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Comprensión y Producción Oral en Ingles III

Reading reports
Prof. Laura Victoria C.


Taken form BBC NEWS: https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-50143451

According to the video, plastic has many uses for example, the bottles, bags, pipes, packaging, and toys, among
others. Plastic was created since 1950’s and now there are 8.3 billion tons in the sea. Nowadays the plastic is used by
multinational companies to create new utensil which ones help us in our daily routine. However, the plastic is a
threat due to its long life of decomposition. So even out in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean researchers have
calculated that there are about 400.000 plastic particles per square kilometer. Also, there are 7 billion tons of plastic
waste, only 9% is recycled, 12% is incinerated and 79% in landfills or in the environment. The video said that if we do
not stop to produce plastic the environment will have more than 13 billion of plastic by 2050.

The strategy that I used was:

I saw and listened the video three I chose this video because the topic is very interesting for me.
times and I wrote important ideas. Nowadays the pollution has a high level to cause the plastic. Also,
Then, with help of two friends I did it showed very high figures that have increased over time. For
one activity. They transcribed the text that reason I think is very important give a good use to the plastic
of the video and they omitted some with different strategies and proposals for instance, making new
words. So, I listened the audio again things for our use, we can catch a plastic bottle and transform it
and I wrote the missing words in the in a new flowerpot , recycling, implement the new proposals the
text. bags and more ecological utensils.
VOCABULARY In my opinion, we must create a cultural change and to apply new
 Trend: a general direction in habits to improve the plastic use. The future that we are going to
which something is give to new generations depends of the action that we do.
developing or changing.
 Carry on: continue an activity
or task.
 Landfills: the disposal of
waste material by burying it,
especially as a method of
filling in and reclaiming
excavated pits.
 Pipe: a tube used to convey
water, gas, oil, or other fluid

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