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James R. Dickens
Graduate Research Assistant
Depanment of Mechanical Engineering

Donald A. Bender
Depanment of Agricultwal Engineering


Don E. Bray
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843
(Received January 1995)

The objective of this paper is to present a critically refracted longitudinal wave (L,) technique that
allows localized ultrasonic inspection of wood parallel-to-grain by accessing only a single side of the
material. The L,technique has been widely applied to other materials, but not to wood. The chief
advantage ofthe L, technique is that ultrasonic waves can be transmitted through wood at frequencies
much higher than previously possible (up to 1.5 MHz),leading to potential gains in sensitivity over
lower frequency methods.
~ ~

The L. technique was verified using southern pine lumber. Transducer beam characteristics were
examined and the influence of arowth
. rina.ande
. was observed. Ultrasonic wave enemy .. was found to
travel near to the inspection surface. Further, localized growth ring angle was significantly correlated
to signal amplitude and frequency.
Keywords: Critically refracted longitudinal waves, beam profile, growth ring angle.

INTRODUCnON include a variety of sonic and ultrasonic meth-

Vibration-based methods for nondestmc- ods. For most engineering materials, ultrason-
tive evaluation (NDE) of wood materials have ic methods employ frequencies in the 2-20
been studied for nearly 40 years. Early work MHz range. Due to attenuation, which can be
in this field was centered around measuring as high as several hundred dB/m, wood ma-
the velocity of acoustic waves (Lee 1958), de- terials require lower frequencies, almost ex-
termining factors that affect vibrational re- clusively below 1 MHz (Schniewind 1989). Ul-
sponse (James 196l), and developing the the- trasonic methods encompass a number of re-
oretical and practical relations between vibra- lated techniques (McDonald 1978, 1979; Falk
tional properties (e.g., acoustic velocity and et al. 1990; Ross and Pellerin 1991). These
energy dissipation) and mechanical properties techniques include (but are not limited to) im-
(modulus of elasticity) (James 1964; Pellerin pact-echo, acoustic emission, through-trans-
1965; Galligan and Courteau 1965). More re- mission, and acousto-ultrasonics.
cently, vibrational methods have expanded to One of the specialized applications of ultra-
W o d n n d F i k r Sclcnce. 28(3), 1996, pp. 38C-388
O 1996 by thc Soncty of Wood SEicnec and Tcchnologi

sonic testing uses longitudinal waves that are grain by access to the side grain of the wood.
refracted at an angle of 90" (parallel to the in- The research described herein demonstrates
spection surface). These critically refracted, or the feasibility of using ultrasound at a fre-
4,, waves have been used in a variety of non- quency of 1.25 MHz to inspect dimension
wood material applications, including detec- lumber. This may lead to improved sensitivity
tion of near-surface defects (Smith 1987; to localized material properties. Furthermore,
Razygraev and Ermolov 1981; Azemoto and the L,technique holds considerable promise
Tsuge 1991), stress evaluation (Egle and Bray for the evaluation of products such as finger-
1979; Bray et al. 1989; Srinivasan et al. 1991; jointed lumber and particleboard.
Shaikh 1992; Szelazek 1992), assessment of The objective ofthis research was to develop
elastic properties (Filarski and Rose 1989), and an Lo technique for wood in order to over-
material texture studies (Najm and Bray 1986). come some of the limitations related to wave
Advantages of L,waves include the ahilify frequency and signal attenuation. A custom
to reliably detect near-surface defects and in- pitch-catch transducer was constructed, and its
sensitivity to surface roughness. LC, waves are performance was evaluated using eight sam-
particularly well suited to the inspection of plate ples of southern pine lumber. Profiles of the
materials, where access is often restricted to a beam energy were determined using semicir-
single surface of the component. cular wedges of lumber. Beam penetration
Ultrasonic inspection using L,waves ap- depth and growth ring effects were studied us-
pears ideally suited to wood because it allows ing notched samples of lumber.
- without the need
to access the end grain. A review of the liter- THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
ature reveals that Gerhards (1978) reported the
use ofa wooden angle coupler as part of a study Snell's law is used to describe the relation-
comparing instruments used for measuring ship between incident and refracted waves at
pulse transit times in pine. Logan (1980) pat- the boundary between two materials (Bray and
ented a method for inspecting veneer using Stanley 1989). The simplest form of the rela-
refracted stress waves. Szabo (1978) suggested tion is for an interface between two homoge-
oblique coupling as an improvement over the neous, isotropic solids. Longitudinal wave ve-
surface-transmission method. Biernacki and locities are invariant under the conditions of
Beall (1993) recognized that wave energy has isotropy, and hence the angle of refraction can
the tendency to refract in the direction of the be determined from knowledge of the incident
grain. Bucur and Rocaboy (1988) used the angle:
principle of mode conversion to excite surface
waves by cutting the edge of their test block at
a 45" angle, and later (Bucur 1992) used a 45"
wedge to receive surface waves. Of these, Ger-
sin kciden,

