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Longswamp United Church of Christ Confession is the time in worship when we share these feelings with God so they no

200 Clay Road, Mertztown, PA 19539 longer hang over us, troubling us. Let us pray.
Phone 610-682-6230
E-Mail: longswampucc@windstream.net Web: www.longswampucc.org Unison: Lord we confess with shame those times when we have failed to say,
“Thank You”. It wasn’t always exactly our fault, but it happened. Somehow life
Rev. Dr. Katherine Brearley, Pastor Ann Mabry Miller, Organist
rushed on and we never expressed the gratitude we felt inside. We also confess
November 21st, 2010 Last Sunday after Pentecost
that we still feel a grudge against some people who forgot to say “Thank You” to
THANKS FOR GIVING SUNDAY us. We come to You honestly with these feelings, asking You to forgive us. Help
us, we pray, to do our best to appreciate and to thank other people. Help us to
(Please turn off cell phones. The symbol + indicates that those who are able should stand. Words in forgive those who forget to show appreciation to us, as we wish to be forgiven
BOLD are spoken or sung by the whole congregation.) ourselves. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Pastor: Lord, have mercy upon us People: Lord, Have mercy upon us.
WELCOME Pastor: Christ, have mercy upon us. People: Christ, Have mercy upon us.
Pastor: Lord, have mercy upon us People: Lord, Have mercy upon us.
+OPENING HYMN …………“Now Thank We All Our God”………………………#374 Pastor: Hear the Good News, we are set free when we let go of the bitterness that is
+CALL TO WORSHIP within us. It can no longer poison us. Our sins are forgiven. Our brokenness is healed.
Pastor: There are things to be thankful for. The good green earth beneath our feet, Pastor: Since we are God’s forgiven people, let us praise Him.
The air we breathe, the food we eat, People: We will continuously praise God’s holy name.
People: Some work to do, a goal to win, a hidden longing deep within,
+RESPONSE OF PRAISE ………………………………………………………...#805
That spurs us on to bigger things,
Glory be the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the
And helps us meet what each day brings---
beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen, Amen.
Pastor: All these things and many more
Are things we should be thankful for. THE PASSING OF THE PEACE
Unison: And most of all, our thankful prayers Pastor: The Peace of God be with you. People: And also with you.
Should rise to God because He cares. (Please be seated) Please greet one another with words and/or signs of peace, remembering that not everyone wishes to shake hands.

Unison: Holy God, you have come among us in the person of Jesus Christ. You George J. Elvey arr. By Dick Anthony
come into the heart of the church by the power of the Holy Spirit. Be with us now
as we gather to thank and praise Your Holy Name. Amen CHILDREN’S TIME
Final collection of Time, Treasure & Talents cards supervised by the Countdown Treasure
CALL TO CONFESSION Pirates. We have extra cards if you need one.
Pastor: We have all had those times when we forgot to thank someone. We got caught EARLY CHURCH READING
up in the business of the moment, or we didn’t realize at the time that someone had 1 Peter Chapter 1: 1-9 (Pew Bible page 1886)
done something special for us. We want to turn the clock back, but we can’t. We are receiving salvation of our souls.

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Luke 17: 11-19 (Pew Bible page 1627) Lord Jesus Christ, you opened arms wide and stretched them out upon the
Jesus heals ten men. cross. You opened your heart wide so there would be room for us inside. No gift
we can bring will ever repay the debt of thanks that we owe to you. Accept these
MEDITATION: “Thankful Hearts” gifts as a token of the love we give back to you. Amen

