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Applied Surface Science 253 (2006) 2589–2596


Magnetic structure and collective Jahn–Teller distortions in

nanostructured particles of CuFe2O4
I. Nedkov a,*, R.E. Vandenberghe b, Ts. Marinova c, Ph. Thailhades d,
T. Merodiiska a, I. Avramova c
Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 72 Tzarigradsko Choussee Blvd., 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Department of Subatomic and Radiation Physics, University of Gent, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Université, ‘‘Paul Sabatier’’, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31 062 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Received 24 January 2006; accepted 13 May 2006
Available online 7 July 2006

The aim of the present work is to compare the structural, the composition and chemical state of the surface and magnetic properties of different
nanosized CuFe2O4 powders exhibiting collective Jahn–Teller effect. The samples under examination consist of edged nanosized particles (needle
like) with average length 1300  20 nm and diameter 300  20 nm obtained after high temperature synthesis, and superparamagnetic (at room
temperature) spherical particles (d = 6  2 nm), obtained by soft chemistry techniques. The surface composition of the particles was investigated
by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Mössbauer spectroscopy (MöS), including at high magnetic field up to 5 T and 4.2 K, was used for
characterization of cation distribution in the samples. The data yielded by the XPS and MöS analyses for spherical nanosized particles led us to the
assumption for the existence of a Jahn–Teller effect gradient—from the B-sublattice on the surface to a compensation of the tetragonal distortion in
the two sublattices in the core. The analysis of the contribution of the anisotropy energy in edged and spherical nanoparticles shows that it must be
considered as an effective value reflecting the influence of the individual factors depending on the particle shape and surface.
# 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 73.22.-f; 71.70.Ej; 71.45.-d

Keywords: Nanostructured particles; Copper ferrite; Surface effects; Collective Jahn–Teller effect; Magnetism; XPS; Mössbauer spectroscopy

1. Introduction influence the formation of the particle surface layer which has
disordered and unbalanced magneto-crystalline structure which
The contribution of superexchanged magnetic interactions will ultimately change the magnetic properties of the system as
to the formation of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in nanosized a whole. The Kodama–Berkowits model [2] explains the
ferroxides with two and more magnetic sublattices is not well magnetic properties of these particles by the appearance of
understood. Previous studies [1] have shown that the crystal ‘‘spin-canting’’, which is the cause of the exchange magnetic
sublattice formation in nanosized spherical ferroxide particle interactions between the disordered spin structure of the surface
has some specific peculiarities and, with the same stoichio- layer and the antiferromagnetic arrangement of the moments
metry, the spinel cell is different from that of the bulk material. inside the particle; this cannot, however, account for the
The presence of cations provoking collective distortion effect of superexchange and structural peculiarities.
the type of Jahn–Teller effect in the spinel crystal is a good At certain technological conditions, the copper and
indicator for the extent of these peculiarities in the nanosized manganese ions in substituted spinels can provoke a collective
particle. On the other hand, these peculiarities will inevitably Jahn–Teller effect [3] which is associated with the alignment of
the Cu2+ ions occupying the tetragonally distorted octahedral
spinel lattice formed by the oxygen ions. The copper ferrospinel
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +359 2 71 44 482; fax: +359 2 975 3201. is an inverse ferromagnetic spinel. It is considered that the
E-mail address: nedkov@ie.bas.bg (I. Nedkov). CuFe2O4 is a ferrite of Cu2+. The cation distribution in this
0169-4332/$ – see front matter # 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2590 I. Nedkov et al. / Applied Surface Science 253 (2006) 2589–2596