L,waves occur when the angle of incidence


hards (1978) and Logan (1980) are the only is equal to the first critical angle, thus resulting
ones who propagated longitudinal waves es- in a refracted wave traveling parallel to the
sentially parallel-to-the-grain direction, and interface.
apparently their work did not fully reveal the In anisotropic materials, the relation be-
potential benefits of the refraction technique. tween angle of incidence and angle of refrac-
The use of high frequency (greaterthan 1 MHz), tion requires the relation between wave speed
critically refracted longitudinal (L,waves
) in and direction of propagation to be known (Rose
wood materials has not been reported in the and Deska 1974). For unidirectional (trans-
research literature. versely isotropic) fiber composites, an ellipti-
Critical-angle ultrasonic inspection provides cal velocity profile provides a good approxi-
an opportunity to inspect wood parallel-to- mation:
382 WOOD AND F'IBER SCIENCE, JULY 1996, V. 28(3)

highest velocity and lowest attenuation are ob-

served in the highest stiffness direction, and
C&,,,sin20 + C~,,,cos20 hence it appears to present the "path of least
resistance" for the wave energy (Kline 1988;

The velocities C and C,.,., refer to
velocities measured parallel and transverse to
Pilarski and Rose 1989; Wu and Ho 1990).
Research on austenitic (transversely isotropic)
stainless steel weldments has shown that angle
the fiber direction, respectively. The velocity of incidence has a greater effect on beam di-
C,,f,, varies with the angle of refraction vergence than on the angle of refraction (Hud-
,,,.O,, (90" - 0). In a transversely isotropic gel1 and Seed 1980; Tomlinson et al. 1980; Silk
solid, the system of equations describing 1981). Furthermore, it has also been shown
Snell's law can be solved simultaneously to that beam divergence is minimized when the
find the velocity and refraction angle for both angle of refraction coincides with the highest
the phase and group components of the re- stiffness direction. Thus, elastic directionality
fracted wave for an arbitrary angle of inci- has a focusing effect on the wave energy. These
dence. Usually the phase and group compo- observations suggest that critically refracted
nents differ both in direction and velocity, waves should be easily excited in wood and
which requires a set of at least four equations that angle of refraction will be relatively in-
to solve for the unknowns. However, at the sensitive to the typical wave speed variations
first critical angle, group and phase compo- encountered in wood materials. However, wave
nents of the refracted wave are coincident. All speed variations are likely to cause changes in
that remains is one unknown (incident angle), the beam divergence where "slow" wood would
for which the simplest form of Snell's law (Eq. indicate greater beam spreading than "fast"
I) can be applied. wood.
Wood is similar to a unidirectional fiber The Hankinson formula is a well-known
composite both structurally and elastically. equation of wood mechanics that was devel-
Tracheids are analogous to thin carbon fibers oped around 192 1 to curve-fit a set of empir-
and lignin is analogous to an epoxy matrix. ical data (Kim 1986). This equation is used to
While fiber composites have stronger elastic describe the angular dependence of wood
directionality than wood, in both cases the high properties (i.e., the variation of a given prop-
stiffness direction is parallel to the "fiber" di- erty with respect to the grain direction). The
rection. In wood, elastic stiffness is 10 to 20 form of the equation is:
times greater in the fiber direction than in the
transverse direction (USDA 1990). Hence the
properties parallel-to-grain tend to dominate
overall wood behavior. Since the grain direc-
tion in wood is analogous to the fiber direction The property P is measured parallel to the grain,
in composites, and the desired angle of refrac- while the property Q is measured transverse
tion (90") coincides with the grain direction, to the grain. Thus the property N at some an-
Snell's law (Eq. 1) can be used to find the in- gle-to-grain 0 can be found with an appropriate
cident angle required to excite an L,wave in fitting parameter n (usually 1.5-2.0 for elastic
wood using an average value of wave speed properties). While the conventional uses ofthis
measured parallel to the grain direction. formula include determining tensile strength,
One of the significant effects of elastic an- compression strength, elastic modulus, and
isotropy on wave propagation is that the en- toughness (USDA 1990), more recently the
ergy flux vector tends to align with the direc- equation has been used for studies of wave
tion of highest stiffness almost regardless of speed in wood (Armstrong et al. 1991; Dickens
the original direction of the wave energy. The 1996) where a close fit of the empirical data

