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Interchange Third Edition Lab Guide I bas been developed from New Interchange Lab Guide I,
first published by Cambridge University Press in 2002.

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Art direcrion, book desig11, a11d layout sen•ices: Adventure House, NYC
Audio production: Full House Productions
Part A PartB Parte
(Instructions and (Script without (Script with
examples) responses) responses)

Introduction page v

1 Please call me Beth. 1 29 79

2 How do you spend your day? 3 33 83

3 How much is it? 5 37 87

4 Do you like rap? 7 40 90

5 Tell me about your family. 9 43 93

6 How often do you exercise? 11 47 97

7 We had a great time! 13 50 zoo

8 What's your neighborhood like? 15 53 103

9 What does she look like? 17 56 106

10 Have you ever ridden a camel? 19 59 109

11 lt's a very exciting place! 21 62 112

12 [t really works! 23 65 115

13 May I take your order? 24 68 118

14 The biggest and the best! 25 70 120

15 ['m going to a soccer match. 26 73 123

16 A change for the better! 27 76 126

Interchange Thiid ECiition Lab CDs The order of exercises in general follows the
same sequence as the Student's Book. Hence,
For each level of I nt erchange Third Edition each unit on the Lab CDs com plements the
there is a set of four Lab CDs, accompanied by a corresponding unit in the Student's Book
Lab Guide. The Lab CDs contain practice as a whole. For this reason, it is best to use the
exercises that supplement each unit of the Lab CD after finishing (or almost finishing) a
Student's Book. The Lab CDs can be used in the
language laboratory, in the classroom, or at cycle or unit in the Student's Book.
home by the student who wants extra practice
outside of class. The Lab CDs provide additional How an exercise Is presentect on tlie
learning support for the student in the follo\ving LabCDs
An exercise typically has the following format.
• They give additional practice of the grammar The student h ears the instructions, a cue, and a
patterns and functions in each unit of the sample response.
Student's Book.
Unit 4, Exe r cise 5
• They provide extra practice of the vocabulary Listen to a question, like this:
and pronunciation patterns in the Student's - Do you like jazz?
Book, and extend them into fluency activities. Answer like this:
- Yes, I like it a lot.
• They provide further opportunities to practice
the conversations from the Student's Book. The bold type shows the sample student
• They further d evelop students' listening response. Then the example is sometimes
comprehension skills. repeated and/or followed by a second example.
This time the student hears a tone (indicated by
The exercises on t he Lab CDs therefore help the symbol • ) before the sample response.
students develop t he foundations for oral
fluency. Listen to another example.
- Do you like thrillers? •
- Yes, I like them a lot.
Each unit on the Lab CDs corresponds to the
same unit in the Student's Book. (There are no When the announcer says "Ready," the exercise
Progress checks on the Lab CDs.) A variety of begins. Students say their response when they
exercise types is used, ranging from simple hear the tone (indicated by •). There is ample
listen-and-repeat tasks to more interactive time on the CD for the students to answer, so it
and fluency-building activities. The exercises is not necessary to pause the CD. After the
typically present students with a cue that students respond, an appropriate response is
requires a response, which students can record modeled to give them immediate feedback.
separately. Then students hear the response
modeled on the CD for comparison. Students 1. Do you like news programs? •
are not required to make written responses. {The student responds.)
Some of the la b exercises are designed to Yes, I lik e th em a lot.
provide further opportunities to practice {The answer is modeled on the CD.]
material introduced in the Student's Book. Yes, I like them a lot.
Other exercises provide additional practice with
vocabulary, functions, or grammar points from
the Student's Book.

When to use the Lab Guide • Either in class or in the lab, the teacher
should introduce the lab exercises by telling
The Lab Guide is intended as a teacher
students which exercises they will be doing.
reference and learner re3ource. Although tire
goal is for students to do the exercises on the If necessary, the teacher can go over the
Lab CDs by listening on:y, students may need instructions to the exercises ahead of time to
differing levels of print support depending on make sure students understand whaL 1.0 du.
their listening proficiency. Teachers can either • The first time students use the Lab COs, it
make Lab Guides available to students, may be helpful to do one entire exercise as a
photocopy and distribute individual pages, or class. (See "How an exercise is presented on the
make overhead transparencies of exercises for Lab CDs" on page v.) This will familiarize them
use in class. Therefore, the Lab Guide offers with the general exercise format.
different alternatives:
• Part A of the Lab Guide presents only the • It is not necessary for >tudents to take notes
instructions for each exercise. or write while doing the exercises; in fact, it will
prevent them from listening effectively.
• Part B of the Lab Guide is for students who
• If the lab allows it, students should record
need additional support. It presents the
t heir responses. After they have completed their
complete sclipt for each exercise with a
dotted line to indicate where students should assignment, they can go back and check their
give their response. Again, scr ipts from this
par t may be made available for student • Limit the amount of time that students spend
reference. Once students are comfortable with doing th e lab exercises tJ 15-20 minutes per
the exercisee, however, they should try t he session. Students are likely to get greater
exercises using only the written instructions benefits from the exercises if t hey spend shorter
in P art A. Eventually they should be able to periods of time doing them.
do the exercises only by listening, without
using print support. In the classroom
• Part C presents the complete script, with The Lab CDs may be used in the classroom as a
answers indicated in bold type. This section is follow-up to a unit or part of a unit. Here are
intended for use mainly by teachers, but can some suggested procedures for the teacher:
also be made available to students needing • Play the instructions for an exercise. Check
extra help in developing listening proficiency that students understand what to do. If
or to any students wanting to double-check necessary, write the instructions (or just
their responses. Teachers can also use this the example) on the board, put them on an
section to preview material. overhead transparency, or photocopy them
Thus the Lab Guide offe!'S great flexibility, for each student.
allowing each student in the class to work at • Students can give resp:mses during the
his or her own level of ability and to progress exercise as a class, or individua!Jy by taking
accunliugly. turns around the class.
How to use the Lab COs • Option: After completing an exercise,
students extend the exercise by providing
Since the Lab CDs correspond to the Student's further cues for their classmates to respond to.
Book, it is assumed that students will already (The teacher can also provide further cues.)
be familiar with the words and structures in the
exercises. In this level, there are between seven For self-study
and eleven exercises per unit, and entire units
average about 15-20 minutes in length. Students who want extra practice can use the
Lab CDs for self~study.
In the language laboratory • If t he studen t has access to a CD player and a
• Students do not need to bring their Student's cassette recorder, the Lab CDs can be played on
Books to the laboratory in order to do th e Lab the CD player, and the cassette recorder can be
CD exe1·cises. used for recording responses. The student or the
teacher can t hen check the responses.


Part A-Instructions and examples ~I

Part A contains only the instructions for each Unit 1, EXercise 3
exercise. Read the instructions and do the
exercise while you listen to the recording. Listen to people introduce themselves, like this:
When you hear a tone (shown by a bullet • -I'm Trisha Nelson.
in the script), give your response. Then listen Ask a question about the person's first name,
to the recorded model response. like this:
- Excuse me, what's your first name again?
1Please call me Beth. Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- I'm Trisha Nelson. •
UnH 1 Exercise -Excuse me, what's your first name
Listen to introductions, like thh;: -Trisha.
- These are my parents.
Reply like this:
-Nice to meet you. Unit 1 Exercise ~
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. Listen to people talk about themselves, like
- These are my parents. • this:
-Nice to meet you. WOMAN: We're from Canada.
- Hello./Nice to meet you.
Repeat what they say. Use "he," "she," or
Ready. "they," like this:
-They're from Canada.
Listen again.
Listen to people introduce themselves, like WoMAN: We're from Canada. •
this: - They're from Canada.
- I'm Ralph Perez.
Listen to another example.
Ask how to spell the person's last name, like WoMAN: I'm from Thailand. •
this: - She's from Thailand.
- How do you spell your last name?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- I'm Ralph Perez. • Unit 1, Exercise S
-How do you spell your last name?
- P-E-R-E-Z. Listen to people introduce themselves, like this:
- I'm Alicia Garcia.
State the person's last name. Use "his," "her,"
or "their," like this:
- Her last name is Garcia.
Listen again.
- I'm Alicia Garcia. •
- Her last name is Garcia.
Listen to another example.
- We're Mary and John Clark. •
- Their last name is Clark.
Unit 1, Exercise 6 Unit 1, Exerci
Listen to a statement about someone. Ask the Listen to people talk about themselves and
person's first name, like this: other people, like this:
- That's Ms. Garcia. - Betsy and I are studying engineering here.
-What's her first name?
Ask if they're from the United States, like this:
Then you hear an answer,like this: -Are you from the United States?
- Alicia.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
Ask where the person is from, like this: - Betsy and I are st udying engineering here. •
-Where is she from? - Are you from the United States?
- Yes, we are.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
-That's Ms. Garcia. • Listen to another example.
-What's her first name? - That's my friend John. •
-Alicia. • - Is be from the United States?
-Where is she from? - Yes, he is.

Listen to a question, like this:

Listen to people greet you, and ask who they - Are you a student?
are, like this:
Answer "Yes," like this:
-Yes, I am.
- Who is that?
Listen again.
Then you hear an answer, like this:
-Are you a student? •
- That's Wanda Chang.
-Yes, I am.
Listen again.
Listen to another example.
- Hi! •
-Is Mrs. Stevens from Canada? •
- Who is that?
- That's Wanda Chang. - Yes, she is.
Listen to another example.
- Hi./Hi, there! •
- Who are they'? Unit 1, Exercise 11
-They're my friends Mary and John. Listen to a question, like this:
Ready. - Are you from Canada?
Answer "No," like this:
Unit 1, EXer-cise 8 - No, I'm not.
[Note: This conversation is on page 5 of the Listen again.
Student's Book.] -Are you from Canada? •
-No, I'm not.
Listen to this conversation.
Listen to another example.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
- Is Mrs. Stevens from Australia? •
-No, she isn't.

2 How do you spend your day? Unit 2, Exercise 3
Listen to a statement about someone's job, like
Unit 2, Exercise 1 this:
- My friend Ann is a teacher.
Listen to people introduce themselves. Ask
what they do, like this: Ask how the person likes it, like this:
- My name's Celia. -How does s he like it?
- What do you do, Celia? Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
Then you hear an a nswer, like this: -My friend Ann is a teacher. •
- I'm a secretary. - How does she like it?
- She loves it.
Ask where t hey work, like this:
- Wher e do you work ? Ready.
Then you hear an answer. Listen agam. Unit 2, Exercise 4
- My name's Celia. •
- What do you do, Celia? Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a
- I'm a secretary. • question, like this:
-Where do you work? -teach
- Tt·anscontinental Airlines. -Where d o you teach?
Listen to another example. Then you hear an answer, like this:
- My name's Andrea. • - At J efferson High School.
- What do you do, Andrea? Listen again.
- I'm a nurse. • - teach •
- Where do you wm·k '! -Where do you teach?
- I work at St. Michael's Hospital. - At Jefferson High School.
Ready. Ready.
Unit 2, Exercise 2 Unit 2, Exercise 5
Listen to people say where they work. Ask
Listen to shorL conversations about work, like
what they do there, like this: this:
-I work for an airline. MAN: Where do you work, Sonia?
- What do you do there?
W 0!>.1AN: I work for an electronics company.
Then you hear an answer, like this: MAN: Really! What do you do there?
- I'm a flight attendant. Wo:M AN: I'm a sales manager.

Respond like this: After each conversation, make two sentences

- Oh, a flight attendant. That sounds about the person, like this:
interesting. - She works for an electronics company.
She's a sales manager.
Listen again.
- I work for an airline. • Ready.
- What do you do there?
- I'm a flight attendant. •
- Oh, a flight attendant. That sounds
Listen to another example.
- I work in a restaurant. •
- What do you do there?
- I'm a chef. •
- Oh, a chef. That sounds interesting.

Unit 2, Exercise 6 Unit 2, Exercise 9
Listen to short conversations about school, like Listen to people talk about things they do
Ws: · early or late, like this:
WoMAN: Where do you go to school, Tom? WoMAN: I get up late on Sundays.
MAN: I go to Southwestern University. Ask a question with "What time ... ?"like
WOMAN: What do you study?
MAN: I study engineering.
- What time do you get up on Sundays?
After each conversation, make two sentences
Then you hear an answer, like this:
about the person, like this:
WOMAN: Around two in the afternoon.
- He goes to Southwestern University. He
s tudies engin eering. Respond like this:
-That is late.
Listen again.
Unit 2, Exercise 7 WOMAN: I get up late on Sundays. •
- What time do you get up on Sundays?
[Note: This conversation is on page 11 of the WoMAN: Around two in the afternoon. •
Student's Book.l - That is late.
Listen to this conversation. Listen to another example.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready. IvlAN: I go to school early on Mondays. •
- What time do you go to school on
Unit 2, Exercise 8 Mondays?
IvlAN: At 6:30 in the morning. •
Listen to a time, like this: -That is early.
-It's 10:00 A.M.
Reply with "Good mornjng," "Good afternoon,"
or "Good evening." Listen again. Unit 2, Exercise 10
-It's 10:00 A.M. •
- Good morning. Listen to people talk about their daily
routines. Repeat what they say, like this:
Listen to another example. WoMAc-,;: I go to bed at eleven, and I get up at
- It's 11:00 P.M. • seven.
- Good evening. - She goes to b ed at eleven, and sh e gets
Ready. up at s even.

3 How much is it? Unit 3, Exercise 3
Listen to a statement about something in a
Unit 3, Exercise 1 store, like this:
- I like this necklace.
Listen to a question about how much
something costs, like this: Ask "How much is it?" or "How much are
- How much is that jacket? they?" Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- I like this necklace. •
Ask "Which one?" or "Which ones?" Then you -How muc h is it?
hear an answer. Listen again. - It's $30.
- How much is that jacket? •
- Which one? Listen to another example.
- The leather one. - I like these sunglasses. •
-How much are t h ey?
Listen to another example. - They're $13.
-How much are these pants? •
- Which ones? Ready.
- The blue ones.
Unit 3, Exercise 4
Listen to a comment about something in a
Unit 3, EXercise 2 store, like this:
- That jacket is nice.
Listen to a question about how much
something costs, like this: Say "Yes, it is" or "Yes, they are." Then ask
- How much are these shoes? how much it is, like this:
- Yes, it is. Excuse me. How much is this
Answer "It's $50" or "They're $50." Listen jacket?
-How much are these shoes? • Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- They'r e $50. -That jacket is nice. •
-Yes, i t is. Excu se m e. How much is t.his
Listen to another example. jacket?
- How much is this bracelet? • - It's $160.
- It's $50.
Listen to another example.
Ready. - Those shoes a re nice. •
- Yes, they a re. Exc use me. How much a r e
thes e sh oes?
- They're $49.99.

Unit 3, Exercise 5
Listen and repeat. Ready.

Unit 3, Exercise 6 Unit 3J Exercise 8
[Note: This conversation is on page 19 of the Listen to a question, like this:
Student's Book.) -Which jeans do you like hetter, the black
Listen to this conversation. ones or the blue ones?

Now repeat each sentence. Ready. Answer with the second choice, like this:
- The blue o nes a r e nicer than the black
Unit 3, Exercise 7
Listen to another example.
Listen to a question, like t his:
- Which tie do you like better, the green one or
- Which sunglasses do you prefe1·, t he red ones
the yellow one? •
or the blue ones?
- The ye llow one i s nicer than the green
Answer with the second choice, like this: one.
- I prefer the blue on es. Ready.
Listen to another example.
-Which cap do you prefer, the blue one or the Unit 3, Exercise 9
purple one? •
- I p refer t h e purple one. Listen to people tal k about prices of things in a
store, like this:
Ready. A: How much are the compute1·s?
B: The big ones are $1,000, and the small ones
are $3,000.
Say which ones are more expensive, like this:
- The sm all o ne s a r e m ore expensive t h an
the b ig on es.
Listen to another example.
A: How much are the boots?
B: The leather ones are $100, and the plastic
ones are $30. •
-The leath er ones are more expe ns ive
t han the plasti c ones.

tf- Do you like rap?
Listen to a word or pht·ase. Then ask a
Unit 4, EXercise 1 question, like this:
- music
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a - Do you like music?
question with "Do you like . . . ?" like this:
- jazz Listen to another example.
- Do you like jazz? - science fiction •
-Do you like science fiction?
Listen to another example.
- soap operas • Ready.
- Do you like soap operas? Now ask questions with "What .. . ?" Listen to
Ready. an example.
Unit 4, Exercise 2 - What music d o you like?
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a Listen to another example.
question with "Who's yow· favorite ... ?" like - game shows •
this: - What game shows do you like?
- pop singer Ready.
- Who's your favorite pop singer?
Then you hear an answer. Listen agai n. Unit 4, Exercise 5
- pop singer • Listen to a question, like this:
- Who's your favorite pop singer? - Do you like jazz?
- Celine Dion.
Answer like this:
Ready. -Yes, I like it a lot.
Unit 4, Exercise 3 Listen to another example.
- Do you like thrillers? •
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a -Yes, I like the m a lot.
question with "What's yow· favorite ... ?" like
this: Ready.
- music
- What's your favorite music? Unit 4, Exercise 6
Then you hear a~ answer. Listen again. Listen to a question, like this:
- music • - Do you like country music?
- What's your favorite mus ic? Answer like this:
- Classical. -No, I don't like it very much.
Listen to another example. Listen to another example.
-sport • - Do you like horror movies? •
- What's your favorite sport? - No, I don' t like them very much.
- Soccer.
Unit 4, Exercise 7
[Note: This conversation is on page 23 of the
Student's Book.J
Listen to this conversation.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

Unit 4, Exercise 8 Unit , Exercise 1o
Listen to people talking about an event, like Listen to a statement, like this:
this: - There's a soccer game on Saturday.
A: When's the movie?
B: On Friday at 7:30P.M. Ask a question with "Would you like . . . ?"like
Then make a sentence about the event, like - Would you like to go to a soccer game
this: on Saturday?
-The movie's on Friday at 7:30 P.M.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
Listen to another example. - There's a soccer game on Saturday. •
A: What time's the news program? -Would you l ike to go to a soccer game
B: It's on Wednesday at 6:30 P.M. • on Saturday?
- The news program's on Wednesday at - Yes, I'd really like to go.

Unit 4, Exercise 9
Listen to the name of an event. Then ask a
question, like this:
- the movie
-When's the movie?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- the movie •
-When's the movie?
- On Wednesday at 7:30P.M.

5 Tell me about your family. Unit 5, Exercise 4
Listen to a conversation. Repeat each question,
Unit 5, Exercise 1 like this:
WOMA>'I: I have a brother.
Listen to the name of a f!iJUilY member. Then MA..'i: Oh? Where does he live?
make a sentence, like this: - Where does h e live?
- grandmother WOMAN: In Chicago.
- She's my grandmother. MAN: What does he do? •
Listen to another example. -What does h e do?
- brother • WOMAN: He's an architect.
- He's my brother. MAN: Really? Does he like it? •
- Does he like it?
Ready. WOMAN: Yes, he does. He's very good.
Unit 5, Exercise 2 Ready.
Listen to a question, like this: Unit 5, Exercise 5
- Who's your mother's mother?
[Note: This conversation is on page 31 of the
Answer like this: Student's Book.]
- My grandmother.
Listen to t his conversation.
Listen to another example.
- Who's yow· mother's fa ther? • Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
-My grandfather.
Unit 5, Exercise 6
Ask questions about someone's family, like
Unit 5, Exercise 3 this:
- sister
Listen to people talk about their families, like - Where is your s is ter living now?
MAN: How many sisters do you have, Celia? Then you hear an answer, like this:
WOMAN: I have one sister. - In San Diego.
MAN: And do you have any brothers? Ask what the person is doing, like this:
WOMAN: Yes, I have two brothers. - What i s she doing?
Say how many brothers and sisters each Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
person has, like this: - sister •
- She has one sister and two brothers. - Where is your s ister living now?
Listen to another example. -In San Diego. •
WOMAN: Do you come from a big family, David? - What is she doing?
MAN: Yes, I do. - She's planning her wedding.
WOMAN: How many brothers and sisters do you Ready.
MAN: I have two sisters and three brothers. •
- He has tw o sisters and three b rothe rs.

Unit 5, Exe""'""."""""""
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question, like Listen to a question and an answer, like this:
this: MAN: Are your friends single?
- look for a job Wol\tAN: About 95 percent of them are single.
-Are you looking for a job?
Then you hear another question. Answer with
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. "Most of them," "Many of them," or "A few of
-look for a job • them," like this:
-Are you looking for a job? -How many of her friends are single?
- No, I'm not. - Most of them.
Listen to another example. Listen again.
- live at home • MAN: Are yow· friends single?
-Are you living at home? WOMAN: About 95 percent of them are single.
-Yes, I am. - How many of her friends are single? •
Ready. - Most of them.
Listen to another example.
MAN: Do your friends have jobs?
WOMAN: Approximately 50 or 60 percent of
Listen to a question and an answer, like this: them have jobs.
MAN: Are you living at home? - How many of her friends have jobs? •
WOMAN: No, I'm not. I'm living with my friend
-Many of them.
Restate the answer, like this:
- She's living with her friend Nilda.
Listen to another example.
WOMAN: Are you going to college this year?
MAN: Yes, I am. I'm going to college and
working. •
- He's going to college and working.

6 How often do you exercise1 ~!!J.IIol!P• .-a:erclse 4
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with
Unit 6, Exercise 1 "How often ... ?"like this:
- go bowHng
Listen to a question, like this: - How often do you go b owling?
- Do you ever do weight training?
Then you bear an answer, like this:
Answer with "about twice a week," like this: - About once a month.
-Yes, 1 do weight training about twice a
week. Listen to another example.
- play golf •
Listen again. - How often do you play golf?
- Do you ever do weight training? • -About once a month.
- Yes, 1 do wei ght t r aining about twice a
week. Ready.
Unit 6, Exercise 5
Unit 6, Exercise 2 Listen and repeat. Ready.
Listen to a question. Answer with "almost Unit 6, Exercise 6
never,» like this:
- How often do you do aerobics? [Note: This conversation is on page 37 of the
- I almost never d o aerobics. Student's Book. ]
Listen to a nother example. Listen to this conversation.
- How often do you do yoga? • Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
- I almost never do yoga.

Unit 6, Exercise 3
Listen to people talk about sports and fitness.
Repeat the statements with "he" or "she,» like
WOMAN: I usually go for a long walk on
- She usually goes for a long walk on
Listen to another example.
MAN: I always go to the gym late at night. •
- He a lways goes to th e gym late at night.

Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with
question with "How well .. . ?"like this:· "Do you ever . . . ?" like this:
- play football - go swimming
- How well do you play football? - Do you ever go swimming?
Then you hear an answer, like this: Then you hear an answer, like this:
- Not very well. I like soccer better. - Yes, about once a week.
Listen to another example. Ask '' What else do you do for exercise?" Then
-bowl • you hear another answer. Listen again.
- How well do you bowl? - go swimming •
- Pretty well. I'm on the bowling team at work. - Do you ever go swimming?
Ready. - Yes, about once a week. •
- What else do you do for exercise?
- I lift weights.
Listen to another example.
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a - do yoga •
question with "How good ... ?" like this: -Do you ever do yoga?
- soccer -No, never. •
- How good are you at soccer?
-What do you do for exercise?
Then yon hear an answer, like this: - I play racquetball once or twice a week.
- Pretty good, I guess. I play it a lot. Ready.
Listen to another example.
- football •
-How good are you at football?
- Ten·ible. I hate sports.

7 We had agreat time! Unit 7, Exercise 4
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question vrith
Unit 7, Exercise 1 "How was ... ?" like this:
- your weekend
Listen to a question and answer, like this: - How was your weekend?
l'v!AN: What did you do on Saturday night?
WOMAN: I invited some friends for dinner. Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
Then we watched a video. - your weekend •
- How was your weekend?
Restate the answer, like this: -Very nice, thanks.
-She invited some friends for dinner.
T hen they watched a video. Ready.
Listen to another example. Unit 7, EXercise 5
MAN: \>Vhat did you do on the weekend?
WOMAN: I went to a movie. I saw Titanic Listen to a question, like this:
again. • - Did your parents enjoy their vacation?
- She went to a movie. She saw Titanic Answer "Yes," like this:
again. - Yes, they did.
Ready. Listen to another example.
- Did your brother go shopping with you? •
Unit 7, Exercise 2 - Yes, he did.
Listen to a question followed by a word or Ready.
phrase, like this:
-What did you d!o on Sunday? Unit 7, EXercise 6
- stay home
Listen to a conversation. Repeat each question,
Answer like this: like this:
- I stayed home. WOMA;'-': What did you do last weekend?
Listen to another example. -What d id you do last weekend?
- What did you do last night? MAN: I went for a drive on Saturday.
- watch TV • Wo~!Al'-': Where did you go? •
-I watched TV. - Where did you go?
MAN: I drove out to the lake. Sam and Alice
Ready. went with me.
Unit 7, Exercise 3 Ready.
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with Unit 7, Exercise 7
"What did you do ... ?" like this:
- last night [Note: This conversation is on page 44 of the
- What did you do last night? Student's Book.]
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. Listen to this conversation.
- last night • Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
- What did you do last night?
- I went to a movie.

Unit l Exercise 8
Listen to a statement about a trip, like thiJ>:
- My father just came back from South
Ask a question with "How long ... ?" like this:
-How long was he there?
Then you hear an answer, like this:
- For a week.
Ask if the person did anything special, like
- Did he do anything special?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- My father just came back from South
America. •
-How long was he there?
- For a week. •
- Did he do anything special?
- Yes, he visited six countries in six days.
Listen to another example.
- My mom just came back from London. •
-How long was she there?
- For five days. •
- Did she do anything special?
- Yes, she took a boat ride up the Thames.

8 What's your neighborhood like? Unit 8, Exercise 5
Listen to the name of a place. Then ask a
Unit 8, ExerCise 1 question, like this:
- bus station
Listen to people say what they need, like this: - Excuse me. Is there a bus station near
- I need a dictionary. h ere?
Tell them where they can get it, like this: Then you hear an answer, like this:
- There's a bookstore on Main Street. - Yes, it's just across th e street.
Listen to another example. Repeat the info r·mation you hear, like this:
- I need some stamps. • -Just across the street? Thanks.
- Th ere's a post office on Main Street.
Listen again.
Ready. - bus st~tinn •
- Excuse me. Is there a bus station near
Unit 8, Exercise 2 here?
Listen to people ask about different places. - Yes, it's just across the street. •
Answer with "No, there isn't" or "No, there -Just across the street? Thanks.
aren't," like this: Listen to another example.
- Is there a pay phone in this building? - restaurants •
- No, there isn't. - Excuse me. Are there any restaurants
Listen to another example. near h er e?
-Are there any bookstores on Oak Street? • - Yes, there are some on Main Street, near the
- No, there aren't. movie theater. •
- On Main Street, near the movie theater?
Ready. Thanks.

Unit 8, Exercise 3 Ready.

Listen and repeat. Ready. Unit 8, Exercise 6

UnitS, Exercise 4 [Note: This conversation is on page 50 of the

Student's Book.)
Listen to a question followed by a word, like
this: Listen to this conversation.
- Arc thm·e any banks nearby? Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
- one
Answer the question, like this:
-Yes, there's one on Fourth Avenue.
Listen to another example.
- Are there any supermarkets near here?
-some •
- Yes, t here are som e on Fourth Avenue.

Unit 1!, Exercise 7 Unit 8, Exercise 9_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _......
Listen to a question with "How much ... ?" or Listen to a question, like this:
"How many ... ?" like this: · - How much crime is there in this area?
- How much crime is there in this area?
Answer "I'm not sure," and "There's a little" or
Answer with '"There isn't much" or "There "There are a few," like this:
aren't many," like this: -I'm not sure. There's a little.
-There isn't much.
Listen again.
Listen to another example. - How much crime is there in this area? •
- How many movie theaters are there in this - I'm not sure. There's a little.
neighborhood? •
Listen to another example.
- There aren't many.
- How many hospitals are there in the city? •
Ready. -I'm n ot sure. There are a few.
Unit 8, Exercise 8
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question
with "How much ... ?" or "How many . . . ?"
like this:
- crime
- How m uch crim e is the·re in this
Then you hear an answer, like this:
- Not much, really.
Listen to another example.
- dance clubs •
- How many dan ce clubs are there in this
-I'm not sure. There are a few.

Cf What does she look like? Unit 9, Exercise 3 t=

Listen to a statement, like this:
Unit 9, Exercise 1 -He has blond hair.
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a Ask for the same information again, like this:
questi:m about someone's appearance, like -I'm sorry. Wha t color is his h a ir?
this: .........:::-.......!
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- bald - He has blond hair. •
- Is h e ba ld? - I'm sorry. What color is his h air?
Listen to another example. - Blond.
- short • Listen to another example.
- Is h e short? - He's about 25. •
Ready. - l 'm sorry. H o w o ld is h a?
-About 25.
Unit 9, Exerdse 2 Ready.
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a
question about someone's ap pearance, like Unit 9, EXercise 4
this: Listen to a short conversation about a person's
-blond hair appeara nce, like this:
- Does h e ha ve b lond hair ? A: What does your brother look like?
Then you hear an a nswer. Listen to another B: He's ta ll and good-looking.
example. A: Does he have dark hair?
-glasses • B: Yes, he does.
- Does h e h ave glasses? Then describe the person, like this:
-Yes, he does. - He's tall and good-looking, with d ark
Ready. hair.
Listen to another example.
A: 'vVhat does your sister look like?
B: She's pretty.
A: Does she have blond hair?
B: Yes, she does. •
- Sh e's prett y, with blond ha ir.

Unll9,..-""'""'""-- - - - - - - - Unlt.l!,"""'"""""""-- - - - - - - - '
1Nore: This conversation is on page 61 of the Listen to a statement, like this:
Student's Book.] - You sec a man with red hair.
Listen to this conversation. Ask a question with "Who's . .. ?"or • who
are ... ?" like this:
Now reJl1'1ll each sentence. Ready.
-Who's the man with red hair?
Unit 9, Exercise 6 Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- You sec a man with 1-ed hair. •
Listen w a short conversaeion. Then repeat - Who's the man with red hair?
each sentence, like this: -That's my cousin Bob.
A:. Is Kat.h y the woman wearing the red shirt?
B: No, she's the one wearing the red sweate•·· Ready.
- Is Kathy the woman wearing the red shirt? •
-Is Kathy the woman wearing the red UJ!!! 9, Exercise 8
Listen w a question followed by a phrase, like
-No, she's the one wearing the red sweater. •
-No, she's the one wearing the red
- Which one is Bob?
-with red hair
Answer like this:
-He's the one with red hair.
Listen eo anothe•· example.
- Which ones are the Smiths?
- talking to Judy's brother •
- They're the ones talking to Judy's

10 Have vou ever ridden a camel? Unit 10> Exercise 4
Listen to a short conversation, like this:
Unit 10, Exerdse 1 MA.~: Welcome 1.o Mexico City! So, have you
and your husb&nd been to a bull~ht yet?
Listen to a phrase. Then RSk a quest.ion. like WOYA."': No. we havcn~t.
- call your grandmother
- Have you called your llt"&ndmother
Answer like this :
-They haven't been to n bullfight yet.
l.oday? Listen to another example.
·rhcn you hear an answer. Lisl.on to another WOMAN: Welcome to Bogota! So, hove you
example. heard Colombian music yet?
- make your bed • MAN: No, l haven't. •
- Have you m ade your bed today? - He has n't heard Colombian muaic yet.
- No, I havenlt. made it yet. Read,y.