Lord Jesus, glorified and resurrected, and willing to do the very best for us, dares us to
LITANY OF THANKSGIVING (UCC Book of Worship page 535, read responsively.) smile as we walk behind him, gives us his hopefulness, gives us his toughness, gives
Almighty God, we offer you thanks and praise for all the surprising gifts of grace that us his peace. In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
come to us, sustain our lives, and change us forever:
We thank you for food, familiar diets, and startling new aromas and tastes; +THREEFOLD AMEN ……………………………………………………………#820 Danish
We thank you for homes, places of familiar and comforting surroundings, and settings
+PARTING HYMN …………….…“Let All Things Now Living”……………………#53
for nurturing love.
We thank you for old friends who are open with their affection and wise in their MUSICAL POSTLUDE:
correction. We thank you for new friends who bring fresh insights and new ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
stories. Welcome to all who join us in worship as this community of God’s People today. We
We thank you for tasks to perform, both routine actions that we do well, and new tasks welcome any visitors worshiping with us this day. We also request that any visitors
that challenge us and maybe humble us. present also sign our Guest Register in the Narthex. If anyone is interested in joining
We thank you for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, for all he has done for us, our church family, please contact the pastor.
and for all he will do for us, until the day comes when we stand before your
great judgment throne and Jesus claims us as his own. Amen The next service of Holy Communion is November 28th, the First Sunday of Advent.
If you wish to receive Holy Communion before this date, or if you have a family
HYMN ………………………“How Can I Say Thanks”…………….………See Insert member who is unable to come to worship to receive Holy Communion, please speak
to the pastor.
THE LORD’S PRAYER Unison: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Today’s Altar Flowers and Worship Bulletins are presented to the Glory of God and
kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and are in memory of Loved Ones by Edwin & Annabelle Solt.
forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory for ever, Amen.
Attendance – November 14, 2010 - 92
INVITATION FOR THE OFFERING (Please collect you door prizes) Receipts: General - $1240.00 Maintenance - $285.00 OCPP - $46.00
Memorial - $75.00 Total Giving by Members - $1646.00
MUSICAL OFFERTORY: “Give Thanks” The Loft Choir Missions: $20.00 Special gift - $1190.00 Total - $2856.00

+OFFERTORY RESPONSE - …………………………………………………….#26 v1 Altar Guild Members for the month of November are Amy Riovo & Jennifer Kressley.
Praise my soul the King of heaven, to his feet your tribute bring; Ransomed
healed , restored , forgiven, ever more his praises sing. Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise For parents with children up to and including age five a nursery is available in our
the everlasting King! Christian Education Building.

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If you are Hearing impaired please see a Greeter for an individual wireless receiver. Note: Pastor Kathy’s e-mail address is longswamppastor@windstream.net

Reminder: Confirmation Teachers meet after worship to plan 2011. Trinity Lutheran Church in Topton continues to maintain a “Brandywine Food
Pantry” to which and from which donations and referrals would be directed. We ask
Participants in today’s service:
all for help with either monetary or an out-pouring of food items as listed below. These
Greeters: Nancy & Cindy Snyder Acolyte: Julianna Cirafesi
donations may be brought to the church on Sundays or during regular office hours.
Head Usher: Andrew Thomas Reader: Zachary Strunk
Special items needed: Canned meats such as tuna, chicken, spam; other canned &
Nursery Hosts: Audrey & Jordan Tucker
packaged items such as potatoes, baby foods/formula, pasta products, specifically
Scheduled for next week – November 28th at 10:15am:
macaroni and cheese/noodles, cereals; flour, sugar, cake/pancake mixes, canned
Greeters: Brenda & Dennis Bower Acolyte: Weylin Eck
fruits; toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc. Contact the church if you have any questions.
Head Usher: Coralie Eck Reader: Tim Masenheimer
Nursery Hosts: Bonnie Lesher & MaryAnn Lesher This Week at the Church:
Fellowship Hosts: Don & Jayne Siegfried & Weidman Family Today: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am -
Worship: Stewardship Sunday & Thanksgiving Sunday; Confirmation Teachers
Members and Friends Prayer List: [As of Bulletin preparation time] meet after worship to plan 2011; 5:30pm - Bell Choir
Recuperating: Artena Unger, Winfield Lease, Matthew Walbert, JoAnn Jones, Monday: 6:30pm – Brownies; 6:30pm – Boy Scouts [cabin]
Regina Lambert Wednesday: 7pm – Community Thanksgiving Eve Service @ St. Paul’s Lutheran
Active Members of Military: PFC Matthew Shade [USA], PFC Michael Xiques [USA] Thursday: OFFICE CLOSED – HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Special: Beulah Harmony, Marlene Hamm, Jared Toth, Alayna Biltcliff, Olivia Friday: OFFICE CLOSED
Radcliffe, Dale Albright, Bernice Bauer [Barbara Eck’s sister who is under Hospice Care], &
Next Sunday: 8:45am - Confirmation Classes; 9:00am - Church School; 10:15am -
Niki Ferrizzi [Friend of Coralie Eck recently diagnosed with cancer]
Shut-ins: Ida Gehringer, Ruth Hertzog, & Corinne Reppert [Lutheran Home, Topton], Ruth Worship: First Sunday of Advent, Sacrament of Holy Communion
Romig [Lewisburg], Mary Conrad, Anna Delong, Beulah Harmony, Webster Heffner, Remember to check the calendar outside the church office for any schedule changes -
Catherine Miller, Helen Schuler, & Doris Weller [at home] but please do not change that calendar without the knowledge of the church staff.
Please give the Pastor a note on special prayer needs, and remember to notify the
On Wednesday, Nov. 24th at 7:00pm - The Community Thanksgiving Eve Service
church of any members hospitalized. Use our church codes for any hospital
will be held at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Mertztown with a combined community
admissions - Allentown Hospitals - 451; Reading – 80 choir. Please plan to attend this meaningful community service.
The sign-up sheet for the Lighting of the Advent Wreath during the services for Church Family Notes:
Advent and Christmas is posted on the bulletin board outside Pastor Kathy’s Study. Happy Birthday: Happy Anniversary:
Those willing to participate are asked to sign up for open dates.
Nov. 22 – Ellen Connolly 11/21/1959 Phyllis & Rev. Wilbur Albright
If you would like to sponsor Altar Flowers and/or Bulletins, please sign up on the Nov. 23 – Ruth Hertzog, Wilma Lease, 11/24/1951 Marjorie & Carl Shoemaker
charts in the Narthex. Kathy Shupp 11/24/1989 Annabelle & Edwin Solt
Nov. 24 – Elizabeth Kehm 11/25/1961 Patricia & Robert Dierolf
Upper Room Daily Devotional guides are available in the Narthex, incl. large print, Nov. 27 – Garrett Jenkins
for $1.
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Phoebe Home Holiday Gifts How Can I Say Thanks
Tags are now available for families who wish to buy a small gift for an elderly resident – Andrae Crouch
of Phoebe Home. One board is at the back of the sanctuary, another board is located
as you walk in the side door. Make sure you complete the tag that is left behind. CHOIR (Speaking to the Lord Jesus)
That way we know who is responsible. Many gifts cost $2 - $5. Gifts should be How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me?
returned no later than Wednesday December 8th and will be dedicated at worship on Things so undeserved, yet you gave to prove your love for me;
December 12th. Please put your gift in a gift bag – this makes it easier for residents to The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude,
open. If you have any questions please ask Pastor Kathy. All that I am, and ever hope to be: I owe it all to you.