was achieved. In a side-by-side comparison of

the elliptical equation of Rose and Deska (Eq. rcccivcr
2) and the Hankinson formula (Eq. 3), a sim-
ilarity in form is observed. Furthermore, near-
ly identical numerical results can be achieved
between Eq. (2) and Eq. (3) when the Hankin-
son fitting parameter is about 1.65. Because of """"" I.,.o WIWC ili,iii.lll

this similarity, it appears that using the Han-

kinson formula is tantamount to making an
assumation of transversely isotroaic elastic
symmetry in wood. As an indication of its util-
ity, the Hankinson formula has been widely
--- - el;,.


applied to wood properties for some 75 years. Fro. 1. Pitch-catch transducer arrangement for ultra-
sonic inspection of pine using LcR waves,

transducers easily propagated a signal more
Wave speed studies than 75 mm. Perhaps more significantly, the
A representative measure ofwave speed was peak frequency of the received signal remained
required in order to find the first critical angle at the 1.O-MHz nominal frequency ofthe send-
for southern pine. Six individual samples of 2 ing transducer. Using a pair of commercial
x 6 dimension lumber were selected and cut 2.25-MHz transducers and a similar set of
to a length of approximately 100 mm. The acrylic wedges, the received signal frequency
dimensions and weight of each specimen were was as high as 1.5 MHz along a 90-mm travel
recorded. Using a pair of commercial broad- path. This study appears to be the first in which
band transducers (1.0 MHz nominal frequen- frequencies well in excess of 1.0 MHz have
cy, 12.7-mm diameter), wave speed measure- been propagated parallel-to-grain by accessing
ments were recorded parallel-to-the-grain. The only the side grain. Inspection at these fre-
measurements showed good repeatability, with quencies leads to the possibility of greater sen-
the coefficient of variation generally less than sitivity to localized material properties such as
4%. The wave speed values observed in this adhesive bond quality in reconstituted wood
study were somewhat higher than those ob- products.
served in other recent studies of southern pine
(Han 1993; Bethi 1994), probably due to the Design of a pitch-catch transducer
higher propagation frequency and an end-grain- The following parameters were evaluated
to-end-grain measurement technique. Wave during the conceptual development of a trans-
speeds of up to 6,000 m/sec were observed ducer for inspecting wood. A brief explanation
parallel-to-grain. of the various parameters is provided. Figure
The feasibility of propagating critically refract- 1 shows a schematic of the assembled trans-
ed waves in wood was studied using a set of ducers.
bRtransducers previously designed for steel. Frequency, bandwidth, and size. -Based on
The transducers consisted of a pair of clear the results of the feasibility study, a relatively
acrylic wedges having a 1.0-MHz piezocer- high frequency was selected (1.25 MHz). In
amic element (air-backed, narrowband) addition, a narrowband signal was desired in
mounted at an angle of 28" from the vertical. order to maximize the wave energy near the
Use of these transducers on wood was possible excitation frequency of the transducer. There-
because the wave speed parallel-to-grain in fore the piezoceramic crystals were air-backed.
southern pine is almost identical to the wave An element size of 25.4-mm diameter was
speed in steel (near 5,900 m/sec). The 1.0-MHz chosen.
384 WOOD AND RBER SCIENCE. JULY 1996, V. 28(3)

