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Unit 10

1)ache(a durea) - a continuous pain that is unpleasant but not very strong
2)adventure(aventura)- an unusual, exciting, and possibly dangerous activity, such
as a trip or experience, or the excitement produced by such an activity
3)alive(viu)- living, not dead
4)alone(singur)- without other people
5)berries(fructe de padure) - a small, round fruit on particular plants and trees
6)beans(fasole)- a seed, or the pod containing seeds, of various climbing plants,
eaten as a vegetable
7)brave(curajos)- showing no fear of dangerous or difficult things
8)comedy(comedie)- a (type of) film, play, or book that is intentionally funny
either in its characters or its action
9)crazy(nebun)- stupid or not reasonable
10)diary(jurnal)- a book in which you record your thoughts or feelings or what has
happened each day
11)ending(final)- the last part of a story
12)exhausted(epuizat)- extremely tired
13) graduate(absolvent)- a person who has a first degree from a university or
14)haircut(tunsoare)- the style in which someone's hair is cut, or an occasion of
cutting the hair
15) hairdresser(coafor)- a person who cuts people's hair and puts it into a style,
usually working in a special shop, called a hairdresser's
16)helicopter(elicopter)- a type of aircraft without wings, that has one or two sets
of large blades that go round very fast on top. It can land and take off vertically
and can stay in one place in the air
17) hobby(hobi)- an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not
18)hunter(vânător)- a person or an animal that hunts animals for food or for sport
19)instructor(instructor)- a person whose job is to teach people a practical skill
20)recipe(reteta)- a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food,
including a list of what food is needed for this
21)starve(a muri de foame)- to (cause someone to) become very weak or die
because there is not enough food to eat
22)stove(cuptor)- a piece of equipment that burns fuel or uses electricity in order
to heat a place
23)plan(plan)- decisions about how to do something in the future
24)squirrel(veverita)- a set of a small animal covered in fur with a long tail.
Squirrels climb trees and feed on nuts and seeds
25)village(sat)- a group of houses and other buildings that is smaller than a town,
usually in the countryside

Unit 12
1)apparent(apparent)- able to be seen or understood
2)budgie(papagal)-a small, brightly coloured bird, often kept as a pet
3)cap(palarie)- a soft flat hat that has a curved part sticking out at the front, often
worn as part of a uniform
4)consultant(consultant)- someone who advises people on a particular subject
5)corridor(coridor)- a long passage in a building or train, especially with rooms on
either side
6) criminal(criminal)-someone who commits a crime
7)dizzy(ametit)- feeling as if everything is turning around, and that you are not
able to balance and may fall down
8)dress(rochie)- a piece of clothing for women or girls that covers the top half of
the body and hangs down over the legs
9) firmly(ferm)- in a way that will not become loose
10) ghost(fantoma)- the spirit of a dead person, sometimes represented as a pale,
almost transparent image of that person that some people believe appears to
people who are alive
11)ghostbuster(vânător de fantome)- a person who claims that they can get rid of
ghosts and evil spirits
12)give(a da)- to offer something to someone, or to provide someone with
13) grandmother(bunica)- the mother of a person's father or mother
14)haunt(bântui)- to cause repeated suffering or anxiety
15)grey(gri)- of the colour that is a mixture of black and white, the colour of rain
16)invisible(invizibil)- used to refer to money that is added to a country's
economy by activities such as the service and financial industries rather than the
production of goods in factories
17)kick(lovitură)- to hit someone or something with the foot, or to move the feet
and legs suddenly and violently
18)leave(a părăsi)- to go away from someone or something, for a short time or
19)mind(minte)- the part of a person that makes it possible for him or her to
think, feel emotions, and understand things
20) nasty(neplacut)- bad or very unpleasant
21)operation(operație)- the fact of operating or being active
22)palace(palat)- a large house that is the official home of a king, queen, or other
person of high social rank
23)portrait(portret)- a painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of a person or, less
commonly, of a group of people
24)spirit(spirit)- a particular way of thinking, feeling, or behaving, especially a way
that is typical of a particular group of people, an activity, a time, or a place
25) uniform(uniforma)- a particular set of clothes that has to be worn by the
members of the same organization or group of people
Unit 11

1) addict(vicios)- a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially

something harmful

2) advertisement(publicitate)- a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to

persuade people to buy a product or service, or a piece of text that tells people
about a job

3) ancient(vechi)- of or from a long time ago, having lasted for a very long time
4)banana(banană)- a long, curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft, sweet, white
flesh inside

5)beard(barbă)- the hair that some men allow to grow on the lower part of their

6)bottle(sticla) - a container for liquids, usually made of glass or plastic, with a

narrow neck

7)briefcase(servietă)- a flat rectangular bag, used especially for carrying business


8) chef(bucătar-șef)- a skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant,

especially the most important cook

9) cotton(bumbac)- the threads that grow around the seeds of a tall plant grown
especially in the US, China, and South Asia

10)export(export)- to send goods to another country for sale

11)empty(gol)- not containing any things or people

12)fabric(țesătură)- cloth or material for making clothes, covering furniture

13)factory(fabrica)- a building or set of buildings where large amounts of goods

are made using machines

14)gallon(galon)- a unit for measuring volume

15)genius(geniu)- very great and rare natural ability or skill, especially in a

particular area such as science or art, or a person who has this

16) grass(iarbă)- a low, green plant that grows naturally over a lot of the earth's
surface, having groups of very thin leaves that grow close together in large

17) history(istorie)- past events considered together, especially events of a

particular period, country, or subject

18)product(produs)- something that is made to be sold, usually something that is

produced by an industrial process or, less commonly, something that is grown or
obtained through farming

19)rare(rar)- not common; very unusual

20)industry(industrie)- the companies and activities involved in the process of
producing goods for sale, especially in a factory or special area

21)plantation(plantaţie)- a large farm, especially in a hot part of the world, on

which a particular type of crop is grown

22)lie(minciună)- to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface

23)slave(sclav)- a person who is legally owned by someone else and has to work
for that person

24)truth(adevar)- the quality of being true

25)war(razboi)- armed fighting between two or more countries or groups, or a

particular example of this

Unit 12

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