Unit 10, Exercise 5

Unit 10, Exercise 2 Listen to que!tions and answers. Then repeat
Listen to a st..atement, like this: each ecnten<'C, like this:
- Don and St>San usually go to t ho gym twice a A: Hove you been to th.e museum yet?
week. B: Yes, I have.
- Nnvo you beer. to the museum yet? •
A8k a question, like this: - Have you been to the museum yet?
- H ave they gone to the IO'm this week? -Yes, I have. •
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. - Yes. I have.
- Don and Susan usually go to the gym twice a Ready.
week. •
- H ave they gone to the IO'm this week?
- Yes, they have.
Unit 10, Exercise 3
Listen to • question ond ans wer, like this:
WOMAN: Have you and your wire been to the
Statue of Liberty yet?
MAN: Yu, we ba,•e.
Answer like this:
- They've already been to th e Statue of
Listen to another example.
MAN: Have you been to a talk s how yet?
WOMAN: Yes, I have. •
-She's already been l.o 11 talk s how.

Unit 10, Exercise 6 Unit 10, Exercise 9
[Note: This conversation is on page 66 of the Listen to a statement followed by a question,
Student's Book.] like this:
MAN: I drove my uncle's sports car last
Listen to this conversation.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready. - Has he ever driven a sports car?
Answer like this:
Unit 10, Exercise 7 - Yes, he has. He drove one last summer.
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question, like Listen to another example.
this: W OMAN: My sister and I a te some snails last
-eat raw fish week.
- Have you ever eaten raw fish? - Have they ever eaten snails? •
Listen to another example. -Yes, they have. They ate some last week.
-go skiing • Ready.
- Have you ever gone s kiing?

Unit 10, Exercise 8

Listen to a question followed by a word or
phrase, like this:
- How long have you lived here?
- last year
Answer like this:
- I've lived here since last year.
Listen to another example.
- How long have you been at this school?
-two years •
- I've been at this sch ool for two years.

11 It's averv exciting place! Unit 11, Exercise 3
Usten ta a question followed by words or
Unit 11, Exercise 1 phrases. like this:
-What's the city like?
Lostcn 10 people talk abou~ a city, like this: - beautiful . .. interesting
MAN: 1-iow do you like Rio?
WO:.t»: Oh. it's so glamorous and exciting! Answer the question, like this:
And the people are very friendly. - It's beautiful and interes Ung.
Suy i f the second s peaker likes it or doesn't l.isten to another example.
like it., like this: - What did you think of the capital?
-She likes it. - dangerous ... very interesting •
- It's dongeroua but very intereotl nJ.
Listen 10 another example.
WoMA~-: TciJ me o.bout.lho city. n... ~Y
liiAN: Well, the buildings are ugly, and it's very
noisy. And everything is 80 expensive! •
- He doesn't like it.

Unit 11, Exercise 2

Listen 10 a statement, like this:
- It's 1>-..autiful
Then U)' the opposite, llke this:
- No, it's not. I t's ugly.
Listen 10 another example.
- It's btg. •
- No, it's not.. It's small.

Unit 11, Exercise 4 Unit 11, Exerdse 8
I.Not~: This conversation is on page 75 of the Liston to a statement followed by a question.
Student's Book.) like thia:
-You can't rent a c:ar.
Listen to this conversation.
- Can you rent a car?
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
Answer like this:
- No, you can't..
Unit 11, Exerdse 5
Liston ogoin.
Listen and repeat. Reaoy. -You can't rent a car.
-Can you rent a car? •
Unit 11, Exerdse 8 - No, you can't.
Listen to someone ask questlons about a city, Listen to another example.
like this: - You can buy silk.
-Should I go to the art museum? -Can you buy silk? •
Answer like this: - Yes, you can.
- Oh, you s houldn't miss the art mus eum. Ready.
Listen to another exam?le.
-Should 1 go to the zoo? • Unit 11, ~
Exerdse 9 _ _ __
- Oh, you shouldn't miss tho zoo. Listen to two people talk ing about a plnce, like
Ready. this:
A: Can I swim at ti-e beaches'!
Unit 11, Exercise 7 B: Yes, you can. They're very safe.
Listen to a question, lilwo this: Say what you can or can't do there, like tlus:
- Do you think I should go in the summer or -You can swim at the bea ches.
the fall? Listen to another e<ample.
Answer with the first choice, like this: A: Can I go shopping on Sundays?
- I think you should l(o in th e s ummer. B: No, you eun't. The stores are closed on
Sundoys. •
Li8tcn to another example. -You con't go shopping on Sundny8.
- Do you think l should toke t•·twoler's checks
or cash? • Ready.
- I lhink you should ta.k e tra veler's

12 It really works! Unit 12, Exercise 5
Listen to a question followed by a word or
Unit 12, Exercise 1 phrase, like this:
-What should I do for the hiccups?
Listen to a word or phrase about a health - hold your breath
problem. Then use it in a sentence, like this:
-a headache Answer like this:
- I have a headache. - It's a good idea to hold your breath.
Then you hear a suggestion. Listen to another Listen to another example.
example. - What should I do for a toothache?
- a bad cold • - see the dentist •
- I have a bad cold. - It's a good idea to see the dentist.
-You should take some vitamin C. Ready.
Unit 12, Exercise 6
Unit 12, Exercise 2 Listen to someone offer you help, like this:
Listen to a word or phrase about a problem, - Good morning. Can I help you?
like this: Then you hear a word or phrase, like this:
-a stomachache - insect bites
Ask a question, like this: Answer like this:
- What should I do for a stomachache? -Yes, please. What do you have for insect
Then you hear a response, like this: bites?
-It's a good idea to take some antacid. Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
Listen again. - Good morning. Can I help you?
- a stomachache • - insect bites •
-What should I do for a stomachache? -Yes, please. What do you have for inseet
- It's a good idea to take some antacid. bites?
- Try this hydrocortisone cream.
Unit 12, Exercise 3
Unit 12, EXercise 7
Listen to a conversation about health, like
this: List.en to a word or phrase. Then make a
A: What should you do for a cold? request, like this:
B: It's important to get a lot of rest. - aspirin
C: And it's a good idea to take vitamin C. - Could I have a bottle of aspirin, please?
Repeat the answers, like this: Continue like this:
A: What should you do for a cold? - Here you are.
B: It's important to get a lot of rest. • -Thanks a lot.
-It's important to get a lot of rest. Listen again.
C: And it's a good idea to take vitamin C. • -aspirin •
-And it's a good idea to take vitamin C. - Could I have a bottle of as pirin, please?
Ready. - Here you are. •
- Thanks a lot.
Unit 12, Exercise 4 Ready.
[Note: This conversation is on page 78 of the
Student's Book.)
Listen to this conversation.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

15 May I take your order? Unit 13, Exercise 5
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a
Unit 1~ Exercise 1 question, hke this:
-something to drink
Lis!Aln to soort converso lions about food, like -Would you like something to drink?
A; I like spicy food. Then you hear an answer. Listen ago in.
B: So do I. -something to drink •
C: I do, too. - Would you like something to drink?
-Just water, please.
'i!'hcn repeat the responi!Cs, like this:
lk I like spicy food. Ready.
8 : So do I. •
-So do I. Unit 13, Exercise 6
C: I do,loo. • [Note: Thia conversation is on page 88 of the
- I do, too. Student's Book.]
Listen to this conversation.
Unit 13, Exercise 2 Now repent each sentence. Ready.
Listen to a statement fnllowcd by the word •so" Unit 13, Exercise 7
or "'too," like this:
- I think Mexican food is delicious. Listen to u question, Iike this:
-so - Would you like french fries or rice?
Answer like this: Answer with the first choice, like thia:
-So do I. - rd like french Cries, please.
Listen to another example. Listen to another example.
- I love popeom. - Would you like selmon or turkey? •
- too • - I'd like snlmon, plea.se.
- I do, too. Ready.
Unit 13, Exercise
Unit 13, Exercise 3 Listen to o question foUowcd by o phro!l<l, Uke
Liaten to a statement about food. Disagree this:
with the staiAlment, like this: - Would you like anything else?
- I can eat Mexican food every day. -some onion soup
- Really? I can't. Answer like th•s:
Listen to another example. - I til h ave .some onion sou.p., plea.se.
-I don'tlike German food. • Listen to nnother example.
- Really? I do. - What would you like?
awudy. - a turkey salad •
-I'll hove n turkey salad, please.
Unit 13, Exercise 4 Ready.
Listen to a person talk obout food, like this:
::IIA.'<: I'm crazy about greasy, aalty food.
Repeat the information, like th ia:
- He's crazy about grcaay, anlty food.

1'1- The biggest and the best! Unit 14, Exercise 5

Listen to a question, like this:
Unit 14, Exercise 1 -Which is the most important river: the
Mississippi, the Hudson, or the Columbia?
Listen and repeat. Ready.
Answer with the first choice, lil<e this:
Unit 14, Exercise 2 -The Mississippi is the most important.
Listen to two words. Then ask a question, like Listen to another example.
t his: -Which country is the most expensive: J a pa n,
- Canada .. . China Mexico, or Thailand? •
- Which country is bigger, Canada or - Japan is the most expensive.
China? Ready.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- Canada ... China • Unit 14, Exercise 6
- Which country is bigger, Cana da or [Note: This conversation is on page 93 of the
China? Student's Book.]
- Canada is bigger than China.
Listen to this conversation.
Now repeat each sentence. Rea dy.
Unit 14, Exercise 3
Unit 14, Exercise 7
Listen to two words. Then ask a question, li ke
this: Listen to a question a bout numbers. Answer
- long .. . river the question, like this:
-What is the longest river in the world? - Wh ich is longer, 50 miles or 50 kilometers?
-Fifty miles is longe r.
Then you hear the a nswer, like this:
-The Nile, in Africa, is the longest river. Listen to another example.
- Which is larger, 100 square kilometers or
Listen to another example. 100 square miles? •
- large ... lake • - A hundred s quare miles is larger.
- What is the largest lake in the world?
-The Caspian Sea, in Asia, is the largest lake. Ready.
Ready. Unit 14, Exercise 8
Unit 14, Exercise 4 Listen to words or phrases, and use them in a
question, like th is:
Listen to a statement followed by a word 01· - big ... Thailand
phrase, like this: - How big is Thailand?
-Niagara Falls is a famous tourist attraction.
- the Grand Canyon Then you hear an answer. Listen to another
Make a comparison, like this: - long ... the Mississippi River •
- I think the Grand Canyon is more - How l ong is the Mississippi River?
famous. - It's about 6,000 kilometers long.
Listen again. Ready.
-Niagara Fa lls is a famous tourist attraction.
- the Grand Canyon •
- I think the Grand Canyon i s more

IS I'm going to a soccer match.
Listen to sentences, like this:
Unit 15, EXercise 1 - The meeting is at 1:45.
Listen to a time expression. Then ask a Change each sentence into a message for J ohn,
question, like this: like this:
- this weekend - Please te ll John the meeting is at 1:45.
- What are you doing this weekend? Ready.
Then you hear a response. Listen to another
- next Thursday evening •
Listen to sentences, like this:
- What are you d oing next Thursday - I don't feel well.
- I'm going to a baseball game. Change each sentence into a message for Judy,
like this:
- Would you tell Judy I don't feel well?
Unit 15 ~rcise 2 Ready.
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question, like ..:....:.7_ _ _ _ _ __
- after class Listen to a person's name. Then ask to speak
- Are you doing a nything after class? to that person, like this:
- Mr. Smith
Then you hear a reply. Listen again. -Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
- after class •
-Are you doing anything after class? Then you hear a reply, like this:
- No, I don't have any plans. - I'm sorry. He's not in at the moment.
Ready. Reply like this:
- Could you a s k him to call me, please?
Listen again.
Listen to short conversations about plans. Say - Mr. Smith •
what the people are going to do, like this: -Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
MAN: What are you doing tomorrow night? - I'm sorry. He's not in at the moment. •
WOMAN: I'm having dinner \vith friends. - Could you ask him to call m e, please?
- Sh e's going to have dinner with friends. Ready.
Listen to another example.
WoMAN: What are you and Louise doing this 5' Exercise 8 - - - - - - - - - - '
weekend? Listen to a message, like this:
MAN: We're going to play tennis in the park. • - Call me at two o'clock.
- They're going to play tennis in the park.
Change the sentence into a request for Mark,
Ready. like this:
- Please ask Mark to call me at two
[Note: This conversation is on page 100 of the Listen again.
Student's Book.] . - Call me at two o'clock. •
Listen to this conversation. -Please ask Mark to call me at two
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

16 Achange for the better! t
[Note: This conversation is on page 108 of th e
Unit 18, Exercise 1 Student's Book.)
Listen to short conversations about peopJe who Listen to this conversation.
look djfferent. Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
Wo~fAN: Ed, you look great! ·····-············-
MAN: Thanks. I feel good, and I've lost some
Listen to a word or phrase. Then make a
Repeat what the second person says, like t his:
sentence. like this:
- Be !eels good, and he's lost some weight.
-go to graduaro school
Listen again. - rm not going to go to gra duate sc hool.
WoMAN: Ed, you look great!
Listen to another example.
MAN: Thanks. I feel good, and I've lost some
weight. •
-get married •
- I'm not going to get married.
- Be feels good, and he's lost some weight.
Unit 16, Eiefi:ise 7.,__ _ _ _ _ _ __.
Listen to a word or phrase. Then make a
Listen to a conversation, like this:
statement about fu~ure plans, li ke this:
WoMAN: You look great! How are you?
- buy a new ear
MAN: l'm fine. I got married a year ago.
-I'd love to buy a n e w ear, but I don 't
Repeat what the second person says, like this: plan to do it right a way.
- H e got married a year a go.
Listen to another exarnJple.
Listen again. -move •
WO)!AN: You look great! How are you? - I'd love to move, but 1 don't plan to do it
MAN: I'm line. I got married a year ago. • righ t awoy.
- H e got married a year a go.
Unit 18~ Exercise 8
u nit 18, Exemso _______. Listen to a phrase. Then make a statement
Listen to a short conversation, like this: about future plans, like this:
WO~!AN : liow a re you? You look a little tired. -be a singer
MAN: Well, !lost my job about six months ago. - I'd like to be a singer.
Repeat what the second person says, l ike thls: Listen to another example.
- H e lost hls job about six month s ago. - not .•• work with my fat her •
- I don't wan t to work wi th my fa ther.
n 16 Exercise 4
Listen and repeat. Ready.

Part 8- Script without responses
Part B contains the instructions and script Unl Ex
(without responses) for each exercise. Read the
instructions and do the exercise while you Listen to people introduce themselves, like
listen to t he •ecoo-ding. When you hear a tone t his:
(shown by a bullet • in the script), give your - I'm Ralph Perez.
response. Then listen to the recorded model Ask how to spell the person's last name, like
response. this:
- How do you spell your last name?
TPlease call me Beth. Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
-I'm Ralph Perez. •
Unit 1, Exera se 1 - How do you spell your last name?
- P·E·R·E·Z.
Listen to introductions, like this:
- These are my parents.
1. My name's Barbara Weise. •
Reply like this:
- Nice to meet you.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
-These are my parents. • 2. I'm Ruth Blanchette. •
-Nice to meet you.
- Hello.!Nice to meet you. B·lrA·N·C·H·E·T·T·E.
Ready. 3. My name's Edward Jameson. •
1. This is my father. •
Nice to meet you. 4 . I'm Jeff Kunzelman. •
2. This is Alicia. •
Nice to meet you, too.
3. These are my friends Joey and Pat. •

Hi./Nice to meet you.

4. This is Ms. Anderson. •

Nice to meet you, too.

Unit 1 Exercise 3 Listen to another example.
WOMAN: I'm from Thailand. •
Listen to people introduce themsel\'es, like - She'• from Thailand.
- I' m Trisha Nelson. Ready.

Ask a question about the person's first name, 1. M.-.'1: I'm from Japan. •
like this:
- Excuse me, what's you;r finlt o.nrne 2. WO~WI: I'm from the United St.atee. •
Then you hear an answer. 'Listen again. 3. MAN: We're from Brazil. •
- I'm Trisha Nelson. •
- Excu.se m~ what's your first name 4 . WO)IAN: I'm from Argentina. •
Ready. Unit 1, Exercise 5
1. I'm K.areem Johmron. • Listen to people introduce themselves, like this:
-I'm AJicio. Garcia.
Kareem. State the person's last name. Use ~his," uhca·,"
2. I'm So Young Kim. • or "their," like this:
- Her lust name is Garcia.
So Young. Listen again.
3. My name's Eli Reynolds. •
- I'm Alicia Garcia. •
- Her last name is Garcia.

Eli. Listen to another example.

- We're Mary and John Clark. •
4. My name's Smith Larsen. • -Their last name is Clark.
1. I'm Sally Green. •
Unit 1, Exerdse 4
Listen to people talk about. themselves, like 2. We'a·e Mr. and Mrs. Brown. •
WO)IAN: We're from Canada. 3. My name is Wanda Chang. •
Repeat what they say. Use "he; "she; or
"they; like this: 4. My name is Douglas Davis. •
-They're from Canada.
Listen again.
WO~IAN: We're from Canada. •
- They're from Canada.

Unit 1, Exercise 6
Listen to a statement about someone. Ask ~he Listen to people greet you, and ask who ~ey
person's ftrSt name, like this: are, Uke ~is:
- That's Ms. Garcia. -Hi!
- What's her first name? - Who is that?
Then you hear an answer, like this: Then you hear a n answer, like ~i s:
-Alicia. -That's Wanda Chang.
Ask where ~e person is from, like this: Listen a_gain.
-Where is sh e from? -Hi! •
- Who is that?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
-That's Wanda Chang.
-That's Ms. Garcia. •
- What's her first name? Listen to ano~er exa mple.
-Alicia. • - HiJHi, there! •
- Where is she from? - 'Who ar e they?
-Peru. - They're my friends Mary a.n d John.
Ready. Ready.
I. That's Mr. Stevens. • I. C,od morning! •

Rudolph. • That's Professor Kato.

2. Good morningYHello! •
2. That's Ms. Chang. • They're :\1r. and Mrs. Brown.
3. H ello! •
Wanda . •
That's Sally Green..
Taiwan. 4. Hi! •
3. That's Mr. Bush. •
That's my friend Rudy.
Frank. •
Unit 1 Exercise 8
The United States. (Note: This conversation is on page 5 of the
4. That's Mrs. Clark. • Student's Book.]
Listen to this conversation.
Mary. • SUN HKE: Hey, David. :How's it going?
DAVll>: Fine, ~a r>ks. How are you?
Australia. SIDI HEs: Pretty good. So, are your classes
interesting this semester?
DAVID: Yes, ~ey are. I really love chemistry.
Su:s H£&: Chemistry? Are you and Be~ in ~
same class?
DAVID: No, we aren't. My class is in the
morning. H er class is in ~e al\ernoon.
SUN HEE: Listen, rm on my way to ~e
cafeteria now. Are you free?
DAVID: Sure. Let's go.
Now repeat each sentence. &ady.

Unit ,,_..,~""""'~'"" Listen to another example.
- Is Mrs. Stevens from Canada? •
Listen to people talk about themselves and - Yes, sh e is.
other people, like this:
- Betsy and I are studying engineering here. Ready.
Ask if they're from the United States, like this: l. Are you and Eddie students? •
- Are you from the United States?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. 2. Is Ms. Green from Australia? o

- Betsy and I are studying engineering here. •

- Are you from the United States? 3. Is Mr. Stevens from Canada? •
- Yes, we are.
Listen to another example. 4. Are your parents on vacation? •
- That's my friend John. o
- Is he from the United States? 5. Are you on the volleyball team? •
-Yes, he is.
Unit 1, Exerdse.-~.11-l1:......-------...J
1. I'm on vacation here. •
Listen to a question, like this:
- Are you from Canada?
No, I'm not. I'm from Germany.
2. The two women over there are Ann and Answer "No," like this:
Paula. • - No, I'm not.
Listen again.
Yes, they are. - Are you from Canada? •
- No, I'm n ot.
3. That's Wanda Chang. •
Listen to another example.
No, she isn't. She's from Taiwan. - Is Mrs. Stevens from Australia? •
- No, sh e isn't.
4. My parents and I are visiting here. •
Yes, we are. 1. Are your parents in France now? •
5. That's Mr. Campos. o
2. Is your father from the United States? •
No, he isn't. He's from Brazil.
3. Is Ms. Green from Chile? •
Unit 1, EXercise 1Q
Listen to a question, like this: 4. Are you and Eddie roommates? •
- Are you a student?
5. Are you on the baseball team? •
Answer "Yes," like this:
- Yes, lam.
Listen again.
- Are you a student? •
- Yes, I am.

2. How do you spend your day? Un.J!h .ExllldM
LisU!n to people say where they work. Ask
what t hey do there, like this:
- I work for an airline.
LisU!n to people introduce themselves. Ask - What do you do there?
what they do, like this:
-My name's Celia. Then you hear an answer , like this:
- Wb..a.t do you do, Celia? - I'm a flight attendant.
Then you hear an a nswer , like this: Respond like this:
- rm "secretary. - Oh, a flight attendant. That sounds
Ask where they work, like this:
- Where do you work? Listen again.
- I work for an airline. •
Then you hear an answer. LisU!n again. -Wha t do you do there?
-1\'ly name's Celia. • - rm a ffigbt attendant. •
- What do you do, Celia? - Oh, a flight attendant. That sounds
- rm a secretary. • interesting.
- Where do you work?
- Transcontinent.al Airlines. LisU!n to another example.
- I work in a restaurant. •
Listen to another example. -What do you do there?
- My name's Andrea. • - rm a chef. •
-What do you do, Andrea? - Oh, a chef. That sounds interesting.
- rm a nurse. •
-Where do you work? Ready.
- I wor k at S t. Miehaefs Hospital 1. I work for a newspaper. •
1. rm Roger. • rm a word processor. •

rm an architeCt. • 2. I work in an office. •

I wor k fo r the city. rm a receptionist. •

2. I'm Nancy. •
3. I work in a hospital. •
rm a carpenter. •
Pm a doctor. •
I work for a construction company.
4 . I work i n a department. store. •
3. My name's David. •
rm a salesperson. •
rm a disc jockey. •

I work for WKRL.

4 . t.fy name.' s Alice. •

Pm a police officer. •

l work at Police HeadquarU!rs.

Unit 2 Exercise 3 Unit 2, Exercls,e....4...__ _ _ _ _ _ ____,
Listen to a statement about someone's job, like Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a
this: question, like this:
- My friend Ann is a teacher. -teach
- Where d o you teac h?
Ask how the person likes it, like this:
- How d oes s h e like it? Then you hear an answer, like this:
- At Jefferson High School.
Then you hear a n answer. Listen again.
- My friend Ann is a teacher. • Listen again.
- How does she like it? - teach •
- She loves it. -Where d o you teac h?
- At Jefferson High School.
1. Bill works from 3:00 to 11:00 P.M. • Ready.
1. work •
He likes it a lot.
2. Bill and Terry work for the telephone I work for United Airlines.
company. • 2. go to school •

It's OK. I go to Northwestern University.

3. Mary's a security gua rd. • 3. study •

She likes it a lot. At the library.

4. Mary and Ann study Sp anish on Saturdays. • 4. study English •

They love it. At a language school.

Unit 2, ExefCise 5 2. WoMAN: Where do you go to school, Bill?
MA.•I: I go to State University.
Listen to short conversatiom about work, like WoMAN: Really! What do you otudy?
this: MA.~: Music. •
Mt..•l: Where do you work, Sonia?
WoMAN: I work for an electronics company.
MAN: Really! What do you do there? 3. AiAN: So. where do you l!O to school, Rachel?
WOMAN: I'm a sales manager.
WOMAN: I go to City College.
MAl<: And what do you study there?
After each conversatiOI'l, make two sentences \VoMAN: Business. •
about the person, like this:
-She works for an e lectronics company.
4. WOMAN: Where do you go to school, Jock?
She's a sales manage r . MAN: I go to Florida University.
Ready. Wo~W<: Uh-huh. And what do you study
I. M.A.'I: Tell me where you work.
\VO)WI: I work for a tour company. !>fAN: I s tud,y biology. •
~fAN: That sounds interelling. And what do
you do there?
Wor.tAN: I'm a tour gujde. • Unit 2, Exercise 7
[Note: This conversation is on page 11 )f the
2. WOMAN: What do you do, Tony? Student's Book.]
MAN: I work for a radio station. Listen to thh; conversation.
WOMAN: Oh, really? What do you do thera?
MAN: I'm an announcer. • DA!<!EL: So, do you usually come to the IP'm in
the morning?
HELF~'<: Yeah, I do.
3. ii1A.'<: So where do you work? DANIEL: Really? What time do you go to work?
WOMAN: I work for a hank. HEI.BN: I work in the afternoon. I start work at
i\fAN: Really! Are you a teller? uve.
WOMAN: No, fm not.. I'm a sec:urity guard. • DANIEL: Wow, that's late. When do you get
home at night?
4 . WOMAN: Tell me about your work, Mark. HELEN: t usually l!')t home at midnighL
MAN: Well, I work for C ity Hospital. DAI'm:t.: Midnight? That is late. What do you
WoMAN: Really! What do you do there'? do, exactly?
MAN: Pm a nurse. • HELEN: I'm a TV announcer. I do the "eather
report on KNTV. Don't you recogniu me?
DANUU.: Oh! You're Helen Black. I love your
UnH 2, Ellefc:lse 6 sbowl By the way, I'm Daruel. ...
Usten to shon. conversations about oehool, ljke Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
Wo MAN: Where do you go to school, Tom?
MAN: I go to Southwestern University.
WOMAN: What do you study?
MAN: I study engineering.
After each conversation, make two sentences
about the person, like thia:
- H e goos to Southwestern U niversity. He
sturues engineerini·
I. MAN: Where do you go to school, Laura?
WOMA.'<: I go to New York College.
MAS: What do you study?
WOMAN: 1\iaehematics. •

Unit 2, Exerci~ 8 1. MAN: We get up early. •

Listen to a time, like this:

- It's 10:00 A.M. MAN: At 4:00A.M. •

Reply with "Good morning," "Good afternoon,"

2. WOl\IAN: I have breakfast late on weekends. •
or "Good evening." Listen again.
- It's 10:00 A.M. •
- Good morning. WOMAN: At 1:00 or 2:00 P.M. •
Listen to another example.
- It's 11:00 P.M. • 3. MAN: We go to work late. •
- Good evening.
MAN: At eight o'clock at night. •
1. It's 7:00A.M. •
4. Wo~IAN: I get home early on Fridays. •

2. It's 11:00 A.M. •

WOl\IAN: Around one in the afternoon. •

3. It's 1:00 P.l\1. •

Unit 2, Exercise 10
4. It's 8:00 P.M. • Listen to people talk about their daily
routines. Repeat what they say, like this:
WOI>IAN: I go to bed at eleven, and I get up at
Unit 2, Exercise 9 seven.
Listen to people talk about things they do - She goes to b ed at eleven, and she ge ts
early or late, like this: up at seven. ·
WOMAN: I get up late on Sundays. Ready.
Ask a question with "What time ... ?" like 1. MAN: I go to work at 6:00 P.M. •
- What time do you get up on S undays?
2. WOMAN: I get up before 7:00A.M. •
Then you hear an answer, like this:
WOMAN: Around two in the afternoon. 3. MAN: I go to bed after midnight. •
Respond like this:
- That is late. 4. WOMAN: I work on weekdays and study on
Listen again. Saturdays. •
WOMAN: I get up late on Sundays. •
- What time do you get up on Sundays? 5. MAN: I go to work in the afternoon and get
WOMAN: Around two in the afternoon. • home around midnight. •
- That is late.
Listen to another example.
MAN: I go to school early on Mondays. •
- What time do you go to school on
MAN: At 6:30 in the morning. •
- That is early.

3 How much is it7 Unit 3, Exercise 2
Listen 10 8 qu~tion about bow much
Unit 3 , Exercise 1 aometh ng costs, like this:
- Row 01uch are these shoes?
Listen to 8 question a.bout how much
something costs, like this: Answer "It's $60" or "'They're S50." Listen
-How much is that jacket? again.
- How much are these shoes? •
Ask "Which one?" or "Which ones?• Then you - They're $50.
hear an answer. Listen again.
- How much i:!S thtt.tjecket.? • Uaton to n.nothe r example.
- Whjch one? - How much is this bracelet? •
- The leather one. - It's $50.
Listen w another example. Ready.
- How much are these pants? • 1. How mucb is tbis shirt? •
- Which ones?
-The blue ones.
2. How much are these boots? •
1. How much are thote in·lino skates? • 3. How much are these earrings? •

The purp le ones. 4. How much is this bag'? •

2 . How much are tbel!e gloves? •
Unit 3, Exercise 3 _ __
The brown on9$.
3. How much is that ocarf? • Listen te a statement about something in a
swre, like this:
The polyester one. - I like this ncc:klnce.
4. How muc,h is this tie? • Ask .. How much is it?" or "'How much aro
they?" Then you hear an a nswer. Listen agtlin.
The red one. - I like t his ne<:klace. •
- H o w much is it?
- It's $30.
Listen te another example.
- I like these 8unglasses. •
- H ow mue h are they?
- They're S 13.
L I like this sweater. •

It's *40.
2. I like t hose rings. •

The)' re $14.
3 . I like theBe shoeB. •

The)'re $60
4. I like thatohlrl. •

It's $15.

