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Four ominous reasons Trump will win in 2020

Jerry Kroth

Moodys Analytics correctly predicted every Presidential winner since 1980, and two
days ago, smack in the middle of the latest impeachment kerfuffle, they predicted
Trump would win in 2020 by an electoral landslide.1

As a supporter of climate activism, having a climate change denier occupy the

presidency another four years is absolutely bone-chilling. But the way the
Democratic Party machine is acting, tethered to the corporate media as it is, chances
are looking dimmer every day.

Here are four intrusive smelling salts intended to rouse Democrats from their sleep,
because if they don´t wake up, Donald Trump is going to get re-elected.

Reason 1: Illegal immigration

One million people were stopped trying to cross into the United States last year. Yes,
one million people! 2 One can only guess how many snuck into the country that were
not stopped.

This actually bothers many Americans.

The liberal media interminably carps that detainees are treated poorly, that a child
died in detention, that a pregnant mother was not given care, that a baby is crying
for his parents, and that a racist, corrupt, uncaring, narcissistic President is
responsible for it all.
It then tosses in a dollop of pedagogy to school Americans that the term “illegal
alien” is racist, demeaning, and absolutely needs to be excised from the lexicon. All
migrants, legal and otherwise, should be called “immigrants.” Most media outlets
conform. New York City fines a violator $250,000 for using the term “illegal alien.” 3

Universities take it one step further and now fail students who use the term “illegal
immigrant” on term papers.4

But despite this fusillade of sympathy for immigrants, that is, illegal immigrants,
there is a large segment of American society that isn´t playing along.

Whatever this demographic is named —some call them “deplorables”—these

Americans actually object to a million people entering the country without visas.
They really do.

Here´s a voice large segments of the media and Democrats in particular, have not
heard, are not listening to, but most importantly, will not listen to:

“Just because I don´t like these folks coming into our country, I don´t like
being called a racist. I don´t like being told I am intolerant or that I´m a hate
criminal. I just don´t like a hundred and fifty thousand foreigners slipping
into our country every month, enrolling in our schools, using fake social
security numbers, taking jobs, having babies who are given citizenship on
the spot, being granted driver´s licenses, even medical insurance, and
getting away with it all. The media and the Democratic Party seem to
support every bit of it. And if you are opposed like I am, they call you a
bigot. The only person I see who represents my feelings at all is Donald

Most Democrats think something in those words is deeply offensive, or racist, or

politically incorrect, or at the very least inappropriate, but unfortunately they
represent feelings of real people. . . lots and lots of real people.5
Eighty percent of Americans think illegal immigration is a serious problem, 6 and
if Democrats and the liberal media do not wake up, Trump is going to exploit this
sentiment and take illegal immigration fears, worries, and anger right to the bank.

He did it before, and he´ll do it again.

Reason 2: Impeachment backlash

Americans are weary of the impeachment circus parading on their nightly news.
Impeachment talk began as soon as Trump took office and continued throughout his
entire Presidency. If there was insufficient Mueller proof that the President
colluded, that morphed into obstruction. And when obstruction withered, the
Ukrainegate flag was raised for more saluting.

But a large share of the American body politic is beleaguered beyond belief by the
obsessive CNN-MSNBC-New York Times fixations on this subject. Some of the
population just doesn´t buy in. They are tired. They believe most of it is based on
falsehood, rumor, inaccuracy, and wholesale hatred of the President of the United

We don´t know exactly how big that demographic is, but wherever this sliver of the
population looks, and every late-night comedian they encounter, it seems just
another anti-Trump propaganda foil is walking on stage. Whether Stephen Colbert,
Trevor Noah, John Oliver, Seth Meyers, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher or the entire cast of
Saturday Night Live, Trump hatred syndrome seems ubiquitous.

Despite these media festivities, an important backlash is incubating to which

Democrats seem oblivious. They don´t realize that the sanctimonious moral purity
trip has gone on far too long, in too great an excess, and inside the inflating bubble
of Trumpian animus, scads of on-the-fence-independent voters are fed up with the
piety, condescension, character assassination, and saying to themselves, “enough is

Trump is going to accuse the media, Rachel Maddow, Major Garret, Jake Tapper,
CNN, the Washington Post and SNL of promoting a witch hunt made up of falsehood,
rumor, innuendo, defamation, endless conspiracies, constant attacks on his
Presidency, character, and family, and he will remind his twitter followers that none
of this turned out to be true. He will wear the “No collusion, No obstruction, Fake
News” trope blazoned across his chest right across the finish line into 2020.

And it isn´t going to help the sanctimony of the Democratic Party one bit when Joe
Biden keeps insisting that his son never came to him and said “Hey, dad I just got a
job in the Ukraine that pays $80,000 a month! No experience necessary.” 7 Democrat
elites magically convinced themselves that Americans will believe Hunter Biden
never got around to mentioning any of that to his dad. But they may be
underestimating the intelligence of the electorate.

Vote for Joe? Seriously?

Reason 3: Endless Wars

Democrats used to be a party of freedom, peace, and love. They were opposed to
war, especially the Vietnam War. Most liked Fidel too.

But today Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi applaud when jingoist John Bolton
wants to overthrow the government of Venezuela. Hugo Chavez built 3 million
homes for poor Venezuelans, cut poverty 48 percent in less than a decade, doubled
literacy levels, and was brother-in-arms with Fidel, but Democrats today seem just
as blood thirsty to overthrow Maduro and Venezuela as the Neo-Cons are.
When a peace initiative goes out to North Korea and a face-to-face negotiation
happens—something Obama promised but never pulled off—Democrats object
saying Trump is giving away too much or that he is grandstanding.