copper ferrite can be presented by the formula: [Cux2+- in strong alkaline media at room temperature [10,11]. Diluted
Fe1x3+]A[Cu1x2+Fe1+x3+]BO4. The parameter of inversion, x, water solutions of FeCl24H2O and CuCl22H2O mixed in the
is equal to 0 for inversion spinels and to 1, when the spinel is ratio 2/1 with intensive stirring are used for that purpose. In a
normal. Cu2+ cations migrate from octahedral (B-sublattice) to water solution, the chlorides of these elements exist in a
tetrahedral places (A-sublattice). When the spinel is synthe- complex form. When concentrated solution of NaOH with pH
sized using classical ceramic technologies (high temperature 13 is added, the water complexes turn into hydroxides and a
treatment of the initial oxides of the metal cations) with strict black precipitate of CuFe2O4 is produced. After decantation the
stoichiometry (x = 1), it has a tetragonal structure of precipitate is rinsed in distilled water up to pH 7 and then dried
hausmannite type with crystal cell parameters a = 8.20 and at 50 8C. The particles thus obtained have a spherical shape
c = 8.60; c/a = 1.05 [4]. According to other authors [5] (Sp) with average size of 6  2 nm. This sample further on the
a = 8.24, c = 8.68, but c/a is again 1.05. The structure of text will be indicated as CuFe1-Sp.
CuFe2O4 is considered as that of a tetragonally deformed spinel The second method was described in [12] and consist of two
stretched along the h0 1 1i direction. The c/a ratio can be main stages: (i) the concentrated solution of cupric and ferrous
changed via decreasing the copper concentration, or alter- is precipitated in oxalic acid at room temperature and (ii) the
natively, by temperature treatments. Yokoyama et al. [6] oxalic precursors are slowly decomposed in an air flow, treated
observed changes in the crystal structure of nanosized CuFe2O4 at 710 8C for 4 h and slowly cooled (SC) at a rate of 10 8C/h.
powders obtained by coprecipitation and subsequently This sample will be indicated as CuFe2-SC. Following the same
annealed. They proved that the copper spinel is cubic at synthesis the sample which was quenched (Q) from 710 8C to
temperatures below 300 8C and tetrahedral over 400 8C. room temperature is the third object of this investigation and
Although the stable low-temperature phase of this type of have been indicated as CuFe3-Q.
ferrite is tetragonal (c/a  1) a deficit of Cu2+ cations in the B- The XRD data exhibited consistently a single-phase spinel
sublattice leads to the absence of co-operative-active Jahn– structure for all types of samples. The average particle size was
Teller distortion and the crystal cell transforms into cubic. determined by applying Sherrer’s formula from the XRD
According to some authors, the transition from tetragonal to spectra with Lorentz broadening and SEM images. Chemical
cubic structure has to do with changes in the oxygen content in states of copper ferrite spinel of the particle’s surface were
the lattice, i.e. with formation of observable quantities of Cu+. determined by XPS. The magnetic properties were character-
Kester et al. [7] proved that in the case of the reduction reaction ized by VSM while the cation distribution in the copper ferrite
for quenched samples of CuFe2O4, the mechanism involves the spinel structure was obtained by means of Mössbauer
formation of Cu+. The rate of reduction, i.e. the Cu+ cation spectroscopy (MöS). Spectra were collected on a conventional
fraction in the B-sublattice strongly depends on the technol- time-mode spectrometer using a 57Co/Rh source. External
ogies of synthesis and the subsequent temperature treatment. longitudinal magnetic field spectra were obtained in a field of
Nanosized (10–30 nm) particles of CuFe2O4, obtained by a 5 T obtained by a split-coil superconducting magnet. The
classical ceramic technology, have also been studied [8]. The spectra were analyzed taking hyperfine field distributions into
high temperature treatment of these materials could lead to account where necessary. For the analysis of the external-field
structural and magnetic surface disorders. Many reasons, such spectra both the hyperfine field and the canting angle have been
as different copper dispersion in the sublattices, appearance of considered by using a double distribution [13].
cations and oxygen vacancies, amorphisation of the structure,
presence of surface layer with crystalline and magnetic 3. Results and discussions
structure different from that of the particles’ core, can cause
these disorders. All these effects [2–4,8,9] strongly impede the The morphology of the powders was investigated by
interpretation of the structural influence on the physical scanning electron microscopy (SEM—JEOL JSM 6400) (see
properties of such type of materials. Fig. 1). The X-ray diffraction pattern showed a single-phase
The aim of the present work is to compare the structural, the tetragonal structure. The structural studies were presented and
composition and chemical state of the surface and magnetic discussed in references [11,12] and showed the presence of a
properties of different nanosized CuFe2O4 powders exhibiting co-operative Jahn–Teller effect for the of CuFe2O4 stoichio-
collective Jahn–Teller effect. The samples under examination metry. The SEM images (Fig. 1) show unambiguously the
consist of edged nanosized particles (needle like) with average difference in the particle shape of samples CuFe1-Sp and
length 1300  20 nm and diameter 300  20 nm obtained after CuFe2-SC. The particle size and shape of sample CuFe3-Q, are
high temperature synthesis, on the one hand, and super- similar to those of sample CuFe2-SC.
paramagnetic (at room temperature) spherical particles (d = The small size and the specific shape of the particles
6  2 nm), obtained by soft chemistry techniques, on the other. investigated determine the strong influence of the surface on
their physical properties. This motivated us to carry out a more
2. Experimental detailed study concerning chemical state of constituent
elements of the particles surface. One of the most powerful
Two different methods were used for the synthesis of and sensitive methods for surface analysis was used for this
CuFe2O4. The first one (sample 1) has been prepared by a ‘‘soft purpose, namely, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The
chemical’’ method—coprecipitation of Fe 2+ and Cu2+cations analyses were performed on a VG ESCALAB Mk II
I. Nedkov et al. / Applied Surface Science 253 (2006) 2589–2596 2591