Unit 3, EXercise 4 Unit 3_, Exercise 6 - - - - - - -
Listen to a comment about something in a [Note: This conversation is on page 19 of the
store, like this: Student's Book.]
-That jacket is nice.
Listen to this conversation.
Say "Yes, it is" or "Yes, they are." Then ask A.'<NE: Look! These jackets are really nice.
how much it is, like this: Which one do you prefer?
- Yes, it is. Excu s e m e. How much is this
SuE: I like the wool one better.
j acket? ANNE: The wool one? Why?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. SuE: It looks warmer.
- That jacket is nice. • ANNE: Well, I like the le ather one better. It's
- Yes, it is. Excuse me. How mu ch is this more stylish than the wool one.
jack et? SuE: Hmm. There's no price tag.
- It's $160. A.'fNE: Excuse me. How much is this jacket?
C LERK: It's $499. Would you like to try it on?
Listen to another example. ANNE: Uh, no. That's OK! But thanks anyway.
- Those shoes are nice. • CLERK: You're welcome.
- Yes, t h ey a re. E xcuse m e. How much are
th ese shoes? Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
-They're $49.99.
Ready. Unit 3, Exercise 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1. That tie is nice. • Listen to a question, like this:
- Which sunglasses do you prefer, the red ones
It's $24.99. or the blue ones?
2. That cap is nice. • Answer with the second choice, like this:
- I prefer t he blue ones.
It's $6.95. Listen to another example.
3. Those pants are nice. • -Which cap do you prefer, the blue one or the
PW"Ple one? •
- I prefer t h e purple one.
They're $34.
4. Those sunglasses are nice. • Ready.
1. Which gloves do you prefer, the wool ones or
They're $25. the leather ones? •

Unit 3, Exercise 5 2. Which ring do you prefer, the gold one or

the s ilver one? •
Listen and repeat. Ready.
1. These jackets are nice. • 3. Which in·line skates do you prefer, the ·
cheap ones or the expensive ones? •
2. It's more attractive than the wool one. •
4. Which jacket do you prefer, the polyester
3. How much is this jacket? • one or the silk one? •

4. That jacket is really expensive. •

Unit 3, Exercise 8 tmit 3, Eiiiii:iiii 9
Listen to a question, like this: Listen to people talk about prices of things in a
- Which jeans do you lilro better, the black store, like this:
ones or the blue ones? A; How much are the computers?
B: The big ones arc $1,000, and tbc small ones
Answer with the second choice, like this:
- The blue ones are nicer than th e black
are 53,000.
ones. Say which ones are more expensive, like this:
- The small ones are more expensive than
Listen to another example.
tb.e big ones.
- Wh.icb tie do you like better, the green one or
the yellow one? • Listen to another example.
-The yellow o ne L~ nicer than the green A; How much are the boots?
one. B: Tbe leather ones are $100, and the plastic
ones are $30. •
Ready. - The leather ones are more expensive
L Which T-shirt do you like better, the white than th e plastic o nes.
one or the gray one? •

2. Which pants do you like better, the light 1. A: How much a re the earrings?
blue ones or the dark blue ones? • B: The silver ones are S25. and the gold
ones are $75 . •

3. Which caps do you like better. the cheap

ones or Lbe expensive ones? • 2. A: How much are the scarves?
B: The polyester ones are $15, and the silk
ones are $50. •
4. Which computer do you like better, the big
one or tbe small one? •
3. A; How much are the jackets?
B: Tbe wool ones are $95, and the silk ones
are$65. •

4.. A: How much are the bags?

B: The American ones are $17, and the
Italian ones are $'70. •

'fDo you like rap?
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a
Unit 4, Exercise 1 question with "What's your favorite ... ?" tike
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a - music
question with "Do you like ... ?"like this: - \Vhat's your favorite music?
- Do you lik e jazz? Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- music •
Listen to another example. - What's your favorite music?
-soap operas • - Classical.
- Do you like soap o peras?
Listen to another example.
Ready. - sport .
1. game shows •
- What's your favorite s port?
2. horror movies •
1. TV program •
3. salsa •
TM Simpsons.
4. music videos • 2. movie •

3. restaurant •
Unit 4, Exercise 2
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a Planet Hollywood.
question with "Who's your favorite ... ?• like
this: 4 . color •
- pop singer
- Who's your favorite pop singer? Purple.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- pop singer •
- Who's your favori te pop singer?
- Celine Dion.
l. rock group •

The Rolling Stones.

2. actress •

Julia Roberts.
3. actor •

Leonardo DiCaprio.
4. composer •


Unit 4, Exerdse 4 Unit 4 , Exerc:l,.,
se ._,_
Us ten to a word or phrase. Then ask a LU;ten to a question, like this:
question, like this: - Do you like country music?
-musk Answer hke thos:
- Do you like music?
-No. J don't like it very muc..b..
Listen to another example. Liston to '-·m other example.
- science fiction • -Do you like horror movies? •
- Oo you like science fic tion?
- No, I don' t like them very much.
lloody. lli)ady.
I. talk •hows •
1. Do you like westerns? •

2. comedies •
2. Do you like country music? •

3. soap operas • 3 . Do you like thrillers? •

Now ask questions with "What ... ?" Listen to 4. Do you like classical music? •
on example.
- music
- Wloat music do you lik e? Unit 4, Exerdse 7
Liatt>n tJ) another example [Note: Thlo conversation Is on page 23 of<he
- gnrnc shows • Student's Book.)
- What l(ame shows do you like?
Listen to this con,·e:rsation.
TO~I: Do you like rap, Liz?
4. &Jngers • Lrz: No, I don't like it very much. Do you?
TOM: Yeah, l do. rm a big fan of Emincm.
5. nct.ore • Ltz: l think I know him. Does he play the
6. music videos • TOM: 'l'he piono? No, he doesn't. He's o singer!
Ltz: Oh, I guess I don't know much about rap.
To~t: So, whot ki nd of music do you liko?
Unit 4, Exercise 5 Liz: I really like pop music:.
TOll: Who's your favorite singer?
L.isttn to a question, like this: L•z: Celine Oion. I love her voice. Do you like
- Do you like jazz? her?
Answer J.tk_e tJus: To»: No. J don'L l don't like pop mu.oic very
- Yes, I like it a lot. much.

L.iswn to another example. Now repeat eoch sent.enoe. Ready.

- Do you like thrillers? •
- Yes, I like them a lot.
1. Do you like news progTams? •

2. Oo you like rap music? •

3. Do you like science 6ction? •

.... .................
4. Do you like TV game shows? •

Listen to people talking about an event, like Listen to a statement, like this:
this: - There's a soccer game on Saturday.
A: When's the movie?
B: On Friday at 7:30P.M. Ask a question with "Would you like ... ?"like
Then make a sentence about the event, like -Would you like to go to a soccer game
this: on Saturday?
-Th e movie's on Friday at 7:30 P.l\1.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
Listen to another example. - There's a soccer game on Saturday. •
A: What time's the news program? -Would you like to go to a soccer game
B: It's on Wednesday at 6:30P.M. • on Saturday?
- The news program's on Wednesday at -Yes, I'd really like to go.
6:30 P.l\1,
Ready. 1. There's a jazz concert at the Kennedy
1. A: 'What time's the jazz concert? Center. •
B: It's on Sunday evening at seven. •
Yes, I'd love to. Thanks.
2. A: When's the meeting? 2. There's a baseball game on Friday. •
B: On Tuesday at 5:00 P.M. •
I'd like to, but I have to work.
3. A: When's the baseball game?
B: It's on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. • 3. There's a movie at 7:30. •

4. A: What time's the tennis game? I'd like to, but I have to study.
B: It's on Sunday at six o'clock. • 4. There's a new play at the Grand Theater. •

Yes, I would. Thanks.

Listen to the name of an event. Then ask a

question, like this:
-the movie
- When's the movie?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
-the movie •
- When's the movie?
- On Wednesday at 7:30P.M.
1. the baseball game •

On Sunday afternoon at 3:30 P.M.

2. the concert •

On Friday night at 8:00 P.M.

3. the movie festival •

Next week from Monday to Friday.

4. the car show •

Next weekend on Saturday and Sunday.

5 Tell me about your familv. 5. Who's your sister's daughter? •

Unit 5, Exerclse
l !.!
t ___ .::=:-- 6. \Vho's your brother's son? •

Listcn to the name of a family member. Then 7. \Vho's your aunt's son? •
make a sentence, like t.his:
- grandmother
- Sh e's my grandmo ther. 8. Who's your uncle's daughter? •
Listen to another e•ample.
- b•-other • Units., Exercise 3
- He's my bro ther.
Listen to people talk about their families, lil<e
Ready. this:
1. grandfather • M.A.'l: How many sisters do you have, Celia?
'NOJ.lAN: I have one sister.
MAN: And do you have any brothers?
2. mother •
WO>~AN: Yes, I have two brothers.

3. father • Say how many brothers and sisters each

person bas, like this:
- She has o n e sister a nd two b rothe rs.
4. sister •
Listen to another example.
Wo!IIAN: Do you come from a big family, David?
5. husband •
MAN: Yes, I do.
WOMAN; How many brothers and s isters do yol!
6. wife • have?
MAN: I have two sisters and three brothers. •
7. nephew • - He has t w o sister s a nd three brot hers .
8. niece • 1. WOMAN: Do you have any sisters, Tom?
MI\J'/: No, I don't.
WOMAN: How about brot hers?
Unit 5, Exercise 2 MAN: Yes, Thave one brother. •
Listen to a question, lilke this:
- Who's your mother's mother? 2. MI\J'/: V.'hat's your family li ke, Anna? Do you
Answer like this: have any brothers?
- My grandmoth e r. WOMAN: Yes, I have one brother.
MA..'l:: And do you have any s isters?
Listen to another e.xample. Wo.t~.t.AN: Yes, I have one sister, too. •
- Who's your mother's father? •
- My grandfathe r .
3. WOl\I.AN: Tell me about your family, Hicardo.
!Wady. MAN: Well, I have one brother.
1. Who's your father's sister? • WOMAN: And do you have any sisters?
MAN: No, I don't, •

2. \Vho"s your mother's brother? •

4. M AN: Are you an only child, Rita, or do you
have brothers and s isters?
3. Who's your brother's wife? • WoM.AN: Oh, I come from a big family.
MAN: Really?
4. Who's your husband's sister? • WOMAN: Yes, I have four brothers.
M.AN: Any sisters?
Wo~t.AN : 1 have two sisters. •

Unit 5, EXercise 4 Unit 5, Exercise 5
Listen to a conversation. Repeat each question, [Note : This conversation is on page 31 of the
like this: Student's Book.]
WOMAN: I have a brother.
MAN: Oh? Where does he live? Listen to this conversation.
-Where does he live? Rl'l'A: Tell me about your brother and sister, Sue.
Wor.IAN: In Chicago. SUE: Well, my sister works for the government.
MAN: What does he do? • RITA: Oh, what does she do?
-What does he do? SuE: I'm not sure. She's working on a very
Wor.IAN: He's an architect. secret project right now.
MAN: Really? Does he like it? • RITA: Wow! And what about your brother?
- Does h e like it? SUE: He's a wildlife photographer.
WoMAN: Yes, he does. He's very good. RITA: What an interesting family! Can I meet
Ready. SUE: Uh, no. My sister's away. She's not
1. MAN: I have an older sister. working in the United States this month.
WO!VIAN: Oh? \\There does she live? • RITA: And your brother?
SUE: He's traveling in the Amazon.
MAN: In Boston. Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
Wor.IAN: What does she do? •

MAN: She's a teacher. She teaches first

WOMAN: Really? Does she like it? •

MAN: Yes, she does. Very much.

2. WoMAN: I have a son. He's twenty-six.
MAN: Where d oes he live? •

Wor.IAN: In St. Louis.

MAN: What does he do? •

WOMAN: H e's a sports announcer on TV

MAN: Really? Does he like it? •

WO!VIAN: He loves it.

Unit s, EXerase 6
Ask que-s tions about someone•s family, like Listen tn a phrase. Then ask a question, like
this: this:
-sister - look for a job
-Where is your sister living now? -Are you looking for a job?
Then you hear an answer, like this: Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- In San Diego. - look for a job •
- Are you looking for a job?
Ask what the person is doing, like this:
- No, fm not.
- What is she doing?
Listen to another example .
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
-live a\ home •
-sister •
- Are you living at home?
-Where is your sister living n ow?
- Yes,J am.
- In San Diego. •
- What is she doing? Ready.
- She's planning her wedding. 1. take German •
1. brother • No, fmnot.
2. go to school •
In Detroit. •
Yes, lam.
He's working for an information systems 3. take care of your younger brother and sister •
2. parents • No, I"mnot.
4. study art •
They're still in the same place. •
Yes, lam.
My dad's reti.r ed, and my mother is working
for a bank. 5. travel a lot •
3. niece •
No, l'm not.
In Singapore. •

She's teaching English.

4. nephew •

He's in Michigan. •

He's going tn graduate school.

5. aunt and uncle •

ln Miami. •

Playing tennis. They're retired.

6. cousins •

They're still i n the same place. •

Mel is a salesman, and Marty is working for

the city.

Exerdsel Unit 5, Exercise 9
Listen to a question and an answer, like this: Listan to a question and an answer, like this:
1\t.N: Are you living at home? r.IAI<: Are your friends siogle?
WoYAN: No, I'm DOt. rm living with my friend Wo>IAN: About 95 percent or them are single.
Then you hear another question. Answer "~th
Restata the answer, like this: "M.o st of them," "Many of them," or "A few of
-She's living with her friend Nilda. them." like this:
-How many of her friends are single?
Listan to another example.
-Most of them.
Wo:>IA:<: Are you going to coUege this year?
MA.'I: Yes, I am. I'm going to college and Listan agaio.
working. • MA.'<: Are your friends siogie?
- He's going to college and working. WoMAN: About 95 percent of them are single.
- How many of her friends are single? •
-Most of them.
1. l\t..._.,, What are you doing these days?
Wo>.tAN: I'm workiog and takiog courses at LisU!n to another example.
night. • MA.'<: Do your friends have jobs?
WoMA.'II: Approximately 50 or 60 percent of
them have jobs.
2. WoloiAN: Are you playing a sport this year? -How many of her friends have jobs? •
MA.": Yes, I am. I'm playing basketball • -Many of them.
3. MAN: Where are you living oow?
WoYAN: I'm liviog io New Jersey and 1. MAN: Do your friends want to get married?
working io New York. • WoMAN: About 90 percent of them want to
get married.
How many of her friends want to get
4. Wo!dAN: Are t-ou looking for a job?
married? •
r.1AN: No, I'm oot.. But my brother is looking
for one. •
2. 111.'-"' Do your friends want a lot of children?
WoMAN: Two of my friends want a lot of
5. MAN: Where are you working now?
WoMAN: I'm working in Mexico and learning How many of her friends want a lot of
Spanish. •
children? •

3. MAN: Uo your fnends live Wlth tbetr

WoMAN: Almost 90 percent of them Jive with
their parents.
How many of her ti-iends live with their
parents? •

4. M.w: Do your friends have cars?

WoMAJ<: About 75 peroont of them have cars.
How many of her friends have cars? •

5. MAN: Do your friends take care of their

younger brothers and sisters?
WoMAN: Maybe 5 percent of them do.
How many of her friends take care of their
younger brothers and sistars? •

6 How often do you exercise? Unit 8, Exercise 3
Listen to people talk about sports and fltneJill.
Unit 8, Exercise 1 Repeat the statements with ~e· or •me,'" like
Ll8ten to a question, like this: WO~WI: I uAuolly go for a long walk on
- Do you ever do weighl training? Sundays.
Answer with •about twice a week." like tbis: -Sh e us ually goes for a long walk o n
- Yes, l do weight traini ng about twice a Sundays.
Listen to Mother example.
Listen again. l ~tl ways go to the gym late at night. •
- Do you ever do weight training? • - He nlways goes to th e gym laie nt nighL
- Yes, I do weight training abo ut twice a Ready.
I. WOMAN: I sometimes do weight training
Ready. before work. •
I . Do you ever do yoga? •
2. ~: I often play tennis after work. •
2. Do you ever go jogging? •
3. WOMAN: l almost never play volleyball ~h eso
a. Do you ever play basketball? • days. •

4. Do you c\rer do aerobics? • 4. WOMAN: I seldom go jogging in tho pork. •

5. Do you ever play tennis? • 5. MA.'<: l ""''"' ba'" a regular fitness program. •

6. Do you ever go swimming? •

Unit 8, Exercise 2
Listen to a question. Answer with "almost
ncvnr," like this:
- How on.,n do you do aerobics?
- 1 almost never do aerobics.
Litten to another example.
- How often do you do yoga? •
- I almos t never do yoga.
I. How often do you go bicycling? •

2. How often do you play baseboll? •

3. How often do you exercioe? •

4. Bow often do you play football? •

6. How on.,n do you lift weights? •

:..uruuJwtm • Unit !!, Exercise 6
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with [Note: This conversation is on page 37 of the
"How often ... ?" like this; Student's Book.]
-go bowling
Listen to this conversation.
- How often d o you go bowling?
l\1AAI:£: You're really fit, Paul. Do you exercise
Then you bear an answer, like this: a lot?
- About onoe a month. PAUL: Well, T almost always get u p early, a nd T
Listen to another example. lift weights for an hour.
-play golf • MARtE: Seriously?
- How often do you play golf? PAUL: Sure. And then I often go in-line
- About once a month. skating.
MARlB: Wow! How often do you exercise like
Ready. that?
1. go to the gym • PAUL: About five times a week. What about
About twioe a week. MARIB: Ob, I hardly ever exercise. 1 usually
jus~ wateb TV in my free time. I guess I'm a
2. go swimming • real couch potato!

About three times a week. Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

3. play tennis •
Unit 6, Exerdse.

Every day. Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a

question with "How weii ... ?" like this:
4. do aerobics • -play football
- Bow w ell do you play footbaii?
Every other day.
Then you hear an answer, lilte this:
5. workout • - Not very well. I like soccer better.
Li3ten to anoth er examp le.
Only on weekends. -bowl •
6. go skiing • - How w ell do you bowl?
- Pretty welL I'm on the bowling team at work.
About twice a year. Ready.
1. play volleyball •
..Unit &..Exercise 5
Listen and r epeat. Ready. Not very well, but !like it.
1. I almost always get up very early. • 2. do your job •

2. I lift weights for an hour. • Very well 1 love my job.

3. dance •
3. And then I often go in-line skating. •
Not very well. 1 don't like dancing!
4.. How often do you exercise like that? •
4 . sing •
5. 1 hardly ever exercise. •
I sing well. J'm in a rock band.
6. I usually just watch TV in my free time. • S. play the piano •

I don't play the piano. My brother plays it.

Unit 8, Exercise 8 1. go in-line skating •
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a
question with "How good ... ?"like this: No, never. •
- Bow good are you at o<><:eer? Nothing. I'm a real couch potato.
Then you hear an answer~ like this; 2. go bicycling •
- Pretty good, I guess. I piny it a lot.
Yee, almost every weekend. •
Liston to another example.
- football •
- B ow good are you at football? Nothing "I""· really.
- Terrible. I hate sports. 3. go bowling •
I . bowling • Bowling? No, never. •

Not too good. I don't bowl very o!Wn. I go sailing sometimes.

2. vollcybnll • 4. work out at a gym •

Pretty good, I guess. No, I don't. It's too expensive. •

S. lifting weights •
I work out at home.
Pretty good. Not greal 5. play golf •
4. aerobics •
Yes, I play two or lhree times a month in
Not bad for a beginner. summer. •
6. rncquctbnll •
I gn RWimm ing t hrP.P.. or fo ur timPM A Wfi:Ak.
Terrible! It's fun, though. I like it. 6. piny tennis •

Unit 8, Exercise 9 Yes, sometimes. Not very often. •

Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with
"Do you ever ... ?" like this; I go shopping. Hey, it's bard work!
-go swimming
- Do you ever go swimm.i_n_t f
Then you bear an answer, like this;
- Yes, about once a week.
Ask "What else do you do for exercise?" Then
you hear another answer. Listen again.
- go swimming •
- Do you ever go swimmi nl(/
- Yes, about once a week. •
- What else do you do for exercise?
- I lilt weights.
Listen to another example.
- do yoga •
- Do you ever do YOia?
- No, never. •
- What do you do for exercise?
- I play racquetball once or twice a week

7 We had a great time! 1. What did you do on Friday night?
go dancing •

Un!il, Exercise 1
2. What did you do on Saturday?
Listen to a question and answer, like this: work •
MAN: What did you do on Saturday night?
WoMA~<: I invited some friends for dinner. 3. What did you do after class yeste.-day?
Then we watched a video. do my homework •
Restate the answer, like this:
- She invited some friends for dinner. 4 . Where did you spend your last vacation?
Then t hey watched a vid eo. go to Hawaii •
Listen to another example.
M!lli: What did you do on the weekend? 5. What did you do last weclutnd?
WOMAN: I went to a movie. I saw Titanic again. • drive to the beach •
- She went to a m ovie. She saw Til.anic
Ready. Uni Exercise 3
1. W oMAN: How was your weekend? Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with
MA.'" It was OK I stayed home and studied. • "What did you do . .. ?' like this:
-last night
- What did you do last night?
2. MAl<: How was your weekend?
W OYAN: Terrific! I wen t shopping. Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
Everything was on sale. • -last night •
- What did you do last night?
3. W OMAN: What did you do on Sunday? - 1 went to a movie.
MA.": I went to Boston with some friends. Ready.
We took a tour of the city. • Lon Sunday •

4. MA.": What did you do last weekend? I went to a soccer game.

WoMAN: My brother had a party. I saw a Jot
of old friends. • 2. on Saturday night •

5. WoMAN: What did you do on Saturday? I went to a concert.

MAN: I studied all day and went to a concert 3. on Sunday afternoon •
in the evening. •
I drove to the lake.
Unit l Exen:ise 2 4. last weekend •

Listen to a question followed by a word or

I visited my grandparents.
phrase, like this:
- What did you do on Sunday? 5. last summer •
-stay home
Answer like this: I took a vacation.
- I stayed h o me. 6. on Sunday night •
Listen to another example.
- What did you do last night? I stayed home.
-watch TV •
- I watched TV.

Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with Listen to a conversation. Repeat each question,
'How was ... ?" Hke this:
like this:
- your weekend WOMAN: What did you do last weekend?
- How was you_r wee}kend? - What did you do last weekend?
MAN: I went for a drive on Saturday.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
WoMAN: Where did you go? •
- your weekend •
-Bow was your weekend ?
- Where did you go?
MAN: I drove out to the lake. Sam and Alice

- Very nice, thanks.
went with me.
1. the movie • 1. WoltAN: What did you do last weekend? •

It was terrific. ···············-·

M.A.'<: I went for a drive on Saturday.
2. the party • WOMAN: Where did you go? •

Not very exciting.

MAN: I drove out to the lake. Sam and Alice
3. yout· vacation • we·o t with me.
WoMAN: What did you do there? •
It was fun.
4. the concert last weekend • MAN: \Ve went S\\-rimming and had a picnjc.
WOMAN: How was the water? •
Pretty good.
5. your business trip • MAN: Cold!
2. MAN: Where did you go on your vacation? •
Very good, thanks.
WOliAN: To Florida.
Unit 7, EXei'Qse 5 MAN: How did you like it? •
Listen to a question, like this:
- Did your parents enjoy their vacation? WOMAN: It was great!
MAN: Who did you go with? •
Answer "Yes," like this:
-Yes, they did.
WOMAN: With my family.
Listen to another example. MAN: What did you see? •
- Did your brother go shopping with you? •
- Yes, he did.
WOMAN: Epcot Center, the Everglades,
Ready. Miami Beach.
1. Did you go to tho concert last weekend? • MAN: How long did you stay? •

?. Dirl your ~i~t.Pr IP.J'IVP. fhT ~nth AmP.rir..A lA$1t WOMAN: For ten days.
week? • MAN: Sounds great.

S. Did your friends visit you last week? •

4. Did your father enjoy his trip to Japan? •

5. Did you and your family take a vacation last

summer? •

6. Did your children take swimming lessons in

July? .

Unit 7, ~en:lsa 7 1. My brother jU61. came badl. from Mexico. •

(Not~: This conversation is on page « of the

Studenl"s Book.) For two weeks. •

Losten 10 lhis con,·ersation.

Yes. he went scuba diving lD CancU.n.
RICK: So, what did you do last weekend. Yeg?
2. 1 JUSt came back from New York. •
Moo: Oh. ( had a great time. I went 10 a
karaoke bar and sang wilh oome friends on
Saturday. For a week. •
RICK: That sounds like fun. Did you go 10
Lucky's? Not really. It was a business trip.
MEC: No, we didn't. We went to that new place
3. My parents Just came bad< from Japan. •
downtown. How about you? Did you go
RICK: No, I didn't go anywhere aU weekend. 1 For ten days. •
JUSt scayed home and s tud•ed for IOday's
Spanish t.esL Yes, they did. They spent two mchta in e
M.EC: Our Spanish test is today? I forgot aU country inn.
about that! 4. My sister just came back from Montreal. •
RICK: Don't worry. You alway& get an A.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready. For four days. •

Unit t Exercise 8 Not really. She just went 10 relax.

Listen 10 a statement about a trip, like this: 5. My husband and 1 just came back from
- My falher jost. came back from South Thailand. •
Ask a question with "How long .. . ?" like this: For almost two months. •
- How long was be there?
Then you hear an answer. like this: Yea, we studied Thai. We learned a lot.
- Foro wook.
Ask if the person did anything special, like
- Did be do anything special?
Then you hear an answer. Listen spin.
- My father just came back from South
America. •
- R ow long was he there?
- For a •-eek. •
- Did he do anything special?
- Yes. he visited six countries in six days.
Listen 10 another example.
- My mom just came back from London. •
- How long was she there?
- For five days. •
- Uid she do anything spectal?
- Yes, she t.oo1t a boat ride up the Thames.

8 What's your neighborhood like? Unit a, Exercise 3
Listen and repeat. Ready.
Unit a, Exercise 1 1. There are some on Pine Street. •
Listen to people say what they need, like this:
- I nood a dictionary. 2. I think there's one in the shopping center.
Toll thorn where they can get it, like this:
- There's a bookstore on Main Street. 3. There's a barber shop in the shopping
center~ too. •
Listen to another example.
-1 need s ome stamps. •
- There's a post office on Main Street. 4. There are a lot of restaurants in my
neighboJ'hood. •
1. I'd like to make a phone call. • 5. I bet there are some on Main Street. •

2. I'd like to wash my clothes. •

Unit a, Exerdse 4
3. l'd like to see a movie. • Listen to a question followed by a word, like
4. I need gas for the car. • -Are the•'ll any banks nearby?
5. ['d like to go dancing. • Answer the question, like this:
- Yes, there's one on Fourth Avenue.
6. I need some money. • Listen to another example.
- Are there any supetmarkets near here?
-some •
Unit a, Exercise 2 - Yes, th ere are some on Fourth Avenue.
Listen to people ask about different places. Ready.
Ans wer with "No, there isn't" or "No, there 1. rs there a grocery store around here?
aren't.'' like this: some •
- Is there a pay phone in this building?
-No, there isn't.
2. ls there a laundromat nearby?
Listen to another example. one •
-Are there any bookstores on Oak Street? •
-No, there aren't.
3. Are there any caf~s around here?
Ready. some •
1. Are there any coffee shops nearby? •
4. Is there a gas station near here?
2. Is there a park around here? • some •

3. Are there any apartment buildings in the 5. Is there a post office in the neighborhood?
neighborhood? • one •

4. Is there a shopping center near the train

station? •

5. Are there any restaurants on First Street? •

Unit a, Exen:i• 5 4. travel agcne.ies •
Listen to the name of a place. Then ask a
question, like this: There's one on Second Street, across from
- bua station the aupermarkeL •
- E:xeuse me. Is there a b\d station near
here? 5. ho!Alla •
Then you hear an answer, like ~his:
- Yes, it's just across the street. There are some on First ,\.venue, between
Main Street a nd Broadway. •
Re1>eat the information you hcor , like this:
- Just across the street? Thonko.
6. drugstore •
LisU>n again.
- bus station • Yes, there's one on the cerner of Main Street
- Excuse me. Is there a bus &lt\Uon near
and Second Avenue. •
-Yes, it"s just ac;oss the street.. •
- J ust across the street? Thanks.
Unit a, Exerdae 8
Listen to another example.
!Note: This oonvcrsation is on page 50 of ~he
- restaurants •
- Excuse me. Are there any restaurants Student's Book.]
n car here? Listen to thia conversation.
-Yes, there are some on Main Street, ncar the J ACK: Excuse me. I'm your new neighbor, Jack.
movio theater. • l jus~ moved in.
- On Main Street, near the movie theater? MRS. DAY: Oh. Yes?
Thanks. J ACK: I'm looking for a grocery store. Are there
Ready. any li.I'Ound here?
MRS. DAY: Yes, there are so:ne on Pine StreeL
1. library •
JACK: Oh, good. And is there a laundromat
near here?
Yea, there's one opposiU> the post office. • MR.~. DAY: Well, I think there's on e across from
the shopping oen!Alr.
2. department stores • J ACK: Thonk you.
MRs. DAV: By the way, them's n barber shop in
There are two on Main Street, between the shopping center, too.
First and Second Avenues. •
JACK: A borber s hop?
Now repeat each sentA>nce. Ready.
s. gym .
Yes, there's one on Second Street.. nex~ to
the hotel. •

Unit 8, EXiiCiKJ 4. traffic •

Listen to a question with "How much ... ?"or

·How many . .. ? like this: There'a a lot on Main Stteea..
- How much crime is there in thi.e area? 5 . noiae •
Ana:wer with *There iSn t much"' or .,ere

aren't many,"like this: There isn't much, except on Main Street..

- There isn't much. 6. bus lines •
l,istcn to another example.
- How many movie theaters are there in this '!'here ore three- on Main Street, Pirst
neighborhood? • Avenue, ond Fourth Avenue.
- 'l'herc aren't many.
UnH 8, Exerdse I
I. How much pollution is there around here? • Listen to a question. like this:
- How much crime is there in this area?
2. How many bookstores are there downto·wn? • Answer "I'm not sure," and "There's a little" or
'There arc o few," like this:
- I'm not sure. There's a little.
3 . How many gyms are there nearby? •
Listen ogoin.
~1 . Huw much uight.life it~ t.her(l 8 1'0\md here? • - How much crime is there in this area? •
- rm n ot sure. There 's a little.
6. How much traffic is there in this area? • Listen to another example.
- How many hospitals are there in the city? •
- rm no t s ure. There are a few.
Unit a, Exerdse 8 Ready.
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a 1. How much nightlife is there around here? •
with ~ow much ... nr 11 How
t'JtiAAtinn r
many ... ?" like this: 2. How many dance clubs are th ere nrou nd
- ctimo here? •
- llow much crim e i.s there ln this
n e ighborhood?
3. How much modern architecture is Lh~re
Then you hear an answer, like this: downtown? •
- Not much, really.
Listen to another example. 4. How many modem buildings are there
- dance clubs • downtown? •
- Ho w many dance clubs a re there in this
5. How many bus lines are there in this
- I'm not sure. There are a few.
neighborhood? •
J. pollution • 6. How much pollution is there in the city? •

There's very little.

2. 11Chools •

There arc three elementary lchoob and one

high IIChool.
3. hospitals •

There aren't any.

q What does she look like? Unit 9, Exercise 3
List<'n to a statemern, like this:
Unit 9, Exen:ise 1 - He has blond hair.
Llsten to a word or phrnse. '!ben ask a Ask for the same information again, like this:
question about someone'a appearance, like - I'm sorry. What color is his hair?
this: Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- bold - He has blond hair. •
- Is be bald? - I'm sorry. What color is h is h air?
Listen to a nother exam pi~. -Blond.
- short • Li• l<'n to another example.
- l.o he short? - He's about 25. •
Ready. - rm 80rry. B.ow old is be?
I . tall • -About25.
2 nuddle-aged •
l. lie's about 6 feet tall. •
3. handsome •
About 6 feet.
4 . young • 2. He's In his teens. •

5. in his 6.fues • ln hla teens.

3. He haa red hair. •
Unit 9, Exercise 2
uslen to a word or phrnse. Then ask a
4. He'a about 40. •
qu.eation about some<me'a appearance, like.
- blond hair About 40.
- Does b e have blond hair? 6. He has grny hair. •
'Mu~n you hear an an.AWAr. LiALAn t.o another
example. Groy.
- gl.....,. . 6. He'a about ISO centimeters tall. •
- Does he have glasses?
- Yes, he does. About ISO centimeters.
1. white hair • Unit 9, Exercise 4
Listen to a short conversation about a puson•s
Yes, he does. appearance, like this:
2. brown eyes • A: Whot docs your brother look like?
B: He's toll and good-looking.
Yes, he does. A: Does he have dark hair?
B: Yes, he does.
S. long hair •
Then descnbe the person, like lhis:
1\o. be doesn't. It's short. - 8 6'8 tall and good-looking, wilb dark
4. curly hair •
Listen to another example.
No, he doesn'L It's straighL A : What does your sister look like?
B: She's pretty.
&. conta<;t le.IUeS •
A: Docs ahe have blond hair?
B: Yea, she does. •
No, he doesn't. -She's pretty, with blond bal:r.