Incident angle. -Under ideal circumstanc-

es, the angle of incidence would be chosen based
on prior knowledge of a relatively constant
material wave speed. However, parallel-grain
wave speed typically varies by several hundred
meters per second within a given species of
wood. A design wave speed of 5,700 m/sec
was chosen since it represented an average of
the measured wave speeds. The water-cou-
plant wave speed was assumed to be 1,480
FIG.2. Beam profile setup. m/sec (correspondingto a temperature of 20°C).
Applying Snell's law (Eq. I), an incident angle
of 15" was selected.
Coupling. -To reduce variability often as-
sociated with solid or gel-type couplants, a wa- Transducer beam profile evaluation blocks
ter-coupled arrangement was employed. The Two evaluation blocks were machined from
chief advantage of water coupling was to pro- samples of clear southern pine 2 x 6 dimen-
vide intimate contact with the wood surface sion lumber (one flatsawn sample and one
without the need for large coupling forces. The quartersawn sample). The blocks were cut
coupling layer consisted of an enclosed water edgewise in a semicircular pattern having a
cavity between the face of the piezoceramic radius of 100 mm. These blocks were used to
crystal and the inspection surface. A rubber study the profile (radiation pattern) of the LC,
O-ring seal prevented leakage, and the cavity transducers. Radial lines were drawn on each
was filled with a gravity-fed water supply. Us- block at 5" intervals. The blocks were subse-
ing water, a relatively shallow angle of inci- quently treated with a penetrating water sealer
dence was required. Further, water provided to minimize any attenuation effects of material
good acoustic impedance matching with the property changes caused by repeated wetting.
wood surface. Wetting area was limited to the Block A, which was cut from flatsawn wood,
small contact surface beneath the transducer. had growth rings oriented perpendicular to the
Wedge material.-A clear acrylic (polymeth- inspection surface (growth ring angle, or GRA,
ylmethacrylate, PMMA) was selected as the of 90°), while Block B, which was cut from
wedge material since it is readily available, quartersawn wood, had growth rings oriented
inexpensive, and easy to machine and assem- parallel to the inspection surface (GRA of 0").
ble. The transparent PMMA allows for accu- To perform the test, one of the k, trans-
rate positioning of the transducers over the ducers was placed in the center of the narrow
inspection site. In addition, the water cavities face of the block as a sending unit, while a
can be checked to ensure that all air bubbles commercial transducer (I .0 MHz nominal fre-
have escaped. quency, 12.7-mm diameter) was used along
Configuration and spacing. -A dual-trans- the curved edge to receive the signals (Fig. 2).
ducer, pitch-catch configuration was selected With the sending transducer stationary, the re-
to perform localized inspection along a single ceiving transducer was moved along the curved
surface of the lumber. Sending and receiving surface corresponding to the radiation direc-
transducers were constructed identically. The tion of the sender. A water-based gel couplant
piezoceramic crystals were mounted in PMMA was used for the receiving transducer, while
wedges fastened together at a fixed spacing of the sending transducer was water-coupled as
76.2 mm (distance between beam entry point originally designed. Signals were saved on disk
and exit point). for each 5" increment. Both L,transducers

lmsmilter ,... reccivcr - normalized amplitude

FIG.3. Beam depth-of-penetration setup.

were tested using each of the two semicircular


Beam depth-of-penetration studies

A second means of assessing beam radiation
pattern was devised for comparison. This con- L - -~~-~

sisted of partially sawing a notch through clear Frc. 4. Profile ofcritically-refractedlongitudinal wave
sections of wood (opposite the inspection sur- in Block A (GRA = 90°)).Wood is flatsawn with respect
face) and looking for changes in the received to the wide face.
signal resulting from the presence of the notch
(Fig. 3). Six sections of clear southern pine 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
x 6 dimension lumber were selected ranging Transducer beam projile
in length from 0.5 to 0.75 m. The wide face
of the boards was marked with a grid for po- Two representative beam profiles are shown
sitioning the pitch-catch transducer pair. Three in Figs. 4 and 5. These polar plots show nor-
approximately equally spaced locations were
marked in the width direction, and the growth normalized amy
ring angle at each location was measured by
reference to the end grain. At the midpoint of
the transducer position, a saw line was marked
on the opposite face of the board. All samples
were treated with a penetrating water sealer.
Ultrasonic readings were recorded on all six
specimens for a total of 30 observations. Signal
characteristics of particular interest included
amplitude and peak frequency. Then a shal-
low, uniform cut was made along the saw line
of each piece. The depth of the cut was mea-
sured using a digital caliper. Then ultrasonic
tests were repeated. Next, a slightly deeper cut
was made on each piece. The saw cutting and
ultrasonic testing were repeated a total of five
times, to a point where the boards had been
nearly sawn through. The thickness of the re- Fro. 5. Profile of critically refracted longitudinal wave
maining section was less than 5 mm after the in Block B (GRA = O"). Wood is quartersawn with respect
fifth saw cut. to the wide face.

