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My Testimony November 18, 2010

My name is Lucious Clarence Conway, Jr., family and friends I grew up with call me Junior. I got
saved at the age of 6 years old. My mama sent all of us to church, me and my five sisters. Yes, I was the
only boy. And, I had been being molested by a female family member from as early as I can remember.
I did not like it. But, I did not know how to stop it. So, after Sunday School my sisters would go home
and I would stay for church and sit on the front pew right in front of the pulpit. The choir would sing,
the preacher would preach and I would cry. I felt better after church every time, because I felt like God
loved and cared about me and would someday make everything alright. And, within that year my
female family member stopped molesting me.

When I turned 8 years old we moved and then a male relative started molesting me. I was still going to
church and Sunday School. My mother had let my sisters stop going so I went by myself. And, I still
sat on the front pew. The church was a different church. But, the choir there sang, the preacher their
preached and I still cried, knowing that God would make my life right someday.

By the time I turned 13 I had been in presentations at school speaking. I served on the student council
as president at my school and was involved at the community center. I wanted to be like Jesus. In 1976,
I entered and won the Optimist Oratorical Contest in Michigan for our zone. I placed 3rd among 1500
boys and girls throughout our region. I was the youngest boy to ever make it to that level. In the
meanwhile I was reciting poems and performing in plays at school and church.

I was still being molested by my male cousin and had learned not only to live with it, but to enjoy it.
This happened as I was entering puberty. That fact, together with the fact that my mama and my sisters
treated me like one of the girls turned my sexual attention from females to males. There was no father
around and my two older brother were adults and had been reared by my maternal grandmother and
had nothing to do with me. So, the only male in my life that would hug me wanted something in
return.... to let him molest me. I did. And, I became homosexual. I still had girlfriends. Lots of them.
But, I was not sexually aroused by them.

I was numb from seeing and hearing about female parts, and cycles and everything all my life. And,
then while speaking in the Optimist Oratorical Contest I heard the voice of God say, "If you can tell
them of Tomorrow's Promise surely you can tell them of me." I looked around because I thought
everyone could hear the voice. and then God said it again, "If you can tell them of Tomorrow's Promise
surely you can tell them of me." I told my mother and the lady preacher from my church that had
accompanied me to the competition. The preacher asked me what I thought it meant. And, I told her, "I
have to preach." And, she said so you want to get a license to preach?

I said if I get a license or not I have to preach. And, I was licensed and started preaching. But, I was
still being molested and learning to believe that it was the way I would always be. So, I began to hate
myself and cry more in church and cry out in private to God to change my life. God did not do this for
me immediately so I began to smoke weed and drink and do cocaine, and hang out for weekends with
strange men that I met in the middle of the night walking in the worst streets of downtown Detroit after
catching a bus.

My mother was ill so I was pretty much on my own. Educationally I was considered smart. Too smart.
The Wayne County Council for the Gifted tested my IQ and determined that I was in the top 6
percentile of the above average norm. At 15 I had the intellect of a 45 year old man. And, I had become
cynical, especially after the public high school I was attending decided in agreement with the Council
for the Gifted that I would never fit into the public school learning environment and I should be in
private school.

We were on welfare and while they would have paid if I were retarded for me to attend a school for
retarded children they would not pay for me to go to the only two schools in the Detroit Metro area for
gifted children, both private. Friends School and the internally acclaimed Cranbrook School in
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan where they were blazers to class. With that at 15 I was out of school and in
and out of church. Believing that God would fix it and then nothing would change.

I even got prayed for at one church and the evangelist said that whatever demon that had possession of
me was to deep seated and would never come out. So, I really got worse, drinking, drugging and
partying. Finally, at 18 I moved to New York City and lived there for 10 years in sin and out of church.
I figured if God couldn't fix me what was the use.

Then at age 29 while visiting my family in Michigan I went to join the army and discovered I was HIV
positive and the doctor there told me I had 5 years to live. I went back to New York and began working
with the homeless and doing as much good as I could. But, I would not go to church. And, I was still
drinking and drugging and partying.

Finally, I decided to go die in Florida. Through those years I had been in and out of intensive care with
the disease. But, God would always lift me up within three days and I would always go back to my sin.
And, one day while living Florida after forming and singing in a Jazz band on Ocean Drive in Miami
Beach something happened.

My Band called Lucious Conway and Xodus had gotten popular and we had a studio on the beach and
a recording studio in downtown Miami. Children began to come visit the studio and we would be doing
drugs and girls were everywhere. I did what I did with men away from there. But, I was there long
enough for God to show me those kids who thought we were special people and they wanted to be like
us. And, God said to me it's okay if you want to go to hell but what about the children? Do you think
it's okay for them to follow you to hell. Is that where you want to lead them.

I cried and ran. I got in the car and drove. When the car ran out of gas I had no money so I started
walking on the turnpike. The Highway Patrol stopped me and I would not talk to them so they took me
to the Mental Hospital in West Palm, Florida. I still wouldn't talk but there was a piano there. I began to
play and sing a church song. A woman was there, she was catatonic. She never spoke and only moved,
ate and swallowed with much assistance. That day she began to sing.

The nurses on the ward were astonished. And, I ran to my room crying. A nurse followed me and said,
"You can't hide here. You have a calling on your life. And, you can't run from it." I began to speak and
eventually left there. And moved to Orlando, Florida. I lived on the street for a while and then decided
to start back singing Jazz. I was at a open mike night waiting for the club to open and there was a
church. It was a Sunday evening and people were coming for evening service. I decided to go inside
because it had gotten cold.

They began to sing and I began to cry. They were all White with the exception of a man who kept
telling me he was not Black but Dominican. His skin was Black though. They began to come over to
me and pat my back and rub my shoulders which made me cry more. And, they were singing a song
about how much Jesus loves you no matter what and the more they touched me the more I felt God's
love and the worse I cried. Finally, I ran out and several of the men followed me.
They could not get me to go back inside. One brother asked me what they could do for me. I said just
pray for me. He began to pray immediately and I began to cry again and ran away from him.
The next day I met my now ex-wife at a church in Orlando at a revival. She was the Revivalist and the

I began to preach again and went on the radio with a gospel talk program that God blessed
tremendously. I married in 1997 and divorced in 2005. Over the years I was assistant pastor in one
church, pastored another church and served as associate minister in others. I came back to God and he
received me.

I had become an insulin dependent Diabetic as a result of the disease. And, in 2010 after a year in
Oklahoma following the unction of God to go to my only living older brother who was living with my
grandmother when she died in 2009 to help with the funeral arrangements and help save the homestead
established by our great-grandparents the children of slaves and Choctaws the Lord healed me of

I am now leading the first and only prayer meeting live online from noon to 1 pm and 6 to 7 am central
time in the history of the internet and enjoying the love of God from my saved family at home and my
church family at the Lewis Temple C.O.G.I.C.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God lest any man
should boast.” Eph. 2:8

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