1. A; What does your friend Young Su look Unit 9, Exercise 6
B: Well, he's taU. Listen to a short conversation. Then repe.tt
A: Is he good-looking? each sentence, like this:
B: He's handsome. • A; Is Kathy the woman wearing the red lhirt?
B: No, she's tho one wearing the red sweater.
- Is Kathy the woman wearing the red shirt? •
2. A: Ho·N old is his wife? - Is Kat hy th e w oman wearing lhe r ed
B: I'm not s ure. She's fairly young.
A: What does she look like?
B: Sho's pretty. •
s h i rt?
-No, she's the one wearing the red awen lor. •
- NoJ s ho'a the one wearing the red
s wcntc r.
3. A: Ho·., tall is Mr. Mendez'? Ready.
8: Oh. he's pretty tall.
A; lio-.. old is he? 1. A; Ia that your husband?
B· I don't know, exactly. He's middle-aged. • 8: No, that's my cousin.
1a u.~" Jvw L~taud? •
4. A; HoNold is Mrs. Lopez?
8 : She's fairly elderly. No, that's my cousin. •
A: What does she look liko?
8: She's taU and beautifuJI • 2 . A: Is Elena the one wearing the skirt?
B: No, Hhc'8 wearing jeans.
6. A: What does your uncle look like? Is Elena t he one wearing the skirt? •
8 : He's medium height. with red hair.
A; Really? No, she"a wearing jeans. •
B: Yeo, and he has a mustache. •
3. A: Ia Paul the one ..~th glasses?
8 : No, he's the one with a beard.
Unit 9J Exercise 5 Is Pnul the one with glasses? •
lNoto: Thi& eonvereation iv on p.Q(JO 6 1 of tho
SLudont's 13ook.] No, he's the one with a beard. •
L.islcn LCI this convetaation.
4 . A: Is your brother that man behind t ho
L11.: Hi, Raoul! Good to sec you! Whure's wble?
Maggie? 8 : No, he's the one in front of the table.
RAOUL: Oh, she couldn't make it. She went to a Is your brother that man behind the tnble? •
conc:cr-~ wit-h Alex.
LIZ: Oh! Well, why don'L you go and talk to
No, he'• tho one m front of the table. •
Julia? She doesn't know anyone here.
RAOUL: Julia? Which one is ohe? Is she the
woman wearing glasses over thero? 5. A: Is Tomiko the one in the blue T·shirt?
LIZ: No, she's the tall one in jeans. She's B: No, she's the one in the black T-shirt.
standbg ncar the wi.n dow. Is Tomiko the one in the blueT-shirt? •
RAouL: Ob, I'd like to meet he•··
No, s he's Lhe one ln the black T..s hlrt... •
Now r<lpoat each sentence. !Wady.
6. A; Are the Smiths the ones talking to Mike?
B: No, the Parkers are talking to l\flko. The
Smiths are over there.
Are the Smiths the ones tsJking to Mike? •

No, the Parkers are talking to Mike. •

The Smiths oro over there. •

· .......__ _ UnH9 8
Listen to a statement, like this: Usten to a question followed by a phrase, like
-You see a man with .-..d hair. this:
-Which one is Bob?
Ask a question with "Who's . .. ?"'or "Who
are ... ?" like this: - with red hair
-Who's the man with red hair? Answer like this:
- He's the one with red hair.
Then you hear an answer. Usten again.
-You see a man "'itb red hair. • Listen to another example.
- Who's the man with r ed hair? -Which ones are the Smiths?
-That's my cousin Bob. - talkiog to Judy's brother •
-They're the ones talki ng to Judy's
1. You see some men wearing shorts. •
I don't know. They're German. 1. Which one is Judy's uncle?
io the baseball cap •
2. You sec a woman in the corner. •
2. Which ones are your sisters?
I think her name's Wanda. standing next to the table •
3. You see some people talking to Sally. •
3. Which one is Judy's mother?
They're her parents-io-law. with g lasses •
4. You see some women sitting on the couch. •
4. Which one is Judy's father?
I don't know. wearing jeans •
5. You see a man behind Ted. •
5. Which ones are your friends from Spaio?
on the couch •
That's my son Alan. Would you like 10 meet
6. You see a man and woman dancing. •

Oh, that's Kitty and Mark. They'.-.. good

dancers, aren't they?

3. My cousin Jack and his wife ot'Uln have
I0 Haveyou ever ridden acamel? dinner Wlth me. •

Unit 10, Exercise 1 No, not yet.

Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question. like 4. My browr usually goes to the movies once
thl3; or twice a week. •
- call your grandmother
- Have yo u called your gn>ndmother
Yes, he has. T~ times.
5. My friends in Chicago call me a lmost every
Then you hear an answer. Listen to another
week. •
- make your bed •
- Have y ou made y our bed today? So, they haven't. Not yet.
-No. I ha'-en't made it yet.
Unit 10, Exercise 3
do the laundry • Listen to a question and answer, like this:
\V())(A.'I: Rave you and your wife been to the
Yes, I have. Statue of Liberty yet?
MA:·~: Yea, we hove.
2. cook anything •
Answer like this:
No, I ha,·en't cooked anything yet. -They've already been to the Statue of
3. clean the house •
Listen to another example.
YM, I have. M.-\.'<: Ha\'e you been to a tslk show yet•
\Vo.NA.~: Y•, I have. •
4. go grocezy shopping • - S he's already been to a talk show.
No, I haven't gone yet.. Ready.
1>. wash the dishes • I. WOliA.'I: Have you and your family seen n
Broadway show yet?
Yes, I have. MAN: Yeo, we have. •

Unit 10, Exercise 2 2. MA.'I: I lave you ta.ken a bus tour of the city
l.iJ<t.en to a statement, like this:
W())(AJ'rol: Yes, I ba'"e.. •
- Don and Susan usually go to the 1)'11> twice a
3. WOllA.'<: Have you and your wife been to a
Ask a question, like this: museum yet?
- R a ve they gone to the 1YJ11 this week?
MA."': YHl we have. •
Then you hear an answer. Liaten agam.
- Don and Susan usually go to the gym twice a 4. MAN: Ha'-e you shopped at Macy's yet?
week. • WoMAN: Yes, I have. •
- Have they gone to the gym this week?
- Yes, they have.
5. WOMA.'I' Have you visited the United
Ready. :-Jauons yet?
I. Mr. Moto usually jogs once or twice a week. • MA.'I: Yes, I have. •

No. not yet..

2. Ms. Kelly sometimes eats lunch at home. •

Yes, she has. Twice.

Unit 10, E:iin:ise 4 1. A: Have you found a hotel?
8 : No, I haven't.
Listen to a short coo,·ersation, like this: Have you found a hotel? •
MA!<: Welcome to Mexico City' So, have you
and your husband been to a bullf,ght yet?
WOloiA.~: No, we ba'-en'l.
No, I ha\·t.n't. •

Answer like this: 2. A: Have we soon everything?

- They haven't been to a bullfight yet.
8: Yes, we have.
Listen to another example. Have we soon everything? •
WOMA!<: Welcome to BogoU\1 So, have you
heard Colombian music yet? Yea, we have. •
1\l.A.N: No, I baven~t. •
- H e hasn't b eard Colombian music yet.
3. A: Have you had dinner yet?
Ready. .8: No. I haven't.
1. MA.'f: Welcome 10 Rio de J"""iro! So, have Have you bad dinner )-..t? •
you played beach volleyball yet?
WOliA.'<: No, I ba'"" '1. • No, t haven•t. •

2. Wo)W<: Welcome to Seoul! So, have you and 4 . A: Have they ever been to Argentina?
your wife eaten kimchi yet? 13: Yu, !hey have.
MAN: No, we haven't.. • Have they ever been to Argentina? •

3. MA.~:
Welcome 10 Bangkok! So, have you Yes, they have. •
gone for a boat ride )'et?
WOKA.'i: No, 1 baveo"t.. • 5. A:. Ha,.., you ever really needed a vacation?
8: Yes. I have.
4. WO""'-"': Welcome 10 Toronto! So, have you Have you e-·er really needed a vacauon? •
AP.en a h ockey gJlll\fl y@L?
~!A.": No, I haven't. •
Yes, I have. •
5. ~!A.'I: Welcome to Taipei! So, have you and
your husband shopped otlhe night Unit 1!!, Exercise 6
market yet?
WOIIA."l: No) we haven't. • [Note: ThlS conversation is on page 66 of the
Student's Book.)
6. !-!A.'<: Welcome to Lima! So, ha\-e you been Listen to tbia oon•'ersation.
to a museum yet? PJm:a: rm &Orry rm late. Have you been
WoloiA.~: No, I haven't. • h<>re long?
MANDY: No, only for a few minutu.
P!n'&R: Ha,·e you chosen a restaurant yet?
Unit 1o, Exercise 5 MANDY: I can't decide. Have you ever eaten
Listen to q uestions and ana wen. Then repeat Moroccan food?
Pl:."T&R: No, I haven't. Is it good?
each sentence, like this:
A: Have you been to the mUBeum yet? MA.'<nY: It's delicious. rn had it oeveraltimcs.
I'E'rER: Or bow about Thai food? Ha•-e you ever
8: Yes, I have.
- Ha\·e you been to the museum yet? • had ll'ftD curry?
MM'DY: Actllally, I ha\-e. I lived in Tba•land as
- Ha~e y ou been to the m useum yet?
-Yes.. I have. • a teenaa:er. I ate it a lot there.
Pirrlm: I didn't know t.bo..L How lona dtd you
- Yes, I have.
live th<>re?
Ready. MANOV: I lived there for two years.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

Unit 1o, EiifCiii Unit 10, Ell~
Us~n to a phrase. Then ask a question, like Listen 1o a sta~meot followed by a question,
th•a: like this:
- eat ra"'• fish MA.'I: I drove my uncle's sports car last
- Have you ev er eaten raw tUb? ~r.

Listen to annlher example. -Has he over driven a sports ear?

- go skiing • Answer li ke this:
- Have you ever gone skiing? - Yes, be has. He drove one last summer.
Ready. Listen to Mother example.
Wo~IA.'<: My aister and I ate some snails lost
I. sing at a karaoke bar •
- Rave they ever eaten snails? •
2. be lost • - Yea., they have. Tbey ate sowt:: laa.l w~

3. dnnk eam>t juice • Ready.

L MAl<: I ran •n a marathon last year.
Has he ever run in a marathon? •
4 . get lick on vacation •

2. WoMAN: I rode a motorcycle yesterday.

6. go to work on Sunday •
Has she ever ridden a motorcycle? •
6. be in a play •
3. WC»~Jo.'l:
I tried Guatemalan coffee Iaat
Has abe e-·er tried Guatemalan coffee? •
Unit 10, Eurdse I
LiJ<ten 1o a question followed by a word or 4. ~: My wife and I met a mov.e star last
phrue. like this: night.
- How long have you lived here? Ha,~c they ever met a movie star? •
·last year
Answer like this: 5. MAN: I borrowed some money last year.
· I've liv ed here since last year. Has he ever borrowed money? •
Lis~n to another example.
- How long have you been at th,. ochool?
.. two years •
• I've ~n a t t his school Cor two years.
1. How long haYe you bad that hairstYle?
several weeks •

2. How long have .l'Ou been here?

7:00 .

3. How long have you known Jerry?

1996 .

4. How lone have )'OU been on , ..eat1on?

four or n..... days •

5. How long have you been in~reated in

Chinese hislory?
I waa in high school •

I. It's cheap. •
li lt's a very exciting place!
2. lt'a polluted. •
Unit 11,.£Xi!i:iji 1
L&aten to people talk about a aty, like this; 3. It's hot. •
MAN: How do you like Rio?
WOMA.-.;: Ob. it's so glamorous and exciting! 4. lt'a in:eresting. •
And the people are •ery friendly.
Say if the second speaker likes 1t or doesn't 5. It's quiet. •
like it, like this:
- Sbe likes it. 6. It't spaaous. •
Urien to~,. oxampl•.
WOWAN: TeD me about the city. 7. Ifa st.ressful. •
l>IAN: Well, the buildings are ucJy, and it's .-ery
noisy. And ~-eryt.bing is so uptnah·-e! • 8.. Jt•s new. •
- Be doesn't like i t.
l . WOMAN: What's your hometown Uke?
Unit 11> ExerdM 3
MAN: It's a ve.y boring place -no theaters Liswn to a question CoUowed by words or
or dance clubs. Nothing to do at night. • phrases, like this:
- What's the city like?
2. MAN: How do you like Amsterdam? -beautiful ... interesting
WoMAN: Ob. it's really channing. The city is Answer the question, like this:
always full of life, and the restaurants - It's beau.tiful and interestine.
are terrific. •
llitcu lu awvlLt=ir eAAm ple.
3. WOMA.'I: What's the downtown area like -What chd you think of the capit.tl?
here? - dangeroua .. . very interesting •
MAN: Oh. it's very crowded and noisy. It's - It's d angerous but very interesting.
pretty dangerous at night, too. • Ready.
I . What did you t hink of the place?
4. MAN: What do you think of the city? boring ... expensh·e •
WOMA.'I: Ob. it's really hot all the time - too
hot for me, 8DY"''liY· And the traffic is
terrible. • 2. How ia you.r hotel?
dean ... not very pretty •
5. Wo>ta:<: TeD me about Barcelona.
MAN: I think it's a fascinating place. It's not 3. Tell me about the place where you eta,-ed.
too big, and it's easy to cet around. The very qwet ••. relaxing •
transportation system Is fT881. And the
food was wonderful. • 4. So, how did you like it?
very exciting ... too expensive •

Unl 11, Exercise 2 5. Whot'a the downtown area like?

Lis""' to a statement, like this· fairly tnteresting ... very safe •
- It'e beautiful
6. How'• your hotel?
Then say the opposi~ like thiS:
cheap ... safe ... too noisy •
- No, it's not. I t's ugly.
U.ten to ano<her eumple. 7. So, what'o the capital like?
- It.'s big. • too clean ... boring •
- No, it's not. I t's small.
Ready. 8 . Tell me about the town.
very beautiful .. . too quiet •

Unit 11 Exercise 4 Unit 11 Exera.

[Note: This conversation is on page 75 of the Listen to someone ask questions about a city,
Student's Book.) like this:
-Should I go to t he art museum?
Listen to this conversation.
THOJ\1AS: Can you tell me a little about Mexico Answer like this:
City? - Oh, you shouldn't miss the art museum.
ELENA: Sure I can. What would you like to Listen to another example.
know? - Should I go to the zoo? •
THOMAS: Well, what's a good time to visit? - Oh, you s houldn' t miss the zoo.
ELENA: I think you can go a nytime. The
weather is always nice. Ready.
THoMAS: Oh, good! And what should I see 1. Should I see the market? •
ELENA: Well, you should definitely visit the
2. Should I go to the beach? •
National Museum and go to the Palace of
Fine Arts.
THOJ\1AS: And what else? 3. Should I go to the old town? •
E LENA: Oh, you shouldn't miss t he Pyramid of
the Sun. It's very interesting. 4. Should I ride the subway? •
THOMAS: It all sounds really exciting!

Now repeat each sentence. Ready. 5. Should I go to t he opera? •

Unit 11, Exercise 5

Listen and repeat. Ready.
Listen to a question, like this:
1. You can't tip t axi drive1·s. • - Do you think I should go in the summer or
the fall?
2. You can't smoke in restaurants. •
Answer with the first choice, like this:
- I think you should go in the s ummer.
3. Children can't swim alone. •
Listen to another example.
- Do you think I should take traveler's checks
4. You shouldn't be late. • or cash? •
- I think you should take traveler's
5. You shouldn't wear shorts in the city. • checks.
6. People shouldn't walk alone in the park at
1. Do you think I should travel by train or by
night. •
bus? •

2. Do you think I should stay for one week or

for two weeks? •

3. Do you think I should eat in the local

restaurants or in the hotel? •

4. Do you think I should take summer clothes

or winter clothes? •

5. Do you think I should travel around or just

stay in the capital city? •

Listen to a statement followed by a question, Listen to two people talking about a place, like
like this: this:
- You can't rent a car. A: Can I swim at the beaches?
- Can you rent a car? B: Yes, you can. They're very safe.
Answer like this: Say what you can or can't do there, like this:
- No, you can't. - You can swim at the beaches.
Listen again. Listen to another example.
- You can't rent a car. A: Can I go shopping on Sundays?
- Can you rent a car? • B: No, you can't. The stores are closed on
- No, you can't. Sundays. •
-You can't go shopping on Sundays.
Listen to another example.
- You can buy silk. Ready.
- Can you buy silk? • 1. A: Can I buy magazines in English?
- Yes, you can. B: Yes, you can always find Time and
Ready. Newsweek. •
1. You can't fmd good, cheap hotels.
Can you fmd good, cheap hotels? • 2. A: Can I change money on weekends?
B: Yes, you can change money at your hotel. •
2. You can't eat in a restaurant late at night.
Can you eat in a restaurant late at night? • 3. A: Can I eat dinner late?
B: No, you can't. The restaurants close at
nine. •
3. You can change money anytime.
Can you change money anytime? •
4. A: Can I walk on the streets at night?
B: No, you should take a taxi at night. •
4. You can't go swimming in the winter.
Can you go swimming in the winter? •
5. A: Can I communicate in English?
B: Yes, many people there speak some
5. You can use English everywhere. English. •
Can you use English everywhere? •

6. You can't smoke in restaw·ants.

Can you smoke in restaw·ants? •

12 It really works! Unit 12, Exercise 2
List.en to a word or phrase about a problem,
Unit 12, Exercise 1 like this:
- a stomachache
Listen to a word or phrase about a health
problem. Then use it in a sentence, like this: Ask a question, like this:
-a headache -What should I d o for a stoma chache?
- I h ave a headache. Then you hear a response, like this: ..
- It's a good idea to take some antacid.

Then you hear a suggestion. Listen to another
example. Listen again.
-a bad cold • - a stomachache •
- I have a b a d cold. -What sh ould I do for a stomachache?
-You should take some vitamin C. - It's a good idea to take some antacid. ·r:::
Ready. Ready.
1. a sore throat • 1. insomnia •

Try aspirin and vitamin C. It's helpful to drink some hot milk.
2. a backache • 2. the hiccups •

You should take some aspirin and rest. Hold your breath as long as you can.
3. a terrible cough • 3. sore muscles •

Why don't you get some medicine from the It's helpful to take aspirin.
4. stress •
4. a toothache •
I don't know. Get a new job.
You should go to the dentist.
5. sore eyes •
5. a fever •
Get some sleep! You can put some drops in
Go home, take some aspirin, and rest. them, too.
6. a burn • 6. an insect bite •

Oh! You should put it under cold water. Put some hydrocortisone cream on it. It
7. the flu • really works!

Really? You need to drink lots of liquids and


Listen to a conversation about health, like [Note: This conversation is on page 78 of the
this: Student's Book.]
A: What should you do for a cold?
Listen to this conversation.
B: It's important to get a lot of rest.
C: And it's a good idea to take vitamin C. JoAN: Hi, Craig! How are you?
CRAIG: Not so good. I have a terrible cold.
Repeat the answers, like this: JoAN: Really? That's too bad! You should be at
A: What should you do for a cold? home in bed. It's really important to get a lot
B: It's important to get a lot of rest. • of rest.
- It's important to get a lot of rest. CRAIG: Yeah, you're right.
C: And it's a good idea to take vitamin C. • JoAN: And have you taken anything for it?
- And it's a good idea to take vitamin C. CRAIG: No, I haven't.
Ready. JOAN: Well, it's sometimes helpful to eat garlic
soup. Just chop up a whole head of garlic
1. A: What should you do for a cough?
and cook it in chicken stock. Try it! It really
B: It's helpful to take some cough medicine.
C: And it's useful to drink a lot of liquids.
CRAIG: Yuck! That sounds awful!
A: What should you do for a cough?
B: It's helpful to take some cough medicine. • Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

C: And it's useful to drink a lot of liquids . • Unit 12 EXercise 5

Listen to a question followed by a word or
2. A: What should I do for a burn? phrase, like this:
B: Well, it isn't a good idea to put ointment - What should I do for the hiccups?
on it. - hold your breath
C: No, but it's important to put it under cold Answer like this:
water. - It's a good idea to hold your breath.
A: What should I do for a burn?
Listen to another example.
B: Well, it isn't a good idea to put ointment
-What should I do for a toothache?
on it. •
- see the dentist •
-It's a good id ea to see the dentist.
C: No, but it's important to put it under cold
water. • Ready.
1. What should I do for stress?
3. A: What should I do for sore muscles? do yoga •
B: Well, it's useful to take aspirin.
C: Yes, and it's helpful to exercise just a 2. What should I do for a backache?
little. rest •
A: What should I do for sore muscles?
B: Well, it's useful to take aspirin. • 3. What should I do for the flu?
rest and drink lots ofliquids •
C: Yes, and it's helpful to exercise just a
little. • 4. What should I do for sunburn?
use sunburn spray •

5. What should I do for a stomachache?

get some medicine from the drugstore •

Unit 12_, Exercise 6 _,.....,.........,., Exercise 7
Listen to someone offer you help, like this: Listen to a word or phrase. Then make a
-Good morning. Can I help you? request, like this:
- aspirin
Then you hear a word or phrase, like this:
-Could I have a b ottle of a spirin, please?
- i n s P.r.t. hit.P.s
Continue like this:
Answer like this:
- Here you a re.
-Yes, please. What do you h ave for insect
- Thanks a lot.
Listen again.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. - aspirin •
- Good morning. Can I help you?
- Could I have a bo ttle of aspirin, please?
- insect bites •
- Here you are. •
-Yes, please. Wha t do you h ave for ins ect
- Thanks a lot.
bite s?
- Try this hydrocortisone cream. Ready.
Ready. 1. ointment •
1. Yes? Can I help you?
a fever • Here you are. •

I s uggest aspirin. There's nothing like it. 2. foot spray •

2. Hi! Can I help you?
insomnia • Here you are. •

Try this herbal tea. I t really works! 3. bandages •

3. Good evening. May I help you?
a headache • Here you are. •

These tablets are good. Try them. 4. tissues •

4. Yes? May I help you?
a sore throat • Here you are. •

You should try these cough drops. They're 5. eye drops •

5. Good afternoon. May I help you? Here you are. •
sore eyes •

I suggest t hese eye drops. They're new.

1. I always eat healthy food.
13 May I take your order? too .

Unit 13, Exercise 1 2. I hate bland food.

Listen to short conversations about food, like this: so •
A: I like spicy food.
B: So do I. 3. I eat fast food when I'm feeling stressed.
C: I do, too. too .
Then repeat the responses, like this:
A: I like spicy food. 4. I feel healthier after I eat a salad.
B: So do I. • so .
- So do I.
C: I do, too. •
-I do, too. Unit 13, Exercise 3
Ready. Listen to a statement about food. Disagree
1. A: I don't like greasy food. with the statement, like this:
B: Neither do I. - I can eat Mexican food every day.
C: I don't either. - Really? I can't.
A: I don't like greasy food. Listen to another example.
B: Neither do I. • - I don't like German food. •
- Really? I do.
C: I don't either. •
2. A: I'm crazy about Indian food. 1. I can't eat meat. •
B: So am I.
C: I am, too. 2. I Jove rich desserts. •
A: I'm crazy about Indian food.
B: So am I. • 3. I'm not crazy about French food. •

C: I am, too. • 4. I'm in the mood for something sweet. •

3. A: I can't eat salty food. 5. I don't eat very healthy food. •

B: Neither can I.
C: I can't either.
A: I can't eat salty food. Unit 13, Exercise 4
C: Neither can I. •
Listen to a person talk abou t food, like this:
MAN: I'm crazy about greasy, salty food.
C: I can't either. •
Repeat the information, like this:
- He's crazy about greasy, salty food.
Listen to a statement followed by the word "so"
or "too," like this: 1. WOMAN: I like green salads. •
- I think Mexican food is delicious.
-so 2. MAN: I don't like cole slaw. •
Answer like this:
-So do I. 3. WOMAN: I can eat popcorn anytime. •
Listen to another example.
- I love popcorn. 4. MAN: I can't stand vegetables. •
-too •
-I d o, too. 5. WoMAN: I'm not in the mood for ice cream. •
6. MAN: I love tomatoes. •

Unit 13, EXerci= ~s __ 1. Would you like chicken soup or clam
chowder? •
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a
question, like this:
- something to drink 2. Would you like a ham burger or a hot dog? •
-Would you like somet hing to drink?
3. Would you like a baked potato or french
Then you hear an answer . Listen again.
- something to drink •
fries? • ...,..
-Would you like something to drink? "

- Just water, please. 4. Would you like soup or a salad? •

5. Would you like tea or coffee? •
1. a salad •
6. Would you like apple pie or chocolate cake? •
Yes, I'll have mixed greens, please.
2. some soup •
Unit 13, Exercise 8
Yes, I'll have chicken broth.
Listen to a question followed by a phrase, like
3. dessert • this:
- Would you like anything else?
Yes, apple cake, please. - some onion soup
4. tea or coffee • Answer like this:
-I'll have some onion soup, please.
No, that will be all, thanks.
Listen to another example.
- What would you like?
Unit 13, Exercise 6 - a turkey salad •
(Note: This conversation is on page 88 of the - I'll have a turkey s alad , please.
Student's Book.] Ready.
Listen to this conversation. 1. Would you like anything else?
WAlTER: May I take your order? a cucumber sala d •
CUSTOMER: Yes. I'd like the lamb kebabs.
WAITER: All right. And would you like a salad? 2. \'Vhat would you like?
CUSTOMER: Yes, I'll have a mixed green salad. roast chicken •
WAlTER: OK. What kind of dressing would you
like? We have blue cheese and vinaigrette.
CuSTOMER: Blue cheese, p lease. 3. Would you like anything else?
WAITER: And would you like anything to drink? lemon pie •
CuSTOMER: Yes, I'd like a large iced tea, please.
4. What would you like?
Now repeat each sentence. Ready. grilled salmon •

Unit 13, EXerdse 7 5. What would you like?

Listen to a question, like this: spaghetti with meatballs •
- Would you like french fries or rice?
Answer with the first choice, like this: 6. Would you like a nything else?
-I'd like french fries, please. some clam chowder •
Listen to another example.
-Would you like salmon or turkey? •
- I'd like salmon, please.

!Lf The biggest and the best!
Listen to two words. Then ask a question, like
Unit 1 ~ Exercise 1 this:
- long ... river
Listen and repeat. Ready. - What is th e longest river in the world?
1. Which place is lower, the Dead Sea or Death
Valley? • Then you hear the answer, like this:
- The Nile, in Africa, is the longest river.
2. Which season is the best in New York: Listen to another example.
spring, summer, or fall? • - large ... lake •
-What is the largest lake in the world?
3. Which island is bigger, Cuba or Great - The Caspian Sea, in Asia, is the largest lake.
Britain'? • Ready.
4. Which city is the biggest: London, Rome, or 1. high . .. waterfall •
Paris? •
Angel Falls, in South America, is the
6. Which wntcrfn] is higher, Angel Falls or highest waterfall.
Niagara Falls? • 2. deep ... ocean •

Unit 14,:..B~~~-- The Pacific is the deepest ocean.

3. deep ... lake •
Llsten to two words. Then ask a question, like
- Canada ... China Lake Baikal, in Asia, is the deepest lake.
- Which country is bigger, Canada or 4. large ... country •
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. Russia is the largest country.
- Canada ... China • 5. large ... island •
- Which country is bigger , Canada or
- Canada is bigger than China. Greenland, in North America, is the largest
6. low . . . place •
1. Lake Superior ... the Caspian Sea •

The Caspian Sea is bigger than Lake The Dead Sea, in Asia, is the lowest place.
2. North America . . . South America •

North America is bigger than South

3. Australia ... Brazil •

Brazil is bigger than Australia.

4. London ... Rome •

London is bigger than Rome.

5. the Pacific Ocean ... the Atlantic Ocean •

The Pacific Ocean is bigger than the

Atlantic Ocean.

Unit 14, Exercise 4 Unit 14, Exercise 5
Listen to a statement followed by a word or Listen to a question, like this:
phrase, like this: - Which is the most important river: the
-Niagara Falls is a famous tourist attraction. Mississippi, the Hudson, or the Columbia?
- the Grand Canyon Answer with the first choice, like this:
Make a comparison, like this: - The Mississippi is th e most important.
- I t h ink the Grand Canyon is m ore Listen to another example.
fam ous. - Which country is the most expensive: Japan,
Listen again. Mexico, or Thailand? •
- Niagara Falls is a famous tourist attraction. -Japan is the m ost expensive.
-the Grand Canyon • Ready.
- I th ink the Grand Ca n yon is more
famous. 1. Which city is the most crowd ed: Hong Kong,
Singapore, or Sydney? •
1. Switzerland is an interesting place. 2. Which language is the most useful for
Italy • tow;sm: English, Spanish, or Chinese? •

2. Mont Blanc is beautiful. 3. Which country is the most popular with

Mount Fuji • tourists: France, the United States, or
China? •
3. The United States is expensive.
Europe • 4. Which vacation place is the most convenient
for Americans: Mexico, Alask a, or Hawaii? •
4. French is a difficult language.
English • 5. Which is the most famous building in the
United States: the White House, the
5. Americans are helpful to tourists. Astrodome, or the Sears Tower? •
Canadians •

6. Walking tours are popular in Europe. Unit 14, EXercise 6

bus tours • [Note: This conversation is on page 93 of the
Student's Book.]
Listen to this conversation.
MIKE: Here's a geography quiz in the paper.
WENDY: Oh, I love geography. Ask me the
MIKE: Sure, first question. Which country is
larger, China or Canada?
WENDY: I know. Canada is larger than China.
MIKE: OK, next. What's the longest river in the
WENDY: Hmm, I think it's the Mississippi.
MIKE: Here's a hard one. Which country is
more crowded, Monaco or Singapore?
WENDY: I'm not sure. I think Monaco is more
MIKE: OK, one more. Which South American
capital city is the highest: La Paz, Quito, or
WENDY: Oh, that's easy. Bogota is the highest.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

Listen to a question about numbers. Answer Listen to words or phrases, and use them in a
the question, like this: question, like this:
- Which is longer, 50 miles or 50 kilometers? - big ... Thailand
-Fifty miles is longer. - How big is Thailand?
Listen to another example. Then you hear an answer. Listen to another
- Which is larger, 100 square kilometers or example.
100 square miles? • - long . . . the Mississippi River •
-A hundred square miles is larger. - How long is the Mississippi River?
- It's about 6,000 kilometers long.
1. Which is higher, 2,000 meters or 2,000 feet? • Ready.
1. big ... the population of the United
2. Which is hotter, 40 degrees Celsius or Kingdom •
40 degrees Fahrenheit? •
About 60 million.
3. Which is colder, 0 degrees Celsius or 2. high ... the highest mountain in Thailand •
0 degrees Fahrenheit? •
It is 2,576 meters high.
4. Which is deeper, 4,000 feet or 4,000 meters? • 3. far .. . Thailand from Hong Kong •

5. Which is longer, 1,000 kilometers or About 1,700 kilometers.

1,000 miles? •
4. deep ... the Grand Canyon •

It's about 1,900 meters deep.

