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What I am typing in this post, I have said before.

Today it came to me in a much deeper level of

clarity than ever. It is a profound and wonderful truth that can change the way you see law of
attraction forever. When you get this, when you REALLY get it, aligning with what you want is SO
much easier.

You'll notice I said 'aligning' there, rather than 'manifesting', 'attracting' or 'creating'.
And this is the truth that I now understand.
Please read deeply.

All creating is already done.



Abraham has said it, Bashar has said it, I AM says it. They know, and now we can know too. I
read this truth most recently in the book 'The Power of Awareness' by Neville (thank you
Mariposa for the copy). If you want a copy of the book, you can download it from here:

At first, we talked about manifestation and attracting because we didn't understand what we are
doing. Now we talk about aligning. The reason is that 'everything you could ever want and be,
you already have and are' (that's a quote from the movie I Heart Huckabees). This isn't just
flowery talk, it's actually the most profound statement ever. All realities already exist. You do not
'create' your reality. You give your attention to whichever of the many realities you want to exist
in and that is the one which you will physically see.

It is no more or less real than the ones you don't see.

It's just that is where your attention is.

I watched a video by Bashar (a channeled being) a few months back where he said that we don't
understand time. We think we're moving forward in this thing called 'time' but in reality, what is
happening is that there are an infinite number of parallell universes - and which ones we see at
any given 'time' is in accordance with where we place our attention. We move through many
each second and this is what we call 'time'. I read in another book that a chanelled group of
beings from other worlds, when they were chanelled, were really surprised in human bodies
how pervasive these illusions of time and space actually are.
Today I thought of it like looking through one of those old-fashioned viewfinder toys. You click
the lever to move what you are looking at. When you do this, what you see changes - but each
picture is no more or less real depending on whether it is the one in your view or not. Well, we
are like the kid looking through the viewfinder. We don't have to make new pictures - we just
click the lever. We cannot create new reality in fact - but we can click the lever, depending on
where we choose to focus our attention.

This makes our attention the strongest and most powerful power in the whole
Universe and the only power with which we can choose what we experience.

So when you choose to give your attention to something which you are not yet seeing outside
yourself, you are not pretending or imagining. These suggest that you are making things up
which aren't. What you are doing, is choosing to give your attention to a reality other than the
one physically around you now. This is why it is best to not give any of your attention to the
reality that you don't like, and all of your attention to the reality that you do like. As long as you
hold your attention on only the reality that you like, this is the one you must experience. There
is no other way.

The reality is, you are already in perfect health, fitness and physical weight and size.
The reality is, you already have a beautiful, loving, deep, trusting relationship with your
The reality is, you already have a massive bank balance and more money flowing in easily every
The reality is, you are already surrounded by amazing friends.
The reality is, you already know all of this!

The reality you see around you is no more real than the one you want to see.

As humans, we have learned in our superconcious mind that 'creating' takes

expenditure of effort, proportional to the things we create - for example, a small
drawing of a stick man takes little effort - owning a car maybe takes 'big' effort. When
we realise we do not create anything, now we are truly free. For what we do
is align and this requires no expenditure of effort. It only requires that you fix your
attention on the reality you want to see physically around you, knowing with wisdom
that it already exists and your work is only to align with it and give your attention
to only it and nothing else.

Even in talking about 'manifesting' we have decided that certain alignments will
require more effort, more time. This is our rules that we put on it - and now I truly
understand why. This is why the word 'manifest' is so misleading - it still implies
effort. If I want to manifest a certain relationship, all I do is put all my attention ON
that relationship. If I put my attention HERE, where I don't want to be - I will be
saying things like

'He called me today - that is good' (and in my mind I will think 'I am 5% of the way
'We had a lovely time today - this is good (and in my mind I will think 'I am 7% of the
way there')
Then I am thinking I still have such a long way to go, but I will be grateful for those
little crumbs that the universe is throwing to me. Because I am still caught up in
the illusion of moving through time - of there being a set number of points to get from
A to B. The only distance between A and B is for how much of my attention I put on B.
If I focus on the 'physical world' as my guide, I move from point to point - each point
making it easier for me to believe in B and then each point I believe in B a little bit
more and a little bit more until all of my attention is on B.

Instead, if I do NOT take the physical world as my guide.

If I focus ONLY on B.

Focus only on what you want. The way we travel through realities is WITH OUR
MIND. Travel the fastest to the reality you want by using your mind-power - the only power
you truly have - to focus with every BIT of your focus on BEING THERE ALREADY. As you move
about your daily tasks, give as little attention to them as possible. Cultivate that ability to be
there already, cultivate it with strong, STRONG imagination. For example, as I woke this
morning, he was cuddling me and I looked out the window of the beautiful ship we're in a cruise
on. Create the holographic reality about you with your mind, notice things that are not of it as no
more than a passing mirage, until you are totally immersed in this reality you are creating arond
you. More examples - if you are aligning with love, as you walk down the street, feel them there,
walking beside you, holding your hand. When you wake in the morning, hear them offering to
make you a cup of coffee - as you sip your coffee, they are there (just like in remote seduction,
look into their eyes) and say thank you. Hear them saying back to you - I love you SO much
- feel them put their arms around you.

The stronger and more real you make this, the faster it will be what you physically see.
Take the easy way to be what you want. Realise that you already are. Then, give your attention
to only that.

Thank you for reading xxx Love, light and laughter my lovelies!!!

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