately. It enters
the stream of sequential moments of time only as it further defines itself. This further defining is an asserted identity.
(An asserted identity consists of decisions that “I am” deliberately makes about itself, e.g., I am a happy, able camper.)
The asserted identity can be created or changed by a primary made by the “I am” core identity.
This core identity serves as a foundation for hundreds of asserted

identities that are created, experienced, and concluded in time. (Example: I


consciousness: awareness plus

egotism: the practice of putting

forward or dwelling upon one’s
self; the habit of talking or
writing too much about one’s self;
the dramatization of an asserted

identities: a combination of mental

images, concepts, and intention
that “I’s” create to design their
interaction with each other and

with the world

resist: to hold off; to create


polarize: to separate into

diametrically opposed, often
antagonistic, groups,
characteristics, aspects or

transition: the action of passing

from one reality (pole) to another
(e.g., life to death,
unconsciousness to awareness,
resistance to experience)

denial zone: an area of

consciousness between two polarized
energy patterns that creates, when
viewed from either energy pattern,
a refusal to believe in or accept
the existence of the opposing
energy pattern; a curtain of
incredibility; a resistance

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happy. I experience happiness. It is over. I am sad. I experience sadness. It is over.) Each asserted identity can have its
own memories, intentions, concerns, opinions and beliefs, moral standards, preferences, habits and addictions, chronic
pains, emotions, posture, presence, originality, status, relationships, language phrasing, and attitude. As long as these
aspects are all the deliberate creations of “I am,” they come and go, are acquainted with each other, and share each
others’ memories. (Example: The experiences of a good son identity are available as memories to a good father identity.)
Our asserted identities tend to be specialized to forward some particular purpose or relationship, e.g., supervisor,
spouse, parent. Sometimes they get simplified to such a degree that they are like costumes. Mailman, TV repairman,
waiter, cop, crook, etc. are costumes.
In one way or another, every asserted identity follows this cycle from “I am,” into definition (creation), experiences the
definition, and returns to “I am.”
Most asserted identities pass through this cycle very quickly—minutes, hours, days weeks, years—but a few hang up in
the transition between defining themselves and experiencing themselves. A new intention to experience something
other than what was originally created interrupts the cycle. The original intention becomes a secondary to the new
intention. Simple example: “I am unhappy.” Start to experience it, but instead resist it and create “I am happy.” Now
when you try to experience “I am happy,” unhappy shows up as a secondary.
When you start to experience unhappy, you feel resistance because that’s not what you want to experience. The two
creations have joined, and since they are not both being fully experienced, they continue. This is a persistent identity. It
contains an intention to be unhappy, a separating resistance, and an intention to be happy. Let’s say you want to be
happy. I am happy is now an assumed identity, but it is only half of the persistent identity. The other half you don’t want
anything to do with. The separating resistance causes it to be projected into the universe. This is the projected identity.
It now appears to you that you are trying to be happy, but something or someone in the universe has the intention to
make you unhappy. You feel a natural impulse to resist them, to blame them, to struggle against them, to adopt
strategies that will overcome their influence.

Creation Cycles
A creation cycle is create, experience the creation, discreate.
Any identity that is created, deliberately by “I am” or as an interruption to the creation cycle by a resisted experience,
continues in time until it completes its intended creation cycle or until it is forgotten. Unfortunately, it does not always
stay forgotten, and when you are reminded of it, it renews its effort to deliver its intended experience.

range: the extent over which
something operates

notion: 1. a mental image; general

idea 2. a belief, opinion, view

3. a desire; inclination; whim

4. a plan or intention

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Identities that are interrupted in their intended creation cycle attach themselves to the interrupting intention. The
discovery of this demonstrable, behavioral phenomenon is a major breakthrough in understanding the sources of
hostility in human society. Learning to identify and handle these persistent identities is a major step in the path of

Persistent Identities
The desired portion of a persistent identity is in continuous conflict with a resisted portion. The two are at odds on some
aspect of being, doing, or having. In time, this inner conflict externalizes into the world and appears as a conflict with
another viewpoint. The persistent identity has de-evolved to a stage where it now has an assumed and projected side.
You either identify with the assumed side and resist experiencing the projected side or resist the assumed side and
desire the projected side. In many respects, the persistent identity behaves the same as a persistent mass. No matter
how many times you discreate the one pole of the identity, it will automatically recreate from the side you are not
willing to experience. You’re stuck with it until you experience both sides.

Persistent identities are evidenced by hostility, fixed opinions, and invalidative judgments. The most common pattern of
a persistent identity is a package of specific attributes (judged positive) resisting an opposite package of attributes
(Judged negative). This multifaced aspect of the persistent identity can trick the unwary into struggling with themselves
under the delusion that they are in conflict with another being.
Understanding this dual pole model of a persistent identity, you can create a quite satisfactory explanation of the karma

The Way Out

You can discreate a persistent identity by using the Creation Handling Procedure and circumscribing and experiencing
both sides of the disagreement as a single disharmony within your own consciousness. You de-escalate from a social
conflict to a personal disharmony in your own consciousness. After a few minutes with this process, you will realize that
most of what you have been struggling with in life is the other half of a persistent identity. The lowest common
denominator of disharmony in consciousness is desire versus resistance.
The saint struggles with the sinner; the sinner hates the saint—they are both part of the same persistent identity. Until
you are willing to experience both sides, you will not be able to discreate the persistent identity. A neat trap!
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In some instances, seeking to be perceived by others as occupying one side of a persistent identity is an all-consuming
effort. This is vanity and egotism in the extreme. Just realize that any identity that is being too strongly assumed,
particularly for display purposes, has a resisted side.
The worst-off cases spend their lives assuming their rightness and projecting their own resisted nature onto something
or someone else. They think that this is the purpose of their lives. It is a path that ends in dark sorrows.

Identity Flipping
Some students have been observed to flip back and forth between the two identities. The assumed becomes the
projected; the projected becomes the assumed. This happens when something or someone in their environment causes
them to reevaluate what should be desired or what should be resisted. The half of the persistent identity that is being
assumed changes. But because of their inability to view both sides as part of personal disharmony,they imagine they
have just experienced a transformation of beingness. Some transformation! They have just turned around and are
looking the other way. Such people are unpredictable, can be manipulated, and are vulnerable to cults and addictions.
If a student suddenly has a bewildering change and wants to pack in his or her whole life and come live with you and
worship at your feet, you should suspect a shift has occurred in a persistent identity.
Certain churches and cults have long used invalidation of social norms to cause a person to reevaluate and flip identities.
This sudden religious conversion is a favorite technique for recruiting new members.

When you run into a person who is giving you trouble, you are probably dealing with a persistent identity—either yours
or theirs. What a stormy relationship two persistent identities can have! If they survive together, it is usually because
they compound into the co-assumed side of a third persistent identity. This is codependency. (It can be discreated by
either party, for themselves at least, by assuming full responsibility.)
Persistent identity is an insight into the successes and failures of human relationships.
The structure and behavior of a persistent identity is important for an

Avatar Master to keep in mind. If a Master asserts an identity similar to

the occupied half of a student’s persistent identity, and the Master is

loved, the student may form a codependent relationship with the Master. If a

Master asserts an identity similar to the occupied half of a student’s


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identity, and the Master is resisted, it may flip the student into the half of the persistent identity that the student is
resisting. In this case the student may find it very uncomfortable to be with the Master.
If a Master asserts an identity similar to the resisted half of a student’s persistent identity, the Master can expect to be
One of the worst mistakes a Master can make is to assert himself or herself as the identity of a knowing, holy, spiritual
Master—no matter how insistent people who are asserting the opposite side of willing disciple become. The praise and
adulation are almost certainly to be followed by criticism and betrayal.
The closer to pure awareness the Master becomes, the easier it will be for the students to experience their own
consciousness, without obstruction, and discreate the aspects of the identities that entrap them.

Love at First Sight

Sometimes a person will exhibit a strong preference for another person that he or she perceives as occupying (or
assuming) the same half of a persistent identity that he or she is occupying. At first there is a sense of helping each other
to resist the disowned halves. Both being good Christians or good Moslems or bad bikers or whatever, they fall madly in
love. Then, as time passes and their communication breaks down, they begin to project the resisted pole of their
persistent identity on the other. “Oh-oh! How could I have been so stupid?”

You Know It’s Gotta Be

You can act to set things straight without falling into resistance or condemnation. This is the crux of wisdom: to act with
compassion and reasonable tolerance.
In truth, all resistance to others, all upsets with others, all criticisms and condemnation of others are really creations
against the resisted side of a persistent identity that you are unknowingly creating. As you begin to recognize your own
dark reflection as the invitation to hate or criticize others, you experience decided increases in compassion and

Creative Power
When you resist your own creations, your creative powers are quickly

exhausted. People who are stuck in persistent identities, which is a large

portion of the population, often spend more of their effort fantasizing and

promoting, or worrying and apologizing for, the assumed identity than

Being assertive is not the same as
asserting an identity. Asserting an
identity is an effort to be
recognized. Being assertive is an
effort to get a point across.

“When you adopt the viewpoint that

there is nothing that exists that
is not part of you, that there is
no one who exists who is not part
of you, that any judgment you make
is self-judgment, that any
criticism you level is
self-criticism, you will wisely
extend to yourself an unconditional
love that will be the light of your

Creativism 1987

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actually directing effort toward the goal. This is the person who talks the talk, but can’t walk the walk. The excuses are
bigger than the deeds.
When they quit resisting or desiring the projected half of their persistent identity, they can discreate the conflict that is
absorbing their attention and restore their creative power. Existing as a core identity is the optimum state for creating.
Individuals who experience creative blocks need to discreate identities for awhile.

The sense of being invalidated by another is the result of inviting another to create an identity for you, and then having
them create an identity similar to the projected identity half (of a persistent identity) that you are resisting. What a
The resisted half of a persistent identity is often the most obvious thing about a person.
The act of inviting or becoming another person’s evaluation of who you are or who you should be comes as a result of
exhausting your own creative powers in the self conflict of a persistent identity.
Manipulation and control are accomplished by acknowledging and rewarding the favored half of a persistent
identity—you’re a good boy for helping mama—and criticizing or punishing the resisted pole—you’re just like your dad.
Manipulating persistent identities is a very old technology and is used by both friend and foe.

The Master’s Presence
Avatar Masters operate most effectively as source-awareness without content or limit. In this way, if they should feel
some resistance to another’s identity, they will recognize it as a reflection of something they should integrate. As always,
your enemies unknowingly offer you a fine path of self evolvement.

Work should be engaged in
because it is necessary,
interesting, or enjoyable,
but never for the sole
purpose of exalting an

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Key Questions:
(Fill in the blank with an item from the list at left.)
(A) Is there some _____ you are resisting?
(B) Is there some _____ you are desiring?

I. Handle each answer as it comes up. Ask question (A) with the selected item first; then (using the same item) ask
question (B).

II. For the answer to question (A):

1. Create what it feels like to be someone who resists that [referring to the answer from (A)].
2. Create what it feels like to be someone who desires that [referring to the answer from (A)].

(The student does not have to name the “someone.” If the student is unable to create someone who desires, return
him/her to resisting for awhile, and then come back to desiring. Do this until s/he can fully experience either without
3. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
4. Label them without judgment.

5. Recognize: This is not-I. This is my creation.
6. Permit it to discreate; turn it off.

Repeat steps 1-6 as necessary.

III. For the answer to question (B):

1. Create what it feels like to be someone who desires that [referring to the answer from (B)].
2. Create what it feels like to be someone who resists that [referring to the answer from (B)].

(The student does not have to name the “someone.” If the student is unable to create someone who resists, return
him/her to desiring for awhile, and then come back to resistance. Do this until s/he can fully experience either without

Items To Use In The Key Questions:
• attribute
• identity
• emotion
• idea
• desire
• sensation
• characteristic
• attitude
• habit
• perception
• experience
• correction
• belief
• condition
• situation
• communication
• upset
• relationship
• recognition
• evaluation

Note: Any noun could probably

be used; the above have been

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3. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
4. Label them without judgment.
5. Recognize: This is not-I. This is my creation.
6. Permit it to discreate; turn it off.

Repeat steps 1-6 as necessary.

After a situation is totally cleaned up, it’s good to use Step 6, create, from the CHP to create what you prefer.

The Persistent Identity Procedure
can be adapted to particular
situations by prefacing the key
questions with the situation, e.g.,
“About smoking, is there
some______ you are resisting?”
(Continue the whole procedure with
“about smoking”) or “About
relationships, is there some______
you are resisting?” or “About
finances,” etc.

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Status: Rank of Importance

The first thing to keep in mind about identities is that it’s very dangerous to invalidate a person’s estimation of his or her
own importance.
I mean it! It’s hazardous to your health! You can criticize a person’s actions, and you can criticize a person’s choices.
Neither will make you popular, but you can do it. But don’t ever criticize their estimation of their own importance. Don’t
even kid about it.
If you investigate any long-running feud, you will find at the bottom that somebody refused to recognize somebody
else’s estimation of their own importance. The conflict may appear to be over land or money or who owned some pig,
but underneath that is a perceived invalidation of importance. It is the fundamental transgression that obstructs sharing
and integration. It’s what you find at the core of the current situations in the world.
It’s what you find as the real reason behind dissident Masters.
Do you realize that humans are probably the only creatures that create a secret concept of their own importance that is
not readily evidenced by their actions? And you have to respect this concept to keep from offending them. It’s a difficult
task to live among humans. You can actually insult someone by doing nothing, by saying nothing. It happens all of the
time. “I saw you at the dance last night and you didn’t even say hello!”
An individual’s self-importance is not necessarily based on any evidence or accomplishment. It is based on a subjective
belief that the individual has created from his or her imagination in response to something that no longer exists. Is it any
wonder that world peace is so difficult to achieve?
Customary efforts to restore peace start with some statement, or constitution, or bill of rights, which says in essence
that we’re all equally important. It’s a starting point. The problem is nobody believes it for very long. Even the
peacemaker soon insists upon the superior importance of his or her role.
I once defined ego as a being’s ability to be offended and their assertion of their right to be offensive. I think that is a
good definition.
Good Advice, But...
Now watch me violate my own advice and risk offending everyone’s importance.
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I put identity and importance together because they both feed the illusion that we are separate and independent.
Identity and importance are delusional traps.
What scale do you use to rank your importance? Money? Ancestry?

Intelligence? Skepticism? Kindness? Beauty? Power? Accomplishment? Ability?

Skill? Understanding? Compassion? Suffering? Independence? Motivation?

Does the presence or absence of any of these have anything to do with who you really are? No, they are part of the
illusion at the heart of world self. They perpetuate suffering.

Assumed and Projected Identities

Who I think you are is relative to who I think I am.

[Illustration: wizpic-page127.gif ]
When you’re saying “I am this,” the assumed portion of the identity is known, but the projected portion of the identity is
transparent. When you’re saying “I am not that,” the projected portion of the identity is known, but the assumed
portion of the identity is transparent.
If you want to be perfectly factual, you would say, “I am this and that.”
Here’s a neat definition of source from Virginia Downsbrough. “Source is truly not a that. Source could be defined as
that which has no opposite, doesn’t come in gradients, and can’t be placed on a scale.”
Egotism is an effort to glorify an identity as a substitute for source. The

identity that believes itself source is really operating within a very

confining creation. Its sole purpose is

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the calculation of self advantage, either overtly or covertly. It is an assumed identity that is involved in adversarial games
with projected identities. It insists upon its separation from its projected counterpart and may even carry this insistence
beyond the moment of death. (The fate of an “I” that will not free itself of definition (identity) is to remain attached to
the physical plane.)

The Projected Enemy

Enemies are two aspects of “I” that are each operating as an assumed identity and trying to get the other to wear a
projected identity with these characteristics:
• You are aggressive.
• You are deluding yourself about the truth.
• You don’t have any friends.
• You can’t be trusted because you are crazy.