5. old ... the Empire State Building •

It's about 75 years old.

3. on Sunday morning •
15 1'm going to asoccer match.
I'm going jogging in the park.
Unit 15, Exercise 1
4 . on Sunday nigh t •
Listen to a time expression. Then ask a
question, like this:
I'm having friends over for dinner.
- this weekend
- What are you doing this weekend? ..
Then you hear a response. Listen to another
Unit 15, EXercise 3
Listen to short conversations about plans. Say

- next Thursday evening • what the people are going to do, like this: 0
-What are you doing n ext Thursday MAN: What are you doing tomorrow night? ~
evening? · Wm1A..'<: I'm having dinner with friends . a
- I'm going to a baseball game. - She's going to have dinner with friends.
Ready. Listen to another example.
Wm1A..'<: What are you and Louise doing this
1. this weekend • weekend?
MAN: We're going to play tennis in the park . •
I'm going to the beach. - They're going to play t e nnis in the park.
2. on Friday night • Ready.
1. l\1AN: Do you have plans for tomOTTow?
I'm going to a movie. WOMAN: Yeah, I'm going to visit my
3. tonight . grandparents. •

I'm going to stay home and study. 2. WO)IAN: What are you and Bill doing after
4. tomorrow night •
MA..'<: We're going to the gym. •

I'm going out for dinner.

3. MAN: Are you doing anything on Saturday?
5. next Saturday • WOMAN: Yeah, I'm riding my bike in the
mountains. •
I'm going to a barbecue.
4. Wol\t...,.'l: Do you have any plans for the
Unit 15, Exercise 2 weekend?
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question, like MA.-..: Yeah, I'm going to see a movie and
this: practice my guitar. •
- after class
- Are you doing anything after cl ass? 5. MA..'l: It's your birthday, isn't it? What are
you and Tony doing this evening?
Then you hear a reply. Listen again.
WOl\1A..l'oi: We're going to have dinner and see
- after class •
a play. •
-Are you doing a n yth ing after cl ass?
- No, I don't h ave any plans.
L on Saturday afternoon •

I'm going to play tennis.

2. on Saturday night •

No, l'm not doing a nything special.

[Note: This conversation is on page 100 of the Listen to sentences, like this:
Student's Book.) - I don't feel well.
Listen to this conversation. Change each sentence into a message for Judy,
LYNN: Say, Miguel, what are you doing like this:
tonight? Do you want to go bowling? - Would you tell Judy I d on't feel w e ll?
MIGUEL: I'd lov-e to, but I can't. I'm going to a Ready.
soccer match with my brother.
1. I have an appointment at one. •
LYNN: Oh, well maybe some other time.
MIGUEL: Are you doing anything tomorrow? We
could go then. 2. Call me at 2:00 P.M. •
LYNN: Tomorrow sounds fine. I'm going to
work unt il five. 3. I'm going to leave early. •
MIGUEL: So let's go around six.
LYNN: OK. Mterward, maybe we can get some
4. The meeting is tomorrow. •
MIGUEL: Sounds great.
5. My number is (716) 555-7000. •
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

Uni 5 5
Listen to sent ences, like this:
-The meeting is at 1:45.
Change each sentence into a message for J ohn,
like this:
- Ple ase te ll John the m eeting is at 1:45.
1. Ms. Rocco is arriving at 2:00P.M. •

2. Her number is (156) 555-9966. •

3. I can't see Ms. Rocco. •

4. I'm leaving for the airport at three. •

5. The number is (216) 555-3938. •

ercise 8
Listen to a person's name. Then ask to speak Listen to a message, like this:
to t hat person, like this: - Call me at two o'clock.
- Mr. Smith Change the sentence into a request for Mark,
-Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
like this:
Then you hear a reply, like this: - Please ask Mark to call me at two
- I'm sorry. He's not in at the moment. o 'clock.
Reply like this: Listen again.
- Could you ask him to call me, please? - Call me at two o'clock. •
- Please ask Mark to call me at two
Listen again. o'clock.
-Mr. Smith •
- Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? Ready.
- I'm son-y. He's not in at the moment. • 1. Meet me at the airport. •
- Could you ask him to call me, please?
Ready. 2. Come to the meeting on Thursday. •
1. Mrs. Smith •
3. Pick me up at the hotel. •
I'm sorry. She's not here at the moment. •
4. Meet us at the restaurant. •
2. Ms. Williams •
5. Bring my briefcase. • .
I'm sorry. She's just stepped out. •

3. Mr. Sato •

I'm sorry. He's away from his desk. •

4. Mrs. Ford •

I'm sorry. She's on the phone. •

5. Mr. Carter •

I'm sorry. He's in a meeting. •

L MAN: You look great! How are you?
16 Achange for the better! WmfAN: I am great! I have a new job, and
I've fallen in love. •
Unit 16, Exercise 1
Listen to s hort conversations about people who 2. WOMAN: How are things?
look different. MA.'<: Fine. I retired last year, and I'm
WOMA.'I: Ed, you look great! working part-time with kids. •
MAN: Thanks. I feel good, and I've lost some
weight. 3. MA.'I: How's it going?
Repeat what the second person says, like this: WoMAN: Great! I work at home now, and I'm
- He feels good, and h e's lost som e weight. much happier. •
Listen again.
WOMAN: Ed, you look great! 4. WOMAN: How are you? You look great.
MAN: Thanks. I feel good, and I've lost some MAN: I'm fme. I've made a lot of changes in
weight. • my life. •
- He feels good, and he's lost som e weigh t.
5. MAN: What's new?
Wo)!{AN: Well, I don't teach anymore. I'm a
1. MAN: Karen, you've really changed! singer now. •
WOMAN: Well, my hair is lighter than
before. •
Unit 16, EXercise 3
2. WoMAN: Paul, you look so different! Listen to a short conversation, like this:
MAN: You haven't seen me in a suit before. • Wo:MAN: How are you? You look a little tired.
MAN: WeiJ, I lost my job about six months ago.
3. MAN: Rita, you look terrific!
WOMAN: Thanks. I'm very relaxed. I just had Repeat what the second person says, like this:
a vacation. • - H e l ost his job about six months ago.
4. WOMAN: Mark, why do you look so different? 1. MAN: How's it going?
MA.'I: I've grown a mustache, and my hair is W0!\1.AN: Not so well. I haven't found a job
shorter. • yet. •

5. MAN: Ellen, you've really changed! 2. Wo:\IAN: How are things?

WOMAN: I'm taller. I grew 8 centimeters last MAN: Not so good, really. I'm trying to save
year. • money, but I just can't. •

3. MAN: How are you doing?

Unit 16, Exercise 2 Wm1AN: Not great. My new job is more
Listen to a conversation, like this: stressful, and I don't have any free time. •
WOMAN: You look great! How are you?
MAN: I'm fine. I got married a year ago. 4. WOMAN: How are you? You look a little
Repeat what the second person says, like this: stressed out.
- H e got married a year ago. MAN: I am. My daughter wants to leave
school and get married. •
Listen again.
WoMAN: You look great! How are you?
5. MAN: How are things?
MAN: I'm fine. I got married a year ago. •
WoMAN: Not great. I got a pay cut last
- He got ma.r rie d a year ago.
month, and my rent just went up. •

Listen and repeat. Ready. Listen t o a word or phrase. Then make a
1. I don't want to get a job right away. • sentence, lik e this:
- go to graduate school
- I'm not going to go to graduate school.
2. My girlfriend and I plan to join the P eace
Corps. • Listen to another example .
- get married •
- I'm not going to get married.
3. We h ope to work in Africa. •
4. I'd like to get married first. • 1. stay here •

5. She wants to wait. • 2. travel •

3. live with my parents •

Unit 16, EXercise 5
[Note: This conversation is on page 108 of the 4. get my own apartment •
Student's Book.]
Listen t o this conversation. 5. relax •
ALEX: So what are you g oing to do after
graduation, Susan? 6. look for a job •
SUSAN: Well, I've saved some money, and I
think I'd really like to travel.
ALEX: Lucky you. That sounds exciting!
SusAN: Yeah. Then I plan to get a job a nd my
own a partment.
ALEX: Oh, you're not going to live a t home?
SuSAN: No, I don't want to live with my
parents - not after I start to work.
ALEX: I know what you mean.
SUSAN: What abou t you, Alex? Any plans yet?
ALEX: I'm going t o get a job and live at home.
I'm broke, and I want to pay off my student
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.

Listen to a word or phrase. Then make a Listen to a phrase. Then make a statement
statement about future plans, like this: about future plans, like this:
- buy a new car - be a singer
- I'd love to buy a new car, but I don' t -I'd like to b e a singer.
plan to do it right away.
Listen to another example.
Listen to another example. - not ... work with my father •
- move • -I don't want to work with my father.
- I'd love to move, but I don't plan to do it
right away. Ready.
1. not . .. leave my hometown •
1. change schools • 2. buy a house •

2. get manied • 3. not . . . teach •

3. change jobs • 4. get married •

4. learn to swim • 5. not ... have a large family •

5. retire • 6. travel in Europe and North America •

6. buy a house •

Part C contains the instructions and script (with 1. My name's Barbara Weise. •
responses) for each exercise. Read the instructions How do you spell your last name?
and do the exercise while you listen to the W-E-1-S-E.
recording. When you hear a tone (shown by a 2. I'm Ruth Blanchette. •
bullet • in the script), give your res ponse. Then How do you s pell your last name?
listen to the recorded model response (shown in B-L-A-N-C-H-E-T-T-E.
bold type in the script).
3. My name's Edward Jameson. •

1Please call me Beth.

How do you spell your last name?
J -A-M-E-S-0-N.
4. I'm Jeff Kunzelman. • i
Unit 1, EXercise 1
Listen to introductions, like this:
How do you spell your last name?
L! •c;
~ .
- These are my parents. .................
Reply like this:
Listen to people introduce themselves, like this:
- Nice to meet you.
- I'm Trisha Nelson.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
Ask a question about the person's first name, like
- These are my parents. • this:
- Nice to meet you.
- Excuse me, what's your first name again?
- Hello./Nice to meet you.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- I'm Trisha Nelson. •
1. This is my father. • -Excuse me, what's your first name again?
Nice to meet you. - Trisha.
Nice to meet you.
2. This is Alicia. •
Nice to meet you. 1. I'm Kareem Johnson. •
Nice to meet you, too. Excuse me, what's your first name again?
3. These are my friends Joey and Pat . •
Nice to meet you. 2. I'm So Young Kim. •
Hi.!Nice to meet you. Excuse me, what's your first name again?
So Young.
4. This is Ms. Anderson. •
Nice to meet you. 3. My name's Eli Reynolds. •
Nice to meet you, too. Excuse me, what's your first name again?
4. My name's Smith Larsen. •
Excuse me, what's your first name again?
Listen to people introduce themselves, like this: Smith.
- I'm Ralph Perez.
Ask how to spell the person's last name, like this:
- How do you spell your last name?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- I'm Ralph Perez. •
-How do you spell your last name?
- P-E-R-E-Z.

Unit 1, EXerCise 4
Listen to people talk about themselves, like this: Listen to a statement about someone. Ask the
WOMAN: We're from Canada. person's first name, like this:
-That's Ms. Garcia.
Repeat what they say. Use "he," "she," or "they,"
- What's h er first name?
like this:
-They're from Canada. Then you hear an answer, like this:
- Alicia.
Listen again.
WOMAN: We're from Canada. • Ask where the person is from, like this:
-They're from Canada. - Where is she from?
Listen to another example. Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
WoMAN: I'm from Thailand. • -That's Ms. Garcia. •
- She's from Thailand. - What's her first name?
-Alicia. •
- Where is she from?
1. MAN: I'm from Japan. • -Peru.
He's from Japan.
2. WoMAN: I'm from the United States. •
She's from the United States. 1. That's Mr. Stevens. •
What's his first name?
3. MAN: We're from Brazil. • Rudolph. •
They're from Brazil. Where is he from?
4. WOMAN: I'm from Argentina. • Canada.
She's from Argentina. 2. That's Ms. Chang. •
What's her first name?
U It 1, Exercise 5 Wanda. •
Where is she from?
Listen to people introduce themselves, like this: Taiwan.
- I'm Alicia Garcia.
3. That's Mr. Bush. •
State the person's last name. Use "his," "her," or What's his first name?
"their," like this: Frank. •
- Her last name is Garcia. Where is he from?
Listen again. The United States.
- I'm Alicia Garcia. • 4. That's Mrs. Clark. •
- Her last name is Garcia. What's her first name?
Listen to another example. Mary. •
Where is s he from?
-We're Mary and John Clark. •
- Their last name is Clark.
1. I'm Sally Green. •
Her last name is Green.
2. We're Mr. and Mrs. Brown. •
Their last name is Brown.
3. My name is Wanda Chang. •
Her last name is Chang.
4. My name is Douglas Davis. •
His last name is Davis.

Unit 1, EXerCise z SUN HEE: Hey, David. How's it going? •
DAVIl): F ine, thanks. How are you? •
Listen to people greet you, and ask who they are, SUN HEE: Pretty good. • So, are your classes
like this: interesting this semester? •
- Hi! DAVIl): Yes, they are. • I really love chemistry. •
- Who is that? SUN HEE: Chemistry? Are you and Beth in the same
Then you hear an answer, like this: class? •
DAVIl): No, we aren't. • My class is in the morning. •
- That's Wanda Ch ang.
Her class is in the afternoon. •
Listen again. SuN HEE: Listen, I'm on my way to the cafeteria
- Hi! • now. • Are you free? •
- Who is that? DAVlO: Sure. Let's go. •
- That's Wanda Chang.
Listen to anoth er example. Unit 1, EXercise 9
- Hi./Hi, there! • Listen to people talk about themselves and other
- Who ar e they? people, like this:
-They're my friends Mary and John. - Betsy and I are studying engineering here.
Ready. Ask if they're from the United States, like this:
1. Good morning! •
Who is t hat?
-Are you from the United States? i
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
That's Professor Kato.
- Betsy and I are studying engineering here. •

2. Good morning!/Hello! • -Are you from the United States?
Who are they? - Yes, we are.
They't·e Mr. and Mrs. Brown.
Listen to a nother example. ~ ·-
3. Hello! • - That's my friend John. •
Who is that? -Is he from t he Unite d States?
That's Sally Green. - Yes, he is.
4. Hi! •
Who is that?
That's my friend Rudy. 1. I'm on vacation here. •
Are you from t he Un ited States?
Unit 1, Ex 8 No, I'm not. I'm from Germany.
2. The two women over there are Ann and Paula. •
[Note: This conversation is on page 5 of the
Are they from the United States?
Student's Book.]
Yes, they are.
Listen to this conve rsation. 3. That's Wanda Chang. •
SuN HE!!:: Hey, David. How's it going? Is she from the United States?
DAVlD: Fine, thanks. How are you? No, sh e isn't. She's from Taiwan.
SUN HEE: Pretty good. So, are your classes 4. My parents and I are visiting h ere. •
interesting this semester? Are you from the United States?
DAVID: Yes, they a re. I really love chemistry. Yes, we are.
SUN HEE: Chemistry? Are you and Beth in the same
class? 5. That's Mr. Campos. •
DAVID: No, we aren't. My class is in the morning. Is h e from the United States?
Her class is in the afternoon. No, he isn't. He's from Brazil.
SuN HEE: Listen, I'm on my way to the cafeteria
now. Are you free?
DAVlO: Sure. Let's go.
Now repeat each sen tence. Ready.

Listen to a question, like this: Listen to a question, like this:
- Are you a student? - Are you from Canada?
Answer ''Yes," like this: Answer "No," like this:
- y.,s, I am. - No, I'm not.
Listen again. Listen again.
- Are you a student? • - Are you from Canada? •
-Yes, I am. - No, I'm not.
Listen to another example. Listen to another example.
- Is Mrs. Stevens from Canada? • - Is Mrs. Stevens from Australia? •
- Yes, she is. -No, she isn't.
Ready. Ready.
1. Are you and Eddie students? • 1. Are your parents in France now? •
Yes, we are. No, they aren't.
2. Is 1\ls. Green from Australia? • 2. Is your father from the United States? •
Yes, she is. No, he isn't.
3. Is 1\fr. Stevens from Canada? • 3. Is Ms. Green from Chile? •
Yes, he is. No, she isn't.
4. Are your parents on vacation? • 4. Are you and Eddie roommates? •
Yes, they are. No, we aren't.
5. Are you on the volleyball team? • 5. Are you on the baseball team? •
Yes, lam. No, I'm not.

2 How do you spend your day7 ..-.1.1.2.-r'' Exercise 2
Listen to people say where they work. Ask what
they do there, like this:
Unit 2,~~
- I work for an airline.
Listen to people introduce themselves. Ask what -What do you do there?
they do, like this:
- My name's Celia. Then you hear an answer, like this:
-What do you do, Celia? - I'm a flight attendant.

Then you hear an answer, like this: Respond like Lhls:

- I'm a secretary. - Oh, a flight attendant. That sounds
Ask where they work, like this:
- Where do you work? Listen again.
- I work for an airline. •
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. -What do you do there?
- My name's Celia. • - I'm a flight attendant. •
- Wha t do you do, Celia? - Oh, a flight attendant. That sounds
- f'm a secretary. • interesting.
- Whe re do you work?
- Transcontinental Airlines. Listen to another example.
-I work in a restaurant. •
Listen to another example. -What do you do there?
- My name's Andrea. • -I'm a chef. •
- What do you do, Andrea? - Oh, a chef. That sounds interesting.
- I'm a nurse. •
- Where do you work? Ready.
-I work at St . Michael's Hospital. 1. I work for a newspaper. •
What do you do there?
Ready. I'm a word processor. •
1. I'm Roger. • Oh, a word processor. That sounds
What do you do, Roger? interesting.
I'm an architect. • 2. I work in an office. •
Where do you work? What do you do there?
I work for the city.
I'm a receptionist. •
2. I'm Nancy. • Oh, a receptionist. That sounds interesting.
What do you do, Nancy?
3. I work in a hospital. •
I'm a carpenter. • What do you do there?
Where do you work?
I work for a construction company. I'm a doctor. •
Oh, a doctor. That sounds interesting.
3. My name's David. •
4. I work in a department store. •
What do you do, David?
What do you do there?
I'm a disc jockey. •
I'm a salesperson. •
Where do you work?
Oh, a salesperson. That sounds in teresting.
I work for WKRL.
4. My name's Alice. •
What do you do, Alice?
I'm a police officer. •
Where do you work?
I work at Police Headquarters.

Unit 2, Exercise 3 Unit2, EXer se 5
Listen to a statement about someone's job, like this: Listen to short conversations about work, like this:
-My friend Ann is a teacher. MAN: Where do you work, Sonia?
WOMAN: I work for an electronics company.
Ask how the person likes it, like this: MAN: Really! What do you do there?
- How does s h e like it? WoMAN: I'm a sales manager.
Then you bear an answer. Listen again.
After each conversation, make two sentences about
- My friend Ann is a teacher. •
the person, like this:
- How does s h e like it?
-She wor ks for an electronics eomp a.n y. She's
- She loves it.
a sales manager.
1. Bill works from 3:00 to 11:00 P.M. •
1. MAN: Tell me where you work.
How d oes h e like it? WOMAN: I work for a tour company.
He likes it a lot. MAN: That sounds interesting. And what do you
2. Bill and Terry work for the telephone company. • do there?
H ow do they like it? WOJ\1AN: I'm a tour guide. •
It's OK She works for a tour company. She's a tour
3. Mary's a secutity guard. • guide.
How does she like it? 2. WOJ\1AN: 'What do you do, Tony'!
She likes it a lot. MAN: I work for a radio station.
4 . Mary and Ann study Spanish on Saturdays. • WoMAN: Oh, really? What do you do there?
How do they like it? MAN: I'm an announcer. •
They love it. He works for a radio station. H e's an
3. MAN: So where do you work?
WOMAJ.~: I work for a bank.
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question, MAN: Really! Are you a teller?
like this: WoMAN: No, I'm not. I'm a security guard. •
-teach She works for a b ank. She's a security
-Where d o you teach ? guard.
Then you hear an answer, like this: 4. WOMAN: Tell me about your work, Mark.
- At Jefferson High School. MAN: Well, I work for City Hospital.
Wm1AN: Really! What do you do there?
Listen again.
MAN: I'm a nurse. •
- teach •
H e works for City Hospital. H e's a nurse.
-Where do you teach?
-At J efferson High School.
1. work •
Wher e do you work?
J work for United Airlines.
2. go to school •
Where do you go to school?
I go to Northwestern University.
3. study •
Whe re do you study?
At the li brary.
4. s tudy English •
Where do you s tudy E nglis h?
At a language school.

Listen to short conversations about school, like this: [Note: This conversation is on page 11 of th e
WOMAN: Where do you go to school, Tom? Student's Book.]
MAN: I go to Sou thwestern University.
Listen to this conversation.
WoMAN: What do you study?
MAN: I study engineering. DANIEL: So, do you u sualJy come to the gym in the
After each conversation, make two sentences about HELEN: Yeah, I do.
the person, like this: DANIEL: Really? What time do you go to wor k?
- He goes t o South western Univer sity. He HELEN: I work in the afternoon. I start work at
studies engin eering. five.
Ready. DA.'IIEL: Wow, t hat's late. When do you get home
at night?
1. MAN: Where do you go to school, Laura?
HELEN: I usually get home at midnight.
WoMAN: I go to New York College. Dru'IIEL: Midnight? That is late. What do you do,
MAN: What do you study?
WoMAN: Mathematics. • HELEN: I'm a TV announcer. I do tbe weather
She goes to New York College. She studies report on KNTV. Don't you recognize me?
math ematics. DANIEL: Oh! You're Helen Black. I love your

2. WOMAN: Where do you go to school, Bill? show! By t he way, I'm Daniel. ...
MAN: I go to State University.
WoMAN: Really! What do you study? Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
MAN: Mus ic. • DANIEL: So, do you usually come to the gym in the
He goes to S tate Univer sity. He st udies morning? •
music. HELEN: Yeah, I do. • ·c
DANIEL: Really? What time do you go to work? • ~
3. MAN: So, where do you go to school, Rachel?
WOMAN: I go to City College. HELEN: I work in t he afternoon . • Tstart work at
MAN: And what do you study there? five. •
WoMAN: Business. • DANIEL: Wow, th at's late. • When do you get home
She goes to City College. She studies at night? •
business. HELEN: I usually get home at midnight. •
DANIEL: Midnight? That is late. • What do you do,
4. WOMAN: Where do you go to school, Jack? exactly? •
MAN: I go to Florida University. HELEN: I'm a TV announcer. • I do the weather
WoMAN: Uh-huh. And what do you study there? report on KNTV. • Don't you recognize me? •
MAN: I study biology. • Dru'IIEL: Oh! You're Helen Black. • I love your
He goes to Florida Un iver sity. He studies show! • By the way, I'm Daniel. ... •

3. MAN: We go to work late. •
What time do you go to work?
Listen to a tim e, like this: MAN: At eight o'clock at n ight. •
- It's 10:00 A.M. That is late.
Reply with "Good morning," "Good afternoon," or 4. W0!11AN: I get home early on Fridays. •
"Good evening." Listen again. What time do y ou get home on Fridays ?
- It's 10:00 A.M. • WOMAN: Around one in the afternoon. •
- Good morning. T hat is early.
Listen to another example.
- It's 11:00 P.M. • Unit 2 EXercise 10
-Good evening. Listen to people talk about their daily routines.
Ready. Repeat what they say, like this:
WOi\lAN: I go to bed at eleven, and I get up at seven.
1. It's 7:00A.M. • - She goes to bed at eleven, and s he gets up at
Good morning. seve n.
2. It's 11:00 A.M. •
Good morning.
1. MAN: I go to work at 6:00 P.M. •
3 . It's 1:00 P .M . •
He goe s to work at 6:00 P J\t.
Good afternoon.
2. WoMAN: I get up before 7:00A.M. •
4. It's 8:00 P.M. •
Good evening. She gets up before 7:00 A.M.
3. M.I\N: I go to bed after midnight. •
He goe s to bed after midnight.
4. WOMAN: I work on weekdays and study on
Listen to people talk about things they do ear ly or Saturdays. •
late, like this: She works on weekdays and s tudies on
Wo~IA>'I: I get up late on Sund ays.
Ask a question with "What time . . . ?" like this: 5. MAN: I go to work in the afternoon and get home
-What time do you get up on Sundays? around midnight. •
Then yon hP.<~ r An An!':wP.r , li kP. thi!<: H e goes to work in the afte rno on and gets
WoMAN: Around two in th e a fternoon. home a r ound midnight.

Respond like t his :

-That is late.
Listen again.
W0!11AN: I get up late on Sundays. •
-What time do y ou get up on Sundays?
WOMAN: Around two in the afternoon. •
-That is late.
Listen to another example.
MAN: I go to school early on Mondays. •
- What time do you go to school on Mondays ?
MAN: At 6:30 in the morning. •
-That is early.
1. MAN: We get up early. •
What time do you get up?
At 4:00 A.M . •
That is early .
2. W0!11AN: I have breakfast late on weekends. •
What time do you have breakfas t on
Wol'oiAN: At 1:00 or 2:00 P.~I. •
That is late.

Unit 3, ExerCise 3
?; How much is it?
Listen to a statement about something in a store,
Unit 3, Exercise 1 like this:
- I like this necklace.
Listen to a question about how much something
costs, like this: Ask "How much is it?" or "How much are they?"
- How much is that jacket? Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- I like this necklace. •
Ask "Which one?" or "Which ones?" Then you hear - How much is it?
an answer. Listen again. - It's $30.
- How much is that jacket? •
- Which one? Listen to a nother example.
-The leather one. -I like these sunglasses. •
-How much are they?
Listen to another example. - They're $13.
-How much ar"' th"'s"' pants? •
- Which ones? Ready.
- The blue ones. 1. I like this sweater. •
How much is it?
It's S40.
1. How much are those in-line skates? •
2. I like those rings. •
Which ones ?
H ow much are they?
The purple ones.
They're $14.
2. How much a re these gloves? • 3. I like these shoes. •
Which ones?
How much are they'l
T he brown ones.
They're $50.
3. How much is that scarf? • 4. I like that shil·t. •
Which one?
How much is it?
The polyester one.
It's $15.
4. How much is this tie? •
Which one?
The red one.

Unit 3, Exercise 2
Listen to a question about how much something
costs, like this:
-How much are these shoes?
Answer "It's $50" or "They're $50." Listen again.
-How much are these shoes? •
- They're $50.
Listen to another example.
- How much is this bracelet? •
- It's 850.
1. How much is this shirt? •
It's $50.
2. How much are these boots? •
They'r e $50.
3. How much are these earrings? •
They'r e $50.
4. How much is this bag? •
It's $50.

Unit 3, ~u&J[iiL_::
Listen to a comment about something in a store, [Note: This conversation is on page 19 of the
like this: Student's Book.)
- That jacket is nice.
Listen to this conversation.
Say "Yes, it is" or "Yes, they are." Then ask how A.~: Look! These jackets are really nice. Which
much it is, like this: one do you prefer?
- Yes, it is. Excuse me. How much is this SUE: I like the wool one better.
jacket? ANNE: The wool one? Why?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. SUE: It looks warmer.
-That jacket is nice. • ANNE: Well, I like the leather one better. lt's more
- Yes, it is. Excuse me. How much is th is stylish than the wool one.
j Mket? SUE: Hmm. There's no price tag.
- It's $160. A.'INE: Excuse me. How much is this jacket?
CLRRK: It's $499. Would you like to try it on?
Listen to another example. A..'INE: Uh, no. That's OK! But thanks anyway.
- Those shoes are nice. • CLERK: You're welcome.
-Yes, th ey are. Excuse me. How much are
these shoes? Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
-They're $49.99. ANNE: Look! These jackets are really nice. • Which
Ready. one do you prefer? •
SUE: I like the wool one better. •
1. That tie is nice. • ANNE: The wool one? Why? •
Yes, it is. Excuse me. How much is this t ie? SUE: It looks warmer. •
It's $24.99. ANNE: Well, I like the leather one better. • It's more
2. That cap is nice. • stylish than the wool one. •
Yes, it is. Excuse me. How much is this cap? SuE: Hmm. There's no price tag. •
It's $6.95. ANNE: Excuse me. How much is this jacket? •
CLERK: It's $499. • Would you like to try it on? •
3. Those pants are nice. •
ANJ\'E: Uh, no. That's OK! • But thanks anyway. •
Yes, th ey are. Excuse me. How much are
CLERK: You're welcome. •
th ese pants?
They're $34.
4. Those sunglasses are nice. •
Yes, they are. Excuse me. How much are
these sunglasses?
They're $25.

Listen and repeat. Ready.

1. These jackets are nice. •
These jackets are nice.
2. It's more attractive than the wool one. •
It's more attractive than the wool one.
3. How much is this jacket? •
How much is this jacket?
4. That jacket is really expensive. •
That jacket is really expensive.

Listen to a question, like this: Listen to people talk about prices of things in a
-Which sunglasses do you prefer, the red ones or store, like this:
the blue ones? A: How much are the computers?
B: The big ones are $1,000, and the small ones are
Answer with the second choice, like this: $3,000.
-I prefer th e blue ones.
Say which ones are more expensive, like this:
Listen to another example. - The small ones are more expens ive than t he
-Which cap do you prefer, the blue one or the b ig ones.
purple one? •
- I prefer the purple o ne. Listen to another example.
A: How much are the boots?
Ready. B: The leather ones are S100, and the plastic ones
1. Which gloves do you prefer, the wool ones or the are $30. •
leather ones? • -The leathe r ones are more expensive than
I prefer the leather o nes. the plastic ones.
2. Which ring do you prefer, the gold one or the Ready.
silver one? •
1. A: How much are the earrings?