Anyone hosting fellowship or other after church activities, is asked to please CONGREGATION
make sure that the church or Christian Ed building is locked, windows are closed, and To God be the glory, to God be the glory,
lights turned off before leaving. Thank you. To God be the glory for the things you have done.

The 2011 Offering Envelope Sets will be prepared for distribution in the near future. With your blood you have saved me;
At all times, please remember to inform the church office of any address changes in With your power you have raised me;
order that your membership and mailing records will be accurate. To God be the glory for the things you have done.

Forms for Poinsettia Plants or Gifts to the General Fund [in lieu of plants] need to CHOIR
be returned to the church office by Monday, November 29th. If you need a form, they Just let me live my life – let it be pleasing unto you:
are available in the church office, Narthex, and were in the November newsletter. And if I gain any praise, let it go to glorify you.
The Bach and Handel Chorale of Jim Thorpe will present a Christmas concert at St. CONGREGATION
Paul's U.C.C. in Trexlertown on Saturday, December 4th at 7:00 pm. Admission is With your blood you have saved me;
free, but a free will offering will be received. Randall D. Perry is Artistic Director and With your power you have raised me;
Conductor, and will accompany the Chorale. He is also the Organist and Master of To God be the glory for the things you have done.
Choristers at St. Paul's Church.
All members are reminded that the Annual Congregational Meeting for election of
officers and action on the 2011 budget will be held in conjunction with the worship
service on Sunday, Dec. 5th. We encourage all members to attend and participate in
this important event of our church life and ministry.

Your Church Staff and Information:

Rev. Dr. Katherine Brearley. Pastor 610-295-9599 Your Consistory and Church Officers:
Dawn Strunk, Church Secretary 610 682-0802 William Thomas, President [Elder] Coralie Eck
Ann Mabry Miller, Organist 610 966-3160 Jennifer Kressley, Vice President Kimberly Jenkins
Vern Shade, Bell Choir Director 610 395-0970 Andrew Thomas, Secretary Timothy Masenheimer
Beverly Thomas, Learning Center Director 610 682-9750 Robert Friedly, Treasurer [Elder] Audrey Tucker
Ron Newhard, Sexton 610 966-4298

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