When Trump wants to withdraw troops from Syria—where the U.S. never had any
legal right to be in the first place—they call it “betrayal.”

They yoked themselves so thoroughly with the military-industrial complex and

Lindsey Graham they insist on remaining in Syria as much as he does. They want to
press ever closer to Russia´s borders in the Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Estonia, and The Black Sea, and of course, their pom poms wave wildly as they
cheerlead even more anti-Russian hysteria.

What Democrats miss is that a majority of Americans have consistently wanted us to

leave Iraq (58 %), 8 to stay out of Syria (53 %), 9 to leave Afghanistan (61%), 10 and
not to get embroiled in any war with Iran (57%). 11

Seventy percent of Americans are opposed to these endless military adventures. 12

All of those majorities have been ignored by corporate Democrats when those polls
were taken, and they still are ignored today.

Only Tulsi Gabbard meekly tries to remind the Democratic Party of its nonviolent
roots as she is gingerly escorted out of the room by party insiders.

But Trump will stand up and say he did not enter any new wars as he promised, that
he removed troops from Syria as promised, that he is negotiating a pull out from the
18-year disaster of Afghanistan as promised, that he sought peace in North Korea as
promised, and that if re-elected he will continue to remove the U.S. from its idiotic
And that salesmanship will rack up even more points that he can take to the bank,
because his words fully resonate with how the majority of Americans actually feel.

Reason 4: Pocketbooks

Finally, and despite panglossian globalist rhetoric that permeates the media,
Americans are not stupid. They can look around the Midwest and see decaying inner
cities and eviscerated factories emptied of manufacturing jobs that went abroad in
search of 50 cent-an-hour labor.

They never liked it in the first place, and when Trump offered to “make America
great again” the slogan more than made the grade in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio.
They remembered their cities were once thriving manufacturing engines that made
steel, aluminum, cars, televisions, and refrigerators.

But Democrats and the corporate media raged on for years against it. It is
“tribalism,” they say, “nativism,” “populism” “protectionism” and, of course, all of
these attacks are reflexively counterpointed with assignations that Trump is a
criminal, a racist, a whoremonger, and a white supremacist to boot.

Underneath the media hyperbole, though, is an embarrassing reality that is hard to

shake. Middle-class incomes are $6000 higher than they were when Trump took
office. 13 401K retirement plans went up 33 percent,14 and many of these folks think
Trump´s ballsy talk about tariffs and deals with Mexico, China, Canada, and Japan
helped make all that possible.

A large swath of Americans were opposed to corporations outsourcing their jobs

abroad. Bernie Sanders captured those feelings perfectly, but when Hillary
railroaded him out of the nomination, Trump surreptitiously filled Bernie´s vacuum
with the same message they wanted to hear and still want to hear.
He did it once and he’ll do it again: “Your incomes are better, your good-paying jobs
are returning. Your retirement portfolios have grown. Your factories are coming
home. I´ve stopped lots of countries from ripping us off, and I´ll stop them even
more if reelected!”

Trump is expert in catalyzing anger and resentment, and he is all ready to bang out
another home run and sashay around the bases with his signature haughtiness.

The former Democratic majority leader Harry Reid, and a Trump antagonist, last
week warned that “Trump is a very, very smart man who won´t be easily beaten in
2020!”15 Trump is far more cunning and intelligent than Alec Baldwin on Saturday
Night Live makes him out to be.

We have to prevent another four years of Donald Trump. It is time Democrats

became partners again with American workers, not elitists who think of the rank
and file as deplorable.

It is time Democrats said we need our factories back.

It is time Democrats called illegal immigrants illegal immigrants.

It is time Democrats represented the gay community less and dispossessed factory
workers from Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Appalachia more.

It is time Democrats promised to end hegemonic wars the military-industrial

complex is forever selling, and slash the defense budget so student loan debt can be
paid off and college graduates working at Starbucks and living in their parent´s
basement can have future to look forward to.

And it is time they announced clearly, forcefully, and unambiguously that the most
important priority which overshadows everything else is climate change. We are in
the midst of the sixth extinction, and that includes the human race. We cannot
endure a President who does nothing to stop the climate Armageddon we are facing.

The only hope, yes, the only hope, is that the Democratic Party will awaken from its
delusory fugue state in time.

If it refuses to take off its halo and step down from the pulpit, obdurately insisting
that the fundamental issues of our time are racism, sexism, transgender rights, and
the Me Too Movement, Trump will walk away with the election hands down, further
reduce restrictions on coal, and proceed to set the planet on fire.


Jerry Kroth, Ph.D. is Associate Professor Emeritus in Counseling Psychology from Santa
Clara University and author of his forthcoming text on climate change, Ecocide. He
may be reached at collectivepsych.com


1 https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-in-a-landslide-this-historically-accurate-model
2 https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/nearly-1-million-migrants-arrested-along-mexico-

3 https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/01/us/nyc-illegal-alien-discrimination-guidance/index.html
4 https://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/washington-state-university-says-banning-term-

5 80 percent of Americans think illegal immigration is a serious problem

6 https://thehill.com/latino/441296-poll-80-percent-say-illegal-immigration-at-southern-border-is-

7 https://news.yahoo.com/hunter-biden-served-ceremonial-figure-163146644.html
8 http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/03/13/iraq.poll/
9 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/cbs-news-poll-shows-divergence-in-americans-opinion-of-us-

10 https://today.yougov.com/topics/politics/articles-reports/2018/10/08/most-americans-would-

11 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/08/20/us-military-confrontation-with-iran-
12 https://www.thenation.com/article/new-poll-shows-public-overwhelmingly-opposed-to-endless-

13 https://www.wsj.com/articles/trumps-middle-class-economic-progress-11569786435


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