I prefer the silver o ne.
B: The silver ones are $25, and the gold ones are
3. Which in-line skates do you prefer, the cheap $75. •
ones or the expensive ones? • The gold ones are more expensive than the
I prefer t he expensive ones.
4. Which jacket do you prefer, the polyester one or
the silk one? •
silver ones.
2. A: How much are the scarves?
B: The polyester ones are $15, and the s ilk ones L! ·c
I prefer the silk one. are $50. •
...................... ·-
The silk ones are more expensive than the
Unit 3, Exercise 8 polyester ones.
Listen to a question, like this: 3. A: How much are the jackets?
-Which jeans do you like better, the black ones or B: The wool ones are $95, and the silk ones are
the blue ones? :$65 . •
The wool ones are more expensive than the
Answer with the second choice, like this: silk on es.
-Th e blue ones are nicer than the black ones.
4. A: How much are the bags?
Listen to another example. B: The American ones are $17, and the Italian
- Which tie do you like better, the green one or the ones are $70. •
yellow one? • The Italian ones are more expensive tha n
-The yellow one is nicer tha n the green one. the American ones.
1. Which T-shirt do you like better, the white one or
the gray one? •
The gray one is nicer than the w hite one.
2. ·which pants do you like better, the light blue
ones or the dark blue ones? •
The dark blue ones are nicer t han the light
blue ones.
3. 'Which caps do you like better, the cheap ones or
the expensive ones? •
The expen sive ones a r e nicer than the
cheap ones.
4. Which computer do you like better, the big one or
the small one? •
The s m all one is nicer tha n the big one.

tf Do you like rap? Unit 4 Exercise 3 -------...J
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question
Unit 4, Exercise 1 with "What's your favorite ... ?" like this:
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question -What's your favorite music?
with "Do you like ... ?" like this:
-jazz Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- Do you like jazz? -music •
-What's your favorite music?
Listen to another example. - Classical.
- soap operas •
- Do you like soap operas? Listen to another cxnmple.
-sport •
Ready. -What's your favorite s port?
1. game shows • -Soccer.
Do you like game shows? Ready.
2. horror mo·iies • 1. TV program •
Do you like horror movies? What's your favorite TV program?
3. salsa • The Simpsons.
Do yo u like salsa? 2. movie •
4. music videos • What's your favorite movie?
Do you like m usic videos? Spider-Man.
3. restaurant •
Unit 4, ercise 2 What's your favorite restaurant?
Planet Hollywood.
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question
with "Who's your favorite .. . ?" like this: 4. color •
- pop singer What's your favorite color?
- Who's your favorite pop singer? Purple.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- pop singer •
- Who's your favorite pop singe r?
- Celine Dion.
1. rock group •
Who's your favor ite rock group?
The Rolling Stones.
2. actress •
Who's your favorite actress?
Julia Roberts.
3. actor •
Who's your favorite actor?
Leonardo DiCaprio.
4. composer •
Who's your favorite composer?

Unit 4, Exercise 6
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question, Listen to a question, like this:
like this: - Do you like country music?
Answer Hke this:
- Do you like music?
-No, I don't like it very much.
Listen to another example.
Listen to another example.
- science fiction •
-Do you like science fiction? - Do you Hke horror movies? •
-No, I don't like them very much.
1. talk shows •
Do you like talk shows? 1. Do you like westerns? •
No, I don't like them very much.
2. comedies •
Do you like comedies? 2. Do you like country music? •
No, I don't like it very much.
3. soap operas •
Do you like soap operas? 3. Do you Hke thrillers? •
No, I don't like them very much.
Now ask questions with "What .. . ?" Listen to an 4. Do you Hke classical music? •
example. No, I don't like it very much. ~
-What music do you like?
Listen to another example.
- game shows •
-What game shows do you like?
[Note: This conversation is on page 23 of the
Student's Book.]
Ll ·c
Ready. Listen to this conversation.
4. singers • ToM: Do you like rap, Liz?
What singers do you like? LIZ: No, I don't like it very much. Do you?
ToM: Yeah, I do. I'm a big fan ofEminem.
5. actors • LIZ: I think I know him. Does he play the piano?
What actors do you like? TOM: The piano? No, he doesn't. He's a singer!
6. music videos • LIZ: Oh, I guess I don't know much about rap.
What music videos do you like? TOM: So, what kind of music do you like?
Liz: I really like pop music.
Unit 4 EXercise 5 ToM: Who's your favorite singer?
LIZ: Celine Dion. I love her voice. Do you like her?
Listen to a question, like this: TOM: No, I don't. I don't like pop music very much.
- Do you like jazz?
Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
Answer like this: TOM: Do you like rap, Liz? •
-Yes, I like it a lot.
Liz: No, I don't like it very much. • Do you? •
Listen to another example. ToM: Yeah, I do. • I'm a big fan of Eminem. •
- Do you like thrillers? • LIZ: I think I know him. • Does he play the piano? •
- Yes, I like them a lot. TOM: The piano? • No, he doesn't. • He's a singer! •
Liz: Oh, I guess I don't know much about rap. •
Ready. 1'oM: So, what kind of music do you like? •
1. Do you like news programs? • Liz: I really like pop music. •
Yes, I like them a lot. TOM: \Vho's your favorite singer? •
2. Do you like rap music? • LIZ: CeHne Dion. I love her voice. • Do you Hke her? •
Yes, I like it a lot. ToM: No, I don't. • I don't like pop music very much. •
3. Do you like science fiction? •
Yes, I like it a lot.
4. Do you like TV game shows? •
Yes, I like them a lot.

Unit 4, EXercise 8 Unit 4, Exerdse 10
Listen to people talking about an even t, like this: Listen to a statement, like this:
A: When's the movie? - There's a soccer game on Saturday.
8 : On Friday at 7:30 P.M.
Ask a question with "Would you like . .. ?" like this:
T hen make a sentence about the event, like this: - Would you like to go to a s occer game on
-The movie's on Friday a t 7:30 P.M. Saturday?
Listen to a nother example. Then you hear an answer. Listen a gain.
A: What time's the news program? -There's a soccer game on Saturday. •
B: It's on Wednesday at 6:30 P.M. • -Would you like to go to a soccer game on
- T he news progra m's on Wednesd.a y at Saturday?
6:30P.M. - Yes, I'd really like to go.
Ready. Ready.
1. A: What time's the j a zz concert? 1 . There's a jazz concert at the Kennedy Center. •
8 : It's on Sunday evening at seven. • Would you like to go to a jazz concert at the
Th e jazz con ce rt's on Sund ay evening at Kennedy Center?
seven. Yes, I'd love to. Thanks.
2. A; When's the meeting? 2. There's a baseball game on Friday. •
8: On Tuesday a t 5 :00 P.M. • Would you like to go to a baseball gam e on
The meetin g's on Tuesday at 5:00 P.M.
3. A: When's the baseball game? I'd like to, but I have to work.
B: It's on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. •
3. There's a movie at 7:30. •
The baseb a ll gam e's on Saturday afternoon
Wo uld you like to go to a m ovie at 7:30?
a t 2:80.
I'd like to, but I have to study.
4. A: Wha t time's the tennis game?
B: It's on Sundav at six o'clock. • 4. There's a new play at the Grand Thea ter. •
The tennis g~e's on Sunday at s ix o'clock. Would you like to go to a new p lay at the
Grand Theater?
Yes, I would. Thanks.

Listen to the name of an event. Then ask a

question, like this:
-the movie
- Wbe.n 's the movie?
T hen you hea r an answer. Listen again.
- the movie •
- Whe n's t he movie?
-On Wednesday at 7:30 P.M.
1. the baseball game •
When 's the baseball game?
On Sunday aftemoon at 3:30 P.M.
2. the concert •
When's the concert?
On Friday night at 8 :00 P.M.
3. the movie festival •
When's th e movie festival?
Next week from Monday to Friday.
4. the car s how •
Whe n's the car s h ow?
Next weekend on Saturday and Sunday.

7. Who's your aunt's son? •
5 Tell me about your family. M y cousin.
8. Who's your uncle's daugh ter? •
Unit 5, Exercise 1 My cousin.
Listen to the name of a family member. Then make
a sentence, like this: U it 5, Exercise 3
- grandmother
Listen to people talk about their families, like this:
- She's my grandmother.
MAN: How many sisters do you have, Celia?
Listen to another example. WOMAN: I have one sister.
- brother • MAN: And do you have a ny brothers?
- He's my brother. WOMAN: Yes, I h ave two brothers.
Ready. Say how many brothers and sisters each person h as,
1. granC.father • like this:
He's my grandfather. - She has one sister and two b r others.

2. mother • Listen to another example.

She's my mother. WoMA!\: Do you come from a big family, David?
MAN: Yes, I do.
3. father •
He's my father.
WOMAN: How many brothers and sisters do you 5

4. sister • l\I!AN: I have two sisters and three brothers. •
She's my sister. - He has two sisters and three brothers.
5. husband • Ready.
He's my husband.
1. WOMAN: Do you have any s isters, Tom?
6. wife • •.................... ..

MAN: No, I don't.

She's my wife. WOMAN: How about brothers?
7. nephew • MAN: Yes, f h ave one brother. •
H e's my nephew. He has one broth er and n o sisters.
8. niece • 2. MAN: What's your family like, Anna? Do you
She's my niece. have any brothers?
W0~1AN: Yes, I have one brother.

Unit 5, ~rcise 2 MAN: And do you have any sisters?

Wo~1AN: Yes, ( have one s ister, too. •
Listen to a question, like this: She h as one brother and one sister.
- Who's your mother's mother?
3. WOMAN: Tell me a bout your family, Ricardo.
Answer like this: MAN: Well, I have one brother.
- My grandmother. WOMAN: And do you have any sisters?
MAN: No, I don't. •
Listen to another el'ample. He has one brother and n o sisters.
- Who's your mother's fa ther? •
- My grandfath er . 4. MAN: Are you an only child, Rita, or do you have
brothers and sisters?
Ready. W0~1AN: Oh, I come from a big family.
1. Who's your father's sister? • M>.K: Really?
My a unt. WOMAN: Yes, I have four brothers.
MAl\: Any sisters?
2. Who's your mother's brother? •
WoM.J\K: I have two sisters. •
My uncle.
She has four brothers and two sisters.
3. Who's your brother's wife? •
My sister-in-law.
4. Who's your husband's s ister? •
My sister -in-law.
5. \\fho's your sister's daughter? •
My niece.
6. Who's your brother's son? •
My ne phew.

Unit 5 EXerCISe 4
Listen to a conversation. Repeat each question, like [Note: This conversation is on page 31 of the
this: Student's Book.]
WOMAN: I ha•e a brother.
Listen to this conversation.
MAN: Oh? Where does be live?
-Where does he live? RITA: Tell me about your brother and sister, Sue.
WOMAN: In Chicago. SuE: Well, my sister works for the go·ternment.
MAN: What does he do? • RITA: Oh, what does she do?
-What does he do? Sut!:: I"m not sure. She's working on a very secret
WOMAN: He's an architect. project right now.
MAN: Really? Does he like it? • RITA: Wow! And what about your bro:her?
- Does he like it? SuE: He's a wildlife photographer.
WOMAN: Yes, he does. He's very good. RITA: What an interesting family! Can I meet
Ready. SUE: Uh, no. My sister's away. She's not working
1. MAN: 1 have an older sister. in the United States this month.
WOMAN: Ob? Where does she live? • RITA: And your brother?
Where does s he live? SUE: He's traveling in the Amazon.
MAN: In Boston.
Now repeat each sen tence. Ready.
WoMAN: What does she do? •
What does she do? RITA: Tell me about your brother and sister, Sue. •
MAN: She's a teacher. She teaches first grade. SUE: Well, my sister works for the government. •
WOMAN: Really? Does she like it? • RITA: Oh, what does she do? •
Does she like it? SUE: I'm not sure. • She's working on a very secret
MAN: Yes, she does. Very much. project right now. •
RITA: Wow! And what about your brother? •
2. WOMAN: I have a son. He's twenty-six.
SuE: He's a wildlife photographer. •
MAN: Where does he live? •
Where does he live? RITA: What an interesting family! • Can I meet
them? •
WoMAN: In St. Louis.
SUE: Uh, no. My sister's away. • She's not working
MAN: What does he do? •
What does h e do? in the United States this month. •
RITA: And your brother? •
"WOMAN: He's a sports announcer on TV there.
SUE: He's traveling in tbe Amazon. •
MAN: ReaJy? Does he like it? •
Does h e like it?
WOMAN: He loves it.

Ask questions about someone's family, like this: Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question, like this:
- sister - look for a job
- Where is your sister living now? -Are you looking for a job?
Then you hear an answer, like this: Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- In San Diego. - look for a job •
-Are yo u looking for a job?
Ask what the person is doing, like this:
-No, I'm not.
- What is she doing?
Listen to another example.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- live at home •
-sister • -Are you living at home?
-Where is your sister living now? - Yes, I am.
- In San Diego. •
- What is s he doing? Ready.
- She's planning her wedding. 1. take German •
Ready. Are you taking Ge rman?
No, I'm not.
L brother •
Where is your brother living now? 2. go to school •
In Detroit. • Are you going to school?
What is he doing? Yes, I am.
He's working for an information systems 3. take care of your younger brother and sister •
company. Are you taking care of your younger
2. parents • brother and sister?
Whe re are your parents living now? No, I'm not.
They're still in the same place. • 4. study art •
What are they doing? Are you studying art?
My dad's retired, and my mother is working for a Yes, I am.
5. travel a lot •
3. niece • Are you traveling a lot?
Whe re is your niece living now? No, I'm not.
In Singapore. •
What is she doing?
She's teaching English.
4. nephew •
Where is your nephew living now?
He's in Michigan. •
What is he doing?
He's going to graduate schooL
5. aunt and uncle •
Where ar e your aunt and uncle living now?
In Miami. •
What are they doing?
Playing tennis. They're retired.
6. cousins •
Where are your cousins living now?
They're still in the same place. •
What are they doing?
Mel is a salesman, and Marty is working for
the city.

Listen to a question and an answer, like this: Listen to a question and an answer, like this:
MAN: Are you living at home? MAN: Are your friends single?
WOMAN: No, I'm not. I'm living with my friend WOMAN: About 95 percent of them are single.
Then you hear another question. Answer with "Most
Restate the answer, like this: of them," "Many of them," or "A few of th em," like
- S he's living with her friend Nilda. this:
-How many of her friends are single?
Listen to another example.
- Most of them.
WOMAN: Are you going to college this year?
l'viAN: Yes, I am. I'm going to college and working. • Listen again.
- He's going to college a n d working. MAN: Are your friends single?
Wo~!Al\l: About 95 percent of them are single.
-How many of her friends are single? •
1. lVlAN : What are you doing these days? - Most of them.
WOMP.N: I'm working and taking courses at
night. • Listen to another example.
She's w or king a nd taking courses a t night. l'vlAN: Do your friends have jobs?
WOMAN: Approximately 50 or 60 percent of them
2. WOMP.N: Are you playing a sport this year? have jobs.
MAN: Yes, I am. I'm playing basketbalL • - How-many of her friends have jobs? •
He's playin g basketball. -Man y of t hem.
3. 11AN: Where are you living now?
WOMJ>.N: I'm living in New Jersey and wor king in
New York. • L l'vL-cN: Do your friends want to get married?
She's living in New J ersey and working in WOMAN: About 90 percent of them want to get
Ne w York. matTied.
How many of her friends want to get married? •
4. WoMAN: Are you looking for a job?
Most of the m.
11AN: No, I'm not. But my brother is looking for
one. • 2. MAN: Do your friends want a lot of children?
His brother is looking for a job. WOMAN: Two of my friends want a lot of children.
How many of h er friends want a lot of
5. MAN: Where are you working now?
children? •
WOM).N: I'm working in Mexico and learning A few of them.
Spanish. •
She's wor kin g in Mexico a n d lear ning 3. MAN: Do your friends live with their parents?
Spa nis h. WOMAN: Almost 90 percent of them live with
their parents.
How many of her friends live with their
parents? •
Most of t hem.
4. MAN: Do your friends have cars?
WOMAN: About 75 percent of them have cars.
How many of her friends have cars? •
Many of them.
5. MAN: Do your friends take care of their younger
brothers and sisters?
WOMAN: Maybe 5 percent of them do.
How many of her friends take care of their
younger brothers and sisters? •
A few of the m.

6 How often do you exercise? Unit 6, Exercise 3
Listen to people talk about sports and fitness.
Unit 6, Exercise 1 Repeat the statements with "he" or "she," like this:
WmiAN: I usually go for a long walk on Sundays.
Listen to a question, like this: - She usuaUy goes for a long walk o n Sundays.
- Do you ever do weight training?
Listen to another example.
Answer with "about twice a week," like this: MAN: I always go to the gym late at night. •
-Yes, I do weight training about twice a week. -He always goes to the gym late at night.
Usten again. Ready.
- Do you ever do weight training? •
1. WOMAN: I sometimes do weight training before
-Yes, I do weight training about twice a week. work. •
&ady. She sometimes does weight training before
1. Do you ever do yoga? • work.
Yes, I do yoga about twice a week. 2. MAN: I often play tennis after work. •
He often plays te nnis after work.
2. Do you ever go jogging? •
Yes, I go jogging a bout twice a week. 3. I almost never play volleyball these
days. •
3. Do you ever play basketball? •
Sh e almost never plays volleyball these
Yes, I play basketball about twice a week.
4. Do you ever do aerobics? •
4. WOMAN: I seldom go jogging in the park. •
Yes, I do aerobics about twice a week.
S he seldom goes jogging in the park.
5. Do you ever play tennis? •
5. MAN: I never have a regular fitness program. •
Yes, I play tennis about twice a week .
He n ever h as a regular fitness program.
6. Do you ever go swimming? •
Yes, I go swimming about twice a week.

Unit 6, EXercise 2
Listen to a question. Answer with "almost never,"
like this:
- How often do you do aerobics?
- I almos t never do aerobics.
Listen to another example.
- How often do you do yoga? •
- I almost never do yoga.
1. How often do you go bicycling? •
I almost n ever go bicycling.
2. How often do you play baseball? •
I almost never play baseball.
3. How often do you exercise? •
I almost never exercise.
4. How often do you play football? •
I almost never play football.
5. How often do you lift weights? •
I almost never lift weights.

....,..>=:>""'' Exercise 4
Listen to a phrase. '!'hen ask a question with "How [Note: This conver sation is on page 37 of the
often .. . ?" like this: Student's Book.]
- go bowling
Listen to this conversation.
- How often do you go bowling?
MARIE: You're really fit, Paul. Do you exercise a
Then you hear an answer, like this: Jot?
- About once a month. PAUL: Well, I almost always get up early, and I lift
Listen to another example. weights for an hour.
- play golf • l\1ARIE: Seriously?
- How ofte.n do you play golf? PAUL: Sure. And t hen I often go in-line skating.
-About once a month. MARIE: Wow! How often do you exercise like that?
PAUL: About five times a week. What about you?
Ready. MARIE: Oh, I hardly ever exercise. I usually just
1. go to the gym • watch TV in my free time. I guess I'm a real
How often do you go to the gym ? couch potato!
About twice a week. Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
2. go swimming •
MARIE: You're really fit, Paul. • Do you exercise a
How often do you go swimming?
lot? •
About three times a week. PAUL: Well, I almost always get up early, and I lift
3. play tenn is • weights for an hour. •
How often do you play tennis? MARIE: Seriously? •
Every day. PAUL: Sure. And t hen I often go in-line skating. •
4. do aerobics • MARIE: Wow! How ·often do you exe•·cise like that? •
How often do you do aerobics? PAUL: About five t imes a week. • Wh at a bout you? •
Every other day. MARIE: Oh, I hardly eve1· exe•·cise. • I usually just
watch TV in my free time. • I guess I'm a real
5. work out • couch potato! •
How often do you work out?
Only on weekends.
Unit 6, Exercise 7
6. go skiing •
How often do you go skiing? Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question
About twice a year. with "How well ... ?" like this:
- play football
- How well do you play football?
Unit 6, Exercise 5
Listen and repeat. Ready. Then you hear an answer, like this:
- Not very well. I like soccer better.
1. I almost always get up very early. •
I almost al ways get up very early. Listen to another example.
- bowl •
2. I lift weights for an hour. • - How well do you b owl?
I lift weights for an ho ur. -Pretty well. I'm on the bowling team at work.
3. And then I often go in-line skating. •
And then I often go in-line skating.
1. play volleyball •
4. How often do you exercise like that? •
How well do you play volleyball?
How often do you exer cise like that?
Not very well, but I like it.
5. I hardly ever exercise. •
2. do your job •
1 hardly ever exer cise.
How well do you do your job?
6. I usually just watch TV in my free time. • Very well. I love my job.
I us ually just watch TV in my free time.
3. dance •
How well do you dance?
Not very well. I don't like dancing!
4. sing •
How well do you sing?
I sing well. I'm in a rock band.
5. play the piano •
How well do you play t he piano?
Tdon't play the piano. My brother plays it.

Unit 6, EXercise 8 Unit 6, Exercise 9 - - - - - - -
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with "Do
with "How good .. . ?" like this: you ever .. . ?" like this:
-soccer - go swimming
- How good a r e you at socce r ? - Do you ever g o swimming?
Then you hear an answer, like this: Then you hear an answer, like this:
- Pretty good, I guess. I play it a lot . -Yes, about once a week.
Li~ten to a n other example. A5k '"What else do you do lor exercise?" Then y ou
- football • hear another· a nswe r. Listen again.
- How good a r e you at footb a ll? - go swimm ing •
- Terrible. I hate sports. - Do you eve r go s wimming?
..:. Yes, about once a week. •
Ready. - What e lse do you d o for exercise?
1. bowling • - I lift weights.
How good are you a t bowling?
Not too good. I don'i bowl very often. Listen to another example.
- do yoga •
2. volleyball • - Do you ever do yoga?
How good are you at volleyba ll? - No, never. •
Pretty good, I guess. - What do you do for exenise?
3. lifting weights • - I play racquetba ll once or twice a week.
How good a re you at lifting we ights? Ready.
Pretty good. Not great.
1. go in-line ska ting •
4. aerobics • Do you e ver go in -line skating?
How g ood ar e you a t aerobics? No, never. •
Not bad for a beginner. What do you d o for e xercise?
5. racquetball • Nothing. I'm a real couch potato.
How good are you a t r a cq ue tball? 2. go bicycling •
Terrible! It's fun, though. I like it. Do you ever go bicycling?
Yes, almost every weekend. •
What el"e do yo u do for exercise?
Nothing else, really.
3. go bowling •
Do you ever go bowling?
Bowling? No, never. •
What d o you do for e xe rc ise?
I go sailing sometimes.
4. work ou t at a gym •
Do you ever work ou t at a gym?
No, I don't. It's too expensive. •
What do yo u do for exercise?
I work out at home.
5. play golf •
Do you ever play golf?
Yes, I play two or three times a month in
s ummer. •
What else d o you d o for e xer cise?
I go swimming three or four times a week.
6. play tennis •
Do you ever play te nnis?
Yes, sometimes. Not very often. •
What else do you do for exercise?
I go shopping. Hey, it's hard work!

7 We had agreat time! 1. What did you do on Friday night?
go dancing •
I went dancing.
Unit 7, Exercise 1 2. What did you do on Saturday?
Listen to a question and answer,like this: work •
MAN: What did you do on Saturday night? I wor ked.
WOMAN: 1 invited some friends for dinner. Then we 3. What did you do after class yesterday?
watched a video. do my homework •
I did my homewOt·k.
Restate the answer, like this:
- She invited som e friends for dinnet·. Then 4. Where did you spend your last vacation?
they watch ed a video. go to Hawaii •
I went to Hawaii.
Listen to another example.
MAN: What did you do on the weekend? 5. What did you do last weekend?
WOMAN: I went to a movie. I saw Titanic again. • drive to the beach •
-Sh e went to a movie. Sh e saw Titanic again. I drove to the beach.
1. WOMAN: How was your weekend?
MAN: It was OK I stayed home and studied. • Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with "What
He s tayed home and studied. did you do ... ?" like this:
- last night
2. MAN: How was your weekend? -What did you do las t night?
WOMAN: Terrific! I went shopping. Everything
was on sale. • Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
She went shopping. E verything was on sale. - last night •
- What did you do las t night?
3. WOMAN: What did you do on Sunday? - I went to a movie.
MAN: I went to Boston with some friends. We
took a tour of the city. • Ready.
He went to Boston with some friends. They 1. on Sunday •
took a tour of the city. What did you do on Sunday?
4. MAN: What did you do last weekend? I went to a soccer game.
WOMAN: My brother had a party. I saw a lot of 2. on Saturday night •
old friends. • What did you do on Saturday night?
Her brother had a party. She saw a lot of I went to a concert.
old friends.
3. on Sunday aftemoon •
5. WOMAN: What did you do on Saturday? What did you do on Sunday afternoon?
MAN: I studied all day and went to a concert in I drove to the lake.
the evening. •
He studied all day and went to a con cert in 4. last weekend •
the evening. What did you do last weekend?
I visited my grandparents.
Unit 7, Exercise 2 5. last summer •
What did you do last summer?
Listen to a question followed by a word or phrase, I took a vacation.
like this:
- What did you do on Sunday? 6. on Sunday night •
- stay home What did you do on Sunday night?
I stayed home.
Answer like this:
- I stayed home.
Listen to another example.
- What did you do last night?
- watch TV •
- I watched TV.

Unit 7, Exercise 4 Unit 7, Exercise 6
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question with "How Listen to a conversation. Repeat each question, like
was ... ?" like this: this:
- your weekend WOMAN: What did you do last weekend?
- How was your weekend? -What did you do last weekend ?
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
MAN: I went for a drive on Saturday.
WOMAN: Where did you go? •
- your weekend •
- Where did you go?
- How was your weekend?
MAN: I drove out to the lake. Sam and Alice went
- Very nice, thanks.
with me.
1. the movie •
1. WoMAN: What did you do last weekend? •
How was t he movie?
What did you do last weekend?
It was terrific.
MAN: I went for a drive on Saturday.
2. the party • WOMAN: Where did you go? •
How was the party? Where did you go?
Not very exciting. MAN: I drove out to the Jake. Sam and Alice went
3. your vacation • with me.
How was your vacation? WOMAN: What did you do there? •
It was fun. What d id you do t he re?
MAN: We went swimming and had a picnic.
4. the concert last weekend •
WOMAN: How was the water? •
How was the concert last w eeke nd? How was the water?
Pretty good. MAN: Cold!
5. your business trip • 2. MAN: ·where did you go on your vacation? •
How was your business trip? Where did you go on your vacation?
Very good, thanks. WOMAN: To Florida.
MAN: How did you like it? •
Unit 7, EXercise 5 How did you like it?
Listen to a question, like this: WOMAN: It was great!
- Did your pnrents enjoy their vacation? MA:'i: Who did you go with? •
Who did you go with?
Answer "Yes," like this: WO:.IAN: With my family.
- Yes, they did. MAN: What did you see? •
What did you see?
Listen to another example.
WOMAN: Epcot Center, the Everglades,
- Did your brother go shopping with you? •
Miami Beach.
- Yes, he did.
MAN: How long did you stay? •
Ready. How long did you s tay?
1. Did you go to the concert last weekend? • WoMAN: For ten days.
Yes, I did. IVlAN: Sounds great.
2. Did your sister leave for South America last
week? •
Yes, s he did.
3. Did your friends visit you last week? •
Yes, t hey did.
4. Did your father enjoy his trip to Japan? •
Yes, he did.
5. Did you and your family take a vacation last
summer? •
Yes,' we did.
6. Did your children take swimming lessons in
July? •
Yes, they did.

[Note: This conversation is on page 44 of the Listen to a statement about a ttip, like this:
Student's Book.] -My father just came back from South America.
Listen to this conversation. Ask a question with "How long . .. ?" like this:
Rrc!K: So, what did you do last weekend, Meg? -How long was h e there?
MEG: Oh, I had a great time. I went to a karaoke Then you hear an answer, like this:
b ar and sang with some friends on Saturday. - For a week.
RICK: That sounds like fun. Did you go to Lucky's?
:MEG: No, we didn't. We went to that new place Ask if the person did anything special, like this:
downtown. How about you? Did you go - Did h e do anything special?
a nywhere? Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
RICK: No, I didn't go anywhere all weekend. I just -My father just came back from South America. •
stayed home and studied for today's Spanish - How long was h e the r e?
test. -For a week. •
MEG: Our Spanish test is today? I forgot all about - Did h e do anything special?
that! - Yes, he visited six countties in six days.
RicK: Don't worry. You always get an A.
Listen to another example.
Now repeat each sentence. Ready. - My mom just came back from London. •
RICK: So, what did you do last weekend, Meg? • - How long was s he there?
MEG: Oh, I had a great time. • I went to a karaoke -For five days. •
bar and sang with some friends on Saturday. • - Did she do anything sp ecial?
RIC.K: That sounds like fun. • Did you go to Lucky's? • - Yes, she took a boat ride up the Thames.
MEG: No, we didn't. • We went to that new place
downtown. • How about you? • Did you go
anywhere? • 1. My brother just came back from Mexico. •
RICK: No, I didn't go anywhere all weekend. • I just How long was he there?
stayed home and studied for today's Spanish For two weeks. •
test. • Did h e do anything special?
MEG: Our Spanish test is today? • I forgot all about Yes, he went scuba diving in Cancun.
t h at! • 2. I just came back from New York. •
RICK: Don't worry. o You always get an A. o How long were you there?
For a week. •
Did you do anythin g special?
Not really. It was a business trip.
3 . My parents just came back from Japan. •
How long were they ther e?
For ten days. •
Did they do anything special?
Yes, they did. They spent two nights in a country
4. My sister just came back from Montreal. •
How long was s h e there?
For four days. •
Did sh e do a n ything special?
Not really. She just went to relax.
5. My husband and I just came back from
Thailand. •
How long were you there?
For almost two months. •
Did you d o anything special?
Yes, we studied Thai. We leamed a lot.

Uni 8, Exercise 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.
8 What's your neighborhood like? Listen and repeat. Ready.
Unit 8, Ex_._......,,_,_ 1. There are some on Pine Street. •
There ar e some on Pine Street.
Listen to people say what they need, like this:
- I need a dictionary. 2. I think there's one in the shopping center. •
I think there's one in th e shopping center.
Tell them where they can get it, like this:
- There's a bookstore on Main Street. 3. There's a barber shop in the shopping center, too. •
There's a barber shop in the shopping
Listen to another example. center, too.
- I need some stamps. • 4. There are a lot of restaurants in my
- There's a post office on Main Street. neighborhood. •
Ready. There ar e a lot of restaurants in my
to make a phone calL • neighborhood.
1. I'd like
There's a pay phone on Main Str eet . 5. I bet there are some on Main Street. •
2. I'd Hke to wash my clothes. • I bet there ar e some on Main Street.
There's a laundromat on Main Street.
Unit 8, Exercise 4

I'd like to see a movie. •
T here's a movie theater on Main Street.
J need gas for the car. •
Listen to a question followed by a word, like this:
- Are there any banks nearby?
There's a gas station on Main St reet.
I'd like to go dancing. •
There's a dance club on Main Street.
Answer the question, like this:
-Yes, the1·e's one on Fourth Avenue. L!
6. I need some money. • Listen to another example.
There's a bank on Main Street. - Are there any supermarkets near here?
- some •
Unit 8, Eiercise -Yes, ther e are some on Fourth Avenue.
Liston to people ask about clifferent places. Answer Ready.
with "No, there isn't" or "No, there aren't." like this: 1. Is there a grocery store around here?
- Is there a pay phone in this building? some •
- No, th ere isn't. Yes, there are some on Fourth Avenue.
Listen to another example. 2. Is there a laundromat nearby?
- Are there any bookstores on Oak Street? • one •
- No, there aren't. Yes, there's one on Fourth Avenue.
Ready. 3. Are there any cafes around here?
some •
1. Are there any coffee shops nearby? • Yes, there are some on Fourth Avenue.
No, t her e aren't.
4. Is there a gas station near here?
2. Is there a park around here? • some •
No, th ere isn 't. Yes, there are some on Fourth Avenue.
3. Are there any apartment buildings in the 5. Is there a post office in the neighborhood?
neighborhood? • one •
No, there aren't. Yes, there's one on Fourth Avenue.
4. Is there a shopping center near the train station? •
No, there isn't.
5. Are there any restaurants on First Street? •
No, there aren't.

