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JL. Mayjen Hariyono 193 Malang. Telp.0341-565544

Nama : Siti Munawaroh

NPM : 21402073083

Program Studi : Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Thesis : The Effectiveness of Project Based Learning in Teaching English


This research was conducted to investigate whether there is any difference of students speaking
skill who are taught project based learning and who are taught task based learning . there is any
difference of students who have intrinsic motivation and students who have extrinsic motivation,
and there is any interaction between PBL strategy and students’ motivation
The study was carried out in a population of 154 students of the XI grade at SMK NU Pace
Nganjuk. A random sampling was done to select two classes out collection involved two of
instruments, namely a speaking test and a questionnaire. The questionnaire in the form of topic
familiarity assessment was administered to collect data of the learners’ motivation. The data
from speaking test and questionnaire were used to predict students’ interest and student
achievement on speaking skill . The data were analyzed by using ANOVA with the help of t
SPSS v.20. the result turned out to confirm that there is significant positive effect project based
learning on students’ speaking achievement and the interaction between students’ motivation and
teaching technique. The result of the data analysis showed that the means of speaking of
experimental group taught by using PBL strategy and the control group taught by task based
learning had statis tically significant difference. It indicated that the students who were taught by
using PBL strategy have better score in reading comprehension than those who are taught by
using Task based Learning strategy.
Then the analysis of interaction factor between learning method and learning motivation showed
that there is interaction between PBL strategy and students’ motivation. It meant that PBL was
more effective in intrinsic motivation than conventional strategy. Based on the previous result,
the highest mean score was found in group of PBL strategy with extrinsic motivation. While the
lowest mean score was found in the task based learning with extrinsic motivation. Based on the
result, the PBL strategy could be suggested to teacher as an alternative strategy for teaching
speaking . but in this case, the students’ learning motivation influences how the students can
speaking english well.
Keywords : PBL,Speaking,Motivation
Malang, ________________________


Siti Munawaroh


Dr. Alfan Zuhairi,M.Pd.

Acknowledged by:

On Behalf of the Director

Vice Director I, Head of English Language Teaching

Study Program,

Dr. H. Abdul Wahid, SH., M.Ag. Dr. Alfan Zuhairi, M.Pd.

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