Fig. 1. High-resolution SEM images of tetragonal distortion vs. annealing temperature for CuFe2O4: (a) sample CuFe2-SC acicular particles and (b) sample CuFe1-
Sp, spherical particles.

spectrometer using an Al Ka excitation source (1486.6 eV) binding energy side, indicating that the copper valence is 2+.
with a total instrumental resolution of 1 eV, under a base For all samples, the main Cu 2p3/2 peak is broad and
pressure of 1  108 Pa. The O 1s, Cu 2p and Fe 2p asymmetric on lower binding energies side.
photoelectron lines were recorded. All lines recorded were Several attempts have been reported to analyze the copper
calibrated to the C 1s line at 285 eV. The surface composition of peak in photoelectron spectra of different copper containing
the particles was determined from the ratio of the correspond- spinels in terms of a superposition of peaks originating from
ing peak intensities, corrected by the photo-ionization cross- copper (Cu2+ and Cu+) cations in octahedral and tetrahedral
sections. The spectra are displayed in Fig. 2 (they are compared environment [16,17]. Many experimental and theoretical
with the model spinel structure of magnetite) and the main studies of a number of copper compounds have shown a
results are summarized in Table 1. strong dependence of the core-level photoemission spectrum on
The O 1s spectra (see Fig. 2a) exhibit a single peak around the type of Cu–O network forming the structure of the
530.1 eV. The Fe 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 main peaks (Fig. 2b) are compound [18,19]. This made us presume that Cu2+ cations
accompanied by satellite structures on the higher binding energy occupying both tetrahedral and octahedral interstitial sites form
side, at about 8 eV. The binding energy attributed to Fe3+ is about two types of Cu–O networks, which are probably responsible
711.1 eV for CuFe1-Sp and CuFe1-Q. For sample CuFe1-SC it is for the features observed in the spinel systems investigated. For
710.5 eV; the shoulder on the lower binding energy side of the Cu-containing compounds, the satellite peaks are quite
main peak evidences some small amounts of Fe2+ ions. sensitive to changes in the coordination environment of Cu2+
The binding energies for the Fe 2p3/2 level range between ions. In particular, the coordination geometry of the surface
710.5 eV and 711.1 eV. The shift towards higher binding Cu2+ ions can be investigated by determining the intensity ratio
energies observed for the CuFe1-Sp and CuFe3-Q samples of the satellite peaks and the main peaks. Generally, the Isat/Im
could be attributed to the presence of very small particles. It is ratio decreases as the number of oxygen ions coordinated to a
known that the final state effects in the photoemission process Cu2+ ion increases [20]. The Isat/Im ratio calculated for the
due to poor screening of the positive hole in particles with small samples investigated showed that it was close to that for the
sizes for the quenched sample could be the reason for this shift bulk CuO standard (0.56) for sample CuFe3-Q only. Bearing in
[14,15]. Concerning the Cu 2p spectra, in Fig. 2c one can see mind that the coordination number of Cu2+ is six in the distorted
the main peak of Cu 2p3/2 and a satellite located on the higher octahedron [21], it is reasonable to suppose that the decrease of

Fig. 2. XPS data for: (a) O 1s, (b) Fe 2p and (c) Cu 2p CuFe2O4 samples: (1) CuFe1-Sp, (2) CuFe2-SC and (3) CuFe3-Q compared with XPS of Fe3O4.
2592 I. Nedkov et al. / Applied Surface Science 253 (2006) 2589–2596