Go ahead; experience it. It’s a classic!

Me and I
Generally when we speak of ourselves as “me,” we’re talking about an identity that we have assumed or are asserting.
Sometimes, probably most times, it’s a transparent identity.
When we are aware of ourselves as undefined “I,” we’re talking about a viewpoint of awareness that operates beyond
duality and beyond identities. This is a higher self. It is where you end up after a thorough identity rundown.
Undefined “I” is multidimensional, multireality, and indestructible. Sometimes you’ll find a student trying to discreate
“I.” It might be possible if there were someone to do it, but if there were someone, then the student would still be
dealing with defined identities. “I” is not separable.

How Does the World Feel about You?

So how does the world feel about you? Just contemplate that for a minute.
How does the world feel about you? Does that idea create a reaction?
OK, how do you feel about the world? Same reaction?
That’s the other half of the identity. It is one creation. The reaction is your interpretation of a denial zone.
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Supporting Identities
When you act to gratify an identity, it is the identity that benefits rather than you. The identity is empowered by you.
Gratify means to fulfill a desire. When you act to fulfill the desire of an identity, it’s the identity that benefits from it.
A lot of beings are working for an identity. They are slaves to an identity.
That doesn’t make sense does it?

The possession of beliefs and experiences is identity. Tension and stress also arise from possessiveness. The feeling of
possessing is expressed by the words “my _____” or “this is mine.”
When you experience everything just as it is, you operate from the higher “I” viewpoint and don’t create identity. As
soon as you resist or desire, some possessiveness develops. Neutral attention has no sense of possessing.

Transpersonal Consciousness (_Beyond_ personal)

[Illustration: wizpic-page129.gif ]

Transpersonal consciousness intuitively urges individuals in the direction of cooperation and alignment. This is social
consciousness, concerned with the survival and evolution of the species, rather than one individual unit. Attention
refocuses from having to being. Some of this you see already.
It requires that a person climb out of the cicada shells of personal identity to partake in this metamorphosis to
transpersonal consciousness. This is one of the original objectives of The Wizard Course. Transpersonal consciousness
is the realm of the Wizard.
Some describe ‘it as analogous to the awakening of the organism consciousness that single-cell creatures experienced
when they formed the first multicellular organism.
Probably the single-cell creatures that did not or could not participate in the alignment and cooperation of the
multicellular organisms thought organism consciousness was a fantasy.
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Transparent Identities
(Question: How do you tell if you’re undefined or in a transparent identity?)
If you say transparent aspect of an identity, it is easier to understand. Some part of the identity is usually visible, either
the assumed or projected part. Also, when in identity, there is a sense of having a mind separate from the world.
As an undefined “I,” there is no separation of mental and physical.
I’ll give you some additional questions for revealing aspects of transparent identities.

By now you know that what we’re critical of in others is an aspect of ourselves that we’re resisting. It’s part of the
transparent projected identity.
So here’s a primary that you can use to turn up identities. The identities will occur as secondaries to the primary. The
primary is: “Everyone thinks I am wonderful.”
Did someone turn up as a secondary? What do you imagine they think of you? What do you think of them?
Respectively, that’s the projected and assumed portions of a transparent persistent identity.
Here’s another one. This one has two steps. The first primary you make is:
“I have no secrets.” The secondaries are your secrets.
Take each secret and ask yourself: Who is it that I’m keeping that secret from? That’s a projected identity. You’ll have to
work out what the assumed identity is.
Secrets are kept only from certain people, certain projections of identity. You’ll meet a stranger, and you’ll blab your
head off. You sit down beside somebody on an airplane and you say, “Let’s tell our secrets.”
“Okay,” she says, “I murder people on airplanes for a living.”
“Oh really,” you say, “I’m a suicidal airline bomber!”

Hiding in Identities
You can influence a person by projecting on them a much better identity than they think they are. They’ll try to live up to
it, but it may destroy their ability to communicate sincerely with you.
(Question: Why?)
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It’s a self-importance issue. Say you project somebody as being really wonderful, strong, always knowing the right
answer, always knowing what to do, always doing the right thing. They’re not likely to destroy your opinion of them by
telling you about their mistakes and failures.
A person can feel controlled by an image that’s being projected. This is the psychological danger of fame—particularly
for actors and actresses who have played an identity, and people still want to see them as that cinematic identity.
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Here’s one of those well-what-do-you-know’s.

First, recognize that a persistent identity is a personal mental phenomenon. It is not shared with another. All parts of
the persistent identity (the assumed characteristics, the separating resistance [emotional response], and the projected
characteristics) are all parts of one creation within a single mind. No one is really out there. You can dramatize a
persistent identity without another human soul present. A mental image serves quite sufficiently to reflect the other. In
time, the mental image has so much fixed attention invested in it that it takes on a life of its own, and the control of your
mind is compromised.

[Illustration: wizpic-page132.gif ]

In a persistent identity, the assumed characteristics are imagined as self (myself, me), and the projected characteristics
are projected into the universe as a costume for someone to reflect. The person chosen to reflect the projected
characteristics is often unaware of participating in the persistent identity. The projected characteristics are often just the
opposite of the assumed characteristics (e.g., I am kind, caring, honest; you are not kind, caring, honest, or I am not
mean, stingy, vengeful; you are mean, stingy, vengeful.). The projected characteristics are separated from the assumed
characteristics by a separating resistance. You could call this the denial of responsibility zone. This separating resistance
is how the assumed identity feels about the projected identity. The separating resistance often camouflages a past
disagreement or painful trauma mixed with strong negative emotions in the grief, fear, and anger bands. A separating
resistance that begins as a mere aversion to another, when explored, may unexpectedly blow up into a release of painful
emotion. This is a sign of progress.
Separating resistances are often coated with imaginary interactions and undelivered communications (e.g., “If I ever see
her again, I’ll ask her about Bill.”).
The negative emotions contained in the separating resistance (grief, fear, anger) tend to bleed back onto the assumed
identity as a chronic attitude toward life.
Occasionally, you find a broken person, someone who is very caved in or in deep regret, who reverses a persistent
identity and asserts all the negative characteristic as self and projects the positive characteristics onto someone else.
You’re still dealing with a persistent identity.

Three Parts of a Persistent Identity:
1. the assumed characteristics

(assumed identity or self)

2. the separating resistance

(emotional response)

3. the projected characteristics

(projected identity or other)

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In relationships modeled upon a persistent identity, you not only create yourself, you create a whole life role for the
other. The role is an imaginary, extended existence of an identity that you once asserted, but because of bad
associations have now come to resist and project onto others.

Think about an argument or upset that you have had with another person. Isn’t it surprising that you seem to know
the other person’s intentions, their opinions, what they think of you, what they think you think of them, what they really
mean by what they say? How do you come to know so much about the role they are playing? Right! You created the
Persistent identities are the source of the costumes that some people place on everyone around them. In worst cases,
this projecting behavior is so pervasive that the person’s total attention is consumed in trying to relive some argument
or traumatic incident from the past.
Sometimes you run into someone who is operating so firmly out of a persistent identity that the meaning of your words
and actions are totally preprogrammed by them. They tell you what you are thinking, what you are intending, how you
feel, etc. They ask you questions and then tell you what your choices for answers are. They are running on a script that
has nothing to do with you. And more than likely the role being assigned to you marks you as inferior or somehow
bad-intentioned toward them.
Such people could be dropped in a village of mindless robot dolls, and they probably wouldn’t notice. In a few days they
would be involved in dozens of conflicts and arguments with bad intentioned dolls.
When you find yourself in a situation with someone who chronicall dramatizes a persistent identity, you have three
• One, you can succumb to their projected identity, which leads you into this spooky suspicion that maybe they can
read your mind and actually know more about you than you know about yourself. You begin making them your
source. (This is not a good alternative, unless you want to explore codependency.)
• Two, you can interrupt their projection and assert an identity of your own, which can lead into a group therapy
session, but is more likely to lead to new upsets and new persistent identities—both for you and for them.
• Or three, you can just watch. It’s easy. Nothing much is really expected of you. They have just chosen to play out a
drama and to talk to themselves in front of you. Don’t take it personally. Just uh-huh, shake your head, look
harmless, and slip them a copy of ReSurfacing.

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Herbie Swartz
I had an acquaintance in grammar school named Herbie Swartz. Herbie was an arrogant braggart who could do anything
better than anyone else, knew more than anyone else, and was always willing to remind you of the fact. I hated him and
wanted to club him over the head. Unfortunately, he was my closest and only neighbor, and I had to play with him. I can
tell you, Herbie single-handedly ruined my childhood.
It was no small relief to me when my family moved to a city fifty miles away. No more Herbie Swartz! What a relief it
was going to be to live in the city. Guess what happened? Within a week of moving I met, and was somehow
overpoweringly attracted to, Ricky Heilig. Ricky moved into my life like a sticky piece of glue that you can’t get off your
finger. He was an arrogant braggart who could do anything better than anyone else, knew more than anyone else, and
was always willing to remind you of the fact. Ricky single-handedly ruined my adolescence. Utterly ruined it. I should
have clubbed him over the head with a bat.
When I graduated from high school and headed off to engineering college, my greatest relief was that Ricky was going
into the army, and I wouldn’t have to see him anymore. Whew! The aggravation I had put up with from that guy, I can’t
begin to tell you.

I arrived at my college dorm and was randomly assigned a roommate, Danny South. Now, I can’t say for certain, but I
suspect that Danny South was secretly trained by Herbie Swartz and Ricky Heilig. He was an arrogant braggart who could
do anything better than anyone else, knew more than anyone else, and was always willing to remind you of the fact.
Danny South was the reason I flunked out of engineering college. Actually I could have passed, but I deliberately chose
flunk-ucide to keep from clubbing the guy over the head.
Now I’m not going to bore you with stories about Joe, Larry, Doug, or Marty, all of whom seemed like direct descendants
of Herbie Swartz. No matter where I moved, one of them showed up to ruin my life. Okay, I’ll just swallow my pride and
confess that it wasn’t until I was almost thirty that I discovered who Herbie Swartz really was and why he played such a
major role in my life.
At five, and very insecure, I was—choke—the model for all Herbie Swartzs. I was the most arrogant braggart and could
do anything better than anyone else, knew more than anyone else, and was always willing to remind anyone of the fact.
I reminded my older brother, who already felt my appearance in the family was ruining his life, one time too many, and
he used my head for batting practice.
• 134-

When I woke up, I was acting just like my brother and was facing a life surrounded by Herbie Swartzs.

Anatomy of Games
Life is about playing games—all kinds of games. There are games of skill, games of chance, and games of suffering. There
are compassionate games, and there are intolerant games. There are solo games, and there are team games. There
are spiritual games, and there are economic games. There are conscious games and unconscious games. There are sane
games, and there are insane games.
Sane games have goals that enhance everyone’s survival; insane games mainly have opponents. Sane games tend to be
transpersonally motivated; insane games tend to be personal. A persistent identity is an unconscious, personal, insane
game. Why? Because you are destructively fighting yourselves, and the collateral damage is destroying the planet.
Wizards can survive as interested observers beyond games, yet most prefer to participate in sane games. The Wizard
Course is not about the discreation of all games, but rather the discreation of the insane games that lead to more
struggle and suffering for a humanity that is already pushing toward the edge of extinction.
Survival and the freedom to personally and collectively evolve are preserved by encouraging people to choose to play
sane games.
To have a game, you have to:
• assume (or assert) an identity
• have a reason for playing (goal or opponent)
• follow a strategy for achieving (or overwhelming)

Persistent identities are more concerned with overwhelming opponents (often imaginary) than in achieving goals. Their
reasons for playing stem from a disagreement with the opponent, a failure of the opponent to recognize their
importance, or the offer of a third party’s admiration to the winner. Their strategies for winning range from brutish
violence to cunning deception to bizarre sacrifice. Persistent identities, if allowed, will try to turn any game into a

competitive or adversarial event. They will cooperate with allies as long as the opponent stands, but will betray allies as
soon as victory is achieved. Wars are the cooperative efforts of persistent identities.

You Win this Game by Not Playing

When you compulsively assume some identity, there’s some other identity that
you’re compulsively resisting. That’s the game. It doesn’t matter where
• 135-

you go, a representative will be there to meet you. Who wouldn’t you want others to think you were like? That’s the
role you reserve for your opponent in the game. What effort do you make to ensure that others don’t think you’re like
that? That’s your strategy for playing the game. All parts of a persistent identity, and an insane game!
As soon as there is a label, there is a labeler. As soon as there is a response to something, there is a responder. As soon
as there is a resistance to something, there is a resistor. As soon as there is a bad person, there is a good person. As soon
as there is a wrong person, there is a right person. In a persistent identity, who we are is determined by how we judge
who we imagine we see.
This is where the motivation to overwhelm others arises. Until they admit that they are acting the way you wouldn’t act
(reflecting the role you are projecting), they appear at worst to be attacking you or at best to be merely disrespectful.
What opinion do you want people to have of you? How do you intentionally create that opinion? What is your game
strategy? This is all evidence of a persistent identity.
When you make yourself the good guy, you project into the collective consciousness and into the world the identity of
the bad guy. In that moment you have contributed to the creation of evil. When you project a role for the other as being
bad, as acting badly, you create an expectation for that kind of beingness and those acts. If the other is not managing his
or her life deliberately from their own script, your expectation may cause him or her to act in the role you project.
Almost always, someone, somewhere, will be overwhelmed and lonely enough to welcome any part in your persistent
identity drama. Some people even mistake this exchange of costumes for love. Here is the wife-beater and the
evil-tempered woman.
Enemies are asserting good guy costumes and trying to get the other to wear a bad guy costume. If you really want to
understand the character of someone, listen to what he or she accuses his or her opponents of.
An assumed identity is surrounded by its own adversaries—or so it would appear. The more struggle you are
experiencing, the more persistent identities you have. Life is actually a crude attempt at therapy: you project the exact
role that you need to learn to play nicely with. If you don’t get the lesson, well, you know...
The secret is to experience the good guy, the separating resistance, and the bad guy as one package. Then the game can
be discreated. When you see the other as the rest of the one, there is an end to the struggle. There is also an end to
suffering insanity.
It is sometimes a bit of an embarrassment when half of a persistent identity

remains transparent, either because you refuse to see it or because you’re

so identified with it that you can’t see it. Most people are good at

A person who compulsively projects
a “you make me sick” role for
another is likely to assume an
identity of an ill person. This is
an area that anyone interested in
healing should diagram for the
particular illness and explore
thoroughly. What role is being
projected? Who appears to be
wearing it? What role is assumed?
Guess what role a compulsive
victim is projecting?

Victims: Someone who has assumed

the identity of victim often
projects the identity of
victimizer (or sometimes
sympathetic protector). It may be
necessary for them to assume much
suffering in order to overwhelm the
other(s) with evidence and get the
other(s) to wear their projected role.

• 136-

discreating assumed identities once they discover them; they are not always as good at discreating separating
resistances or projected identities. If you miss the unhandled projected identity, it will eventually cause the assumed
identity to reappear.

Animals and Lovers

It should be clear by now that compulsive projection of an identity is self-defining and usually results in unwanted
Not to be confused with persistent identities is the ability to make an affectionate connection with another identity. At
first it may appear that you are looking at the same familiarity with the other that arises from a persistent identity, but it
is really different. What is missing in a persistent identity is genuine affection. Genuine affection is a natural, effortless
affinity that forms a telepathic bond. In Thoughtstorm we called it linking. This is what makes the Universe Handle work.
This is what makes good team members who can anticipate each other in cooperative actions. Star’s Edge trainers are
an outstanding example of operating via an affectionate connection.
Again, the key difference between a persistent identity and an affectionate connection, is affection. Assumed identities
do not feel affection for projected identities, at least not until the separating resistance is discreated.
Some people have an affectionate connection with their domestic animals. So much attention and affinity can flow
across this connection that the animals become intelligent and sensitive. Other people project domestic animals as
dumb and insensitive, and the animals, not receiving any affection or affinity, act that way. This difference in behavior is
a demonstration of the difference in effect between an affectionate connection and a persistent identity. Affectionate
connections empower.
Watch an animal that you feel affection for and notice how easy it is to do a monologue on what’s going on in the
animal’s head. (Group Discussion: What does this tell you?)

