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Module I Rating Control (2019-2020 ac.

Project work on the course «Methodical and Practical Basics of Early Foreign Language
Education» for the 2nd year students
Speciality: 5B011900 “Foreign Languages: two foreign languages”

General obligatory instructions:

- Use Power Point to design creative slides and present the information;
- Don’t write more than 10 words in one slide;
- Use various Video or Audio files to illustrate examples;
- Bring statistics and necessary data in schemes;
- Remember to mention the resources you used to analyze;
- Remember to mention the sources of information. Use footnotes.
- Your project work must include plan, aim, objectives, actuality, introduction, main body,
conclusions and glossary.
- The volume of your work must be 1600-2000 words. (5-7 pages).

Project themes:
1. The concept of early foreign language education. Speech development of a
child in the conditions of natural and artificial bilingualism. Criteria for the
readiness of a child to learn a second language.

2. Theoretical and applied research opportunities for early learning of a foreign

language, its advantages and disadvantages.

3. Pedagogical conditions for improving the effectiveness of early foreign

language teaching. Didactic requirements and conditions of their

4. Specification of programs for early learning of a foreign language, features,

and methodological support, goals and content of training.

5. Principles, criteria of the organization, features and forms of employment

with preschool children and younger pupils. Consideration of psychological and
physiological characteristics of children. Difficulties and advantages of learning
a foreign language at a young age. Requirements for the level of second
language acquisition.

6. Features of the organization and methods of teaching phonetic, lexical,

grammatical components. Formation and development of reading and writing
skills in primary school children.
7. Analysis of the structure and content of the foreign language standard for
primary school and kindergarten.

8. Innovations that allow to activate the speech activity of students, to support

the internal motivation of the teaching, to achieve goals that are reflected in the
educational standard for foreign languages in primary school.

9. Interaction of fixed and extracurricular work on the development of

motivation of students to learn a foreign language.

10. Study of the features of verbal and phrasal methods of teaching reading.
(methods of G. Doman, S. Lupan)

11. Characteristics of EMC for the initial stage of English language teaching.

12. Organization of control of knowledge, skills at the initial stage of learning a

foreign language.

13. Foreign language education at the primary level in Kazakhstan

14. Early Childhood Foreign Language Education Policy

15.Foreign Language Policy in the Primary Sector in Kazakhstani context

16. Alternative authors’ methods in EFLE

17. Glenn Doman's method

18. Waldorf pedagogy

19. The requirements to textbooks and educational-methodical complexes of the

new generation

20. Types of Textbook Analysis

21. Levels of Textbook Analysis

22. Models for the evaluation of textbooks

23. The linguistic, psychological, methodological components of the content of

early foreign language education
24. Activity-Based Learning

25. Intercultural Approach in early foreign language education

26. Methods and techniques for developing young learners’ pronunciation skills

27. Methods and techniques for developing young learners’ grammar skills.

28. Methods and techniques for young learners' vocabulary development in


29. Various roles of the English teacher in the primary school classroom

30. Language development exercises at primary school within the renewed

content of education.

31. Subject-procedural aspects of the content of foreign language education in

primary school.

32. Renewed content of foreign language education in primary school.

33. ICT in foreign language education for young learners.

34. Student-centered approach in primary school.

35. Principles of materials selection for young learners.

36. Requirements to the level of language competence at an early stage of

foreign language education.

37. The use of interactive technologies in primary school.

38. Creativity development in an English language classroom in primary


39.Everyday instructions – organizing the classroom

40. Listening and doing - Total Physical Response

41. Revising and consolidating topic words through mime

42. Miming to rhymes and chants

43.Listening and responding games

44. Drawing games

45. Playing vocabulary games

46. Saying rhymes and singing songs to practise pronunciation, stress, and

47. Encouraging learner participation

48. Having fun making a book

49.Writing to penpals

50.Telling and performing a story with very young learner

51. Planning for effective use of English in the classroom

52. Teaching foreign language through tasks and activities

53.Vocabulary development in children’s language learning

54.Children’s vocabulary learning strategies

55.A learning-centered approach to teaching grammar

56.Teacher assessment of language learning

57.Self-assessment and learner autonomy

The projects will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:

# Evaluating Group Presentations: Questions to Consider Points

Organization S1 S2 S3
1. Does the group have an effective plan for the whole presentation? 5
2. Does the presentation have a clear introduction, body and 5
3. Does each part of the presentation achieve the anticipated goals? 5
4. Does each group member develop his part of the presentation in 5
an orderly fashion?
5. Do the presenters stick to their designated topic? 5
6. Do the presenters develop points systematically and in sufficient 5
7. Do presenters use transitions and other oral organizing devices? 5
8. Does the group fulfill time expectations? 5
9. Does the group meet the requirements of the assignment as 5
Oral Communication
10. Do presenters speak from brief notes rather than from complete 10
11. Do presenters speak audibly and energetically? (5) 5
12. Do presenters avoid physical and vocal distractions while 5
13. Does the group appear interested in, and committed to, the 5
14. Does the group employ communication approaches which 5
attempted to invite audience involvement in the presentation?
15. Does the group try to be creative in their approach to the topic 10
(by using visual aids, demonstrations, simulations, etc)?
Role Performance
16. Do the members assume presentation tasks that were roughly 5
equally distributed?
17. Does each presenter accomplish their specific responsibilities? 10
Total 100

Head of the Department Kassymbekova M.A.

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