Table 1
XPS data
Sample O 1s (eV) Cu 2p3/2 (eV) Fe 2p3/2 (eV) Cu/Fe Cu (at. %) Fe (at. %) (Isat/Im)Cu
CuI1 (Sp) 530.1 934.2 711.1 0.77 15.8 20.5 0.72
CuFe2 (SC) 530.3 933.6 710.5 0.69 14.7 21.1 0.72
CuFe3 (Q) 530.3 934.2 711.1 0.73 16.1 22.0 0.65
CuO (Merck) 529.9 934.2 0.56

the Isat/Im ratio should be due to an increase in the surface Table 2 shows the hyperfine parameters of the sample
octahedral Cu species. This leads to the conclusion that there is CuFe2-SC with edged particles.
a large amount of CuO on the surface of the last spinel (CuFe3- The MöS data processing showed the following cation
Q). For the samples with lower surface concentration of Cu distribution for the sample CuFe2-SC:
(CuFe1-Sp and CuFe2-SC) the dispersed copper oxide
simultaneously exists in tetrahedral and octahedral coordina- Sample CuFe2 -SC
tion geometry. The XPS data suggest that the linkage Cu–O : ðFe0:91 Cu0:09 ÞA ½Fe1:09 Cu0:91 B O4 ðtetragonal c=a > 1Þ
probably is different from this one for the bulk material. The
octahedral coordinated surface Cu species is predominant for These structural formulae allowed the elementary magnetic
the sample (Q) having higher concentration of Cu (see Table 1). moment of this system to be determined; at 4.2 K it is in the
The studies of the particle surface by XPS showed that edged range of 1.72mB.
particles obtained by different temperature treatment, respec- For spherical particles the MöS data processing turned out to
tively, slow cooling (SC) from 700 8C and quenching (Q) be more complicated since these particles exhibit a typical
exhibit different surface structure. For the sample CuFe3-Q superparamagnetic spectrum at room temperature. It can indeed
obtained after quenching—the analysis showed the presence of be expected that the strong reduction of the lattice parameter in
a second CuO phase on the surface due to the insufficient time very small particles [1] will enhance the distortion (oxygen
for completing the solid-phase reaction in the synthesis process parameter) in the spinel structure. Moreover, the energetically
[22]. The edged particles (CuFe2-SC) obtained by solid state most favorable spherical shape in such small particles may also
reactions at high temperature and slow cooled and the soft introduce strong deviations from the ideal lattice positions.
chemistry product—smaller spherical particles (CuFe1-Sp) However, at 80 K the particles’ spectra reveal the co-existence
show similar surface Isat/Im ratio but different Fe3+ presence. of both ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic phases. The
The data obtained stimulated our interest in further character- temperature dispersion of the spectrum is presented in Fig. 4. It
ization of the magnetic properties of edged (sample CuFe2-SC) shows that the particles have superparamagnetic properties at
and spherical (CuFe1-Sp) particles since the structural analysis room temperature. The cation distribution of these particles was
of both types of nanoparticles showed unambiguously a also studied by MöS at 4.2 K and external magnetic field of 5 T
monophase structure on the surface and the presence of a co- (Fig. 5).
operative Jahn–Teller effect.
Cu0:43 2þ Fe0:57 3þ ½Fe1:43 3þ Cu0:57 2þ O4
Mössbauer spectroscopy is a widely used tool for the
characterization of nanosized magnetite, the latter being one of This distribution yields a considerably higher elementary
the most interesting magnetic ferrospinels for various applica- magnetic moment (in the range of 4.44mB). This is in a good
tions. The MöS data for sample CuFe2-SC is shown in Fig. 3. agreement with the increase observed of the saturation
magnetization Ms of spherical particles (Table 3).
The results obtained lead to the conclusion that there is a
gradient of the crystallization in the short-range order in the
spherical particles which is connected with the cavity size in the
A and B sublattices. The migration of Cu2+ cations from the
core to the surface is influenced by that gradient. The octahedral
cavities having higher symmetry are built with priority and their
structure is closer to that of a bulk material and, respectively, to
the edged particles.
Table 2
Hyperfine parameters extracted from MöS spectra of sample CuFe2-SQ with
edged particles
Sample Site Hhf 2e dFe Relative
(T) (mm/s) (mm/s) area (%)
CuFe2-SC A 47.9 0.00 0.24 46
Fig. 3. Mössbauer spectra at room temperature of sample CuFe2-SC—edged
B 50.7 0.37 0.36 54
particles with size 1300  20/200  20 nm.
I. Nedkov et al. / Applied Surface Science 253 (2006) 2589–2596 2593

Fig. 4. Evolution of Mössbauer spectra of CuFe2O4 nanoparticles with size 6  2 nm—sample CuFe1-Sp at (a) room temperature and (b) 80 K.