Deliberate Projections across an Affectionate Connection

Deliberate projection is an intervention procedure and is the fine art of

inviting someone to play a beneficial game. In some cases it borders on

indoctrination and can be abused or used to defraud, so understand it well

and use it only factually and with studied good intention.*

A deliberate projection is a verbal or nonverbal affectionate expression of an intention for another to act with an
attitude, sensitivity, or skill that is more attractive and more beneficial than their existing life role. In short, you offer
them a better game.

• A Story of the Misuse of

Deliberate Projections

In 1862, friendly Northern Army

recruiters staged rallies and

parades in rural Pennsylvania.
The bright uniforms and promises
of returning home a hero after a
quick and glorious victory
offered the farm boys the illusion
of a much better game than doing
farm chores. As a result,
thousands were lured to a violent
death at the hands of an enemy
they didn’t hate for a cause they
didn’t understand.

• 137-

This is a coach who inspires a team, an officer who inspires soldiers, an executive who inspires employees, a Wizard who
manages the social progress of civilization. It is the affectionate projection of a noble expectation combined with the
intention, YOU CAN DO IT! Done properly, it is a jug-breaker and everyone wins.

The Optimum Game

The optimum game is played by minimal identities (Avatars, Masters, and Wizards) who contribute their best in terms of
skills, attitudes, and intentions and expect the best in terms of skills, attitudes, and intentions from their companions
and who are aligned with a goal that contributes to the creation of an enlightened planetary civilization. The strategy for
winning is honesty, affection, communication, cooperation, and complementary alignment.
In the family, playing an optimum game makes possible happy, loving relationships.
In the group, playing an optimum game makes possible great undertakings. Since Wizards adopted optimum game
strategies, the frequency and size of Avatar deliveries has increased across the world.

Sane: able to make sound, rational
judgments that make sense from a
multidimensional viewpoint

complementary alignment:
different people using their
specialized knowledge and skills
to supplement and support each
other in an organized endeavor
(e.g., cooks cook, salesmen sell,
trainers train)

• 138-



The purpose of these rundowns is to discover and discreate transparent persistent identities. This is done by finding an
identity that you have resisted or desired or projected or assumed, and extrapolating the transparent counterpart. The
transparent counterpart may oppose the visible portion or may be just different. It may take a few minutes of quiet
concentration to extrapolate the transparent portion, but you’ll recognize it when you get it.

Each time you discover a portion of a persistent identity, experience it fully. Then fully experience its counterpart. Then,
if necessary, experience the separating resistance. At some point all the parts, assumed identity, separating resistance,
and projected identity, will be seen as one creation. Then, and only then, run CHP.
You may, on experiencing the separating resistance, discover a memory of the time, complete with pains and emotions,
when you created the persistent identity. If so, experience the memory and discreate it with CHP. If you don’t discover a
memory, don’t worry. Just experience each element separately until you can experience the whole as one creation, and
then run CHP.
The following rundowns can be used for finding items and extrapolating transparent identities. Finish as many rundowns
as you feel comfortable doing.
Start with the first rundown, make your list, and then identify the first identity-on-your-list’s counterpart and run CHP,
then the next identity, etc. When Rundown 1 is complete, move on to Rundowns 2-20, which ask for descriptions. It is
assumed that your descriptions will be more detailed and complete than the thumbnail descriptions used in the
If you don’t finish all the rundowns on this course—a good possibility—you are welcome to work on them at some
future Wizard weekend.
Occasionally a rundown may be assigned to you out of sequence by a trainer.
Note: When a person discreates a persistent identity, he or she also

discreates a game. Some people have reported that after spending a long time

discreating persistent identities on the Assumed and Projected Rundown that

the loss of too many games, even insane ones, has caused them to feel a

little purposeless. The remedy is to review your nobler goals and make a


If you’ve grown tired of identity
rundowns, I do understand. It
takes courage to go back into the
muck of consciousness when you
are feeling very bright and alive.
The only counsel I can give is
that a conscientious restructuring
of your consciousness will turn
today’s peak experience into
tomorrow’s plateau.

A separating resistance is
perceived as an emotional
interaction between an assumed
identity and a projected identity.
It can be a specific event or a
generalized drama. For example,
how would a cat and a canary
interact? That interaction is your
separating resistance.

• 139-

mary in alignment with their achievement. This sets up a new game. Instead of working on a strategic plan to make Aunt
Rose wrong, you work on a strategic plan for sharing Avatar with underprivileged children in Africa. Instead of a
life-long struggle with a Herbie Swartz, you create something of value.

The discreation of assumed/projected identities.
Expected Results:
• The experience of undefined consciousness.

• Freedom from life’s struggles.

• An ability to create genuine relationships and some life games.

• An increased tolerance and compassion toward life and others.

Step 1: List types of people that cause a disturbance in your reactive level of consciousness.
Step 2: Take each type of person on your list, starting with the first, and treat the person as the projected portion of a
persistent identity. Look for the assumed portion of the identity that you are being when (not after, but at the time) they
disturb you.
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.

Example: The item is, “angry person.” The projected portion is an angry person. The assumed portion, which you
extrapolate because it was transparent, is an irritating or irritated person. Feel what it feels like to be an angry person
(you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be an irritating or irritated
person (you’re bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them both, along with any separating
resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
• 140-

Step 1: How would you describe your spouse/mate/partner during an upset?
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent identity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps,


Example: The item is, “She won’t listen to anything I have to say.” That is the projected portion. The assumed portion,
which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “I don’t have a good explanation.” Feel what it feels like to be
someone who won’t listen to anything their spouse/mate/ partner says (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the
identity), and then feel what it feels like not to have a good explanation (you’re bringing the transparent portion into
view). Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation, and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe a person who gave you sympathy when you needed it.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent identity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “the nice brown-haired nurse.” That is the projected portion. The assumed portion, which you
extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “helpless and frightened child.” Feel what it feels like to be the nice
brown-haired nurse (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be a
helpless and frightened child (you’re bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them both, along with
any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
• 141-


Step 1: Describe something you like about yourself that sets you apart.
Step 2: Take your description as the assumed portion of a persistent identity, and look for the projected portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “There are things I understand but can’t explain.” This is the assumed portion of the identity. The
projected portion, which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “a person who doesn’t see the real self of the
other.” Feel what it feels like to feel there are things I understand but can’t explain (you’re deliberately creating the
assumed portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be a person who doesn’t see the real self of the other
(you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity). Now experience them both, along with any separating
resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe something you dislike about yourself that sets you apart.
Step 2: Take your description as the assumed portion of a persistent identity, and look for the projected portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “embarrassment around people.” This is the assumed portion of the identity. The projected
portion, which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “people who desire to humiliate others.”
Feel what it feels like to feel embarrassment around people (you’re

deliberately creating the assumed portion of the identity), and then feel

what it feels like to be a person who desires to humiliate others (you’re


• 142-

the projected portion of the identity). Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation
and run CHP.

RUNDOWN 6 (Use for Addictions)
Step 1: Describe something you dislike about yourself that you have been struggling to change. (Alternate question for
addictions: Describe some-thing you dislike about yourself and would like to change that [drug of choice] helps you to
Step 2: Take your description as the assumed portion of a persistent identity, and look for the projected portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


(Note: When you find a persistent mass like the one in the example, where both portions are resisted, you are also likely
to find an identity that turns to drugs as a solution to the pain of awareness. A substance becomes addictive when it
helps you to resist (control) or forget something you don’t want to experience. Using the tools and being confident and
courageous enough to go back in, identifying and experiencing what you are resisting will cure addiction. Otherwise you
are faced with waiting until the addiction creates a situation that is harder to experience than what you were
resisting—not a very effective technique.)
Example: The item is, “an inability to relax and feel good.” This is the assumed portion of the identity. The projected
portion, which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “a lazy person” or “a drunken bum.” Feel what it feels like
to feel unable to relax and feel good (you’re deliberately creating the assumed portion of the identity that was resisted),
and then feel what it feels like to be a lazy person or a drunken bum (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the
identity that was also resisted). Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and
run CHP.
• 143-

Step 1: Describe something that other people do not like about you.
Step 2: Take your description as the assumed portion of a persistent identity, and look for the projected portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “being unconventional.” That is the assumed portion of the identity. The projected portion, which
you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “people find me interesting.” Feel what it feels like to be someone who is
unconventional (you’re re-creating the assumed portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be someone

who finds me interesting (you’re bringing the projected portion into view). Now experience them both, along with any
separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe something that you feel people need to change in the world.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent identity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “They have to stop fighting with each other.” “People who fight” is the projected identity. The
assumed portion, which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is “condemning people who fight. “
Feel what it feels like to be someone who feels like fighting (you’re
re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it
feels like to condemn someone who fights (you ‘re bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them
both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
• 144-

Step 1: Describe something that frequently is done to you but is not your fault.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent identity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “People cut in front of me when I’m driving.” “People who cut in front” is the projected identity.
The assumed portion, which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “being impatient with other drivers.” Feel
what it feels like to be someone who cuts in front of another driver (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the
identity), and then feel what it feels like to be impatient with other drivers (you’re bringing the transparent portion into
view). Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe someone who needs your help.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent identity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “a homeless person.” That is the projected identity. The assumed portion, which you extrapolate
because it was transparent, is, “a fortunate person.” Feel what you imagine it feels like to be a homeless person (you’re
re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be a fortunate person (you’re bringing
the transparent portion into view). Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation
and run CHP.
• 145-

Step 1: Describe someone’s reaction to discovering a secret you were keeping from them.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent identity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “They would punish me.” That is the projected

identity. The assumed portion, which you extrapolate because it was

transparent, is, “someone who avoids punishment.” Feel what you imagine it

feels like to be someone who punishes another for keeping a secret (you’re

re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it
feels like to avoid being punished (you’re bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them both, along
with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe your impression of someone who is being critical of you.
Step 2; Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent iden-tity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “They are just envious.” That is the projected identity. The assumed portion, which you
extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “someone deserving of envy.” Feel what you imagine it feels like to be
envious of someone (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be
someone who deserves envy (you’re bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them both, along with
any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
• 146-

Step 1: Describe someone who made fun of you for failing to do something.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent iden-tity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “a mean person.” That is the projected identity. The assumed portion, which you extrapolate
because it was transparent, is, “someone kept from succeeding.” Feel what you imagine it feels like to be a mean person
(you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be someone who was kept
from succeeding (you’re bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them both, along with any
separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe someone who purposely set out to embarrass you.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent iden-tity and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.

Example: The item is, “a cruel person.” That is the projected identity. The assumed portion, which you extrapolate
because it was transparent, is, “someone being attacked.” Feel what you imagine it feels like to be a cruel person (you’re
re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be someone being attacked (you’re
bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one
creation and run CHP.
• 147-

Step 1: Describe your impression of the type of person you would like approval from.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent iden-tity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “a well thought of person.” That is the projected identity. The assumed portion, which you
extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “someone of questionable reputation.” Feel -what you imagine it feels like to
be a well thought of person (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be
someone with a questionable reputation (you’re bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them
both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe someone who is trying to make you wrong.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent iden-tity, and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)_
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “my mother.” That is the projected identity. The assumed portion, which you extrapolate because
it was transparent, is, “being falsely blamed.” Feel what you imagine it feels like to be your mother making you wrong
(you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to be someone falsely blamed

(you’re bringing the transparent portion into view). Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as
one creation and run CHP.
• 148-

Step 1: Describe what’s wrong with your life.
Step 2; Take your description as the assumed portion of a persistent identity, and look for the projected portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “never having enough money.” This is the assumed portion of the identity. The projected portion,
which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “you always want more money.” Feel what it feels like to feel that
you never have enough money (you’re deliberately creating the assumed portion of the identity), and then feel what it
feels like to always want more money (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity). Now experience them
both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe how you would improve someone you know.
Step 2: Take your description as the projected portion of a persistent iden-tity and look for the assumed portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “I’d make them more loving.” The projected portion of the identity is, “They’re not loving enough.”
The assumed portion, which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “I don’t feel loved enough.” Feel what it
feels like to be a person who isn’t loving enough (you’re deliberately creating the projected portion of the identity), and
then feel what it feels like to feel I don’t feel loved enough (you’re re-owning the assumed portion of the identity). Now
experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
• 149-

Step 1: Describe what you are experiencing that you don’t prefer.
Step 2: Take your description as the assumed portion of a persistent identity and look for the projected portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.


Example: The item is, “needing people’s attention.” This is the assumed portion of the identity. The projected portion,
which you extrapolate because it was transparent, is “people who ignore others.” Feel what it feels like to feel you need
people’s attention (you’re deliberately creating the assumed portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like to
ignore others (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity). Now experience them both, along with any
separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

Step 1: Describe something you can’t help creating.
Step 2: Take your description as the assumed portion of a persistent identity, and look for the projected portion of the
a) Feel what it feels like to be __(assumed identity)__.
b) Feel what it feels like to be __(projected identity)__.
c) Experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.
d) Continue with the CHP steps.

Example: The item is “a need to eat junk food. “ This is the assumed portion of the identity. The projected portion, which
you extrapolate because it was transparent, is, “persuading people to eat junk food.” Feel what it feels like to feel a
need to eat junk food (you’re deliberately creating the assumed portion of the identity), and then feel what it feels like
to persuade others to eat junk food (you’re re-owning the projected portion of the identity). Now experience them both,
along with any separating resistance, as one creation and run CHP.

• 150-



Approval identities are constructed as a reaction to someone else’s judgment of how you should or shouldn’t act. These
are the indoctrinated good boy, good girl identities. They are displayed for approval or to avoid disapproval. Sometimes
the display of an approval identity goes on automatic. When it does, you become a pawn in someone’s game.
The intention of an approval identity is to fulfill someone else’s needs in order to either get approval or to avoid
disapproval. If this is not aligned with your deliberate intentions, conflict arises. Someone pushes your approval, or
threatened disapproval, button and you forget the creation you intended and work instead to fulfill someone else’s
needs. This is the influence of peer pressure and social status.
The first identity that a baby creates is in response to the approval or disapproval of the parental figures. In a random,
subconscious way, the baby is working as much to fulfill the parents’ needs as the parents are working to fulfill the
baby’s needs. Each measures the success of their efforts by the return of approval or disapproval.
Whenever you experience stress, you are likely to find a deeply ingrained approval identity that is still responding to
someone in your environment. It’s an old identity acting to fulfill someone else’s real or, more likely, imagined needs.
It can overwhelm your self control.
Being tough is persevering in the face of someone’s disapproval. It’s not an optimum operating condition, but it is
sometimes necessary.
Sometimes a change in environment or change in friends can have a therapeutic effect. You are separated from the
factors that are empowering the nonaligned identity in your life.

