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Appendix 1


Year Leve: 4 Time: 1:40pm-2:40pm Date: 25/10/19 Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Learning Areas: Students have had one lesson on this design project where they
investigated bug hotels, the sustainable development goal 15 and
Science selected a focus bug for their project.
Design and Technology
Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum: and can be distinguished from non-living things (ACSSU044)

Science: Develop and communicate ideas using labelled drawings and

Living things depend on each other and the environment to appropriate technical terms (WATPPS17)
survive (ACSSU073)
Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to plan,
Design (Processes and Production Skill): safely create and communicate sequenced steps (WATPPS20)
Develop and communicate design ideas and decisions
using annotated drawings and appropriate technical terms

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understanding
thinking: competence
inquiring –
exploring and
information and
ideas (brainstorm)
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability
histories and cultures
Proficiencies (Mathematics only)
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

• Identify features of the natural habitat of a specific beneficial bug, in partners, by brainstorming them digitally
or on paper.
• Sketch, in pairs, at least 10 different bug hotel design ideas suitable to a specific bug, using annotated
thumbnail drawings.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

- Design Brief set up on the smartboard with lesson Task is suitable for a range of learner styles such as
criteria visual-spatial, naturalistic, interpersonal and verbal
- Class iPads charged and ready to be used linguistic.
- A3 paper
- Timer Task is somewhat open ended as students are able to
- Checklist (Appendix 1) ready and printed for display the information on a brainstorm in any way
assessment which suits them.

Weaker students have been paired with students of

average ability. In this way weaker students will not
feel insecure or anxious.

Student with dyslexia will be encouraged to share their

ideas with their partner to write and will be allowed to
use text to speech assistive technology to do their

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Time Motivation and Introduction:
1. Briefly gather students on the mat to explain the starting activity.
2. Explain that in this lesson they will begin designing their bug hotels.
Explain that:
“To begin the lesson, we are going to take a nature walk around the
school and observe what sort of bugs we can see, as well as what sort
of bugs we don’t see. We are also going to look at the different garden
environments there are and think about where a good position would
be to hang a bug hotel.”

3. Ask students to line up at the door in their partners and begin walk
stopping at gardens around the school asking students key questions
such as:
Do you see any bugs in this garden?
What sort of bug do you think it is?
What do you think its natural habitat is if it is in the dirt?
Do you see any bees? What are they doing?
Where is a place that has the most bugs? Why does it have the most
5 min

4. After a 5-minute walk around the school return back to the classroom
and ask students to sit on the mat. Rally Robin:
5. Ask students to turn to their partner and tell their partner in a one- Clowes, G. (2011) The
minute rally robin all the things that they saw on their nature walk. essential 5: A starting
Remind them to think about what bugs they saw, places where there point for kagan
were more bugs and things that they noticed about the gardens cooperative learning.
specifically. Retrieved from

6. After one-minute call their attention back and ask pairs to share what
they or their partner observed. Stimulate discussion with follow up
questions such as “do you think that bug was beneficial to the
environment?” or “is that somewhere you think you would hang your
bug hotel?”

3min Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
1. Display the design brief on the smartboard (more clearly spaced out as Design Brief set up on
below) which was introduced in the previous lesson and ask all the the smartboard with
students to read aloud what it says together for lesson two, which is: lesson criteria
“Now is the time for your creativity to run wild! You will need to
research your bug and its natural habitat and create a brainstorm using
ICT or paper which lists everything you find which could be important
for your design.
These include:
- The conditions they live in
- What natural materials make up their habitat
- The properties of the materials in their habitat and what recycled
materials you could use to build the hotel (which have similar
- How the bugs are beneficial to the environment
This brainstorm should trigger some ideas so whenever you get an
idea, sketch a thumbnail drawing in your scrapbook, make sure you
label it, so you don’t forget what it is!”

2. Once the students have read the brief, further explain by pointing out
the learning objectives:
“So today you are going to, in your pairs, research your type of bug
and its natural habitat. You will need to record the information you
collect on a brainstorm, which can be on an A3 sheet of paper or on
one of the mind map apps on the iPad. Both of you in your groups
should have your science scrapbooks open at the same time and once
you begin to get ideas for your hotel you will need to draw at least 10
small labelled sketches of your ideas for your hotel which seem
suitable for your bug.”

3. Ask students to turn to their partner and explain what they have to do
in 30 seconds. Call classes attention back and ask students if anyone
was unsure of a step or had any questions.

4. Explain to students that when instructed they will need to find a desk
for them and their partner to sit at and get out their science scrapbooks Class iPads
as well as one class iPad per pair. Instruct students that if they would A3 paper
like to do their brainstorm on paper to come and get it from the front of
the classroom.

5. Instruct students to begin and to put their hand up if they need any
6. Roam around the classroom assisting students where needed as well
as formatively assessing students by asking key questions and ticking
a simple checklist about the quality of students brainstorm information
(LO1) and the quality of students’ sketches including how well they
have labelled their designs (LO2).

7. Ask students key questions such as:

- How does your bug benefit the environment?

- Is your bug around school already?
- What sort of natural materials are in their habitat?
- What sort of materials could you use to build your hotel? Why
would you use these materials?

40min 8. Allow students 30-40 minutes to research their bug and sketch their

9. Once time is up call student’s attention and ask them to save their
brainstorm if they haven’t already to their student account or for paper
versions ask a student to collect them with their names on.

Lesson Closure (Review lesson objectives with students)

1. Instruct students to pack and stack for the end of the day and stand
behind their desks for the closure of the lesson.

2. Ask students to find someone around the room who is not in their

3. Explain that they will have 30 seconds each to tell their partner as
much information as they can about what they found out from their
brainstorm about their bug. Information can include what it is, what Timer
habitat it lives in, anything they found which gave them an idea about
their hotel etc.

4. Once every student has found a partner, start the timer and instruct
students to begin. Walk around the room whilst students are sharing
and stop the class when the timer goes off and instruct the other
student in the pair to go.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

1. Once the second timer has gone off ask students to come and sit on
the mat ready for the end of the day.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)

Formative assessment will take place throughout this lesson in the form of
Checklist (Appendix 1)
questioning as well as through a simple checklist (Appendix 1) which identifies
to what measure students have met the lesson objectives. Teacher will roam
around the classroom assisting students where needed and scoring students
using the checklist key on their ability to meet both objectives and therefore the
quality of students brainstorm information (LO1) and the quality of students’
sketches including how well they have labelled their designs (LO2). The
checklist also has room for anecdotal notes on any interesting observations or
responses which should be recorded.

Appendix 1 -Assessment Checklist

Students Name Identify features Draws at least ten Notes

of specific different bug
bug’s natural hotel design
habitat. (LO1) ideas. (LO2)

Taylor & Mila

Cody & Tod

Catherine & Michael

Polly & Mateo

Peter & Kiara

Diamond & Simon

John & Tim

Bailey & Breanna

Lilly & Ethan

Arthur & Matthew

Leilani & Nicole

Erin & Shane

5 – Exceptional 4 – Excellent 3 - Good. 2 – Average 1 - Satisfactory

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