This effect has been discussed [1] and it was shown that in Although both types of samples are single-phase and have
the case of spherical magnetite particles the Laplace pressure the same stoichiometry, the XRD pattern of the larger particles
leads to changes in the tetrahedral and octahedral cavity showed the presence of co-operative Jahn–Teller effect which
volumes which creates different filling in comparison to that of was obvious for the spherical particles with very small size [11]
the bulk structure. The increase of the A-sublattice radius where the XPS data proved tetrahedral deviation in the surface
caused by Laplace pressure results in a lower crystal symmetry layer. On the other hand, a comparison between the XPS and
and decreased crystal energy. MöS data gives us reason to claim that the crystal surface and
A VSM model 8810 ADE Techn. Inc. was used to study the the core exhibit different distortion. The experimental data
magnetic properties of samples 1-Sp and 2-SC at 4.2 K and showed that the two types of particles have different magnetic
magnetic field up to 3 T. The results are presented in Table 3. properties defined by the difference in the magnetocrystalline
The saturation magnetization (Ms) for sample CuFe2-SC structure of the shell and the core.
(larger particles) is slightly lower in comparison to that of bulk The JT effect exists in crystals containing transitional metal
copper ferrospinel, which could be explained by the nanosized ions, whose ground orbital state is degenerated so that a
state. However, for spherical particles (CuFe1-Sp) Ms is higher spontaneous degeneration of the orbits of neighboring ions can
than that of the bulk material and this is not typical for the arise. It leads to lowering of the crystal field symmetry and a
nanosized state [2]. The cation distribution in the two minimum of system energy. In the case of spherical crystal
sublattices can be expressed by Boltzmann equation: symmetry, the state of ions with configuration d9(Cu2+) is a
x(1  x)/(1  x)2 = eE/kT, where x is the number of Cu2+ transitional state between d10 and d7 (low spin in case of a
cations passing from octahedral to tetrahedral sites. The cation strong crystal field). For octahedral coordination the external
re-distribution in the sublattices in spherical nanosized electron belongs to configurations d6e d1g , and can occupy one of
particles is accompanied by changes in the magnetic moment, the orbits d2x d2y , d2z . Orbits de and dg are exchanged when the
as it could be expected from the theory of the non-compensated cations are in tetrahedral coordination. In both cases the result
antiferromagnetism. To interpret the magnetic properties of is tetrahedral degeneration, lower crystal symmetry and
both types of samples, we considered frozen magnetic different crystal cell parameters. For bulk copper ferrospinel
moments and ignored the temperature influence. Our with octahedral JT distortion c/a > 1, while for CuCr2O4 with
considerations were based mainly on the crystalline field tetrahedral distortion c/a < 1 and the changed crystalline
energy, E. anisotropy leads to different magnetic properties [3].
For copper ferrospinel at room temperature, the value of K1
is negative (K1 = 0.6.105 J/m3) and the easy magnetization
axis coincides with the spatial diagonal h0 1 0i of the
elementary cube. The spin–orbital interactions in a Cu–ferrite
with tetragonal crystal lattice distortion due to co-operative
Jahn–Teller effect predominate in the appearance of magneto-
crystalline anisotropy. The best interpretation of the energy
spectrum of such systems is offered by the single-ion theory,
whereby the physical nature of the uniaxial anisotropy can be
represented by the Hamiltonian of the spin–orbital interactions:

Ĥ ¼ V ex þ V LS ¼ 2mB H ex S þ lLS (1)

Fig. 5. Evolution of Mössbauer spectra of CuFe2O4 nanoparticles with size In a low-symmetry field caused by the Jahn–Teller effect the
6  2 nm—sample CuFe1-Sp at 4.2 K in external magnetic field 5 T. orbital moment, L, and the spin moment, S, are not zero. In such
2594 I. Nedkov et al. / Applied Surface Science 253 (2006) 2589–2596