design wave speed. Block B, on the other hand,

had an actual parallel-grain wave speed of 5,97 1
m/sec, or 271 mlsec (5%) higher than the de-
sign wave speed. As indicated earlier in the
paper, angle of refraction in unidirectional
composites is robust with respect to changes
in wave speed, but beam divergence angle is
likely to be affected. For example, the 15" in-
cident angle is 1.6" shallower than the optimal
value for Block A, resulting in greater spread
of the wave energy. On the other hand, the 15"
incident angle is 0.7' steeper than the optimal
value for Block B, resulting in greater concen-
tration of wave energy near the surface of the
wood. In addition to having a narrower profile,
Block B had higher absolute signal amplitudes
relative to Block A, which suggests a redistri-
FIG.6. Profile of a critically refracted longitudinal wave bution of the beam energy closer to the in-
in an isotropic medium. Adapted from Langenberg et al. spection surface.
(1990). Used with permission.
Beam depth-of-penetration
Growth ring angle was significantly corre-
malized signal amplitude as a function of angle lated to signal amplitude (R = -0.56). Hence,
from the horizontal (on a linear scale). No higher growth ring angles were associated with
measurable signals were observed beyond an lower signal amplitudes and vice versa. From
angle of 35". Block A (GRA = 90°, Fig. 4) this relation it appears that growth rings have
shows that peak amplitude occurs near the sur- a waveguide effect where lower growth ring
face and rapidly diminishes beyond an angle angles tend to trap the signal energy close to
of 15". Block B (GRA = O", Fig. 5) shows sim- the surface due to the distinct layers of early-
ilar results except that signal strength dimin- wood and latewood within the growth rings.
ishes even more rapidly. Profiles of LC, waves Growth ring angle was significantly corre-
in isotropic materials are similar (Fig. 6), ex- lated to signal frequency (R = -0.26). While
cept that the pressure maximum occurs about the relation was slight, higher growth ring an-
15"below the surface (Langenberg et al. 1990; gles were nevertheless associated with lower
Junghans and Bray 199 1). The most significant signal frequency and vice versa. In particular,
observation in the beam profile evaluation was signal components greater than 1.2 MHz were
that at an incident angle of 15", a majority of present only for growth ring angles less than
the wave energy was directed parallel to the 60". At steeper growth ring angles, only signal
inspection surface, which corresponds to the components less than 600 kHz were present.
grain direction in the wood. This indicates that This suggests a scattering effect of high fre-
the LC, transducer excited a refracted longi- quency signal components due to the growth
tudinal wave in precisely the manner intended. ring orientation.
By considering the difference in wave speed Notch depth was not significantly correlated
between the two blocks, an explanation for the to amplitude or frequency. In short, scatter
differing profiles is possible. Recall that the L, plots and regression analysis showed that in-
transducer was designed with an assumed wave creasing the notch depth was not related to
speed of 5,700 m/sec parallel-to-grain. In Block changes in the characteristics of the received
A, the actual parallel-grain wave speed was ultrasonic signals. This suggests that the notch-
5,190 mlsec, or 5 10 m/sec (go/@) lower than the es could not be sawn deeply enough to influ-

ence the flow of wave energy. Since the re- of both solid-sawn and reconstituted wood
maining wood section was less than 5 mm in materials.
thickness, the earliest amving wave energy
must have been traveling in the grain direction ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
parallel to, and just beneath, the surface of the This project was funded through the State
testpiece. Hence, notch depth data and beam of Texas Advanced Technology Program, Proj-
profile data lead to the same conclusion. ect Number 999902-137, and the Texas Ag-
ricultural Experiment Station.
Coupling method
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