To handle indoctrinated identities that prevent
you from acting deliberately.
Expected Results:
• Freedom from stress.
• The ability to empower deliberate identities aligned with your goals.
• Freedom from indoctrinated behaviors.

approve: 1. to give one’s consent
to; sanction; confirm 2. to be
favorable to; think or declare to
be good; satisfactory

disapprove: 1. to have or express

an unfavorable opinion of; consider
wrong; condemn

• 151-


Step 1 Liberation from Approval

a) Down the center of a page, make a short list of the people who approved of you (were kind to you) when you
needed it.
b) To the right of each person on the list, briefly describe the identity you feel you need(ed) to assume to get their
c) To the left of each person on the list, briefly describe the needs of the identity you were projecting onto that person.
d) Either solo or with a guide:

1. For each name on your list, feel what it feels like to be the assumed identity, then feel what it feels like to have
the needs of the identity you were projecting, and finally experience the drama accompanying the exchange of
needs and approval between these identities. Finally, experience all these as parts of a single creation.
2. Complete CHP steps to discreate.

Step 2 Liberation from Disapproval

a) Down the center of a page, make a short list of the people who disapproved of you.
b) To the right of each name, briefly describe the identity that you assumed to avoid their disapproval.
c) To the left of each person on the list, briefly describe the needs of the identity you were projecting on that person.
d) Either solo or with a guide:

1. For each name on your list, feel what it feels like to be the assumed identity, then feel what it feels like to have
the needs of the identity you were projecting, and finally experience the drama accompanying the exchange of
needs and avoidance of disapproval between these identities. Finally, experience all these as parts of a single
2. Complete CHP steps to discreate.

Step 3: Exploration
With a study companion, explore the phenomena associated with approval and disapproval beliefs. Note any identities
that the exercises turn up for later discreation.
1. By turns, flow approval or disapproval with a look. As a coach, see if you can tell the difference.
2. By turns, flow approval or disapproval by intonation on the spoken words: “Okay, you’re right.” As a coach, see if
you can tell the difference.

• 152-

3. By turns, flow approval or disapproval by positioning your mouth in a certain way. As a coach, see if you can tell
the difference.
4. By turns, flow approval or disapproval by standing in a certain way. As a coach, see if you can tell the difference.
5. By turns, flow approval or disapproval at something in the environ-ment, and see what effect it has on your
perception of that thing.
6. Telepathically flow approval or disapproval to someone you can observe but who has not been informed of your
flow. Observe their actions.

• 153-

(Smiling into the Tao)

“What is the point of my life?” and “Who am I?” are questions that cannot be answered. However, change the question
to “What is?” and the answer is all around.

Exercise: Behold the Tao

Make the primary:
I have no questions.

Exercise: The Secret of Zen

Make the primary:
I have no answers.

Exercise: The Wizard’s Smile

Make the primary:
No questioner, no answerer.

Tao: the way the universe works;
being in accord with what is

• 154-


This was suggested by the research on assumed and projected identities.

_This process must initially be run by a guide, but it is always run under
the control of the person receiving the process._
Before running the process, the guide and the student should agree on simple hand signals for wait, for continue and for
that’s it. The student, who may not wish to speak, may use these signals to control the speed and duration of the

The Process:
1. * Get your impression of all that is.

• Think of this impression as a projected identity.

• Feel the assumed identity.
• Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation.

2. Expand to the outermost limits of that creation.

3. Label it.
4. Recognize: This is not-I; this is creation. (Note: “my” is not used.)
5. Discreate. Turn off the creating energy.
6. Repeat with:

• Get your impression of all that is left.

• Think of this as a projected identity.
• Feel the assumed identity.
• Now experience them both, along with any separating resistance, as one creation. Continue with CHP steps 2-5

Repeat step 6 until student signals, “That’s it.”

Upon finishing the Ultimate Ultimate Process, take some time alone to relax and reintegrate.
• 155-

[Page 156 is blanc]



Since I know Wizards love behind the scenes stuff, I’ll share the results of the investigation that led to the further
research and eventual rewrite of Part V of the Wizard Course.

The result obtained by Wizard students on the entity section were falling short of the results that I achieved on myself
and on other students in the initial 1988 research.

Situation Analysis:
1. The existing Wizard entity materials tend to create float—particularly around the subject of telepathy.
2. Students on the entity section begin by getting big wins, but slowly begin to take on the same emotions and feelings
of overwhelm that characterize the entities they are addressing.
3. In some cases, student responsibility levels are dropping as they seem to be surrendering their source to entity
4. Students are contacting parasitic entities that create distraction by offering up interesting life scenarios that pull the
student into thinking and reacting modes.
5. There are apparently different categories of entities with different motivations.
6. Not all entities are capable or willing to run the CHP.
7. Certain entity influences are not being recognized as such.
8. Students are losing the viewpoint of higher self and are becoming upset with entities and vice versa.

Basic Whys.
There are too many areas of unknown in the entity paradigm.
The act of communicating with a defined beingness (entity) causes one to automatically define oneself as something
other than that defined beingness (identity). This moves one out of the definitionless awareness viewpoint of higher self
and subjects one to the influences of unconscious phenomena (e.g. entities).
• 157-


The entity paradigm and the phenomena it encompasses is a complex subject. It is inseparably intermeshed with
esoteric spiritual paradigms that have vague and sometimes purposefully obscure descriptions. It includes different
varieties of entities with different aptitudes and motivations. Its proximity to death enwraps it with denial and

nonconfront. Its association with outcasts and eccentrics has branded it with a negative social stigma. And more often
than not, is has been described by people prone to exaggeration and fantasy.

So there is a lot to sort out here. You may want to take some notes, take time for some personal reflection, and
spend some time in discussion with other students. It has been centuries since these phenomena have been discussed
clearly and openly. You’re going to discover the real meaning behind classical spiritual models and explore them
experientially. This is really quite an adventure. You’ll see.

Let’s start by mapping out the spiritual landscape where entity phenomena are found.

Spirit Reality Planes: An Ancient Paradigm

The assumption that there are certain planes of reality beyond the grave is at the core of all spiritual practices. Some
describe these planes as simultaneously existing alternate realities on which the disembodied spirit awakens. Other
describe them as generally dormant, non-physical based, conscious phenomena that are triggered by the death of the
physical body.

Classical spiritualism, which can without much difficulty be traced as early as the Chaldean civilization (600 B.C.) and
probably even earlier to the Egyptian (3500 B.C.), Atlantean (9000 B.C.?), Lemurian (25,000 B.C.?) and perhaps even
represented in archeological remnants of a civilization on Mars (???), generally defines six planes of reality (six
universes) existing coincident with the physical universe—a total of seven in all.

Fundamental spiritual doctrine maintains that the human soul (the “I am”) exists in potential on all of these planes
but is oblivious to a plane until awakened on it. Each soul sends multiple incarnations on a plane to 1) integrate its
experiences on the previous plane, 2) master the new plane, and 3) to awaken on the next plane. Again, it is assumed
that you are already present on each higher plane in a form that is suitable to that plane, but while you are incarnate in
a physical body, you may be unconscious to the vibrations (sensations, perceptions) of the planes above the physical.
When people talk about the soul’s progress along a spiritual path, they are not really talking about movements or
distances, but about successive awakenings in the subtler body forms inhabiting these higher planes.

That realities beyond
the grave seems to be a valid
assumption, or at very least,
a more attractive alternative
than its counterpart

• 158-

The Analogy of Concentric Spheres

The esoteric elite of spiritual practices often visualize these planes of reality (also sometimes referred to as
universes), auric densities, hyperdimensions, spectral intensities, or conscious fields) as gradiently larger concentric
spheres with each larger sphere permeating and surrounding all lesser spheres. The center sphere, which because of its

many permeations by the substances of lager spheres is the most dense, symbolizes the physical universe. The “I am”
exists on the physical plane via association with a physical body.

This model of concentric spheres has several interesting features.

First, since the spheres have a common center and each larger sphere permeates the smaller spheres, the substance
of any higher plane can be found on the physical, i.e., the central region of each higher plane is subtly present in the
woof and warp of the physical plane. This is fortunate for us, otherwise we would have to leave the physical sphere in
order to explore these higher consciousness fields.

[Illustration: wizpic-page159.gif ]

There are two directions of awakening in this model. You can awaken to a higher reality plane (the next sphere), or
you can awaken within a plane to its outermost regions. The first is achieved by an experiential initiation or spiritual
practice (or by dying), and the second is achieved by study and observation. The first is a transformational event, and the
second is a process of integration.

In the traditional Eastern spiritual paradigm, the natural path of soul evolvement is a series of concluding existence
upon a plane (integrating and transformation), awakening to the next plane, etc. This path is what the ancient
Brahmins called the stairway to heaven.

There is also a second path that can be illustrated by this model. It is a spiritual path introduced to the West by an
esoteric Gnostic cult that evolved into, and by 300 A.D. was eliminated by, Christianity. In this second path, a soul can
awaken successively through several planes (transformations) before awakening outward (integrating) on any lower
plane. This is the path of direct ascension. You ascend to a higher plane directly before concluding existence upon the
lower planes. This is essentially the message of Christ and, with apology to Bible fundamentalists, is the real teaching in
the story of Christ’s ascension and resurrection.

Ascension is a path that is symbolized by the vertical element of the Cross. Resurrection (reincarnation for the
purpose of integration) is symbolized by The horizontal element of the cross.

From a physical universe perspective,
these extradimensional planes are
often referred to as invisible worlds,
but perspective is a funny thing.
From the higher planes, the physical
universe is referred to as an illusory

• 159-

Gods, angles, and Avatars are ascended beings who are still integrating and interacting with the reality planes that
they ascend from or through. They are integrating the lower planes from a higher plane of awareness. Their
integration is more rapid; witness the acceleration of events that many Avatars experience.
The Avatar Materials are in fact an experiential path of ascension.
Another interesting thing about this symbolic model of gradiently larger, concentric spheres is that each sphere
above the physical has an inner region where it permeates all the smaller spheres and an outer region where it is
permeated only by the larger spheres above it. In the outer, less dense region of any plane, reached by integrating the
reality of the plane, the soul is free of the influences of the lower planes.

So one may awaken on and explore the inner regions of the higher planes while still incarnate in the physical, but
the outer regions of these planes can be explored only by the local inhabitants or beings on higher planes—sort of a
downtown area for the tourists beaming through from the physical and a quiet suburb for the locals.

Exploring the higher planes from the physical plane requires deliberate control of the mind by the aware will (the “I
am”). It’s a practice of recognizing and tuning into the vibrations of the plane you want to explore (primary) and tuning
out the vibrations of the planes you don’t want (secondaries). By now you should understand that this is not just an
abstract notion; you have already had some experiences of tuning into these higher planes with the primaries in
Creation List #4. (In fact, much of the spiritual landscape hat we are going to describe you have already visited on other
paradigm tours.)

The First Three Reality Planes

[Illustration: wizpic-page160.gif ]

The first three planes are commonly called the physical, the astral, and the mental. They correspond roughly to one
of our earlier orderings of consciousness. The physical plane corresponds to the animal consciousness that arises from
experience. The astral plane corresponds to the consciousness that creates experience. The mental plane corresponds to
a higher awareness that has ascended but is still integrating physical creation. The mental plane is the region of the
higher self. The astral plane is the land of thought and belief. The physical plane is sensory experience. The “I am”
experiences each plane via a body form constructed from the substance of the plane (i.e., a physical body, an astral
body, and a mental body).

• 160-

In closest proximity to the physical plane is the astral plane. It is a semifluid reality that is molded or remolded either
in response to perceiving and remembering in the physical plane below it, or in response to imagining and originating
from the mental plane above it. In total, the astral plane is composed of emotions (i.e., _e_nergy motions),
thoughtforms, defined beingness, mental space, and cohesion and attraction forces (attention). In some paradigms the
astral reality is called mind, and the mental plane is called spirit. And to add even more to people’s confusion, some
paradigms have called the astral plane the spirit world and the mental plane Brahmin. To set the lay of the land for our
entity paradigm, we’ll arbitrary stick with these labels: physical, astral, and mental planes.

Higher Planes

[Illustration: wizpic-page161.gif ]

Okay, so having previously brought up this subject, let me give you a brief general idea of the planes above the astral
plane. We’ve already talked about the mental plane, and you experienced this region in your Wizard Part III Exercises. It
is the realm of nonemotional, observational, intuitive mental processes—the higher self.

The next four higher planes are named (according to some): 4) buddhic, nirvanic, or monadic plane, 5) atmic or
spiritual reunion plane, 6) adi or planetary spirit plane—the spirit of Earth is often called Gaia, 7) anupadaka, divine
unity, or the logos plane.

Because the planes above the mental plane have very little to do with physical reality, and because intellectual or
imaginary concepts of them tend to create them as delaying hallucinations in the astral region, seek no further

The Departed
The astral plane is where a departed spirit contemplates and integrates its previous lifetime. This is a private
metamorphic process. The being enwraps itself in a cocoon of its own thoughts, beliefs, and impulses until it recovers
responsibility and emerges ready to continue its own evolvement. The length of time of this transformation is more or
less a direct ratio to the being’s insistence on the rightness of certain viewpoints in life. Outside factors such as the
love of a master, good karma from former deeds of kindness, grace can also affect the speed of this transformation.

By far, the majority of the inhabitants of the astral plane are

self-absorbed and oblivious to everything and everyone outside of the

creation bubble they

• 161-

are projecting. They are busy starring in their own hallucination. It is very unwise to ignore their DO NOT DISTURB signs.
When the plane is observed from the deep mental stillness of an undefined higher self, three astral regions (differing
more by state than location) are apperceived; an inner region that is a semisolid representation of physical reality, a
middle region of thought forms and beliefs that are molded by conscious thought, and an outer region that is potential
waiting to be molded.

The three astral regions are frequently found described in esoteric doctrines describing the after physical death
experiences of the spirit. In the lower region, the spirit continues to focus upon the physical existence that it has just
left. In the middle region, the spirit spends time privately integrating it world experiences (life review). In the higher
region, the spirit interacts with its family of spirits and prepares a representative for reincarnation or continued
evolution. These regions are the archetypes for the traditional ideas of hell, purgatory, and heaven.

The Astral Departure Area

As already mentioned, the departed beings does a life review in the central region of the astral plane. The review
may last anywhere from a few days to many years. (Time on the astral plane is of little consequence. Timing is much
more important.) The unfulfilled wishes, promises, and desires that arise from the period of life review motivate the

being to create a blueprint for his or her next incarnation. In the evolved spirit, this is a conscious compassionate act; in
the less evolved spirit, it is an emotional reaction.

Beings who are satisfied with their life review and are ready to conclude their egocentered experiences with
physicality move on. This moving on does not necessarily mean that they will not reincarnate on the physical plane. They
just reincarnate with nobler intentions (a higher mode of consciousness) and upon their death return to planes above
the astral.

The border between the middle region of the astral plane and the outer region is often described as a shimmering
curtain of white light, perhaps some astral counterpart to the aurora australis or aurora borealis. It seems to occur at the
outermost limits of the semisolid physical region. Beings who have completed their own integration pass through this
curtain, dissolving their astral body, and as an undefined “I am” head for a higher plane or a new life—you could call it
the astral departure area.

Recognizing Astral Existence While Incarnate

The majority of beings who are still incarnate in physical bodies also have astral bodies in one of the astral regions. A
Wizard fully operating as higher self is the exception. (Both entities and identities are astral phenomena.

• 162-

An identity becomes an entity when it survives independent of its physical plane body.)
The astral body is the sense of definition that an “I am” has of itself separate from the physical body. It can be a
complex identity structure or simply a less dense image of the physical body. Your astral body is the sense you have of
yourself in a dream. It comes awake when the physical body sleeps. The astral body is not subject to the laws of the
physical plane. It can fly, pass through objects, and shape shift. Lucid dreaming is awakening in the astral body.

Normally when you awaken from the physical to the astral, you are surrounded by projected characterizations,
creations, and entities that symbolically reflect your resisted physical plane experiences. These things shape your astral
body and, via it, the physical body. These are the things that must be integrated and discreated or detached from in
order to fully awaken as the undefined higher self of the mental plane.