Table 3
Saturation magnetization (Ms) per gram of samples and effective anisotropy (Hc) calculated from M(H) curve of the samples measured at 4.2 K
Sample Particle’s dimensions Ms (emu/g) Hc (mT) Keff (erg/cm3) (for bulk tetragonal
(L/D nm or D, nm) CuFe2O4, K1 = 0.6  105 J/m3)
Edged particles SC 1300  20/200  20 32 39 0.62  105 J/m3
Spherical particles 6+2 35.6 41 0.72  105 J/m3

a case, the potential energy of the electrons in the crystalline The spin–orbital interaction, Eq. (1) is one of the main
field, VLS plays an important role in the energy levels splitting reasons for the appearance of magneto-crystalline anisotropy in
and the relatively small distance between the cations depends the oxide crystal. In ferroxide materials, the crystal’s total
strongly on the orientation of the exchange interaction field, magnetic moment has a spin origin and its energy depends on
Hex. In favorable conditions this may cause strong magneto- magnetization vector orientation with respect to the crystal-
crystalline anisotropy. One should expect this effect to be lographic axes and is determined by the spin–orbital interac-
substantial in the edged (SC) particles, where the JT effect is tion, since the ions’ orbital magnetic moment is directly related
clearly expressed. The data yielded by the XPS and MöS to the crystal lattice. If one assumes that the atomic magnetic
analyses for spherical nanosized particles led us to the assump- moments are localized in the crystal lattice sites and are
tion for the existence of a Jahn–Teller effect gradient—from the oriented in parallel, the magnetic dipole interaction contribu-
B-sublattice on the surface to a compensation of the tetragonal tion will depend on the orientation of the total magnetic
distortion in the two sublattices in the core (Fig. 6). Inasmuch as moment M with respect to the crystallographic axes. The
the atoms’ energy spectrum in the crystalline field depends on solution of Landau–Lifshitz equation for Larmor-type motion
the Hex orientation, which determines the orientation of the spin for a volume with magnetization will yield:
magnetic moments with respect to the crystalline axes x, y and z
1 @M
in the complicated crystalline structure picture, as revealed by ¼ ½MH eff  (2)
the structural studies, we may assume the existence in the g @t
nanoparticle of an effective exchange interaction field Heff. From phenomenological considerations, the energy of the
magneto-crystal anisotropy as a function of the cosines (a) of
the magnetization
P vector with respect to the crystal axes is
Ea ¼ n K n a2n , where Kn is the constant of crystal anisotropy,
to be determined experimentally; for a cubic crystal (anisotropy
constant K1) with a magnetic field applied at an angle u with
respect to the easy magnetization axis h0 1 0i one will have
a1 = 0, a2 = cos u, a3 = sin u. The energy of magneto-crystal-
line anisotropy of such a particle is described by:
Emc ¼ K 1 sin2 u cos u ¼ sin2 2u (3)
On the other hand, the shape of the edged (SC) particles can
be approximated by an ellipsoid (see Fig. 1). For such a particle
one should expect anisotropic behavior under the application of
an external magnetic field parallel to the c axis for K1 > 0, and
perpendicular to it for K1 < 0. Maxwell’s theory stipulates that
uncompensated charges will arise on the poles of such a
particle, which will lead to magnetic energy dissipation; i.e.,
shape anisotropy will exist, with the energy density depending
on DN = N?  Nk; the shape anisotropy energy can then be
written as:
Esh ¼ sin2 2u þ 0:5m0 ðN ?  N k ÞMs2 sin2 u
¼ sin2 2u þ K sh Ms2 sin 2u (4)
Shape anisotropy’s contribution is present in edged particles
and Eq. (4) describes in practice its energy of anisotropy. In
Fig. 6. Canting angle and hyperfine field distribution in both sublattices – spherical particles the contribution of the shape anisotropy is
tetrahedral (A) and octahedral (B) of CuFe2O4 nanostructured spherical particle low, so that these particles’ magnetocrystalline anisotropy is
– sample CuFe1-Sp with diameter 6  2 nm. described by Eq. (3). The fact that in the core of a spherical
I. Nedkov et al. / Applied Surface Science 253 (2006) 2589–2596 2595

