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How to Resize Text with HTML and Javascript
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Updated: October 14, 2019

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Letting the user adjust the font size of your website makes the page easier for
them to read and more accessible. Here is how to implement this feature using HTML
and Javascript.

Create the HTML page if you haven't already. If you just want to learn and
don't have a project you need resizable text for, a simple HTML page with some text
on it will be enough.
Add buttons for text resizing. You can add buttons with the <button> tag. Make
one button for increasing font size, and one button for decreasing it. When
clicked, both buttons should call the function for resizing text (you'll write it
later), but with different arguments: the button for increasing font size should
pass a positive number as the argument; the button for decreasing it a negative

<button alt="Bigger text"

title="Bigger text"
<button alt="Smaller text"
title="Smaller text"
Add a <script> tag. This tag is usually put either at the bottom or at the top
of the body section. Putting it at the top would affect website loading time if you
had a longer script, but where you place this script won't appreciably affect the
page loading time. The Javascript code for resizing text will be inside these tags.
Remember to close with a </script> tag.
Declare the text resizing function inside the script section. This function
takes one argument — how much the font size should be increased.

function changeTSize(nu) {

Get the <body> element. Use the getElementsByTagName() with "body" as argument,
then take the first element of the resulting list because there is only one body
element on the page.

var el = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

Obtain the current font size. Use the getComputedStyle() function to avoid
needing to directly access and modify stylesheets, which can be complicated and is
not supported by all browsers. You can obtain the value of the font-size style
attribute using getPropertyValue(), but that returns a string. You need to convert
that string to a float using the parseFloat() function before using it somewhere.

var fontSizeString = window

.getComputedStyle(el, null)
var fontSize = parseFloat(fontSizeString);

Set the new font size. For this, assign a new value to the fontSize attribute
of the style attribute of the body element. That value should be the sum of the
previous value and the argument that was passed to the resizing function. This way,
if the argument is negative, it will be subtracted and the font size will become

el.style.fontSize = (fontSize + nu) + 'px';

Do the same thing for every button. Changing the font size of the body changes
it for most text on the page, but not for buttons. You have to set it separately
for each button. Since there are many buttons, use a loop to set the value for each

for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {

fontSizeString = window
.getComputedStyle(els[i], null)
var fontSize = parseFloat(fontSizeString);
els[i].style.fontSize = (fontSize + nu) + 'px';

Check your HTML file. It should now include the following code:

<!-- Any page code that comes before the buttons -->
<button alt="Bigger text"
title="Bigger text"
<button alt="Smaller text"
title="Smaller text"
<!-- Any page code that comes after the buttons -->
function changeTSize(nu) {
var el = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
// only one body in document
var fontSizeString = window
.getComputedStyle(el, null)
var fontSize = parseFloat(fontSizeString);
el.style.fontSize = (fontSize + nu) + 'px';
// Must be done separately for buttons:
var els = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
fontSizeString = window
.getComputedStyle(els[i], null)
var fontSize = parseFloat(fontSizeString);
els[i].style.fontSize = (fontSize + nu) + 'px';

Make sure that the website can be read easily when resized. It should wrap text
instead of scrolling horizontally, as horizontal scrolling is inconvenient to the
user. Make sure that no text is truncated or obscured after resizing.
There are reasonable limits. You don't have to ensure it functions for
extremely large font sizes, although it's good if you can. The WCAG 2.1 (Web
Content Accessibility Guidelines), for example, require that text can be scaled up
to 200% –twice its original height and width– without loss of functionality.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles
are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors
worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 1,903

Categories: JavaScript | HTML

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Co-authors: 4
Updated: October 14, 2019
Views: 1,903
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