As a being integrates and achieves greater compassion and serenity toward life, the astral body moves toward the
higher regions of the astral plane and begins to dissolve. Critical judgements, out of integrity actions, and/or lack of
contrition move it in the opposite direction and cause it to become more solid.

Thinking on the physical plane is a reflection or shadow of the actual thoughtforms that exist on the astral plane.
There is very little substance to physical plane thinking because it is really like a reflection, the shadow of a passing

The astral plane is the prime region involved in psychedelic drug trips. It is also the realm of the shaman and the witch
doctor, who effect their healings by adjustments to a person’s astral body or location on the astral plane—changes that
are then reflected in the physical body. Astral healing is an obscure yet very powerful art. The Serious Drill is actually an
astral process.
The astral plane is where you end up after a successful Avatar body handle. It is the plane of the viewpoint from
which you can recognize and define the outer limits of a belief or thoughtform.

Astral Perception: The Third Eye
Going astral is no more difficult than closing your eyes, relaxing, and focusing your attention into the mental field in
front of you until images (not thoughts) show up that you are not deliberately putting there. This is the process of
opening your third eye.

Rapid Eye Movement (REM), which is observed during dreaming, is an

unconscious body reaction to an opening of the astral plane. Certain

In paradigms that define both
spirit and soul, i.e. the spirit
as a nonphysical definition and
the soul as a definitionless “I
am”, the spirit would be
analogous to the astral body and
the soul analogous to the higher

• 163-

mediums and channelers dramatize REM while in trance, and a few psy-chologists have even had their clients create
deliberate REM movements to mentally integrate traumas.
For a being who is used to the gross sense perceptions of the physical plane, astral perception has a dreamlike
quality in a luminescent world that is semifluid and in almost continual flux. People and objects tend to change form at a
whim. A 360 degree sensory field replaces the physical sensory channels. Reversals of directions can occur; right
becomes left, up becomes down, etc. Communications with other beings, when they do occur, often start in the middle
and proceed both ways. Roles and viewpoints shift unex-pectedly and sometimes leave you wondering exactly what role
is assumed and what role is projected. Confusion of identity is common. Negative emo-tions, fear, anger, grief can be
intensely magnified. Positive emotions, wonder, love, joy can also be intensified.

As you become more experienced with quieting the mind, perception of the astral plane begins to stabilize and even
lends itself to exploration. This could be called deliberate lucid dreaming. Thoughtforms that have been invested with
much attention create familiar landscapes, people, and events. The astral representation of objects that have an
inherent solid nature on the physical plane such as stone works, caverns, castles, etc., tend to be more stable to astral

Some people can focus attention on both the astral and the physical at the same time, but it is more usual to lose
awareness of one plane as you become aware of the other.

Channelers and Mediums

Departed spirits in the outer region of the astral plane are aware of each other and able to communicate and
interact. Occasionally someone who is still incarnate will connect via their own astral body to beings in this outer region
(e.g., spiritually advanced mediums and channelers).

More often, less spiritually advanced mediums, channelers, or some yet incarnate loved ones establish
communication with a disincarnate spirit that is still in the middle astral region. The DO NOT DISTURB sign is ignored,
and the transformational cocoon is breached. The integrative monologue or monodrama that the departed spirit was
having with itself is turned into an interactive dialogue. The proximity of the medium’s astral body to the disincarnate
spirit’s astral body often results in induced notions and beliefs that cause deterioration in the medium’s physical body.
Inexperienced mediums and channelers are often required to undertake strict dietary regimens in order to protect and
preserve their physical health.

Again, the collective wisdom cautions against any attempt to disturb the
beings who are integrating in the middle astral region. They are in no way

Extrasensory perceptions
are the result of an astral
body tuning its perception
back onto the physical plane.

• 164-

influencing other astral bodies or incarnate beings. They are not the troublesome Earthbound entities of the lower astral
region. They are resting from the fever of life; leave them alone.

Spirit Visitations
It is reported that a disincarnate spirit from the astral plane will sometimes interact with an incarnate spirit in a
dream or a seemingly intuitive vision. Again, it is unwise to allow the event of being contacted to create so strong a
sense of being special that it overrides personal responsibility. In death, as in life, beings often play on each others’
vanities to deceive.

In any contact with disincarnate astral beings (entities) it is strongly advised that you do not suspend your
skepticism. Many, if not most, entities live in a world of their own fantasy and dissemble readily—favorite fantasies are
posing as a saint, an angel, or an extraterrestrial. Many seek attention as a healing salve to the wounds of loneliness
from prior lives.

Companions and Adversaries

Frequently, the connection with an astral being is a silent relational bond that two spirits, one still incarnate and one
disincarnate, maintain until they can reunite again for some karmic interaction.

Troublesome Entities (Earthbound Spirits)
In this particular paradigm, the description troublesome entity or Earthbound spirit is applied to a being who has
departed the physical plane but still has attention fixed on physical concerns. They have not yet begun their life review.

You are primarily dealing with the entities of the lower astral plane region who are still attached by their fixed
attention to the physical plane. Their beam of attention into the physical plane keeps them from completely entering
into an astral thought-cocoon where they might integrate the events of their life. They still resist. They still want. They
still struggle with matters that rightly should occupy only a physically incarnate being. In their own aberrant way, they
are still trying to survive the experience of dying.

As you know, if you fix attention on something long enough and strong enough, you become it. This is identification.
This is the predicament of these entities. They are being the sensation that their attention was fixed on in physical
planes. They cannot move on to higher self or retreat into the integrative sleep that blesses the beings who have put the
physical behind them. They are trapped.

• 165-

The troubles they cause you can be anything from random twitches to chronic pains to obsessive desires to
full-fledged possessions. Their obes-sive identification undermines your will. They can cause a prolongation of an event,
a condition, or a mental state, often to the point of turning it into a chronic affair.

They can be an old injury, a pain, an emotional trauma, a feeling, an attitude, a recurring thought, a desire, a
compulsion, a repulsion, an impulse, a body part, a malfunctioning organ, a deformity, an argument, an unreasonable
fear, etc. They can literally be any sensation that you can perceive directly by consciousness.

Any sensation that you are experiencing that is not the result of direct sensory input through a sensory channel or is
not your deliberate spontaneous creation is suspect.

The Astral Body and Entity Influences.

During your life, the astral body and the physical body tend to mirror the same conditions and events. An injury to
the physical body shows up as an injury in the astral body. If the physical body is weakened by illness or unwise habits,
the astral body’s defenses are also weakened. Vice versa, an influence upon the astral body shows up as a condition in
the physical body.

Under optimum conditions, the astral body, like the physical body, pre-serves its own integrity and is highly immune
to the influence of other astral entities. It is only when this immune breaks down from some injury or illness or from
some flirtation with a potentially destructive habit that the astral body can be influenced by the troublesome astral
entities. All entity influences on your physical existence are via influences upon your astral body.

Entity influences on a completely healthy individual are rare and even when they do occur, they are generally no
more than a nuisance. In the same vein as the classic lore or the vampire, astral entities cannot enter your environment
without somehow being invited.

But then the problem is who on the physical plane is completely healthy and beyond temptation?

Paracelsus on Entities.
Excerpt from PARACELSUS: HIS MYSTICAL AND MEDICAL PHILOSOPHY by Manly P. Hall, © 1964; The Philosophical
Research Society, Inc., 3910 Los Feliz Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027.
• 166-

[Begin excerpt Manly P. Hall]

Paracelsus von Hohenheim (1490-1541) was the outstanding medical therapist of his time and the greatest mystic in the
history of Western medicine. He devoted his life to research in the healing arts, associating himself with all branches of
folk medicine, exploring the fields of animal magnetism, alchemy, astrology and cabalism. He visited Constantinople to
acquaint himself with the secret practices of the Dervishes and the Sufis.
In his philosophy, Paracelsus also differentiated an entirely different group of invisible creatures, referring to them as
elementaries...the elementary is an artificial being, created in the invisible worlds by man himself. In harmony with more
recent findings, Paracelsus noted that most elementaries seem to be of an evil or destructive nature. They are generated
from the excesses of human thought and emotion, the corruption of character, or the degeneration of faculties and
powers which should be used in other, more constructive ways....
Man is therefore a creator, not merely in the terms of the perpetuation of the species, but especially in terms of the
imagination. Man is creative in arts, sciences, and philosophies, but his creative powers are not only external, but also
internal. Because he lives, man bestows life, and he can generate creatures from his thoughts and emotions, even as
from his flesh. The power to create is the power to set anything into a particular motion. This motion is itself
immortal and contributes its own power to other things forever. The invisible progeny of man include thought-forms
and emotion-forms. These are like infants, especially in their beginnings, for they depend upon their creator for their
nutrition and survival. Later, however, if the forces which generate them continue to operate, these thought- and
emotion-forms gain strength, finally attaining a kind of independence which is their immortality. Having thus become
even stronger than their creator, these thought- or emotion-forms will turn upon the one who fashioned them, often
causing in him a terrible habit and destroying his health and happiness.
Man may also create by the power of his speech. Among Orientals, addicts to hashish and other drugs have reported
their ability, while under the influence of these narcotics, to see words coming out of the human mouth. These words
appear as luminous forms or patterns. Paracelsus tells us ubstantially the same thing. Entities thus created by thought,
emotion, or the spoken words, are further sustained by the continual flowing of energy from the person. If such support
is not sufficient, a kind of vampirism sets in, and the elementary, like a parasitic plant, drains the energy of the human
body to support its own growth. It becomes a psychic tumor, surviving at the expense of the organism to which it is
We know that the human psyche can become ridden with pressure-centers or

pressure-patterns which we call fixations, complexes, phobias, and the

like. We know that these negative psychic formations are nourished by the

continual repetition

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of the attitudes which caused them. We say that negative attitudes become habitual, by degrees taking over and
destroying the mental and emotional integrity of the individual. A fixation, well nourished by attitudes suitable for its
perpetuation, intensifies, becoming actually avaricious and resolved to dominate or possess the entire life of its unhappy
Modern thinking, therefore, sheds a light upon the concept of elementaries, extending beyond the basic research of
Paracelsus. We observe today the tremendous increase in mental pathology. We know that attitudes which become
more and more fixed lead to what science calls a state of obsession. Paracelsus used the term obsession to signify
possession by an entity. Today the term is used to signify possession by an abnormal attitude... Is it possible that the
abnormal attitude has gradually become an entity? ... Once a destructive attitude has come into possession of a life, the
person is gradually devoured by that attitude, which appears to become more and more possessive. Many persons
under psychological obsession resist treatment, as though some foreign creature were fighting for its own survival in
them. Often, indeed, in a mental illness, the patient, instead of desiring to recover, becomes defensive of his ailment,
defending abnormalcy more courageously than he would ever defend normalcy....
In Paracelsian psychology, the vampire also plays an interesting role.
There seems to be an analogy with what might be termed collective manias. To become a vampire, we must first be
the victim of a vampire ... Many psychological ailments seem to be communicated by the pressures of one person
adversely influencing the life of another. We have great psychoses, shared by multitudes of persons, such as fear of war,
crime, sickness, poverty, and death. Once we have been attacked by these fears, we become like them. We perpetuate
negative thought- and emotion-forms, preserving our own bad habits by causing others to share them. Destructive
thought patterns therefore organize into groups, and in each of these groups, there are millions of persons exemplifying
the same destructive and morbid tendencies. These, according to Paracelsus, result in collective thought-forms, which
will become attached to persons who make themselves available through a basic kind of negation. The individual then
simply becomes receptive to the pressures of his world, allows these pressures to move in, until he finally becomes
another unit in the pressure-group, adding his negative influence to the already tragic condition.
In the Paracelsian doctrine, there is, however, a solid sense of justice.

In order to be a victim of elementaries of any kind, the individual must be

potentially given to excessive attitudes or destructive habits. The kindly

person, fully occupied in useful endeavors, will not open his nature to

infection of contagion. Actually, the elementary is closely associated with

imagination, which can be a distorting and deforming force in the life of

the individual. In the aloneness of his private living, the melancholy


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becomes filled with self-pity, deludes himself, convinces his mind that he is the victim of injury or neglect, and finally
prepares his nature for the development of one of these psychic entities. Recovery must therefore be a reversal of
process, in which faith, friendship, understanding, tolerance, and good humor break the vicious cycle and deprive the
obsession of its needed nutrition.
Out of his philosophy of elementaries, Paracelsus came to the conclusion that a very large part of what we consider to
be physical disease results from psychic parasites generated by wrong thought and emotion. He did not go so far as to
insist that attitudes are the sole cause of sickness, but he regarded them as extremely important factors. Furthermore,
wrong attitudes will reduce the probability of recovery, and leave the patient without the proper energy for the
reorientation of his career. Gradually the obsessing entity or elementary sets up physical equivalents in the body, which
symbolize the state of the soul and the interior sickness of mind and heart.
...a person living an apparently respectable life, but inwardly filled with hatreds, morbid emotion, and destructive
attitudes, is creating another being within his own magnetic field—a kind of second and negative self. This is suggested
in the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde....
Contrary to the general opinion, Paracelsus did not believe that our private elementaries, demons, and vampires could
go out from us and hurt the persons we hate or wish to injure. The elementary cannot exist except within the
energy-field of its own creator. Destructive emotions or hatreds, therefore, can never escape from us, but having been
generated and allowed to flow into the energy-field, they return to us again in the form of various disasters. The hate
we turn upon another strengthens only the power to hate in ourselves. For this reason, the doctrine is soundly ethical.
Our own evil destroys us, usually so slowly and mysteriously that we do not understand the procedure. We are
reminded always that evil is its own punishment, even as good is its own greatest reward.....
Paracelsus believed that the germ, or its equivalent, is a psychic entity created by creatures possessing mental and
emotional powers. He pointed out that epidemical disease usually accompanies outbreaks of destructive human
intensity. War, for example, is nearly always accompanied by a plague, and also by violent seismic disorders....
Paracelsus believed that the psychic fields of the world, which must absorb

the psychic toxins arising from the negative dispositional characteristics

of mental and emotional creatures, can become so polluted that they can no

longer cleanse themselves with sufficient rapidity. The result is the rise

of psychic toxin in the energy-field of the planet. As all creatures

inhabiting this planet must derive their energies and life substances from

this field, its pollution causes widespread lowering of vitality and

morality. When

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this occurs, the general health and optimism of the race are afflicted. People complain of intangible ills, and are
inclined to a common morbidity or to the neglect of activities which are healthful and psychically normal and sustaining.
Paracelsus therefore believed that the solution to the problem of health was the realization that only the wise and the
good can be happy and well. This does not mean that Paracelsus himself was never ill. He realized that he lived in a
society which made freedom from sickness almost impossible. He believed, however, that we could minimize our
dangers through the cultivation and preservation of defensive vitality. We can keep our psychic natures free from
elementaries, and protect our energy fields from the parasitical attitudes which drain our vital resources....
Paracelsus was a minister of good will among men. He believed that it was the duty of the human being to establish
constructive relationships with the intelligent universe existing around him. Nature is by essential purpose kindly and
benign, and has provided man with innumerable resources and opportunities, but through the perversion of his power,
and the pollution of his mental-emotional life, man has created a situation which has caused him to assume that the
world is evil. If, however, he establishes harmonic sympathies with universal life, he will make friends he knows not of....
We are reminded of the story of the kindly peasant to whom the earth-dwarfs cheerfully revealed their treasure. Even as
the elementary is the product of man’s destructive emotion, so there is a guardian angel, generated from good thoughts
and right emotions. There are good spirits to attend to the good man, because he has created them, and they serve him
gladly. He is rewarded according to the merit of his deeds, and if he finds depletion and depression invading his life, he
should realize the strange chemistry of the elements and principles upon which he depends for existence. Through the
proper use of his faculties, man builds a wonderful armor of protection around his life.
[End excerpt Manly P. Hall]

Harry’s Note
The Paracelsus article by Manly P. Hall is given to you for purposes of multidimensionalizing this subject. Our
approach to entities allows for them to be either elementals created by the excesses of man or departed spirits that are
still attached to the physical plane. Whatever their origin, it is wise to treat them with the same care and respect you
would extend to any being.