particle one sees a transition from a tetragonal distortion in magnetic interactions is different in the edged and in the
octahedral surrounding to a distortion in both sublattices can spherical nanosized particles.
hardly be considered as a two-phase magnetic state of the
system; one should rather speak of sub-structures in the In edged particles; K eff ¼ K1SC þ K sh þ K surf
particle’s core with changed crystal symmetry with Eq. (3)
In spherical particles; K eff ¼ K1Sp þ K ex þ K surf
describing the energy of the entire system, but K1SC 6¼ K1Sp .
In nanosized particles there exists another type of anisotropy Our earlier studies of magnetite (a model system for
that has to do with surface state of the magnetic moments. The ferrospinels) by means of low-energy MöS demonstrated [24]
energy of interaction between two magnetic ions in a crystal that the thickness of the layer where structural changes and an
(magnetic moment m) is a function of the angle u between the unordered magnetic structure are possible is in the order of
vector of spontaneous magnetization and the line connecting 3 nm. In the case of a spherical particle with maximal diameter
the two ions and depends on the distance, r; assuming magnetic up to 8 nm, the magnetically ordered crystal lattice occupies
dipole interaction, this energy is (3m2/r2). For ions on the about 25% of the total volume, while for the larger edged
surface, Néel [23] introduced a pseudo-dipole term, l, which, particle this value is approximately 97%. Thus, the larger
besides the spin–orbital interaction, accounts for the interaction deviations in Keff for the smaller particles are due to the larger
between two adjacent ions, so that he arrived at Ea = ((3m2/ relative contribution of the surface and exchange anisotropy.
r3) + l)(cos2 u  (1/3)). In a cubic crystal, the value of cos2 u
averaged by summation over close neighbors is 1/3, which 4. Conclusions
means that the term (3m2/r2) does not exist in the expression
for the average value of the anisotropy energy of the core; this The MöS and XPS studies showed that, in nanosized
condition is violated when the ion is located on the surface. In spherical particles containing Jahn–Teller ions, the tendency
long-range order, this interaction can be considered as for a lower particle energy leads to the lower symmetry
demagnetizing. propagating in both ferrospinel sublattice. This results in a
The pseudo-dipole interaction between surface ions leads to cation distribution that is not typical for edged particles and for
the appearance of energy of surface anisotropy, which can be the bulk single crystal. We suggest that the changes occur
expressed as: gradually—from the surface, where one observes tetragonal
distortion in octahedral sites only, to the core, where distortion
Esurf ¼ K surf cos2 u (5) also exists in tetrahedral sites. This reflects on the spin–orbital
interactions in the crystal cell, respectively, on the magneto-
where Ksurf is the constant of surface anisotropy density and u is
crystalline anisotropy and on the formation of the system’s total
the angle between easy magnetization axis and the normal to
magnetic moment, which for a spherical particle may prove to
the surface. This type of anisotropy should be present in both
be different from that of edged particles or bulk crystal, the
types of particles.
identical stoichiometry notwithstanding.
From a magnetic point of view, the surface of a spherical
The surface XPS analysis did not reveal the presence of
nanoparticle is formed by ions with uncompensated magnetic
single-valence copper; i.e., no reduction of copper and oxidation
moments; a surface layer thus exists, which, in contrast with the
of iron have taken place, as is typical for the surface layer of
antiferromagnetic structure in the core, has an unordered spin-
magnetite and some other ferrospinels after heat treatment.
magnetic structure [23]. The MöS and XPS analyses data give
With nanosized particles one deals with the interplay of
us grounds to maintain that, besides the unordered magnetic
several factors affecting the magnetocrystalline anisotropy, the
structure caused by the ‘‘boundary effect’’, this surface layer
latter thus having a complex nature; the value of the anisotropy
exhibits also a magnetocrystalline structure different from that
coefficient, as an experimentally obtained parameter, must,
in the particle’s core. In the spherical nanosized particles
therefore, be considered an effective value reflecting the
studied here, the relative volume of this layer with respect to the
influence of the individual factors on the magnetic anisotropy.
total volume may be substantial, which may bring about
magnetic exchange interactions [24]. The energy of such
exchange anisotropy between the spin-unordered surface and
the ordered core is usually described as:
This work has been supported by Bulgarian National Found
Eex ¼ K ex cos u (6) Project HT-1/01/03, F.W.O., Flanders, Belgium and CNRS,
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