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Actividad de aprendizaje 3


Evidencia 2: Market Projection




Actividad de aprendizaje 3

Evidencia 2: Market Projection

Todo logro requiere de un plan para alcanzarlo, sin una buena organización de ideas es
imposible conseguir las metas propuestas en la proyección de un mercado,
afortunadamente existen recursos que apoyan y orientan este proceso, especialmente
en inglés.

En este orden de ideas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta evidencia,
consulte el material de formación denominado Expressing opinions and preferences
correspondiente a esta actividad de aprendizaje y adicionalmente el siguiente material

Market share projection tips for small business.

8 steps for the success of a marketing plan.

Luego de estas consultas, realice lo siguiente:

Elabore en inglés un mapa conceptual del tema visto en el primer material

complementario indicado.

Realice un resumen en inglés que contenga como mínimo dos párrafos, de la lectura
del segundo material complementario mencionado anteriormente.
Market share projection tips for small businesses

company Successful

Determine the
Determine the current market
size of the market share

Determine the current

business in relation to the
potential business

Determining the
fundamental principle current market share
to determine The size simply involves
of the market is to dividing the current
calculate the potential business by the total
consumption within market size.
Every small business should be
the market
able to quantify its existing
8 STEPS TO SUCCESS OF A MARKETING PLAN. Information is the key to the success of a marketing plan. 1 explore,
investigate the more idea you have a better one and thus plan both present and future. 2) Analyze your customers: to know how
my business is doing, the best way is to listen to customers. 3) Analyze your competitor: the competition will always be good
because it will help me improve every day more 4) Analyze yourself: to know where I'm going to get and if I have the
resources to arrive 5) Prepare your plan Marketing: to prepare the marketing plan you need time creativity and advice you can
not improvise anything and have everything very well planned. 6) Implement: here the strategy has already been released to
the market, it is important to have a contingency plan in case it is not to the liking of the clients, so it is important to have
constant contact with our clients in order to realize that we are doing right or wrong Tracing. Being in contact with customers
to know their opinion about marketing 8) Explore other opportunities: it is important to be constantly changing and not always
give the same to the customer because we get bored, we must always be innovating

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