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How an Entity Influences (General)

Troublesome entities are attracted to you on the astral plane by a similarity in your direction of attention to their
fixed attention attachment to the physical plane. Attention attracts attention. Stand in the middle of the street and look
at the sky, and soon you will have other people looking at the sky. Attention attracts attention. The same phenomenon
exists on the astral plane. When attention sources become aligned, a telepathic inductance of intention, emotion, and
information can occur. You have seen this in Thoughtstorming.

The situation of similarity between your directed attention and an entity’s fixed attention is usually some kind of 1)
traumatic injury, 2) serious illness, 3) emotional upset, or 4) an intense desire/resistance urge.

Without entity influences, your attention would probably gather whatever information you desire from the situation
and move on. With entity influences, your attention, taking its cue from the entity’s attention, fixes on the situation. As
long as you feed attention into the situation, it persists. Chronic conditions, obsessions, and addictions will frequently, if
not always, be associated with one or more entity influences.

Three Types of Troublesome Entities

For the sake of simplifying the ranks and phyla of troublesome entities, group them in the following three
categories: 1) emanating entities, 2) desiring and resisting entities, 3) obsessing and deceiving entities.

Emanating entities are broadcasting a sensation (an emotion, a pain, a feeling, a thought, or an attitude) that your
astral self confuses for its own. This misownership is then reflected in your physical body. Emanating entities may be
animated fragments of past events or thoughtforms such as the elementals that Paracelsus describes, or they maybe
disincarnate spirits that still have their attention fixed in a physical plane life trauma.

Desiring and resisting entities are exerting an influence via your astral body upon your physical plane behavior. They
are trying to fulfill some physical desire or to continue some physical resistance that they became habituated to in life. If
you are so unfortunate as to follow their lead, you will also become habituated. Sharing the stimulation from your (their)
habit feeds and strengthens them. Entities intensify your desire to continue a habitual action. They can eventually
undermine your control completely, and you lose control of life.

Obsessing and deceiving entities are trying to finish a plan or purpose

they left incomplete in life. They actually attempt to blanket your astral

body with their own. Identities are confused. They manipulate your behavior

by creating feelings of dissatisfaction. When you feel obsessively driven to

defeat something or achieve something, the motivation may be coming from

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obsessing entities. Your struggle is the stimulation they are feeding on. You will never achieve success or satisfaction,
because it is the struggle that their attention is fixed on. Just before you succeed, you sabotage yourself. Obsessing
entities are responsible for most self-destructive behavior.
These categories are presented for your understanding. Processing an entity with the new Entity Handling Procedure
(EHP) does not require that you priorly discern the category to which an entity belongs. As you process them, their
category will be apparent.

The Mechanics and Phenomena of Entity Attraction and Attachment.

1) Similarly of emotional upset or traumatic event (emanating entities)

An entity stuck in an emotional upset or traumatic event is attracted to the vibrations of a person experiencing a
similar emotional upset or traumatic event. The fixed mental image pictures that the entity carries of an emotional upset
or traumatic event and the mental images that a person creates of a similar emotional upset or traumatic event become
confused on the astral plane. This confusion creates a connection between the entity and the person.

The continuous emanation of the mental image picture by the entity pre-vents the person from recovering
completely from his or her similar emo-tional upset or traumatic event. Sometimes when you discreate an emotional
upset or a traumatic event with the CHP, you may perceive a slight afterim-age that is still being emanated by an entity.
If this entity is not handled, there will always be a tendency to recreate similar emotional upsets or traumatic events.
Insurance companies have identified one manifestation of this phenomenon as “accident prone”. This afterimage risk is
just one more reason that every Avatar needs to move up the line and do the Wizard Course.

2) Similarity of desire for or resistance toward certain physical sensations (desiring and resisting entities)

To this entity, physical sensations represents source. It believes that physical stimulation is its life energy source.
Through its own denial of responsibility, it has disconnected from its higher self and in its place has substituted
stimulation from the physical universe. If you ever wondered what happens to a hedonistic materialist, here is your
answer. It becomes a slave to its own desires and resistances. But since it lacks a physical body and cannot itself create
an effect on the physical plane that produces a sensation, it relies on parasitic infusions of sensation from other astral
bodies that still have physical counterparts—you and me. (Ref., “Attention and Identity” in ReSurfacing, p. 51).

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Where you find someone engaged in self-destructive behaviors for the sake of the sensations they produce, you will
find lots of desire and resist entities.

3) Similarity of attention attracting behaviors (obsessing and deceiving entities)

This entity, in one way or another, is struggling for approval or revenge. It is replaying some interaction that it made
the most important thing in its life. This assignment of importance justified acts for approval or acts of revenge for which
it resists taking personal responsibility. The acts are now on automatic, and the entity is attracted to the vibrations of
secret importance that will continue to justify its actions. Wherever you find a person motivated by a fear or appearing
or seeming unimportant, you will find obsessing and deceiving entities. Wherever you find a person insisting upon
their own rightness, despite destruction and failure all around them, you will find obsessing and deceiving entities.
These are the criminals of the world.

I told you, there is a lot that gets sorted out with this entity paradigm.

So is it real? Don’t decide yet. Wait until you’ve played with the new Entity Handling Procedure (EHP) for awhile. It is
simple, even fun, to run. It does not even require that you distinguish between kinds of entities.

Best of all, it works!

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A quick Understanding of Life

Consciousness on a reality plane begins as a stimulation upon (or within) a receptor. Stimulation is the experience of
some change. When this change reaches a level at which it causes a reaction in the receptor, it is called a sensation.
When the sensations are organized and recognized as having predictable associations with certain appearances in the
environment, they are called perceptions. When the perceptions are labeled with an agreed upon tonal vibration, you
have the world. When the words are extended to reference similar nonpresent perceptions, you have the concept.
When concepts are combined, you have an idea. When ideas are used to deliberately align energies, you have the
deliberate creation of a stimulus, which creates a reaction in a receptor, etc.

Suggested Exercise: For a firsthand experience of the receptive scale, rear or discuss rearing a child (a human,
physical plane receptor).

Levels of Defined Being

In truth, if not always in experience, receptors are not really part of the reality plane they are receiving, thus the
difficulty of finding a true answer to “Who am I?” in reality plane terms.

How receptors define their beingness parallels their level on the receptivity cycle. At the sensation level, beingness is
composed of sensation. At the perception level, beingness is composed of bodily stimuli. At the concept level, beingness
is composed of concepts, e.g., being human. At the idea level, beingness is composed of ideas, e.g., identity. At the
aligned energies level, beingness is composed of aligned energies, e.g., companies, Wizards.

When a receptor focuses attention on something intently, it becomes it.

Fixed attention (charged attention) is the receptor’s beingness.
Since entity influences are found at the level of sensation, we can assume that an entity’s beingness is defined in
terms of sensations. We don’t have to look for some creature or definition behind the sensation. It is a sensation. And so
it turns out.

Solo Entity CHP Replaced by EHP (Entity Handling Procedure)

In the early Wizard materials, we had the student establish a concept
level (question and answer) communication with an entity and take the entity

stimulus: something that causes
a sensation in a receptor

receptor: a receiver (e.g., an

organ, an identity, an entity,
adimensional awareness).

sensation: 1. a direct conscious

impression created by origination
(e.g., I am happy.) 2. a labelled
awareness of stimulation (e.g. I
feel dizzy.)

The Receptivity Cycle

symbols (words)
aligned energies (efforts)

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through the CHP steps. This worked, but it also was observed that if the conditions of session or the procedures were
not exactly adhered to, the general awareness level and emotional well-being of the student tended to decline as the
number of entities handled increased. For some reason that I assume someone will eventually understand wel enough
to explain, waiting for an answer from your own entities opens you to a back flow of imper-ceptible influences that
apparently have a cumulative effect.
So any advice to establish concept level (question and answer) communi-cation with your own entities _is hereby
canceled and the practice is dis-couraged._ Solo entity CHP, as understood by Wizards before 1997, is for research use
only. It will no longer be taught to new Wizards.
New Wizards, don’t worry. The EHP is several warp factors more effective than the old entity processes. And definitely
more fun!

EHP (Entity Handling Procedure)

The new Entity Handling Procedure (EHP) is a carefully regimented dia-logue between three distinct viewpoints: the
host (higher self viewpoint of the Wizard receiving the processing), the coach (the Wizard responsible for the session,
directs questions and instructions to both the host and the entity) and the entity (existing as a sensation from the
viewpoint of host and as a yes/no response from the viewpoint of coach). You should adhere to this regimented
dialogue as it is written as it not only serves to unlock certain conscious factors that are not readily apparent, it shields
you from imperceptible influences and trains you incrementally to operate from a higher plane of reality.

The host keeps neutral attention focused on the entity. The host feels, teaches the yes/no response, and observes the
entity. The host does not ask the entity questions or answer as the entity. The host remains separate from the entity and
verbally communicates its observations about the entity in response to questions from the coach. The coach
communicates to both host and to entity, by prefacing his or her communications with either “Host” or “Entity”. The
coach does not address the host and the entity as a group or at the same time. Communications addressed to the host
are answered verbally by the host, and communications addressed to the entity are answered by the signaled yes/no
response. This is much easier to demonstrate than to describe.


Time track note: The EHP
(_Entity Handling Procedure_)
was researched and developed
in Germany, July 1996, with
the help of 21 Wizard

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The entity whom you wish to address has its attention stuck on AND IS BEING some sensation. Sensation is its
physical plane beingness. Communi-cation of the sensation, as a sensation, is what links the entity with the host. Any
sensation appearing to the host that is not the result of a primary or of a physical stimulation is assumed to be an entity.

Even when it appears to the host that an entity is communicating in concepts or ideas, you will find that the entity
(or clusters of entities) is really communicating a sensation that is being symbolized and conceptualized. When the host
returns to here and now and a state of neutral attention, the concepts turn back into sensations. It is fairly easy for the
host to work backward on the receptivity scale and identify the actual sensations that are at the foundation of fixed
concepts and ideas (situations and conditions). Isolating and reconnecting to these raw sensations can cause
spontaneous physical reactions such as muscle spasm or nervous jerks. (These come as more of a surprise to the host
than as an actual source of discomfort).

The simplest and least intrusive handle of an entity is to bring it to realize, by experience, that it is really not the
sensation that it is being. When it realizes this, it withdraws its attention (creating energy) from the sensation, and the
sensation begins to fade and discreate. When more than one entity is involved, the sensation will fractionally discreate
as each entity is handled. Frequently you will see the physical body of the host take one or more involuntary deep
breaths when the entity leaves.

Presumably the entities drift off into their own astral cocoon to integrate their awakening. The sensation (and any
influence it was having on your physical or mental well being), now lacking an energy source, fades and disappears.


Acknowledgement (Ack. Or Acks.)

Acknowledgements are the lubrications
that keep communications running
smoothly. Typical radio acknowledgements
are “roger”, “copy” and “10-4”. They let
the other person know that the message
has been heard. Typical session
acknowledgements are “OK”, “all right”,
and “good.” Typical social
acknowledgements are “cool”, “excellent”,
and “beautiful.” Dropping out
acknowledgements entirely leads to

The Right Degree of Acknowledgement

You can over acknowledge (e.g.
“OK THANK YOU, I GOT THAT”), and you
can under acknowledge (e.g., “huh”).
The first makes the student reluctant to
say anything more, and the second causes
the student to go on and on. The proper
acknowledgement simply confirms that the
message has been received. An
acknowledgement should not intrude on
the session. Remember, its purpose is

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The steps of the Entity Handling Procedure are designed on a flow chart pattern. Getting either a yes or no answer
on a step determines where you, as coach, go next. There is always an appropriate next step.

The process is simple, effective, and, as long as directions are followed, is self-correcting. It may seem a little awkward at
first prefacing all your questions and commands with either “Host” or “Entity” but it benefits, as well as safeguards, all

EHP Steps (explained)

1. Locating Entities.

The basic command for locating entities is, “Host, locate a sensation that you are not deliberately putting there.”
The host locates, within whatever s/he considers her/his sensory field, a sensation that s/he is not putting there,
informs the coach, and focuses neutral attention on the sensation. The coach acknowledges and proceeds to Step 2.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of descriptive words for sensations:
e.g., energy motion / energy field / energy radiation / pressure / compression / currents and patterns / energy
bubbles / pain / throbbing / tension / energy hunger / pull of gravity / dark mass / frozen lightening bolt / puncture /
tear / explosion / eruption / torsion or twisting energy / pulsing / tumbling / tipping / spinning / falling / prickling /
solidifying / condensing / vibrating / dull pain / sharp pain / prying / pulling out / stretching / jerking / hot / cold /
grinding / grating / breaking / snapping / cracking / spanning / spreading / wanting / demanding / needing / nipping
/ snipping /tightening / pushing / wadding / hammering / juggling / burning / itching /twitching / blurring / shaking /

grief / fear / anger / confusion / overwhelm / extruding / aching / jealousy... yes, these are the descriptions of
The host focuses on the actual feeling of the sensation, not just its description.

1a. The Step 6 follow-up command is, “Host, is there another aspect
to this sensation?” (If host feels there is, coach acks. and proceeds with Step 2, otherwise Step 1).
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1b. The command for clearing the host/coach relationship is, “Host, is
there anything between you and me?”(If host feels there is, coach acks. and proceeds with Step 2, otherwise Step1.)
1c. The command for handling a specific condition or situation is, “Host,

locate a sensation connected with ___situation or condition____.”

(When the host has found one, coach acks. and proceeds with Step 2.)

2. Teaching the Entity Yes and No.

The command for teaching entities “yes” and “no” is, “Host, teach it ‘yes’ and ‘no’”.
The host places a hand so that it is visible to the coach and with attention on the entity taps the thumb and thinks
and feels “no”, taps the forefinger and thinks and feels “yes”. This is repeated several times.
Teaching the entity is really more of a case of indoctrinating than of teaching. The entity is not given any choice over
learning or not. Rarely does it take more than 10 or 15 seconds.
If the procedure becomes confused in later step, e.g., entity answers both “yes” and “no”, coach returns the host to
this step and has host indoctrinate the entity more thoroughly and then once again works up through the steps. This
doesn’t happen very often.

3. Coach Establishes Communication with the Entity

The command for establishing communication is, “Entity, are you willing to communicate with me?” (Coach watches
for the entity to respond with a “yes” or “no” tap and then acks.)
If the entity responds with a “yes” tap, ack. and go to Step 4.
If the entity responds with a “no” tap, ack. and go to Step 4a.

4. Instruct the Entity to Feel What It Is Being/Have the Host Report

The command to the entity is, “Entity, feel the sensation of what you are being.” It is followed an instant later with,
“Host, let me know when the entity is feeling that”.
The coach waits for the host to answer.

Almost always the host indicates that the entity is feeling the sensation, and the coach acknowledges and goes to
Step 5.

IMPORTANT: Waiting patiently for
an answer to a question that is
understood is actually a good way
of awakening source in someone.
Interrupting someone in the process
of deciding on a response does the
opposite. Coach should always wait
attentively for the entity to
respond or the host to answer, and
then acknowledge that the response
or answer is received.

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If the host originates something such as, “The entity can’t feel it,” or, “The entity refuses to feel it,” the coach recognizes
the sensation of limitation or refusal as another entity that must be handled first, acknowledges, and returns to Step 2.
There is always somewhere to go in this procedure.