6. drugstore •
Excuse me. Is there a drugstore near h e re?
Listen to the name of a place. Then ask a question, Yes, there's one on the corner of Main Street and
like this: Second Avenue. •
- bus station On the corne r of Main Street a nd Second
-Excuse me. Is t he r e a bus s tation near here? Avenue? Thanks.
Then you hear an answer, like this:
-Yes, it's just across the street. Unit 8, EXercise 6
Repeat the information you hear, like this: [Note: This conversation is on page 50 of the
-Just acr oss the s treet? Thanks. Student's Book.]
Listen again. Listen to this conversation.
-bus station • JACK: Excuse me. I'm your new neighbor, Jack.
-Excuse m e. Is there a bus s tation near h ere? I just moved in.
- Yes, it's just across the street. • MRS. DAY: Oh. Yes?
-Just across the str eet? Thanks. J ACK: I'm looking for a grocery store. Are there
Listen to another example. any around here?
- restaurants • MRs. DAY: Yes, there are some on Pine Street.
- Excuse m e. Are the re any restaurants near JACK: Oh, good. And is there a laundromat nea•·
he r e? here?
-Yes, there a•·e some on Main Street, near the MRs. DAY: Well, I think there's one across from the
movie theater. • shopping center.
- On Main Street, near the movie theater? JACK: Thank you.
Thanks. }<IRs. DAY: By the way, there's a barber s hop in the
shopping center, too.
Ready. JACK: A barber s hop?
1. library • Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
Excuse me. Is there a library near here?
Yes, there's one opposite the post office. • J ACK: Excuse me. • I'm your new neighbor, Jack. •
Opposite the post office? Thanks. I just moved in. •
MRs. DAY: Oh. Yes? •
2. department stores • JACK: I'm looking for a grocery store. • Are there
Excuse me. Are there any departme nt any around here? •
stores near here? M RS. DAY: Yes, there are some on Pine Street. •
There are two on Main Street, between First and JACK: Oh, good. • And is there a laundromat near
Second Avenues. • here? •
On Main Street, betwee.n First and Second MRs. DAY: Well, I think there's one across from the
Avenues? Thanks. shopping center. •
3. gym . JACK: Thank you. •
Excuse m e. Is there a gym near here? MRS. DAY: By the way, there's a barber shop in the
Yes, there's one on Second Street, next to the shopping center, too. •
hotel. • JACK: A barber shop? •
On Second Street, n ext to the hotel?
4. travel agencies •
Excuse m e. Are there any t ravel agencies
near here?
There's one on Second Street, across from the
supermarket. •
On Second Street, act·oss from the
supermar k e t? Thanks.
5. hotels •
Excuse me. Are there any hotels n ear here?
There are some on Fi•·st Avenue, between Main
Street and Broadway. •
On Firs t Avenue, be twee n Main Street and
Broadway? Thanks.

Unit 8 Exercise 7 4. traffic •
How much traffic is there in this
Listen to a question with "How much . . . '?" or "How neighborhood?
many ... ?" like this: There's a lot on Main Street.
-How much crime is there in this area?
5. noise •
Answer with "There isn't much" or "There aren't How much noise is there in this
mariy ," like this: neighborhood?
- There isn't much. There isn't much, except on Main Street.
Listen to another example. 6. bus lines •
- How many movie theaters are there in this How many bus lines are there in this
neighborhood? • neighborhood?
- There aren't many. There are three - on Main Street, First Avenue,
and Fourth A''enue.
1. How much pollution is there around here? • Unit 8, EXercise 9
There isn't much.
Listen to a question, like this:
2. How many bookstores are there d()wntown? • -How much crime is there in this area?
There aren't many.
Answer "I'm not s ure," and "There's a little" or
3. How many gyros are there nearby? •
There aren't many. ''There are a few," like this:

-I'm not sure. There's a little.
4. How much nightlife is there around here? •
There isn't much. Listen again.
- How much crime is there in this area? •
5. How much traffic is there in this area? • - I'm not sure. There's a little.
There isn't much.
Listen to another example.
-How many hospitals are there in the city? •
-I'm not sure. There are a few.
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question
with "How much . . . ?" or "How many . .. ?" like Ready.
this: 1. How much nig'htlife is there around here? •
-crime I'm not sure. There's a little.
- How much crime is there in this 2. How many dance clubs are there around here? •
neighb()rhood? I'm not s ure. There are a few.
Then you hear an answer, like this: 3. How much modern architecture is there
- Not much, really. downtown? •
Listen to another example. I'm not sure. The re's a little.
- dance clubs • 4. How many modern buildings are there
- How many dance clubs are there in this downtown? •
neighborhood? I'm not sure. There are a few.
- I'm not sw·e. There are a few. 5. How many bus lines are there in this
Ready. neighborhood? •
I'm not s ure . There are a few.
1. pollution •
How much pollution is there in this 6. How much pollution is there in the city? •
neighborhood? I'm not sure. There's a little.
There's very little.
2. schools •
How many schools are there iin t his
There are three elementary schools and one high
3. hospitals •
How many hospitals are there in this
There aren't any.

Cf What does she look like? Unit 9, Exerc:lse 3~---------'
Listen to a statement, like this:
Unit 9, Exercise 1 - He has blond hair.

Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question Ask for the same information again, like this:
about someooe's appearance, bke this: -I'm sorry. What color is his hair?
- bald Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- Is he bald? - He has blond hair. •
Listen to another example. -I'm sorry. What color is his hair?
- short • -Blond.
- Is he short? Listen to another example.
Ready. - He's about 25. •
-I'm sorry. How old is he?
1. tall • - About25.
Is he tall?
2. middle-aged •
Is he middle-aged? 1. He's about 6 feet tall. •
I'm sorry. R ow tall is he?
3. handsome • About 6 feet.
Is he handsome?
2. He's in his teens. •
4. young •
I'm sorry. How old is he?
Is he youn g?
In his teens.
5. in his fifties •
3. He has red hair. •
Is he in his fifties?
I'm sorry. What color is his hair?
Unit 9, Exercise 2
4. He's about 40. •
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question I'm sorry. How old is he?
about someone's ap?earance, like this: About40.
- blond hair 5. He has gray ha.i r. •
- Does he have blond hair? I'm sorry. What color is his hair?
Then you hear an answer. Listen to another Gray.
example. 6. He's about 130 centimeters tall. •
- glasses • I'm sorry. How tall is he?
- Does he have glasses? About 130 centimeters.
-Yes, he does.
1. white hair • Listen to a short conversation abcut a person's
Does he have white hair? appearance, like this:
Yes, he does. A: What does your brother look like?
2. brown eyes • B: He's tall and good-looking.
Does he have brown eyes? A: Does he have dark hair?
Yes, he does. B: Yes, he does.
3. long hair • Then describe the person, like this:
Does he have long hair? -He's tall and good-looking, with dark hair.
No, he doesn't. It's short. Listen to another example.
4. curly hair • A: What does your sister look like?
Does he have curly hair? B: She's pretty.
No, he doesn't. It's straight. A: Does she have blond hair?
5. contact lenses • B: Yes, she does. •
Does he have contact lenses? -She's pretty, with blond hair.
No, he doesn't. Ready.

1. A: What does your friend Young Su look like? Unit 9 Exercise 6
B: Well, he's tal l.
A: Is he good-looking? Listen to a short conversation. Then repeat each
B: He's handsome. • sentence, like this:
He's tall a nd handsom e. A: Is Kathy the woman wearing the red shlrt?
B: No, she's the one wearing the red sweater.
2. A: How old is his wife?
- Is Kathy the woman WP.Aring f:hP. rP.ti ~hirt.? •
B: I'm not sure. She's fairly young.
- Is Kath y the woman wear ing the r ed s hirt?
A: What does she look like?
- No, she's the one wearing the red sweater. •
B: She's pretty. •
- No, s he's the one w earing th e red sweate r .
She's young and pretty.
3. A: How tall is Mr. Mendez? Ready.
B: Oh, he's pretty tall. 1. A: Is that your husband?
A: How old is he? B: No, that's my cousin.
B: I don't know, exactly. He's middle-aged. • Is that your husband? •
He's tall a n d m iddle-aged. Is tha t your hus band?
4. A: How old is Mrs. Lopez? No, that's my cousin. •
B: She's fairly elderly. No, that's my cousin.
A: What does s he look like? 2. A: Is Elena the one wearing the skirt?
B: She's tall a nd beautiful! • B: No, she's wearing jeans.
She's elderly, tall, a nd beautiful. Is Elena the one wearing the skirt? •
5. A: What does y01~r uncle look like? Is Elena the one w earing the skirt?
B: He's medium height, with red hair . No, she's wea1;ngjea ns. •
A: Really? No, s he's w earing jeans .
B: Yes, a nd he has a mus tache. • 3. A: Is Paul the one with glasses?
H e's m edium h eig ht, with r ed hair and a B: No, he's the one with a beard.
mus tach e. Is Paul the one with glasses? •
Is Paul the one with gl asses?
Unit 9, Exercise 5 No, he's the one with a beard. •
No, he's the one with a beard.
[Note: This conversation is on page 61 of the
Student's Book.J 4. A: Is your brother that man behind the table?
B: No, he's the one in front of the table.
Listen to this conversation. Is your brother that man behind the
LIZ: Hi, Raoul! Good to see you! Where's table? •
Maggie? Is your brother tha t man behind the table?
RAoUL: Oh, she couldn't make it. She went to a No, he's the one in front of the table. •
concert with Alex. No, he's the one in fron t of the ta ble.
L1z: Oh! Well, why don't you go and talk to 5. A : Is Tomiko the one in the blueT-shirt?
Julia? She doesn't knew anyone here. B: No, she's the one in the black T-shirt.
RAOUL: Julia? Which one is she? Is she the woman Is Tomiko the one in the blueT-shirt? •
wearing glasses over there? Is Tomiko the one in the blue T -shirt?
LIZ: No, she's the tall one in jeans. ::>be's sta nding No, she's the one in the black T-shirt. •
near the window. No, s he's the one in the black T-shirt.
RAouL: Oh, I'd like to meet her. 6. A: Are the Smiths the ones talking to Mike?
Now re peat each sentence. Ready. B: No, the Parkers a re talking to Mike. The
Smiths are over there.
LIZ: Hi, Raoul! • Good to see you! • Where's
Maggie? • Are the Smiths the ones ta lking to Mike? •
Are the Smiths the ones t alking to Mike?
RAoUL: Oh, s he couldn't make it. • She went to a
No, the Parkers are t£lking to Mike. •
conce rt with Alex. •
No, the Parkers are talking to Mike.
Liz: Oh! Well, why don't you go and talk to
The Smiths are over there. •
Juli a? • She doesn't know a nyone here. •
The Smiths are over the re.
RAOUL: J ulia? Which one is s he? • Is she the woman
weat;ng glasses over there? •
LIZ: No, she's the tall one in jeans. • She's standing
near th e window. •
RAoUI,: Oh, I'd like to meet her. •

Listen to a statement, like this: Listen to a question followed by a phrase, like this:
- You see a man ''lith red hair. - 'Wbich one is Bob?
- with red hair
Ask a question with "Who's . . . ?" or "VV'ho are . .. ?"
like this: Ans wer like this:
- Who's the man with red hair? -He's the one with red hair.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. Listen to another example.
-You see a man with red hair. • - Which ones are the Smiths?
- Wbo's the man with red hair? - talking to Judy's brother •
-That's my cousin Bob. -They're the ones talking to Judy's brother.
Ready. Ready.
1. You see some men wearing shorts. • L Which one is Judy's uncle?
Who are the men wearing shorts? in the baseball cap •
I don't know. They're German. He's the one in the baseball cap.
2. You see a woman in the corner. • 2. Which ones are your sisters?
Who's the woman in the corner? standing next to the table •
I think her name's Wanda. They're the ones standing next to the table.
3. You see some people talking to Sally. • 3. Which one is Judy's mother?
Who are the people talking to Sally? with glasses •
'l'hey're her parents-in-law. She's the one with glasses.
4. You see some women sitting on the couch. • 4. Which one is Judy's father?
Who are the women sitting on the couch? wealing jeans •
I don't know. He's the one wearing jeans.
5. You see a man behind Ted. • 5. VV'hich ones are your fliends from Spain?
Who's the man behind Ted? on the couch •
That's my son Alan. Would you like to meet him? They're the ones on the couch.
6. You see a man and woman dancing. •
Who are the man and woman dancing?
Oh, that's Kitty and Mark. They're good dancers,
aren't they?

4. My brother usually goes to the movies once or
10 Have you ever ridden acamel? twice a week. •
Has h e gone to the movies this week?
Unit 10, Exercise 1 Yes, he has. Three times.
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question, like this: 5. My fi;ends in Chicago call me almost every
- call your grandmother week. •
-Have you called your grandmother today? Have they called you this week?
No, they haven't. Not yeL.
Then you hear an answer. Listen to another
- make your bed •
- Have you m ade your bed today? Listen to a question and answer, like this:
-No, I haven't made it yet. WOMAN: Have you and your wife been to the Statue
of Liberty yet?
MAN: Yes, we have.
1. do the laundry •
Have you done the laundry today? Answer like this:
Yes, I have. -They've already been to the Statue of
Liber ty.
2. cook anything •
Have you cooked anything today? Listen to another example. !
No, I haven't cooked anything yet. MAN: Have you been to a talk show yet?

. W01l-\N: Yes, I have. •
3. clean the house •
-She's already been to a talk show.
Have you cleaned the house today?
Yes, I have. Ready.
4. go grocery shopping • 1. WOMAN: Have you and your family seen a
Have you gone grocery shopping today? Broadway show yet?
No, I h aven't gone yet. MAN: Yes, we have. •
5. wash the dis hes • Th ey've alread y seen a Broadway show.
Have you washed the dishes today? 2. l\fAN: Have you taken a bus tour of the city yet?
Yes, I have. WoMAN: Yes, I have. •
She's already taken a bus tour of the city.
Unit 10, Exerdse 2 3. WO~IAN:Have you and your wife been to a
museum yet?
Listen to a statement, like this:
- Don and Susan usually go to the gym twice a MAN: Yes, we have. •
week. They've already been to a museum.
4. MAN: Have you shopped at Macy's yet?
Ask a question , like this: Wo~IAN: Yes, I have. •
- Have they gone to t he gym t.h is week? She's already shopped at Macy's.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. 5. WOMAN: Have you visited the United Nations yet?
- Don and Susan usually go to the gym twice a MAN: Yes, I have. •
week. • He's already visited the United Nations.
-Have they gone to the gym this week?
- Yes, they have.
1. Mr. Moto usually jogs once or twice a week. •
Has he jogged this week?
No, not yet.
2. Ms. Kelly sometimes eats lunch at home. •
Has she eaten lunch at home this week?
Yes, she h as. Twice.
3. My cou sin Jack and his wife often have dinner
with me. •
Have they had dinner with you this week?
No, not yet.

Un"t 10, Exercise 4 2. A: Ha ve we seen everything?
B: Yes, we have.
Listen to a short conversation, like this: Have we seen everything? •
l'vlAN: Welcome to Mexico City! So, have you an d Have we seen ever ything?
your h usband been to a bullfight yet? Yes, we have. •
WOMAN: No, we haven't. Yes, we h ave.
Answer like this: 3. A: Have you had dinner yet?
-They h a v en't bee n to a bullfight yet. B: No, I haven't.
Have you had dinner yet? •
Listen to another example.
Have yo u had d in n e r yet?
WOMAN: Welcome to Bogota! So, have you heard
No, I haven't. •
Colombian music yet?
No, I haven 't.
M.AN: No,l haven't. •
- H e h a s n 't h eard Colombian music yet. 4. A: Have they ever been to Argentina?
B: Yes, they have.
Ready. Have they ever been to Argentina? •
1. MAN: Welcome to Rio de Janeiro! So, have you Have they ever b een to Arge n t in a ?
played beach volleyball yet? Yes, they have. •
WOMAN: No, I haven't. • Yes, they h ave.
She hasn 't played b e a ch volleyball yet. 5. A: Have you ever really needed a vacation?
2. WOMAN: Welcome to Seoul! So, have you an d your B: Yes, I have.
wife eaten kimchi yet? Have you ever really needed a vacation? •
MAN: No, we haven't. • Have you ever r eally needed a vacation?
They haven't e aten k imchi yet. Yes, I h ave. •
3. MAN: Welcome to Bangkok! So, have you gone for Yes, I have.
a boat 1;de yet?
WOMAN: No, I h aven't. •
She h a s n't gone for a boat ride yet. fNote: This conversation is on page 66 of the
4. WOMAN: Welcome to Toronto! So, have you seen a Student's Book .]
hoc key game yet?
MAN: No, I haven't. • Listen to t h is conversation.
He h a sn 't se en a hockey g ame yet. PETER: I'm sorry I'm late. Have you been here long?
MANDY: No, only for a few minutes.
5. MAN: Welcome to Taipei! So, have you and your
PETER: Have you chosen a restaurant yet?
husband shopped at the night market yet?
l\1ANDY: I can't decide. Have you ever eaten
WOMAN: No, we haven't. •
They h a ven 't s hoppe d at the nigh t market Moroccan food?
y e t.
PETER: No, I haven't. Is it good?
MANDY: It's delicious. I've had it several times.
6. MAN: Welcome to Lima! So, have you been to a PETER: Or how about Thai food? Have you ever
museum yet? had green curry?
Wo~: No, I haven't. • l\1ANDY: Actually, I have. I lived in Thailand as a
She has n 't bee n to a museum yet . teenager. I ate it a lot there.
PETER: I didn't know that. How long did you live
Unit 10, Exercise 5 there?
!l·lANDY: I lived there for two years.
Listen to questions and answers. Then repeat each
sentence, like this: Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
A: Have you been to the museum yet? PETER: I'm sorry I'm late. • Have you been her e
B: Yes, I have. long? •
- Have you been to the museum yet? • MANDY: No, only for a few m inutes. •
- Have you b e en to t h e museum yet? PETER: Have you chosen a restaurant yet? •
- Yes, l have. • MANDY: I can't decide. • Ha ve you ever eaten
- Yes, I have. Moroccan food? •
Ready. PETER: No, I haven't. • Is it good? •
MANDY: It's delicious. • I've had it several times. •
1. A: Ha ve you found a hotel? PETER: Or how about Thai food? • Have you ever
B: No, I haven't. had green curry? •
Have you found a hotel? • MANDY: Actu ally, I h ave. • I lived in Thailand as a
Have you fou nd a hotel? teenager. • I ate it a lot t here. •
No, I haven't. • PETER: I didn't know that. • How long did you live
No, I haven't. there? •
MANDY: I lived there for two years. •

erclse 1 Unit 10, Exercise 9
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question, like this: Listen to a statement followed by a question, like
- eat raw fish this:
- Have you ever eaten raw fis h ? lVlAN: I drove my uncle's sports car last summer .
- Has he ever driven a sports car?
Listen to another example.
- go skiing • Answer like this:
- Have you ever gone skiing? - Yes, he has. He drove one last summer.
Ready. Listen to another example.
1. sing a t a karaoke bar • WOMA>'f: My sister and I ate some s nails last week.
H ave you e ve r sung at a karaoke bar? - Have they ever eaten snails? •
- Yes, they have. They ate some last week.
2. be lost •
H ave you ever bee n lost? Ready.
3. drink carrot juice • 1. MAN: I ran in a marathon last year.
H a ve you ever drunk carrot juice? Has he ever run in a marathon? •
Yes, he h as. He ran in one last year .
4 . get sick on vacation •
Have you ever go tten sick on vacation? 2. WoMAN: I rode a motorcycle yesterday.
Has she ever ridden a motorcycle? •
5. go to work on Sunday •
Yes, s he has. She rode one yesterday.
Have you ever gone to w ork on Sunday?
3 . WOMAN: I tried Guatemalan coffee last week.
6. be in a play •
Has she ever tried Guatemalan coffee? •
Have you ever been in a play?
Yes, s he has. She tr ied some last week.
4. lVIAN: My wife and I met a movie star last night.
Unit 10, Exercise 8
H ave they ever met a movie star? •
Listen to a question followed by a word or phrase, Yes, they have. They met one last night.
like this: 5. MAN: I borrowed some money last year.
-How long have you lived here? Has he ever borrowed money? •
- last year Yes, he has. H e borrowed som e last year.
Answer like this:
- I've lived h e re since last year.
Listen to another example.
- How long have you been at this school?
-two years •
- I've b een at this school for two years.
1. How long have you had that hairstyle?
several weeks •
I've had this hairstyle for several weeks.
2. How long have you been here?
7:00 .
I've bee n here since 7:00.
3. How long have you known Jerry?
1996 .
I've known Jerry since 1996.
4. How long have you been on vacation?
four or five days •
I've been on vacation for four or five days.
5. How long have you been interested in Chinese
I was in high school •
I've bee n interested in Chinese history
since I was in high school.

3. It's hot. •
li lt's avery exciting place! No, it's not. It's cold.
4. It's interesting. •
Unit 1 t.~~~~- No, it's n ot. It's boring.
Listeo to people talk about a city, like this: 5. It's quiet. •
MAN: How do you like Rio? No, it's not. It's n oisy.
WO~IAN: Oh, it's so glamorous and exciting! And the
6. It's spacious. •
people are very friendly. No, it's not. It's crowded.
Say if th e second speaker likes it or doesn't like it, 7. It's stressfuL •
like this: No, it's not. It's relaxing.
- She likes it.
8. It's new. •
Listen to another example. No, it's n ot. It's old.
Wo~IAN: Tell me about the city.
MAN: Well, the buildings are ugly, and it's very
noisy. And everything is so expensive! •
Uni , Exercise 3
- B e d oesn 't like it. Listen to a question followed by words or phrases,
Ready. like this:
- What's the city like?
1. WOMAN: What's your hometown like? - beautiful ... interesting
MAN: It's a very boring place - no theaters or
dance clubs. Nothing to do at night. • Answer the question, like this:
He doesn't like it. -It's beau tiful and interesting.
2. MAN: How do you like Amsterdam? Listen to another example.
WOMAN: Oh, it's really charming. The city is -What did you think of the capital?
a lways full of life, and the restaurants are - dangerous ... very interesting •
terrific. • - It's dangerous but very interesting.
She likes it.
3. WOMAN: What's the downtown area like here?
MAN: Oh, it's very crowded and noisy. It's pretty 1. What did you think of the place?
dangerous at night, too. • boring ... expensive •
B e doesn't like it. It's boring a nd expensive.
4. MAN: What do you think of the city? 2. How is your hotel?
Wo~L\N: Oh, it's really hot all the time- too hot clean ... not very pretty •
for me, anyway. And the traffic is te1·rible. • It's clean but not very pretty.
She doesn 't like it. 3. Tell me about the place where you stayed.
5. WOMAN: Tell me about Barcelona. very quiet ... rela.>ting •
MAN: I think it's a fascinating place. It's not too It's very quiet and t•elaxing.
big, and it's easy to get around. The 4. So, how did you like it?
transportation system is great. And the food very exciting ... too expensive •
was wonderful. • It's very exciting but too expensive.
H e likes it.
5. What's the downto\\'11 area like?
fairly interesting ... very safe •
Unit 11 ·~==-"-=-­ It's fairly interesting and very safe.
Listen to a statement, like this: 6. How's your hotel?
- It's beautiful. cheap . . . safe ... too noisy •
Then say the opposite, like this: It's ch eap and s afe but too noisy.
- No, it's not. It's u gly. 7. So, what's the capital like?
Listen to another example. too clean ... boring •
- It's big. • It's too clean and boring.
-No, it's not. It's small. 8. Tell me about the town.
very beautiful ... too quiet •
It's v er y beautiful but too quiet.
1. It's cheap. •
No, it's not. It's expensive.
2. It's polluted. •
No, it's not. It's clean.

[Note: T his conversation is on page 75 of the Listen to someone ask questions about a city, like
Student's Book.] this:
- Should I go to the art museum?
Listen to this conversation.
THOMAS: Can you tell me a little about Mexico City? Answer like t.his:
ELENA: Sure I can. What would you like to know? - Oh, you sh ouldn't m iss th e art museum..
THOMAS: Well, what's a good time to visit? Listen to another example.
ELENA: I think you can go anytime. The weather - Should I go to the zoo? •
is always nice. - Oh, you s houldn't miss the zoo.
THOMAS: Oh, good! And what should I see there?
ELENA: Well, you should definitely visit the National Ready.
Museum and go to the Palace of Fine Arts. 1. Should I see the market? •
THOMAS: And what else? Oh, you s houldn't miss the market.
ELENA: Oh, you shouldn't miss the Pyramid of the
2. Should I go to the beach? •
Sun. It's very interesting.
Oh, you shoul dn't miss the beach.
THOMAS: It all sounds really exciting!
3. Should 1 go to the old town? •
Now repeat each sentence. Ready. Oh, you s houldn't miss the old town.
THOMAS: Can you tell me a little about Mexico City? • 4. Should I ride the subway? •
ELENA: Sure I can. • What would you like to know? • Oh, you s houldn't miss t he subway.
THOMAS: Well, what's a good time to visit? •
ELENA: I think you can go anytime. • The weather 5. Should I go to the opera? •
is always nice. • Oh, you shouldn' t miss the opera.
THOMAS: Oh, good! And what should I see there? •
ELENA: Well, you should definitely visit the National Unit 11 , Exercise 7
Museum and go to the Palace of Fine Arts. •
Listen to a question, like this:
THOMAS: And what else? •
- Do you think 1 s hould go in the s ummer or the
ELENA: Oh, you shouldn't miss the Pyramid of the
Sun. • It's very interesting. •
THOMAS: It all sounds really exciting! • Answer with the first choice, like this:
- I think you sh ould go in the summer.
Unit 11, Exerdse 5 Listen to another example.
Listen and repeat. Ready. - Do you think I should take traveler's checks or
cash? •
1. You can't tip taxi drivers. • - I think you s hould take traveler's checks.
You can't tip taxi drivers.
2. You can't smoke in restaurants. •
You can't smoke in restaura nts . 1. Do you think I should travel by train or by bus? •
I think you s h ould travel by t rain.
3. Children can't swim alone. •
Children can't swim alone. 2. Do you think I should stay for one week ot· for
two weeks? •
4. You shouldn't be late. •
I think you s hould s tay for one week.
You shouldn't be late.
3. Do you think I should eat in the local restaurants
5. You shouldn't wear shorts in the city. •
You s houldn't wear s horts in th e city. or in the hotel? •
I think you s hould ea t in the local
6. People shouldn't walk alone in the park at restaurants.
night. •
Peo·ple shouldn't walk alone in the park at 4. Do you think I should take s ummer clothes or
winter clothes? •
I think you s hould take s ummer clothes.
5. Do you think I should travel around or jus t s tay
in the capital city? •
I think you s hould travel around.

Listen to a statement followed by a question, like Listen to two people talking about a place, like this:
this: A: Can I swim at the beaches?
-You can't rent a car. B: Yes, you can. They're very safe.
- Can you rent a car? Say what you can or can't do there, like this:
Answer like this: -You can swim at the beaches.
- No, you can't.
Listen to another example.
Listen again. A: Can I go shopping on Sundays?
- You can't rent a car. B: No, you can't. The stores are closed on Sundays. •
- Can you rent a car? • - You can't go shopping on Sundays.
- No, you can't.
Listen to another example. 1. A: Can I buy magazines in English?
- You can buy silk. B: Yes, you can always find Time and
- Can you buy silk? • Newsweek. •
-Yes, you can. You can buy magazines in English.
Ready. 2. A: Can I change money on weekends?
1. You can't find good, cheap hotels. B: Yes, you can change money at your hotel. •
Can you find good, cheap hotels? • You can change money on weekends.
No, you can't. 3. A: Can I eat dinner late?
2. You can't eat in a restaurant late at night. B: No, you can't. The restaurants close at nine. •
Can you eat in a restaurant late at night? • You can't eat dinner late.
No, you can't. 4. A: Can I walk on the streets at night?
3. You can change money anytime. B: No, you should take a taxi at night. •
Can you change money anytime? • You can't walk on the streets at night.
Yes, you can. 5. A: Can I communicate in English?
4. You can't go swimming in the winter. B: Yes, many people there speak some English. •
Can you go swimming in the winter? • You can communicate in English.
No, you can't.
5. You can use English everywhere.
Can you use English everywhere? •
Yes, you can.
6. You can't smoke in restaurants.
Can you smoke in restaurants? •
No, you can't.

12 It really works! Listen to a word or phrase about a problem, like
Unit 12, Exerdse 1 this:
- a stomachache
Listen to a word or phrase about a health problem.
Then use it in a sentence, like this: Ask a question, like this:
- a headache - What sh ould I d o for a s tomac hache?
- I have a head ach e. Then you hear a response, like this:
Then you hear a suggestion. Listen to another - It's a good idea to take some antacid.
example. Listen again.
- a bad cold • - a stomachache •
- I have a bad cold. -What s hould I do for a s tomachach e?
-You should take some vitamin C. - It's a good idea to take some antacid.
Ready. Ready.
1. a sore throat • 1. insomnia •
I have a sor e throat . What s hould I do for inso m nia?
Try aspirin and vitamin C. It's helpful to drink some hot milk.
2. a backache • 2. the hiccups •
I have a ba ckach e. What s h ould I d o for the hiccu p s?
You should take some aspirin and rest. Hold your breath as long as you can.
3. a terrible cough • 3. sore muscles •
I h ave a terrible co ugh . What s ho uld I do for sore muscles?
Why don't you get some medicine from the It's helpful to take aspirin.
4. stress •
4. a toothache • What sh ould I do for s t ress?
I ha ve a too thach e. I don't know. Get a new job.
You should go to the dentist.
5. sore eyes •
5. a fever • What s hould I do for sore eyes?
I have a fever . Get some sleep! You can put some drops in them,
Go home, take some aspirin, and rest. too.
6. a bum • 6. an insect bite •
I have a b urn. What should I d o for an insect bite?
Oh! You should put it under cold water. Put some hydrocortisone cream on it. It rea lly
7. the flu • works!
I h ave t h e flu.
Really? You need to drink lots of liquids and rest.