4a. The command to the entity is, “Entity, feel the sensation of not
being willing to communicate to me.” It is followed an instant later with, “Host, let me know when the entity is
feeling that.”
The coach waits for the host to answer.
Almost always the host indicates that the entity is felling the sensation and the coach acknowledges and goes to
Step 5.
If the host originates something such as, “The entity can’t feel it,” or, “The entity refuses to feel it,” the coach
recognizes that sensation of limitation or refusal as an entity that must be handled first, acknowledges, and returns
to Step 2.

5. Get The Entity to Realize.

The command to the entity is, “Entity, can you see that this feeling is not you?”
Coach waits for the entity to respond.
If the entity responds with a “yes”, tap, ack. and go to Step 6.
If the entity responds with a “no”, tap, ack. and go to Step 5a.

5a. Handle Sensations of Resisting
The command to the entity is, “Entity, is there something you are resisting?”
If the entity responds with a “yes”, tap, ack. and do the following:
The command to the entity is, “Entity feel the sensation of
resisting something.” It is followed an instant later with, “Host, let me know when the entity is feeling that.”
The coach waits for the host to answer, then acks.
Then: “Entity, can you see that this feeling is not you?”
If the entity responds with a “yes” tap, ack. and go to Step 6.

If the entity responds with a”no” tap, ack. and go to Step 5b.
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5b. Handle Sensations of Needing

The command to the entity is, “Entity, is there something else you need?”
If the entity responds with a “yes” tap, ack. and do the following:
The command to the entity is, “Entity, feel the sensation of needing
something else.” It is followed an instant later with, “Host, let me know when the entity is feeling that.”
The coach waits for the host to answer, then acks.
Then: “Entity, can you see that this feeling is not you?”
If the entity responds with a “yes” tap, ack. and go to Step 6.

If the entity responds with a “no” tap, ack. and go to Step 4.

6. Departure and Blessing

The command to the entity is, “Entity, are you willing to let it go?”
If the entity responds with a “yes”, tap, ack. and dot the following:
“Entity, may you find peace,” followed an instant later by, “Host, let me know when it is gone.” (Wait for the host to
answer, ack. and go to step 1a.)
If the entity responds with a “no” tap, ack. and return to Step 5a.
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Final Hints

1. The host and coach should operate as a close team. Use the Step 1b clearing command at the beginning of
sessions and whenever there is any sign of session upset. Any upset that persists is rightly assumed to be an
entity influence.
2. Host stays in the viewpoint of higher self even while the physical body is reacting to be the sensation being run.
Host does not fraternize with entities. Certain entities are compelled to deceive. The sensation of sadness at an
entity’s departure is another entity. It often shows up when you are taking apart a cluster.
3. Coach begins sessions with, “We’re starting now,” and ends session with, “OK, Host, thank you.” During the
session the coach does not allow any of his or her own stuff (case) to intrude upon the host’s session.
4. Coach empowers the host with neutral attention. Host empowers entity with neutral attention. Host’s attention
is on entity. Coach’s attention is on host and host’s hand. NO DRIFTING AWAY.
5. Because sessions demand a lot of neutral attention, they are best kept short. Thirty minutes is a good session
length. If an entity is not responding well, it’s probably because it’s not getting enough neutral attention.
6. Don’t agree to process or be processed if you are tired or uncertain of your ability to hold the viewpoint of
higher self. Take a walk instead.

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Session Question and Command Outline

1. Basic command: “Host, locate a sensation that you are not deliberately putting there.” (Ack. when done.)

Follow up command after step 6 : 1a. “Host, is there another aspect

to this sensation?” (Ack. when done.)

For clearing host/coach relationship : 1b. “Host, is there anything between

you and me?” (Ack. when done.)

Optional: for handling a 1c. “Host, locate a sensation

specific condition : connected with ___situation or
condition____.” (Ack. when done.)

2. “Host, teach it yes and no.” (Ack. when done.)

3. “Entity, are you willing to communicate with me?”

if YES—ack. and go to 4
if NO—ack. and go to 4a

4. “Entity, feel the sensation of what you are being.” //”Host, let me know when the entity is feeling that.” (ack.
host’s response)

4a. “Entity, feel the sensation of not being willing to communicate

with me.” //”Host, let me know when the entity is feeling that.”

(ack. host’s response)

5. “Entity, can you see that this feeling it not you?”

if YES—ack. and go to 6.
if NO—ack. and go to 5a.

5a. “Entity, is there something you are resisting?”

if YES, “Entity feel the sensation of resisting something,” //”Host, let me know when the entity is feeling that.” (ack.
host’s response)
and then “Entity, can you see that this feeling is not you?”
YES—ack. and go to 6.
NO—ack. and go to 5b.

if NO—ack. go to 5b

5b. “Entity, is there something else you need?”

if NO—ack. go to 4. if YES, “Entity, feel the sensation of needing something else” //”Host, let me know when the
entity is feeling that.” (ack. host’s response)
and then “Entity, can you see that this feeling is not you?”
YES—ack. and go to 6
NO—ack. and go to 4.

6. “Entity, are you willing to let it go?”

if YES, “Entity, may you find peace.” //”Host, let me know when it is gone.” (Wait for the host to answer, ack. and go
to 1a.)
if NO, ack. and return to 5a (or if 5a has already been asked, 5b.)

For a distraction go to 4.
• 182-


1. Begin each session by using the EHP to clear all answers to question 1b.
2. Host, is there an entity defining itself as your higher self (host)?
3. Host, locate a sensation you are not deliberately putting there.
4. Address sensations found in following areas, (no particular order):

Host, locate a sensation in the _____(fill in with the following)_____ you are not deliberately putting there.
Note: For attitudes/irritations use: Host, locate an attitude you are not deliberately putting there. Or Host, locate an
irritation you are not deliberately putting there.

front of the face region neck and shoulder region

head surface region heart area
sinus region back region
nasal passages extremities
eyes stomach regio
ear region sexual organs
inner skull region anus region
brain region knees
base of skull hips
throat region ankles
attitudes deep muscles
irritations internal organs

5. Address sensation connected with:

Host, locate a sensation in the _____(fill in with the following)____ you are not deliberately putting there.
locations (places in the world)
being present

6. Address any situation or condition you would like to explore and discreate with question 1c.

7. Address any sensation between you and another.

• 183-

[Page 184 is blanc]




Group Discussion:
Let us consider that at any point in time there is a quantifiable amount of friendship in the world.

[Illustration: wizpic-page185.gif ]

1. What are the social and political consequences of increasing the amount of friendship in the world? Of decreasing
the amount of friendship in the world?
2. What institutions and circumstances are favored by an increase in friendship? By a decrease in friendship?

hospitable: 1. a) friendly, kind,
and solicitous toward guests
b) prompted by or associated with
friendliness and solicitude toward
guests 2. favoring the health,
growth, comfort, etc. of new
arrivals; not adverse 3. receptive
or open, as to new ideas

solicitous: showing care, attention

or concern

friend: 1. a person whom one knows
well and is fond of; intimate
associate; close acquaintance

2. a person on the same side in a struggle; one who is not an enemy or foe; ally 3. a supporter

“The mission of Avatar in the world

is to catalyze the integration of
belief systems. When we perceive
that the only difference between us
is our beliefs and that beliefs can
be created or discreated with ease,
the right and wrong game will wind
down, a co-create game will unfold,
and world peace will ensue”.

• 185-


Qualifying Potential Friends

Unless you are a doctor or a clergyman, people who want to immediately tell you about the most intimate details of
their lives in lieu of social conversation are more often neurotic, or even borderline psychotic, than extroverted.
A person’s willingness to talk to you is not a reliable indicator of introversion or extroversion; you must observe what
they talk about.
Most people have learned that someone’s wide open offer to immediately strike a friendship with anyone who will
listen to them is really a sales trap. It gives networking a bad name. This fact can get overlooked by Masters who ignore
or don’t take the time to learn the social rituals that people expect.

Respecting Social Introversion

As a first step to meeting someone for the first time you have to discreate, or overcome by strength of will, your own
embarrassment and shyness. How difficult a task this is is dependent upon how many unresolved internal issues you
have and how demanding they are of your attention (e.g., fixed ideas, bad intentions, hidden agendas, secrets, upsets,
losses, identities, entity influences). As a Wizard, you should be in pretty good shape by now.
People who have a lot of unresolved internal issues find it extremely exhausting to meet and deal with other people on
anything other than an impersonal level. When they must interact, they usually armor themselves in some social
costume and act in accord with some established script. Their inner worlds are shut tight, and their outer appearance is
a mask.
Two masks may strike up an acquaintance, conduct business, and even cooperate with each other, but friendship
requires that the masks are lowered and the hearts meet.
To be successful. Masters and Wizards need to meet and establish friendly relations with people. They need to know
and observe the expected social rituals, which generally were established to identify outsiders or neurotic individuals.
Introverts (which compose the majority of current societies) seldom strike friendships on a first meeting. Instead, they
engage in ritualistic behaviors of smiles, social gathering, polite remarks, and dating that only after a time follow a
winding path to their real inner world.

Extroversion: psychol., an attitude
in which a person directs his interest
to things outside himself and to other
persons rather than to his own
experiences and feelings

introversion: psychol., an attitude

in which a person directs his interest
to his own experiences and feelings
rather than upon external objects or
other persons

neurosis: any of various mental

functional disorders characterized by
anxiety, compulsions, phobias,
depression, disassociation, etc.

psychosis: a major mental disorder in

which the personality is very
seriously disorganized and contact
with reality is usually impaired

Unless you are very confident in your

use and instruction of the Avatar
tools and prepared to work overtime,
it is best to avoid enrolling neurotics.

• 186-

As an observation, the more extroverted your attention, the easier it is to meet and connect with people. Being present
in the environment (visible), caring for the comfort of others (hospitality), and polite conversation (respectful) sends a
signal that you are safe and worth knowing. This is an acquaintance level ritual and should not be pushed too quickly
toward intimacy.
• 187-


As a center of influence, you will be expected to address groups of people.

It is important to be prepared.
Your introduction is your opening act. It is a gentle reminder or statement of why you are qualified to say what you are
about to say. Your introduction is the second most important thing you say. (The most important thing you say is what
you say last.)
What you say about yourself depends upon the circumstances under which you meet. If you are speaking in front of a
mixed group, you convey a friendly attitude and concentrate on the subject at hand. Speak simply and with conviction.
Take a stand. Describe ideas and events in images that your audience will remember. Everything you say should be
relevant to your audience and to the point you are making. Make a point. Multidimensionalize the point with stories.
Make another point. Multidimensionalize that point with stories, etc.
Without using the word “important,” convey why and how your message is important to the listener. This should be met
with nods of approval. When you have them nodding, as a final request (a favor in exchange for what they have
learned), ask that they take some action (buy a book, talk with you privately, attend a seminar, etc.) and explain how
that action aligns with their personal growth, benefit, and well being.
If you’re famous and well known, the subject of the talk might be you, but be careful. It is very bad form to offer a talk
about TV censorship and then give a rambling, nonrelevant tale of your life story.
If you are not the main speaker at an event, your introduction should include your name and something about yourself
that establishes what you have in common with the people at the event. (If you are being introduced by someone else,
this is what you’d like them to convey.) Acknowledge the reason the people have gathered (if it wasn’t solely to hear
you.) Align your reminder of why you are qualified to speak with the theme of the event. Then start making your

point: 1. an impressive or telling
argument, fact or idea; sound reasoning

2. a helpful hint or suggestion; a clarifying explanation 3. a particular detail, reason, or element; item

• 188-


Imagine that you are a speech writer. In collaboration with the Wizards at your table, outline a 30-minute presentation
on Avatar that will result in the sale of a book or a person’s registering for a paid seminar.
What ideas do you want to create in the minds of your audience? What emotions? What questions? What responses?
Choreograph their experience of your presentation.
Create a current of ideas and emotions in the minds of your audience that flows toward the action you want them to
take. Anticipate the obstructions (objections and resistances) to this flow and offer the audience an attractive viewpoint
on the obstruction that actually turns it into another reason to take the action you want them to take.
Discuss how you could most successfully create this presentation, i.e., props, visuals, group involvement, etc. and the
reasoning behind each point.
Appoint someone, or assume responsibility, to make a copy of your finalized outline for everyone at your table and one
for Star’s Edge.
Rehearse the presentation, and be ready to address a group.
• 189-


Every civilization has a core group of professionals that really gets the show on the road. They are the ones who draw up
the belief blueprints and lay the foundation for the civilization that’s coming. They broadcast the belief.
I envision Avatar Wizards as the core of the core.
Your biggest contribution to an enlightened planetary civilization is that you believe in it. The most powerful tool you
have is your faith.
Your belief creates seeds that will one day flower. Your belief sends out a ripple of energy that invites others to see the
possibility and add their energy to it. Future generations send you their deepest and most respectful appreciation.
The emphasis throughout this course has been on personal transformation. The reason for this is simple. When you’re
peacefully centered within yourselves, you exert a collective morale influence on the world.
A Wizard’s shadow falls across consciousness and leaves it transformed. In the presence of such a being, negative
attitudes are transformed. Your enlightenment and integrity are gifts to the entire world.
You have the best grasp of truth that any in this universe have ever experienced.

Conditions To Be Observed by Wizards

In the last Wizard course in the thirteenth century, Albert Magnus set forth eight conditions to be observed by Wizards.
In his time it was dangerous to speak too openly, so the conditions were phrased in the terms of alchemy. With a little
contemplation on your part, the instructions will be clear.
1. A Wizard should cultivate discretion and silence.
2. A Wizard should reside in a private house in an isolated situation to maintain perspective.
3. A Wizard should select the time for his labors with discretion.
4. A Wizard should practice patience, diligence, and perseverance.
5. A Wizard should obey implicitly the rules of his order.
6. A Wizard should use only vessels of glass or glazed earthenware.
7. A Wizard should have sufficient means to bear the expense of his own research and life.
8. A Wizard should carefully avoid association with princes or nobles.

• 190-

Twentieth Century Update

Here are my conditions:
1. A Wizard harbors no envy and never acts in anger.
2. A Wizard has few desires and finds satisfaction in simple things.
3. A Wizard’s life and words are as sane as he or she can make them.
4. After deliberating, a Wizard lives and acts deliberately.
5. A Wizard is faithful to agreements and fulfills obligations.
6. A Wizard preserves friendships and treats all beings fairly.
7. A Wizard views wrong doings and evil with an understanding that naturally corrects.
8. Unless life is at stake, a Wizard allows the victory to others.

May the stars remind you...

If you wish, these may be created
as primaries by substituting the
word “I” for “A Wizard”

The credo of a Wizard is

to be silent, to know,

to will, to dare.

• 191-





• 192-


Section V of the Avatar® Materials


Section V

CONFIDENTIAL: Section V Avatar Materials are confidential and the exclusive

property of Star’s Edge, Inc. They are not to be duplicated nor disclosed to

unauthorized persons without the written consent of Star’s Edge.


Section V of The Avatar® Materials

Your Name ______________________

Address ________________________
Your Masters Name _______________


How To Use this Checklist
The purpose of the checklist is to present the materials in the optimum sequence, to present additional information on
exercises, and to permit the students to pace themselves and the trainers to monitor students’ progress through the
A checklist reading assignment should be studied until (A) it makes sense to you, and/or (B) you experience a mental or
physical change, and/or (C) you experience a major realization. Checklist exercises and rundowns should be continued
until you have a satisfactory positive experience of (B) a mental or physical change, © a major realization and/or (D) a
confident skill acquired. Remain with an item on the checklist until you are certain that one or more of these results has
been achieved.
After you have completed each assignment, sign it off with the day, time, and the result(s): A, B, C, or D. This provides
important information to a trainer if a debug program is required.

20/9:45/A 1. Read “The Wizard Course, Foreword” (p. 1)
20/10:00/A&C 2. Read “Introduction to Creative Study” (p. 5)

Expected Results
An increased ability:
• to think and perceive beyond any indoctrinated model of reality and to use this power to resolve life problems
and make decisions with total mental clarity
• to manage your creative energy (attention) effectively
• to extrapolate new data and experience new viewpoints
• to align and integrate various paradigms of consciousness with the actual phenomena being experienced and

Page I

• to explore and perceive (independent of the physical body) hidden planes of reality and secret realms of
• to deliberately and efficiently manifest your intended creations (or discreations)
• to view and understand your own consciousness from the viewpoint of higher self
• to define, redefine (or not define at all) an appropriate viewpoint

An increased understanding of:

• the beings that inhabit and the phenomena that occur on invisible planes of reality
• the tools of divination
• the interactions between conscious phenomena and physical universe events
__________ 1. Read “The Wizard Course, Foreword” (p. 1)
__________ 2. Read “Introduction to Creative Study” (p. 5)
__________ 3. Read “Principles of Study” (p. 9)
__________ 4. Explain back and forth with another student the following
concepts. Give examples and applications. Work on them until you are confident that your study companion has
completely aligned them.
a. The First Principle of Creative Study
b. The Second Principle of Creative Study
c. The Third Principle of Creative Study
d. The Fourth Principle of Creative Study
e. The Purpose of Creative Study (p. 7)

__________ 5. Complete steps 1-3 of the Solo Attention Recovery Program (p. 17)
__________ 6. Review “The Creation Handling Procedure” (p. 18)
__________ 7. Read “Persistent Identity Creation Handling Procedure” (p. 22)
__________ 8. Complete steps 4-5 of the Solo Attention Recovery Program (p. 23)
__________ 9. Read “Disaligning Beliefs and Floats” (p. 26)
__________ 10. Read “Float Rundown” (p. 27)


(A) Makes Sense
(B) Mental or Physical Change
(C) Major Realization
(D) Confident Skill Acquired

Page II

__________ 11. Explain to a study companion the three steps of the Float
Rundown Procedure until you are confident that you Know what to do and what to look for on each step.
__________ 12. Work on the “Data Float Rundown” until you experience
a decided increase of interest in things.
__________ 13. Read “Multidimensionalizing” (p. 29)

Complete Exercise 1
Complete Exercise 2
Complete Exercise 3
Complete Exercise 4
Complete Exercise 5
Complete Exercise 6
Complete Exercise 7

__________ 14. Read “Thoughtstorm©” (p. 31)

Complete Exercise 1: Study
Complete Exercise 2: Mama
Complete Exercise 3: Dad
Complete Exercise 4: (Your Own Name)
Complete Exercise 5: Life

__________ 15. Read “Group Discussions” (p. 32)

__________ 16. Create or join a group discussion to address the following:
The marginal note on page 9, “Principles of Study,” states: Civilizations that survive tend to follow a pattern of
evolving. Through its best reasoning individuals, each society, exploits, supports, or incorporates the advantages of
previous societies, but also adds something new. The patterns of Earth societies follow and are characterized by:

1. hunting and gathering (individualism)

2. raiding and pillaging (tribal values)
3. trading and agriculture (family)
4. nationalism and imperialism (patriotism)
5. industrialism (work and invention)
6. economic goals (pursuit of a fantasy experience)
7. contemplation (review of importances)
8. enlightenment (appreciation of diversity)

Question: What “new thing(s)” gets added at each level (1-7) to cause it to evolve to the next level?


(A) Makes Sense
(B) Mental or Physical Change
(C) Major Realization
(D) Confident Skill Acquired

Page III


__________ 1. Read “You” (p. 33)

__________ 2. Read “Descent of Awareness” (p. 39)
__________ 3. Read “Awareness, Being, and Attention” (p. 40)
__________ 4. Complete the exercise “Identifying Personal Archetypes” (p. 42)
__________ 5. Review “Creation Exercises” (p. 43)
__________ 6. Read “Creation Revisited” (p. 46)
__________ 7. Read “Recognizing Secondary Originations” (p. 50)
__________ 8. Exercise: “Using Secondaries” With another student, create
each of the primaries on page 51.
__________ 9. Exercise: Creation List #1: With another student, create each
of the primaries on Creation List #1.
__________ 10. Read “Creation Flow Chart” (p. 53 and appendix)
__________ 11. Study the Creation Flow Chart until you can align the steps
with successes and failures you have experienced.
__________ 12. Read “Watching the Monkey” by Bert Saizman (p. 58)
__________ 13. Exercise: Watching the Monkey, Parts 1 and 2 (p. 59)
__________ 14. Just read “Understanding Consciousness” to get an overview
of the following exercises (p. 60)
__________ 15. Exercise: “Understanding Consciousness” Part 1: The Modes
Use the guide questions to familiarize yourself with the following modes:
entity emanations
psychic perceptions


(A) Makes Sense
(B) Mental or Physical Change
(C) Major Realization
(D) Confident Skill Acquired

Page IV

__________ 16. Exercise: “Understanding Consciousness” Part 2: Group
Discussion (p. 75)
__________ 17. Exercise: “Understanding Consciousness” Part 3: Group
Experience (p. 75)
__________ 18. Exercise: “Understanding Consciousness” Part 4: Observing
Indicators (p. 75)
__________ 19. Exercise: Creation List #2: With another student, create the
Creation List #2 primary. Note the mental modes of secondaries, (p. 76)
__________ 20. Read “Collective Mind” (p. 77)
__________ 21. Exercise: “Awareness” (Locate Your Edges) (p. 77)
__________ 22. Group Discussion: What happens at the point where you
pass beyond the edge of your awareness? What happens when consciousness encounters an unknown?


__________ 1. Read “Introduction to Attention” (p. 79)
__________ 2. Read “The Nature of Attention” (p. 89)
__________ 3. Read “More on Charged Attention” (p. 91)
__________ 4. Read “Attention Leaks” (p. 93)
__________ 5. Read “It’s All Right To Feel Like This” (p. 94)
__________ 6. Exercise: Exchange processing with a partner to handle any
resistance to feeling what you’re feeling, (p. 94)
__________ 7. Read “Desire/Resist Rundown” (p. 95)
__________ 8. Complete the Exercises on the Desire/Resist Rundown
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

__________ 9. Read “The Higher Self” (p. 97)


(A) Makes Sense
(B) Mental or Physical Change
(C) Major Realization
(D) Confident Skill Acquired

Page V

__________ 10. Exercise: Creation List #3: With a partner, create each of the
primaries on Creation List #3. (p. 99)
__________ 11. Exercise: Take a walk and observe the world self from
the higher self.
__________ 12. Read “Divination for Almost Dead Floats” (p. 100)
__________ 13. With a partner or group, experiment with “An Interesting
Exercise” (p. 101)
__________ 14. Read “Ambivalent Flow Rundown” (p. 102)
__________ 15. Exercise: With a study companion, explain back and forth the
steps of the Ambivalent Flow Rundown until you are confi-dent that your study companion knows what to do and
what to look for on each step.
__________ 16. Exercise: Solo, or with a trusted guide, use the Ambivalent
Flow Rundown to handle some issue that you feel ambiva-lent about. Use the “Ambivalent Flow WORKSHEET” as a
procedure outline. (Worksheet: appendix)


__________ 1. Exercise: With a partner, create the primary I am not
__________ 2. Read “The Urge To Create Identity” (p. 106)
__________ 3. Read “Identity Glossary” (p. 108)
__________ 4. Read “Summary of Identity” (p. 109)
__________ 5. Read “Scale of Identity and Attitude” (p. 110)
__________ 6. Exercise: Creation List #4: With a partner, create each of the
primaries on Creation List #4. (p. Ill)
__________ 7. Read “Motivations of Identity” (p. 112)
__________ 8. Review “Asserted Identity Handling” (p. 115)
__________ 9. Read “A Persistent Identity Handle” (p. 118)

__________ 10. Optional: Exchange Persistent Identity processing with another
student to handle any desired or resisted characteristic.


(A) Makes Sense
(B) Mental or Physical Change
(C) Major Realization
(D) Confident Skill Acquired

Page VI

__________ 11. Read “A Talk on Identities” (p. 126)

__________ 12. Read “An Advanced Approach To Integrating Persistent
Identities” (p. 132)
__________ 13. Read to Rundown #1 “Twenty Assumed and Projected
Identity Rundowns” (p. 139)
__________ 14. Exercise: With a study companion, explain back and forth the
steps of the Assumed and Projected Rundown until you are confident that your study companion knows what to do
and what to look for on each step.
__________ 15. Exercise: Solo, or with a trusted guide, use the Assumed
and Projected Rundown to handle people who cause a disturbance in your reactive level of consciousness.
(Rundown #1) (p. 140)
__________ 16. Exercise: Complete as many of the Assumed and Projected
Rundowns as you wish. (Suggest: Do Rundown #2 Through Rundown #6 and leave the rest for later.)
__________ 17. Read “Approval Rundown” (p. 151)
__________ 18. Exercise: With a study companion, explain back and forth the
steps of the Approval Rundown until you are confident that your study companion knows what to do and what to
look for on each step.
__________ 19. Exercises: Approval Rundown (p. 152)

Complete Step 1 Liberation from Approval

Complete Step 2 Liberation from Disapproval

Complete Step 3 Exploration

__________ 20. Exercise: Creation List #5: With a partner, create each of the

primaries on Creation List #5. (p. 154)
__________ 21. Read “Ultimate Ultimate Process” (p. 155)
__________ 22. Exercise: Run the Ultimate Ultimate Process with
another student.


__________ 1. Read “Background” (p. 157)
__________ 2. Read “Introduction to Entities” (p. 158)


(A) Makes Sense
(B) Mental or Physical Change
(C) Major Realization
(D) Confident Skill Acquired

Page VII

__________ 3. Read “How To Locate and Handle Entities” (p. 174)

__________ 4. Read “Entity Handling Procedure” (p. 175)
__________ 5. Exercise: With a study companion, explain back and forth the
steps of the EHP until you are confident that your study com-panion knows what to do and what to look for on each
__________ 6. Exercise: Create or join a group of students to body demo
the EHP.
__________ 7. Drill running the EHP on objects or dolls with another
student acting as coach to a flawless pass.

I attest that this student can run the EHP without hesitation or error.

Coach’s Signature___________________________

__________ 8. Exchange EHP rundown sessions with another student.

Begin each session by using the EHP to clear all Answers to question 1b. (p. 183)
NOTE: Between EHP sessions, you may continue with Part VI of this checklist.


__________ 1. Create or join a group discussion about the questions
raised in The Mission of Avatar (p. 185)
__________ 2. Read “How To Introduce People to Avatar” (p. 186)
__________ 3. Read “Giving Powerful Talks” (p. 188)
__________ 4. Work on “Table Assignment” (p. 189) with the group
at your table.
__________ 5. Read “Epilogue” (p. 190)


(A) Makes Sense
(B) Mental or Physical Change
(C) Major Realization
(D) Confident Skill Acquired



Write up anything you have learned or experienced that you feel will be of service to future Masters on The Wizard
I accept the Section V Avatar Materials into my safekeeping and agree not to disclose them to any individual not
properly enrolled on The Avatar Wizard Course.

___________________________________ date________________

Copyright 1987, 1997 by Harry Palmer. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Page IX

Creation Flow Chart

[see avatar-wiz-course-illustrations.zip: wizpic-page999-creation-flow-chart.gif ]

[see avatar-wiz-course-illustrations.zip: wizpic-page999-tabel.gif ]


or Expanded Desire/Resist Rundown

I. Feeling Ambivalent

Make a list of anything or anyone you feel ambivalent about in your life:
____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________

II. PI-CHP Ambivalent flow

Take one of your items and PI-CHP as follows:

Create what it feels like to be someone who resists having an

ambivalent flow about _________.

Create what it feels like to be someone who desires having an

ambivalent flow about _________.

Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.

Label, Disassociate, Discreate.

III. (Ref. Divination for Almost Dead Floats)

Make a list of your answers to the following questions:

A. Who would desire:

(object of ambivalent flow from Step I)?

____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________

B. Who would resist:

(object of ambivalent flow from Step I)?

____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________

Find the item(s) that precipitate the strongest resistance or desire (by relaxing and becoming mentally still and then
focusing neutral attention on one item at a time):

IV. For answers to (A):

• Create what it would feel like to be (item from IIIA) desiring __(object of ambivalent flow)__.
• Create what it would feel like to be __(item from IIIA)__ resisting __(object of ambivalent flow)__.
• Feel what it would feel like to be __(item from IIIA)__ resisting and desiring __(object of ambivalent flow)__.
• Expand to the outermost limits of both identities

simultaneously. Label, Disassociate*, Discreate.

IV. For answers to (B):

• Create what it would feel like to be (item from IIIB) resisting __(object of ambivalent flow)__.
• Create what it would feel like to be __(item from IIIB)__ desiring __(object of ambivalent flow)__.
• Feel what it would feel like to be __(item from IIIB)__ resisting and desiring __(object of ambivalent flow)__.
• Expand to the outermost limits of both identities

simultaneously. Label, Disassociate*, Discreate.

• Disassociate by saying “This is not I;

this is my idea of __(same item)’s__ creation.

V. (Ref. Divination for Almost Dead Floats)

Make a list of your answers or desire to the following questions:

C. What did (object of ambivalent flow from Step I) help you to resist (or overcome)?

____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________

D. What did (object of ambivalent flow from Step I) help you to achieve (or acquire)?

____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________
____________ ______________

Find the item(s) that precipitate the strongest resistance or desire (by relaxing and becoming mentally still and then
focusing neutral attention on one item at a time):


1. on item(s) from ©. 2. on item(s) from (D)


I. smoking, my relationship, eating

Smoking will be the first ambivalent flow to handle.

II. 1) Create what it feels like to be someone who resists having an ambivalent flow about smoking.

II. 2) Create what it feels like to be someone who desires having

an ambivalent flow about smoking.
II. 3) Continue with CHP steps.

III. A) Who would desire smoking?

Mom, Dad, Joe, Dave, a socializer

Item that caused the most disturbance in the reactive mode was “Dad.”
III. B) Who would resist smoking?

Dad, Jane, Sally, Mom, alcoholics

Item that caused the most disturbance in the reactive mode

was “alcoholics.”

IV. A)

1. Create what it would feel like to be “Dad” desiring “smoking.”

2. Create what it would feel like to be “Dad” resisting “smoking.”
3. Create what it would feel like to be “Dad” resisting and desiring “smoking” simultaneously.
4. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
5. Label.
6. Disassociate: This is not-I; this is my idea of_(same item)’s_ creation.
7. Discreate.

IV. B)

1. Create what it would feel like to be an “alcoholic” resisting “smoking.”

2. Create what it would feel like to be an “alcoholic” desiring “smoking.”
3. Create what it would feel like to be an “alcoholic” resisting and desiring “smoking” simultaneously.
4. Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously.
5. Label.
6. Disassociate: This is not-I; this is my idea of_(same item)’s_ creation.
7. Discreate.

V. C) What did smoking help you to resist (or overcome)?

being shy, being tense, being uncool

Item that caused the most disturbance in the reactive mode was “being shy.”
V. D) What did smoking help you to achieve or (acquire)?

_a sense of belonging, a relaxed state, an ease in communication,

a slim body_

Item that caused the most disturbance in the reactive mode was “a slim body.”

VI. 1)

• Create what it feels like to be someone who resists “being shy.”

• Create what it feels like to be someone who desires “being shy.”
• Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously. continue with CHP steps

VI. 2)

• Create what it feels like to be someone who desires “a slim body.”

• Create what it feels like to be someone who resists “a slim body.”
• Expand to the outermost limits of both identities simultaneously. continue with CHP steps


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