Unit 12, Exercise 3 Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
J OAN: Hi, Craig! How are you? •
Listen to a conversation about health, like this:
CRAJG: Not so good. • I have a tetTible cold. •
A: What should you do for a cold?
Jo&'l: Really? That's too bad! • You should be at
B: It's important to get a lot of rest.
home in bed. • It's really important to get a lot
C: And it's a good idea to take vitamin C.
of rest. •
Repeat the answers, like this: CRAIG: Yeah, you're right. •
A: What should you do for a cold? J OAN: And have you taken anything for it? •
B: It's important to get a lot of rest. • CRAIG: No, I haven't. •
-It's important to get a lot of rest. JOAN: Well, it's sometimes helpful to eat garlic soup. •
C: And it's a good idea to take vitamin C. • Just chop up a whole head of garlic and cook it
- And it's a good idea to take vitamin C. in chicken stock. • Try it! • It really works! •
CRAIG: Yuck! • That sounds awful! •
1. A: What should you do for a cough? Unit 12_, Exerdse 5
B: It's helpful to take some cough medicine.
C: And it's useful to drink a lot of liquids. Listen to a question followed by a word or phrase,
like this:
A: What should you do for a cough?
- What should I do for the hiccups?
B: It's helpful to take some cough medicine. •
- hold your breath
It's h elpful to take s ome cough m e dicine.
C: And it's useful to drink a lot of liquids. • Answer like this:
And it's u seful to drink a Jot of liquids. -It's a good idea to hold your breath.
2. A: Wihat should I do for a burn? Listen to another example.
B: Well, it isn't a good idea to put ointment - What should I do for a toothache?
on it. - see the dentist •
C: No, but it's important to put it under cold -It's a good idea to see the d e ntist.
A: What should 1 do for a burn?
B: Well, it isn't a good idea to put ointment 1. What should I do for stress?
on it. • do yoga •
Well, it is n 't a good idea to put ointment It's a good idea to do yoga.
on it. 2. What should I do for a backache?
C: No, but it's important to put it under cold rest •
water. • It's a good idea to rest .
No, but it's importan t to put it un der c old
3. What should I do for the flu?
rest and drink lots of liquids •
3. A: What should I do for sore muscles? I t's a good idea to r est and drink lots of
B: Well, it's useful to t.ake aspirin. liquids.
C: Yes, and it's helpful to exercise just a little.
4. What should I do for sunburn?
A: What should I do for sore muscles? use sunbu.rn spray •
B: Well, it's useful to take aspirin. • It's a good idea to use s unburn spray.
Well, it's u seful to take aspirin. 5. What should I do for a stomachache?
C: Yes, and it's helpful to exercise just a little. • get some medicine from the drugst.ore •
Yes, and it's helpful to exercise just a little. I t's a good idea to get s ome me dic ine from
the drugstore.
Unit 12, Exercise 4
[).Vote: This conversation is on page 78 of the
Student's Book.)
Listen to this conve1·sation.
JoAN: Hii, Craig! How are you?
CRAIG: Not so good. I have a terrible cold.
J OAN: Really? That's too bad! You should be at home
in bed. It's really important to get a lot of rest.
CRAIG: Yeah, you're right.
JOAN: And have you taken anything for it?
CRAIG: No, I haven't.
J OAN: Well, it's sometimes helpful to eat garlic soup.
Just chop up a whole head of garlic and cook it
in chicken stock. Try it! It really works!
CRAIG: Yuck! That sounds awful!

12 It really works! Listen to a word or phrase about a problem, like
Unit 12, Exerdse 1 this:
- a stomachache
Listen to a word or phrase about a health problem.
Then use it in a sentence, like this: Ask a question, like this:
-a headache - What should I do for a stomachach e?
- I have a h eadache. Then you hear a response, like this:
Then you hear a suggestion. Listen to another - It's a good idea to take some antacid.
example. Listen again.
- a bad cold • - a stomachache •
- I have a bad cold. -What sh ould I do for a s tomach ache?
- You should take some vitamin C. - It's a good idea to take some antacid.
Ready. Ready.
1. a sore throat • 1. insomnia •
I have a sore throat. What should I do for insomnia?
Try aspirin and vitamin C. It's helpful to drink some hot milk.
2. a backache • 2. the hiccups •
I have a backach e. What should I do for the hiccups?

You should take some aspirin and rest. Hold your breath as long as you can.
3. a terrible cough • 3. sore muscles •
I h ave a terrible cou gh. Wha t s ho uld I do for sore muscles?
Why don't you get some medicine from the It's helpful to take aspirin.
4. stress •
4. a toothache • What should I do for stress?
I have a toothache. I don't know. Get a new job.
You should go to the dentist.
5. sore eyes •
5. a fever • What should I do for sore eyes?
I h ave a fever . Get some sleep! You can put some drops in them,
Go home, take some aspirin, and rest. too.
6. a bum • 6. an insect bite •
I have a burn. What should I do for an insect bite?
Oh! You should put it under cold wat.er. Put some hydrocortisone cream on it. It really
7. the flu • works!
I h ave th e flu.
Really? You need to drink lots of liquids and rest.

1. I always eat healthy food.
13 May Itake your order? too .
I d o, too.
2. I hate bland food.
Listen to short conversations about food, like this: so •
A: I like spicy food. So do I.
B: So do I. 3. I eat fast food when I'm feeling stressed.
C: I do, too. too •
I do, too.
Then repeat the responses, like this:
A: I like spicy food. 4. I feel healthier after I eat a salad.
B: So do I. • so .
- So do I. So do I.
C: I do, too. •
- I do, too. Unit 13, Exerdse.&-- - - - - -
Ready. Listen to a statement about food. Disagree with the
1. A: I don't like greasy food. statement, like this:
B: Neither do I. - I can eat Mexican food every day.
C: I don't either. - Really? 1 can't.
A: I don't like greasy food. Listen to another example.
B: Neither do I. • - I don't like German food. •
Neither do I. - Really? I do.
C: I don't either. • Ready.
I don't e ithe r .
1. I can't eat meat. •
2. A: I'm crazy about Indian food .
Really? I can.
B: So am I.
C: I am, too. 2. I love rich desserts. •
Really? I don't.
A: I'm crazy about Indian food.
B: So am I. • 3. I'm not cra~y about French food. •
So am i . Really? I a.m.
C: I am, too. • 4. I'm in the mood for something sweet. •
I a.m, too. Really? I'm not.
3. A: I can't eat salty food. 5. I don't eat very healthy food. •
B: Neither can I. Really? I do.
C: I can't either.
A: I can't cat salty food. Unit 13,J;xerc:lse!,;4:!-_ _ _ __
B: Ne ither can I. •
Neither can I . Listen to a person talk about food, like this:
C: I can't eith er. • MAN: I'm cra~y about greasy, salty food.
I can 't either. Repeat the information, like this:
-He's crazy ab ou t greasy, salty food.
Unit n, EXerCise 2 Ready.
Listen to a statement followed by the word "so" or 1. WOMAN: I like green salads. •
"too,• like this: She likes green s alads.
- I think 1\Iexican food is delicious.
2. MAN: I don't like cole slaw. •
He doesn't lik e cole slaw.
Answer like this: 3. WOMAN: I can eat popcom anytime. •
- So do I. She can eat popcorn anytime.
Listen to another example. 4. MAN: I can't stand vegetables. •
- I Jove popcorn. He can't stand vegetables.
- too •
5. WoMAN: I'm not in the mood for ice cream. •
- I do, too.
S h e's not in the mood for ice crea.m.
Ready. 6. MAN: I love tomatoes. •
He loves tomatoes.

Unit 13, Exerdse 5
Listen to a word or phrase. Then ask a question, Listen to a question, like this:
like this: - Would you like french fries or rice?
- something to drink
- Would you like something to drink? Answer with the first choice, like this:
-I'd like french fries, please.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again.
- something to drink • Listen to a:1other example.
- Would you like something to drink? - Would you like salmon or turkey? •
-Just water, please. - Pd like salmon, please.

Ready. Ready.
1. Would you like chicken soup or clam chowder? •
1. a salad •
Would you like a salad? I'd like chicken soup, please.
Yes, I'll have mixed greens, please. 2. Would you like a hamburger or a hot dog? •
2. some soup • Pd like a hamburger, please.
Would you like some soup? 3. Would you like a baked potato or french fries? •
Yes, I'll have chicken broth. Pd like a baked potato, please.
3. dessert • 4. Would you like soup or a salad? •
Would you like dessert? I'd like soup, please.
Yes, apple cake, please. 5. Would you like tea or coffee? •
4. tea or coffee • I'd like tea, please.
Would you like tea or coffee?
No, that will be all, thanks.

Unit 13, Exercise 6 - - - - - - - - '

6. Would you like apple pie or chocolate cake? •
I'd like apple pie, please.
[Note: This conversation is on page 88 of the Listen to a question followed by a pluase, like this:
Student's Book.) - Would you like anything else?
Listen to this conversation. - some onion soup
WAITER: May I take your order? Answer like this:
CUSTOMER: Yes. I'd like the lamb kebabs. -I'll have some onion soup , please.
WAlTER: All right. And would you like a salad?
Listen to another example.
CuSTOMER: Yes, I'll have a mixed green salad.
- What would you like?
WAlTER: OK. What kind of dressing would you
- a turkey salad •
like? We have blue cheese and vinaigrette.
- I'll h ave a turkey salad, please.
CuST0~1ER: Blue cheese, please.
WAITER: And would you like anything to Ready.
drink? 1. Would you like anything else?
CuSTOMER: Yes, I'd like a large iced tea, please. a cucumber salad •
Now repeat each senter.ce. Ready. I'll have a c ucumber salad, please.
WAlTER: May I take your order? • 2. What would you like?
CUSTOMER: Yes. I'd like the lamb kebabs. • roast chicken •
WAITER: All right. • And would you like a salad? • I'll have roast chicken, please.
CUSTOMER: Yes, I'll have a mixed green salad. • 3. Would you like anything else?
WAITEn: OK. What kind of dressing would you lemon pie •
like? • We have blue cheese and vinaigrette. • I'll h ave lemon pie, please.
CUSTOMER: Blue cheese, please. •
WAITER: And would you like anything to 4. What would you like?
drink? • grilled salmon •
CUSTOMEH: Yes, I'd like a large iced tea, please. • I'll have grilled salmon, please.
5. \¥hat would you like?
spaghetti with meatballs •
I'll have s pagh etti with meatballs, please.
6. Would you like anything else?
some clam chowder •
I'll have some clam chowder, please.

1tf- The biggest and the best! Listen to two words. Then ask a question, like this:
- long . . . river
-What is the longest river in the world?
Listen and repeat. Ready.
Then you hear the answer, like this:
1. Which place is lower, the Dead Sea or Death -The Nile, in Africa, is the longest river.
Valley? •
Which place is lower , the Dead Sea or Listen to another example.
Death Valley? - large ... lake •
2. Which season is the best in New York: spring, -What is the largest lake in the world?
- The Caspian Sea, in Asia, is the largest lake.
summer, or fall? •
Which season is the best in New York: Ready.
spring, summer , or fall?
1. high ... waterfall •
3. Which island is bigger, Cuba or Great Britain? • What is the highest waterfall in t he world?
Which island is bigger, Cuba or Great Angel Falls, in South America, is the highest
Britain? waterfalL
4. Which city is the biggest: London, Rome, or 2. deep ... ocean •
Paris? • What is the dee pest ocean in the world?
Which city is th e biggest: London, Rome, or The Pacific is the deepest ocean.
3. deep . . . lake •
6. Which waterfall is higher, Angel Falls or Niagara What is the deepest lake in t he world?
Falls? • Lake Baikal, in Asia, is the deepest lake.
Which waterfall is higher, Angel Falls or
Niagara Falls? 4. large ... country •
What is the largest country in the world?
Russia is the largest country.
5. large ... island •
Listen to two words. Then ask a question, like this: What is the largest island in the world?
- Canada ... China Greenland, in North America, is the largest
- Which country is bigger, Canada or China? island.
Then you hear an answer. Listen again. 6. low . .. place •
- Canada ... China • What is the lowest place in the world?
- Which country is bigger, Canada or China? The Dead Sea, in Asia, is the lowest place.
- Canada is bigger than China.
1. Lake Superior .. . the Cas pian Sea •
Which lake is bigger, Lake Superior or the
Caspian Sea?
The Caspian Sea is bigger than Lake Superior.
2. North America . . . South America •
Which continent is bigger, North America
or South America?
North America is bigger than South America.
3. Australia ... Brazil •
Which country is bigger, Australia or
Brazil is bigger than Australia.
4. London .. . Rome •
Which city is bigger, London or Rome?
London is bigger than Rome.
6. the Pacific Ocean .. . the Atlantic Ocean •
Which ocean is bigger, the Pacific Ocean or
the Atlantic Ocean?
The Pacific Ocean is bigger than the Atlantic

Unit 14, Exercise 4 4. Which vacation place is the most convenient for
Americans: Mexico, Alaska, or Hawaii? •
Listen to a statement followed by a word or phrase, Mexico is th e most conve nient.
like this:
- Niagara Falls is a famous tourist attraction. 5. Which is the most famous building in the United
States: the White House, the Astrodome, or the
- the Grand Canyon
Sears Tower? •
Make a comparison, like this: The White House is the mos t famous.
- I think the Grand Ca n yon is more famous.
Listen again. Unit 14, Exercise 6
- Niagara Falls is a famous tourist attraction. [Note: This conversation is on page 93 of the
- the Grand Canyon • Student's Book.)
- I think th e Grand Can yon is more famous.
Listen to this conversation.
MIKE: Here's a geography quiz in the paper.
1. Switzerland is an interesting place. WE!'o"DY: Oh, I love geography. Ask me the
Italy • questions.
I think Italy is more interesting. MIKE: Sure, first question. Which country is
2. Mont Blanc is beautiful. larger, China or Canada?
Mount Fuji • W£NDY: I know. Canada is larger than China.
I think Mount Fuji is more b eautiful. MIKE: OK, next. What's the longest river in the
3. The Uruted States is expensive.
WENDY: Hmm, I think it's the Mississippi.
Europe •
I think Euro pe is more expensive. MIKE: Here's a hard one. Which CO\lntry is more
crowded, Monaco or Singapore?
4. French is a difficult language. WENDY: I'm not sure. I think Monaco is more
English • crowded.
I think Englis h is mor e difficult. MIKE: OK, one more. Which South American
5. Americans are helpful to tourists. capital city is the highest: La Paz, Quito, or
Canadians • Bogota?
I think Canadians are more he lpful. WENDY: Oh, that's easy. Bogota is the highest.
6. Walking tours are popular in Europe. Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
bus tours • MIKE: Here's a geography quiz in the paper. •
I think bus tours are more popular. WENDY: Oh, I love geography. • Ask me the
questions. •
Unit 14, Exercise 5 MIKE: Sure, first question. • Which country is
Listen to a question, like this: larger, China or Canada? •
-Which is the most important river: the WENDY: I know. • Canada is larger than China. •
l\fiKE: OK, next. • What's the longest river in the
Mississippi, the Hudson, or the Columbia?
Americas? •
Answer with the first choice, like this: WENDY: Hmm, I think it's the Mississippi. •
-The Mississippi is the m ost important. MIKE: Here's a hard one. • Which country is more
crowded, Monaco or Singapore? •
Listen to another example.
WENDY: I'm not sure. • 1 think Monaco is more
- Which country is the most expensive: Japan,
crowded. •
Mexico, or Thailand? •
MIKE: OK, one more. • Which South American
- J apan is the most e xpe nsive.
capital city is the highest: La Paz, Quito, or
Ready. Bogota? •
1. Which city is the most crowded: Hong Kong,
WENDY: Oh, that's easy. • Bogota is the highest. •
Singapore, or Sydney? •
H o ng Kong is the most crowded.
2. Which la nguage is the most useful for tourism:
English, Spanish, or Chinese? •
En glis h is th e mos t useful.
3. Which country is the most popular with tourists:
France, the United States, or China? •
France is the m ost popular.

Unit 14, Exercise 8
Listen to a question about numbers. Answer the Listen to words or phrases, and use them in a
question, like this: question, like this:
-Which is longer, 50 miles or 50 kilometers? - big ... Thailand
-Fifty miles is longer. -How big is Thailand?
Listen to another example. Then you hear an answer. Listen to another
-Which is larger, 100 square kilometers or example.
100 square miles? • - long . . . the Mississippi River •
- A hundred square miles is larger. -How long is the Mississippi River?
- It's about 6,000 kilometers long.
L Which is higher, 2,000 meters or 2,000 feet? • Ready.
Two thousand meters is higher . 1. big ... the population of the United Kingdom •
2. Which is hotter, 40 degrees Celsius or 40 degrees How big is the population of the United
Fahrenheit? • Kingdom?
Forty degrees Celsius is hotter. About 60 million.
3. Which is colder, 0 degrees Celsius or 0 degrees 2. high . . . the highest mountain in Thailand •
Fahrenheit? • How high is the highest mountain in
Zero degrees Fahrenheit is colder. Thailand?
It is 2,576 meters high.
4. Which is deeper, 4,000 feet or 4,000 meters? •
Four thousand meters is deeper. 3. far . . . Thailand from Hong Kong •
How far is Thailand from Hong Kong?
5. Which is longer, 1,000 kilometers or 1,000 miles? • About 1,700 kilometers.
A th.ousand miles is longer.
4. deep . .. the Grand Canyon •
How deep is the Grand Canyon?
It's about 1,900 meters deep.
5. old . . . the Empixe State Building •
How old is the Empire State Building?
It's about 75 years old.

15 1'm going to asoccer match. Unit 1~ Exercise 3
Listen to short conversations about plans. Say what
Unit 15, Eiercise 1 the people are going to do, like this:
M.'\N: What are you doing tomorrow night?
Listen to a time expression. Then ask a question, Wo~: I'm having dinner 'vith friends.
like this: -She's going to have dinner with friends.
- this weekend
-What are y ou doing this weekend? Listen to another example.
Wo:~<IAN: What are you and Louise doing this
Then you hear a response. Listen to another weekend?
example. l'I'IA.'I: We're going to play tennis in the park. •
- next Thursday evening • -They're g oin g to play tennis in th e park.
- What are you doing next Thurs day evening?
- l'm going to a baseball game. Ready .
1. MAN: Do you have plans for tomorrow?
Ready. Wo!lw-;: Yeah, I'm going to visit my
1. this weekend • grandparents. •
What are you doing t his weekend? She's going to visit her grandparents.
I'm going to the beach. 2. Wo~IAN: What a re you and Bill doing after work?
2. on Friday night • l'.'IAN: We're going to the gym. • =

What are you doing on Friday night? They're going to go to the gym.
I'm going to a movie. 3. l'I'IA.'I: Are you doing anything on Saturday?

3. tonight • WOMAN: Yeah, T'm riding my bike in the
What are you doing tonight? mountains. • ·c
I'm going to stay home and study. S h e's going to ride her bike in the ~
4. tomorrow night • mountains.
Wha t are you doi ng tomorrow night? 4. WOMM: Do you have any plans for the weekend?
I'm going out for dinner. ~IAN: Yeah, I'm going to see a movie and practice

5. next Saturday • my guitar. •

What are y ou doing next Saturday? He's going to see a movie and practice his
I'm going to a barbecu.e. guitar.
5. MA.'l: It's your birthday, isn't it? What are you
Unit 15, Exercise 2 and Tony doing this evening?
WOMAN: We're going to have dinner and see a
Listen to a phrase. Then ask a question, like this: play. •
- after class They're going to have dinner and see a play.
- Are you doing anything after class?
Then you hear a reply. Listen again.
- afler class •
- Are you doing anything after class ?
- No, I don't have any plans.
1. on Saturday afternoon •
Are y ou doing an;)>1:hing on Satul'day
I'm going to play tennis.
2. on Saturday night •
Are you d oin g anything on Sat=day night?
No, I'm not doing anything special.
3. on Sunday morning •
Are y ou doing anything on Sunday
I'm going jogging in the park.
4. on Sunday night •
Are y ou doing a n ything on Sunday nigh t?
I'm having friends o,·er for dinner.

Unit 15, EXercise 4~-- Unit 15, EXercise 6
[Note: This conversation is on page 100 of the Listen to sentences, like this:
Student's Book.] - I don't feel well.
Listen to this conver sation. Change each sentence into a message for Judy, like
LYNN: Say, Miguel, what are you doing tonight? this:
Do you want to go bowling? - Would you tell Judy I don't feel well?
MIGUEL: I'd love to, but I can't. I'm going to a Ready.
soccer match wi th my brother.
1. I have an appointment at one. •
LYNN: Oh, well maybe some other time.
MIGUEL: Are you doing anything tomorrow? We
Would you tell Judy I have an appointment
could go then .
LYNN: Tomorrow sounds fine. I'm going to work 2. Call me at 2:00P.M. •
until five. Would you tell Judy to call me at
MIGUEL: So let's go around six. 2:00P.M.?
LYNN: OK. Afterward, m aybe we can get some 3. I'm going to leave early. •
dinner. Would you tell Judy I'm going to leave
MIGUEL: Sounds great. early?
Now repeat each sentence. Ready. 4. The meeting is tomorrow. •
LYNN: Say, Miguel, what are you doing tonight? • Would you tell Judy the meeting is
Do you want to go bowling? • tomorrow?
MIGUEL: I'd love to, but I can't. • I'm going to a 5. My number is (716) 555-7000. •
soccet· match with my brother. • Would you tell Judy my number is
LYNN: Oh, well maybe som e other time. • (716) 555-7000?
MIGUEL: Are you doing anything tomorrow? • We
could go then. •
LYNN: Tomorrow sounds fine. • I'm going to work
until five. •
MIGUEL: So let's go around six. •
LYNN: OK. Afterwar d, maybe we can get some
dinner. •
MIGUEL: Sounds great. •

Listen to sentences, like this:

- The meeting is at 1:45.
Change each sentence i nto a message for John, like
-Please tell John the meeting is at 1:45.
1. Ms . Rocco is arriving at 2 :00 P.M. •
Please tell John Ms. Rocco is arriving at
2:00 P.M.
2. Her number is (156) 555-9966. •
Please tell John her number is
(156) 555-9966.
3. I can't see Ms. Rocco. •
Please tell John I can't see Ms . Rocco.
4. I'm leaving for the airport at three. •
Please tell John I'm leaving for the airport
at three.
5. T he number is (216) 555-3938. •
Please tell John the number is
(216) 555-3938.

Listen to a person's name. Then ask to speak to that Listen to a message, like this:
person, like this: -Call me at two o'clock.
- Mr. Smith
Change the sentence into a request for Mark, like
- Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
Then you hear a reply, like this: - Please ask Mark to call me at two o'clock.
- I'm son-y. He's not in at the moment.
Listen again.
Reply like this: -Call me at two o'clock. •
- Could you ask him to call me, please? -Please ask Mark to call m e at two o'clock.
Listen again. Ready.
- Mr. Smith • 1. Meet me at the airport. •
- Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please? Please ask Mark to meet me at the airport.
-I'm sorry. He's not in at the moment. •
- Could you ask him to call me, please? 2. Come to the meeting on Thursday. •
Please ask Mark to come to the meeting on
Ready. Thursday.
1. Mrs. Smith • 3. Pick me up at the hotel. •
Could I speak to Mrs. Smith, please? Please ask Mark to pick me up at the hotel.
I'm sorry. She's not here at the moment . •
4. Meet us at the restaurant. •
Could you ask her to call me, please?
Please ask Mark to meet us at the
2. Ms. Williams • restaurant.
Could I speak to Ms. Williams, please?
5. Bring my briefcase. •
I'm sorry. She's just stepped out. •
Please ask Mark to bring m y briefcase.
Could you ask h er to call me, please?
3. lVIr. Sato •
Could I speak to Mr. Sato, please?
I'm sorry. He's away from his desk. •
Could you ask him to call me, please?
4. Mrs. Ford •
Could I s pea k to Mrs. Ford, please?
I'm sorry. She's on the phone. •
Could you ask her to call m e, please?
5. Mr. Carter •
Could I speak to Mr. Carter, please?
I'm sorry. He's in a meeting. •
Could you ask him to call me, please?

16 Achange for the better! Unit 16, Exercise 2
Listen to a conversation, like this:
Unit 16, ExerCISe 1 Wo~IA.'II: You look great! How are you?
MAN: I'm fine. I got married a year ago.
Listen to short conversations about people who look
different. Repeat what the second person says, like this:
WOMAN: Ed, you look great! - He got married a yea r a go.
lv1AN: Thanks. I feel good, and I've lost some weight. Listen again.
Repeat what the second person s ays, like this: WOMAN: You look great! How are you?
- He feels good, a n d h e's los t some we ight. MAN: I'm fine. I got mart;ed a year a go. •
- He got married a year a g o.
Listen again.
WoMAN: Ed, you look great! Ready.
MAN: Thanks. I feel good, and I've lost some L MAN: You look great! How are you?
weight. • Wo~.lAl'll:
I am great! I have a new job, and I've
- He feels good, and h e's lost som e weigh t. fallen in love. •
Sh e h as a n ew j ob , a n d she's fallen in love.
2. WoMAN: How are things?
1. MAN: Karen, you've really changed!
MAN: Fine. 1 retired last year, and I'm workjng
WOMAN: Well, my hair is lighter than
part-time with kids. •
before. • He retire d last year, and he's working
Her h a ir is lighter than b ef or e.
part-tim e w ith k ids.
2. WOMAN: Paul, you look so different! 3. MAN: How's it going?
MAN: You haven't. seen me in a suit before. •
WOMAN: Great! I work at home now, and I'm
S h e h asn't s een him in a s u i t b efore.
much happier. •
8. MAN: Rita, you look terrific! Sh e works at hom e n ow, a nd she's m u ch
WOMAN: Thanks. I'm very relaxed. I just had a happier.
vacation. • 4. Wo~IAN: How at·e you? You look great.
She's very relaxed. Sh e just had a v acation .
I'm fine. I've made a lot of changes in my
4. WOMAN: Mark, why do you look so different? life. •
MAN: I've grown a mustache, and my hair is He's ma d e a lot of changes in h is life.
shorter. •
5. MAN: What's new?
H e's grown a m u s ta ch e, and his hair is
WOMAN: Well, I don't teach anymore. I'm a singer
sh orte r .
now. •
5. MAN: Ellen, you've really changed! She doesn't teach anymor e. Sh e's a s inger
WOMAN: I'm taller . I grew 8 centimeters last n ow.
year. •
S h e's t aller. She grew 8 centim eters last
year .

Unit 16, Exercise 3 Unit 16, EXercise 5
Listen to a short conversation, like this: [Note: This conversation is on page 108 of the
WOMAJ\' : How are you? You look a little tired. Student's Book.]
MAN: Well, I lost my job about six months ago.
Listen to this conversation.
Repeat what the second person says, like this: ALEx: So what are you going to do after graduation,
- He lost his job about six months ago. Susan?
Ready. SUSA."': Well, I've saved some money, and I think I'd
really like to travel.
1. MAN: How's it going?
ALEX: Lucky you. That sounds exciting!
WOMAN: Not so well. I haven't found a job yet. • SuSAN: Yeah. Then I plan to get a job and my own
S he hasn't found a job yet. apartment.
2. WO'/I!AJ."': How are thlngs? ALEX: Oh, you're not going to Jive a t home?
Mru"': Not so good, really. I'm trying to save SUSAN: No, I don't wa nt to live with my
money, but I just can't. • parents - not after I start to work.
He's trying to save money, but he just can't. ALEx: I know what you mean.
3. lVIAN: How are you doing? SusAN: 'What about you, Alex? Any plans yet?
WoMAN: Not great. My new job is more stressful, ALEx: I'm going to get a job and live at home. I'm
broke, and I want to pay off my student Joan!
and I don't have any free time. •
H er new job is more stressful, and she Now repeat each sentence. Ready.
doesn't have any free time.
ALEX: So what are you going to do after graduation,

4. WoMAN: How are you? You look a little stressed Susan? •
out. SusAN: Well, I've saved some money, and I thlnk I'd
MAN: I a m. My daughter wants to leave school really like to travel. • 'C
and get married. • .....................
His daughter wants to leave school and get
ALEX: Lucky you. That sounds exciting! • "'
SuSAN: Yeah. Then I plan to get a job and my own
married. apartment. •
5. MAN: How are things? ALEX: Oh, you're not going to live at home? •
WoMAN: Not great. I got a pay cut last month, SUSAN: No, I don't want to live with my
and my rent just went up. • parents - not after I start to work. •
She got a pay cut last month, and her rent ALEX: I know what you mean. •
j ust went up. SUSAN: What about you, Alex? • Any plans yet? •
ALEX: I'm going to get a job and live at home. • I'm
Unit 1~ Exercise broke, and I want to pay off my student loan! •

Listen and repeat. Ready.

1. I don't want to get a job right away. •
I don't want to get a job right away.
2. My girlfriend and I plan to join the Peace
Corps. •
My girlfriend and I plan to join the Peace
3. We hope to work in Africa. •
We hope to work in Africa.
4. I'd like to get man-ied first. •
I'd like to get married fh·st.
5. She wants to wait. •
She wants to wait.

Listen to a word or phrase. Then make a sentence, Listen to a phrase. Then make a statement about
Hke this: future plans, like this:
- go to graduate school -be a singer
- I'm not going to go to graduate school. -I'd like to be a singer.
Listen to another example. Listen to anoth er example.
- get married • - not ... work with my father •
- I'm not going to get married. - I don't want to work with my father.
Ready. Ready.
1. stay here • 1. not .. . leave my hometown •
I'm not going to stay here. I don't want to leave mY hometown.
2. travel • 2. buy a house •
I'm not going to travel. I'd like to buy a house.
3. live with my parents • 3. not . . . teach •
I'm not going to live with my parents. I don't want to teach.
4. get my own apartment • 4. get married •
I'm not going to get my own apartment. I'd like to get married.
5. relax • 5. not . . . have a large family •
I'm not going to relax. I don't want to have a large family.
6. look for a job • 6. travel in Europe and North America •
I'm not going to look for a job. I'd like to travel in Europe and North

Listen to a word or phrase. Then make a statement

about future plans, like this:
- buy a new car
-I'd love to buy a new car, but I don't plan to
do it right away.
Listen to another example.
-move •
-I'd love to move, but I don't plan to do it
right away.
1. change schools •
I'd love to change schools, but I don't plan
to do it right away.
2. get married •
I'd love to get married, but I don't plan to
do it right away.
3. change jobs •
I'd love to change jobs, but I don't plan to
do it right away.
4. learn to swim •
I'd love to learn to swim, but I don't plan to
do it right away.
5. retire •
I'd love to retire, but I don't plan to do it
right away.
6. buy a house •
I'd love to buy a house, but I don't plan to
do it right away.


Interchange Third Edition Lab Program 1 has been revised for use with Interchange Third
Edition Student's Book 1. The Lab Program consists of Lab COs and a Lab Guide.

The Lab COs are designed to give students extra practice in listening comprehension,
pro1unciation, grammar, vocabulary, and oral fluency. They are suitable for use in the
language laboratory, in the classroom, or for self-study.

The Lab Guide contains the full audio script of the Lab COs. The Lab COs can be used
alone or with the Lab Guide, which has three versions of the audio script, appropri ate
for students at different levels of proficiency.

Key features
• Unit-by-unit practice and reinforcement of main language points in Student's Book 1
• Interactive exercises to promote fluency
• Listening comprehension exercises to improve oral comprehension
• J.lnswers modeled on COs to give students immediate feedback
• Conversational language and natural recordings
• listen-and-repeat exercises for pronunciation practice

In addition to the Lab Program, Level One of Interchange Third Edition includes a
Student's Book, Workbook, Teacher's Edition, Class Audio Program, Video Program,
Teacher's Resource Book, and CD-ROM. The Student's Book and Workbook are also
available in split editions. A comprehensive Assessment Package can be purchased
with the course.

The author
Professor Jack C. Richards is an internationally recognized authority on English-language
acquisition, teacher training, and materials design. A well-known lecturer and consultant,
he has taught at universities in the United States China, Singapore, New Zealand, Canada,
Indonesia, and Brazil. Professor Richards' many successful publications include Approaches
and Methods in Language Teaching and Curriculum Development in Language Teaching.

Cover des•gn by Adventure House, NYC

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